Story about space for kids
Space | Bedtime Stories
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10 Min Stories Age 7-12 Feelings and Emotions Growth Mindset Illustrated Stories Independence Magical Tales Space
Flynn can't wait til he turns nine, because he'll be able fly. But what happens when the unexpected happens?
10 Min Stories Age 7-12 Environment Illustrated Stories Non-Fiction Kids Books for Learning Picture Books Science Space
The Dordles have run out of fuel for their spaceship! But how will they discover new energy sources?
5 Min Stories Age 7-12 All Picture Books Picture Books Science Space
Madhay and Yaretzi are friends who live on opposite sides of the planet. What differences do they notice?
10 Min Stories Adventures Age 7-12 Friends Space
Davie lands on Planet Disco - and straight into the jaws of a hungry beast!
5 Min Stories Adventures Age 7-12 All Funny Funny Stories Picture Books Picture Books Space
Archie is kidnapped by an alien who wants his help to save Planet G !
10 Min Stories Age 7-12 Family Feelings and Emotions Modern Stories Space
When Carlos doesn't get the birthday present he hoped for, his sister Maya makes sure it's even better than he could have imagined
5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Funny Funny Stories Good Manners Hygiene Morals Picture Books School Space
Bill keeps messing up! But there's a planet somewhere in outer space filled with aliens just like him. .
10 Min Stories Adventures Age 7-12 Food Funny Modern Stories Space
All Dave wants to do is quietly enjoy his chocolate bar, but a space alien is going to make him save the Earth!
All Poems for Kids Poems About Life Poems for Kids Rhyming Poems Space
A child dreams of visiting space in a rocket when they look at the stars!
5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Early Readers Early Readers Friends Monsters Picture Books Picture Books Space
A boy thinks there is an alien in the house. .. but it's something very different!
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Uh-oh! There are holes in the galaxy! Black holes...
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Bumbly Wumbly is a monster from Neptune who dreams of the sun...
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Squiff has been invited to his friend's birthday party, and gives a funny present!
15 Min Stories Adventures Age 7-12 Funny Middle Grade Space
Dec's room has gotten so messy it's broken the universe!
5 Min Stories Age 4-6 All Early Readers Picture Books Picture Books Space
Tig wants to know why, if the earth is round, people don't fall off the bottom. But Mum and Dad can't agree!
The best space books for kids of all ages
If your little one dreams of exploring distant planets, they’ll love these out-of-this-world children’s books about space.
Thoughts of journeys into space are irresistible to curious little minds, so it's no wonder that when we ask them what they would like to be when they grow up, so often they answer, an astronaut! From space stories for kids from authors such as astronaut Chris Hadfield to books full of facts which will wow even the most inquisitive little ones, here are some of the best space books for kids.
What are the best space books for babies and toddlers?
First Explorers: Moon Landing
by Campbell Books
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This First Explorers book has chunky pull, push and slide mechanisms perfect for little hands, helping toddlers discover how astronauts first landed on the moon. Rocket into space with the Apollo 11 astronauts as they make history with the first moon landing in this fun, colourful board book.
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What are the best space books for kids aged 3-5?
The Darkest Dark
by Chris Hadfield
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Written by astronaut Chris Hadfield, this beautiful new picture book of The Darkest Dark comes with a fun pull-out glow-in-the-dark poster. Inspired by Chris’s childhood, The Darkest Dark is his first children’s book. Young Chris is a very important astronaut, but there’s one problem – he’s scared of the dark, sure that lots of scary aliens lurk there. But when he watches the Apollo 11 moon landing, he realises that to achieve his dreams, he needs to overcome his fears.
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Field Trip to the Moon
by Jeanne Willis
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Blast off to the moon with this witty and fun adventure story! One student gets more than she expected when she gets separated from her class during a field trip to the moon. Sitting down with her crayons to draw a picture, she realises she’s not alone! And she’s about to find out what happens when we reach out to those who are different to us.
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Super Space
by Lon Lee
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Discover the wonder of the moon, stars and planets when you travel into space with Super Space. Full of colourful scenes and fun rhymes, as well as flaps, a turn-and-learn wheel and a fold-out ending, this novelty book helps little ones to learn while they play.
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Amazing Machines Roaring Rockets Activity Book
Full of noisy rockets, big rockets, rockets that are blasting off and rockets that are full of astronauts, this interactive activity book ensures that kids have lots of fun while they learn. With plenty of counting, drawing, matching and colouring activities, as well as two pages of stickers, this is a must for any budding space explorer.
What are the best space books for kids aged 5-9
Counting on Katherine
A mathematical genius, Katherine Johnson helped to make the Apollo 11 moon landing possible, and author Helaine Becker interviewed Katherine especially for this book. Young Katherine was a curious child with a love of counting, and she longed to learn everything she could about the universe . . . From Katherine’s childhood as a gifted student to her heroic work at NASA, this is the inspiring story of an African-American woman who made history.
Astronaut in Training
by Cath Ard
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If the child in your life wants to be an astronaut when they grow up, this is the perfect book for them. Full of fun facts about the life of an astronaut and packed with activities, Astronaut in Training tells you everything you need to know about space, astronomy and what it’s really like on the International Space Station.
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Space Poems
by Gaby Morgan
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This cosmic collection of poems from Paul Cookson, John Rice, Liz Brownlee and many others will be much-loved by little space fans. Full of poems about the moon, stars, planets, aliens, the Milky Way and even space sheds, blast off with Space Poems.
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Space: The Whole Whizz-Bang Story
by Glenn Murphy
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This funny and informative book will help to answer all those burning space questions that little ones may have. What is a black hole? What’s the difference between stars and planets? How do we know that galaxies are millions of years old? Full of doodles and incredible facts, Space: The Whole-Whizz-Bang Story contains no boring bits!
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Space Jokes
by Macmillan Adult's Books
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‘How do astronauts serve dinner? On flying saucers.’ This book, shaped like a rocket, is packed full of over one hundred hilarious jokes all about space. Guaranteed to have both adults and children in stitches, this book is the perfect gift for space lovers with a cheeky sense of humour.
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Imagine you were there... Walking on the Moon
by Caryn Jenner
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Filled with stunning photography, comprehensive artwork, eye-witness accounts and step-by-step details of the moon landing, this illuminating book will transport your child to the surface of the moon and let them walk in the boots of an astronaut.
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Tell children about space. Allowance for children 3-7 years old.
Tell the kids about space is a fun book with cards for kindergarten and home activities.
- ♦ Starry sky
- ♦ SUN
Sky black velvet
Embroidered with stars.
Light path
Runs across the sky.
(R. Aldonina)
Everyone has seen the starry sky. A huge number of stars, which, at first glance, cannot be counted, the Moon, incomprehensible nebulae. The starry sky attracts and fascinates. What is not in the sky - nebulae, stars, constellations, planets, galaxies. Even in ancient times, watching the night sky, people noticed that the stars are arranged in a certain order, and not randomly, they can be combined into constellations.
The most ancient names for the constellations that form the so-called zodiac. From the Greek "zodiac" is translated as "circle of animals." Through the constellations of the zodiac, the Sun makes its annual journey, passing each of them in about a month, so there are exactly twelve constellations. The names of the zodiac constellations were given by the ancient Greeks: Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius. The most famous constellation is Ursa Major. But it does not look like a bear, but like a ladle with a long handle. The ancient Greeks told a myth about how the god Zeus fell in love with the nymph Callisto, and his roar0004
Niva's wife Hera turned the girl into a bear. Zeus placed it in the sky in the form of a constellation.
In Rus', this constellation was called Voz, Pan and Bucket, and Ukrainians - Cart.
Next to Ursa Major is the constellation Ursa Minor, which also looks like a bucket, only smaller. At the very end of the handle of the "ladle" the Polar Star sparkles.
The star is visible in the north,
And it is called
the North Star.
She is a reliable friend of people,
And two Bears with her
Among the cosmic fires
Everything goes in succession.
(V. Lepilov)
The Milky Way is a band encircling the sky. The ancient Eskimos considered it a snow-covered road, the nomads of the East - a path strewn with straw, and the Greeks - the road of the gods. The Milky Way is actually the millions of stars that make up our galaxy. The very word "galaxy" in Greek means "milk". Astronomer William Herschel proved that the Milky Way is a cluster of stars.
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Spreading its fiery tail,
The comet rushes between the stars.
- Listen, constellations,
Latest news,
Wonderful news,
Heavenly news!
Rushing at wild speeds,
I was visiting the Sun.
I saw the Earth in the distance
And new Earth satellites.
I was flying away from the Earth,
Ships were flying behind me!
(G. Sapgir)
Comets are considered the most mysterious objects in the Universe. Tailed stars that suddenly appeared in the night sky frightened the ancient people. Comets were considered harbingers of misfortune. When the next comet was approaching the Sun, they were waiting for the most incredible disasters, epidemics and bloody wars.
Astronomers have found out that comets are ordinary celestial bodies, huge boulders covered with a thick layer of ice. The closer the comet is to the Sun, the higher the temperature rises, and the ice begins to evaporate - a huge tail grows behind the comet, which stretches for millions of kilometers.
The most famous is Halley's Comet, which returns to the Sun every 76 years. The last time
she shone in the earth's sky in 1986. This visit was already the thirtieth in human memory. Reports of Halley's comet are lost in the mists of time. Sometimes she came so close to the Earth that she was visible even during the day, inspiring horror and confusion.
When our planet was about to pass through the tail of Halley's comet in 1910, many people on Earth panicked. Shelters were urgently built - people thought that the tail contained poisonous substances that would poison all living things. But scientists already then knew that the tail of a comet is just a highly rarefied gas, through which you can even observe stars, and particles of this gas cannot break through the dense atmosphere of the Earth.
Modern astronomers study comets with automatic probes. The first spacecraft went to Halley's comet in 1986. Approaching the comet, they transmitted its pictures to Earth.
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Astronomers have always dreamed of good conditions for observing the stars. They climbed high into the mountains, where the atmosphere is cleaner, built large telescopes to distinguish faint stars. But the best place to study the starry sky is space, which has no atmosphere. And at 19The Hubble Space Telescope was launched into Earth orbit in 1990. The telescope weighed 12 tons, the diameter of its mirror was 2.5 meters.
With the help of a space telescope, astronomers have obtained photographs of extremely high resolution, inaccessible to terrestrial telescopes. The Hubble telescope's visual acuity is such that it can see a small fly from a distance of 10 kilometers. The space telescope has helped discover thousands of new stars, galaxies and nebulae. The surface of the huge star Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion was photographed for the first time.
The results of the telescope's observations really exceeded all possible predictions. He looked into the depths of the universe, showed astronomers the stars located at a distance of many billions of light years from us.
This would not be bad at all:
to observe the orbit Saturn,
admire the constellation Lyra,
Detect black holes
and a treatise certain0034 "Explore the depths of the universe!"
(Tim Sobakin)
Today there are dozens of different specialized telescopes in Earth orbit, each of which explores celestial objects in a specific wavelength range: Copernicus, Astron, Uhuru, Einstein and many others.
In July 1999, the Columbia spacecraft launched the Chandra X-ray telescope, designed to study cosmic radiation and mysterious "black holes."
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Faithful companion, decoration of the night,
Additional lighting.
Of course, we must confess:
It would be boring for the Earth without the Moon!
(R. Aldonina)
The Moon is a satellite of the Earth. She shines brightly in the night sky. It can be observed even with the naked eye, and with small binoculars on the surface of the moon, you can see dark extended spots, which were called the seas.
Galileo was the first to discover mountains and plains on the Moon. He found out that the seas are plains of a darker shade than other areas, which they called the continents. There are many craters on the continents formed after the fall of meteorites.
Astronomers have given names to lunar ridges and mountain ranges. As on Earth, they called them the Apennines, the Caucasus, the Alps. The Ocean of Storms, the Sea of Crises, the Sea of Tranquility, the Sea of Rains appeared on the map of the Moon. The craters received the names of earthly scientists: Copernicus, Kepler, Tycho Brahe. Objects on the far side of the Moon, photographed by space probes, received the names of modern scientists and astronauts.
There is neither water nor air on the Moon. During the day, the temperature reaches +120 degrees, at night - frost -170 degrees.
The moon shines because the sun illuminates it. From the Earth, we see it either round, or in the form of a sickle, sometimes it is not visible at all. We only see the part where the sun's rays fall.
How did the moon come into being? There are three versions explaining the origin of our satellite. In the 19th century, astronomer George Darwin suggested that the Moon and Earth were at first a single molten mass that had broken in two.
Other scientists put forward the version that the Moon was originally an asteroid, which was captured by the Earth's gravity and became its satellite. Domestic scientists led by O. Yu. Schmidt in the middle of the 20th century developed a hypothesis that the Moon and the Earth were formed from a cloud of small particles.
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In 1958, the first terrestrial apparatus, the Soviet Luna-I probe, went to the Moon. He flew at a distance of 6 thousand kilometers from the surface of the moon. In September of the same year, Luna-2 made a hard landing on an earth satellite.
"Luna-17" and "Luna-21" delivered to the moon self-propelled vehicles - lunar rovers, which were controlled from the Earth by radio. Lunokhod-1 worked 11 lunar days (10.5 Earth months) and walked about 10 kilometers on the surface of the Moon, Lunokhod-2 covered about 37 kilometers in 5 months. Lunokhods photographed the surface, took soil samples, studied its chemical composition.
Of course, self-propelled vehicles on the Moon are a significant scientific achievement. But the man wanted more - to step on the surface of the Earth's satellite himself. In 1962, the Americans began preparations for a manned flight to the moon. American designers have developed the best flight path to the Moon, flying around it and returning to Earth. On December 24, 1968, the Apollo 8 spacecraft, commanded by Frank Borman, reached the Moon's orbit and made 10 orbits around it.
On July 1969 years from the cosmodrome at Cape Canaveral, the Saturn-5 launch vehicle was launched, which
launched Apollo 11 into low Earth orbit. The ship's commander was Neil Armstrong. On July 19, Apollo 11 entered lunar orbit. Astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin boarded the Eagle Lunar Module and began their descent. At 21:00 CET, the astronauts landed on the Sea of Tranquility. Aldrin and Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the moon. It was the furthest human journey in space.
there, on the moon, on the moon,
on the blue boulder
Lunar people do not look, do not take their eyes,
like the moon, above the moon
Blue ball, the ball of the earth.
It rises and sets very nicely!
(Yu. Mikhailov)
A total of 12 astronauts in six crews have visited the Moon. They brought to Earth to study more than 300 kilograms of lunar rock. In recent expeditions, astronauts traveled on the moon in four-wheeled electric vehicles. Apollo 17 was the last manned spacecraft to land on the moon.
A in darkness,
grow with crimson light,
of depths
of space ice
9000 .
Gloomy military star.
(S. Zolottsev)
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. Science fiction writers believed that intelligent beings live on Mars - Martians.
At the end of the 19th century, the Italian astronomer Schiaparelli discovered long straight lines on Mars,
which he called channels. The American astronomer Percival Lovell suggested that the Martians suffered from a drought that repeats every year, and therefore dug channels from the poles to the equator. It wasn't until decades later, when powerful telescopes were built, that scientists discovered that the canals were actually just chains of craters or high mountains, which at a great distance appear to be straight lines.
With the beginning of the era of space flight, Mars began to be explored by automatic probes. In 1962, the Soviet station "Mars-1" passed at a distance of 197 thousand kilometers from the planet. In July 1965, the American spacecraft Mariner 4 flew near Mars. He transmitted the first photographs of the surface of Mars.
In 1976, two Viking landers landed on Mars and discovered a lifeless, cold world there.
… Craters blackened menacingly
And placers of stones,
But there were wild rocks
Darker and more formidable!
They, like peaks, crashed
into the cloudless expanse.
No shrubs, no grass,
No rivers, no lakes.
(S. Baranov)
Mars has the largest mountains in the solar system. The extinct volcano Olympus has a height of 27 kilometers. It is three times higher than Everest!
Geologists believe that there used to be a lot of water on Mars. Pictures taken by spacecraft show long, branching valleys that look like dry riverbeds. Their length is tens and hundreds of kilometers. Today, scientists believe that there is no intelligent life on Mars, although it is possible that simple organisms could (or can still exist) here. Studies of space probes have not yet confirmed, but they have not refuted this fact either.
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This is what the International Space Station (ISS) looks like in Earth's orbit. Constantly, changing every 2-3 months, international crews of astronauts work on it.
The twentieth century, taking off to the galaxies,
Brings us all a solemn message:
There is an astronaut - such a profession,
There is already such a position in the world.
(B. Bozhilov)
The first long-term station operating in orbit was our Salyut. She was launched into space in 1971. The station was divided into several compartments: working, sleeping, instrumental. The Salyut had everything the cosmonauts needed for a long flight, even an exercise bike and a treadmill.
The first station worked for three years. Following it, other, more modern stations went into earth orbit.
From 1986 to 2001, the Mir station flew in Earth orbit. It was a whole scientific complex. Mir had its own metallurgical shop, an astronomical observatory and even a greenhouse. Mir became the first station to which both Soviet Soyuz vehicles and American reusable spacecraft arrived. Over the 15-year period of the station's existence, more than 100 people of various nationalities visited it. At the station "Mir" the flight duration record was broken. Russian cosmonaut Valery Polyakov spent 14 months aboard the station from January 1994th to March 1995.
In 1998, the first two modules (the Russian Zarya and the American Unity) of the International Space Station were launched into orbit. And in 2000, the first crew of two Russian and one American cosmonaut arrived on the ISS. Solar panels were deployed to provide the station with electricity. In the near future, all modules will be completed to the station, and its length will exceed 100 meters.
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There is one garden planet
This space is cold.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Birds Sklucking the flights,
Only it bloom on it
Landyshi in the Green grass,
and dragonfly only
to the RED SAME SAME …
Take care of your planet —
There is no other like it!
(J. Akim)
The planets that make up the Solar System revolve around the Sun. The most beautiful and most interesting of the planets is our Earth. This is what the Earth looks like from space - it is not for nothing that it is called the "blue planet".
Earth is the only planet in the solar system where life exists. Earth formed at the same time as the other planets in the solar system about 4.5 billion years ago. Life on Earth is possible because our planet has a dense atmosphere in which oxygen is present. The atmosphere appeared on Earth billions of years ago as a result of volcanic eruptions.
If there were no atmosphere on Earth, the temperature in different parts of the planet would fluctuate from +160 to -100 degrees. No living creature could withstand such changes.
Earth has a varied climate. The rainforests are hot and humid at the equator, and very cold at the poles.
Most of our planet (three quarters) is occupied by seas and oceans, so it would be more correct to call it the Ocean planet. The deepest point in the world's oceans is the Mariana Trench. It is located at a depth of more than 11 kilometers. And the highest mountain is Everest in the Himalayas. She didn't quite make it to 9kilometers. In our country, the highest mountain is Elbrus in the North Caucasus. . ‘ »
At the center of the Earth is a solid metal core. Above lies a layer of molten rocks - the mantle. The surface of the Earth consists of the earth's crust, its thickness varies from 6 to 40 kilometers. The crust is made up of platforms that constantly move across the upper mantle. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions often occur at plate boundaries. At the dawn of the history of the Earth, when our planet had not yet had time to cool enough, thousands of volcanoes erupted on it, and the layers of the earth constantly moved. Now volcanic eruptions and earthquakes do not occur so often.
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Each planet has something of its own,
What makes it stand out the most.
You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight —
It is surrounded by a large ring.
It is not continuous, it is made of different stripes.
Scientists solved the problem this way:
Once upon a time, water froze there,
And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.
(R. Aldonina)
Saturn is easy to recognize by its belt of bright wide rings. This is the second largest planet, its diameter is 120 thousand kilometers. Saturn revolves around the sun in 29 years.
Saturn has been observed since ancient times, it is the farthest planet in the solar system that can be seen with the naked eye. The first person to point a telescope at her was Galileo Galilei. His telescope was underpowered and prevented the scientist from seeing the rings clearly. Galileo managed to see only the disk of the planet, on both sides of which there were two more small disks - the planet, as it were, had large ears. Galileo decided that these were the satellites of Saturn. It wasn't until 1655 that Christian Huygens, using a more powerful telescope, determined that Saturn had rings.
Astronomers have hypothesized that Saturn's rings are fragments of its satellite,
torn apart by Saturn's gravity. The gravity of the planet does not allow the particles of the ring to reconnect into one object.
Like Jupiter, Saturn is composed almost entirely of gas. The temperature on Saturn is lower than on Jupiter, so its atmosphere does not look as bright as on the neighboring giant planet. Saturn has some of the strongest winds in the solar system. Their speed reaches almost two thousand kilometers per hour.
Saturn has many moons, and the largest is Titan. It is the second largest satellite in the solar system. It is surrounded by a dense atmosphere, which consists of nitrogen and hydrocarbons. On the surface of Titan there are oceans filled with liquid methane. Astronomers suggest that the simplest forms of life may exist on Titan. In 2005, Titan explored the Cassini space probe. A descent vehicle was dropped on the surface of Titan, which transmitted photographs of a distant planet to Earth.
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Sun-bucket, come out from behind the cloud,
Sit on a stump, take a walk all day.
The Sun is the closest star to the Earth, but it is still so far away that even light moving at a speed of 300 thousand kilometers per second takes 8 minutes to reach us from the Sun. From the Earth to the Sun - 150 million kilometers.
Without the Sun, there would be no life on Earth. Everything that happens on our planet is connected with the Sun: it is the change of day and night, the onset of winter or summer.
People began to explore the Sun over two thousand years ago. The Chinese were the first to discover strange dark spots on the surface of the star. The expression “there are spots on the sun” has become a saying denoting that nothing is perfect in the world.
It is not safe to observe the Sun through a telescope - you can go blind from the bright light. To weaken the radiance of the Sun, astronomers used special dark glass filters. Astronomers have noticed that if a sunbeam is passed through a
prism, it breaks down into the seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. It may seem surprising, but the white light we see consists of a combination of these colors.
Using a spectrograph instrument, scientists determined the temperature and pressure inside the Sun, as well as the chemical elements that make up its composition. The sun is made up of hot gases. Its surface is heated up to 6000 degrees. The temperature in the bowels of the Sun reaches 15 million degrees.
What are stars?
If they ask you -
Answer boldly:
Hot gas.
And add
What's more, always,
Nuclear reactor -
Every star!
(R. Aldonina)
Flares and explosions often occur on the surface of the Sun, prominence torches appear.
The Moon, revolving around our planet, sometimes finds itself exactly between the Earth and the Sun. Then there is a solar eclipse. During a total eclipse, the solar corona and large prominences become visible.
The start of the ship
If you try very much,
If you really want to,
can rise to the sky
and fly to the sun.
And seriously, not pretending
Get to know the Moon
(S. Baruzdin)
In order to study the stars and planets, as well as observe the Earth from space, people invented
space ships. They send them far from Earth for various scientific purposes.
A space rocket is a complex structure, which involved specialists from a wide range of professions. Some prepared the engines, others built the frame of the ship, others worked with scientific instruments.
A spacecraft is launched into space by a launch vehicle, which consists of two or three stages. When the fuel in the first stage runs out, it is discarded, the second stage engines start working. Then - the third. A "payload" is launched into orbit - an artificial satellite of the Earth, a ship with astronauts or an orbital station.
In 1981, the first flight was made by an American reusable space shuttle Columbia. In appearance, the shuttle resembled a large aircraft with wings and a tail. The shuttle was launched into orbit by two booster rockets. Having used up fuel, they separated at high altitude from the ship and parachuted down into the ocean. There they were caught and sent to the factory for re-refueling.
The shuttle landed like a regular plane. The landing strip for him was very long, lined with durable concrete slabs.
The designer is the main designer:
- the take -off will not be very smooth ...
will be the heart, maybe
often go on the heels ...
—Dadera is higher than the heel,
222 That will be all right!
And then for the whole flight
The heart will not go to the heels.
(A. Shlygin)
Rockets are launched into orbit from special launch sites - cosmodromes. Now there are many such structures, almost every country has its own spaceport, there are even floating spaceports.
The most famous Russian cosmodrome is Baikonur, located in the Kazakh steppes. Today, this is the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but Russian citizens still work there and maintain the spaceport.
in order all planets
will be called any of us:
times - Mercury,
two - Venus,
- Earth,
Four Four - Four Four Four - Four Four - Four Four Mars.
Five is Jupiter
Six is Saturn
Seven is Uranus
He is the eighth in a row
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
Under the name of Pluto.
(A. Haight)
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. The diameter of Jupiter is 11 times
larger than that of our planet. Jupiter travels around the Sun in 12 years.
Jupiter has been known since ancient times for its great brightness. The ancient Greeks named it after their supreme god, the lord of the sky, Zeus (in Roman mythology, Jupiter).
For a long time Jupiter was considered a star. In 1610, the famous astronomer of the Middle Ages Galileo Galilei, carefully observing Jupiter through a telescope, came to the conclusion that it was not a star, but a planet. Galileo noticed that Jupiter is not quite round,
, but flattened at the poles. The scientist also discovered four large satellites of the planet, which were later called Galilean. In the 17th century, the English astronomer Cook discovered spots on the surface of the planet, and the Italian Cassini discovered the Great Red Spot in the southern hemisphere of the planet. He could not explain the nature of this mysterious formation.
Nowadays, scientists observe Jupiter through telescopes from Earth. Spaceships are sent to the largest planet. Studies have shown that the internal structure of Jupiter is very different from the Earth. The visible surface of Jupiter's disk is actually clouds of methane and ammonia. In the center of the planet is a small solid core. The spots on the surface of Jupiter are atmospheric cyclones and vortices. The Great Red Spot is the most powerful hurricane in the solar system. It has been raging for over three hundred years. During this time, he changed his color more than once, becoming either darker or lighter. The dimensions of the Great Red Spot are such that our Earth could easily fit inside it.
what is space, interesting facts
Journey through the solar system, interstellar space, the heart of the galaxy - attract the attention of children, almost from the cradle. Everything that is beyond the planet, and only astronauts are allowed to see, schoolchildren are happy to study at the lessons of the world around them. This topic is a red stripe through all the years of elementary school, through all educational and methodological kits, and is met by children with a bang. It is unforgettable, colorful, exciting, shrouded in many "why?".
- What is space
- Solar system
- Cosmic objects or celestial bodies
- How people studied space
- Interesting facts about space
What is space
of the planet, Moon, Stars, TM, DM, DM comets, white dwarfs, black holes can easily be portrayed by any child. After a little thought, he will add more "celestial bodies" from his fantasies. But to a greater extent, these objects will not correspond to reality. The imagination and fantasies of the younger generation are perhaps our future. Nevertheless, it is important to correctly and competently tell children about space.
What is space? In translation, this is something ordered, and from a scientific point of view, everything that is outside the Earth, the atmosphere.
Talking about space to children, it is worth dwelling more specifically on what is meant by the words “everything that is ..”. The growing brain is arranged in such a way that a minimum of information is not sufficient for it, then the baby begins to ask.
Space is an endless, vast space. It has no beginning and no end. They surround our planet. In this endless universe, there is not only the Earth. Other planets, stars move there, comets and other celestial bodies fly. All of them are part of the solar system.
Solar system
The solar system is a group of celestial bodies, consisting of a central star - the Sun and other natural objects of the Cosmos revolving around it. The sun, through the forces of attraction, keeps the planets and celestial bodies around it. All planets revolve not only around the Sun, but also around themselves. One revolution of the Earth around itself is equal to a day, and one revolution around the Sun is equal to a calendar year. Each planet "walks" along a certain route - an orbit. That is why, translated from the ancient Greek language, the planet means "heavenly wanderer." The composition of the solar system includes: the Sun (the largest star), eight large planets (of different sizes), sixty planetary satellites (the Earth has one satellite, the Moon), small planets (asteroids).
All planets have different sizes. If we compare them with berries, fruits and vegetables, then the largest, like a watermelon, will be Jupiter, it is the fifth from the Sun. Closest to the Sun is the smallest planet Mercury, it is about a pea of black pepper. All represent a blueberry - with it we will designate the second planet in a row - Venus. Beloved Earth is comparable to a cherry tomato. She is in third place. Behind us the size of green peas is Mars. Slightly smaller than Jupiter - watermelon, large juicy grapefruit - Saturn. Behind him is an apple - Uranus and closes Neptune, similar to a tangerine.
Comparative illustration, involving famous vegetables and fruits, for children of primary school age allows you to compare elements, develop spatial vision and remain in memory for a long time.
Space objects or celestial bodies
Not only the planets are interesting for primary school age. Space objects and celestial bodies are found in games, including computer games, cartoons, and fantasy books. Their information is not very reliable. Asteroids, comets, meteorites are small celestial bodies.
Asteroids are small bodies, about ten meters in diameter, moving along their route - orbit.
Comets - have a tail of dust and gases, move in an ellipse around a star.
Meteorites are space debris, dust, ice falling into the Earth's atmosphere.
Dwarf planets are also interesting: Ceres, Pluto and others. They are the most mystical for kids.
Traveling into space is often associated with a flight from one galaxy to another. Starting from grade 1, it is necessary to develop certain scientific skills in the child. Space and galaxy are not the same. There are many in space. A galaxy is a collection of stars. Stars, like a person, move, are born and die. Our galaxy, in which the Earth is located, is called the Milky Way. It can be seen by raising one's eyes to the starry sky - a bright wide strip, similar to spilled milk.
Space stories often focus on stars and constellations. Beautiful legends about their appearance are composed in various epics. Zodiac constellations, such as Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, the guiding North Star, children learn at an early age. However, such facts about space as the Sun is not a planet, but a star for children are not always known.
The story of the stars often comes down to the question of their number. It is impossible to count them. According to astronomers, there are about a hundred billion galaxies, and in clear weather, at night, without a telescope, you can see more than three thousand stars.
How people studied space
From the kindergarten preparatory group teachers tell children about space and astronauts. An astronaut is a person who has conquered space. They are characterized by such qualities as endurance, ingenuity, fortitude, poise, and they are also strong and healthy people.
Cosmonautics, in short, a set of branches of science and technology that provide space exploration using various spacecraft: rockets, satellites.
Many years ago, mankind was preoccupied with the study of space, flights, the desire to find out what was happening high in the sky. For example, about the flight of Icarus on wings fastened with wax, children will learn at literary reading in the second grade.
Man, like birds, wanted to ascend to heaven. From makeshift wings to balloons. But even this did not satisfy the man. The ball flew only in the direction of the wind. A controlled balloon-airship was created, large and clumsy. Improving, mankind came up with new objects for the exploration of outer space. There were airplanes, helicopters, airplanes.
However, the legends and myths about the first flight must have a logical conclusion. A real flight into space was successfully carried out by Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (April 12, 1961). Since then, this day has been considered a national holiday. Many boys want to be astronauts, thanks to the stories "Children about space and astronauts."
Interesting facts about space
In various encyclopedias you can find interesting facts about space for kids. Often the text, the message is illustrated with bright scientific and educational pictures.
The moon, both boys and girls are interested in it. Interesting for them will be the fact that the moon itself does not shine, but only reflects sunlight. A month is a part of the moon that is not covered by a shadow from our planet.
A jump on the Moon would be six times as far as on Earth.
Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin spent 108 minutes on the space voyage. That's an hour and forty-eight minutes (just over two lessons).
Stories about outer space cannot be complete without mentioning two more heroes - huskies Belka and Strelka. They have been in space even before Gagarin.
And now the "very-very" facts about space for children:
- The darkest place in space, without stars and galaxies - the Eridanian Super Void.