Story for boy
Top 5 Moral Bedtime Stories For Boys
Whether Boys or Girls, Moral lessons should be taught from a very early age so that our little champs tend to build up good moral values while growing up. Begin by telling your lad the best bedtime stories for boys that will help them differentiate between right and wrong immediately!
Wherever you see that boys are into bad habits of misbehaving, stealing, etc, it only shows that the value system of those children is not good or was never even incorporated, which is why they are indulging in all kinds of bad deals.
Teach your little ones the best moral values like honesty, loyalty, respect, self-reliance, self-discipline, patience, kindness, gratitude, forgiveness, personal responsibility, and courtesy. At, we have curated the best free bedtime stories for boys that will help your lad become a responsible member of the society.
1. Always ShareCaleb was a very selfish boy. He never shared his toys with anyone. His parents were worried as to how to teach him about kindness and sharing.
Then, one day, Caleb was returning from school on his new bicycle. As Caleb was watching, a boy fell into a ditch and hurt himself. The boy cried, “Ah! I can’t move my arm.” Caleb would never help anyone but that day, he felt sad for the boy. So, he rushed to him and helped him stand up. He said to the boy, “Looks like you have fractured your hand. Sit behind me and I’ll ride you to the hospital.”
Always Share
Later, that evening, the boy’s parents visited Caleb and thanked him, “You are a very kind boy. God will always bless you.” After they had left, Caleb’s father said, “Son, see the blessings you receive by being kind and sharing.” Caleb understood the importance of being kind and decides to share always. Also, read The Thirsty Crow.
2. Never LieAdam had learned from his friends that lying is the easiest way out of any situation. So he became fond of lying and enjoyed telling small lies. When his parents caught him and warned him against telling lies, he shrugged them off, saying, “Lies never harm anyone!” Adam’s father decided to explain to him why lying is bad.
Bedtime Stories For Boys
One evening, Adam and his father were walking down the street with some groceries. Just then, they saw a car rammed into a bookstore. Adam’s father asked a man what happened and he replied, “The car driver lied to his father that he could see without spectacles. They both were in the car when the accident happened. The father is seriously hurt. I’m sure the boy regrets ever lying!” Adam’s father looked at Adam and said, “See Adam, a lie is so dangerous! It can hurt people!” Adam realized the huge cost of a lie and stopped lying.
3. A Selfless ActOnce upon a time, there lived a boy called Edward. He was very kind and gentle. Once, he saved a rabbit from a trap in the forest risking his life. You may also like to read, The Loyal Mangoose.
The next day, Edward went to an old junk shop to sell old things. The owner of the shop was a strange-looking man. He said, “Hey, boy, do you want this ring?” Edward saw the ring and bought it for his mother. He took the ring home and was about to put it on his finger.
Bedtime Stories For Boys
Just then, he heard a whooshing sound, and there stood before him a pretty fairy. The fairy said, “No, Edward, don’t wear it!” Edward was scared and he asked, “Why not? Who are you?” The fairy replied, “I am a fairy! I was playing in the disguise of a rabbit and a hunter trapped me. You saved my life, so I came to save yours. The ring is poisoned. It would kill you as you wear it.” “Thank you, Fairy!” Edward said. To this, the fairy said, “Edward, your selfless act saved you.”
4. Don’t Give UpA long, long time ago, there was lived a boy named Rodney in a village. He was very happy with his family. But his happiness could not last for long.
Rodney and his fellow villagers faced a severe drought, one year. They desperately waited for rains but with no luck. There was no water anywhere. All the crops, land, and even trees dried up. The cattle started dying. People had to go far away to a dream to get water. As there was no rain, the stream was drying up slowly.
Bedtime Stories For Boys Image Source
Then, one night, during a meet with the villagers, Rodney said, “Friends, we all have heard tales from our grandparents about an underground river flowing through our village. Why don’t we dig and see?” The villagers agreed and started digging. They dug for some days but gave up soon. However, Rodney kept on digging. When people told him to give up, he said, “God is helping and guiding my way.”
Then, one day, when he had dug deep enough, Rodney saw water. His attitude of not giving up saved the whole village. “Never give up so easily,” Rodney advised all the villagers. Now, they are never short of water. And whenever any problem arises, all the villagers came up together and find a solution.
Once, there lived a boy named Keith with his mother. He turned eight and it was time for a grand celebration. Keith was very excited about celebrating his birthday that evening. His mother had decorated the house with streamers and balloons. She had prepared many snacks like chocolate chip cookies, blueberry muffins, chocolate cake, and lots of lemonade to drink. Also, read The Wolf And The Seven Little Goats Story.
Sharing Brings Happiness
Keith had invited a lot of friends and he was waiting eagerly for his friends to arrive. Soon, there was a knock at the door. A boy with matted hair and torn clothes stood at the door, asking for food. Keith shouted, “Go away, boy! Don’t keep standing at my door.” Keith’s mother saw this but before she could say anything, Keith’s friends came. Soon, the boys played many games and had fun.
After they had left, Keith saw the same boy standing across the street. His mother said, “You should invite him in and share food with him, Keith. Your happiness will double if you share!” Keith understood and invited the boy in. Later, he felt happy helping someone in need. And he got a new friend, too.
If you loved these short moral stories, don’t forget to share it with your friends. Thanks for reading!
Tagged with: bedtime stories, bedtime stories for babies, bedtime stories for boys, bedtime stories for toddlers, bedtime stories online, free bedtime stories, free bedtime stories for kids, free stories for kids
The Story of the Good Little Boy by Mark Twain
The Story of the Good Little Boy by Mark TwainBy Mark Twain, 1875
Once there was a good little boy by the name of Jacob Blivens. He always obeyed his parents, no matter how absurd and unreasonable their demands were; and he always learned his book, and never was late at Sabbath-school. He would not play hookey, even when Hi bober judgment told him it was the most profitable thing he could do. None of the other boys could ever make that boy out, he acted so strangely. He wouldn't lie, no matter how convenient it was. He just said it was wrong to lie, and that was sufficient for him. And he was so honest that he was simply ridiculous. The curious ways that that Jacob had, surpassed everything. He wouldn't play marbles on Sunday, he wouldn't rob birds' nests, he wouldn't give hot pennies to organ-grinders' monkeys; he didn't seem to take any interest in any kind of rational amusement. So the other boys used to try to reason it out and come to an understanding of him, but they couldn't arrive at any satisfactory conclusion. As I said before, they could only figure out a sort of vague idea that he was "afflicted," and so they took him under their protection, and never allowed any harm to come to him.
This good little boy read all the Sunday-school books; they were his greatest delight. This was the whole secret of it. He believed in the good little boys they put in the Sunday-school books; he had every confidence in them. He longed to come across one of them alive, once; but he never did. They all died before his time, maybe. Whenever he read about a particularly good one he turned over quickly to the end to see what became of him, because he wanted to travel thousands of miles and gaze on him; but it wasn't any use; that good little boy always died in the last chapter, and there was a picture of the funeral, with all his relatives and the Sunday-school children standing around the grave in pantaloons that were too short, and bonnets that were too large, and everybody crying into handkerchiefs that had as much as a yard and a half of stuff in them. He was always headed off in this way. He never could see one of those good little boys on account of his always dying in the last chapter.
Jacob had a noble ambition to be put in a Sunday-school book. He wanted to be put in, with pictures representing him gloriously declining to lie to his mother, and her weeping for joy about it; and pictures representing him standing on the doorstep giving a penny to a poor beggar-woman with six children, and telling her to spend it freely, but not to be extravagant, because extravagance is a sin; and pictures of him magnanimously refusing to tell on the bad boy who always lay in wait for him around the corner as he came from school, and welted him over the head with a lath, and then chased him home, saying, "Hi! hi!" as he proceeded. This was the ambition of young Jacob Blivens. He wished to be put in a Sunday-school book. It made him feel a little uncomfortable sometimes when he reflected that the good little boys always died. He loved to live, you know, and this was the most unpleasant feature about being a Sunday-school-book boy. He knew it was not healthy to be good. He knew it was more fatal than consumption to be so supernaturally good as the boys in the books were; he knew that none of them had been able to stand it long, and it pained him to think that if they put him in a book he wouldn't ever see it, or even if they did get the book out before he died it wouldn't be popular without any picture of his funeral in the back part of it. It couldn't be much of a Sunday-school book that couldn't tell about the advice he gave to the community when he was dying. So at last, of course, he had to make up his mind to do the best he could under the circumstances - to live right, and hang on as long as he could, and have his dying speech all ready when his time came.
But somehow nothing ever went right with this good little boy; nothing ever turned out with him the way it turned out with the good little boys in the books. They always had a good time, and the bad boys had the broken legs; but in his case there was a screw loose somewhere; and it all happened just the other way. When he found Jim Blake stealing apples, and went under the tree to read to him about the bad little boy who fell out of a neighbor's apple-tree and broke his arm, Jim fell out of the tree too, but he fell on him, and broke his arm, and Jim wasn't hurt at all. Jacob couldn't understand that. There wasn't anything in the books like it.
And once, when some bad boys pushed a blind man over in the mud, and Jacob ran to help him up and receive his blessing, the blind man did not give him any blessing at all, but whacked him over the head with his stick and said he would like to catch him shoving him again, and then pretending to help him up. This was not in accordance with any of the books. Jacob looked them all over to see.
One thing that Jacob wanted to do was to find a lame dog that hadn't any place to stay, and was hungry and persecuted, and bring him home and pet him and have that dog's imperishable gratitude. And at last he found one and was happy; and he brought him home and fed him, but when he was going to pet him the dog flew at him and tore all the clothes off him except those that were in front, and made a spectacle of him that was astonishing. He examined authorities, but he could not understand the matter. It was of the same breed of dogs that was in the books, but it acted very differently. Whatever this boy did he got into trouble. The very things the boys in the books got rewarded for turned out to be about the most unprofitable things he could invest in.
Once, when he was on his way to Sunday-school, he saw some bad boys starting off pleasuring in a sailboat. He was filled with consternation, because he knew from his reading that boys who went sailing on Sunday invariably got drowned. So he ran out on a raft to warn them, but a log turned with him and slid him into the river. A man got him out pretty soon, and the doctor pumped the water out of him, and gave him a fresh start with his bellows, but he caught cold and lay sick a-bed nine weeks. But the most unaccountable thing about it was that the bad boys in the boat had a good time all day, and then reached home alive and well in the most surprising manner. Jacob Blivens said there was nothing like these things in the books. He was perfectly dumb-founded.
When he got well he was a little discouraged, but he resolved to keep on trying anyhow. He knew that so far his experience wouldn't do to go in a book, but he hadn't yet reached the allotted term of life for good little boys, and he hoped to be able to make a record yet if he could hold on till his time was fully up. If everything else failed he had his dying speech to fall back on.
He examined his authorities, and found that it was now time for him to go to sea as a cabin-boy. He called on a ship captain and made his application, and when the captain asked for his recommendations he proudly drew out a tract and pointed to the words. "To Jacob Blivens, from his affectionate teacher." But the captain was a coarse, vulgar man, and he said, "Oh, that be blowed! that wasn't any proof that he know how to wash dishes or handle a slush-bucket, and he guessed he didn't want him." This was altogether the most extraordinary thing that ever happened to Jacob in all his life. A compliment from a teacher, on a tract, had never failed to move the tenderest emotions of ship captains, and open the way to all offices of honor and profit in their gift - it never had in any book that ever he had read. He could hardly believe his senses.
This boy always had a hard time of it. Nothing over came out according to the authorities with him. At last, one day, when he was around hunting up bad little boys to admonish, he found a lot of them in the old iron foundry fixing up a little joke on fourteen or fifteen dogs, which they had tied together in long procession, and were going to ornament with empty nitro-glycerine cans made fast one him), and he took hold of the foremost dog by the collar, and turned his reproving eye upon wicked Tom Jones. But just at that moment Alderman McWelter full of wrath, stepped in. All the bad boys ran away, but Jacob Blivens rose in conscious innocence and began one of those stately little Sunday-school-book speeches which always commence with "Oh, sir!" in dead opposition to the fact that no boy, good or bad, ever starts a remark with "Oh, sir." But the alderman never waited to hear the rest. He took Jacob Blivens by the ear and turned him around, and hit him a whack in the rear with the flat of his hand; and in an instant that good little boy shot out through the roof and soared away towards the sun, with the fragments of those fifteen dogs stringing after him like the tail of a kite. And there wasn't a sign of that alderman or that old iron foundry left on the face of the earth; and, as for young Jacob Blivens, he never got a chance to make his last dying speech after all his trouble fixing it up, unless he made it to the birds; because, although the bulk of him came down all right in a tree-top in an adjoining county, the rest of him was apportioned around among four townships, and so they had to hold five inquests on him to find out whether he was dead or not, and how it occurred.
[Footnote *: This glycerine catastrophe is borrowed from a floating newspaper item, whose author's name I would give if I knew it. - [M.T.]]
Thus perished the good little boy who did the best he could, but didn't come out according to the books. Every boy who ever did as he did prospered except him. His case is truly remarkable. It will probably never be accounted for.
Horatio Alger Resources Home Page
Stories for children. Interesting and funny stories for kids.
Grade 1-2A famous story about two friends and a kitten whose hat fell off a chest of drawers. The boys at first thought that the hat had come to life and were very frightened. But soon the secret of the hat was discovered... The story The living hat read The hat lay on...
Dragunsky's funny and instructive story about how Denis imagined himself as an adult. The boy dreamed about how he would scold his father, mother and grandmother for misbehavior: being late, walking without a hat, talking at dinner, etc. This ...
An interesting and informative story about two friends who bought two toy phones to talk to each other. Yes, only Mishka decided to disassemble his apparatus and see how it works. And to collect, as it was, and ...
Dragunsky's story about Denisk and Mishka, who did their homework together. At the same time, Deniska tells a friend about lemurs. Then the boys decide to check each other's work and find many mistakes - everything needs to be redone. After…
A story about two friends who were left alone at the dacha for two days. When leaving, my mother explained how to cook porridge and soup. Yes, only the boys did not listen to advice at all. Read how the friends caught the escaping porridge, got out the bucket...
A funny story about how the yard dog Bobik came to visit his master Barbos. Bobik was surprised by everything in the house: a wall clock, a hairbrush, a mirror, a TV set. Watchdog, as a hospitable host, explained to a friend about the purpose of objects. And then...
A funny story about Mishutka and Stasik, who told each other all sorts of fables - they competed who would misrepresent whom. One day neighbor Igor sat down on the bench. The boy told how he really deceived his mother by eating half a can of jam ...
Grade 2A funny story about a boy who didn't want to eat semolina. Mom promised to take him to the Kremlin if he ate all the porridge. Deniska adds sugar, salt, water and even horseradish to the porridge to make it more…
Dragunsky's story about Denisk, who came to visit his friend Mishka. Mishka gathered a lot of guys. And then it was decided to play hide and seek. Deniska decided to outsmart everyone and hide in one of the communal rooms….
Grade 1 Dragunsky's story about three guys who didn't pronounce the letter Sh. It all started when a truck with a Christmas tree drove into the courtyard of the house. Alyonka says: “Look, there are detectives hanging on the Christmas tree.” This is where it started. ..
A story about rescuing a dog and a kitten on the river during the ice drift. The guys threw a board on the ice floe and the dog in its teeth with the kitten moved to the shore. She missed her owner very much and was very happy when he…
1-2 gradeA story about a boy and a girl who read the fairy tale Three Little Pigs and decided to build a house out of blankets and chairs. And suddenly it seemed to the boy that a gray wolf grabbed him by the leg… Zateinika's story read We and…
Grade 4An instructive story about shame, about not taking other people's things, about the fact that a misdemeanor will be punished. Read the story about Lela and Minka, who ate sweets from the New Year tree and opened gifts ... Christmas tree read ...
An instructive story about the blacksmith's son Vasya. The boy was very fond of riding a cart drawn by his father's horse. The blacksmith did not approve of this. Once Vasya took a cart and went to the forest. A branch got into the wheel and started whipping the boy…
Grade 2 A story about a boy Bobka, who had wonderful khaki pants. Climbing over the fence, the boy tore his pants, and his mother got angry and did not sew them up. Bobka decided to put the patch himself... The story Patch to read U...
A story about how a teacher witty weaned Fedya Rybkin from laughing in class. The boy was smeared with mascara, the whole class could not look at him without laughing. This made Fred very happy. The teacher, discovering the reason for the fun, said that on ...
Nosov's instructive story, which teaches that it is impossible to take someone else's. Pavlik and Kotka once picked cucumbers in the collective farm garden. Kotka's mother saw cucumbers in her son's pocket and found out how he got them. This is strong for her…
An instructive story about honesty. Minka got an A at school and got so upset that he forgot his diary on a park bench. They brought him a new diary and again put a unit there. In the evening a guest came and brought a forgotten diary...
Grade 2 A story about a boy, Kotka, who was sitting at home and did not want to build a hill. However, when the guys built a slide and went home, Kotka went out into the yard to skate. And he wanted to ride from a new mountain. Climb up...
A humorous story about Denis and Mishka, who were assigned to sing a duet with satirical verses at a concert. The boys rehearsed for a long time, but during the performance Mishka got excited and repeated the first verse three times. The whole hall was falling from…
The best stories of Russian writers are collected here. Children love to read about adventures and funny stories from the life of their peers, as well as about funny animals. Funny dialogues, unusual plots and vivid illustrations make young readers fall in love with them from the first pages.
Use the menu to select a story and quickly search.
Interesting and exciting stories for children of preschool and primary school age are collected in this section. More than one generation of people grew up on the wonderful works of the classics of children's literature Nosov, Dragunsky, Zoshchenko, Permyak, Golyavkin and other equally popular authors. Surprisingly, all these writers so deeply and penetratingly revealed the character of the characters, so interestingly and with humor conveyed the situations that happen to them, that one can only be surprised at their abilities and insight. They seemed to experience the mood of the characters themselves, as if they were describing their own lives. The emotionality of the word, which holds attention, and the detailed description of the nature that is happening around are striking. Each of the options presented here deserves attention, do not miss the chance to enjoy reading quality literature addressed to children.
From the first lines, these works make you fall in love with an eloquent word, an unbanal and fascinating plot. Can't stop reading. Here are collected those stories that will be of interest to children, stories about school and peers, about animals, about nature. The first emotional experiences, insults, emotions, sympathy and kindness towards animals are shown. These are the most popular and demanded works. A unique student library is presented to your attention. It is difficult to imagine life without a book; love for it arises at a young age precisely from such short, but such fascinating stories.
Masterpieces of Russian writers are printed without abridgements, you will find options from the school curriculum recommended for additional reading. All this indicates the high quality of the presented material. Each book is accompanied by illustrations, colorful, unusual, which increases the interest in reading. The child will like the characters described by the masters of children's literature. You can read any of the works at any time at your request or on the instructions of the teacher. And having considered the corresponding illustrations, it is easy to imagine the essence of what is happening.
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The legend of Arion
This legend was recorded by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who widely used myths and legends in his works.
Arion defeated the greed and greed of people with his art, beauty and charm. "The Legend of Arion" read ... Periander was a tyrant1 of Corinth. S…
Labors of Hercules. Animal Farm of King Avgiy
Myths of Ancient Greece, Kun N.A.
The feat of Hercules, when in one day he cleared the entire barnyard of Avgius, who had innumerable herds, of manure. "Animal Farm of King Avgiy" read Soon, Eurystheus gave a new assignment to Hercules. He had to clear the whole of manure…
Heracles' exploits. Apples of the Hesperides
myths of Ancient Greece, Kun N.A.
The myth about the last, twelfth, feat of Hercules, when he had to get three golden apples from the gardens of the great titan, who holds the vault of heaven on his shoulders. "Apples of the Hesperides" read The most difficult feat of Hercules in the service of Eurystheus ...
Colorful fairy tales
Odoevsky V.
In unusual stories, alternating like pieces of glass in a kaleidoscope, Odoevsky depicts the negative qualities of people covered from above with a cloak of decency… Table of contents: ♦ Chapter I Introduction ♦ Chapter II finds friends
Astafiev V.P.
A story about an Even boy Girmanchu, whose parents died trying to help a sinking ship. The boy was left alone on the beach. The next day, the captain of the ship sailed for him and took him to an orphanage ... "Girmancha finds friends" read ...
Voynich E.L.
The novel describes the activities of members of an underground revolutionary organization in the first half of the 19th century. The author shows what sacrifices a person can make for the sake of his goal, for the sake of faith. “Leave; what have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?” Table of contents: ♦ …
Tolstoy A.
A fantastic story about how the inhabitants of the sunken Atlantis flew to Mars. They adapted to this planet and created a new civilization. But one day two scientists from the Earth flew to them and staged a revolution there... Contents: ♦...
Stolen letter
Edgar Allan Poe
A personal letter was stolen from the royal chambers, which endangers the honor of a noble person. Moreover, the robbed lady knows who the kidnapper is. The kidnapper uses the power given to him by the letter for political purposes, blackmailing the owner of the letter...
Contents: ♦ I. Princess Trubetskaya ♦ Part one ♦ Part two ♦ Princess M.N. Volkonskaya ♦ Chapter I ♦ Chapter II ♦ Chapter III ♦ Chapter IV…
Tam Glen
Burns R.
Ah, aunt, I ask for advice! With such a young man, I don’t need to be afraid of the fate of change. I’ll be glad of poverty, - If only I would be with me .
Lines about war and love I give my blood In that life-creating battle, What we call love. I glorify the triumph of the world, Contentment and prosperity. It is more pleasant to create one Than to destroy a dozen!
What's a girl to do
Burns R.
What's a girl to do? What shall I do, little girl? How shall I, little girl, live with my hubby? He is grouchy and sick, always dissatisfied. There is cold in his chest, ice in his hands. He grunts, ... has analogues in the tales of many other peoples. Our site presents a version of a folk tale in the processing of A.N. Tolstoy. "Kolobok" read Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman. Here ...
2 - Three little pigs
Mikhalkov S.
A fairy tale about three pig brothers who built houses for themselves. One brother built a house out of straw, another out of twigs and twigs, and a third out of bricks.
"Three Little Pigs" read Once upon a time there were three little pigs in the world. Three brothers. All…
3 - Little Red Riding Hood
Charles Perrault
A short story about a trusting girl and a cunning gray wolf. Disobeying her mother, the girl turns off the road and talks to a stranger - a gray wolf ... "Little Red Riding Hood" read Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her mother loved her without memory, and her grandmother ...
4 - Turnip
Russian folk tale
The turnip is a famous fairy tale for the little ones with a lot of repetitions. The child quickly remembers the sequence of presentation and a simple plot. "Turnip" read Grandfather planted a turnip and says: - Grow a turnip, sweet, sweet! Grow big, big! A turnip has grown, sweet and big, big….
5 - Bremen town musicians
Entin Yu.S. and Livanov V.
The story of the animals and the young Troubadour who went to the city of Bremen to become street musicians. In the city they stopped in front of the royal castle. The king and princess came out onto the balcony of the palace, the townspeople ran to the square and it began ...
6 - Seven-flower flower
Kataev V.P.
A fairy tale about a girl Zhenya, who was presented with a magic seven-flower flower. It had seven petals and could grant any seven wishes. Zhenya spent the first six wishes, but did not get any pleasure and only made her last wish ...
7 - The Snow Queen test and melt even an icy heart! "The Snow Queen" read Table of contents: ♦ The first story, which tells about ...0003
8 - A wolf and seven kids
Russian folk tale
The fairy tale tells about an evil wolf who changed his voice, made his way into the goat's house and ate the little kids.
But the mother goat will be able to save her children and get rid of the wolf. "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" read Once upon a time there was a goat with kids ....
9 - The Tale of Tsar Saltan
Pushkin A.S.
The tale of Tsar Saltan, of his son, the glorious and mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and of the beautiful Swan Princess was created on the basis of the folk tale "Wonderful Sons". Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin enriched the folk work with new plot twists, ...
10 - Three Bears
Russian folk tale
Three Bears is a fairy tale about a girl who got lost in the forest and ended up in a house of bears. There she behaved very rudely: without permission, she ate from every cup, sat on every chair, lay in every bed, ...
11 - Geese-Swans
the swan geese carried the boy away and the little sister went to look for him. The stove, apple tree and river helped the girl save her brother.Read the fairy tale in the processing of A.N. Tolstoy. "Geese-swans" read There lived a man and a woman. At…
12 - The Frog Princess
Russian folk tale
The Frog Princess is a Russian folk tale where the main character, Ivan Tsarevich, married a frog by the will of fate. Ivan had no idea that his wife was Vasilisa the Wise, turned by Koshchei into a frog. Ivan hurried, burned the frog's skin and had to ...
13 - The Fox and the Crane
Russian folk tale
The Fox and the Crane is a fairy tale about friendship between a cunning fox and a clever crane. The crane could not eat the semolina porridge, which the Fox smeared on a plate. He invited her to his place and treated her to a delicious okroshka, which he put ...
14 - Masha and the Bear
Russian folk tale
Masha and the Bear is a fairy tale about a girl who got lost in the forest and ended up in a bear's hut.
The bear did not let Mashenka go home, however, the girl came up with a way to return to her grandparents. Masha and ...
15 - The Wizard of the Emerald City
Volkov A.M.
"The Wizard of the Emerald City" - a fairy tale by Alexander Volkov written at 1939 based on the fairy tale by the American writer Frank Baum "The Wise Man of Oz" with some changes. In 1959, a new edition of the book was published, significantly revised ...
16 - Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all
Alan Milne
A cheerful and beloved fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh does not obey the laws of the fairy tale genre. The tale is devoid of negative characters, the struggle between good and evil forces. The main characters of the tale are the toys of the boy Christopher, with whom funny situations happen in a magical ...
17 - Hen Ryaba
Russian folk tale
Hen Ryaba is the first fairy tale-parable that mothers read to their babies.
Children quickly grasp a simple plot and remember it by heart. Hen Ryaba read Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. And they had a Ryaba Hen. A chicken laid an egg, yes...
18 - The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
Pushkin A.S.
The tale of a poor fisherman who caught a golden fish in his net. The old man took pity on the fish, released it into the sea. For this, the fish promised to fulfill his every desire. The old man didn’t ask for anything, but when he returned home, he told about…
19 - The Little Mermaid
Hans Christian Andersen
A touching tale of the Little Mermaid's strong love for the prince. The little mermaid is ready to give up everything that is dear to her for the sake of the human soul and the love of the prince ... The fairy tale formed the basis of the plots of many films, cartoons and musicals. The Little Mermaid read In the open…
20 - Thumbelina
Hans Christian Andersen
The fairy tale about Thumbelina is loved by children all over the world.
A tiny girl born from a flower goes through many trials on the way to her happiness. Fate rewards Thumbelina for her kind heart. The swallow she rescued earlier endures...
21 - Puss in Boots
Charles Perrault
The tale of an unusual cat that was inherited by a younger brother from a miller's father. The young man was not very happy at first with his share of the inheritance, but a cunning and smart cat made him the richest man and son-in-law of the king ... The cat in ...
22 - Sleeping Beauty
Charles Perrault celebration in honor of his birth. The old fairy predicted the girl's death from a spindle prick, but the good fairy was able to commute the sentence. The girl did not die, but fell asleep on ...
23 - Ax porridge
Russian folk tale
Ax porridge is a short fairy tale about a witty soldier. The greedy old woman did not want to feed the soldier, but he outwitted her and got porridge with butter .
.. Read porridge from an ax The old soldier went on a visit. Tired of…
24 - The Ugly Duckling
Hans Christian Andersen
A fairy tale about the miraculous transformation of an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. The duckling was born unlike his brothers, the inhabitants of the poultry yard disliked him for his dissimilarity to the others. The duckling had to leave the house and go through many trials before he…
25 - The bean seed
Russian folk tale
The cockerel and the bean seed is a Russian folk tale about a rooster who was always in a hurry when pecking at the seeds. The hen warned him all the time and asked him to peck more slowly. One day he choked on a bean seed and fell down. But the chicken…
26 - The Princess and the Pea
Hans Christian Andersen
A short story about how the prince wanted to marry a real princess.
One day, a girl knocked on the gate, who was soaked to the skin, but assured that she was a real princess. She was allowed to sleep, and the old queen gave her a check……
27 - Fear's eyes are big
Russian folk tale
Fear's eyes are big - a short fairy tale about the fact that from fear you can see what was not really ... (from M.M. Serova's collection) Fear eyes are big to read Once upon a time there was an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a hen-klohtushka and a mouse-leaf. Each ...
28 - Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
Russian folk tale
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka is a fairy tale about how the younger brother disobeyed his sister, got drunk from a hoof and turned into a goat ... Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka ... read Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman, they had ...
29 - Sivka Burka
Russian folk tale
Sivka-Burka is a fairy tale about the adventures of Ivan the Fool and his gallant horse.
Sivka Burka read The old man had three sons: two smart ones, and the third Ivanushka the Fool; day and night the fool is lying on the stove. The old man sowed wheat, and it grew ... good cat ... Baba Yaga read Once upon a time there was a husband and wife, and they had a daughter. The wife fell ill and died. Grieved, grieved ...
31 - Teremok
Russian folk audio tale
Listen to the Russian folk tale "Teremok" online on the Mishkina Books website!
32 - Twelve months
Samuil Marshak
Do you know how many months there are in a year? - Twelve. And what are their names? — January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. As soon as one month ends, another immediately begins. And…
33 - The tale of the priest and his worker Balda
Pushkin A.S.
The tale of the stingy priest and resourceful worker Balda.
Somehow Balda was hired for the service for three clicks on the forehead of the priest. When the time of reckoning was approaching, the priest decided to give Balda an impossible task in order to get rid of him. But Balda…
34 - Crocodile Gena and his friends
Uspensky E.N.
Tale about a lonely crocodile Gena. Coming home from work from the zoo, he was left alone and bored. Crocodile Gena decided to make friends with someone. He wrote an ad that he was looking for friends, hung them around the city and ...
35 - Little Humpbacked Horse
Ershov P.
There was an old man in a village who had three sons. They grew wheat and sold it in the market. But then someone got into the habit of trampling wheat in the field at night ... Table of contents: ♦ Part one. It begins...
36 - Alice in Wonderland
Carroll L.
A fascinating story about a girl Alice who met a talking White Rabbit and ended up in amazing worlds where she met very unusual characters... Chapter 1. Down Alice's rabbit hole tired of sitting with my sister doing nothing on the shore ...
37 - The Little Prince
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
A fairy tale about how a pilot, who remained a child at heart, met the Little Prince in the desert, who arrived from another planet. Dedication I ask the children to forgive me for dedicating this book to an adult. I'll justify it: this one...
Stories for children aged 7-8-9-10. Stories for grades 2-3.
This section of our site contains stories of favorite Russian writers for children 7-8-9-10 years. Many of them are included in the main school curriculum and extracurricular reading program for grades 2 and 3. However, these interesting stories for children are worth reading not for the sake of a line in the reader's diary. Being classics of Russian literature, the stories of Tolstoy, Bianchi and other authors have educational and educational functions. In short children's stories, the reader is faced with good and evil, friendship and betrayal, honesty and deceit. Younger students learn about the life and way of life of previous generations.
The stories of the classics not only teach and edify, but also entertain. Funny stories of Zoshchenko, Dragunsky, Oster are familiar to every person since childhood. Plots understandable to children and light humor made the stories the most readable works among junior schoolchildren aged 7-10.
Read interesting stories by Russian writers online on our website!
Dragunsky's funny and instructive story about how Deniska imagined himself as an adult. The boy dreamed about how he would scold his father, mother and grandmother for misbehavior: being late, walking without a hat, talking at dinner, etc. This ...
Grade 3 An interesting and informative story about two friends who bought two toy phones to talk to each other. Yes, only Mishka decided to disassemble his apparatus and see how it works. And to collect, as it was, and ...
Dragunsky's story about Denisk and Mishka, who did their homework together. At the same time, Deniska tells a friend about lemurs. Then the boys decide to check each other's work and find many mistakes - everything needs to be redone. After…
A story about two friends who were left alone at the dacha for two days. When leaving, my mother explained how to cook porridge and soup. Yes, only the boys did not listen to advice at all. Read how the friends caught the escaping porridge, got out the bucket...
A funny story about how the yard dog Bobik came to visit his master Barbos. Bobik was surprised by everything in the house: a wall clock, a hairbrush, a mirror, a TV set. Watchdog, as a hospitable host, explained to a friend about the purpose of objects. And then…
Grade 2 A funny story about a boy who didn't want to eat semolina. Mom promised to take him to the Kremlin if he ate all the porridge. Deniska adds sugar, salt, water and even horseradish to the porridge to make it more…
Dragunsky's story about Denisk, who came to visit his friend Mishka. Mishka gathered a lot of guys. And then it was decided to play hide and seek. Deniska decided to outsmart everyone and hide in one of the communal rooms….
Grade 1Dragunsky's story about three guys who didn't pronounce the letter Sh. It all started when a truck with a Christmas tree drove into the courtyard of the house. Alyonka says: “Look, there are detectives hanging on the Christmas tree.” This is where it started…
A story about rescuing a dog and a kitten on the river during ice drift. The guys threw a board on the ice floe and the dog in its teeth with the kitten moved to the shore. She missed her master very much and was very happy when he ...
An instructive story about the blacksmith's son Vasya. The boy was very fond of riding a cart drawn by his father's horse. The blacksmith did not approve of this. Once Vasya took a cart and went to the forest. A branch got into the wheel and started whipping the boy…
A story about how a teacher wittily taught Fedya Rybkin to stop laughing in class. The boy was smeared with mascara, the whole class could not look at him without laughing. This made Fred very happy. The teacher, having discovered the reason for the fun, said that on ...
Nosov's instructive story, which teaches that you can't take someone else's. Pavlik and Kotka once picked cucumbers in the collective farm garden. Kotka's mother saw cucumbers in her son's pocket and found out how he got them. This is strong for her…
An instructive story about honesty. Minka got an A at school and got so upset that he forgot his diary on a park bench. They brought him a new diary and again put a unit there. In the evening a guest came and brought a forgotten diary...
Grade 2 A story about a boy, Kotka, who was sitting at home and did not want to build a slide. However, when the guys built a slide and went home, Kotka went out into the yard to skate. And he wanted to ride from a new mountain. Climb up…
A humorous story about Denis and Mishka, who were assigned to sing a duet with satirical verses at a concert. The boys rehearsed for a long time, but during the performance Mishka got excited and repeated the first verse three times. The whole hall was falling from…
2-3 gradeDragunsky's story about the boy Deniska's sympathy for the circus performer. One day he went to the circus with his class. He liked the show very much. Especially the number with a huge blue ball on which a little girl danced. After the performance of Denis was ...
Grade 5The commander left the horse wounded in the leg in the village and the miller Pankrat cured him. But he could not feed the horse, so the horse walked around the village and everyone fed him little by little. But once an unkind boy Filka hit...
One day Deniska and Mishka played hockey and were late for lessons. They came up with a good reason, but never agreed. As a result, the deceit came out. A fire in an outbuilding or a feat in the ice read We are with ...
A funny story about how three friends went on a trip around the world, taking a dog and a whole bag with things: plates, forks, pencils, pillows and other utensils . Read how their campaign ended and Styopka succeeded ...
Pyotr Terentyev, going to war, received from his son a beetle, which he found in the garden, as a gift. Peter put him in a box, fed him and let him fly. The beetle went through the whole war with the soldier. Adventures of a Rhinoceros Beetle…
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Legend of Arion
This legend was recorded by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who widely used myths and legends in his writings. Arion defeated the greed and greed of people with his art, beauty and charm.
"The Legend of Arion" read ... Periander was a tyrant1 of Corinth. S…
Labors of Hercules. Animal Farm of King Avgiy
Myths of Ancient Greece, Kun N.A.
The feat of Hercules, when in one day he cleared the entire barnyard of Avgius, who had innumerable herds, of manure. "Animal Farm of King Avgiy" read Soon, Eurystheus gave a new assignment to Hercules. He had to clear the whole of manure…
Heracles' exploits. Apples of the Hesperides
myths of Ancient Greece, Kun N.A.
The myth about the last, twelfth, feat of Hercules, when he had to get three golden apples from the gardens of the great titan, who holds the vault of heaven on his shoulders. "Apples of the Hesperides" read The most difficult feat of Hercules in the service of Eurystheus ...
Colorful fairy tales
Odoevsky V.F.
In unusual stories, alternating like pieces of glass in a kaleidoscope, Odoevsky depicts the negative qualities of people covered from above with a cloak of decency… Table of contents: ♦ Chapter I Introduction ♦ Chapter II finds friends
Astafiev V.
A story about an Even boy Girmanchu, whose parents died trying to help a sinking ship. The boy was left alone on the beach. The next day, the captain of the ship sailed for him and took him to an orphanage ... "Girmancha finds friends" read ...
Voynich E.L.
The novel describes the activities of members of an underground revolutionary organization in the first half of the 19th century. The author shows what sacrifices a person can make for the sake of his goal, for the sake of faith. “Leave; what have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?” Table of contents: ♦ …
Tolstoy A.K.
A fantastic story about how the inhabitants of the sunken Atlantis flew to Mars. They adapted to this planet and created a new civilization. But one day two scientists from the Earth flew to them and staged a revolution there... Contents: ♦...
Stolen letter
Edgar Allan Poe
A personal letter was stolen from the royal chambers, which endangers the honor of a noble person.
Moreover, the robbed lady knows who the kidnapper is. The kidnapper uses the power given to him by the letter for political purposes, blackmailing the owner of the letter...
Contents: ♦ I. Princess Trubetskaya ♦ Part one ♦ Part two ♦ Princess M.N. Volkonskaya ♦ Chapter I ♦ Chapter II ♦ Chapter III ♦ Chapter IV…
Tam Glen
Burns R.
Ah, aunt, I ask for advice! With such a young man, I don’t need to be afraid of the fate of change. I’ll be glad of poverty, - If only I would be with me ...
Lines about war and love I give my blood In that life-creating battle, What we call love. I glorify the triumph of the world, Contentment and prosperity. It is more pleasant to create one Than to destroy a dozen!
What's a girl to do
Burns R.
What's a girl to do? What shall I do, little girl? How shall I, little girl, live with my hubby? He is grouchy and sick, always dissatisfied.
There is cold in his chest, ice in his hands. He grunts, ... has analogues in the tales of many other peoples. Our site presents a version of a folk tale in the processing of A.N. Tolstoy. "Kolobok" read Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman. Here ...
2 - Three little pigs
Mikhalkov S.
A fairy tale about three pig brothers who built houses for themselves. One brother built a house out of straw, another out of twigs and twigs, and a third out of bricks. "Three Little Pigs" read Once upon a time there were three little pigs in the world. Three brothers. All…
3 - Little Red Riding Hood
Charles Perrault
A short story about a trusting girl and a cunning gray wolf. Disobeying her mother, the girl turns off the road and talks to a stranger - a gray wolf ... "Little Red Riding Hood" read Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her mother loved her without memory, and her grandmother .
4 - Turnip
Russian folk tale
The turnip is a famous fairy tale for the little ones with a lot of repetitions. The child quickly remembers the sequence of presentation and a simple plot. "Turnip" read Grandfather planted a turnip and says: - Grow a turnip, sweet, sweet! Grow big, big! A turnip has grown, sweet and big, big….
5 - Bremen town musicians
Entin Yu.S. and Livanov V.B.
The story of the animals and the young Troubadour who went to the city of Bremen to become street musicians. In the city they stopped in front of the royal castle. The king and princess came out onto the balcony of the palace, the townspeople ran to the square and it began ...
6 - Seven-flower flower
Kataev V.P.
A fairy tale about a girl Zhenya, who was presented with a magic seven-flower flower. It had seven petals and could grant any seven wishes.
Zhenya spent the first six wishes, but did not get any pleasure and only made her last wish ...
7 - The Snow Queen test and melt even an icy heart! "The Snow Queen" read Table of contents: ♦ The first story, which tells about ...0003
8 - A wolf and seven kids
Russian folk tale
The fairy tale tells about an evil wolf who changed his voice, made his way into the goat's house and ate the little kids. But the mother goat will be able to save her children and get rid of the wolf. "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" read Once upon a time there was a goat with kids ....
9 - The Tale of Tsar Saltan
Pushkin A.S.
The tale of Tsar Saltan, of his son, the glorious and mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and of the beautiful Swan Princess was created on the basis of the folk tale "Wonderful Sons". Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin enriched the folk work with new plot twists, .
10 - Three Bears
Russian folk tale
Three Bears is a fairy tale about a girl who got lost in the forest and ended up in a house of bears. There she behaved very rudely: without permission, she ate from every cup, sat on every chair, lay in every bed, ...
11 - Geese-Swans
the swan geese carried the boy away and the little sister went to look for him. The stove, apple tree and river helped the girl save her brother. Read the fairy tale in the processing of A.N. Tolstoy. "Geese-swans" read There lived a man and a woman. At… -
12 - The Frog Princess
Russian folk tale
The Frog Princess is a Russian folk tale where the main character, Ivan Tsarevich, married a frog by the will of fate. Ivan had no idea that his wife was Vasilisa the Wise, turned by Koshchei into a frog. Ivan hurried, burned the frog's skin and had to ...
13 - The Fox and the Crane
Russian folk tale
The Fox and the Crane is a fairy tale about friendship between a cunning fox and a clever crane.
The crane could not eat the semolina porridge, which the Fox smeared on a plate. He invited her to his place and treated her to a delicious okroshka, which he put ...
14 - Masha and the Bear
Russian folk tale
Masha and the Bear is a fairy tale about a girl who got lost in the forest and ended up in a bear's hut. The bear did not let Mashenka go home, however, the girl came up with a way to return to her grandparents. Masha and ...
15 - The Wizard of the Emerald City
Volkov A.M.
"The Wizard of the Emerald City" - a fairy tale by Alexander Volkov written at 1939 based on the fairy tale by the American writer Frank Baum "The Wise Man of Oz" with some changes. In 1959, a new edition of the book was published, significantly revised ...
16 - Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all
Alan Milne
A cheerful and beloved fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh does not obey the laws of the fairy tale genre.
The tale is devoid of negative characters, the struggle between good and evil forces. The main characters of the tale are the toys of the boy Christopher, with whom funny situations happen in a magical ...
17 - Hen Ryaba
Russian folk tale
Hen Ryaba is the first fairy tale-parable that mothers read to their babies. Children quickly grasp a simple plot and remember it by heart. Hen Ryaba read Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. And they had a Ryaba Hen. A chicken laid an egg, yes...
18 - The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
Pushkin A.S.
The tale of a poor fisherman who caught a golden fish in his net. The old man took pity on the fish, released it into the sea. For this, the fish promised to fulfill his every desire. The old man didn’t ask for anything, but when he returned home, he told about…
19 - The Little Mermaid
Hans Christian Andersen
A touching tale of the Little Mermaid's strong love for the prince.
The little mermaid is ready to give up everything that is dear to her for the sake of the human soul and the love of the prince ... The fairy tale formed the basis of the plots of many films, cartoons and musicals. The Little Mermaid read In the open…
20 - Thumbelina
Hans Christian Andersen
The fairy tale about Thumbelina is loved by children all over the world. A tiny girl born from a flower goes through many trials on the way to her happiness. Fate rewards Thumbelina for her kind heart. The swallow she rescued earlier endures...
21 - Puss in Boots
Charles Perrault
The tale of an unusual cat that was inherited by a younger brother from a miller's father. The young man was not very happy at first with his share of the inheritance, but a cunning and smart cat made him the richest man and son-in-law of the king ... The cat in ...
22 - Sleeping Beauty
Charles Perrault celebration in honor of his birth.
The old fairy predicted the girl's death from a spindle prick, but the good fairy was able to commute the sentence. The girl did not die, but fell asleep on ...
23 - Ax porridge
Russian folk tale
Ax porridge is a short fairy tale about a witty soldier. The greedy old woman did not want to feed the soldier, but he outwitted her and got porridge with butter ... Read porridge from an ax The old soldier went on a visit. Tired of…
24 - The Ugly Duckling
Hans Christian Andersen
A fairy tale about the miraculous transformation of an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. The duckling was born unlike his brothers, the inhabitants of the poultry yard disliked him for his dissimilarity to the others. The duckling had to leave the house and go through many trials before he…
25 - The bean seed
Russian folk tale
The cockerel and the bean seed is a Russian folk tale about a rooster who was always in a hurry when pecking at the seeds.
The hen warned him all the time and asked him to peck more slowly. One day he choked on a bean seed and fell down. But the chicken…
26 - The Princess and the Pea
Hans Christian Andersen
A short story about how the prince wanted to marry a real princess. One day, a girl knocked on the gate, who was soaked to the skin, but assured that she was a real princess. She was allowed to sleep, and the old queen gave her a check……
27 - Fear's eyes are big
Russian folk tale
Fear's eyes are big - a short fairy tale about the fact that from fear you can see what was not really ... (from M.M. Serova's collection) Fear eyes are big to read Once upon a time there was an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a hen-klohtushka and a mouse-leaf. Each ...
28 - Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
Russian folk tale
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka is a fairy tale about how the younger brother disobeyed his sister, got drunk from a hoof and turned into a goat .
.. Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka ... read Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman, they had ...
29 - Sivka Burka
Russian folk tale
Sivka-Burka is a fairy tale about the adventures of Ivan the Fool and his gallant horse. Sivka Burka read The old man had three sons: two smart ones, and the third Ivanushka the Fool; day and night the fool is lying on the stove. The old man sowed wheat, and it grew ... good cat ... Baba Yaga read Once upon a time there was a husband and wife, and they had a daughter. The wife fell ill and died. Grieved, grieved ...
31 - Teremok
Russian folk audio tale
Listen to the Russian folk tale "Teremok" online on the Mishkina Books website!
32 - Twelve months
Samuil Marshak
Do you know how many months there are in a year? - Twelve. And what are their names? — January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
As soon as one month ends, another immediately begins. And…
33 - The tale of the priest and his worker Balda
Pushkin A.S.
The tale of the stingy priest and resourceful worker Balda. Somehow Balda was hired for the service for three clicks on the forehead of the priest. When the time of reckoning was approaching, the priest decided to give Balda an impossible task in order to get rid of him. But Balda…
34 - Crocodile Gena and his friends
Uspensky E.N.
Tale about a lonely crocodile Gena. Coming home from work from the zoo, he was left alone and bored. Crocodile Gena decided to make friends with someone. He wrote an ad that he was looking for friends, hung them around the city and ...
35 - Little Humpbacked Horse
Ershov P.
There was an old man in a village who had three sons. They grew wheat and sold it in the market.
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- Math in preschool
- Rhyming words for grow
- How to read and comprehend
- Why social skills are important
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- Three bowls of porridge
- Letter s in the alphabet
- Abc song car
- Math counting activities
- Vocabulary games for 1st graders