Short stories for childrens pdf
15+ Short Stories for Children for Free! [PDF]
In the hectic world in which we live, many do not stop to maintain traditions such as reading stories to the little ones of the house. Therefore, we bring you the best option if you have little time, our selection of short stories for children in PDF format, which you can read to them at any time from one of your electronic devices.
In other opportunities, we have talked about the benefits of reading stories to children, since they create emotional bonds, enrich their vocabulary, expand their imagination and a lot of other wonders. None of that is lost in this collection of short stories for children we have made with childhood in mind.
Reading stories to children also has great advantages. As you may already know, children have a much shorter attention span than adults. The younger they are, the less they can keep their attention in front of what they are told. Therefore, this is a great alternative for them, as you can make sure they hear the whole story and get the rest of the benefits.
Also, short stories usually have a condensed emotion, as in a few words you have to create the atmosphere and leave a complete sense of the story. Therefore, everything happens fast, and writers usually pour all their ingenuity into coming up with engaging mini-stories that grab the reader and leave them with a peculiar feeling at the end.
Children will want to try more of these short stories. It’s like tasting a small bite of a delicious candy, the feeling at the end is of wanting much more, so it will be easier for you to install in them the habit of reading that will do them so much good in the future.
Take a look right now at the more than 15 short stories for children in PDF format that we have gathered so that you don’t lose this fascinating tradition.
1) The Velveteen Rabbit
Margery Williams Bianco
2) Jack and the Beanstalk
Joseph Jacobs
3) St. George and the Dragon
Happy St. George's Day
4) Cinderella
Charles Perrault
5) Snow white and the seven dwarfs
Eindhoven University of Technology
6) The Gingerbread Boy
Paul Galdone
7) Little Red Riding Hood
British Council
8) The Bremen Town Musicians
Brothers Grimm
9) The magic tree
Pedro Pablo Sacristán
10) Thumbelina
Sue Reid
11) Ali and the magic carpet
British Council
12) The Shoemaker and the Elves - Short Stories for Kids
Samantha Language School
13) Princess of Fire
Pedro Pablo Sacristán
14) The Ant and the Grasshopper
Primary Resources
15) Dick Whittington
British Council
16) The Ugly Duckling
Hans Christian Anderson
17) An octupus in trouble
Pedro Pablo Sacristán
18) The haunted house
British Council
19) Monster shopping trip
British Council
Here ends our selection of free Short Stories for Children books in PDF format. We hope you liked it and already have your next book!
If you found this list useful, do not forget to share it on your social networks. Remember that “Sharing is Caring”.
*Very Short Stories with Morals in English | pdf - Kids Special !!
by Shikha Thakur
Very Short Stories with Morals in English are the best ways to teach moral education for kids and adults. You can teach short stories with moral values in a very short time.
In this story page, very short stories in English with moral are given with pictures and PDFs to download.
These 10 Lines/5 Lines short stories with moral are best described in the shortest form. Very short stories for kids are given below.
1 Very Short Stories with Morals
1. 1 1. The Lion and the Rabbit
1.2 2. The Hunter and the Pigeons
2 Very Short Stories for Kids
2.1 3. Two friends and the Bear
2.2 4. The Crow and the Peacock – Who is Happy?
Short stories in English with moral values can give you great inspiration. We have a collection of good moral stories that can also be helpful for students from middle/high school.
Very short stories for kids are great as these stories are available to download in PDF. And these short stories with English in morals are with pictures also.
Now let us move on to our very short stories in English with moral. You can also download very short stories with morals pdf.
Very Short Stories with Morals1.

Once there was a Lion in the jungle who used to kill 2-3 animals daily for his meal. All animals went to him to tell, that daily one of them will come to him for his meal.
So, the Lion agreed and this started going for many days. One day, it was Rabbit’s turn. When he was on his way he saw a well.
Now he plans to kill the lion and save himself. He went to the lion and told him that, there is another lion who claims to be more powerful than him.
Then the lion asks the rabbit to take him to that lion. The rabbit takes him to the well and said he lives here. When the lion looked in the well he saw his own reflection and jumped in the well and dies.
Moral: Wisdom wins might.
Download Here :The Lion and the Rabbit pdf
2. The Hunter and the Pigeons
One day a hunter sets a net to catch birds and placed grains and rice over the net. After some time a flock of pigeons comes by and start eating grains and get caught in the net.
After some time they started losing hope, then their leader asks them to fly together up in the sky. They did as they were told and carried the net away.
The hunter runs after them but they flew away to their friend’s mouse hole. Then the mouse cuts the net and freed the pigeons.
the wise pigeons and the hunter storyMoral: Unity is strength.
Download Here:The Hunter and The Pigeons pdf
The above two Very Short Stories with Morals are great short moral stories for kids. These very short stories for kids are very inspirational to their pure minds. Good moral stories are the best way to enhance moral values.
Read Also: Kindergarten Short Stories with Pictures and PDF
Short moral stories with pictures and PDF will increase moral values in kids as well as in adults. So we will continue to our next good moral stories.
Read Also : 10 Lines Short Moral Stories
Below one is the bear and the two friends story with pictures and pdf.
Very Short Stories for Kids
3. Two friends and the Bear
Once there were two friends who were crossing the jungle. After some time they saw a bear coming towards them.
Then, one of the friends quickly climbed the nearby tree and the other one did not know how to climb the tree. So he lays down on the ground holding his breath.
The bear reaches near him and sniffs him in the ear. After some time bear left the place, thinking the man is dead.
Now the other friend climbs down and asked his friend, what did bear said to him in his ear? He replied,” to be safe from the fake friends.”
Moral: Beware of fake friends.
Download Here: Two Friends and the Bear story pdf

Once there was a crow who wishes to be colorful and beautiful like other birds. He then went to the parrot and shared his thoughts.
But parrot said peacock is most beautiful bird so talk to him. Then the crow went to the peacock and told him about his looks.
Then the peacock replied,” You are the luckiest bird that has been never caged in life and we because of our beauty stay caged, and you are always free.”
Crow and Peacock story picturesAfter listening to this, crow realized his mistake and thanked God for making him like this and he flew away happily.
Moral: Never compare yourself to others. Be happy with what you have and what you are.
Download Here: Crow and Peacock story in English pdf
In this article, we have provided very short stories with morals. These short stories for kids are the perfect dosage to increase their moral values.
Read Also : Hindi moral stories for Kids
Short stories in English with moral is a great way to learn moral values for students. Our aim is to provide every story with pictures and PDF.
We will continue our work by bringing more and more interesting stories here. So keep visiting and sharing
Dear parents!
Due to the current situation and prolonged quarantine, we are switching to distance learning for children. In this difficult time for all of us, you can prove yourself as conscious, attentive and understanding parents. Become a source of inspiration for new and interesting things for children. Share the emotions of joy from spending time with your child! Let's make our stay at home with children more useful, educational and productive! Especially for you, on the website of our kindergarten, a section called Distance Learning for Children was created, in which we will post materials that will help organize children's leisure time in the current epidemiological situation. All posted materials will be presented on the website as part of the implementation of the Main Educational Program of the Ministry of Education and Science Kindergarten No. 271. We would very much like you to find the strength, opportunity and desire to work with your child, and then by the end of the school year we will come with good results !
I would like to say a few words about the effectiveness of using elements of distance education in joint activities with children:
- Increasing children's motivation for learning and creative activity not only in the garden, but also at home. Development of creative abilities.
- Children get more pleasure from creative activities.
- Significantly increases the self-esteem and self-organization of children.
- There are no more guys who are afraid of failure in a difficult task. There is trepidation and impatience to learn new techniques.
Let's make our time at home with children interesting and exciting!!!
We bring to your attention the thematic plan for May

Materials and tasks on the topic
Conversation with children on the Victory Day.pdf
Victory Day of the Children. pdf
Children about the Great Patriotic War.pdf
How and what to tell children about Victory Day and a list of books.pdf
How to tell a child about the war.pdf
Do-it-yourself gifts for veterans.pdf
War stories for preschool children.pdf
Poems for Victory Day.pdf
Photos of the heroic places of the hero city of Volgograd.pdf
Presentation for children Victory Day - May 9.ppt
From the heroes of bygone times . Clip.wmv
May there always be sunshine.wmv
Happy Victory Day.Zhuravli.wmv
Dear parents! We have prepared material on the topic for you and your children. You can view educational presentations, songs and cartoons on the topic "Victory Day" by clicking on the links below:
"Soldier's Tale" based on the fairy tale by P. Paustovsky
"The Generous Hedgehog" Yuri Zbanatsky
"The Tale of the Malchish-Kibalchish" cartoon
Victory Day. For children about May 9
Barboskins - Victory Day May 9
May 9 with Masha and the Bear, Victory Parade, Immortal Regiment
"Cornflower" cartoon about WWII
Victory Day! The history of the holiday
What is Victory Day? Immortal Regiment
Mamaev Kurgan May 9,
Victory Day in Volgograd. Immortal Regiment
Changing of the guard in the "Hall of Military Glory"
Mamaev Kurgan. Light show May 9, 2019
Fireworks in Volgograd May 9
A selection of songs for Victory Day
Children's song "Victory"
Scarlet Sunsets. Cartoon
Dear parents, it's no secret that this year marks the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. You may have to spend the holiday at home, but you can take tours of military museums and get acquainted with the military glory of Russia online. We invite you to plunge into history together with your kids.

Virtual tour of Mamayev Kurgan. Volgograd
Panorama Museum Battle of Stalingrad. Volgograd
Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War. Moscow
Diorama "Arc of Fire". Belgorod
Ponyrovskiy Historical and Memorial Museum of the Battle of Kursk. Ponyri village, Kursk region
Memorial complex "Partizanskaya Polyana". Bryansk
2. Family.
Materials and assignments on topic
5 ways to introduce a family tree to a preschooler.pdf
How to show children what a family is.pdf
Card file of didactic games on the topic My family.pdf
What to tell a child about before he becomes an adult.pdf
Parable about a family for children .pdf
Telling children about the family.pdf
Telling children about the role and importance of the family.pdf
Drawing together.pdf
Dear parents! We have prepared material on the topic for you and your children. You can view educational presentations, songs and cartoons on the topic "Family" by clicking on the links below:
Barboskins - Family values
Luntik - Family portrait
Bag of apples. Tales of Suteev.
Mother for a baby mammoth
Family is the whole World! Video clip.
Musical presentation "My family"
Audio fairy tales for children about family
Audio fairy tales before going to bed about parents' love for children
Kukutiki. Family.
Burenka Dasha. Collection of songs about family.
Hymn to the family. Keep each other at all times!
Children's songs "My Family"
Songs about family for children
Dear parents! To start every morning in your family with a good mood, we bring to your attention several cheerful complexes of morning exercises. These sets of exercises are easy and fun to perform with the whole family. You can familiarize yourself with them by clicking on the links below:
Morning exercises for the whole family
Exercises for the whole family
Note to mom - exercises for children and the whole family
Fitness with a child
Morning exercises for mom and children 1-3 years old
Fitness with a child up to a year and more

All about insects
Dear, parents! We have prepared material on the topic for you and your children. You can view educational presentations, songs and cartoons on the topic "Insects" by clicking on the links below:
Insects for children. Educational video
Educational cartoons about insects
Funny songs about insects. Collection of children's songs
We teach insects
Fixies - Bee
Ant - braggart. Soviet cartoons for children
Riddles for children "Insects"
Useful or harmful insects?
Materials and tasks for children
4. Hello, summer
Materials and tasks on the topic
Presentation for children about summer. ppt
All about summer is long -awaited summer! .Pdf 9000 9000
Riddles about summer for children.pdf
Let's draw summer.pdf
Poems about summer for children.pdf
Poems, proverbs. riddles about summer.pdf
Dear parents! We have prepared material on the topic for you and your children. You can view educational presentations, songs and cartoons on the topic "Summer" by clicking on the links below:
Ded Moroz and summer
Soviet cartoons for children and adults. Visiting the summer
Summer of the cat Leopold
Summer collection. Cartoon
And here are links to children's creativity on the topic "Summer"
butterflies Origami
strawberry Origami
Camomile from paper
chamomile Complement
9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000
Dear parents! We have prepared material on the topic for you and your children. You can view educational presentations, songs and cartoons on the topic "Sun, air and water" by clicking on the links below:
Sun, air and water are our best friends
What is Water? Encyclopedia for children. Educational cartoon
Where does the rain come from. Encyclopedia for children
What is air? Encyclopedia for children
"Why do we need air?" video lesson
Materials and tasks on topic
It is important for children to know
Plants Luga
Garden Flowers
9000The fourth extra
Tasks for repetition of the topic
Links "How to draw flowers?"
How to draw a Flower Semitsvetik. Drawing lessons for children
How to draw Dandelion flowers. Drawing lesson for children
How to draw poppy flowers. Drawing lesson for children from 3 years old
How to draw a Tulip Flower. Drawing lesson for children
How to draw Sunflower flowers. Drawing lesson for children
How to draw a Rose. Learning to draw flowers with paints
How to draw Bells. Drawing lesson for children from 3 years old
Educational games. Alphabet for children under the Waltz of Flowers
"Plants" links
Meadow grasses
Meadow flowers
Flowers for babies! Educational cartoons for children
About flowers for children. Educational cartoons for the little ones
How does a FLOWER appear? Developing video for the little ones
Learning words. Flowers for babies
History of flowers
Materials and tasks on the topic
It is important for children to know this
Life of wild animals in spring 90.

Animals in the forest in the summer in the summer of
Materials and tasks on the topic
It is important for guys to know
Links "About mushrooms"
About mushrooms Cartoon from the series "Wise Tales of Aunt Owl"
Studying mushrooms. names of mushrooms. Poems about mushrooms for children. Toddler Educational Video
Mushrooms. Educational video for children according to the method of Doman
Smeshariki Mushrooms and berries
Mushrooms. Song-Multica Video for children
Materials and tasks on the topic
Name the sport.pdf
9000 9000 9000 9000
9000 related tasks
Useful links
Once upon a time there was a Princess - I don't want to go to kindergarten!
Songs from the kindergarten
Thematic plan for April

Materials and tasks on the topic
Dear, parents! We have prepared material on the topic for you and your children. You can view educational presentations, songs and cartoons on the topic "SDA" by clicking on the links below:
Teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city
Traffic signs. Plasticine video
Robocar Polly. Traffic Laws.
Cartoons about cars. Traffic Laws. Traffic light.
Zebras in the city. The ABC of Security. Smeshariki 2D.
ABC of security. Traffic lights.
Robocar Polly. How to cross the road.
Karaoke for children. SDA.
Children's program "Multi-clowns". traffic rules for children.
Three cats. Road signs.
Traffic lights - Kukutiki. Children's song about cars.
2. Migratory birds
Materials and tasks on the topic
Tasks on the topic 1. pdf
Tasks on the topic 2.pdf
Tasks on the topic 3.pdf
Cards on the topic Birds.pdf
Some important information.pdf
about birds.pdf
Joint creativity with children on the topic Birds.pdf
Migratory birds presentation 1.ppt
Migratory birds presentation 2.pptx
Migratory birds presentation 3.ppsx
Dear parents! We have prepared material on the topic for you and your children. You can view BIRDS educational presentations, songs and cartoons by clicking on the links below:
Migratory Birds
Migratory Birds. Children about birds.
3. I grow up healthy
Materials and tasks on the topic
Dear parents! We have prepared material on the topic for you and your children. You can view educational presentations, songs and cartoons on the topic "I grow up healthy" by clicking on the links below:
About health, hygiene, exercise, healthy lifestyle and sports.
Smeshariki. ABC of health.
Hands should be washed every day. Songs for children.
ABC of health. Proper nutrition. Smeshariki 2D.
ABC of health. Unequal conditions. Smeshariki 2D.
ABC of health. Collection, part 1. Smeshariki 2D.
Barboskins. We fight the virus.
Barboskins. In a healthy body healthy mind.
ABC of health. Who needs a recharge. Smeshariki 2D.
Food. Correctional nutrition. Smeshariki.
Fixies. Vitamins.
About vitamins.
Science for children. Immunity. Smeshariki.
Immune system. And songs about body parts.
Songs about a healthy body.
Say NO to germs! ABC of health. Smeshariki.
Science for children. bacteria. Smeshariki.
Superbug. Smeshariki.
Science for children. Human skeleton. Smeshariki.
4. Space. Cosmonautics Day
Related materials and activities
Tell children about space. For children 3-7 years old.pdf
Interesting about space. Lexical topics.pdf
Children about space.pdf
Presentation for children on the topic Space.pptx
Dear parents! We have prepared material on the topic for you and your children. You can view educational presentations, songs and cartoons on the topic “Space. Cosmonautics Day”, by clicking on the links below:
Cosmonautics Day. Great collection of space.
Astronomy for children. Planets of the solar system.
Astronomy for the little ones.
All about space and stars. Smeshariki.
Eight planets. Song about space.
Best songs about space.
The world of space.
Space. Encyclopedia for children.
5. Indoor plants
Materials and tasks on the topic
Tasks on the topic indoor plants.pdf
Entertaining tasks with children on the topic indoor plants. pdf
cards on the topic indoor plants. fairy tale for children 5-7 years old "Green Hedgehog".pdf
Presentation on the topic Houseplants.pdf
Poems for children about houseplants.pdf
What you can do with your own hands at home.pdf
Dear parents! We have prepared material on the topic for you and your children. You can view educational presentations, songs and cartoons on the topic "Indoor plants" by clicking on the links below:
Indoor plants, lessons for the little ones.
Visiting Tom. Plants in our house.
Malyshariki. Leaflet.
How a flower grows. Presentation for children.
Song-cartoon about a flower for mom.
We are flowers. Cartoon song joke.
6. My safety
Related materials and tasks Methodological recommendations to parents.pdf
Riddles on the formation of the foundations of safety in children.pdf
Card file of life safety games for children 3-4 years old. pdf
Card file of life safety games for children 4-5 years old.pdf
Card file of life safety games for children 5-6 years old.pdf
Card file of life safety games for children 6-8 years old Safety lessons safety for preschoolers.pdf
Dear parents! We have prepared material on the topic for you and your children. You can view educational presentations, songs and cartoons on the topic "My safety" by clicking on the links below:
Fixies. Tips - Beware of electricity!
Fixies and security
Fixies. Tips - Beware of germs!
Fixies. Tips - Beware of household chemicals!
Fixies. Tips - Be careful on the roads!
Fixies. Tips - Beware of fire!
Fixies. Tips - Beware of frost!
Fixies. Tips - How to cross the road!
Fixies. Tips - Beware the Internet!
Fixies. Tips - Microwave Beware!
Fixies. Tips - Beware of paint and glue!
Safety rules for children in nature, in the city, in case of fire. Educational cartoon.
Magic book of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. House safety rules. Animated series from the Ministry of Emergency Situations for kids.
Video guide for children on life safety
300 developmental exercises for 5-6 years.PDF
Articulation gymnastics.pdf
Lay out stick figures.pdf
Didactic game. Make up a sentence.pdf
Tell the word.pdf
Intelligence tasks.pdf
Game for the development of attention.pdf
Games at home 3-4 years old.pdf
Games at home.pdf
Games for the development of creative imagination.pdf
Games with cards .pdf
Memo for parents Let's play.pdf
Give children plasticine. pdf
How to conduct speech development classes with a child at home.pdf
Non-traditional drawing techniques are interesting!.pdf
How to teach a child to draw.pdf
Rule memo classes with a child at home.pdf
Plasticineography - drawing with plasticine.pdf
Plasticineography. Fruits. Age 5-6 years.pdf
Reading books for children of primary preschool age.pdf
Recommended reading for children 5-6 years old.pdf
Tips to parents of future first -graders.pdf
What if the child does not want to collect toys.pdf
That's the long -awaited summer
But what ...
If you want to play mobile GAMES, YOU ARE HERE
IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A HOME DISCO, YOU ARE HERE0007 If you want to make a toy with your own hands from improvised means, you are here
If you want to make unusual buildings, you are here
If you want to go in for sports, you are
if you want to make an application, you are
if you want to do something- THAT FROM PLASTILINE YOU ARE HERE

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Thank you for warm words !!! SO WE WORK NOT IN VANE!!!
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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
Kindergarten No. 88 Penza "Firefly"Penza, Novy Kavkaz str., 30
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