Silent e long vowel
Long Vowel - Silent e Lesson Plan
- Students will recognize and pronounce words that follow the c-v-c-e and v-c-e rule where the first vowel is a long vowel and the final e is silent.
- Students will be able to spell and write simple long vowel words with c-v-c-e and v-c-e spelling patterns.
About the Concept:
There are several regular long vowel spelling patterns in the English language. The c-v-c-e pattern (consonant-vowel-consonant-final e) is a long vowel spelling pattern which occurs quite frequently in early reading and spelling. Basically, the phonics rule for this pattern states that when a vowel and a final
e are separated by a single consonant, the first vowel is long and the final e is silent. Some words that follow this rule are cake, scene, kite, hope, and rude. The c-v-c-e pattern occurs most frequently when the long vowel is a, i, and o and less frequently when the first vowel is e or u. The song Silent e (Sing Your Way Through Phonics Volume 1) teaches children how the vowel sound can change from a short vowel sound to a long vowel sound when a silent e is added to the end of a word. For example the short i in hid changes to a long i in hide, the short o in hop changes to the long o in hope, the short u in cut changes to the long u in cute, and the short a in cap changes to the long a in cape. By continually alternating between the rule and examples of the rule, the song Silent e helps students apply the long vowel -silent e rule in their reading and writing.
Other long vowel spelling patterns are covered in the
Sing Your Way Through Phonics Vol. 2 song, Spelling Choices. Be sure to read the “Extensions” section below for additional silent e activities and for additional words with c-v-c-e patterns.
- Sing Your Way Through Phonics Volume 1 CD, Tracks 17 and 18 (Listen to audio sample)
- Sing Your Way Through Phonics Volume 1 Mini-Charts (pp. 74-85)
- Optional: Flip Chart, markers, sticky notes
- Optional: card stock, markers, index cards
Note: If you do not have the CD or Mini-Charts, you can still teach this long vowel - silent e spelling pattern lesson plan using the folk tune listed on the Silent e Song Lyrics page. You can create your own mini-charts using the words in bold print letters in each verse of the Song Lyrics.
Find out more about Sing Your Way Through Phonics products.
Order our cost-saving Volume 1 Combo online.
- Say, “Today, we are going to learn what happens when we put the letter e on the end of a short vowel word. Point to Sing Your Way Through Phonics Vol. 1 Mini-Chart p. 74 and say, "What is the first word on this page?" (rid) "How does the vowel sound in the word rid?" (/ĭ/) "Is the vowel in the word rid long or short?" (short) "How does the word on the bottom look different?" (It has an e on the end.) "When you add a final e to the word rid, it becomes ride. Is the vowel in the word ride long or short?" (long) How does the vowel sound in the word ride? (/ī/) Point to Mini-Chart p. 75 and say, "What is the first word on this page? (hid
) How does the vowel sound in the word hid? (/ĭ/) Is the vowel in the word hid long or short? (short) How does the word on the bottom look different? (It has an e on the end.
) When you add a final e to the word hid, it becomes hide. Is the vowel in the word hide long or short? (long) How does the vowel in the word hide sound? (/ī/)
- Point to Mini-Chart p. 76 and say, "What is the first word on this page?" (rod) "How does the vowel sound in the word rod?" (/ŏ/) "Is the vowel in the word rod long or short?" (short) "When you add a final e to the word rod, it becomes rode. Is the vowel in the word rode long or short?" (long) How does the vowel sound in the word rode? (/ō/) Point to Mini-Chart p. 75 and say, "What is the first word on this page? (hop) How does the vowel sound in the word hop? (/ŏ/) Is the vowel in the word hop long or short? (short) When you add a final e to the word hop, it becomes hope
Is the vowel in the word hope long or short? (long) How does the vowel in the word hope sound? (/o/)
- Ask, "So what happens to the vowel when we put a final e on the end of a short vowel word?" (The short vowel becomes long and the e is silent.) Practice reading and saying the vowel sounds in the words on Mini-Chart pp. 78-85: cut /ŭ/, cute /ū/, hug /ŭ/, huge /ū/ [Note that the letter g changes its sound, too.], cap /ă/, cape /ā/, tap /ă/, tape /ā/, pin /ĭ/, pine /ī/, fin /ĭ/, fine /ī/, pan /ă/, pane /ā/, can /ă/, cane /ā/.
- Play Silent e (Sing Your Way Through Phonics Vol. 1 CD, Track 17), pointing to the Mini-Chart words and asking the children to join in the song as soon as they think they know the words. Joining in the song will be easy because the format remains the same for every verse. Example: "How do you change rid to ride? Silent e. How do you change hid to hide? Silent e. How do you change rid to ride? How do you change hid to hide? End the word with silent e."
- Say, "Notice that this is an question-and-answer song." Divide the class into two groups. Play CD track 17 again, alternating questions and answers between group 1 and group 2 as follows: (Group 1) How do you change rid to ride? (Group 2) Silent e.
(Group 1) How do you change hid to hide?, (Group 2) Silent e. (Group 1) How do you change rid to ride? How do you change hid to hide? (Group 2) End the word with silent e. [Continue in this manner until the song is complete.]
- Play the CD again, and ask Group 1 to sing the part that Group 2 sang and vice versa.
- Review the Long Vowel - Silent e rule aloud together. "When e is added to a short vowel word, the short vowel becomes long and the final e is silent.
- Practice singing Silent e daily for a week. Then try singing the song without hearing the words, using the instrumental track (Track 18). Allow different students to point to the Mini-Charts words while singing.
- Help students create other sets of c-v-c-e or c-c-v-c-e words for the song.
Make 8 copies of Mini-Chart Template B on p.96 and allow students write in the new sets of words. Examples: sal/sale, pal/pale, quit/quite, bit/bite, not/note, tot/tote, tub/tube, cub/cube, slid/slide, bid/bide, shin/shine, spin/spine. Place these pages back-to-back in page protectors in a 3-ring binder. Then sing the song with the instrumental version (Track 18).
- Mark the original words and the alternate examples with symbols for short vowels, long vowels, and silent e.
- Introduce the Read-and-Sing Book, Silent E.
As readers sing along with the lively song set to the folktune Hinky Dinky Parlez-Vous, they can read the short vowel words and predict the long vowel words before they turn the page to verify their guesses. In this book, characters are in the business of painting signs. At first, only part of the word on the sign is visible. When the page is turned, the complete word is visible. The partial word has a short vowel sound which changes to a long vowel sound when whole word is painted. Children can learn about additional long vowel spelling patterns in the Read-and-Sing book, Talking and Walking. Keep a few copies of the book at a literacy center equipped with headsets so that students can gain practice in listening, singing, and reading long vowel - silent e words.
- Create a silent e flip chart by covering the final e in each word with a sticky note. Children can read the word without the final e, then flip the sticky note and read the word with the final e.
- Play a sorting game by placing long vowel word cards and short vowel word cards in the appropriate pile. Try selecting words with a theme like animals, foods, adjectives, or names.
- Students read all the words on Mini-Charts pp.74-85 without assistance.
- Students correctly pronounce vowel patterns e_e, a_e, i_e, o_e, and u_e.
Order our cost-saving Sing Your Way Through Phonics Volume 1 Combo online ($33.95) containing the CD, Mini-Charts, Song Lyrics, and Teaching Suggestions — everything you need for this lesson! Or, print out an order form to mail/FAX to us.
Long Vowel A with Silent E
- Learn English
- Basic English
- Basic Spelling
- Long Vowel A with Silent E
Short Vowel | Long Vowel |
at | ate |
pan | pane |
hat | hate |
mat | mate |
rag | rage |
mad | made |
Sam | same |
- Read words with long A
- Read sentences with long A
Read words with long A
face lace place space brace Grace embrace
made blade glade grade trade fade decade shade
make Blake take rake awake fake bake wake brake
age page rage cage sage stage
sale scale male female whale tale pale stale
name same came game frame shame flame blame
ate date Kate fate make skate late state debate estate
gave save grave behave shave
case vase chase daze amaze
plane cane Jane profane insane
Read sentences with long A
1. A pale female gave Blake a fake cake.
2. Kate came to skate on the lake too late.
3. It's a shame that Dave made the mistake.
4. Save the date for the cake-bake.
5. Place the cage in the shade!
6. Jane and Grace have the same grade.
Join the conversation!
* required fields
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Vowel sounds and letters.

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The correct pronunciation of words is one of the components of beautiful and literate speech. To achieve this, you will first have to study the sounds themselves. In this article, we will figure out together what vowel sounds are, how many vowels are in the alphabet of the Russian language, and what sounds they can represent.
What are vowels and sounds
Vowel sounds are those sounds that we freely convey with our voice. Hence their name comes from: voice means "voice". When pronouncing, air exits through the mouth and does not create noise, and the position of the tongue and lips determines which vowel sound we will pronounce.
There are much fewer vowels in Russian than consonants. There are 6 of them in total: [a], [o], [i], [s], [y] and [e]. To understand whether a vowel sound is in front of you or not, try to sing it. For example:
a-a-a ,
ss .
If it works, then the sound is a vowel. You can't do that with consonants.
There are more vowels than sounds - there are 10 of them: a, i, u, u, o, e, e, e, i, s . This difference is due to the fact that some of these letters can represent two sounds and are pronounced using a combination of a vowel and a consonant [y']. For example, in word spruce the letter e expresses two sounds - [y'] and [e]. Let's look at the table all the vowel sounds and the letters that represent them.
Letter | Sound | Example |
a | [a] | pharmacy |
i | [a] [d'] + [a] | change anchor |
y | [y] | moon |
[y] [y'] + [y] | love skirt | |
about | [o] [a] | horse milk |
e | [e] [y'] + [e] [and] | victory raccoon great |
and | [o] [d'] + [o] | rope hedgehog |
e | [e] | evolution |
and | [and] [s] | caviar life |
s | [s] | choice |
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How vowel sounds are related to syllables
Vowel sounds form syllables - sound segments of words that we pronounce with one breath. One syllable can be either a vowel with one or more consonants, or a vowel alone. There is even a rule by which syllables can be counted: how many vowels in a word - so many syllables. nine0003
For example, in the word journey there are 5 vowels: [u], [i], [e], [i] and [e]. This means that it has 5 syllables: p-te-she-stvi-e .
Test yourself!
Count the number of syllables in the words: try on, tanner, well-groomed, care, prefix, capital, wet, invitation, orange .
Vowel sounds and stress
Now let's see what groups vowel sounds are divided into. Sometimes their pronunciation depends on whether the stress falls on them, that is, whether we single them out with our voice. So vowel sounds are divided into stressed and unstressed. Here are some examples:
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Stress in Russian can fall on any of the existing vowel sounds. However, only 4 of them can be unstressed - these are [a], [i], [y] and [s]. In this position, we pronounce sounds weaker than under stress, because of which they can change qualities and sound differently.
Interestingly, the vowels [o] and [e] can only be stressed. There are only a couple of exceptions to this rule: for example, in words cocoa and canoe sounds [o] and [e] in an unstressed position.
How unstressed vowels are related to consonants
How an unstressed vowel sounds depends on the consonant that precedes it. Or rather, from its hardness or softness. If it is a hard consonant, it can be followed by unstressed vowels [y], [a] and [s]. When we talk about a soft consonant, it is followed by unstressed vowels [y] and [and].
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Test yourself
It's time to find out if you now understand well what vowel sounds are in Russian. To do this, we have prepared tasks for self-examination. nine0003
Task 1
List all the vowels in these words:
Task 2
Name 5 words each in which the sounds [a], [i], [y] and [s] would be stressed.
Task 3
Name 5 words in which an unstressed vowel would come after a hard consonant, and 5 more words where it would follow a soft consonant.
Task 4
Count the number of syllables in the words below (don't forget to use the rule you learned at the beginning of the article!):
The rules of phonetics help us to speak correctly, so it is important to master the topic of vowels well and avoid gaps in knowledge. If even after reading the article you still have questions on the topic, you can figure them out in the Russian language course at Skysmart. In online lessons, the teacher will help the student work out the theory and consolidate the result on non-boring tasks. So the student will be able to improve the quality of knowledge, and fall in love with the subject. nine0003
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Vokaal: Translation from Estonian into Russian, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, sample sentences | HTML Translate | Estonian-Russian online translator
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Meaning [et]
vokaal - täishäälik - kõneheli, mis on toodetud hääletrakti suhteliselt avatud konfiguratsiooni abil koos häälepaelte vibratsiooniga, kuid ilma kuuldava hõõrdeta ja on keele kuuldava hõõrdeta ja on keele siltuü helisüsteemi
Similar words: vokaal
Synonyms & Antonyms: not found
Sample sentences:vokaal | nine0065 |
sa pead tapja vokaal , homegirl, miks on see, et ma pole kunagi kuulnud sa Mercedes Jonesi stiilis vokaalsõit ? | You've got killer vocals girl, so why have I never heard you do Mercedes Jones vocals? |
Koos ansambliga Gypsys saadab Hendrixi vokaale trummar Miles'i vokaal .![]() | In Band of Gypsys, Hendrix's vocals are accompanied by drummer Miles's. |
Temaatiline vokaal * - o - ablautseerib * - e - ainult sõnalõpupositsioonis ainsuse vokatiivis ja enne *h₂ neutraalses nominatiivis ja akusatiivis mitmuses. | The thematic vowel *-o- is replaced by *-e- only at the end of a word in the vocative singular and before *h₂ in the nominative neuter and in the plural accusative. nine0068 |
Haua aktsent, ehkki ingliskeelsetes sõnades harva esinev, ilmub luule - ja laulusõnas mõnikord, osutades sellele, et tavaliselt vaikiv vokaal hääldatakse vastavalt rütile või meet rütile või | The grave accent, although rare in English words, occasionally appears in poetry and song lyrics to indicate that the normally silent vowel is pronounced in rhythm or time signature. nine0068 |
Lugandas moodustab lühike vokaal ühe moora, pikk vokaal aga kaks moora.![]() | In Luganda, a short vowel is one mora and a long vowel is two mora. |
Uuestamata vokaal võib olla kas lühike või pikk, sõltuvalt silbi algsest pikkusest enne tagasitõmbumist. | nine0286 The neoacute vowel can be either short or long, depending on the original length of the syllable before the retraction. |
X Window System - i käitavas süsteemis sellise tähemärgi nagu à saamiseks peaks kasutaja vajutama Compose, millele järgneb `, seejärel vokaal . | On a system running the X Window System, to get a character like à, the user must press Compose, then `, and then a vowel. nine0068 |
Seal on kolm lühikest vokaali /iao/ ja kolm vastavat pikka vokaali /iː aː oː/ lisaks neljandale pikale vokaalile /eː/, millel puudub vastav lühike vokaal . | There are three short vowels /iao/ and three corresponding long vowels /iː aː oː/ in addition to a fourth long vowel /eː/ which lacks a corresponding short vowel.![]() |
Rahvuse eest laulval Ram Krishna Dhakal oli avar võimalus oma vokaal maailmakuulsa laululinnu Lata Mangeshkariga Bachunjeli Lai laulus üles seada. | Ram Krishna Dhakal, who sings for the nation, had a great opportunity to prepare his vocals with world famous songbird Lata Mangeshkar in the song Bachunjeli Lai. |
Harveyl on ulatuslik contralto vokaal . | Harvey has an extensive contralto vocal range. |
Prodigy album Invaders Must Die ilmus 23. veebruaril 2009 ja sellel esines Flindi vokaal mitmel laval. | The Prodigy Invaders Must Die album was released on February 23, 2009of the year and featured Flint's vocals on several tracks. |
Lowe värvati 14. mail 2020, et salvestada endise Lyraka helilooja Andy DiGelsomina sooloalbumi vokaal 2020. aastal. | Lowe was hired on May 14, 2020 to provide vocals for former Lyraka composer Andy DiGelsomin's 2020 solo album.![]() |
Kui ehitus Altrincham Ice Dome esmakordselt teatas, väike, kuid vokaal fännide arvu avaldanud soovi näha Altrincham Aces meeskond võib uuesti Rink. | When the construction of the Altrincham Ice Dome was first announced, a small but vocal number of fans expressed their desire to see the Altrincham Aces team relaunched at the rink. |
2008. aasta aprillis andis Madonna välja oma üheteistkümnenda albumi Hard Candy, millel oli Williamsi vokaal ja Neptunuse produktsioon mitmel pala. | In April 2008, Madonna released her eleventh album, Hard Candy, which featured vocals from Williams and production from the Neptunes on several tracks. |
Vokaal Alan Boydi ja Craig Slowinski järgi. nine0068 | Vocals by Alan Boyd and Craig Slowinski. |
Enamik elektro on instrumentaalne, kuid ühine element on vokaadri kaudu töödeldav vokaal .![]() | Most of it is electro-instrumental, but a common element is vocals processed by a vocoder. nine0068 |
Ashiq ühendab luule, jutuvestmise, tantsu ning vokaal | Ashik combines poetry, storytelling, dance, vocal and instrumental music into a traditional performing art that is a symbol of Azerbaijani culture. nine0068 |
McCartney vokaal on kogu tema karjääri jooksul ületanud mitmeid muusikažanre. | McCartney's vocals have crossed several musical genres throughout his career. |
Mõnes uuringus on jõutud järeldusele, et paljudel Põhja - Inglismaa inimestel ei meeldi VATH - i sõnades / ɑː / vokaal . | nine0855 Some research has shown that many people in the north of England dislike the /ɑː/ vowel in Bath words.|
Matthew Dublin - vokaal , kitarr, laulukirjutaja. | Matthew Dublin - vocals, guitar, songwriter.![]() |
Vokaal on mõnikord nasaalne ja laulusõnu pigem karjutakse kui lauldakse tavapärases tähenduses. nine0068 | The vocals are sometimes nasal, and the lyrics are often shouted out rather than sung in the usual sense. |
Multikultuurses Londonis ühineb inglise keel / θ / mõnikord / t / - ga, kuid eelnev vokaal jääb muutumatuks. | In multicultural London, English /θ/ is sometimes merged with /t/, but the preceding vowel remains unchanged. nine0068 |
Esimese ülesande vokaal - ja tantsutrenn jätkub. | Vocal and dance preparation of the first task continues. |
Kui vokaal on pikk / pingeline, kuid häälduses siiski kontrollitud, kontrollitakse seda tingimata ka õigekirjas. | When the vowel is long/tense, but the pronunciation is still being checked, the spelling must also be checked. nine0068 |
11 septembril 2018 teatas Keenan Twitteri vahendusel, et enne 2019 | On September 11, 2018, Keenan announced on Twitter that work on the album was progressing and that the vocals had already been written, before proposing a 2019 release.![]() |
Numbrid määratakse helidele ja sumbolitele, nt 304 on eesmine ümar ümardamata vokaal , 415 on tsentraliseerimisdiakriitik. | Numerals are assigned to sounds and symbols, for example, 304 is an open front vowel without rounding, 415 is a centralization diacritic. |
Heavy metalile on traditsiooniliselt iseloomulikud valed moonutatud kitarrid, rõhutavad rütmid, tihe bass - ja - trummiheli ning hoogne vokaal . | nine0855 Heavy metal is traditionally characterized by loud, distorted guitars, expressive rhythms, thick bass and drum sounds, and energetic vocals.|
RP CURE vokaal on kas kahesilbiline järjestus / uːə / või ühineb MÕELDUD täishäälikuga / ʌː /. | The RP treatment vowel is either a two-syllable sequence /uːə/ or merges with the thought vowel /ʌː/. nine0068 |
Micah Stampley mitme oktaavi vokaal ulatub bassist esimese sopranini ja on selle poolest hästi tuntud.![]() | Mick Stampley has a multi-octave vocal range from bass to first soprano and is well known for it. |
Karjuv ja karjuv vokaal on hardcore - nimelises punkrokis tavalised. | nine0855 Yelling and screaming is characteristic of punk rock, known as hardcore.|
Borlandi esimene band, Wimbledonis baseeruv punkroki trio The Outsiders, loodi Borlandiga, mille tuumaks oli vokaal ja kitarr. | Borland's first band, the Wimbledon-based punk rock trio The Outsiders, was formed with Borland at its core, with vocals and guitar. nine0068 |
Kõik instrumendid ja vokaal Emerson Drive'ilt. | All instruments and vocals from Emerson Drive. |
Ligilähedane või peaaegu kõrge vokaal on mis tahes vokaaliklassis , mida kasutatakse mõnes kõnekeeles. | A near close vowel or near high vowel is any vowel in a class of sounds used in some spoken languages.![]() |
All Platinum andis pärast tema surma välja kolm albumit varem välja antud ja avaldamata materjalist ning 2008. aastal produtseeris tema tütar Terry Jones koos Helen Bruneriga albumi, millel on tema ema vokaal . | All Platinum has released three albums of previously released and unreleased material since her death, and in 2008 her daughter Terry Jones released an album with her mother on vocals with Helen Bruner. nine0068 |
Pooltakt muudab refräänide meetri keeruliseks, nagu ka see, et vokaal algab esimese takti keskel. | The half-bar complicates the sizing of the chorus, as does the fact that the vocals start in the middle of the first bar. |
Biitlite biograafid Roy Carr ja Tony Tyler kirjeldasid laulu kui algset, korduvat süntesaatoriteemat, millele on aja jooksul lisatud sisukamad instrumentaalosad ja lõpuks ebaoluline vokaal . | Beatles biographers Roy Carr and Tony Tyler described the song as built from the original repetitive synthesizer theme, with more substantial instrumental parts added over time, and finally with inconsequential vocals.![]() |
Laulu edenedes muutub Casablancase vokaal üha enam moonutatud, kui ta laulab üha lähemale mikrofoni. nine0068 | As the song progresses, Casablancas' vocals become increasingly distorted as he sings closer to the microphone. |
Otsesalvestuse tõttu sattus mõnel lool Planti vokaal teistele lugudele. | Because of the live recording in some songs, Plant's vocals spilled over into other tracks. nine0068 |
Raske silp on üldiselt hargneva rimiga, st see on kas suletud silp, mis lõpeb kaashäälikuga, või hargneva tuumaga silp ehk pikk vokaal või diftongi. | A heavy syllable is usually a branched rhyme, i.e. it is either a closed syllable ending in a consonant, or a syllable with a branched nucleus, i.e. a long vowel or diphthong. |
Vokaalpartituur ehk klaveri - vokaalpartituur on ooperi või orkestrisaatele kirjutatud vokaal - või koorilooming, näiteks oratoorium või kantaat.![]() | A vocal score or piano-vocal score is the musical score of an opera, or a vocal or choral work written for orchestral accompaniment, such as an oratorio or cantata. nine0068 |
Kõik 14 lugu on kirjutanud ja produtseerinud Woodruff, millest ühel on vokaal reggae - lauljalt Half Pintilt ja ühes on Woodruffi lähedase sõbra TJ O'Neilli vokaal . | All 14 tracks were written and produced by Woodruff, one of which features vocals from reggae singer Half Pint and the other features Woodruff's close friend, TJ O'Neill. | nine0065
Bassey vokaal salvestati Yello stuudios Zürichis. | Bassey's vocals were recorded at Yello Studios in Zurich. |
Bandish, cheez või gat on fikseeritud meloodiline kompositsioon Hindustani vokaal - või instrumentaalmuusikas. | Bandish, cheez or gat is a fixed melodic composition in Hindustani vocal or instrumental music.![]() |
Peaaegu avatud vokaal või peaaegu madal vokaal on mis tahes häälikuklassis, mida kasutatakse mõnes kõnekeeles. | A near open vowel or near low vowel is any sound from the class of vowels used in some spoken languages. |
Põhimõtteliselt oli meie idee, et meil oleks väga valjud kitarrid, mille vokaal on palju nõrgem. | Basically our idea was to make very loud guitars with much weaker vocals. |
Kõik vokaal ja kitarripartiid salvestati Kingsways New Orleansis ning miksimine toimus New Yorgis Electric Ladylandis Peter Gabrieli inseneri David Bottrilli abiga. | nine0286 All vocals and guitar parts were recorded at Kingsway in New Orleans and mixed at Electric Ladyland in New York with the help of Peter Gabriel engineer David Bottrill. |
Vaevalt kontrollitavast reketist kõrgemal ulatus Cave'i vokaal meeleheitlikust lihtsalt ähvardava ja dementsuseni.![]() | Over a barely controlled racket, Cave's vocals ranged from desperate to downright menacing and insane. nine0068 |
Ava - ja lõpuvokaaliosade ajal võtab Page Earl Hookeri slide - kitarri read ja venitab neid, kasutades liberaalses koguses kitarriefekte, kusjuures Robert Planti | During the opening and closing vocals, Page takes Earl Hooker's slide guitar parts and stretches them out using a lot of guitar effects, with Robert Plant's vocals matching them note by note. nine0068 |
Kaubanduslikult välja antud singlite või uute vokaal - või instrumentaalsalvestuste lugude jaoks. | For commercially released singles or tracks of new vocal or instrumental recordings. |
Dulli baritoni vokaal kogu albumi vältel on oigavalt husky ja sisaldab falsetti nutt. | nine0855 Dulli's baritone vocals throughout the album are moaning-raucous and include falsetto screams.