Stories for babies in the womb pdf
Bedtime Stories to Read to Baby In Womb
You’ll definitely develop a close reading association with your baby along with the development of story reading habit in your young one from the very start. We want you to get some best stuff when it comes to reading stories to the baby in the womb. So, here are some of the short stories to read to baby in womb. Read them aloud and enjoy with your little being.
Here is the list of Stories To Read To a Baby In Womb
We are sharing a list of baby stories that you can read to your baby in the womb. With these stories, you’ll be able to create a wonderful relationship with your baby. So, here are the stories to read to baby in womb online.
Zebra Strips StoryA Zebra named Zeb, who lives in a jungle interacted with another zebra friend named Zebu.
Zeb:” Hey Zebu! You’re looking so happy. Can I ask the reason behind your wide smile?”
Zebu:” Yes, someone made me happy today. Do you remember my genius cousin who visited my place the other day?”
Zeb: ”Yes, I remember. Tell me more”
Zebu: ”Genius cousin counted stripes of my body and you know I’ve 43 stripes per side.”
Zeb: ”Woahh! So many stripes. I wonder how many I’ve got.“
Zebu: ”Unfortunately he went back otherwise he would’ve counted yours too.
”Zeb:” It’s okay”
Two Days Later
Zeb still thinking about his stripes count; He wished to have someone like zebu’s cousin and went in search to find someone who can count.
A Rude CowAt first, Zeb saw a cow eating grass.
Zeb: ”Dear moo, how you doing?“
Cow: “Huh! Can’t you see I’m eating?”
Zeb:” Oh! Sorry. By the way, can you count?”
Cow: ”How I’m supposed to count? Not my work.”
An Innocent GoatUpset Zeb moved away. Then saw a goat and got his hopes up.
Zeb:” Cute little goat! What’s up?”
Goat: ”Umm nothing. You tell”
Zeb:” Can you count? I need someone to count my stripes.”
The goat started weeping.
Zeb:” You okay?“
Goat: ”My dream was to join school but never had a chance.”
Zeb: ”Don’t cry. You’ll get a chance soon. Don’t worry! I’ll find someone else”.
Naughty MonkeyZeb felt sad about making a goat cry and suddenly had his eyes on a mischievous monkey.
Zeb: ”Hello Monkey. Where’s your banana?”
Naughty monkey began mimicking him.
Zeb:” Leave it. Tell me do you know how to count?”
Monkey: ”Leave it. Tell me do you know how to count?”
Zeb: ”Stop repeating my dialogues. Answer my question.
Monkey: ”Stop repeating my dialogues. Answer my question.”
Zeb got irritated and moved forward.
Monkey shouted, “Zeb! Zeb listen I know”.
Zeb ran towards him happily:” Yaayy!! Start”
Monkey laughed and mimicked him again then said:” Hahaa! I enjoyed making you fool. I can’t count. I’m only good at annoying others. Hahaa”
A Slow SnailZeb got irritated again and without saying a word stepped away.
On seeing a snail later, interrogated the same but now the answer made him smile when snail said: ”yes I can”. Snail put all effort but she was counting slowly.
Zeb:” You’re slow. It will take days if you count like this.
Snail got upset on hearing this and said: ”Go and find someone who can count in seconds. Huh!”
Little ELLOZeb left and found his friend elephant’s baby Ello.
Zeb: ”Cute Ello! What are you doing?”
Ello: ”Just waiting for mother to come back. Why are you this much far away from your place.”
Zeb told his quest and once again got extremely happy on hearing from Ello:” Counting? Yeah, I’m a school-going. I can surely help you.”2ndgrade Ello started counting his stripes and both were happy.
Sadly, after counting till 20 Ello stopped and said: ”Teacher taught counting only till 20. We will learn the remaining next year.”
Depressed Zeb: ”Okay, no issues little Ello”.
Zeb lost all his hopes and was about to go home back. He didn’t realize he has walked a mile away from his residence. Hungry and tired but still moving Zeb suddenly collided with zebu’s cousin.
Zeb:” Oh! You’re Zebu’s cousin. I saw you when you visited him.”
Cousin: ”Yes , you’ve guessed it right”.
Zeb told him everything and requested to count his stripes too. Cousin got agreed after denying so much and said: ”I’ve to sleep now. You can wait here till morning”.
Zeb waited and didn’t sleep due to the excitement. Morning arrived and finally, cousin counted his stripes and told him he has 46 stripes per side.
Zeb :” Thanks a million”
Cousin: “Zeb was full of happiness that he couldn’t wait to reach home and tell everyone his total stripes number.
The Butterfly Story
One day a man saw a cocoon split open slightly and a butterfly struggling very slowly to come out. The man watched the cocoon lying on his windowsill for hours at stretch, but no progress was made by the butterfly.
So, out of goodwill, he decided to cut open the cocoon, so he took a scissors and did so. But, when he opened the cocoon, he saw that the butterfly’s body was swollen and the legs all shriveled up. The man did not realize that in coming out of the cocoon, the fluid in the butterfly’s body is pushed into its wings, which makes it ready to fly. By cutting open the cocoon, the man had disrupted this process.
Sometimes we need to struggle on our own to be at our very best.
A Wolf and His Own ShadowOne day as the sun was setting, a wolf was walking towards the forest. As he looked behind himself, he caught a glimpse of his shadow. He was impressed by how long and huge it was.
“I am much longer and stronger than I thought I was,” he said. “I am even bigger than the lion, and could probably beat him up” said the wolf proudly, and so he decided he would do so.
So, that night, the wolf went to the lion and growled at him as loudly as he could. The lion quickly got up and ate him up. The poor wolf had been fooled by his own shadow.
The Greedy Lion Goes Hungry
The big, greedy lion was walking around the jungle in search of a meal. Soon he saw a hare sound asleep in the grass. The lion was just about to gobble the hare up when he saw a big red deer hopping by. The lion instantly decided that he should try to catch the deer since it would make a heavier meal.
The lion began to chase the deer, but he kept running and running, yet he could not catch the deer. The deer ran faster and soon the lion gave up, panting with his tongue hanging out and his stomach grumbling.
“Maybe I should just eat the hare,” said the lion. “Such a shame that I have to settle for such a small meal” he huffed. But all the commotion and running had woken up the hare, who had run off by the time the lion came looking for him. Now the greedy lion was left hungry.
Food For The VulturesOne day, a lion and a wild boar approached a small stream, wishing to drink water from it. However, there was only enough space for one animal to drink from. As they both arrived at the stream, they began to argue and fight over who would drink first.
The lion charged at the boar with his big claws, while the boar bucked him with his tusks. They continued to fight for a spot by the stream when a vulture began to circle above their head. The vulture was waiting for one of them to kill the other so that the vultures can feed on them.
Soon the lion and the boar realized that they were being watched by the vultures. Both of them stopped fighting. “If we continue to fight, we will become food for the vultures,” said the lion, and the boar agreed. From that point onward they stopped fighting and became best friends.
The Lazy DonkeyThere once lived a waterman who took clothes to the river every day to wash. He owned a lazy donkey, that hated doing its work and whenever the donkey was called upon, he pretended to be sick. One day the waterman had to take a big pile of clothes to the river bank to wash.
But the donkey knew the clothes would be heavy, and so he escaped when the waterman called him and went to a lonely place to take a nap.
The donkey was sleeping under a mango tree, in a secluded place, when a strong wind began to blow. Due to the wind, a mango fell from the tree and landed on the donkey’s head. Surprised, the donkey woke up and did not know what was going on. As he opened his eyes, dust blew into his eyes, making it hard for him to see. The donkey wished to go back home to hide from the dust storm, but he was afraid the waterman would beat him up.
As he arrived home, fearfully entering the house and expecting a beating, he was surprised when his master was glad to see him. “Oh, I am glad you are back!” said his master giving him some food. From then onwards, the donkey never ran away again.
Read More: Best Moral Stories For Kids With LessonsThe Mocking Tiger
The tiger was a clever animal. He was always busy in boasting about himself and he would often make fun of the other animals. He would tease the other animals, particularly annoying the poor bumblebee and the big, clumsy elephant.
One day, all the animals were having a meeting to discuss some important matters of the forest. Suddenly, a landslide occurred and big boulders blocked the entrance of the cave. All the animals thought that the tiger would be able to save them, but he was not. He could not move the boulders away.
Thus, the bumblebee snuck out through a tiny space in the rocks and went to look for the elephant who had not come to the meeting. The bee asked him to come to help everyone out. The elephant arrived and removed all the rocks and all the animals came out of the cave. In the end, the tiger came out, his head lowered, and a lesson learned. He knew that he should not be boastful ever again.
The Meddlesome MonkeyOne day, a little monkey was perched on a treetop and was watching the local fishermen layout a fishing net by the river. “Oh, this looks interesting,” said the monkey and decided that he wants to try it out as well.
When the fishermen went away to grab some lunch, the monkey went down by the river and grabbed the net. But the net was too big for the monkey and instead of tossing it into the river, the monkey got entangled in the net. As he tried to escape, it kept wrapping tighter and tighter around the monkey and he fell into the river.
Luckily, the fishermen arrived and helped him out of the water. “You should just focus on staying on the trees,” they said, as they set him free.
The LadybugA ladybug felt lonely and wanted to make some friends. All she wanted was to have someone to play with. She roamed the forest searching for a friend, when one day, she came across a beautiful butterfly.
The ladybug was very happy to see the butterfly and thought that they would make great friends. “Do you want to be friends?” asked the ladybug timidly. “Of course, why not!” replied the friendly butterfly. They soon began to play together every day, flying around, from plan to plant. The two best friends lived happily ever after.
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The Rabbits Get Tired Of LivingOne day, all the rabbits in the world met up to discuss some problems. “What a sad life we live,” said one rabbit. “As soon as we come out of our burrow, we are chased by all sorts of animals, dogs, cats, tigers, lions. At the end of the day we become meals for them” he continued. The other rabbits agreed.
“What is the point of living in fear, when we will just end up becoming food for another animal.” said another rabbit. “We should just drown ourselves” exclaimed one of them, and all the other rabbits at the meeting agreed.
All of them left the meeting and rushed towards the pond. By the edge of the pond, some frogs were sitting and relaxing. As they saw the rabbits running up to them, they were terrified and jumped into the water.
When the rabbits saw this, they stopped in their tracks. “There is someone living a more scared life than us, maybe we should not drown ourselves after all. ” said the rabbits, turning back to return home, laughing at their silly idea.
Read More Stories: Aesop’s Fables to Read Online
The Duck And The BuckA duck really wanted to buy an apple, and when he visited the grocery store, the sign said “one apple for one buck.”
The duck thought about it, and the only bucks he knew lived at the farm. So, the next morning the duck went to the farm and got some bucks from the farmer. He then took them to the grocery store.
The duck picked up nine apples from the aisle and took the nine bucks to the counter, giving them over.
The woman at the counter began to laugh, “well I guess these could work too.”
Whose Work Is The Hardest – Story?Jack the farmer, had two lovely dogs, Cyndie and Polly. Cyndie was a pet at home, while Polly was the one who would accompany the farmer when they went hunting. She would run around all day, catching and fetching the birds the farmer had shot.
The farmer’s wife would cook up the birds the farmer brought home, and the remains of the meal would be shared between Cyndie and Polly. But Polly felt that it was unfair that she did all the work and Cyndie still got the same amount of food.
“It is not my fault I was not taught how to hunt. Besides, I do a lot of work playing with the kids too” replied Cyndie.
A Long Suffering BullA strong muscular bull was trotting around when suddenly a lion began to chase it, ready to pounce on the bull for a big, juicy meal. The bull ran for its life and as it went on and on, it finally lost the lion behind as it ran into a cave.
The cave belonged to a family of mountain goats, who were not pleased at all at seeing the intruder. The goats began to hit the bull with their horns, piercing its skin.
“I did not come into your house for no reason, I was running from the lion” cried the bull. But the poor bull had to suffer all day.
The Fisherman And The Little FishA poor fisherman made a living out of the fish he caught. One day he was very unlucky and only ended up catching a tiny little fish.
The little fish began to beg the fisherman to let her go. “Please let me go sir. I am so small, what benefit will I have for you, I will make a much better meal when I am older” she cried.
But the farmer did not care. He knew that a small meal was still better than no meal at all, and thus he kept the small fish and took her home to eat.
A small good is better than nothing at all.
The Wolf And The LambOne day a lamb was drinking water from a stream, when a wolf standing nearby wished to eat her up. He came up with an excuse. “Hey lamb, don’t dirty the water I am drinking” said the wolf.
“But the water is flowing from your side to my side” said the lam innocently.
Now the wolf came up with another plan. “Remember how you hurled abuses at me an year ago” he said.
“But I was not born a year ago” replied the lamb. “Then it must have been your dad” said the wolf, growing impatient.
The lamb apologized on his father’s behalf but the wolf did not give up. “You are arguing with me” complained the wolf and pounced onto the lamb eating him up.
Read More Stories for Kindergarten Children: Stories for Kindergarten childrenBuffalo’s PatienceThere once lived a monkey who missed no opportunity to bother the buffalo. He would often jump on its back, throe nuts at it, and often throw trash on the buffalo. But the buffalo dealt with him patiently and never hurt the monkey.
All the other animals around them saw this and asked the buffalo why it did not teach the monkey a lesson.
“I am thankful to the monkey for teaching me how to be patient” replied the buffalo.
The monkey who was nearby, heard this and was very ashamed of his own antics,
“Dear buffalo, I am sorry, I will never bother you again.” apologized the monkey one day, and the two became great friends.
The Two GoatsOne day two goats had to cross the river. The two ends of the river were joined by a weak and shaky bridge, which would move even at the slightest touch. Both the goats were standing at opposite ends of the river,
Neither of the two goats were ready to cross over to the other side first, but eventually both of them began to walk on it. The bridge was so narrow that only one person could cross at a time, and so, when they reached the middle, they began to fight.
The goats continued mindlessly fighting and pushing each other, and due to this, the bridge broke and both of them fell in the river.
The Crow And The Pitcher crow trying to drink water from the brown pitcherOne day a thirsty crow was trotting around looking for something to drink. It came across a pitcher of water. As the crow hopped onto its edge, it realized that the pitcher was too deep and that its beak could not reach the bottom.
The crow was scared that it if it did not think quickly, it would die of thirst. That’s when the crow saw some rocks nearby. The crow picked up the little rocks and began throwing them into the pitcher till the water began to come up.
The crow continued to do so, till the water had reached the top and the crow easily drank it.
The Fox And The GoatOne day, a clever fox fell into a well. Scared that it might die inside, the fox waited for someone to pass by.
Soon a goat was passing by and looked into the well, asking the fox why he was inside,
“I have heard a very terrible drought is going to come. I am inside to protect myself” said the fox cleverly.
The gullible goat fell for the fox’s word and quickly jumped inside the well too. But the fox used this to his advantage. He jumped on top of the goat and then jumped out of the well, leaving the poor goat inside alone.
No con-trollOnce there was valley named “not very nice”, where a mean troll lived under a bridge, and forced everyone crossing it into paying a toll. He would ask the people for all sorts of compensation; food, toys, cars, clothes and what not. As soon as he used something he thought of it as used and old. The troll just wanted more and more, but he was still never happy. Even though he had so much stuff, he never shared it anyone and remained sad a lonely.
One day a boy and his sister were crossing the bridge and the troll asked him why they wanted to go to the other side. “Because everyone is so nice on the other side. We share things and live as one big family and enjoy the little things in life” said the boy. “You can come along too” said the girl. The troll felt so happy that he had been asked to join them. He was ready to see a better world, and quickly gave up his sad life to go live with them.
Ed the sprinkler head
Hey I am Ed the sprinkler head. You may not have noticed me, I but have known you since you were a little kid and have seen you grow. You have only paid attention to me in the scorching summer heat when I helped you cool down. But I have seen you return from school every day. I have been a guest at so many of your birthday parties in this garden, and I have seen you get taller and taller every day. I myself, have tried to grow taller too, but have always returned to my real size. I have seen your tears and joy when the mailman comes, and silently I have been a part of so many of your journeys.
What I am trying to say is that I will miss you when you grow old and move on with your life. I am Ed, and I am the unnoticed sprinkler head.
My busy CAunty C was always busier than a bee, but she always made time for me. She was always travelling here and there, but her wings were always full of love and care. She would always give the warmest hugs, and her eyes looked warm, big and round, almost like a bug.
Once you were in her embrace, you cannot escape her juicy kisses and tight squeezes. But that is the best thing about Aunty C, she has some love for you, and still some more for me.
The Little Boy Who Blew His NoseOnce there was a little boy who was always blowing his nose. His boogers would fly around almost everywhere. On his sleeves and in his hair, there was no spot which was rid of his boogey disasters. One day he blew his nose, and tilts his head, and his booger went into his milk.
It was almost as if there was no control, over the amount of snot in his nose. No matter what he did, it was always there, and all his friends could not help but always stare.
So he decided that he would wear shirt with long sleeves, so that he can wipe his nose, whenever need be. But his mum became cross, when his sleeves became so stiff, they couldn’t even be washed.
At last he got a handkerchief, and that is what he now uses, to keep his nose clean.
Dreams of Good Things
A wonderful mother to three children asked her kids what their secret little wishes were. She told them that maybe if they discussed their wishes, they could dream about them and work on turning them into reality little by little.
She advised her kids to dream all they can, but start small, because smaller dreams can be achieved quicker and they can build on them. Taking baby steps every day is the key, and while they dream at night, the day is to make plans to achieve those dreams.
She told her kids a story about a grouse who dream of building a house. He woke up and began to work on building it with one single straw. He could have kept going and going till it became a castle, but he was happy with his tiny little house, because it was the dream of one small grouse.
So, she told her children, that they too can achieve, whatever they want, just by working little by little every day and night.
What’s A Skip To Do?A little boy named skip loved to go cycling with his brother, but his brother had the flu and he decided that he would cycle across town to go visit him. Skip set out on his bike and as he excitedly cycled, he imagined to be riding a motorbike. The small, normal buildings around him were imagined as big skyscrapers and he was a lone rider, making his way past every obstacle, on a big, wide highway.
Skip loved it when his parents were around for cycling too, and his mom would referee their races, while their dad cheered them on. Oh the possibilities of imagination and the fun was endless when he was on wheels.
He reached his aunt’s house, where his brother was being taken care of. Rushing in Skip asked his brother if he wanted to go cycling with him. But his poor brother was all dizzy and groggy from the flu and he said no.
Now Skip had to cycle back, and as bummed as he was, the roads looked just like roads, and the buildings were back to plain and small and his motorbike had shrunk back to a bicycle.
Oh, what a Skip was to do without his cycling partner.
Poor Otis
Otis the dog was a scrappy little dog who never realized how dirty he was. He hated taking a bath and would always run to roll around in the trash for fun. His hair was all matted and all his friends were equally scrappy and little in number.
One day his owner gave him a bath, but as soon as the bathroom door opened, out he shot. He ran and he ran, out of the house and as far as he could. He did not know where he was going; all he knew was that he did not want a bath. And so Otis the scrappy little dog was gone.
Sambo was a cocka-poo puppy, who wagged his tail, which made him look funny.
He was short and stout, and would lay under the bed all day.
His fur was matted and his tiny paws were padded.
We miss him dearly since he left us,
But we are also glad we had him.
Little Sambo is not with us anymore,
And he probably has something better to do,
In the heavens above, no one will tell him to shoo.
The Pebble StoryOnce upon a time, a unfortunate merchant owed a huge amount of debt to a local governor. However, because he was unable to pay it back, he kept asking the governor to extend the deadline. But the governor refused this time and put forward a different request. He asked the merchant to marry his daughter to him and he would forgive his rent.
The merchant and his daughter were horrified at the request. So, the governor said that they should decide the matter by providence. He said that he would put a black and white stone in a bag and if the girl picked the black stone, she would have to marry, the governor and her father’s debts would be forgiven. If she picked the white stone, she would not have to marry and the debts would be forgiven regardless. And if she did not pick a stone, her father would go to jail.
So, the merchant bent down and picked up to pebbles from the ground, but the girl was quick to notice that he had picked two black pebbles. So, when the girl put her hand in the sack, she picked up a pebble but quickly dropped it to the ground. She told the governor to see which pebble was still in the sack and that would tell her the color of the lost pebble.
The governor did not want to admit his dishonesty and so it was implied the pebble she lost was white. The girl had turned a bad situation into her favor.
One day a hunter had laid out a massive trap for a tiger in the forest. Soon the tiger, who was passing by fell into the net and the hunter quickly locked him up into a cage.
The hunter put the cage on a roadside for people to witness the tiger. The tiger had previously killed many village people and innocent animals and children. Now people were being made to enjoy his misery as they saw him locked up.
The hunter did not feed the tiger for days. Day by day, the tiger grew desperate for food. He began to beg the hunter to give him something to eat. He promised the hunter that if would let him go, he would not harm anyone ever again.
One day a traveler was crossing the road when he saw the tiger. He felt bad seeing him in such a state, and when the tiger promised he would not harm anyone, he let him out.
But once the tiger was out, he did not care about his promise. He wanted to kill every human in his way.
A sly little fox was passing by and when he saw that the tiger was about to kill everyone he made a strategy. He said, “I do not believe such a big tiger could fit in such a tiny cage.”
The tiger said he would show the fox he was locked up there and went back inside the cage. As soon as he went in, the fox locked the cage and left with the tiger.
How To Make Bedtime Baby Stories More Interesting?
In order to make the story for baby in the womb, here are some of the important strategies.
Find The Best Stories:
You can find some of the best stories to read to babies in the womb. The stories must be short with some moral lessons in it. This will help you in keeping your and your baby’s attention intact.
Use Some Funny Tones:
Using some funny tones to make the story to read to baby in the womb interesting. It would not only be helpful in keeping our attention but would also encourage reading ability in your children.
Not Time Specific:
You can find the stories to read to baby in womb online any time. There is no restriction. By reading stories from 5 Minute Bedtime, you don’t have to be time-restricted. We are available for you every time.
FAQs For Short Story For Baby In Womb
Here are some of the questions that you have in bedtime stories for babies in the womb:
When should I start reading stories for my baby in the womb?
During 23 – 27 weeks of pregnancy, babies start developing their hearing skills, so you can start stories for babies in the womb by this time.
What are some of the benefits of the stories to read to baby in womb?
Your baby can develop the habit of reading when you are going to read the story for baby in the womb. Additionally, hearing sounds would also provide some exercise opportunity to your young baby.
What are some of the stories to read to babies in the womb?
Here are some of the best stories that you can read to your babies in the womb:
The crow and the pitcher Story
The duck and the buck Story
The fox and the goat Story
Belly Babies: Board Books to read to your unborn baby
by Karen G
Studies show the bond parents and child have later on can start prenatally. Use books with clear rhyme and rhythm patterns that provide a soothing and melodic listening experience.
Look for these book in the jBoard Book section.
Goodnight moon
Margaret Wise Brown
Board Books, Kids
A little bunny bids goodnight to all the objects in his room before falling asleep.
I like it when--
Mary Murphy
A lovable little penguin discusses and describes all the things he likes to do the most--from playing peekaboo to holding hands--in a new board book edition of the charming story.
Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?
Bill Martin
Children see a variety of animals, each one a different color, and a teacher looking at them.
I went walking
Sue Williams
jBOARD BOOK Williams
During the course of a walk, a young boy identifies animals of different colors.
Snuggle Puppy : a little love song
Sandra Boynton
Snuggle Puppy's parent expresses love for his fuzzy little one through a kind of song that includes kisses.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Caroline Church
An illustrated version of the popular children's song.
Baby talk
Stella Blackstone
jBOARD BOOK Blacksto
Babies and their loved ones talk to each other in all kinds of ways, including using their voices and using touch.
Baby dance
Ann Taylor
For babies who are responding to music and movement, here's a playful poem that has father and child dancing lovingly across the pages. Up and down, to and fro, coo and crow baby, there you go. Up to the ceiling, down to the ground, backward and forward, round and round ... All babies love to be lifted, twirled and held in loving arms. Now a rhythmic poem by nineteenth century poet Anne Taylor makes a delightful board book perfect for baby and parent to share. Marjorie van Heerden has captured the energy and joy of this playful text in vivid pastel illustrations full of the soft, gentle motion of dance.
Animal numbers
Thomas Flintham
jBOARD BOOK Flintham
Count the animals from one to ten!--
Waiting for baby
Rachel Fuller
"The arrival of a new sibling can be a confusing and frustrating time for a toddler. This book offers help to prepare them for the downfalls and delights of having a younger brother or sister."--Amazon. com.
Chicka chicka boom boom
Bill Martin
When all the letters of the alphabet race on another up the coconut tree, will there be enough room?
Pajama time!
Sandra Boynton
Animals celebrate pajamas of all colors and kinds.
Let's sing together!
Peter Yarrow
j782.42162 Yarrow
A collection of rollicking sing-along folk songs of land and sea, and hope and encouragement.
Conversation with the tummy. Fairy tales for children in the womb to read
Almost all future mothers mentally establish contact with his unborn child. They know when he sleeps and when he is awake, they feel whether he is animated or remains completely calm. This “listening inward” is an infinitely beautiful experience for many women. The child, in turn, responds to tender thoughts, affectionate treatment and games with joyful stirring.
Many, especially dads, are skeptical about such activities, they say, well, what can a bulging tummy understand? Actually, communication in the womb is extremely useful for both the baby and family members.
This is important!
Belly talk can be started from the first days of pregnancy, and is simply necessary from 14-16 weeks. Studies have shown that at this age, the baby turns its head towards the source of the sound, shudders and closes its face at sharp sounds. Communicate with the tummy and your baby will hear you!
But what benefit can talk with a baby bring? nine0004 in the tummy ?
- In a huge stream of sounds, a baby in the womb is able to distinguish familiar voices and distinguish intonations. So, during a quarrel between parents, a baby in the tummy can behave anxiously. The calm voice of the mother or soft singing, on the contrary, soothe.
- After childbirth, hearing familiar voices and sounds, familiar songs or music, it is easier for a baby to cope with postpartum stress and feel protected in a new big world. nine0026
- Between the expectant mother and the baby there is an exchange of not only substances, but also emotions. From time immemorial, people have noticed that an apple does not fall far from an apple tree. A calm mother, as a rule, gives birth to balanced and obedient children. If the mother was nervous and worried a lot during pregnancy, then the child is easily excitable and hyperactive. Quiet communication with the baby in the tummy and immersion in the atmosphere of love for him will help to move away from everyday problems.
- Dad's conversations with the tummy are useful not only for the baby, but also for the dad himself. This helps to get used to the role of the father, and in the future to quickly overcome postpartum depression, which is no less common in men than in women. nine0026
- There is an opinion that the ability to master speech and study foreign languages is laid in the prenatal period.
Babies in their tummies are already able to distinguish between the phonetics of speech, so you can start developing future Lomonosovs in the womb.
Receptions , which will help establish communication with the baby in the tummy :
- Movement language
Your tummy is growing and you are starting to feel your baby more clearly. Chat with him and learn to understand his "language" - movement language . The baby moves his arms and therefore there is a feeling of "butterflies" in the stomach, and pushes and bumps come from the fact that he is jerking his legs. Focus on these movements, try to figure out where the handle is, where the leg is. Play with your baby, because babies in the womb can respond to touch and strokes.
- Tummy play
Tummy play should not be too active and noisy. The touches are gentle, the voice is with gentle intonations. nine0005
Top with foot, top with another ( tap with fingers and on the stomach )
I'm already big ( stroke the belly with wide movements from top to bottom )!
And they walk by themselves ( fingers “walk” )
Legs straight to mom ( pat belly clockwise ).
Like this week
Two black grouse arrived ().
Pinch the skin ( lightly pinch the skin in a clockwise direction )
Like-pecked ( tap your fingers )
Sit and sit ( very light patting )
And flew back ( circular movements of the hand on the stomach clockwise ).
Will arrive at the end of the week
Our lovely black grouse ( strokes ).
We will wait for the grouse -
Let's give them crumbs to peck ( tap your fingers ).
- Threesome conversation nine0026
Join games and conversations dad. Sit on the floor with your husband. Have him lean back against the wall. And you settle down between his parted legs. Put your hands together on your stomach. Mentally concentrate on the child, send him tender words and feelings. And soon you will be able to “hear” it. It will press against your hands from the inside.
- Guide to HIS world
Many parents are interested in knowing how the baby feels in the tummy, whether everything is in order with him, how he rolls over, how his heart beats. For closer communication, scientists invented electronic stethoscope Graco. It is advisable to use them from the second trimester. Put a stethoscope on your stomach, put on headphones and listen to the mysterious life inside the tummy.
Experiment: talk, play with your baby and use a stethoscope to observe the reaction. Most likely, the baby will respond to your words. If desired, the sounds can be recorded and the first moments of communication with the baby can be remembered. This is such a marvel of technology. By the way, they write that it is absolutely safe, and you can listen to the whole family. nine0005
- Mind journey
Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and relax. Take a deep breath and listen to yourself. Place one hand on the pubic bone and the other on the sacrum. Your hands now cover the uterus, and therefore the child. Try to mentally see your body from the inside. Whatever you imagine, you are correct. Enjoy this moment and slowly come back from your "journey" .
- There is a contact!
There is an interesting method of communication , which will help you better understand your baby by establishing emotional contact with him.
Observe the baby's movements and note when they are most intense. This will be the contact time. Now choose a method of communication: stroking, patting, lightly tapping, at your discretion. First, you can say hello to the baby, and then sing a song or read a nursery rhyme. The main thing is that the "call sign" is always the same. nine0005
At the selected time, wait for the movements and start the tactile-voice effect. Repeat several times with short breaks. Communicate with the baby in this way for about 10-20 minutes daily. After several sessions, you will notice feedback - the baby will push to the place where you are currently stroking the stomach. After some time, when the child begins to regularly respond to your actions, you can set another moment for communication sessions, possibly already with dad.
- Music lessons
Scientists have proven that listening to high-quality music (classical, folk) during pregnancy strengthens the child's neurons, promotes better brain development. Prenatal music lessons develop learning ability and ear for music.
The main thing is that the expectant mother likes music and evokes positive emotions in her, then the child will also feel positive. Having become accustomed to a certain genre of music in utero, having been born, the baby will certainly share his mother's preferences. Familiar melodies will delight and soothe. It is important not to play the music too loudly, as a harsh sound can frighten the baby. nine0005
- Lullabies, fairy tales, poetry
Read to the stomach fairy tales, poems or hum lullabies .
Each piece of literature has its own rhythm and melody. These properties of fairy tales and poems have a beneficial effect on the formation of a child's speech in the womb. The child hears and absorbs, and after birth, he recognizes the familiar rhythms and melodies of fairy tales that he heard while still in his tummy.
Reading to a child during pregnancy, you will not only be able to learn how to soothe the baby with the help of the melodious text of fairy tales, but also sow a love of listening in the baby, which will undoubtedly serve you well in the future. nine0005
Lullabies are unbeatable among children's songs. Lullabies do not require vocals. The main thing is that you like the song, and you sang it with love for your baby.
Before going to bed or in moments of solitude, sit back, put your hand on your stomach and hum softly. Soon you will feel that the baby calms down from your singing and responds to it with gentle movements.
Listening to poems, fairy tales and lullabies gives excellent prerequisites for the formation of speech and hearing. This is a kind of linguistics lesson for your favorite bully. nine0005
So talking to the tummy - continuous benefit for all family members. Emotional contact and warm communication with the mother in the womb contribute to the harmonious development of the child, as well as early intrauterine education. In a pregnant woman, talking with her beloved baby smooths out feelings of fatigue, fear and anxiety. For both mom and dad, threesome communication helps to better understand their new roles and mentally prepare for the birth of the long-awaited baby.
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And what is it, the development of an unborn child? Maybe he needs to read smart books, philosophical treatises aloud and loudly, talk to him in foreign languages and voice the laws of physics? In fact, everything is not at all as complicated and tricky as it might seem if you don’t know the question.
First of all, the intrauterine development of the baby depends on the condition of his mother. But this condition is associated not only with the regime of the day, and. An equally important role in the development of the unborn baby is played by the moral state of the mother during pregnancy. nine0005
I don't think it's a secret for anyone that all the expectant mothers are passed on to her baby through the release of certain hormones into the blood. And what kind of hormones these will be depends on the woman herself, first of all.
What exactly has a positive effect on the intrauterine upbringing and development of the child?
Actually, any activity that brings pleasure to the future mother, a feeling of joy that arouses her interest, has the best effect on the psycho-emotional health of both the mother herself and the baby. And classes can be different: drawing, clay modeling, singing, dancing, needlework, writing, cooking ... You can list for a long time. nine0005
Of course, the endorphins you get from Pilates, yoga, water aerobics and walking should not be discounted either. But why limit yourself to just that? The entire period of pregnancy can be filled with bright sensations, smiles and pleasure in much larger quantities and variants. It is only important to accustom yourself to notice any pleasant little thing and enjoy it. And even better if you learn not only to single-handedly enjoy the positive moments, but also to share them with the people around you. Thus, a good mood will come from you and return in response. nine0005
You can enjoy absolutely everything, from morning tea with mint or milk and a soft sweater, to an exchange of pleasantries with a neighbor or watching a good movie. Every moment of even a slight release of the hormone of happiness will only benefit. Throw aside the sad thoughts and negative attitude, just imagine that you collected them in one box and threw them away at once. Do not allow yourself to plunge into emotional bad weather, let it be better expressed in the rain outside the window, after which the sun will surely appear. nine0005
Methods of intrauterine development of a child
1. Color therapy
Perhaps, once in a position, some of the expectant mothers noticed that they began to like those colors that previously did not arouse special affection for themselves, they wanted to surround themselves with something brighter , saturated, a variety of some shades. And this is good. The positive effect of color therapy on the mother's sense of self, which is transmitted to the baby in the tummy, has already been proven.
Even ordinary people are advised to surround themselves with orange when feeling down and to fight depression. The influence of green and blue is considered calming, pacifying. In general, if you understand that any of the colors or shades has become very pleasing to the eye and its presence in the wardrobe or household items causes positive emotions, just enjoy it. nine0005
Painting and just drawing can also be associated with color therapy by the nature of the influence. In the process of working with paints, you can play with colors, create different shades by mixing, and also express what you want with the help of a palette, be it a landscape, portrait or still life. Or maybe you like to convey all the versatility of the sea in its different states? Dare!
2. Playing music and listening to music
The music you listen to while carrying a baby is very important. No one limits the choice of styles, and it is clear that someone likes rock, someone likes club trends, and someone prefers jazz or alternative music. There are many styles and they are all different. Everyone is free to listen to what he likes. But if we talk about what kind of music has a positive effect on the so-called intrauterine upbringing of a child, then here it is worth considering certain nuances. nine0005
First of all, we all know that a person is 80% water, and a water molecule can vibrate. This vibration can be either positive or negative.
I remember once watching a program in which scientists studied the structure of snowflakes created artificially from water when exposed to sounds of different frequencies. When sounding some, snowflakes turned out to be symmetrical, openwork, and when sounding others, they came out in a chaotic shape.
Sounds and music in particular have the same effect on us and the baby still in the tummy. Let not in full measure, but the baby hears what sounds from the outside. Classical music, for example, has a positive effect on children, it can either soothe, pacify them, or arouse interest and a desire to show their reaction in the form of light jolts. Loud music, accompanied by sharp sounds, screams and a fast pace, makes babies nervous, causes hyperactivity, and can even be a cause of stress. nine0005
There is an opinion that if in the third trimester one and the same soothing music is played before going to bed, then after the birth the baby will fall asleep faster after hearing such a familiar melody. And also, the music with which you will acquaint your unborn baby with will serve as a means of developing his taste, so you should pay special attention to the musical selection chosen for this purpose.
3. Education by voice
Your child is growing and slowly developing within you. An important factor in its development and development of a reaction, the ability to recognize, will be the voices of mom and dad. Of course, you need to talk with the baby, accompanying it with strokes or light pushes in anticipation of his response. Just do not resort to such contact too often. The baby can sweetly nap at the moment when you want to chat with him. Wait for the moment when light movements inside become noticeable. Gradually, he will begin to recognize the intonations and pitch of his mother's voice, and then his father's. nine0005
It should be noted that the participation of the father in this format of communication with the child is no less important than the contact with the mother. When a child is born, he should be equally calm and comfortable in the arms of both parents. This will make it possible to change each other in caring for the baby if one of the parents gets tired and needs to rest. You have probably seen children who calm down only in the arms of their mother. So, there is nothing good in this. Yes, and dads begin to feel tense and confused, not knowing how to find an approach to their own child. Therefore, it is necessary to work on establishing contact between the little one and his parents in advance, without delaying the moment before his birth. nine0005
4. Love for a child from the moment of conception
I would like to pay special attention to the desirability of the future baby. At what, of course, it is better if both mom and dad are equally happy for him in advance. Children who were desired by both their parents develop better, are less prone to stress, they feel needed, loved, protected, which contributes to openness to new beginnings, greater self-confidence.
Yes, it happens that, for one reason or another, a woman is forced to prepare for the birth of a child without the participation of his father. But even in such a situation, you need to try to set yourself up in a positive way and give your child all the love, affection and attention that you are capable of. nine0005
And all these feelings should be addressed to the baby from the first moment, as soon as it became clear that he was conceived. These maternal emotions should be manifested throughout the entire period of pregnancy, so that when born, the little one feels surrounded by love and care.
5. Physical and spiritual development of the expectant mother
The most important thing in the process of laying beauty in your future baby is the presence of this beauty around you and directly in yourself. The more beautiful, interesting, developing taste and intelligence surrounds you, the better it will affect the psycho-emotional development of your child. nine0005
So, go to galleries, classical and chamber music concerts, sing, read good books with meaning, watch interesting films and educational programs, dance and draw, cook delicious and beautiful meals, try to look good and take care of yourself.
All this and much more will instill positive qualities in the child both before birth and after it is born. He will see a beautiful mother and beautiful objects, smell pleasant smells, hear competent speech, accompanied by a calm, balanced intonation, continue to get acquainted with good music, as well as everything new and interesting. nine0005
Influence of hormones on the state of the body of a pregnant woman and on the development of the fetus
As soon as a new life is born in the female body, great changes begin that are caused by bursts of those same hormones and their effect on the body, well-being and mood of a woman. This cannot be avoided, but you can try to minimize unpleasant phenomena as much as possible.
If you are an impressionable person and cannot ignore unkind words or criticism addressed to you, then try to protect yourself from negative emotions at least for the period of bearing and feeding the baby. It is very important. As being still inside you, with blood, and having been born, with breast milk, the baby will receive and carry through all your frustrations and sorrows. nine0005
Naturally, this will not pass by and will affect his development. Children of stressed mothers are restless, sleep poorly, are easily excitable, concentrate their attention and perceive information worse. They are prone to mood swings, a tendency to aggression and problems in social adaptation can also be traced.
On the other hand, all the positive emotions you receive will certainly have a good effect on the psycho-emotional development of the unborn child.
Have a productive pregnancy! Develop with your baby and enjoy it! nine0005
As I wrote earlier, fairy tale therapy exists and is used not only for children, but also for adults. I want to bring to your attention a fairy tale for pregnant women. Once I read it on the Day of Pregnancy at the Mom's Club, and today I will share it with everyone.
About a little ball...
Once upon a time there was a small fluffy ball. He was very small, warm and surprisingly pretty. He lived in a cozy, warm little burrow, where he was comfortable and calm. He woke up, ate, played, tumbled, fell asleep again and woke up again. nine0005
Sometimes the lump would just lie in its hole and listen to the sounds coming from outside. These sounds were familiar and pleasant. They fascinated the Kid and were so dear.
He heard the sound of water, the flow and murmur of streams, the rhythmic tapping. And sometimes from afar he heard a barely audible gentle voice, similar to the ringing of a silver bell.
But as time went on, the lump grew up and it was already getting a bit crowded in its cozy mink, it could no longer tumble as freely as before. nine0005
Now, in addition to familiar, native sounds, new, unfamiliar ones began to penetrate into the mink. They were strange, wonderful and extraordinarily diverse. Some sounds were especially pleasant. And the lump listened to them for a long time, holding its breath.
But there were also not very pleasant sounds, and then the lump tossed and turned, trying to plug its ears, or knocked on the walls of its mink, wanting to stop these sounds. But as soon as he knocked, he heard that gentle pleasant voice again. Now it sounded louder and clearer. And the lump immediately calmed down. nine0005
Some time passed, the lump became quite large, and, of course, it no longer fit in its small hole.
Now every day he heard a wide variety of sounds coming from outside. He's used to a lot. And it became very interesting to him, what is there, behind the walls of his mink? He really wanted to see the one who had such a wonderful silver voice.
But as soon as the little one approached the door of his burrow, he became frightened and did not dare to go out. nine0005
And one fine day a good fairy appeared to the baby. She took his hand and said:
Have you grown up and want to get out of your hole? I can guide you. You feel that the path ahead is not easy. But I will always be with you and help you. The world you enter will not be as cozy and calm as your mink. It is large, filled with different sounds, colors, smells, tastes and sensations. And when you grow up, you will have friends. You will learn everything you want and see a lot of amazing things! . . Well, are you ready? nine0005
The lump's heart began to pound, he firmly grasped the Fairy's warm hand, opened the door of the mink, and, inhaling more air, took a step outside...
He was received by a vast and beautiful world, and wonderful trills of the silver voice-bell filled him with joy. The baby felt loved and desired...
Irina Dedele, psychologist
Pregnancy is not only an expectation of a miracle, but also a time of preparation. First of all - yourself to a new status, and also the baby - to a new life. Already in the stomach, you can begin to grow a future music lover, gourmet and even a linguist, and you can start already from the second trimester, by which time the toxicosis will be released, and an interesting situation will begin to bring joy. We tell you how. nine0005
1. Forming a daily routine
From the very early stages of pregnancy, the future baby can be accustomed to a certain daily routine. Do it better in a musical form.
Develop with your baby your own system of sounds that will be signals for certain actions. For example, in this way you can "program" the awakening. Every morning at the same time (optimally at 7 am), sing a certain welcome song to your child. The simplest text can be invented by yourself or found on the Internet. Over time, the baby will begin to recognize familiar sounds and respond to the beginning of a new day. And in the evening - a lullaby, a signal that communication is over for today. nine0005
Throughout the day, we form a food culture in the same way: before each snack, we perform a separate “gastronomic” composition. The baby will remember these sounds and will know that food will come to him now. All these songs will come in handy after birth, they will help the baby “remember” the intrauterine routine and quickly establish a feeding and sleeping regime already in the big world.
2. Developing hearing
At 12 weeks old, babies hear perfectly, and if they are disturbed by sharp sounds from outside, they instinctively close their ears with their hands. The most important and pleasant sound for the baby is the voice of his mother. After all, only he passes through the amniotic fluid, and the voices of everyone else through the air. Therefore, you need to constantly talk with the child. Only the mother's voice has a unique rhythm and soothing modulations for the baby. nine0005
Children with whom they talk a lot, learn speech themselves faster, and their development often outstrips the development of their peers
3. Join the choir
The importance of singing for pregnant women can hardly be overestimated. This is the surest way to work with breathing and voice, which will help during childbirth. And for the baby, this is both a diaphragm massage and therapeutic gymnastics, which gives rhythmic breathing. And there is nothing to talk about acoustics, because with the right, “wide” singing, the sounds, vibrating, pass through the spine. You can enhance the effect with tactile accompaniment, stroking and tapping your stomach to the beat of the music. You can do vocals on your own, and even better in a group consisting of other expectant mothers. nine0005
4. Develop musical taste
The child can react to music with active movements. One Californian obstetrician for certain recorded the fact that during an ultrasound scan, a baby at the 33rd week "danced" to Beethoven's fifth symphony. Therefore, the tummy needs to turn on the music. But not every tune will be useful.
Doctors recommend opting for the classics and conducting music therapy for no longer than one hour. Music should be pleasant and calm, because the psychological state of the unborn child, his healthy sleep and well-being in general depend on the correct choice of audio recordings. nine0005
Rhythms also affect the behavior of a child in the womb: breathing quickens, muscle tone changes.
5. Learning to communicate
A woman can interact with a baby not only through her voice. Already at the sixth month of its development, the baby begins to touch and respond to touch. Stroking, tapping and patting develops communication skills in the crumbs.
Each of his movements must be answered - repeat the movements of the baby in the same place and with the same force. Or you can invite the baby to a “conversation”: if you gently stroke your tummy and talk to him affectionately, then he will surely answer the same. nine0005
6. Playing
In fact, your tummy is a big cradle for your baby, and there are so many possibilities. For example, we circle-circle and stop abruptly. Let's add a playful intonation to what is happening, and the little man inside you will laugh. He will understand that his mother is playing with him. Songs also acquire a new, exciting character, if you sway to the beat. Therefore, it is better to sing while standing.
7. Learning the first words
It may seem incredible, but an unborn child can remember some words. The fact is that sounds touch nerve cells and are fixed in the hemispheres of the brain, and then the child can use them in his future life. nine0005
You can even instill a predisposition to foreign languages in your baby.
Of course, the baby will not understand the meaning of the spoken words, but the sound impulses will leave a trace in the baby's memory. There is an observation that children who hear foreign speech from a very early age learn foreign languages more easily at school or kindergarten.
8. Raising a Gourmet
At the 18th week, the child has already developed a swallowing reflex and begins to taste the amniotic fluid. It's time to develop taste habits. Together with the amniotic fluid, and then with breast milk, the mother passes on to the baby a certain gastronomic code, which in the future will determine the tastes of the child. For example, if a pregnant woman abuses sweets, then her child will then have to seriously resist cravings for harmful foods. nine0005
Even in the womb, you can discover new tastes, expand and enrich your baby's food preferences. It is better to eat healthy and tasty food: a variety of vegetables and fruits, dairy products, drink natural juices. Then all this will more smoothly and naturally become the basis of the children's diet. The wider it is, the easier it will be to introduce a new product.
9. Sending rays of goodness
Every second of being in the mother's belly, the baby gets new impressions. It is they who form him as a person, leaving an indelible imprint on his entire subsequent life. For the development of an unborn baby, mother's peace of mind is important, because now they have the same emotions for two. Therefore, the expectant mother should forget about irritants: unpleasant people and deeds. nine0005
Only rainbows, pink unicorns and positivity!
When a mother smiles, her joy, calmness and confidence are transmitted to the little man inside. And he knows that they are waiting for him and everything is fine.
10. Attract dads
If a man lisps and plays with his tummy, then he has already become a dad. With the advent of the crumbs, the head of the family will become even more important, so it is very important to establish contact with the baby even before birth. Moreover, dads can do what moms can’t. For example, kiss a tiny hand or foot through the tummy and listen to how the baby lives there. nine0005
But you need to speak with the heir exaggeratedly loudly and clearly, as men also know how. After all, the audibility of the crumbs is not the best: as if you put your head in a bucket and try to talk like that.
Now more and more people are talking not only about prenatal (ie, “prenatal”, so to speak) diagnostics, but also about prenatal psychology and even about prenatal pedagogy. Skeptics shrug their shoulders, enthusiasts argue that it is necessary to start raising a child almost before conception. Who is right? nine0005
Let's try to think logically. Is it correct to consider the moment of birth as the starting point of life? It is clear that no. A newly born child has all five human senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste - this is a proven fact (and no one, in fact, seriously questions it - even the most inveterate skeptics). It is hard to imagine that all this "fell" on him at once - at the moment of birth. It is known that a child born much earlier than he is "supposed" reacts to sounds and bright light. What does this indicate? At least that the hearing aid of a premature baby is already basically formed. In this case, do we have grounds to assert that the child does not see or hear before birth? nine0005
How do we know?
Is it possible to reliably know what a child feels and reacts to while in the womb? To a certain extent, yes. Sensory perception cannot but be reflected in the physical state of the organism. We know for ourselves: strong excitement makes the heart beat faster; hearing a sharp loud sound, we instinctively startle, etc. By the way, it is on this inseparable connection between the psyche and physiology that the principle of operation of the notorious “lie detector”, invented at the beginning of the 20th century, is based. In the first modifications of this device, the galvanic skin response of a person was measured, now - a whole range of indicators, and first of all - an electroencephalogram. Of course, "liars" have long since learned to consciously deceive an ingenious machine, but the point is not this, but the fact that modern science has a very impressive arsenal of tools that allow one to fix his feelings by changes in a person's physiological parameters and even (within very limited limits, of course) his thoughts. nine0005
What do we know?
So, what is reliably known to modern science about the psycho-intellectual intrauterine development of a child? Not too much, but not too little either.
Taste and smell. By the 13th - 15th week, the taste buds of the fetus are practically no different from the taste buds of an adult. By the way, the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus may have a distinct smell and taste of strong-smelling foods and spices eaten by the mother - curry, cumin, garlic, onion, etc. (This has been known since antiquity). There is no evidence that a baby in the womb can distinguish between these foods by taste and smell, but it is known that a premature baby born at 34 weeks immediately after birth is much more likely to suck on a sweetish nipple than a tasteless one (more precisely, with rubbery aftertaste), that is, it is able to distinguish one taste from another and even has its own taste preferences. So it is possible that, say, Uzbek children from birth “love” pilaf, while Russian children love cabbage soup and porridge…
Vision. Least of all is known to scientists about the intrauterine vision of a child. One thing can be said with complete certainty: at the moment of birth, the child best focuses his eyes on objects that are 20-30 cm away from him (at this distance from the eyes of the child is the mother's face during breastfeeding).
Rumor. If it is quite difficult to judge the development of the olfactory-gustatory and visual sensations of the fetus, then it is absolutely certain that the child hears in the womb! nine0004 During most of the prenatal period, the baby's hearing seems to dominate over the other four senses.
Studies conducted about 10 years ago in Belfast showed that about the "reactive" - i.e. causing a reaction - auditory perception can be spoken already 16 weeks after conception (it was previously believed that only at the end of the second trimester)! Such results amazed scientists: after all, this means that the child begins to hear even before he . .. ends the formation of ears and hearing aid! This paradox is explained as follows: in the process of auditory perception at this stage, not only the immature auditory apparatus of the fetus takes part, but also its skin (organ touch , integrating vibration, thermo and pain impulses), and possibly even bones. (In the fetus and in the newborn child, feelings are generally almost impossible to separate one from the other - scientists call this phenomenon "synesthesia".) A full-fledged hearing aid is formed in a child approximately by the 24-25th week of intrauterine development!
Who can hear better?
Paradoxically, in a sense, an unborn baby can do more than you and I: he hears us, but we do not. Of course, with the help of ingenious laboratory devices, you can not only hear, but also see the baby, but future parents do not have to move to the office of an obstetrician-gynecologist! nine0005
The BabySound device was invented for parents who want to start communicating with their baby before they are born. . Compact and convenient, it is arranged on the principle of an electronic stethoscope and is absolutely harmless for both mother and child.
Put the device on your stomach, put on the headphones and you will hear the most amazing sounds in the world - your baby's heartbeat! What else can be heard? How he tosses and turns, kicks (children are children!) and even ... hiccups (yes, from about the 10th week he often does this)! You, if you want, can thoroughly study the “daily routine” of your crumbs: when he sleeps (and he sleeps a lot - 9 percent0 all the time) - when awake, when cheerful - when thoughtful. You will find out if he is funny when you laugh (by the way, ultrasound shows that when mom laughs, the child often begins to actively move, identifying with her fun as much as possible), and whether he is sad if you feel bad (according to research when a mother is stressed, the fetus's heart rate increases, so it's better to switch from momentary trouble to thoughts about the child - you will hear how he gradually calms down). And you can also record everything that you heard on a cassette and later, after the birth of the baby, finally check whether it is true that “intrauterine” sounds soothe a sobbing baby, setting it up in a thoughtful nostalgic way. nine0005
Talk to me, mother…
Skeptics can snort and shrug their shoulders as much as they like, but we will take the liberty of asserting that even in the womb a child is capable of learning! True, the terminology should be clarified: you will not teach him his native speech, even if you talk to him from morning to night. Speaking of the ability to learn, we mean the level of formation of reflexes - but this, you see, is a lot! For example, in response to a sharp loud sound, the baby shudders, and his heart begins to beat much faster (fear?), But if this sound is repeated with sufficient regularity, the child “gets used” to it and stops responding. Calming effect on the baby and the sound of the mother's voice. Moreover, it has been proven (again on the basis of recorded changes in physiological parameters) that immediately after birth, the baby recognizes the mother's voice! What does it mean? This means that during the long months spent in the womb, the baby managed to get used to these sounds and - let's not be afraid of this word - fall in love with them! nine0005
True, you should not think that the fetus in the womb hears the same thing that we hear with you, and just like we hear with you! Modern technology allows you to "report" . .. directly from the uterus. American scientists introduced a miniature hydrophone into the uterine cavity of a pregnant woman and immediately realized that the mother's womb is by no means the quietest place in the world! What the baby does not hear: blood flow in the mother's vessels, gurgling and grumbling coming from the mother's stomach and intestines, the sound of her voice passed through the "filter" of numerous obstacles, the voices of other people coming from outside and muffled by a solid "soundproofing": amniotic fluid , fetal membranes and maternal peritoneum ... Carry out a simple experiment: while taking a bath, immerse yourself in water with your head. Isn't it true that the sound of water filling the bathtub is now heard in a completely different way, and other voices and sounds are heard as if from another world? Here is a weak imitation of what your child hears. With the help of BabySound, you can bring your voice closer to the natural sound for him (who knows, maybe it will be easier for him to recognize the voices of his parents after leaving the womb?).
Just do not scare the baby: as we have already said, children in the womb are afraid of sharp and loud sounds! You can read a fairy tale to him in a quiet and gentle voice. No, no, we are not going to claim that he will understand anything, but he will probably remember its sound. Not so long ago, American professor of psychology Anthony De Kasper suggested that a pregnant woman read a fairy tale to her baby every day in the last months of her pregnancy. The expectant mother chose Puss in Boots. In the first days after birth, the mother, while breastfeeding the child, read to him various fairy tales “to choose from”. The baby began to suck noticeably more actively when he heard the "favorite" "Puss in Boots." You can let your son or daughter listen to soft, melodic music (something like Brahms' Lullaby). Not everyone agrees that the music heard in the womb affects the further development of the child, but there is no doubt that a quiet, calm melody has a beneficial effect on the condition of the fetus.
Fairy tales during pregnancy for the baby
Structure of the article
Conversation with the "tummy" strengthens the future understanding between the child and parents
Telling your child about what happened today, about your day, you will instill in him confidence and peace of mind. Such communication helps the formation of the brain and the rudiments of cognitive functions. As for reading books, it instills a desire to learn in the future. When you communicate through music, you instill in your child a sense of beauty in utero. If you often sing or listen to music from the outside, the child's musical ear develops well. nine0005
The child recognizes the voices of those whom he heard more often during his life “in the tummy”
When not only the mother, but also other close people talk to the child, the child begins to react to their voices earlier, calms down faster. Conversations not only help the development of children, but also have a positive effect on the physiological state of the pregnant woman. You establish an emotional connection with each other. Feel each other's desires. When an affectionate name or some code word sounds from the lips of a pregnant mother, the child reacts tactilely in utero: pushes, moves, spins. And after birth, these words soothe him. nine0005
Communication with a child improves the course of pregnancy
Communication with a child does not require preparation, just listen to your intuition. Involve your husband, the father of the baby, in such a wonderful cause. Studies have been conducted on how the baby responds to examinations during pregnancy. Scientists noted an interesting point: the children with whom their mothers spoke before the ultrasound lay very calmly, could suck their fingers or hold their hands in their fists, but the children with whom their mothers did not speak were restless, wanted to hide, and closed. CONCLUSIONS are that uncertainty and stress affect the child even before his birth, so it is important for him to voice all that a woman experiences during pregnancy. nine0005
Good news improves a child's mood
Communication with a child is important when no one interferes, when you feel relaxed and not embarrassed. Many choose the time before bedtime, when you can calmly lie down, there is a spouse nearby, who can also be actively included in communication.
When should I start communicating with my child?
“Mom and dad came to the wise man, who had a baby and who was only 5 days old. The parents of the newborn asked the sage a question: “Tell me, please, when should we start raising our child?” nine0477
To which the sage replied: you are exactly nine months and five days late.”
You should start talking to your baby as soon as you know you are pregnant. And very often it happens that it has not yet been confirmed, and you already feel that a new life is born inside you, you feel a small heart in your heart. When you talk together, look at nature, beautiful things, your hearts communicate, and at this moment there is that connection that we call blood, with which you will always understand your child without words! nine0005
Ways of communicating with the unborn child
1. Physical contact
- Establishing a connection with the intrauterine baby through touching the mother's abdominal wall, stroking the tummy.
- Such communication will help you establish an emotional connection with the child during pregnancy and teach you to understand the state of the child by his movements. In addition, communication with a child before birth helps to reduce a pregnant woman's feelings of fatigue, anxiety and fear, as well as conscious childbirth and easy child rearing. nine0026
- Children who feel contact with their mother during fetal development are born calmer, cry less and worry at night.
In further development, the child adapts better at school, is not afraid of new situations, does not conflict with others and easily joins the team. In a word, they are more social in society and successful in life.
2. Music
- Currently, scientists have proven that listening to quality structured music by a mother during pregnancy strengthens the child's neurons, promotes the formation of a close functional connection between the cerebral hemispheres.
As a result, children have a greater ability to learn, to master reading, foreign languages. They have a very finely developed ear for music. nine0026
- The best thing that mom should listen to during this period is Mozart, Vivaldi, Liszt.
3. Tips for parents: “How to talk to a future child?”
- Scientists have proven that the baby's hearing develops very early: the child hears and understands everything while still in the womb, so talking to him is not only possible, but also necessary. This stimulates its development.
- The future child needs to be told about how mom and dad love him, about how impatiently they are waiting for the birth of their long-awaited little one. The kid should talk about how wonderful, kind, smart, talented he is. Conversations with the child in the womb should be very tender and sincere. nine0026
- For daily communication with your child, choose free time, for example, every time before going to bed.
If you talk to the baby at the same time, each time he will look forward to this moment when he will again hear his mother's native voice. The child will get used to your voice and recognize it. This practice also helps to better feel like a future mother, strengthen bonds, feel your body, your child in it.
I also comment on everything I do. but I say that it is not I who do it, but WE. and already so used to it. I sing songs, in general, it will not turn out that I lisp with him, but simply tell how we live. what we buy him. how we are waiting for it. nine0238 The husband also talks to him every evening. hello. asks how he got on all day. until the folder saw us. how I behaved. Did you feed on time? well, everything like that :-)
by the way, when the husband starts talking to the little one. he starts pushing.
has not yet been named. that's why we call him Ponytail :-)
oh girls, everything is soooo cool. I’m ready from today to learn how to talk with my tummy))) only we don’t have it yet. too early. everything is so cool))
I also have a favorite singer)
Being in the mother's womb, the child is an equal participant in the events in which the mother is involved. In nine months, he not only becomes attached to his parents, but also builds relationships with them. Of course, provided that the mother herself makes contact with the baby.
In Yaroslavl, perinatal psychologist Natalia Mitrushina helps parents to teach mind-reason “big tummies” to parents. She graduated from Demidov University with a degree in psychology and received additional internships in perinatal psychology in St. Petersburg and Moscow. This branch of science studies the relationship between parents and their child during the period of feeding, birth and gestation. For three years now, Natalia has been showing moms and dads how to talk to unborn children, and is very offended when a mother calls her unborn baby a “fetus” or, even worse, an “embryo”. nine0005
In general, science paid attention to such communication only recently, literally ten or twenty years ago. However, one should not think that women of previous centuries did not think about their connection with the child. In India, for example, mothers were encouraged to meditate, sing and draw.
Russian women are also not born with a bast - their faith in signs and various slander was unshakable. So, in pre-revolutionary Russia there was a set of rules and signs regulating the behavior of a pregnant woman. The midwife played a special role - she passed on her knowledge and skills, thereby helping to endure and give birth to a healthy child. nine0005
But the miraculous technology and medicines that appeared soon overshadowed perinatal education, giving way to guidance for childbirth. This is how the responsibility was transferred from the expectant mother and her family to the medical institution.
Since then, parents have stopped thinking about communicating with their baby. Then what kind of normal human communication can be expected later, when the child grows up?
Now scientists believe that this is what led to the appearance of abandoned children, a large number of caesarean sections and problems within families. nine0005
In May of this year, Natalia went to St. Petersburg for a congress where specialists from various fields discussed issues, in particular, those related to the role of the whole family in preparing for the birth of a baby. She says that scientists all over the world agree that life after birth is only a continuation of intrauterine life. Judge for yourself: already at five or six weeks the central nervous system is formed, at 9-10 the child begins to distinguish taste, during the same period he actively moves his arms, somersaults in his “house”. He can even remember the offender of his mother: it is noticed that the child remembers the voice that causes tears or resentment in the mother. Subsequently, after hearing similar sounds, the baby may burst into tears. nine0005
The fetus first develops the sense of touch. The child may even feel "tactile hunger" from lack of communication with him. Mom should talk to the baby, pat on the tummy and determine the answer by his pushes. While in the womb, the child hears the songs that his mother sings to him. It has been proven that children whose mothers sang during pregnancy are balanced, easier to learn, more capable of foreign languages, more diligent. Natalya recommends that parents listen to classical music, leaving hard rock for later, even with their mother's special love for it. Although, of course, the main thing is that you like the music. It is very important not to stun the child and not cause aggression in him. nine0005
It is generally accepted that a pregnant woman should surround herself and her child with pleasant and beautiful things. The store shelves are full of CDs with collections of relaxing music for pregnant women and aids for developing an ear for music in the womb. Let's consider together why it is so important to listen to music during pregnancy, and which songs will bring the greatest benefit to mom and her baby.
Influence of music on pregnancy
Medical researches of the last decades have proved that children in the womb can hear and remember the melodies that their mother listens to. For example, if you often sing a lullaby while still pregnant, then after the birth of the baby, the same lullaby will help him calm down much faster than any other, even the most correctly chosen melody. This fact of intrauterine memory seems surprising, but it is confirmed by the research of the largest scientists from Finland, Germany and the USA. That is why it is important to make a playlist in advance and think about what music you can listen to during pregnancy. nine0005
In addition, it is mother's singing along with the sounds of mother's voice that stimulate the same areas of the child's brain that are responsible for speech. Thus, the more a mother sings for her baby while he is still in her belly, the sooner he will be able to master the language when he is born.
However, music has a beneficial effect not only on the baby, but also on the pregnant woman herself. Women who regularly listen to soothing compositions and lullabies are much less nervous, do not suffer from depression and causeless anxiety. They also stabilize the level of the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for the stress response. It's no secret that pregnant women often worry about trifles and cannot calm down for a long time - such behavior, among other things, is associated with too high levels of cortisol. nine0005
Meanwhile, not all music will benefit a pregnant woman and her baby. Music that is too loud or has an unusual range of sounds can, on the contrary, cause a lot of stress in the baby and lead to nervousness and anxiety in the mother.
What kind of music is good to listen to during pregnancy?
Doctors recommend three main groups of compositions for listening during pregnancy.
- Calm classical music - among the creative heritage of such composers as Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy, Strauss and others, one can find a significant number of lyrical calm or cheerful melodies. In addition to a calming and relaxing effect, such compositions develop an ear for music and a sense of beauty.
- Folk or author's lullabies are the most popular group of compositions for listening to among pregnant women. The special rhythm and repetition of lullabies acts directly on brain waves, relieving excessive anxiety and fussiness. In addition, there are so many songs that everyone can choose a lullaby to their liking! nine0026
- Sounds of nature or folk songs - the voices of birds, the murmur of water, folk songs, everything that awakens a deep connection with the earth and the world around. It is generally believed that sound combinations and singing from one's own folk tradition bring the greatest benefit.
In addition to choosing the right music, it is also important to follow some recommendations that will enhance the healing effect of music on the body of the expectant mother.
How to listen to music during pregnancy:
- Expectant mothers often ask the question - is it possible to listen to music with headphones during pregnancy? Scientists believe that using headphones is not the best option, since the greatest benefit is achieved precisely when sounds penetrate at a distance.
- Do not listen to music too loud during pregnancy, especially if it contains a lot of low sounds.
- Sing along as much as you can, or if you don't know the words, just purr along with the melody. This will allow your baby to better remember and understand what he hears. nine0026
I want to bring to your attention a fairy tale for pregnant women. Once I read it at the Day of Pregnancy in the Mom's Club, and I was pregnant twice, I didn’t read fairy tales, but I talked with my kids.
and started calling for help. Sparrows flew in and ate the balls with their sharp beaks, one after the other. So gradually the elephant nok sank to the ground. Nine months of pregnancy is one of the most exciting periods in a woman's life. You will find out, but I talked with my kids all the time. I don’t know how they are, of course, even if you have already become a mother. Here you will find tips on raising a baby and caring for him. Enjoy reading! nine0005
Popular for the month. And what extraordinary tales our patients write while waiting for their baby!
Today I am very happy. And now I'll tell you why. 6 months ago, a completely exhausted and depressed woman came to me, dear pregnant women. ANT'S SHIP. An ant lived in the world All day long he walked and looked for something. I want to bring to your attention a fairy tale for pregnant women, rhythmic tapping. And sometimes, from afar, a barely audible gentle voice reached him, like us in childhood, to get a lot of emotions and you can also get education or even an adjustment in behavior. To apply this direction, I will present several types of fairy tales for correcting behavior. So:
1. The child does not want to fall asleep. The kid was scared, you will like them too, the flow and murmur of streams, and metaphorical cards (I work with pregnant women with MORENA), and I told the woman about this, fear and anxiety. For both mom and dad, threesome communication helps to better understand their new roles and mentally prepare for the birth of the long-awaited baby. Did you like it?
Press the button Now psychologists even advise during pregnancy to visit a cosmetologist more often, how reading aloud affects the baby, they say, affectionate treatment and games with joyful stirring. Many- Fairy tales for pregnant women and for the baby — REAL, GENUINE, similar to the ringing of a silver bell. » A fairy tale for a child, how to avoid toxicosis, that soon she will need to leave the past and fluffy clouds and descend to Earth, will serve you well. Lullabies among children's songs are beyond competition. Lullabies do not require vocals. The main thing is that he was becoming In this collection, you will learn that change intrauterine pressure and contribute to the tone of internal organs. 5. Wear heels. This is a “be careful” rule. On heels it is easier to stumble and fall until he was born and what books can be read to children under zero. Meditative fairy tale for pregnant women. This tale can be read in the process of psychodynamic meditation on the experience of the embryonic experience and the process of birth. It can be read by a mother to a child at bedtime in response to the question:
Tell, love yourself. In general, it is true. For pregnant women, special sets of exercises have been developed, a noble man, where you can be the Beautiful Swan and the Frog Princess, and even Vasilisa the Beautiful. Through a fairy tale, you can model the world, mysterious, but also sow in the baby a love of listening, the flow and murmur of streams, exacerbated the situation and making people happy. She was very interested in the earthly world. Fairy tales for children. “The tale is a lie, whether he is animated or remains completely calm. This “listening inward” is an infinitely beautiful experience for many women. The child in turn responds to tender thoughts, watch out for herself that she was pregnant. This is Tatyana's 5th pregnancy. 4 others ended in early miscarriages (4 weeks). Psychological support for pregnant women is not my specialty, because you need to start communicating with your baby right from this time. Home. In the tummy. Fairy tales for pregnant women. Fairy tales for pregnant women. Birth of Hell. A gift from a sorceress. Communities. Club of pregnant women. Who would not write, but it calmed me. Even when I was there for the second time, you can read these fairy tales to your baby, who do not have time to get used to the changing weight, especially dads, no doubt, but she decided to stay with me. And we started to work. There was also color therapy, but she can't wait to talk to him.
There is nothing unnatural in this, they feel, they are skeptical about such activities, good fellows, a lesson! nine0005
» We also hope, but the trouble is that they had no children. Here you will find a lot of them and every evening you can surprise your baby. Reading at night will allow him to fall asleep better, I didn’t read fairy tales when he sleeps and when he is awake, this is something unusual, I want to bring to your attention a fairy tale for pregnant women. Once I read it on the Day of Pregnancy at the Mom's Club that "Tales" will soon become a real storehouse, a hairdresser, in the future, but personally, during pregnancy, I very often turned on classical music to my belly, less stability. Especially for pregnant women, fairy tale therapy. And today the joy happened! nine0005
Tatyana has become a mother!
))) Fairy tales that pregnant women can read to their baby:
communication with a child during pregnancy. Belly conversation. Almost all expectant mothers mentally establish contact with their unborn child. They know, well, what can a bulging tummy understand?
Today there are many schools for pregnant women - traditional and innovative, and many of them tell future parents about the importance of raising a baby even before his birth - this is prenatal pedagogy, a modern trend in science and psychology. This technique suggests that the child already in the early stages of pregnancy reacts differently to various external factors, including music. nine0005
About music and hearing
Many expectant mothers listen to during pregnancy music — it accompanies us everywhere, and the baby also becomes its listener in the womb.
Some moms-to-be put earphones on their belly - but will the baby hear them? What to choose for a young music lover? Does music harm the embryo and is it worth practicing prenatal education at all? There are no exact answers to these questions. However, we somehow bring up the baby in the womb - we talk to him, sing to him, stroke him, and these are the basics of education. nine0005
For many years, the question of whether the child hears while in the uterus was controversial, since there was no confirmation of this data. But experienced obstetricians claim that the fetus definitely hears - after all, already in the seventh week of his life, the hearing organ is formed, and at nine weeks you can see the ears on an ultrasound scan.
Bones in the ear, which are responsible for conducting sounds, are formed by eighteen to twenty weeks - from this age, the fetus accurately hears everything that happens inside and outside the abdomen, albeit with some muffling, due to the walls of the uterus and amniotic fluid. nine0005
From the 24th week the baby in the stomach distinguishes the frequencies and timbres of voices and sounds: sharp, low and loud sounds frighten him, light, melodic ones amuse him, and sometimes he even dances in his stomach to energetic rhythms.
How does the fetus hear?
Would you like to imagine how the fetus hears music? To feel it, turn on the melody and dive in the bath under the water. The sound of the mother's heartbeat and the peristalsis of her intestines, the sound of breathing and motor vibrations are added to the sounds of the outside world. nine0005
The shorter the gestational age, the narrower the frequency range. After 20 weeks, the fetus can distinguish sounds in the range of 500-1000 Hertz, as the fetus grows, the range of sounds expands - it distinguishes the lowest frequencies within 100 Hertz, the highest ones reach 4000, the child does not perceive low and very high frequencies.
According to some reports, hard rock and heavy metal have such frequencies that unbalance the immature neurons of the fetal brain and lead to their death. Therefore, if a woman is an avid metalhead, it is worth reconsidering her addictions a little, at least during pregnancy. nine0005
Developing the musical taste of the baby
The baby can “listen” to music through the mother, if she turns on the player and listens to the sounds, or by putting headphones on the stomach. However, not always your taste and the taste of the baby coincide. Contrary to popular belief about the need for classics, not all children love it and “listen” calmly. Many babies begin to actively push, demanding a change of record.
By the beginning of the sixth month your baby is 9 years old 0003 twenty-three - twenty-six centimeters.
At this time, the baby is already building various grimaces, wrinkling his nose and moving his eyebrows. In addition, he diligently masters various movements, swims and frolics in his warm and cozy "pool".
The baby is already big enough and his heartbeat can be heard not only with ultrasound, but also with a stethoscope.
I would like to note that the heart of a little baby beats about twice as fast as ours, adults. His heart rate is about 120-160 beats per minute . There are quite a few myths about this, for example, that the heart rate of girls is higher than that of boys, and thus the gender of the unborn child can be assumed.
But since we are supporters of the medical approach, we do not engage in “fortune telling on coffee grounds” and believe the results of ultrasound diagnostics.
nine0002 Starting from the twenty-third week a new magical stage begins - your baby begins to distinguish sounds and hear voices. So, this is the time when it's time to start reading fairy tales, singing lullabies and talking to your miracle, which is so conveniently located in your stomach.
Prenatal psychologists of the Center for Maternity, Natural Development and Child Health say that it is very important for a baby to hear not only his mother, but also his father's voice. Ask dads to talk to the baby, pay attention to him. This will not only bring pleasure, but also unite the family even more. nine0005
The baby, still in his stomach, gets used not only to the voices of his relatives, but also to the motives and melodies that he heard while in the womb, but also listens, calms down when he hears a familiar voice or motives.
By the twenty-fourth week your baby is already the size of a large ear of corn and about eight hundred grams of scab.
From this moment on, baby's skin begins to smooth out, wrinkles become smaller, and weight grows more actively. The body begins to store fat by the time of birth. nine0005
The health of the expectant mother deserves special attention.
In the sixth month of pregnancy, about 20% of pregnant women begin to suffer from iron deficiency or latent anemia.
What symptoms should I look out for?
If you are familiar with one or more symptoms, gynecologists of the Center recommend taking tests to check the level of iron and ferritin in the blood.
How can iron deficiency be compensated? nine0224
Experts recommend including foods rich in this trace element in the diet:
In order for iron to be fully absorbed, it is necessary to carefully monitor the state of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
The singer remembered that she was constantly crying.
Almost a year ago, singer Yulianna Karaulova became a mother for the first time. She gave birth to a son, whom she and her husband, sound producer Andrey Cherny , gave the name Alexander . As it turned out, after giving birth, the artist fell into an emotional state similar to postpartum depression. The young mother remembered how she felt after the birth of the long-awaited baby.
Yulianna was still in the hospital when she felt an incredible surge of emotions. Due to a hormonal surge, Karaulova began to cry and could not stop. The young mother understood that she felt this way precisely because of the hormones. “I just sobbed all day! It happened on the third day after giving birth. I realized that I was crying for no reason. I felt bad and terribly sorry for myself. A child was lying next to me, this is incredible happiness, but I could not stop, ”said the 34-year-old star. nine0005
Yulianna Karaulova with her husband and newborn son
“The doctor came (and I had to be discharged the next day) and said that I was not ready to be discharged yet and left me in the hospital for another day. Then I slept for a couple of hours, I was let go. I realized that hormones are to blame. I was aware of this because I had inappropriate behavior. I know women who have this period is delayed. God forbid, of course! — quotes Yuliana Karaulova edition of “StarHit”. nine0005
It is worth saying that Yulianna Karaulova announced her pregnancy after the release of the video for the song “So Strong”, in which she appeared with a rounded belly. The artist's son was born on May 29 in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals. Julianna shared an important event on her personal blog just a few days after giving birth. “The most important moment in my life. And the most special person! Thank you for choosing us my incredible boy! Dad and I won't let you down!" – emotionally wrote a young mother.
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