Show and share letter q
Show and Tell Letter Q [40 Ideas!] – Mary Martha Mama
By: Author Cat
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Hello! I’m back today with more show and tell letter of the week ideas and today I’m sharing all my show and tell letter Q ideas with you all! Q is definitely a harder one but I’ve hopefully got you covered with 40 ideas below!
Beyond just giving you letter Q show and tell ideas I wanted to be sure to mention a few show and tell tips that apply for every letter.
- Look through your kid’s stuffed animals and action figures. Sometimes you can find a character whose name starts with the letter that you need.
- Look through your child’s books. You might find a book with a title that begins with the letter that you need
- When all else fails have your kiddo take in an alphabet block with the letter on it or a an alphabet letter magnet.
- My son once took in a picture that he colored from a coloring book. The picture was of something that started with the letter of the week and he loved showing off his artwork during share time.
And this won’t help you think of anything but this last tip will help keep you out of a bind-
My #1 Show and Tell Tip
Set a reminder on your phone for the night before show and tell.
That way you won’t forget and scramble to find something for Q show and tell in your car while you wait in the drop off line for school. Yes, yes that did happen to me. Don’t be me. You’re better than that!
Show and Tell Letter Q Ideas:
- queen doll
- queen bee
- Queen Poppy (Trolls)
- Queen of Hearts (playing card)
- Queen of Hearts (from Alice in Wonderland)
- Queen Iduna (from Frozen & Frozen 2)
- Queen Elsa (from Frozen & Frozen 2)
- Queen Anna (from Frozen 2)
- evil queen (from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
- queen from a chess set
- Q*Bert (from Wreck-It Ralph)
- quarter
- quilt
- quail
- quart (quart of cream, juice, etc from toy food set)
- Q-tip
- Queen Miranda (from Sofia the First)
- Quasimodo (from the Hunchback of Notre Dame)
- quill
- quarterback (maybe you have a toy football player or a football card of a quarterback?)
- Quaker Oats
- quinoa
- quote (maybe something with a famous or favorite quote on it?)
- quince
- quiche
- quesadilla
- Quest Protein Bar
- question mark (draw a picture of one and have your child color it in)
- quartz (maybe you have a rock collection?)
- Quirkle
- quarter horse
- quiet book
- quadcopter
- Quick Cups game
- Brain Quest set
- Quelf Jr.
board game
- Q-bits Jr. board game
- Quiddler card game
- Qwixx game
- Queen Domino board game
Have any other show and tell letter Q ideas? Please be sure to share them in the comments below! Need show and tell ideas for another letter? Check out my full post of Show and Tell Ideas for letters A to Z.
More Fun with Letter Q
Letter Q Tracing Worksheets
I also came across this super fun Sesame Street Letter Q video on youtube that your kiddo might enjoy for their show and tell Q week.
Tags show and tell letter q33 Quick Show and Tell Letter Q Ideas
ByAmanda Last updated
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I created all of my Show and Tell A-Z lists when I realized I was struggling to think of things for my preschooler to share each week. Here are all of my show and tell ideas for letter Q – so you don’t have to scramble at the last minute too!
Tips for Finding Show and Tell Items
When I try to think of items for show and tell, I try to go through various categories of things we have in our house:
- animals
- books
- food/drinks (real or pretend)
- TV/movie characters
- family member names (to send a picture)
If all else fails, I send a foam letter from our bathtub toys or a letter from a wooden alphabet puzzle.
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Ideas for Show and Tell Letter Q
Here are all of my ideas for things that begin with Q (that you may find in your home):
Animals that begin with letter Q
You may have stuffed animals, plastic animals, or books with these creatures:
- Queen snake
- Queen Bee
- Quail
- Quagga (species of zebra)
- Qinling Panda
Books that feature the letter Q
- Giggle, Giggle, Quack by Doreen Cronin
- Quick, Quack, Quick! by Marsha Arnold
- Little Quack by Lauren Thompson
Food and drinks that begin with the letter Q
Celebrate the letter of the week with yummy snacks and drinks that start with that letter! Check with your child’s teacher before sending real food or drinks to school.
- Quiche
- Quinoa
- Quaker Oats
- Quest protein foods
- Mr. Q. Cumber sparkling cucumber beverage (I tried)
- Quesadilla
TV/Movie characters that begin with letter Q
- Queenie from 101 Dalmatians
- Queen Iduna from Frozen/ Frozen 2
- Queen of Hearts from Alice In Wonderland
- Q*Bert from Wreck-it Ralph
- Evil Queen from Snow White
Names that begin with Q (for photos of family members)
- Qamara
- Quincy
- Quill
- Quentin
Other possible Q words for show and tell
Check your toy box or closets for these items:
- Quilt
- Quarterback football player
- Quill (pen or porcupine quill)
- Quarter
- Question mark
- Quotation marks
- Q-Tips
- Queen (doll or playing card)
- Quart jar
- Quartz
Get a head start on next week! See our full list of Show and Tell Ideas from A to Z here!
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How we fool ourselves just to keep using Golang / Sudo Null IT News
In the two years since I published I want off Mr Golang's Wild Ride, it has been popping up again and again on Reddit, Lobste. rs, HackerNews and other places.
Every time the discussion ends up with the same answers:
You're talking about Windows: and it's on Windows that Go isn't very good! (Again, who cares?)
You are one-sided: about strong sides Go you don't say!
You don't understand the compromises we make in Go.
Big companies use Go, so isn't that bad is bad!
It is very costly to model problems “correctly”, so concern for correctness is a controversial argument.
Correctness is always in some range, Go allows you to partially sacrifice it for the sake of speeding up development.
You immediately refer to Rust, but it also has its drawbacks, so your argument is no good.
There is also a vocal faction among the commentators who wholeheartedly agree with my philippics, but let's focus on the analysis of the obvious conflict that is visible here.
First, I will take a little time and outline frankly weak arguments in order to immediately dismiss them, and then I will move on to more honest comments and answer them as well as I can.
By a platypus
When you don't want to hear about something, a possible easy way out is to try not to think about it at all, and for this you need to convince yourself that anyone who expresses an unpleasant point of view is incompetent, or hides, what are the motives for it.
For example, at the time of writing, the top comment on HackerNews starts with:
"The author fundamentally doesn't understand how programming languages are built."
I love the impostor syndrome, so I usually like these kinds of comments. But such a reaction to any kind of feedback is lazy and nihilistic.
It doesn't take much skill to spot a problem.
In fact, as a developer matures professionally, he tends to ignore more and more problems because he just gets used to them. This has always been done, and people just get used to some problems, so they stop asking questions about them.
But junior developers always look at everything with wide eyes: they have not yet learned to ignore all the quirks, so they are is uncomfortable, and they tend to challenge them (if they feel safe enough to dare to voice their displeasure).
This reason alone is already good enough to hire juniors, and I would like as many companies as possible to hire them, and not stress the fact that “the senior will quickly get up to speed and navigate the mess that us now going on."
As usual, I'm not junior, to put it mildly. Over the past 12 years, I have dealt with seven different companies in one way or another that found a reason to pay for my work so that I had enough to rent a house and something else.
In fact, I designed the language back in 2009 (by programming standards, then I was still a whiny baby), the essence of which was to roll C in syntactic sugar. At that time, this language was considered interesting enough and even invited me to OSCON (then I first found myself in Portland, Oregon, the capital of coffee, grunge, bad weather and white people), where I happened to meet other young and not so young suckers (who worked over Io, Ioke, Wren, JRuby, Clojure, D, Go, etc.)
It was a very interesting conference: I'm still deeply ashamed of the presentation I gave, but I remember nostalgically when someone in the audience asked the Go team: from the 1970s "? At the time, I didn't fully understand the implications of this question, but I'm sure I do now.
Since then, I have completely abandoned my author's language, as I began to look at semantics much more carefully than syntax - for the same reasons I also did not care about Zig, Nim, Odin, etc.: I am no longer interested in the project "write another C, only better.”
But it doesn't matter . It doesn’t matter who exactly says:
“guys, maybe it’s enough to dance on the rake already?” - such feedback should in any case be taken into account, no matter who it comes from.
Mom smokes, is that normal?
Among the least effective ways to stock up on technology (and technology acquisition is something that CTOs, VPs of engineering, supervisors, executives, and just senior programmers have to do on a regular basis) is to see what other companies use.
This is a great way to discover new technologies for later evaluation (you can read ThoughtWorks' Tech Radar as an option), but it's far from enough.
Company X's opus on "how we used technology Y" only very rarely reflects the price at which the company managed to master this technology. Before the programmers (authors of the post) were forced to write such a text for a corporate blog, a months-long unequal battle had ended, a technical decision had been made, and there was no turning back.
Do not look for this kind of frank confession in the post or a story about them. The company that published the post must save face. The post should attract new applicants. This post is supposed to help the company stay relevant to .
As a rule, the demolition of this or that technology is arranged by individuals , each of whom simply decided that he personally could afford to anger the masses of the people. Companies usually cannot afford this.
There are, of course, some exceptions. For example, Tailscale's blog is so sincere that it feels like a breath of fresh air. But, after reading such articles from them as netaddr.IP: a new IP address type for Go or Hey linker, can you spare a meg?, you can react differently.
One can be impressed that very smart guys are using Go right now, and that they have come all the way to the Davy Jones locker and back, learning how to solve complex problems and, ultimately, bring value to their customers.
Or you can be horrified by realizing that all these complicated problems exist only because Go is used. Such complex problems are uncommon in other languages, not even in C, which certainly cannot be accused of self-promotion (in particular, it is not recommended as a replacement for Go).
The various problems mentioned in the netaddr.IP article are due to the following reasons:
There are no sum types in Go - and therefore it is really awkward to write a type that would represent "either an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address"
Go's choice of what data structures you need - in this case, it's a "one-for-all" slice that would cost you 24 bytes on a 64-bit machine
Go does not allow operator overloading, reminiscent of Java's long history when
a == b
was not identical toa.equals(b)
Go lacks support for immutable data. The only way to prevent any changes to any data is to manually distribute copies of them, while displaying take extra care not to change them in code that actually has access to internal bits
Go doesn't help you much if you want to write an opaque "newtype" on it. The only way to do this is to write a separate package and provide interface mediation, which is expensive and inconvenient
solving the specific problem described in the post.
However, Tailscale uses Go. Is this the wrong decision? Not at all necessary! After all, their team consists of Go experts . As you can see by reading their other article about the Go linker.
Because these people are Go experts, they know in advance what Go will cost them, so they have the competence to make an informed decision about whether or not to use Go. They have a deep understanding of how Go works (exactly the aspects that Go marketing swears and swears about. " you will never have to bother with this, why do you ask? ), so when faced with edge cases, they can dig into each case, fix the problem, and wait for their fix to be pushed up (if at all).
But it is very likely that you are not one of those experts . This is not your organization. You also don't have Google, so you can't afford to build a whole new type system on top of Go just to make your project (like Kubernetes) work at all.
But there's some good news
Okay, but Tailscale continues to use Go until now . You can remember the case when in 2020 my post about Windows caused a swarm of skeptical remarks “but Go is not very good for this” – just like you can dismiss Tailscale’s posts as “well, they themselves wanted to hand over such code for iOS / do low-level network operations.
Very honest! OK. Let's talk about the things Go excels at.
Go has a pretty good asynchronous runtime that provides hard (opinionated) defaults, a state-of-the-art two-switch garbage collector, and a toolkit that C people would envy if they bothered to look outside their little world.
All of this has also been characteristic of Node.js since its inception (essentially libuv + V8), and I guess also applies to "modern Java" with APIs like NIO. Although I haven't checked in detail what's going on in Java territory, you don't have to read this article at all if you want to pick on minor inaccuracies: it's free.
Since the asynchronous runtime forms the core of the language, it also comes with a toolkit that Rust developers really envy! I talk about this, for example, in the Request coalescing in async Rust article.
It is now easy in Go to backtrace dump (output all stack traces) for all running goroutines, in a way that tokio does not yet do. Go also has the ability to detect deadlocks, has its own profiler, apparently in this language you do not have to worry about the color of functions, etc.
Easy to pick up and love Go toolkit for package management, refactoring, cross compilation; at first glance, this arsenal definitely feels like a major step forward, given the many man-hours spent fighting the vagaries of pkg-config, autotools, CMake, etc. As long as you don't run into some kind of limitations that appear out of nowhere, just not worthy of attention from the Go team - and you are left alone with these problems.
All of these factors and more help explain why many people, myself included, were initially fascinated by Go; but when you write sheets and sheets of code in this language, its shortcomings will become impossible to ignore, and at that time it will be too late. You made your own bed, and now you have to convince yourself that it’s okay for you to lie in it.
But is one really good weather component on the platform yet.
A truly convenient asynchronous runtime isn't the only thing you'll have to accept. You will also need to get comfortable with with a very unique toolchain, build system, naming convention, single garbage collector (whether it suits you or not), and a set of "ready-made batteries", moreover, some of them CAN be exchanged for others, and the rest part of an ecosystem is not. The most important thing is that you take on a job in a language that came about by accident.
I agree with you that excessive concern leaves grounds for suspicion. It's no secret that much of today's academic baggage is hopelessly inapplicable to the industry; it is easy to delve into the annotation and end up with strained schemes for solving problems that actually do not exist for anyone except the author of the article.
I think that's how Rust feels for some people.
But an excessively superficial attitude towards something is also dangerous.
Obviously, the Go team did not intend to design the language . The only thing they really liked was their asynchronous runtime environment. They wanted to be able to implement TCP, HTTP, TLS, HTTP/2, DNS, etc., on top of it. And above all this, there are web services.
But they didn't. Instead, they designed the language. Just from the category of "he took and turned out."
Since the language was meant to be familiar to “new graduate Googlers who have already learned Java/C/C++/Python to some degree” (Rob Pike, Lang NEXT 2014), Go has borrowed from all of these languages.
Just like C, Go doesn't bother with error handling at all. The whole code is a big fluffy wad of mutable states, and it's your responsibility to VERY CAREFULLY (and only manually) add ifs and elses to it, and make sure that invalid data doesn't leak anywhere.
Go, just like Java, tries to blur the distinction between "values" and "references", so (when viewed from the call site) it is impossible to judge whether an entity will change or not.
import "fmt" type A struct { value int } func main() { a := A{Value: 1} a.Change() fmt.Printf("a.Value = %d\n", a.Value) }
Depending on what the signature of the change is:
func (a A) Change() { a.Value = 2 }
or like this:
func (a *A) Change() { a.Value = 2 }
...local a
in main
will either change or not.
Accordingly, just like in C and Java, you won't be able to decide what is mutable and what is immutable (the const keyword in C is essentially advisory, sort of), and pass a reference to something (e.g. to avoid costly copying) is always risky, since the change can happen without your knowledge, or the data structure will be held forever somewhere, so that you cannot release it (a smaller, but not very illusory problem).
Go cannot prevent many other classes of errors; in this language, it's easy to accidentally copy a mutex, which makes it completely inefficient, or to leave structure fields uninitialized (or initialized to zero), which will lead to countless logical errors.
If we consider all these factors separately, each of them can be downplayed, to say that "this is one of those things that you need to watch." And to break an argument into small pieces and then refute them one by one is exactly the kind of self-defense tactic used by everyone who is not able to change their position even the slightest.
Which is completely logical, because getting off Go is really hard.
Go is an island
Unless you're using cgo (but cgo isn't Go), your world is like the MCU from Plan 9.
The Go toolchain does not work with assembler, a language known everywhere. It doesn't use those linkers that everyone works with. It doesn't allow you to work with well-known debuggers, with memory checking mechanisms that are also familiar to everyone, it ignores the naming conventions that everyone has already recognized as a necessary evil for interoperability.
Go is closer to hermetic languages than it is to C or C++. Even Node.js, Python and Ruby are not as hostile to FFI (External Function Interfaces) .
This is pretty much a feature, not a bug - because stands out so cool . This approach is not without merit. When it is possible to profile the inside of the TLS and HTTP stacks with the same ease as the business logic of the application, this is simply fantastic (whereas in dynamic languages, the stack trace breaks off at OpenSSL). This code also takes full advantage of the convenience of not coloring functions: it can shift to runtime all non-blocking I/O and scheduling concerns.
But that comes at a terrible price. For many things, there is a great toolkit that is not applicable to Go (but is useful for working with those snippets written in cgo, but again, you should not use cgo if you want to experience all the goodness of Go). Here all “institutional knowledge” is lost, and one has to relearn from scratch.
This is also the reason Go is so difficult to integrate with anything else, whether it's upstream (calling C from Go) or downstream (calling Go from Ruby). Both of these scenarios require resorting to cgo, or, if you're brave to the point of dementia, horrendous hacks.
Note: as of Go 1.13 pure binary packages are no longer supported. Calling C from Go, not to mention the FFI overhead, requires manually keeping track of the descriptors to avoid breaking the garbage collector. (WebAssembly had exactly the same problem before reference types!)
When calling Go from anywhere you need to shove the entire Go runtime (including the garbage collector) into whatever object you're exploiting: expect to have a very large static library, and you'll bear all the operational overhead that comes with treating Go like a regular one. executable file.
After years of fiddling around with FFI (back and forth), I've come to the conclusion that is the only good boundary with Go, network .
Integration with Go is relatively painless if you can put up with the delays that come with remote procedure calls (RPC) over TCP (whether it's a REST-style HTTP/1 API, or something like JSON-RPC, or a more complex scheme like GRPC, ie. d.). It's also the only way to ensure that Go doesn't "infect" your entire code base.
But even that isn't cheap: you have to maintain invariants on both sides of the boundary. In Rust, in such a case, one could resort to something like serde, which, together with type-sums and the absence of null values, provides sufficient confidence that you really have a “cat” in the “bag”: if the number is zero, then zero was expected here, this is not some kind of missing number.
All of this is out of the question if you use some serialization format, such as protobuf, which has all the disadvantages of the Go type system but none of the advantages.
All this does not allow us to go beyond the Go-style approach, where, if you do not use some validation package with religious fanaticism, then you have to constantly be on the lookout to prevent bad data from slipping into the program, since the compiler does nothing to help you maintain these invariants.
This brings us to a larger general problem, the culture of Go.
All or nothing (so let's do nothing)
I mentioned that "structure fields remain uninitialized". This easily happens in cases where we change code from something like the following
package main import "log" type Params struct { a int32 } func work(p Params) { log.Printf("Working with a=%v", p.a) } func main() { work(Params{ a:47 }) }
package main import "log" type Params struct { a int32 b int32 } func work(p Params) { log.Printf("Working with a=%v, b=%v", p.a, p.b) } func main() { work(Params{ a:47 }) }
The second program displays:
2009/11/10 23:00:00 Working with a=47, b=0
Basically, we changed the function signature, but forgot to update the place where it is called. The compiler doesn't care at all.
Strangely enough, if our function were structured like this:
package main import "log" func work(a int32, b int32) { log.Printf("Working with a=%v, b=%v", p.a, p.b) } func main() { work(47) }
We would get a compilation error:
./prog.go:6:40: undefined : p ./prog.go:10:7: not enough arguments in call to work have (number) want(int32, int32) Go build failed.
Why does the Go compiler suddenly care if we now provide explicit values? If the language were self-consistent, it would allow both parameters to be omitted and simply default to zeros instead.
The thing is, one of Go's tenets is that nulls are good.
Look how fast they work. If you meant , that b should be zero, then you can simply leave it out.
And sometimes this approach really works, because the zero values really mean something:
package main import "log" type Container struct { Items[]int32 } func (c *Container) Inspect() { log.Printf("We have %v items", len(c.Items)) } func main() { var c Container c.Inspect() } 2009/11/10 23:00:00 We have 0 items program exited.![]()
That's good! After all, the []int32 slice is indeed a reference type, and its null value is nil
, and len(nil)
simply returns zero because, "obviously", the null slice is empty.
And sometimes is not good, because zero values can mean something completely different from what you think:
package main type Container struct { Itemsmap[string]int32 } func (c *Container) Insert(key string, value int32) { c.Items[key] = value } func main() { var c Container c.Insert("number", 32) } panic: assignment to entry in nil map goroutine 1 [running]: main.(*Container).Insert(...) /tmp/sandbox115204525/prog.go:8 main.main() /tmp/sandbox115204525/prog.go:13 +0x2e program exited.
In this case, you would first initialize the dictionary ( by the way , which is also a reference type) with make or a dictionary literal.
This alone can already provoke incidents and failures, due to which someone has to be woken up at night, but things can really get worse quickly, given how the channel axioms are revealed in this context:
Send to channel operation
permanently blocked -
Operation Operation from the channel
is blocked forever 9000 , this option was chosen. -
Since Go is easy to write, it’s easy to develop production software on it
Since the language is simple, all other things related to it are also simple
Go can be taken only a little, or just to start, and then we can easily switch from it to another
Then you can always rewrite.

And since there is no way to “go beyond” the values, it should make sense to both receive from closed channels and send to them, because even after you close such channels, you can still interact with them .
(At the same time, in languages like Rust, a channel closes as soon as its Sender is discarded, which happens only when no one can touch it again after - just . The same probably applies to to C++, and to a number of other languages, this is not a new phenomenon).
The wording "zero values make sense" is simplistic and definitely wrong when you consider input... of almost any kind. There are so many situations in which values need to be “one of these known options and nothing else” that sum-types (in Rust, these are enums) were born for such cases.
And in Go, the answer to this problem is "just be careful." The same answer was given in C.
Just don't access the returned value unless you've checked to see if it's an error. Keep half a dozen people carefully reviewing even the most trivial code change to make sure that nothing, zero, or an empty string leaks out of the code everywhere (and to the very depths of your system).
Just one more thing to keep an eye on.
Which, in any case, will not save you from all problems.
That's right! There are always a lot of things to keep an eye on - and even the simplest operations, like downloading a file to disk... are not easy at all! Generally!
Moreover, in almost any language, you can write code with logical errors. And if you try - then, be sure, you can rush the locomotive right into the tree. Moreover, a car.
In this case, there is such a delusion: since it is impossible to solve all problems , don't even try to solve some of them . Following the same logic, you should not financially support anyone individually, because in this case you still won’t help other people who make ends meet.
This is another self-defence tactic: to refuse to consider any version of the thesis other than taken to extremes, while pointing out how absurd it is (ignoring the fact that no one advocates this ridiculous extreme).
Let's discuss this thesis.
Rust is perfect, and you are all fools
How I wish I had those feelings, since it would be so much easier to explain them.
This artificial version is also very easy to break. “How did you end up working with Linux then? It's also written in C. “Rust is insecure, so writing it correctly is incredibly difficult, how do you like this fact?”
Go's success is largely due to the fact that it is "all-inclusive", and there are also hard defaults.
The success of Rust is that it is easy to take in pieces and how gets along well with other languages .
Both these stories are about success, but these success stories are very different.
If you believe in the conspiracy theory “Rust is a lure”, then why doesn’t everyone immediately discard everything old, choosing “The Only Good Language That Exists”?
Such a position is so far from actual events that it is even tragic.
The Firefox code base is written primarily in C++, but several critical components are written in Rust. The Android project recently reimplemented the entire Bluetooth stack in Rust. Rust crypto code has been able to take hold in Python, HTTP Rust code has found a place in curl (as one of the many backends out there), and Rust patches for the Linux kernel are looking better with each iteration.
All this was not done without complications, and no one involved in these developments denies that, yes, there were problems. But all the work was done progressively and pragmatically, and some elements were ported step by step to a safer language in cases where it was appropriate to do so .
We are very far from the "throw the baby out" approach. The code generation backend for Rust, which literally everyone uses, is a mountain of code written in C ++ (LLVM). It is impossible to recognize any alternatives as its competitors, no matter how hard you strain your imagination - the only exception can be, perhaps, only one more mountain of C ++ code.
Rust's most hardened users are the loudest yelling about issues like how long builds take, the lack of certain features in the language (just give me a GAT!) and all the other shortcomings that just about everyone else talks about.
In addition, it is they who, before everyone else, look out for other, new languages that approach the same problems, but in which problems are solved even better than .
But just like the position “whether to double-check your passport”, it doesn't matter . The current trends may be similar to the propaganda of dangerous bullshit, and we literally have no worthy alternative. It doesn't matter who raises the question!
Inventing false dichotomies, we will not get any closer to solving any of the problems identified.
People who develop an allergy to "big chunks of mutable state without type-sums" tend to gravitate toward languages that are easy to control mutability, lifetimes, and build abstractions. It doesn’t matter that such a language often turns out to be Go and Rust. Sometimes C and Haskell take their place. Still in some cases - ECMAScript and Elixir. I can't speak for them with certainty, but there are such languages.
You don't have to choose between "go fast" and "model the problem space in literally every detail." Also, if you choose Go or Rust, you don't have to "stay true" to one of those languages.
With a lot of effort and care, you can write neat Go code that doesn't come close to strongly typed values, and checks for invariants all the time - just be aware that you won't get any help from the compiler.
Also, you can easily and naturally not bother with many things when writing Rust code. For example, if you're not writing a low-level command-line utility like ls, you can only look after paths that are full UTF-8 strings, which is what camino is for.
An extremely common practice in error handling is to list a few options that we really care about, provide a special handling procedure for them, and sweep everything else into the category “other”, “internal” or “unknown”. These categories can always be broken down later, if necessary, depending on what log analysis reveals.
The "correct" way to assume that an optional value is set is to say it is, and otherwise not use it. This is the difference between call json.Unmarshal
and cross your fingers - and call unwrap() on Option
And getting it all right is much easier if the type system allows you to "announce the whole list" of options - even if they are as simple as "ok" and "not ok".
Which brings us to the next argument, which is (by a margin) the most reasonable in the bunch.
Go is a prototype/seed language
Now we've reached the fifth stage: acceptance .
Good . I'm willing to agree that Go is not good for production services unless your guild is all Go experts (Tailscale) or if you can't spend as much money on engineering costs (Google).
But Go definitely has its own niche.
After all, Go is an easy language to migrate to (because it's so small, right)? There are already a lot of those who have learned it, so it's easy to recruit Go developers, so why not stock up on them for a reasonable price and – uhh! – to prototype a couple of systems?
And then later, when things get more complicated (it always happens with scaling), we either rewrite the code in other languages, or bring in experts, or come up with something.
Everything would be fine, but there is no such thing as a "junk code".
Every tech organization that I know EXCLUSIVELY doesn't like to rewrite anything, and for good reason! It takes time to organize a smooth transition, details are lost in the hustle, new features are slowed down, and employees have to be retrained so that they follow the new track as efficiently as the old one, etc.
Lots of good, good reasons.
Therefore, very few things end up being rewritten. As more and more components are written in Go, there are more and more reasons to continue in the same spirit: not because it suits you well, but because it is always so difficult to interact with existing code bases literally from where anything from outside (except over the network, but even then - see the "Go is an island" section above).
So, basically, nothing ever changes for the better. All the go traps, all those things that you will not be helped to prevent language and compiler are common problems, they affect both beginners and experienced ones. The linter helps to some extent, but it will never do as much as the compiler does in languages where these problems are taken seriously. As a result, such languages only slow down development, although they are promoted precisely as a means for "rapid development".
All the complexity that doesn't live in the language now lives in your code base. All the invariants that you don't have to say when using types now have to be said at the code level. The noise-to-signal ratio in your (very large) code bases will be very unsightly.
After all, it has long been decided that abstractions are for nerds and fools, but what you really need is slices, dictionaries, channels, functions, structures; but in this case it becomes very difficult to trace what the high-level structure of the program is. After all, wherever you look, you will drown in a quagmire of imperative code that performs trivial operations on data or propagates errors.
Because function signatures don't tell you much (does it change data? Does it hold data? Is it okay to have a null value here? Does this code run a goroutine? Can this channel be null? What types can actually be passed for this parameter? interface{}?), you have to rely on documentation that is expensive to update, and not updating is even more expensive - because then more and more bugs will appear.
The reason I don't consider Go a "beginner's language" is precisely this: the compiler accepts so much code that it's almost guaranteed to make mistakes.
It takes a lot of experience in all aspects around the language, everything that Go leaves the programmer to "practice" in order to learn how to write at least relatively good code in Go, and even then, in my opinion, this result is not worth the effort required.
The “worse, the better” argument is never about people seeking to feel their own superiority, for which they are ready to heap unnecessary complexity and then master it.
Quite the contrary, it is an admission that people are bad at maintaining invariants. Everyone. But we know how to make tools that help with this. And focusing on this approach to development requires you to invest well in advance, but such expenses pay off very well.
I thought that we had long ago outlived the belief that "programming is typing", but when I read again and again: "you can write a lot of Go quickly!" - such confidence is lost.
The inherent complexity isn't going away by simply closing your eyes.
Having decided for yourself not to reduce the complexity, you simply shift it onto the shoulders of other developers, your boss, admins, clients, someone else . Now and will have to bend around your assumptions in order to ensure that all elements of the system work smoothly.
Nowadays, I often find myself as someone and I'm already tired of it.
Because at first glance Go is so easy to like, because it's so easy to switch to it - but hard to get off. And because the price paid for choosing Go is slowly realized, cumulative, and only becomes unbearable when it's too late. Our industry is such that we simply cannot afford to gloss over this issue.
Until we begin to demand the best tools for the job, we are waiting for wake-up nights again and again, because some nil value has crept in where it should not be.
This is a Billion Dollar Mistake, yet another.
Let's sum it up
So here's what we stubbornly lie to ourselves by continuing to use Golang: elite 9" just be careful” or add extra linters/watchful eyes
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