Second grade lexile levels

2nd Grade / Fountas and Pinnell Reading Level Chart


    Reading Levels

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2nd Grade Reading Spiral Review with Lexile Levels - 2nd Quarter ELA Practice

2nd Grade Reading Spiral Review – Quarter 2

⭐️This digital and printable 2nd grade reading spiral review unit is designed for the second quarter of instruction. Google Forms version makes it perfect for distance learning. It includes 9 weeks of spiral review. Each week includes two passages. Each passage has two days’ worth of questions. The final day (Friday) focuses on comparing and contrasting.


⭐️Each week alternates between fiction and nonfiction. A variety of genres are included such as stories, articles, plays, poems, myths, functional, argumentative, and more.


⭐️Passages are scaffolded, increasing in difficulty each week. The passages for these nine weeks are leveled 490L – 750L.


⭐️Questions are also scaffolded, beginning with lower-level questions and review of previously taught skills, increasing in difficulty each week.


⭐️Question formats include multiple choice, short response, a graphic organizer, and long response on Friday.


⭐️Each day is designed to take about 10 minutes for students to complete.


⭐️This paperless resource is compatible with Google Drive and Google Forms. The printable PDF is also included with this resource.


Key Features:

✏️Lexile Levels – Each qualifying passage contains a certified Lexile measure to make differentiation easy. Passages vary across the 2nd grade Common Core Text Complexity Band (the range for fourth and fifth grade is 420L-820L).


✏️Integrated Color Coding – The color coding strategy encourages students to learn how to find and use text evidence in their answers.


✏️Scaffolding – Utilizes the Lexile Framework® for Reading and a mix of standard-based essay and multiple choice questions to allow educators to scaffold independent work and homework. Passages and questions increase in difficulty.


✏️Highly Engaging – Contains professionally written passages with high-quality photographs and illustrations designed to engage students of all levels and interests.


Magicore is a Certified Lexile Partner:

See more about why certified Lexile measures matter by clicking on the product preview and navigating to the About Lexile Levels page.


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For copyright information and a summary of how this resource can and cannot be used, please review the Terms of Use Page.


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Table of English levels ‹ Ingleks

According to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), which was developed at the end of the 20th century, foreign language proficiency is usually divided into 6 levels. In 2001, the Council of Europe decided to use the CEFR to assess language proficiency in any language taught as a foreign language. According to the CEFR system, students' knowledge of a foreign language is divided into 3 groups, each of which, in turn, is divided into 2 groups. This is what CEFR English proficiency levels look like:

In this table you will be able to get acquainted with all aspects of the English language, which are studied at various levels of education. Vertically there are columns with types of speech activity (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing), two extreme columns display what grammatical material and vocabulary is studied at each stage. The levels of training are shown horizontally, from Beginner to Proficiency. At the intersection of the row and column, you can find a description of what skills and abilities are formed and developed at each stage.







Teach you to welcome to the English language, thanks for the services.

Talk about yourself in 2-3 sentences, answer questions within the framework of elementary vocabulary.

Greet the interlocutor, participate in a small dialogue, ask about the affairs, interests of the interlocutor, about his family and profession, say goodbye.

Learn how to read elementary sentences (no more than 7-9 words) using familiar vocabulary.

Learn to listen to short sentences with elementary vocabulary.

You can write your name, date of birth, brief information.

  • To be
  • Simple WH questions
  • Present Simple
  • Past Simple
  • Future Simple
  • Singular and plural nouns

Elementary vocabulary, mainly simple nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns



(above the initial)

Learn to use the phrases and expression for a story about yourself family, about your preferences in food, music, etc.

You can exchange 2–3 phrases about yourself, your family, your city.

Express opinions about what you like.

Ask questions about the interests of the interlocutor.

Can recognize and understand familiar words and simple phrases (advertising, postcards).

You will read short texts and dialogues with familiar vocabulary.

Learn to listen to the simplest and most frequently used words and phrases.

Understand teacher's words and short instructions.

You can write short greeting cards, letters.

Fill in a questionnaire about yourself (your name, nationality, address).

  • Verb to be
  • WH questions
  • Present Simple
  • Prepositions in, on, at
  • Be going to
  • Past Simple
  • Irregular Verbs
  • Countable & Uncountable Nouns
  • ≈ 1000–1500 words
  • About myself (about myself, my family, hobbies)
  • About likes/dislikes, routines



(Intermediate Beginner)

Can you tell us about yourself, work and leisure in a few sentences.

Express an opinion based on the material studied.

Participate in a small, simple dialogue in a typical situation (meeting people, in a store, etc.).

Request information about direction, location, request a favor.

Learn to read short texts with a small amount of unfamiliar vocabulary that does not interfere with general understanding of the text (400–500 words).

You will recognize and understand by ear numbers and dialogues with familiar vocabulary.

Understand simple short texts with a minimum of new words.

Learn to write messages or short notes using familiar vocabulary and vocabulary (up to 10-15 sentences).

  • Present Continuous
  • Word Order
  • Past Continuous
  • Future Simple
  • Present Perfect
  • Verb + Ing or to-infinitive
  • Modal Verbs (have to, must)
  • Conditional Sentences (1, 2)
  • ≈ 1500-2000 words
  • Holiday
  • Celebrities
  • Clothes & Fashion
  • Animals in our lives
  • Sport & Activities
  • People around the world
  • Food & Festivities
  • Health




Be able to describe an event or experience, express your opinion with a total duration of about 2–3 minutes, supporting it with examples for about 2–3 minutes

You will be able to take part in spontaneous dialogue in all typical situations, including the exchange of short phrases expressing a personal attitude to a phenomenon or object.

You will read texts of any type without special topics (letters, essays, articles), understand the main idea of ​​the text, despite the presence of 10% unfamiliar vocabulary.

You will be able to understand the plot, the main characters, their actions in the stories.

In dialogues up to 2 minutes, understand the point of view of the speakers.

Understand specific vocabulary from context.

You can easily write a personal letter or a short coherent text with a plot (more than 20 sentences, without using a dictionary).

  • Passive Voice
  • Future Forms
  • Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous
  • Comparatives & Superlatives
  • Modal Verbs (can, could)
  • Gerund/Infinitive
  • Conditional Clauses
  • ≈ 2000–3000 words
  • Food & Restaurants
  • Sport
  • Money
  • Transport & Traveling
  • Describing People
  • Education
  • Houses
  • Friendship (people & emotions)
  • Work
  • Cinema
  • Shopping



(High Intermediate)

You will express your opinion clearly, describe your point of view in detail, develop and support with examples.

You will communicate with a fairly high level of spontaneity even with native speakers.

Understand fully the speech of native speakers and be able to respond in all typical situations.

You can read with almost complete understanding thematic articles and reports, literary texts in non-adapted English.

Comprehend relatively fluently long texts in Standard English, such as radio broadcasts, interviews.

Write detailed and easy to understand texts on a wide range of topics.

Write essays and articles on various topics.

Introduction to writing styles (formal and informal).

  • Repeat:
  • Question Formation
  • Present Tenses
  • Past Tenses
  • Future Tenses
  • Phrasal Verbs
  • ≈ 3000-4000 words
  • Illness & Treatment
  • Clothes & Fashion
  • Air travel
  • Crime & Punishment
  • Feelings & Emotions
  • The body




Express your opinion on a free topic spontaneously, using complex grammatical structures, synonyms.

You will communicate in any situation with native speakers, using reasoned answers.

You will read non-adapted articles and texts in English with a full understanding of the meaning.

Analyze the literature read.

Be able to comprehend long passages, including those in non-standard English (special accents, adverbs) with full understanding of what you heard.

You will be able to carry out business correspondence, write articles and essays on any given topic, using advanced grammar and stylistically colored vocabulary.

  • The Past: narrative tenses, used to & would
  • Stylistic Inversion
  • Inversion in Conditionals
  • Causative Form
  • ≈ 4000-6000 words
  • Work
  • Emotions
  • Environment
  • Health & Sport
  • Politics
  • Traveling
  • Education & ways of learning
  • Technology & Progress
  • Aspects of Culture




Express one's opinion freely, without training on any topic, even narrowly focused (medicine, law).

You will be able to participate in any dialogue or discussion without problems using idioms and stylistic figures of speech.

Effortlessly read any text, be it an excerpt from a work of art or a popular science article.

You will be able to understand spoken language without problems, even if you speak very quickly.

Be able to listen to any audio program in English.

Without preparation, freely express your thoughts in writing on a given topic, after analyzing the information in advance.

Write in any style (formal or informal).

Strengthening the development of complex grammatical structures.

Features of the use of phraseological units.

  • People & Relations
  • Cinema & Television
  • Preventing & punishing crime
  • City life
  • Sport
  • The mind & unconscious
  • Work & future

If you want to learn more about each level of study, then we bring to your attention articles about the levels of English language training.

We also advise you to watch a video on the topic "How to determine your level of English?".

If you're having trouble determining your level using the table, please take our online English proficiency test. And if you already know your level of English and want to improve it, we invite you to learn English via Skype at our school. Experienced attentive teachers will help you reach the heights of knowledge.

English 2nd grade: what a second grader should know

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We value your opinion. about how the training is going.


December 26, 2018

7 min. read


Contents of the article:

  • What is the best way to start learning English for a second grader?
  • English vocabulary on the topic "Polite phrases"
  • Grammar topics
  • Basic phrases and expressions in the 2nd grade
  • English vocabulary on the topic "Phrases of apology"
  • What form of education is better to use
  • How to study English in the 2nd grade on your own?
  • What should a second grader know by the end of the year?
  • Conclusion
Hey guys! If you read the previous article about first-graders, then you already know what will be discussed, and if not, then today we will discuss how best to start learning English in the second grade. We will analyze the main words and expressions that are included in the school curriculum, find out which form of education is better to apply and what a second grader should know by the end of the school year.

What is the best way to start learning English for a second grader?

If your child has been learning a language since the first grade, the start of the new school year will be smooth. After all, learning begins with the alphabet and the rules of reading in English.

But if he is just starting to get acquainted with English, then he will have to master the alphabet and basic reading skills in just a month. So, before the start of the school year, you should pay attention to the basics of the English language.

  • "have got" structure.
  • Possessive pronouns, possessive case.
  • Cardinal and ordinal numbers. Count up to 100.
  • Rules for the formation of the plural of nouns.
  • Prepositions of place.
  • Rules for the use of definite and indefinite articles.
  • Modal verb "can".
  • Present Simple (Present Simple).
  • Interrogative words, special questions in present simple tense.
  • Demonstrative pronouns "this/these", "that/those".
  • Special questions in the present continuous tense.
  • Present Continuous.
  • Basic phrases and expressions in the 2nd grade
    Hello! Goodbye!
    What's your name? – My name is…
    How are you? – I'm fine, thank you.
    How old are you? – I'm seven.
    I'm a boy/girl.
    This is my friend.
    • Colors
    It's yellow / green / blue / red / orange / pink / black / brown / gray / white / purple.
    My favorite color is (blue).
    What color is it?
    • Family
    This is my family. This is my mum / mother / dad / father / brother / sister / grandmother / grandfather.
    I have got a (mother).

    • School
    I have got a book / pen / pencil / rubber / ruler / bag / pencil case.
    This is my (pen).
    My (pen) is (blue).
    • My home
    This is my home.
    This is my room / house.
    M y (room) is big / small.
    M y (chair) is (brown).
    What's this? – It’s a house / chair / table / radio / bed / kitchen / bedroom / living-room / bathroom / window / door / floor.
    I have got a bed / table / chair / TV / shelf.
    Where is (the chair)? - It's on / in / under / next to (the table).

    • Toys
    What have you got? - I've got a ball / doll / plane / car. I haven't got drums / a guitar / soldier / ballerina.
    He / She's got a train / boat / teddy bear. He hasn't got a bike / kite / puppet.
    This is my (car). It is (red) and (small).
    Where is the (ball)? - It's under / on / in the (table).
    • Skills
    I can run / jump / play / climb / swim / eat / drink / dance / sing.
    I can't fly.
    Can you jump? – Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
    • Body parts
    I have got eyes / ears / a nose / a mouth / legs / hands / dark hair / blond hair.
    I have got (brown) eyes and (long) (dark) hair. My nose is small.
    • Animals
    I have got a cat / dog / parrot / rabbit / mouse / hamster / tortoise.
    This is a monkey / elephant / crocodile / bird / duck / chimps / frog / horse.
    My favorite animal is (a cat).
    This is my (cat).
    It is (big) and (black).
    It has got (a nose).
    It can (run).

    • Food
    What's your favorite food? – My favorite food is pizza / cake / biscuits / fish / chips.
    I like apples / bananas / bread / juice / milk / eggs / cheese / chocolate / tea.
    I don't like ice-cream / chicken / hot dogs.
    • Weather and seasons
    What's the weather like? – It is sunny / cloudy / rainy / snowy / windy / hot / cold.
    I like summer / autumn / winter / spring.
    • Clothing
    I'm wearing a hat / jacket / coat / T-shirt / skirt.
    He/she is wearing jeans / socks / boots / shorts / shoes.

    English vocabulary on the topic "Phrases of apology"


    individual lessons with a tutor, and group lessons with other children. It all depends on the temperament of the child and his individual characteristics.

    Classes at the school, as you know, do not provide for an individual approach to each student and his pace of learning, so if the child's academic performance leaves much to be desired, or you are not sure about the school curriculum, then we recommend course English for children via Skype . Throughout the course, your child will be able to learn many new words, learn grammatical constructions and finally learn to speak.


    How to study English in the 2nd grade on your own?
    • Try to surround your child with English at home. If your toddler loves to read books, read books in English together every evening. Make it a family tradition.
    • Colorful comics are also a great way to learn a language. For very young comics about famous characters, for those who are older, original comics based on English grammar are invented.
    • Listen to favorite songs in English in the car on the way to school, it will be even better if you and your child sing along to the performer.
    • Have a tea party in English . Place dolls and teddy bears at the table, explain to the child what five-o-clock is, tell the queen about the traditions of England. Offer to chat in English like true royalty.
    • When you go to the store, ask your child to name in English everything you put in the basket.
    • On New Year's Eve suggest for reliability to write a letter not only to Santa Claus, but also to his American relative, Santa - Klaus . In English, of course.

    What should a second grader know by the end of the year?

    By the end of the second year, the child should have mastered the following skills:

    • Write letters , know their order in the alphabet.
    • Write words from conversational topics covered.
    • Make up your own simple sentences according to the model or complete the sentences with the necessary words.
    • Read short texts consisting of simple sentences after listening to them in the recording.
    • Understand the main content of simple stories based on familiar words based on pictures.
    • Participate in simple dialogues , be able to say hello and goodbye, answer questions about yourself, and also keep up a simple conversation on everyday topics: “Family”, “School”, “Working day”, “My home”.

    Read also

    What is popular in English tiktok


    Together with your child, find a suitable format for learning English, practice language as often as possible and do not forget about homework!

    We hope our list of grammar and vocabulary topics will help your child learn and you will know what to look for.

    Learn more


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    Ph: 250.627.7166 | Fx: 250.627.7482

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