Spelling of preschool
Preschool Spelling Words & Vocabulary
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Time4Learning is an online student-paced learning system popular as a preschool homeschool curriculum, as an after school tutorial and skill sharpening during the summer break.
This page is a summary of curriculum topics, foundational skills and resources related to preschool spelling including information about:
- Preschool Spelling Curriculum
- Foundational Spelling Skills
- Preschool Spelling Words List
- Preschool Spelling Resources
- Additional Helpful Parent Tools & Resources
In preschool, spelling words start with basic two-letter words. For example, a good starting point for preschoolers would be: AT, ME, BE, and IT.
Children then start to expand the list by working through “word families”. From AT, in preschool spelling, the curriculum, worksheets, and then spelling tests would cover BAT, CAT, HAT, and SAT. Also, they might vary the vowel and go to HOT. A list of preschool spelling words might start with MAD and include MAN, MAP, and MAT as well as DAD and SAD.
These very young children learn through spelling activities including many creative methods that make the preschool spelling program fun for them. Remember, every child learns at a different rate, so what works for some students may not be the best approach for your child. This is why so many parents enjoy Time4Learning’s student-paced curriculum.. You can skip lessons that teach concepts your child has already mastered and repeat those he or she has not. The choice is yours.
Foundational Spelling Skills
Spelling skills should develop as part of an overall language arts phonemic awareness, phonics, reading comprehension, vocabulary and reading fluency, grammar, reading and writing program. Children should (with help from their parents) develop their foundational spelling skills through an interest in words, regular writing, constant reading, a study of spelling rules, and playing of spelling games
With help from their parents, children can develop and reinforce foundational spelling skills through the following activities:
- Regular writing for a head start on spelling, punctuation, and other concepts
- Constant reading or use of reading workbooks
- Frequent study of spelling rules like the relationships between letters and sounds
- Spelling bees for a fun way for your child to practice their spelling
- Playing of spelling games, quizzes or word games to help develop their spelling skills
- Structured computer spelling programs
- Personalized tutoring and assistance to boost confidence
- Setting daily blocks of time for spelling and reading activities
- Instruction through guided spelling activities like word sorts or word boxes
- Creating a rich language environment at home based on the quantity and quality of words spoken
Time4Learning teaches a comprehensive preschool spelling curriculum using fun activities to build a solid spelling foundation. Help your child excel in spelling by trying out our PreK demos.
Preschool Spelling Words List
What spelling words should your preschooler know? Here is a list of 50+ words that are great for use in spelling games, tests, or practice for an upcoming spelling bee. To add more value, download our PreK spelling list printable worksheet with +100 words!
- one
- two
- three
- at
- bat
- cat
- mat
- pat
- rat
- sat
- an
- can
- fan
- man
- are
- ask
- as
- or
- mom
- and
- us
- pad
- sad
- an
- can
- fan
- pan
- ran
- big
- dig
- fig
- pig
- wig
- fin
- in
- pin
- win
- bid
- did
- hid
- rid
- if
- her
- hi
- bye
- bee
- see
- cow
- how
- now
- bun
- fun
- run
- sun
- but
- cut
- gut
Preschool Spelling Resources
If you’re interested in preschool spelling lists or vocabulary words, you might also be interested in:
- PreK curriculum overview with a summary of key preschool learning objectives
- Detailed list of PreK language arts lesson plans
- Our lesson planning worksheet can help you estimate how many lessons to have your child do each day
Additional Helpful Parent Tools & Resources
Welcome to Homeschooling Guide – Are you new to homeschooling? This guide was written by seasoned homeschoolers to answer some of the difficult questions new families often struggle with.
Curriculum Lesson Plans – An overview of the number of lessons that are included for each grade and subject. All students have access to at least 2 (and in most cases 3) grade levels of curriculum for each subject, so they can move ahead or review at their own pace.
Lesson Planning Worksheet – Wondering how many lessons to have your child do each day? Estimate the number of activities per day using this easy to use, printable worksheet.
Preschool or Pre-school? (Hyphen Rule Explained)
When writing about “preschool,” we need to know how to spell it. You might think spelling it is the easy part, but some people write it in its hyphenated form (which isn’t necessarily correct). This article will look into whether it’s one or two words.
Preschool vs. Pre-school
“Preschool” should always be written as one word. It is officially recognized when written in this form because it uses the prefix “pre-” to modify the root word “school. ” There is never a reason to hyphenate prefix words like “preschool,” which is why “pre-school” is not used.
According to Google Ngram Viewer, “preschool” is by far the most popular choice that many native speakers use in their writing. However, there are still some listed cases where “pre-school” is used.
While the graph does show that “pre-school” is used in some cases, that does not mean it’s correct. We only need to refer to some dictionaries to understand that it’s much better to group the words rather than hyphenate them.
In The Oxford Dictionary and The Cambridge Dictionary, only “preschool” is defined. This shows that both dictionaries value the one-word variation since “pre-” is a prefix, which means that no hyphen is required when it modifies the root word of “school.”
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“Preschool” is always correct. When working with prefixes in English, it can be common for people to mistakenly include hyphens when they’re unnecessary. This common trait is what leads to confusion about the hyphenated form, but “preschool” should never have a hyphen.
Here are some other “pre-” prefix words to help you understand more about it:
- Premeditated
- Predict
- Preview
- Prefix
- Precise
As you can see, none of the above forms are hyphenated. They simply use “pre-” to modify the root word that comes after them. The same applies when using “preschool.”
We use “pre-” to mean “before,” so “preschool” would apply when we’re looking to talk about the years that occur “before school.”
Here are a few examples that would be good for you to understand:
- I know of a few good preschool teachers who will be more than happy to help your son with his studies.
- Preschool is where it all starts! You’re about to begin your life now, and we can’t wait to see how you grow up.
- I didn’t enjoy my time at preschool! I enjoyed it when I got older because I missed all the things I used to do.
- If you don’t enjoy your first day at preschool, I’ll be sure to come in again and take you right out of it, okay?
We do not write “pre-school” as a hyphenated form. This is because “pre” is not an official word (it’s a prefix), so there is never going to be a reason where the formation of “pre school” appears in writing. Therefore, there is no reason to group them with a hyphen.
AP Stylebook guidelines teach us that when multiple words modify the same noun, they should be hyphenated to demonstrate the effect. For example, if “make” and “believe” are put together, we would turn it into “make-believe” as an adjective.
The same cannot be said for “preschool” since “pre” is not a word that you’d find in a sentence. We only need to look into some other “pre-” prefix words to see that hyphenated forms are not used (i. e. “pre-fix” is incorrect).
These examples should help clear things up:
- Correct: I’m not going to be able to take you to preschool today, sport. Are you going to be okay?
- Incorrect: If you’re not in pre-school by nine o’clock, the teachers are going to ask me what happened to you!
- Correct: I didn’t want to go back to preschool, but I knew it would make my mom happy.
- Incorrect: If pre-school was so bad, why did so many of the children enjoy their time there?
Is “School” Capitalized In The Word “Pre-School”?
Since we do not hyphenate “pre-school,” there is no reason to know more about the hyphenated form. Some people get confused about capitalization with hyphens, but it does not apply here.
Instead, you only need to worry about capitalizing “preschool” when it starts a sentence or is in a title. Any other time does not matter because it is not a proper noun.
spelling, preparing a hand for writing and teaching literacy
Unit 3.

notebooks (cell and ruler), the child will understand where is left, right, top and bottom.
With a five-year-old child, it is necessary to prepare for writing in a notebook, but for this it is important to take into account some significant points.
The whole program
preparation for school
Preparing the hand for writing
Learning to write is very difficult, however, teachers say that it is not worth learning numbers and letters early, because the child is not yet fully prepared . If you start teaching your child to write on your own, you can harm him because:
- Fine motor skills are not fully developed and, psychologically speaking, it is difficult for a child to learn to pick up a pen correctly.
- If a child is taught to write in capital letters from an early age, this can lead to poor handwriting. At 5-7 years old, the kid perceives the lesson as a game and will not be able to concentrate for a long time, so he will most likely write quickly and crookedly.
- If you teach your child to write capital letters incorrectly, the teacher will have to re-teach him, which means a waste of time. Because of this, your child may fall behind.
In order to learn how to write letters correctly, it is not necessary to start writing with them, because just like words consist of letters of the alphabet, capital letters themselves consist of certain elements.
During the lessons the child will be able to:
- Correctly and beautifully draw sticks, hooks, lines, circles and ovals - the components of capital letters.
- Place these elements clearly in the cage so that the future handwriting of the child is the optimal size, and also that the hand is ready to respect the boundaries.
- Draw horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines.
- Redraw geometric shapes. Orientate in the lines, fields and cells of the workbook.
- Maintain good posture and sit properly at the table.
- Hold hands correctly.
- Calmly listen and understand information.
Also in the process of preparing the hand for writing, we will develop fine motor skills in parallel.
If your child is already in school and has a problem with handwriting, then before it's too late, you can still correct it in our "Beautiful handwriting" courses.
As for capital letters, in this direction we will only prepare our hand for writing. However, no one canceled printed letters and children can already easily write them on paper.
In this section, the child will be able to:
- Write down words by ear, without gaps, substitutions, permutations of letters.
- Convey the softness of consonants using the letters E, E, Yu, I, I, b.
- Write down words with a separator b and b sign.
- Write words with softening letters after the hissing Zh, Sh, C, Ch, Sh.
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