Spelling words games for adults
Best Spelling Games for Adults
Spelling can be difficult. The English language has silent letters, strange patterns, and exceptions to many spelling rules. All of these aspects and more can make it challenging to become a great speller. Despite the challenges, it’s very possible to do with practice and dedication. Want to make learning how to spell fun? We’ve compiled some of the best spelling games for adults.
Who Can Spelling Games Help?
No matter how old you are, you could have a hard time spelling. In fact, dyslexia can persist from childhood into adulthood. Whether you have dyslexia or not, spelling games can help.
Paid and free spelling games for adults can help ESL learners, dyslexic learners, or anyone who just wants to practice and improve their spelling skills.
Source: Unsplash
How Spelling Games Can Help
Games are a great way to learn. When you combine learning and game playing, you can feel relaxed while you accomplish what would otherwise be hard work. Since you enjoy the process, you may even spend more time doing it per day. It’s in this type of consistency and effort that results arrive.
When you get better at spelling, you also are likely to improve your reading and writing skills at the same time.
Best Spelling Games for Adults
Now for the moment you’ve been waiting for, it’s time to talk about all the fun and games you can have at your fingertips.
1. Scrabble Go
Scrabble has been a family-favorite game for a long time. The traditional game consists of a board and tiles with letters. Each player gets to place letters to make a word on the board. Then, the subsequent player needs to create another word that connects to an existing word that has already been played. With Scrabble Go, the game has become digital.
What makes Scrabble a great spelling game is that the word will only work and fit in the tiles when it is spelled correctly. Additionally, you have to think of words that you can spell with the tiles you’ve been given, as well as the tiles that are on the board.
Scrabble Go gives users the options to join leagues, play in tournaments, take challenges, and even play against friends.
2. Spelling Master
Spelling Master is a game that’s intended to help you master spelling (pretty aptly named, isn’t it?) The game is set up to move in progression with multiple levels of challenges. Once you complete one level of spelling, you then can unlock the next level. This type of set-up ensures that players have the foundational spelling knowledge that they need in order to keep improving and building.
The game also has a spelling quiz, which allows players to review their mistakes upon completion so that they can learn from them. Every time you complete a quiz and properly spell words, you can earn points.
There’s also a listen-and-spell feature which makes it easy to learn how to pronounce words properly.
3. Correct Spelling
Correct Spelling is an app that is really beneficial for non-native English speakers. This app is intended to teach you how to pronounce words and spell them properly.
Once you’ve spelled a word, the app will let you know whether or not it is correct.
Through practice and repetition, users learn how to spell English words and say them out loud.
4. English Spelling Rules
If you’ve already been on a journey to learn to spell in English, then you are aware of some of its rules and exceptions. For example, you may have heard, “i before e, except after c.” Even though that rule holds true in most instances, they are cases where it doesn’t, like in the word “their.”
English Spelling Rules is an app that teaches you about rules and commonly misspelled words. (Fun fact: misspelled can be considered a commonly misspelled word).
5. Word Battle
WordBattle is an online multiplayer game that takes place in real-time. You can connect with friends and family via Facebook to challenge them in a game.
Each player is provided with the same 9 random letters. You are then given 40 seconds to spell a word that will be worth the most points.
Every letter has its own points associated, so your goal is to outwit your competition and strategically spell a higher-scoring word.
6. New York Times Crossword
The New York Times crossword puzzle has etched its place into American life since it debuted in the Sunday paper during the 1940s. The New York Times created an app for the crossword. Each day, the clues become more difficult, with the easiest puzzles on Monday and the hardest on Saturday.
This game/app helps you learn to spell because you have clues and have to fill in the squares with the right word. The puzzle can only be completed once every word is spelled correctly. Not only do you get to boost your spelling skills, but you also can increase your knowledge of history, art, culture, facts, and more.
7. Letter Tycoon
If you’re looking for a game that isn’t on your phone and rather meant to be played in-person with others, then Letter Tycoon is a great option! With 2-5 players, each player gets to have their turn at spelling a word using a seven-card hand with a three-card community pool. Based on the word they play, they earn stock.
With the stock they’ve earned, they can buy patents for their words so that any time another player uses that word, they earn money. At the end of the game, you add up the patents, money, and stocks to see who won.
8. Spelling Notebook
SpellingNotebook is like a digital notebook for your spelling goals. You can create your own list of words to practice and test your spelling. Along with testing your own spelling, the SpellingNotebook can read the words out loud so that you can hear them being spoken.
It makes it easy to take your spelling words on the go anywhere and test yourself without seeing the word. There’s a built-in spelling dictionary to utilize, too. Or, you can input your own words.
It’s Time to Spell
The above list of eight spelling games for adults is just a preview into what’s available in both app and brick-and-mortar stores to learn how to spell!
Spelling games provide a fun way to learn and remain consistent in your endeavors to become the best speller you can be.
Free Online Spelling Games | Play Spelling Games for Free
Enjoy our premium selection of free online spelling games T-O-D-A-Y!
Arkadium Word Wipe Game
Arkadium Word Wipe Game
Form as many words as you can to clear the rows and advance.
Outspell Spelling Game
Outspell Spelling Game
A Scrabble-esque game with plenty of fun, added twists.
Arkadium's Codeword
Arkadium's Codeword
Crack the code of numbers and letters to decipher the words!
Scramble Words Game
Scramble Words Game
Unscramble the letters to create words!
Form as many words as you can with the letters you're given!
Wander Words
Wander Words
A though-provoking cross between a word search and scramble.
Spelling Games Overview
Do you know how to spell “game”? It might as well be spelled A-R-K-A-D-I-U-M because we have the world’s best selection of premium online spelling games! Whether you’re a spelling bee game champion or just getting started, we have online spelling games for every skill level!
Fun aside, our collection of spelling games are also great at training your brain and staying sharp as each requires you to create a strategy and spell out words from a random set of letters. But don’t just take our word for it: numerous studies have shown that many casual games, including and particularly spelling games, have powerful cognitive benefits that help with strategic thinking, memory, quantitative skills, and growing vocabulary.
Fan Favorite Spelling Games
Our collection free spelling games are some of the most popular games on the web! In particular, the Outspell spelling game has been a fan favorite for years. Similar to an online Scrabble game, Outspell requires the player to spell words using specific tiles that have one letter each. After the player’s turn ends, the computer opponent plays their tiles – whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins! If you like online Scrabble games, you’ll love our Outspell spelling game.
In addition to Outspell, Arkadium is home to many more classic spelling word games, including the ever popular Word Wipe! This free online spelling game tasks players to form words out of randomly generated letter towers—the longer the word, the more points you will receive. However, the timer is ticking and you have to clear a certain number of towers before it reaches zero. You can enjoy a lot of relaxing spelling games on Arkadium.com, but Word Wipe requires quick reaction speed and sharp spelling ability. Good luck!
New Free Online Spelling Games
If you’re a fan of Wordscapes, then Scramble Words is the game for you. At the start of each level, the player is given five letters that can then be composed into a certain number of hidden words. If the player is able to identify all of the words on the board, they win and move on to the next level. Do you have what it takes to unscramble the letters in Scramble Words?
Arkadium’s Codeword is another new yet immensely popular spelling game that’s all about deduction and logic. Even if you’re not a great speller, Arkadium’s Codeword is sure to help you relax and unwind as the letters fall into place. Our Codeword spelling game is like a crossword, but there are no clues. The goal of the game is to fill out the entire grid with words using deduction! Thankfully, some letters are given at the start of the game and this will help the player to spell words that might fit in the grid. The start of the game can be complex, but the hint options are extremely helpful for both new and expert players. There’s nothing quite as cathartic or relaxing as filling the grid in Arkadium’s Codeword spelling games!
We hope you enjoy our free online spelling games and T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U for playing!
4 English Spelling Games
Unnecessary, professor, irresistible, conscientious is just the beginning of the list of words that fall into the category: "Challengers for the maximum number of spelling errors in one word."
When studying words, students remember their pronunciation, but not their spelling. It is a fact.
So when it comes to writing assignments or dictations, the result leaves much to be desired. The problem of spelling concerns students of all ages and does not depend on the level of language proficiency. These exercises will help your students with vocabulary review and spelling practice.
Is that your final answer?
Step 1 . Prepare pictures with images that match the words from the topics covered. Divide the group into two teams.
Step 2. When everyone is ready, show the first picture. The first team to identify the word gets the first chance to try writing it.
Step 3. After collective discussion, the team announces its final answer. If everything is correct, the team gets a point, if there is at least one mistake in the word, then the second team gets the opportunity to spell this word.
The team with the most points wins.
Spelling circles
Step 1. Prepare a list of words to repeat. Divide the group into two teams.
Step 2 . Divide the board in half and write the alphabet on both sides.
Step 3. At the same time, a participant from each team comes to the board. The object of the game is to circle the letters in the alphabet from the word you have spoken. To complicate the task, you can insist on circling the letters in the order they appear in the word.
For higher levels, instead of saying the word itself, use its explanation so that students first have to guess what it is about before finding those letters in the alphabet.
Step 4. Then the players change and continue to trace the letters of the new words. If none of the players could find all the necessary letters, the teams can help their representatives. But in this case, no team gets a point.
In the end, the team with the most points wins.
Hot potato
Step 1. Prepare a list of words to review. Divide the class into mini-groups.
Step 2. After that you say the word for the first command. Its participants must take turns to name the letters from this word. Teams are not given time to think - everything must happen quickly. Warn students to listen carefully to each other, as it is not possible to repeat the previous letters again.
Step 3. You repeat the same with other commands, using the following words from your blanks. In case of incorrect options, other teams have the opportunity to offer their options, for which they can receive additional points. And, of course, the winner will be the team that can correctly pronounce the most words.
To help students, write all the correct letters of the word on the board.
Body language
Step 1. Prepare cards with the words you want to repeat with students. For example, 5 words for one command.
Step 2. Divide the group into teams and give them time to choose a name.
Step 3. Participants take turns drawing a word and spelling it out to their team without saying anything. The task of each player is to use the whole body to represent the letters of the word. The team, in turn, must guess what the word is, translate it, or pick up synonyms for higher levels and give an explanation.
Step 4. The team that guesses the most words wins.
Thus, the game version of the spelling exercises can speed up the memorization of difficult words. And most importantly, your students will no longer feel embarrassed by the question: “Can you spell it?”
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Literate! Russian Language Test
Didn't you also know that "reluctantly" is spelled that way? Then the spelling quiz "Literate!" will surprise you even more! The quiz is intended for everyone who wants to write correctly.
Schoolchildren can improve their knowledge for the GIA and the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.
The spelling dictation contains the most interesting and complex words.
- Each test consists of 20 questions. You are given 4 options for writing a difficult word.
- The task is to choose one correct answer.
- At the end of the game you will find out what your knowledge is worth: from 1 to 5+.
Memorize the spelling of words, set records and compete with other players!
Improving the quality of spelling and broadening your horizons are guaranteed!
The creators of the game used authoritative explanatory and spelling dictionaries.
“Literate! “Get smarter!”
(“Literate!”© AllyTeam.)
Version 3.3.0
Now you can play 3 difficulty levels and 3 game modes for free.
Ratings and reviews
Ratings: 10k
I really like the game.
Cool 😁👍❤️
One. Just one free game. The rest is in the paid version))
They screwed up their grades...
A scam for money and an inflated rating
Do not download, this game is made for profit and nothing more.
Troubleshooting at Google? Are you seriously? No own examples of the use of words, meanings and spelling rules, but just open a web page? I would like to put -100 so that the wound rating falls.
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