Short sounds of o
Teach Phonics: Short o Sound — for Parents
Red Cat Reading Team Phonics
The phonics short o sound is the vowel sound in “hop,” “top,” “mop,” “tot,” “pot,” and “lot.” Other o sounds are the long o, as in “mode” or “toad,” and the double o, as in “mood.” All these different sounds that one letter can make can be confusing for a new reader! The short o sound is the easiest to understand (and teach!) so start there.
It’s usually easiest for kids to get some practice hearing the short o sound at the beginning of words.
Short o words list:
- octopus
- olive
- ox
- otter
- ostrich
- on
- odd
- of
- onto
- orange
Try reading up on some of these animals, watching videos about them, or tasting olives and oranges. Listen to the words together and point out to your child the letter that makes the short o sound.
o CVC WordsOnce you’ve practiced together a bit with the words that begin with short o, move on to some simple words with short o sounds in the middle. “Consonant-vowel-consonant” or “CVC” words are great for this. There are lots of short o CVC words, too! Have fun with phonics time! Make learning short o words a fun experience for you and your child.
Short o CVC words list:
- hop
- mop
- pot
- lot
- not
- rot
- cop
- top
- bot
- job
o Sound Phonics LessonWatch our Short o Sound video with your young ones, and check out the rest of the lesson here!
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o Phonics ActivitiesPlay Octopus TagThis is a fun and active game to play with a group of kids. Try it with your crew! Choose a large defined area like a yard for the kids to run across. First, have one child be the octopus. All the other kids line up on one side; these are the “fish.” Together, all the “fish” shout, “Octopus, octopus, ah, ah, ah!” using the short o sound. All the “fish” run across the yard, trying to get to the other side without being tagged. The “octopus” tags as many people as he or she can. Anyone who is tagged becomes a “crab.” The “crabs” help the octopus to tag people, but must keep one foot planted at all times.
The “fish” go back and forth until everyone has been tagged. The last person not tagged gets to be the octopus next round. This is a great activity for active kids who learn best while moving!
Short o Word Drawing
If your child likes to draw, this is the activity for them! Give them free creative reign to draw (or color) some short o words. Take a blank sheet and write the word in large letters at the bottom of the page. Give your child crayons or markers and let them go to town! Here are some good words to draw:
- dog
- pot
- mop
- log
- hop
- frog
Read the Dr. Seuss Classic Hop on Pop
This book is a classic for a reason! It is a great book for teaching the short
o sound (as well as the concept of rhyming). You could also read the book Fox in Socks together, another classic that highlights short o sounds. The silly rhymes and pictures in Dr. Seuss books are so engaging to kids that they don’t even realize they are learning. After reading the story for a few days in a row (maybe each night before bed?), you could try leaving “blanks” for your child to fill in. For instance, you could say “hop on….” and wait for your child to complete, “pop!”
Any books targeting the short o sound are great! Rhyming songs are another fun way to learn. Try both and see what works best for your child.
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Short and Long O Vowel Sound Words List for Kids
Each vowel is pronounced in a unique way which gives rise to different types of sounds we hear while pronouncing a word. Today we’ll discuss about vowel ‘o’ and different sounds it produces when it is used in a word.
The following phonics extensive list introduces students to the more than 50 plus “short o” and “long o” sound words.
Short O Vowel Sound WordsFollowing is a list of phonics words with short o vowel sound:
bog | bop | con | cod | cog | cot |
cop | don | dog | dot | fog | god |
got | hog | hot | jog | jot | lob |
log | lot | lop | mob | mom | mop |
nod | not | odd | pod | pop | pot |
rod | rot | sod | Tom | tot | top |
While pronouncing the words given in table you must have observed that we don’t have to stress on the vowel ‘o’.
Now let’s have a look at long ‘o’ vowel words where you would have to stress the vowel ‘o’ so that it sounds distinct from the rest of the letters.
Long O Vowel Sound WordsFollowing is a list of phonics words with long o vowel sound:
Oval | Total | Yoga | Hotel | Rose | Quote |
Robe | Globe | Probe | Lobe | Adobe | Row |
Coat | Note | Wrote | Boat | Goat | Float |
Hope | Mope | Pope | Cope | Scope | Elope |
Coal | Soap | Toast | Poach | Wardrobe | Envelope |
Snow | Toe | Hollo | Doe | Swallow | Roe |
Dough | Window | Though | Elbow | Although | Meadow |
Because we have to stress long for vowel ‘o’ that is why they are called Long ‘o’ vowel words.
Let’s have a look at six ways of spelling the long /o/ sound with example words.
- Using Letter O: In these words the long /o/ sound is spelled with just the letter o.
Oval | Total | Yoga | Hotel |
No | Ago | Gecko | Program |
2. O_E Words: These words use split digraph O_E to spell long /o/ sound with an o in the middle of the word and an e at the end of the word. For Example:
Cope | Hope | Rose | Quote |
Quote | Close | Impose | Expose |
3. OA Words: These words use letters oa to spell the long /o/ sound.
Coach | Bloat | Toast | Croak |
Groan | Soap | Bloat | Poach |
4. OW Words: These words spell the long /o/ sound with the letters ow which usually appears at the end of the word.
Crow | Elbow | Sorrow | Hollow |
Window | Swallow | Tomorrow | Snow |
5.OE Words: There words use letters oe at the end of the word to spell the long /o/ sound.
Toe | Doe | Woe | Aloe |
6. OUGH Words: There words use letters ough to spell many sounds including the long /o/ sound/. Such as – dough, though, although.
We hope you have found this post useful for your child. Keep exploring EnglishBix to find more resources related to Elementary Grades.
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Short sounds for editing - for transitions, exit effects
Short sounds for editing - for transition, movement, frame change, sounds for exiting effects, for appearing and disappearing can be downloaded here for free. We have short sounds for any effects in the montage. There is the sound of a cracking screen, as well as cosmic, magical, and the sound of a tree growing rapidly.
Number of Sounds: 50
Category: Audio Effects
Short editing sounds are often sought to sound cut transitions or to sound the output of various effects. On our site we have the sounds of transitions with water, fire and the sounds of "wow". But it's impossible to fit everything into one post. So we decided on another collection.
There are sounds of transitions, appearances, disappearances, illumination sounds, and even a sound that supports the joke. We also received a request for a screen cracking sound. Those who are engaged in dubbing know how difficult it is to pick up the sound without seeing the image. Therefore, we proposed the sound of cracked ice cover. And if you go directly to the publication of ice cracks, then you can definitely find the right sound there.
1 Short sounds for editing
1. 1 Sounds of appearances and transformations
1.2 The sound of splitting, cutting or cutting the screen (frame)
1.3 The sound of sudden insight, or the sound: "Idea!"
1.4 Sounds of movement, transitions
2 Sounds like videos
2.1 This can also be useful
Short sounds for editing
Let's try to systematize the sounds, because you can just get lost in so many sounds. However, this classification is very approximate. These short montage sounds can be anything for any situation. 9sec
For children about music and composers: Long and short sounds
I followed her for a long time.
And from morning to night -
, it is less,
, it is shorter than
. Sapgir
Caterpillars, as well as the sound, may be long and long and long and long and long and long and long and long and long and long and long and long short :) |
Today I would like to talk about sounds again. We have already talked a lot about sounds. About what sounds are, what sounds are, how we hear them. Here, if you want, you can refresh your memory:
What are sounds?
How do we hear sounds?
High, medium and low sounds
Learning to hear and sing different sounds (developing an ear for music)
Cosmic sounds
What is music?
The sound arises and while it lasts - it lives.... The time of its wobble is called duration.
Sounds by duration are short and long (of course there are also sounds of medium length ). Here, for example, move your eyes (or finger) along the line and sing the sound:
Tightened the "purrs", sighed
And fell asleep.
(an excerpt from the poem "About the cat" Sasha Cherny)
This is a sound of medium length
Cuckoo's mournful voice
To match a dim day -
Simple-hearted and sympathetic,
From morning to evening:
" Ku-ku !"
Now close, now far somewhere
Walks all over the wood.
And Summer Blooms Quietly
Under this cute
Slight smell of overheated tar.
Exposing my face to the breeze,
I lie blissfully under the Christmas tree
And I listen
“Cuckoo, cuckoo!”
(E.A. Blaginina)
And this is a short sound
Chaffinch got warm
Finch: - Ping! Ping! Ping!
Throw off your fur coat! Throw off! Throw off! -
The finch has blossomed -
The finch has warmed up!
(E. Moshkovskaya)
With both legs at once -
But we can't walk.
On the snow of passing roads,
On the white garden alleys
We have a short song:
And we don't know the other one.
Seeing the prey, we instantly fall
Lumps from the roof.
(O.A. Belyaevskaya)
Sounds of different heights make melody ,
and out of sounds of different lengths (short and long) rhythm is obtained.
Long and short sounds are needed not only in music, but also in everyday life. Based on the combination of sounds of different duration (duration), a whole system of signals and alerts has been developed. They serve to ensure traffic safety (sound signals of trains) or to organize work.
For example, a locomotive can go forward if one long blast is given, and can go backward if two long blasts are given. When a malfunction is detected on the railway track that threatens traffic safety and in other cases when assistance is required, a "general alarm" signal is given - one long and three short sounds __ . . . __ . . .
Fire alarm - one long and two short blasts __ . . __ . .
1. Sing all the vowels (A, E, I, O, U, Y, E, Yu, Z) or your favorite ones to make them long, short and medium length.
2. Compete with each other, whoever can hold the sound longer in one breath - he gets a candy :)
3. There is such a tongue twister that helps to train the respiratory system, which means it helps to increase the singing time of the sound. If you are good at singing short sounds and sounds of medium length, but you don’t have enough breath for long sounds, then this is for you.
and exhale!
Someone will count to fifteen, someone to twenty. It is rare for anyone to count up to thirty-three the first time, but after practicing several times you will already be able to increase your Egoroks by several "pieces".
Literally in a few days of training you will count all Egoroks!
When I first tried to say this tongue twister myself, I was just sure that it was unrealistic.