Three bowls of porridge
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von 1English | Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Once upon a time, in a little house on the edge of the woods, a girl called Goldilocks lived with her parents. One morning, she woke up as the sun was streaming through her window; thinking it was time for school, she leapt out of bed.
Downstairs her mother was busy.
“It’s far too early for school. Don’t get under my feet. Why don’t you go out for a walk? You can pick me some blackberries to make a pie for dinner tonight,” she grumbled.
Goldilocks went skipping into the woods swinging a basket for the blackberries. Singing to herself, she went further and further into the woods.
After a while, she began to feel hungry and a little tired. Across a clearing in the woods she suddenly saw a cottage.
“Perhaps I could get something to eat there and have a rest,” she thought.
She knocked on the door but there was no reply. Gently, she pushed the door and, to her surprise, it opened. Cautiously, she went in.
“Hello?” she called, but no one answered.
The door had opened into a kitchen. On the table she could see three bowls of porridge which smelled so delicious that it made her tummy rumble. The bowls were three different sizes: big, middle-sized and tiny. And by each bowl was a chair also big, middle-sized and tiny.
Goldilocks scrambled onto the biggest chair because it had the biggest bowl of porridge by it. She picked up a big spoon and tried the porridge.
“Ouch!” she cried.“This porridge is too hot!”
She moved onto the next chair and the next bowl. Picking up a middle-sized spoon she tried the porridge.
“Yuck!” she said, for it was very very cold.
Goldilocks moved onto the next chair and the smallest bowl. Picking up the smallest spoon, she tried the porridge. It was just right. So, very quickly, she ate it all up.
As she was finishing it, she began to hear a strange creaking sound and, just as she ate the last spoonful, the legs of the chair she was sitting on broke and she landed with a bump on the floor.
After all the porridge and the bump, she suddenly felt very sleepy. So she went up the twisty stairs to see if she could find somewhere to lie down.
First of all, she found a great big bed. She climbed up onto it but, oh, it was too hard.
Then she found a middle-sized bed. She climbed into it but it was too soft, she felt as though she would disappear in it.
Then she found a teeny tiny bed. This felt just right so she climbed into it, pulled the covers over herself and was soon fast asleep.
While she was sleeping, the owners of the cottage came back. They were three bears: Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear. They’d been for a walk in the woods before breakfast and now they were hungry.
“Hello, what’s this?” growled Daddy Bear, in his great big voice. “It looks as though someone’s been messing with my porridge and whoever it is has left muddy footprints on my chair.”
Mummy Bear came to look.
“You’re right, my dear,” she said in her soft, growly, middle-sized voice. “Someone’s been eating my porridge too and I’m sure the cushion on my chair has been sat on.”
Then Baby Bear began to cry.
“Someone’s been eating my porridge and they’ve eaten it all up and they’ve broken my chair as well!” he sobbed in his little, squeaky, teeny, middle-sized growl.
“Who could have done this? And where were they now?” they wondered.
They looked around the house and went upstairs.
“Well,” growled Daddy Bear, “someone’s been lying in my bed but they’re not there now.”
“Someone’s been in my bed too,” said Mummy Bear, “but I can’t see them.”
Then they heard a squeak from Baby Bear.
“Daddy! Mummy! Come quickly, there’s someone fast asleep in my bed!”
Daddy and Mummy Bear raced into his room and stood around the bed looking down at Goldilocks. She woke with a start and was frightened to see three bears all looking at her.
Before they could say anything, she jumped out of bed, out of the window and ran away through the woods back to her home because she didn’t know that they were really gentle, friendly bears.
“Well I never,” growled Daddy Bear, scratching his head. “My grandfather told me people were strange. Fancy, eating all that porridge and then running away.”
Puzzled, the three bears went back to the kitchen where Daddy Bear mended Baby Bear's chair, while Mummy Bear made more porridge. And from that day to this, bears all over the world have always known that people are strange creatures who are not to be trusted with porridge.
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Energy {{}} kcal{{}} kJ
= {{ unitConvert(,0.239) | number : 0}} kcal= {{ unitConvert(,4.184) | number : 0}} kJ
Protein {{foodstuff.foodstuff.protein}} g-
Carbohydrate {{foodstuff.foodstuff.carbohydrate}} g-
Fat {{foodstuff.foodstuff.fat}} g-
Fiber {{foodstuff.foodstuff. fiber}} g-
Energy 310 kcal
Proteins 12 g
Carbohydrates 51 g
Fat 6 g
Fibers 14 g
Food values
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Carbohydrates | 51 g |
| - 003fiber_manual_record Fat fiber_manual_record Saturated fatty acids {{dataChartPercent[0] | number:0}} % {{dataChartPercent[1] | number:0}} % {{dataChartPercent[2] | number:0}} % {{dataChartPercent[0] | number:0}} % {{dataChartPercent[1] | number:0}} % {{dataChartPercent[2] | number:0}} % {{dataChartPercent[3] | number:0}} % {{dataChartPercent[4] | number:0}} % Oatmeal is prepared from whole grains or steamed oat grains. 100 g dry mix contains about 67 g of carbohydrates and almost 17 g of protein. Different manufacturers can add sugar, as well as dried fruits and berries, to their products. These ingredients increase the overall nutritional value of the porridge. Oatmeal has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. The dish contains: • dietary fiber; By adding oatmeal to the menu, you can bring great benefits to your body. • promotes accelerated muscle building; Oatmeal can be part of a diet or a delicious, nutritious breakfast. How many calories are in 100 g of oatmeal? The dish has minimal nutritional value if cooked with water. A more delicious and high-calorie option is porridge with milk with additional additives. To prepare a low-calorie porridge with water, pour 150 g of dry cereal into 2 cups of boiling water and simmer the mixture for 10 minutes until the cereal is ready. Such a diet dish is ideal for people who are struggling with being overweight. Calories in oatmeal cooked in water will not harm the figure, but will give a charge of vivacity for many hours. Cooking milk porridge is also easy. To do this, boil 150 ml of milk, add salt and sugar to taste, and then add cereal or oatmeal. The cooking time of porridge over moderate heat is from 10 minutes for cereal to half an hour for whole cereals. So that the porridge does not burn, it must be stirred. In the finished dish, you can add a little butter and dried fruits. When eating this dish, keep in mind that the amount of calories in oatmeal with milk is higher. In one standard plate of such porridge, there are about 250 kcal. And if fruits or honey are added to the dish, then its energy value will be even higher. Therefore, if there are problems with being overweight, it is recommended to cook cereals in water with a minimum addition of salt. |
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Oatmeal: calories in water and milk per 100 grams
June 22, 2022
11 251
Darima Tsyrenova
Philologist, nutritionist, copywriter. I teach English and Chinese at the university. Graduated from graduate school with a degree in Chinese Literature. She was the head of the department, worked in the educational and methodological department of the university. She graduated from courses in nutrition and copywriting. Now I write about a healthy lifestyle and nutrition.
Content of Article
Benefits and harms of oatmeal
Oatmeal has a rich "package" of valuable nutrients, they are easier and more fully absorbed by the body. Groats have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems of a person.
Oatmeal is generally not harmful to healthy people.

Oatmeal varieties
In stores you can buy uncrushed oatmeal, flakes "Hercules" and "Extra", as well as instant flakes.
- To obtain uncrushed oatmeal, the grain is hulled and ground. From such cereals, porridge is boiled for 30 minutes.
- Oatmeal is steamed, then flattened and dried to make Extra and Hercules flakes. Porridge from these flakes is ready in 10 - 15 minutes.
- For instant flakes, the groats are cut, pressed and steamed for a long time. Often sugar, pieces of dried fruit or berries, and flavorings are added to such cereals.
Oatmeal calories
Oatmeal is a fairly balanced product in its composition. It's a great source of carbs and fiber, including the "magic" beta-glucan. Cereals contain more proteins and fats than other grains. 100 grams of dry cereal contains:
- Squirrels - 17 g.
- Fats - 7g
- Carbs - 66.3g
- Fiber - 10g
- Water: 8%
And the calorie content of oatmeal per 100 grams is 389 kcal.
The most popular way to prepare this cereal is oatmeal. About how many calories in oatmeal cooked in different ways, we will tell further.
On the water
Oatmeal itself has a pleasant sweetish taste, it can only be eaten boiled in water. The calorie content of oatmeal on water per 100 grams is 72.9 kcal.
With milk
If you want a more nutritious version of oatmeal, cook it with milk. Calorie content of oatmeal in milk with 2.5% fat content is 89 kcal.
Instead of cow's milk, try adding plant-based milks such as almond, soy, etc. to oatmeal.
With butter
Oatmeal with milk and butter is considered a healthy breakfast, although very high in calories. It is recommended for strong physical or mental activity. Calorie content of oatmeal in milk with butter - 121 kcal.
With fruit or nuts
For a healthy dessert, add some berries or chopped fruit to a bowl of oatmeal. For example, orange, peach or blueberry add a sweet taste to porridge, increase its nutritional value and fiber content. In addition to fresh or frozen fruit, try adding canned fruit or purees.
The energy value of oatmeal with pear is 84.63 kcal.
To feel full longer, you can eat porridge with nuts or seeds. They are an excellent source of protein. Calorie content of oatmeal with almonds and flax seeds per 100 g is 217.02 kcal.
with honey
Try swapping the flavored instant cereal for a healthier version of whole grain oatmeal with honey. Add a little honey to non-hot porridge. The energy value of oatmeal on water with honey per 100 g is 135. 05 kcal.
Consumption rules
Prefer whole grain or cereal cereals over instant porridge.
To add flavor to oatmeal, try seasoning it with spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg or vanilla. Pay attention to portion size. You can use healthy plate or palm methods to determine your portion.
Oatmeal will be a great choice for a future mother. Porridge is rich in many elements necessary for a woman and her child. Oatmeal is recommended for pregnant women with poor appetite and toxicosis, its viscous consistency, combined with soft fruits and berries, can alleviate a woman's condition.
Young mothers have increased energy requirements when feeding their baby, so it is important to eat well. Try oatmeal with berries, coconut flakes and a handful of seeded nuts. This is a great option for a hearty and balanced breakfast that will give strength and energy.
It has been proven that oatmeal does not make you fat, namely, porridge from whole grain cereals on the water. It is nutritious, low in calories and high in fiber. Oatmeal fiber is able to retain food in the stomach for a longer time, thereby prolonging the feeling of satiety. Eating oatmeal can reduce appetite, which means it can help with weight loss and reduce the risk of obesity.
Oatmeal is also good for children. Namely:
- for heart and vascular health.
- for gut health. Oatmeal is a great prebiotic, it feeds good gut bacteria and aids in digestion.
- for muscle growth thanks to oatmeal amino acids.
Oatmeal is generally recommended for children over one year of age. However, there is research that early introduction of oatmeal may reduce the risk of asthma in children.
When not to eat oatmeal
Caution is indicated for people sensitive to proteins such as gluten and avenin to consume oatmeal. Choose a product labeled "gluten-free".
It is also possible for the body to react to oatmeal fiber, especially in people diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. Oatmeal can cause them to feel bloated, gassy, and have diarrhea.
For which diseases is it recommended to eat oatmeal
Thanks to its many health benefits, oatmeal is known as a health food. This cereal is included in the diet:
- for acute gastrointestinal diseases. Doctors recommend strongly boiling and rubbing the grain so as not to harm the gastric mucosa.
- in diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. Oatmeal has the ability to lower bad cholesterol and normalize blood sugar levels.
- for colds. A bowl of warm porridge will be a great soothing and nourishing product. Oatmeal contains vitamin E, a natural source of immunity.
Rules for choosing and storing oatmeal
Try to buy oatmeal in airtight opaque packaging, so the cereal will lose its beneficial properties less.