Stories from fairy tales
Famous Fairy Tales | Bedtime Stories
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The most popular fairy tales throughout the ages. Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Beauty and the Beast and more!
5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All All Fairy Tales Animals Dogs Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Famous Fairy Tales Feel Good Fairy Tales Picture Books
Little Red Riding Hood is going to enjoy some delicious food with her Grandma... but meets big slobbery Oscar on the way!
20 Mins+ Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Famous Fairy Tales
The story of beautiful Snow White, the seven dwarfs and the evil Queen.
10 Min Stories Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Animals Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Famous Fairy Tales German Fairy Tales
A mother goat leaves her seven kids at home alone. .. are they smart enough to outwit a visiting wolf ?
5 Min Stories Age 7-12 All All Fairy Tales Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales Fairies Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Famous Fairy Tales German Fairy Tales Illustrated Bedtime Stories Magic
A shoemaker and his wife have magical assistance from some elves every evening when they go to bed. But do the elves need help too?
10 Min Stories Adventures Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Famous Fairy Tales German Fairy Tales Magic Princes & Princesses
A king suspects that his twelve daughters go dancing every night... and a young prince takes the challenge to discover them.
20 Mins+ Adventures Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Arabian Nights Fairy Tales Arabic Fairy Tales Famous Fairy Tales
Ali Baba discovers a wonderful cave of riches... but will the forty thieves discover him?
10 Min Stories Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Animals Fairy Tales Famous Fairy Tales Monsters Norse Fairy Tales
Three Billy Goats Gruff try to cross a bridge - and outwit a Troll who wants to eat them!
20 Mins+ Adventures Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Famous Fairy Tales German Fairy Tales Magic Princes & Princesses
The classic tale of a beautiful girl, a wicked Queen, a magic mirror, and seven dwarves!
10 Min Stories Adventures Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales English Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Famous Fairy Tales Magic Picture Books Vintage Stories
Tom Thumb is a boy the size of a thumb - imagine what adventures he has! Reading time: 10 mins.
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Complete Fairy Tales for Kids
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Our complete fairy tale stories collection!
5 Min Stories Age 7-12 All All Fairy Tales Animals Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Feel Good Fairy Tales Modern Fairy Tales Picture Books Picture Books
The people of Hamelin are happy. Until one day, a horde of multicoloured butterflies descend upon the town.
20 Mins+ Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Fairies Fairy Tales French Fairy Tales Magic Princes & Princesses
A Princess, by enchantment, transforms into a white doe. Will true love prevail and help her break the spell?
5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All All Fairy Tales Animals Dogs Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Famous Fairy Tales Feel Good Fairy Tales Picture Books
Little Red Riding Hood is going to enjoy some delicious food with her Grandma... but meets big slobbery Oscar on the way!
20 Mins+ Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Fairy Tales French Fairy Tales Love
A handsome courtier begs a princess marry a king, but the princess falls in love with him instead.
Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales English Fairy Tales Fairy Tales
A witty wife helps her husband solve his problems in all sorts of sticky situations!
All Fairy Tales Animals Fairy Tales Funny Indian Stories Modern Fairy Tales
A crocodile's pregnant wife craves a monkey's heart. .. but monkeys are much too smart!
20 Mins+ All Fairy Tales Dragons English Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Princes & Princesses
A Prince steals a magical ring from a fairy queen in order to defeat a wicked dragon.
20 Mins+ Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Fairies Fairy Tales French Fairy Tales Love
A pair of lovers are separated when a king is turned into a blue bird.
10 Min Stories Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Animals Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Japanese Fairy Tales Morals
A hare deceives some crocodiles, and learns to tell the truth.
10 Min Stories Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Dogs Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Gardens Japanese Fairy Tales Japanese Stories
An old man loves his dog, who brings him tragic heartache and good luck.
20 Mins+ Adventures Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Animals Dragons Fairies Fairy Tales Family French Fairy Tales Magic
A friendly frog helps a queen and a princess to escape a lion witch.
20 Mins+ Adventures Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Fairy Tales French Fairy Tales
A yellow dwarf forces a queen and her daughter to make a promise they cannot keep. ..
All Fairy Tales English Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Gardens Helping Seasons
A little weed feels worthless, until it helps some hungry birds.
15 Min Stories Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Fairy Tales Family French Fairy Tales Growing Up
A young prince battles the Norka and wins the love of a Princess.
Age 7-12 All Fairy Tales Death and Dying Fairy Tales Gardens Seasons
A little leaf is afraid to fall to the ground, but comes to find comfort in the cycles of life.
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Brief index of fairy tale plots. Selection in alphabetical order
The index contains all the fairy tales available on the site with a brief summary.
There are 398 items in the dictionary.
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Alyosha Popovich | A "wonderful" child is born to a priest - young Alyosha Popovich. Growing up, Alyosha Popovich goes to travel. And he defeats Tugarin Zmeevich in a fair fight. |
Bishop's answer | Tale for adults . |
Arys-field | The stepmother replaces her happily married stepdaughter with her daughter, and turns her stepdaughter into a lynx and drives her into the forest. The mother is watching, carrying her stepdaughter's child to the forest to feed. The mother feeds the child, throwing off the skin of a lynx. The husband notices the absence of the mother, follows her, sees everything, burns the skin of his lynx wife, executes the witch and her daughter. |
Baba Yaga |
Baba Yaga and Zhihar |
Baba Yaga and Zamoryshek | The brothers, led by a scumbag, set out to look for wives and end up with a witch. The witch wants to kill them at night, but they change clothes or places with the daughters of the witch |
Woman's tricks | Fairy tale for adults. Fairy tale contains profanity. Nephew "hooks" to his aunt. His aunt warns him that she won't give herself to him so easily. |
Tale of the pike | A pike was born in Sheksna and began to eat fish. |
Tale about old times | The story of a wonderful miracle |
Baldak Borisevich | The tsar sends a hero to the Turkish sultan to take away his horse, the sultan himself does not give a damn, etc. The Sultan demands the culprit. The daughters help find Baldak. |
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Fairy stories |
Author: Oleg Alekseevich Khanov
Orpheus and Eredit
Mermaid Molotny Molotny
Snezhnaya Queen
Frog Princess
Traveling Frog, Frog Princess. Unfortunately, I do not remember the literary basis, both the first and the second, but the image of the “traveler” seemed to me more neutral. And with the "princess" there may be problems. In fairy tales, this is often something “high and desirable”, it is opposed to a low and difficult state, from which the hero gets rid of at the end of the story. The "Frog Princess" combines not very compatible, and it may look like an exaggeration, sarcasm, sound like "Mouse King".
Not knowing lit. basics, I see some similarities between these characters: If the “frog” and “princess” are antipodes, then a long fairy-tale path (that is, impossible, wonderful) from the first state to the second is assumed. We meet the traveler on the way, she is not yet a princess, everything is ahead. "Princess" - frozen, "Traveler" - movement. And according to my ideas, the path to the ideal can be beautiful, but its achievement brings disappointment. Perhaps a vague awareness of such a result prompts me to choose distant, unattainable goals in order to avoid disappointment . .. (2901.2014)
Numbered fairy tales
Once I came across a study about fairy tales. I was surprised by the extreme pragmatism, which in no way corresponds to the essence of the fairy tale - there must be a miracle in it and there must be a mystery (it is involved in a miracle). So, all the plots of fairy tales of all times and peoples are documented, each has its own index. Those. any fairy tale can be displayed by a sequence of numbers. Only the entourage that accompanies the events differs, this is national, but otherwise there are no miracles. It is possible that in general any random set of numbers from the range of acceptable values will correspond to some kind of life situation. And if we continue the analogy, any life can be displayed as a sequence of numbers, i.e. standard stories. With this, perhaps, it is difficult to disagree. But we read a novel with a clear plot, or even without it at all, and enjoy the surroundings, the small details that accompany standard actions and events, it is these little things that make them individual, non-standard, interesting. Therefore, we can say that a fairy tale is life itself. Someone, of course, will convince that a fairy tale is a lie, but there are also ideas that life is also ephemeral. And time, every second taking millions of living people into oblivion, confidently confirms this. But for us, who are inside time, life, fairy tales, everything looks like the present. Reality can only be felt if it consists of the same matter from which they themselves are created. So, for the little men of computer games, the images of obstacles are real, it can be difficult to overcome them. For us, our fairy tale is reality, everything else is otherness. (14.08.2014)
Sleeping prince
There are no sleeping princes in fairy tales. (And it would be convenient to walk between them and slowly choose the one you like). There are sleeping beauties, the princess and the pea is trying to sleep, but the men in fairy tales do not sleep at all. Moreover, it is condemned - you can oversleep everything! The only one we know is Hottabych, but he was uncomfortable neither in the bottle nor after waking up. What can not be said about the dead princess. Probably, it all depends on the mood in which a person fell asleep. Waking up, he returns to the interrupted life. And if it is possible to stop the moment at will, then, indeed, it is necessary to stop the beautiful. - To feel the beauty of life again. (01.10.2014)
Orpheus and Eurydice
A beautiful fairy tale, sad and very realistic. I understand Orpheus. He looked around, despite the strictest prohibition, risking losing everything. In a man, such a desire is so strong that no reasonable arguments can stop the desire to see. It is to see, it is even stronger than to touch. "Evrediki" in the plural, I think, is not accidental. Looked on the Internet, indeed, in the song so. At the end is a translation. The verses seemed weaker than the Greek source, because it is good that the singer A. German sang a song in Polish, which we do not understand. Oddly enough, this is closer to the original. Eurydicus is many, not only Orpheus was in this state. It seems to me that I once read this text. And I forgot, the sad always tends to go into oblivion.
Dancing Eurydice
In a local coffee house
Every night there are concerts.
Stay on the threshold -
Eurydice is dancing.
Before the ray of the sun
Lies obliquely on the wall,
Let him embrace you
Drunk Orpheus.
Stars are streaming like centuries,
The night covered everything with a veil of darkness
And under a lace shawl
Eurydice hides the dance.
The river sings under the bridges,
The shadow breaks the outline of the dance,
Again tries to get through
A black cat enters the door of the coffee shop.
Whose eyes are those?
- Eurydice, Eurydice!
Whose mouth is this?
- Eurydice, Eurydice!
Not long to wait, soon morning
Will color everything with gentle light
And unravel the darkness like yarn,
And destroy the magic.
Wind beats in back streets,
Tears trees like strings.
Is this the song of Orpheus
Or the rustle of trees?
The Black Cat Takes
Its Place in Perfume**),
Before the Cock
Crows at Dawn.
Waves splash under bridges,
The shadow is melting under the lanterns,
People are drawn to the coffee shops,
There is the usual noise outside the window.
The wind is dancing on the road,
And spinning like a drunk.
He hung a shawl
on the trees.
Whose eyes are those?
- Eurydice, Eurydice!
Whose mouth is this?
- Eurydice, Eurydice!
The wind is dancing on the road
And spinning like a drunk,
He unraveled the darkness like yarn,
Only a black cat remained.
(Translated by Maria Olshanskaya)
Little Mermaid
The image is pleasant, although not very familiar to me. What can I remember about him? - For some reason, the first thing that comes to mind is Goete, a German, a poet who wrote poetry, I taught them at school in German. And, apparently, they are so good (or I had to hard drive them into memory) that I still remember, I can reproduce several stanzas. Goethe took the little mermaid from old German legends and fairy tales (Ein Marhen aus alten Zeiten). A beautiful girl with a fish tail and a sad story (I don’t remember the plot). She was born in Europe and lives there to this day. And then I remembered - no, there are mermaids in Russia too! Pushkin also mentioned them: “There are miracles, a goblin wanders there, a mermaid sits on the branches” - this is written about Russia! Our little mermaids seem to be different, more alive, i.e. less detached and sad. On the contrary, cheerful and energetic. Apparently, their life is different, or their attitude to life is different. A hard life contributes not to immersion in it in search of understanding, but on the contrary, a complete switch to joyful, carefree and reckless. (30.10.2014)
“Wonderful miracle” is from a fairy tale. Prose and fairy tale are different genres. But if the prose of life is stated in fabulous words, there will be no differences at all. The computer still knows life poorly, does not feel the nuances of meanings, but due to its machine misunderstanding, it is already trying to give advice. The computer has learned to think in German - rationally and correctly, but I'm afraid it will never learn to think in Russian, because often such thoughts have no analogues in the real world. The real world burdens us as too rational. Our national is bored with rationality, and a person drinks bitter not so much from a bitter life, but because this is the easiest way to fly into a comfortable irrationality. I don't drink, probably for the reason that I found some other path to a fairy tale.
About surprise, it is connected with a miracle. It comes from the field of rational thinking and arises if the real differs from the prescribed. When this happens, all the power of a reasonable person rushes to search for the cause of the deviation, and if he does not find it, he adds it to the list of miracles. A rational person (“physicist”) is surprised, miracles rarely happen to him. But the scientific view of the world is superficial, physicists are inferior to the lyricists in terms of the depth of knowledge. Here, the lyricists are not surprised, they always live in a world of miracles, admire every leaf, every object that falls into their field of vision. I have been a physicist all my life and envied the lyricists. Now he has retired from his former affairs, but has not become a frequenter of poetic cafes, where poets and readers gather, more in love with the word and, accordingly, with life (we remember that “In the beginning there was the word and there was life in it.” (11/30/2014)
Swamp monsters
I feel like I'm immersed in a swamp. But maybe this is not a swamp at all, but an ocean? No, it's still a swamp. The swamp carries you in depth, and the ocean - in breadth. I'm more attracted to depth, not breadth. It doesn't seem to be in Russian. But it is known that it is difficult to draw attention to what is in abundance. We have enough latitude here, so we go deeper. The image of Russia is an endless swamp. For me, this is a native and pleasant image. A frog princess lives in a swamp... But our people have not yet adequately reflected their habitat in folklore - there is a princess, but I don’t remember the prince, instead of him some kind of goblin wanders ...
Well, okay, I live now in the city, the swamp is there, in the country. And even then, I haven’t visited him for a long time - so you can lose your qualifications (evil spirits). I read about the goblin, the character is northern, the attitude of the people towards him is not unambiguous, the goblin treated good people well. Leaves the forest for the winter...
Something keeps pulling me into a fairy tale. I looked about the goblin on Wikipedia and saw that my idea turned out to be correct. In general, I notice that there are not so many completely bad characters in fairy tales. There was a Serpent-Gorynych, but V. Vysotsky also said a kind word about him: “In the corner lay a poor animal, all its heads bowed into the fountain. ” But with Baba Yaga, I just don’t remember a good plot, we should get her out of sight, like an old pawnbroker… (05.12.2014)
The Snow Queen
I read a fairy tale.
The Snow Queen wants to break the circle of loneliness, she wants to fulfill her maternal instinct, show care, raise the Crown Prince. And she does make some moves. - The question is, why didn’t she take Gerda, why did the choice fall on Kai? Of course, all the royal rituals, the transfer of power are important, but there is also a gender reason here, the desire to have and raise a male. We see a suffering woman, wealthy, lonely, with a not quite frozen soul, since such an insidious plan was born in her. We do not know which prince or knight occupied her girlish dreams. But something did not work out in the fate of this now adult charmer. Perhaps when Gerda found Kai, their friendship and affection slightly melted the heart of the cold beauty - she began to freeze in her kingdom. I believe that the snow kingdom will remain, but the Queen can be dressed in a luxurious fur coat, boots, and gradually she will turn into the beautiful Snezhana.
It looks like Andersen really only told part of the story. It is strange that I did not see the sad in the Snow Queen, although maybe. felt if he did not turn away from the Ice Kingdom. There are two options for the beginning - a stormy passion with a tragic end, or a great love that has not received a response. - In any case, - a story about loneliness, which the adopted son can hardly brighten up, his heart must be frozen too much before being let into a new life.
About loneliness, I would like to quote Akhmadulina's poems, which I heard a long time ago, but read and saw recently. I will note the key lines that echo this interpretation of the plots of Andersen's fairy tale:
Sparkling with an iron compass,
How cold you open the circle,
Not heeding useless assurances.
Let me stand on tiptoe in your forest,
At the other end of the slow gesture.
Find foliage and bring it to your face,
AND FEEL ORphanage AS bliss.
Grant me the silence of your libraries,
Your concerts are strict motives,
Objects will entrust their secret meaning to me,
Nature leaning against my shoulders
Will reveal its children's secrets.
B. Akhmadulina builds a chain: loneliness - humility - oblivion - wisdom. I would continue this chain with the words: "remembrance - rebirth." Revival is not a complete restoration of the past (what is called "reconstruction" or "restoration"), but only the restoration of fundamental ideas. Let's not dress the Snow Queen in a "luxurious fur coat", she already has beautiful outfits. Let's not melt the ice in the kingdom - let's find a good use for the coldly reasonable, pushing back the urge to forge everything into a single block of ice. Snowflakes are cold, but beautiful and endlessly varied. I will not offer the transformation of the Queen into the Snow Maiden, this is a completely different character.
I read that "in the original" Andersen's - indeed, a love story, Wikipedia says: "Andersen's unrequited love for opera singer Jenny Lind became the prototype of the Snow Queen with her cold heart." The original is slightly different from the cartoon - there is no chase and obstacles when returning. The queen gave the task to Kai - to put together the word "Eternity" from the pieces of ice, after which he can be free. Gerda helped him, and they, as free people, by the will of the Queen and of their own free will, immediately returned to the realm of color, warmth ... - We should write: "and kindness," - but if we put this word here, we will again find ourselves in fairy tale. Gerda, like her predecessor Eve, seduced Kai. He had to finish the word himself, and then he would become really free. And so, even after becoming an adult after leaving the Snow Kingdom, he remains a child in his soul, next to whom there must certainly be a reasonable, understanding woman (like the Snow Maiden under D. Moroz), without whom he cannot exist. There are two types of men - those who independently formed the word "Eternity", and those who took advantage of the hint. - Here it is already possible to collect material for the Pedagogical Poem. About myself in this sense, it is difficult for me to say something. It seems that I myself folded, but probably wrote illegibly, so that the "heavenly forces" do not always understand and endow it with one or the other qualities.
The fairy tale was written on 12/21/1844. 170 years have passed, but we are still reading and thinking. And the Snow Queen, sitting on a sparkling throne, condescendingly watches as people try to collect the desired word. Ah man! How far and difficult is your path in recognizing the truth! (27.12.2014)
Fabulous happiness
Why do we understand our happiness after the fact? - Because it exists only as an intellectual construction, as a fairy tale, which includes fragments of information about past events. Only the good remains, the bad is unworthy of remembrance. Psychoanalysts call this "repression" / (04/02/2016)
One of our old colleagues (Leva Lapkin, aka Sasha Krugovsetov) has become a writer and invites you to a bookstore on Thursday to meet him. I will try to come, although I can imagine how it will happen. I treat him with a friendly smile. He is a storyteller, lives in the world of fairy tales. And he was once the head of the laboratory, then an oligarch, an ally of Berezovsky. I guess I'm jealous, I also want to live in a fairy-tale world. However, I live in it, but this is my fairy tale and I have a different attitude towards it. (04.10.2016)
Fairy tale
I remembered Bazhov's fairy tales for no reason. But don't remember what they are? I remember crystal with some kind of stone from the Ural Mountains, beautiful, and perhaps a little precious, like amber. Pleasant, beautiful fairy tales from Bazhov, but that's all I remember, and I can't say anything more. Why Bazhov! I don't remember much of what I read. But the feeling remains, and perhaps this is enough to read. So about my life, I also can’t remember so many plots, only the feeling of life remains and, by analogy, perhaps this is enough to live ...
- One step from crystal to eternity. Paraphrasing the continuation, we can say that there is no way from the eternal to the crystal ... - Nonsense! - It is there, in eternity, that one must look for the greatest, most beautiful, desirable - there everything is "the most", everything unearthly, that's why physics, and after it mathematics, eschew infinity.
And I remembered about Bazhov, it was the "Malachite Box". (10/17/2016)
Truth and fiction
I write everything that comes to mind. I remembered the writer Sasha Krugosvetov on this occasion, - he also writes. Unlike me, Sasha adequately evaluates his creations - these are fairy tales. But in his fairy tales, the descriptions are so realistic that while reading, I was lost, trying to separate fiction and truth. It's probably a hopeless pursuit, no one ever knows where fantasies turn into ideas about their own lives. “And no one will be able to say…” (10/20/2016)
Clothes of God
The sun is one of the first gods, light is a synonym for the positive and, perhaps, it does not matter in what clothes the light comes. Because (according to my understanding) the chandelier has nothing to do with light, it is an interior detail, which, in its own way, is also important. I can't imagine in what clothes God appeared to Adam and Eve. Was he naked or in rags? Or was there only a voice from him, like from a megaphone, when it is not clear who is shouting and from where? The Bible is not very clear on such details. Painters, musicians and writers have to fill in the gaps with their imagination.
Fabulous, fantastic cannot but be interesting and enjoyable. For a child, a fairy tale is a window to the future; for a mature person, it is a memory of childhood; that this is a fairy tale. (21.10.2016)
How many fabulous creatures connected with earthly affairs are hiding in the depths of the sea! Somehow I did not think that there was another world, another dimension, another planet and civilization. Other conditions - even the physics there is slightly different - not all bodies fall down, others rush up. As elsewhere, the most interesting thing happens at the border of two environments - on the surface, where ships sail, fishermen catch fish and mermaids swim up, dragging sailors into the abyss. And there are also sea wolves, representatives of a special fauna, a special civilization with their own traditions and habits. They have their own language and also a special environment - a small island, a closed society with a captain who has full power ... (02.11.2016)
Life is inhuman. And why do we love her! But we love, and with pleasure we sing the old song: "I love you, life, I love you again and again. " In these words, however, there is an idea of the extinction of love - "again and again" implies a beginning and an end - it was necessary to put an end to it earlier.
To make life really beautiful, we create for ourselves a beautiful fairy tale, which is impossible not to believe. Each has its own fairy tale, with its characters who play certain roles. The roles of real prototypes in different fairy tales can vary greatly. And in general, someone likes fairy tales that are pleasant and calm, while someone prefers horror films, like those of Ch. Perro. And there is no absolute to say what and how "really" happens. (Echoing Nabokov, I enclose the mention of "reality" in quotation marks).
This is my materialistic understanding of the surrounding reality. I see materialism in bringing to perfection (or to the point of absurdity?) the Soviet principle: "Man is the creator of his own happiness." Someone manages to implement such a principle in the material world, someone in dreams, but many fail to do either. For me, dreams and reality are not much different.
A year or two ago I was writing down the story of one woman, which she told and repeated with variations in a very emotional way. I realized that mentally she lives this story of hers. I did not publish her story, there were many contradictions in it. Then she said that "for the integrity of the story" she came up with something and there is not a single real name in it. In fact, she wanted to write a literary story about her unusual life and even print a book. I saw in this one of the extreme embodiments of the words about the creation of (one's own) world. Another option is a story writer friend of mine who speaks and writes well, consistently and fluently. And no one, including himself, will be able to distinguish where the real story ends and the fairy tale begins ... (12/11/2016)
A small grandson and his mother went to the theater for small children. The audience was about the same age (2-4 years), 15 people. The play was called "Gingerbread Man". The children enthusiastically watched the famous story, and now - the culmination, they eat the bun! The hall fell silent, ready to burst into sympathetic tears. But someone appears who helps out the kolobok, and receives a stormy long applause. That's the power of art! - even had to deviate from the plot. And Timosha listened to the book quite calmly - well, they ate it, and - okay. The theater is closer to real life. And we need an American happy ending for a children's audience, the child needs everything to end well. (02.04.2017)
“The office has disappeared, leaving dozens of deceived clients in the cold…”
- I don't like the definition of “fool” in relation to the deceived. I don't like it because being honest and trusting here means "to be a fool." There is already a claim to the Russian language. Maybe that's why in Russian fairy tales there is a condescending attitude towards fools? (06/05/2017)
Autumn fairy tale (https://www.
Autumn, one day, decided to warm up,
She was very cold,
All in gold, emeralds, sapphires,
Unexpectedly came to my house.
So politely, she knocked on my door,
I answered, come in...
A woman, she comes in, so beautiful,
That I froze at the door!
Excuse me, I'm a little cold,
You can go to the hearth...
Your Majesty, of course,
I'll boil the kettle now.
I brewed tea and put raspberries,
I look at autumn, it has departed,
In the most beautiful emerald eyes,
The fire of the hearth is beating!
Standing up in her royal attire,
I can't take my eyes off me,
And holding out the gems in my hand,
This is for tea!
You will buy a palace, instead of this hut,
You will buy a woman, friends,
I know that money is dearer to you than anything,
People here on earth!
Your Majesty, I am a silverless man,
Just understand, I love you,
And, on the altar, where the souls in love,
I will put my heart!
And you have already paid for the heat,
With this visit of yours,
And take your gems,
Better give to others!
And having bowed, I open the door to her,
The autumn wind is buzzing,
I bow low to you, Your Majesty,
For this evening visit!
Autumn didn't fall asleep all night outside the window,
She was indignant all the time,
How a man refused money. ..
I just couldn't understand!
I liked the first half of the story. And the second, unfortunately, contrasts with the first. Probably, Gorky's words have been sitting in me since school: "Everything should be fine in a person."
The plot turns out like this: A beautiful autumn comes with a request. Her request is granted, and in return, she offends the hostess. And the saddest thing is that Autumn did not understand - why? And she was even indignant, offended in her best feelings! This means that everything she said in relation to people, in fact, refers to herself. And her beauty is obtained only external, not real.
Beauty fascinates, but it also has limits beyond which it is not necessary to go. The canvases of the Impressionists must be viewed at a certain distance; when approached, the impression is lost, only chaotic rough strokes remain. I do not rule out that this is a universal rule - you can always find such an angle, such a distance at which the phenomenon will look beautiful. It is not always possible to find it, there is not always a desire to look for it, and in this I see a big problem for humanity at all levels, from household to state. Anti-Russian sentiment is akin to anti-American. We look at each other in our own way and notice how ugly it looks! And all because we look wrong, and there is no desire to find the right angle to look beautiful.
I have always said that the content and quality of a book, film, work of art is determined solely by the reader-viewer. What the author says falls into a certain context, which is integral with the work and in this way (naturally) affects the content that fits in or not. Probably, this idea should be expanded, and then it will turn out that the whole surrounding reality looks according to our desires - addictions.
But I have gone far from the poem, and only along one line. Autumn in it appears as a beautiful woman, inside of which there is emptiness. This is especially true for autumn, because it has the beauty of withering.
A lady named Autumn reveals a bad upbringing in the poem. When in a calm (not critical) situation they want to help, or want to give an expensive gift, it would be good to ask permission for this, since it can change the life of the recipient. And whether he wants to change something is a big question. There are cases when, for obvious urban planning reasons, it is necessary to clear the place, to demolish the house, but the old mistress does not agree to exchange her shack for anything, for any mansions. - Her whole life is connected with this house, and to leave here is to die.
Autumn from a fairy tale has a precious beauty, and this alone is enough to please others. Here the theme comes through, which is expressed by the saying: “They don’t look for good from good.” There is a good effect—in this case, the impression of a beautiful one. And do not try to somehow strengthen it, bring something else. I met with a similar principle when designing inventions. There is such a situation. There are some reasons that give a positive effect. According to the patent rules-laws, other reasons that enhance the effect will not be taken into account. - This should be a different story. Those. the poem reflects some idea of a moral sense, which in another version is embodied in a legislative principle.
When Autumn “stretched out the gems” from the fairy tale, I was reminded of Pushkin's fairy tale with the words: “The old woman caught the bread, ‘thank you’, said ... And the bulk, golden, straight apple flies to the princess.” - There, too, gratitude was inadequate. But there is another story, which, however, can be considered as bringing to the opposite, to the absurd, the plot of gratitude outlined in the "Autumn Tale".
Such thoughts were inspired by a good, pleasant poem. There is only one conclusion from it: "Beauty is good in itself, adding it can distort it."
Regarding what was said not so much in the poem as in my commentary, I would like to recall the well-known phrase: "Beauty will save the world. " Here comes such a meaning that beauty is able to transform the bad, even the ugly, into pleasant or acceptable forms. Withering should not be pleasant, but autumn makes it beautiful, if only for a short time. The world is what it is, the communist idea of its transformation did not work out. Therefore, one should not miss the beautiful manifestations, in which there is its justification.
I like to read good poetry. I liked it, although if you look closely, the poem poorly satisfies poetic standards in terms of rhymes and consonances. But it fits into the theme of the disputes of the poets of the early 20th century about what is the most important thing in a poem? - Today I will answer like this: "Subjective impression." (10/25/2017)
Fairy tale
Cinderella is akin to a bee, but Cinderella is from a fairy tale, and bees live among us. However, my favorite topic is that there is a lot of fantasy in life, which is akin to a fairy tale. I love fantasies, but I am wary of fairy tales, this is not my style, not my genre. The fairy tale has synonyms, such as legend, reconstruction, interpretation, they are closer to me. But that means I don't like the word, not what it means. (26.10.2017)
Miracle is a subjective concept. The same thing surprises someone, and the other is completely indifferent. You can find a simple explanation for everything, in which the miracle disappears. You don't have to wait for a miracle, you have to see it and you have to believe in it. (29.11.2017)
A sad fairy tale
Life is a fairy tale presented, but in reality it is boring prose. I collect and write memoirs, i.e. fairy tales.
Our psyche is imperfect, we can either be happy or upset. And life is more complicated, there are always two sides to it. There is, of course, laughter through tears, or vice versa - when both sad and funny, but this no longer seems normal. (10.01.2018)
Transparency and ghosting
I thought that ghosting is the next stage in the development of transparency, i.e. words are not accidentally close in sound. They look the same, i.e. “no way”, but the first is material, and the second is not, although it has some traces in the material world and somehow interacts with it. The next step is something that you cannot even think about, as in a well-known fairy tale. I wonder if this is a national plot, or are there analogues in fairy tales of other peoples? (04/09/2018)
Fairy world
I like fantasy world. Fairy tale characters can afford to be perfect. And the ideal live in an ideal environment. Charles Perrault is a pervert, the Kich-Kok of fairy tales. A fairy tale should be kind, smart and beautiful. When I choose a book for my small grandson, I always look through before reading so that the plot is good and the words are beautiful. I must say that my censorship does not let Russian folk tales through - there is a lot of evil there. (12/10/2019)
In the beginning there was a fairy tale.
“We were born to make a fairy tale come true…” - These are the words from an old Soviet song. But this is also one of the conceptual guidelines of the communist ideology adopted by the Soviet state. - Paradise on earth, where everyone will be rewarded according to their needs, where they will take from a person only what he is capable of and only what he is ready to give, where work will be a joy where science and art will flourish... - Would you like to live in such a state? - Strange question. Who wouldn't want to be happy!
But the road to happiness is not easy. In fairy tales, one must certainly overcome obstacles, endure trials, one must firmly go towards the intended goal, resist the forces of evil, chop off the heads of terrible monsters ... - All this was, we all overcame obstacles and trials, walked the right path, chopped off our heads, believed in a brighter future … Where is the happy ending to this story?
Fifty years later people began to lose faith in fabulous miracles. One of the disappointed (A. Makarevich) wrote a song with these words:
It's very simple!
A fairy tale is a deception.
Sun Island
disappeared into the fog,
there is no bird of paradise among the crows.
Someone made a mistake...
- No, nobody made a mistake. The first act of a new fairy tale is not pleasant, but often terrible and terrible. Only then, when good finally overthrows evil, everything becomes good. The Great French Revolution heralded a new era to the world, but brought with it the guillotine...
And so, there is no need to hurry. The story continues, it is still far from over. Looking back, comparing what was and what has become, one can recall the Soviet parting word - “you are on the right path, comrades!” ...
The role and place of a fairy tale in our life is great. The whole history of the development of civilization passes just like that. In the beginning there is a fruitless fantasy, a fairy tale. A good, kind fairy tale - real life is far from it. But gradually, wonderful fairy tales become the legislative norm, and then the norm of life. I do not mean technical curiosities - their implementation is obvious, but the norms of relationships between people or social groups, i.e. moral norms, which gradually become (or will become) the natural basis of people's lives.
There are many examples - from racial tolerance in the USA to the declared principles of interstate relations. But there is no need to take distant examples, everyday life is enough, where each of us exists in his own fairy-tale environment. “Everything happened exactly as it was supposed to…” - fairy tales often come true, because the plots of reality are seen exactly the way you want it to be. The fairy tale is ahead of life, and then the life that happened again turns into a fairy tale of memories.
Once a traffic cop stopped me. I don’t remember the reason, but besides it, I was pointed out another violation. It becomes such under a recently adopted law. “We have instructions not to punish such violations, but only to explain and warn.
I was surprised by the situation. The law either exists or it does not exist. If there is, then there should be no reason for non-compliance. Here it turns out that the law is still only a guide to which we will gradually approach. In Russia, the law is a fabulous ideal, from which reality is far away.
On this occasion, we can recall the Soviet constitution of 1936. According to experts, it was good, in many respects really democratic (the article about the "leading and guiding role of the CPSU" appeared much later, already in the Brezhnev era). However, practice 1937 and subsequent years was infinitely far from that basic law. The fairy tale remained in the distance, the reality did not approach it.
There are two parts of the Christian canon - the Old and the New Testament. The first is replete with episodes unacceptable to today's consciousness (such as, for example, massacres).