Story map free printable
Story Map Graphic Organizers
These story map graphic organizers are great to use for creative writing projects, book reports, critiques, and more! Offering a variety of formats, from simple to complex, these templates allow readers and writers to list characters, conflicts, action scenes, plots, ideas, and other story mechanics. These sheets can help beginning readers learn how stories are constructed, and advanced readers will learn how to critically assess literature. Writers will find them handy for listing important details and story beats. These templates aren't just for the classroom. They would also be great for use by local book clubs, summer reading programs, and other community literacy endeavors.
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Click the buttons to print each organizer.
A good template for beginning writers to get the details of their story figured out.
Two sets of story maps are good for comparing books in similar genres, by the same author, or contrasting different books.
A good chart for listing specific action scenes and problem resolution.
Lists basic story beats, but also includes space for listing the moral of the story, as well as similar stories.
This chart allows for listing up to six ideas for a story, as well as space for scenes or other aspects.
A simple chart that allows readers to diagram action scenes and problem resolution. This can help you evaluate just about any story that you may be reading.
Beginning readers will enjoy using this cute map to list details of their favorite stories. this will become one of those that you will gravitate towards when evaluating stories of any size.
Similar to the above page, but more general in the details about the story. The focus is on being more general.
Young readers can list significant events at the beginning, middle, and end of their stories.
Similar to the sheet above, but adds space to list specific problems and their resolutions within the story.
In addition to listing the problems and resolutions, readers can document the climax of the story.
This template allows for more detailed listing of the action scenes within a story.
A good template for preparing book reports, with spaces to list characters and conflicts.
Similar to the 3-Part Story Clock above, but in a different format.
Has spaces for the beginning, middle, and end of the story, and extensions for more detailed notes.
What Are Story Maps?
A great way to organize the features of a novel is a story map. It helps students characterize every component that was involved in creating a book. A story map is a creative classroom activity that enables students to develop the ability to deduce elements and learn about how a story is made.
How to Make a Story Map
The students are given blank story maps to fill each part while reading the book.
The constituents of a story map are as below.
List down the characters that appear in the book. The extensive story maps further divide characters into lists of major and minor characters.
Where and in what era is the story taking place. Such as a historical novel in a king’s court or a story about a parallel universe. The first two chapters usually identify the setting.
This is a sequence of events that occurs in the story. Students are expected to write down the plots in short pointers.
Identify what themes the author uses, such as family, identity, fight for power, love, friendship, self-actualization, etc.
Write down the conflict that the protagonists face. It can be anything like character against society, nature, supernatural beings, technology, another character, or a battle against self. A good conflict gives high anticipation and immense satisfaction with the resolution.
The solution to the conflict. A story map must have a box for a resolution. Students are expected to write down how the conflict was defused. Some story maps used in writing classes also have a box where students write about how they would resolve the matter or write a different ending than the author.
Example of a Story Map in a Novel
Let us take Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and analyze it. The book has two main characters, Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy. The story is set in England and depicts the society of the 18th Century. The story’s themes are differences in status, women’s empowerment, and the perceptions we can have about the other person.
The conflict between the protagonists is that both are prideful and prejudiced toward each other and form wrong opinions. The resolution in this novel was that misunderstandings clear out as the truths are revealed. Elizabeth and Darcy end up together, who were the two most unlikely people to be together. Read your favorite novel and give a story map a try.
Significance of a Story Map
The framework of a story map involves identifying characters, plot, themes, conflict, resolution, and setting. This graphic organizer is a strategy to help students decipher the story as a piece of literary writing and turn it into something easier to memorize.
A story map helps a student in learning efficiently in the following ways:
- It Improves comprehensive skills
- It helps in organizing thoughts while reading by providing them structure
- Enhances writing ability as the student thinks like an author
- A complete story map with answers can help students while preparing for exams
Story Maps | Classroom Strategies
Story maps use graphic organizers to help students learn the elements of a book or story. The most basic story maps focus on the beginning, middle, and end of the story. More advanced organizers focus more on plot or character traits.
When to use: | Before reading | During reading | After reading |
How to use: | Individually | With small groups | Whole class setting |
What is a story map?
A story map is a graphic organizer that helps students learn the elements of a narrative. Learning to identify a story’s characters, plot, setting, problem, and solution prompts students to read carefully to learn the important details. There are many different types of story maps. The most basic ones focus on the beginning, middle, and end of the story while more sophisticated organizers focus more on story elements like plot, character development, or theme.
Why use story maps?
- They improve students' comprehension of narrative text.
- They provide students with a framework for identifying the elements of a story.
- They help students of varying ability capture and organize information and ideas efficiently.
- They help students develop a deeper understanding of how stories work that can be applied to other texts and content areas.
How to use story maps
- Define and discuss the components of a story (e.g., characters, setting, plot and theme or beginning, middle, end) using a familiar story as an example
- After a whole-class read-aloud of a story, complete a story map on chart paper with input from students
- If students will story maps individually, provide each student with a blank story map organizer and have them complete their own copies as you co-construct the larger version.
- Once students understand how to construct story maps, they can complete story maps as they read or, after reading, they can fill in any missing parts.
Download simple story map templates (beginning–middle–end)
Download more complex story map templates (characters, setting, plot, conflict and resolution
Watch a demonstration: mini-lesson in story mapping
The teacher completes a story map for “The Three Little Pigs” step-by-step, explaining each narrative element.
Watch a classroom lesson: narrative text retelling (grade 1, whole-class)
As part of a lesson on retelling, the teacher completes a story map for “Butterfly’s Life,” a narrative nonfiction text, with input from students.
Watch a classroom lesson: The Hen and the Apple Tree (grade 2, whole-class)
Following a whole-class read-aloud of The Hen and the Apple Tree, the teacher completes a story map with input from students to help them identify the moral of the story (beginning at 12:07).
Collect resources
Download simple story map templates (beginning–middle–end)
Download more complex story map templates (characters, setting, plot, conflict and resolution
Differentiate instruction
For English-learners, readers of different ability levels, or students needing extra support:
- Scaffold your instruction by providing prompts for each section on your map. For example, in the "Beginning" box of your map, use prompts such as: Who are the main characters? Where does the story take place? You can write in these prompts before printing or making copies of a story map intended for students to fill out independently.
- Differentiate by providing less complex story map templates — the beginning-middle-end format is the simplest — for those working to grasp the basics of stories and other, more complex maps, with students ready to engage in more complex work.
- Model this strategy using a book with very clear components to help students understand each component.
- Have the students complete story maps in pairs, being sure to partner a reader or writer who needs extra support with one who has more skill. Partners can also fill out a story map together after a Paired Reading activity.
Extend the learning
This chart shows how the story mapping strategy can be used in language arts, history, and science. See cross-disciplinary story mapping chart ›
Students can extend their understanding of story maps into their own writing. Students can use story maps to plan, summarize, and write their own main ideas, characters, setting, and plot for a story. Find more ideas for using graphic organizers to support writing ›
Language Arts
This story map example demonstrates how story maps are used with an Arthur story. Students identify the setting, characters, the problem, and the solution in the story.
Story maps can be used to help students solve open-ended math problems or create their own math problems. This work helps students break down problems into smaller sections in order to understand what is being asked.
Social Studies
Using the format of the story map, students can create their own map by taking a walk around the playground or school. Encourage students to include positional words in their story map writing.
Related strategies
Learn more about strengthening reading comprehension in our self-paced module Reading 101: Comprehension.
See the research that supports this strategy
Adler, C. (2004). Seven Strategies to Teach Students Text Comprehension.
Armbruster, B. B., Lehr, F., & Osborn, J. (2001) Put reading first: The research building blocks for teaching children to read kindergarten through grade three. Washington, DC: The U.S. Department of Education.
Boulineau, T., Fore, C, Hagan-Burke, S. and Burke, M. (2004). Use of Story-Mapping to Increase the Story-Grammar Text Comprehension of Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Spring, 2004), pp. 105-121
Nell K. Duke, P. David Pearson, Stephanie L. Strachan, and Alison K. Billman (2011) Essential Elements of Fostering and Teaching Reading Comprehension. From What Research Has to Say About Reading Instruction (4th ed.), International Reading Association.
Nell K. Duke, Alessandra E. Ward, and P. David Pearson (2021). The Science of Reading Comprehension Instruction, The Reading Teacher, Vol 74, No. 6 (May-June 2021).
Dunst, C, Simkus, A, Hamby, D. (2012). Children's Story Retelling as a Literacy and Language Enhancement Strategy. CELLreviews 5(4). Asheville, NC: Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute, Center for Early Literacy Learning.
Santa, C., Havens, L., & Valdes, B. (2004). Project CRISS: Creating independence through student owned strategies 3rd Edition. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
Timothy Shanahan et al., Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade (2010). U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences.
Trabasso, T., & Bouchard, E. (2002) Teaching readers how to comprehend text strategically. In C. Block and M. Pressley, (Eds.) Comprehension instruction: Research-based practices (pp. 176-200). NY: Guilford Press.
Children's books to use with this strategy
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
By: James Marshall
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
This inventive telling of a familiar tale will enchant readers, young and old.
Red Riding Hood
By: James Marshall
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
Marshall's humorous illustrations add personality and action to familiar tales.
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
By: Jon Scieszka
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
The "real" story started when Alexander Wolf sneezed when he tried to borrow a cup of sugar from his neighbor in the straw house.
Contour cards
Contour cardscontour maps for grades 5,6,7,8,9,10. Clean and ready contour maps for geography and history
Contour maps
Free download and print out contour maps for grades 5,6,7,8,9,10. Clean and completed contour maps in geography and history can be downloaded and printed with high quality
GDZ contour maps in geography
ready with completed assignments, with answers to questions, completed:
- GDZ grade 5 geography ready-filled contour maps with answers to tasks, atlas 2016 Bustard
- GDZ ready contour maps in geography for grade 6 atlas AST Press
- Ready-made contour maps in geography grade 7 with answers to GDZ tasks
- Atlas of ready-made contour maps on the geography of the GDZ for grade 8 with answers, publishing house AST-Press 2016
- GDZ ready-made contour maps grade 8 geography Bustard DiK 2016
- GDZ ready-made contour maps of Russia - grade 9 geography atlas of the Drofa publishing house 2017
GDZ contour maps on history
ready-made with completed assignments, with answers to questions, completed:
- GDZ ready-made contour maps on the history of the Ancient World for grade 5 AST solution book with answers
- Ready-made contour maps on the history of the Middle Ages, grade 6, a solution book with answers
- Ready-made contour map grade 6 History of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the 16th century, GDZ publishing house AST Press
- Contour maps on the history of Russia in the 16th-18th centuries GDZ Grade 7
- Reshebnik to the atlas of contour maps on the history of Russia in the 19th century - 8th grade school
- Ready-made contour maps for history grade 8 GDZ publishing house Drofa
- Ready-made contour maps on the history of Russia in the 20th century Grade 9 GDZ
- History of Russia 1914 - the beginning of the 21st century, ready-made contour maps with answers, Bustard atlas, gdz grade 10
Geography contour maps for printing clean (free download and print):
- Atlas of contour maps in geography for grade 7, ART-Press
- Atlas of contour maps in geography for grade 8 "Physical geography of Russia"
- Geography grade 8 outline maps Bustard 2016 GEF
- Grade 9 contour maps in geography, Enlightenment 2017 Spheres
- Contour maps in geography for grade 10 Drofa publishing house 2016
- Contour maps in geography grade 10 Cartography download and print photo pictures with high quality
Blank maps for history for printing clean (download for free and print):
- Blank maps for history clean for grade 5 "History of the Ancient World" download and print
- Contour maps on history for grade 6 "History of the Middle Ages" Drofa publishing house - download and print blank kk
- Clean contour maps for history for grade 7 AST-Press 2016 download free photo and print
Free download and print contour maps for 5,6,7,8,9,Grade 10. Clean and finished completed contour maps for geography and history can be downloaded and printed with high quality
in which bank to open a card, how to get a TIN, how much does it cost, personal experience
Card Tourist
received two bank cards in Kazakhstan
Author profile
When the international payment systems Visa and Mastercard left Russia, I thought about how to pay now on foreign trips, foreign online stores and services. nine0003
At first, I was hoping for the Chinese Union Pay system. But there were problems with her.
Firstly, not all Russian banks issue a Union Pay card. Of those not under sanctions, these are only Post-Bank, Russian Standard, Solidarity, St. Petersburg, MTS-Bank, Zenit and Primsotsbank.
Secondly, the issue and maintenance of such a card is more expensive than a regular one. For example, in MTS Bank, issuing a Union Pay card costs 5,000 R if ordered on the website, and service from the third month will cost 99 R per month.
Thirdly, news appeared on the Internet that foreign companies refuse to accept payments from Union-Pay cards of Russian banks, and the Chinese system itself does not stand up for users in any way.
I assessed my options and decided to go abroad to get a foreign bank card. Of course, there is a risk that at some point foreign banks will begin to block the accounts of Russians. But in this case, I will only lose the money that at that moment will be in my account. But if the banks that are currently issuing cards to Russians stop doing this, it will be a shame not to have time to jump into the last carriage. nine0003
In the article I will tell you how I chose the country and banks in which I received cards, how I processed the documents and how much I spent on all this.
Who takes commissions from cards abroad
Spent on getting two cards from Kazakhstani banks in May 2022 — 62,487 R
Hotel for 8 nights | 23 000 R |
New ticket from Nur-Sultan to Moscow | 19 000 R | nine0111
Azimuth airline tickets Moscow — Nur-Sultan — Moscow | 17 000 R |
PCR test | 2800 R |
Simcard from Tele-2 | 3190 KZT (387 R) |
Taxi from the airport | 300 R |
Freedom-finance and Kaspi bank cards | 0 R |
Hotel for 12 nights
23,000 R
A new ticket from Nur Sultan to Moscow
19 000 R
Tickets of Azimut Airlines Moscow-Nur-Sultan-Moscow
17 000 R
PCR Test
2800 R
SIM card from Television »
3190 KZT (387 r)
Taxi from the airport
300 r
cards of banks Frida-Financial and CASPI
0 R
How I chose the country
Now many companies offer Russians to issue cards in foreign banks by proxy. And travel agencies even have "card" tours, for example, to Armenia, Turkey and Uzbekistan. nine0003
But I chose the country and organized the trip myself, because I wanted to personally get acquainted with the banking system in which I was going to be served, and I could not entrust this to unknown people. And card tours seemed too expensive to me. When I looked at them, they cost about 70,000 R, excluding bank services.
To choose where to get a card, I formulated a number of criteria for myself:
- The country must issue cards to non-residents. I have Russian citizenship, and in the near future I do not plan to move abroad. nine0014
- The banking system in the country must be sufficiently developed so that cards with free issue and maintenance are not something supernatural in it. I'm used to the fact that Russian banks issue and often service cards for free, and even charge cashback and interest on the balance. But not all foreign banks offer such conditions.
- You can open a bank account in rubles. This is important because in February 2022, Russians were banned from crediting foreign currency to their accounts in foreign banks. Now this ban is no longer in effect - from June 8, 2022, you can transfer up to $150,000 (7945 485 R) per month.
- The card shouldn't be too hard to get. Ideally, if I don’t need anything other than a passport for this. And even more so, no notarized translations.
- A card trip must not be more expensive than a card tour. Or a little more expensive, but so that the quality of banking services compensates for this.
par. b p. 3 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2022 No. 79
Now Armenia and Uzbekistan are popular card destinations. I also read about Turkey, Georgia, Serbia and Kyrgyzstan. But these countries did not suit me: it was too difficult, too expensive, or I did not like the conditions of the banks. nine0003
So what? 03/25/22
How to pay for purchases if you are going abroad
In May 2022, Belarus also had a hard time with international payment systems. But Kazakhstan came up to my criteria. In addition, in this country, almost everyone speaks Russian, because this is the main language even for many ethnic Kazakhs.
How I chose the bank
To begin with, I just looked at Wikipedia which banks are in Kazakhstan. And I excluded from this list banks of Russian origin, which fell under blocking sanctions along with their parent banks. These are, for example, Sberbank, VTB and Alfa. nine0003
Then I looked at the top five Kazakhstani banks and realized that they all offer only the first year of service for free. But that's still nothing. The main problem was that recently some banks, such as Narodny and Forte Bank, require foreigners who want to open an account to confirm that they work, study or do business in Kazakhstan. Such conditions did not suit me.
I did not study the banks below in the list in detail, but simply by name I tried to assess whether they open ruble accounts. So I drew attention to Freedom Finance. On the website of this bank, I learned that it is possible to get a four-currency card - dollars, euros, tenge and rubles - with free issue and maintenance. It was what was needed. nine0003
The only nuance was that Freedom-Finance was part of a group that could be considered Russian, like the bank of the same name operating in Russia. It seems that this was taken into account in the group itself, so its founder decided to sell the Russian bank to the management and renounce Russian citizenship in favor of Kazakhstan.
To be on the safe side, I decided to get another card from Kaspi Bank. It is impossible to open a ruble account in it and from the second year paid service - 1995 KZT (242 R) per year. But he is not connected with Russia. nine0003
How banks work
I decided on the banks and asked their support services if they needed confirmation that I was working or studying in Kazakhstan. I was assured that they would not need it.
How I planned my trip
City selection. You can get a card in many Kazakh cities, but I chose Nur-Sultan because it was cheaper and faster for me to fly there. I spent about 17,000 rubles on Azimuth airline tickets from Moscow round-trip in May 2022. The flight lasted three and a half hours. nine0003
If you want to travel to Kazakhstan by car, you can choose a city closer to the border. Just remember to make sure it has the bank you have chosen.
Entry into the country. Citizens of Russia can enter Kazakhstan with an ordinary passport. But I recommend using a passport, because the bank will ask you to confirm that you are legally in the country. And the confirmation can be an entry stamp. But such a mark is not put on an ordinary passport - in order to enter with it, you will have to issue a separate document. nine0003
Also in May 2022, a negative PCR test for COVID-19 was required to enter the country. I did it in Moscow before my flight for 2800 R. In June 2022, the test is no longer required.
So what? 07/29/21
Rules for entry into Kazakhstan for Russians in 2022
Travel time. It is worth allocating seven to ten working days for the trip. It’s even better to buy a return ticket when the bank accepts all the documents and you only have to wait five working days for the card to be produced. For example, I planned a seven-day trip and regretted it, because the whole procedure took nine working days - I had to buy a new return ticket. nine0003
Housing. I chose a hotel that would be within two or three kilometers:
- Bank office.
- PSC is a public service center, a local analogue of Russian MFCs.
- Profitable exchanger.
- Mobile operator salon.
- Hypermarket.
Why I needed all these institutions, I will tell later in the article.
I chose a four-star hotel and paid about 20,000 rubles for ten nights. True, when I checked in, I saw that it was no longer new and only attracted three stars. But this did not bother me: I think I got about what I paid for. And next to the hotel there was a hypermarket with low prices and good cooking - "Magnum 24/7". nine0003
I did not want to rent an apartment because:
- I had never rented a house in another country and was afraid that I would be deceived;
- The Airbnb rental service I knew no longer works with Russians;
- in Nur-Sultan are cheap hotels, and there are services through which they can be booked and paid with the Mir card. I looked at several services, but settled on Ostrovka because it is promoted by Aviasales.
Luggage and money. Be sure to take cash rubles, dollars or euros. The national currency of Kazakhstan is the tenge, but it was not possible to buy it in Russia. Even in the specialized conversion centers of Sberbank, where they used to sell tenge, they refused me, referring to the order of the Central Bank. nine0003
So what? 06/10/22
Buy, withdraw, transfer: what can and cannot be done with dollars and euros
Perhaps now this restriction is no longer relevant. In June 2022, Otkritie Bank sent me a letter saying that you can now buy different currencies from it, including tenge. But whether this is so, I did not check.
Also in Kazakhstan almost nowhere they accept Mir cards. Theoretically, it is possible to withdraw cash from such a card at an ATM of a bank that currently works with this payment system. But in practice, there are very few such ATMs. And the exchange rate in them is unfavorable: according to my calculations, it is about 25% higher. nine0003
On the other hand, I recommend that you study the prices in Kazakhstani electronics stores in advance: you may want to buy something there that you would not take at Russian prices. For example, I looked at the iPhone 11 at a discount for about 42,000 R. But when I withdrew cash from the Mir card, it turned out that I was not saving, but overpaying due to the unfavorable exchange rate. As a result, this phone cost me 53,000 rubles. It is not needed to open an account, but it may come in handy to solve some bureaucratic issues remotely in the future. The signature weighs very little, so any flash drive will do, I had 32 GB. nine0003
Also, when packing, don't forget that summer in Kazakhstan is hot and sunny, so a hat and sunglasses will come in handy. Moreover, the glasses will protect not only from the sun, but also from the dust that strong steppe winds raise there.
I went by car to Kazakhstan to watch the new Doctor Strange
What I did when I arrived
Exchanged money. It is usually unprofitable to change currency at airports. Therefore, I looked in advance at several exchange offices near the hotel. The only problem was how to get to them, because I had neither tenge nor a working bank card. nine0003
Current exchange rates in Kazakhstani exchangers
As a result, I called Yandex Taxi via Wi-Fi at the airport for about 300 R with a card payment and drove to the desired exchanger.
I bought a sim card. I needed a tariff without a monthly fee to simply receive messages from the bank, and with an Internet package for the duration of the trip. I can’t say for sure, but I heard that it’s impossible to register in any Kazakhstani services, including public services, without a local number. nine0003
I chose the “Call Everyone” tariff from Tele-2 in advance. But when I came to the operator’s office, I found out that I couldn’t connect to it: I could only switch from another tariff. Therefore, I had to buy the cheapest tariff with a monthly fee. It cost 3190 KZT (387 R) per month.
How mobile operators ruin our lives: 3 examples
A month later, I switched to a tariff without monthly fees.
Called the bank office, to make sure once again that I have all the necessary documents. It turned out that I needed to confirm that I had legally entered the country. I didn’t have a stamp in my international passport: I entered with a Russian passport. So I needed a separate confirmation document.
I was lucky: in my hotel, the confirmation was issued free of charge in ten minutes. But if I rented an apartment or stayed in a less advanced hotel, I would have to contact the migration service. And that would be additional complexity. nine0003 Confirmation that was issued to me at the hotel instead of a stamp in my international passport
How I received the IIN
Before contacting the bank, you need to get an individual identification number - IIN. Without it, the account will not be opened. The Kazakh IIN is similar to the Russian TIN, but with extended functionality. In fact, this is the main number that identifies a person not only for the tax office, but also for the state and organizations in general that have access to state databases.
You can get an IIN at a public service center. It's free, all you need is a passport. Any center will do - the addresses can be found on Yandex Maps or in 2GIS.
Rights if you go abroad
Now you can’t get an IIN online
Recently, news appeared on the Internet that until October 1, 2022, Kazakhstan suspended the issuance of IIN to foreigners. In fact, this is not the case: for technical reasons, IINs have ceased to be issued only online, and they can still be obtained at public service centers. So it is written in the official order of the authorities, and the same information was given to me by the information service of Kazakhstani public services - it works at number 1414.
At the same time, it was difficult to issue an IIN online before. This is done through the Kazakh portal of public services. But without an IIN, there cannot be an account on this portal. Therefore, first it was necessary to draw up a power of attorney for someone who has it.
I received an IIN in the middle of May 2022 at the public service center of the Alma-Ata district of Nur-Sultan. There was an electronic queue only for those who already have an IIN, and there was a live queue for registration - to tables No. 11 and 12. I stood in line, waited five minutes for the operator to fill out an application, and received a paper called "spine". nine0003
The spine contained my data, the deadline for the IIN to be ready, and a barcode by which the center employee would quickly find my application in the database.
The same stub - evaluate the government's desire to saveAccording to the rules, the IIN should be ready in one business day. Sometimes it can even be done by the evening of the day of the appeal. But I got it only on the third try.
When I came to the center the next day after submitting the application to collect the IIN, I found out that a refusal had come from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Because of this, I had to re-register, and I again got to the same operator. This time he assured that he had done everything and the IIN would be ready tomorrow. nine0003
The next morning I went to the center again. I was told that a refusal came “due to a poor-quality passport scan”. I filed an application again, but with another operator - at the next table. When he scanned his passport, I asked him to show it to me and made sure that everything was in order with him.
At that moment, I really thought that the "low-quality scan" was just an unsubscribe, but in fact they don't like me, because I'm from Russia. But I still decided to go to the PSC in the evening in order to find out early about the refusal and, possibly, submit documents at another center. To my surprise, this time I was still given an IIN. nine0003
How the banking system works in France
My Kazakhstan IIN registration certificateHow I received my bank cards
As soon as I received the IIN registration certificate, I immediately took a taxi to the Freedom office -finance". But I didn’t manage to issue a card that day: the employee said that he didn’t see my IIN in the database yet. I returned to the hotel with the thought that now I would have to deal with the migration service so that they would transfer the IIN from their database to the tax authorities’ database, in which the bank would see it. nine0003
Addresses of Freedom-Finance offices
I started the next day by going back to the PSC to open an account for Kazakhstani public services. For this, I needed a passport, IIN and an empty flash drive. An employee of the center helped me register in the public services application and recorded an electronic signature on the USB flash drive. The whole procedure took 10-15 minutes.
Then I went to the bank. And this time my IIN was already in the database, so I was able to open an account. To do this, I filled out a long questionnaire with personal data and questions like are there any sanctions on me and am I an American politician. All questions in the questionnaire were in Russian, and I also filled it out in Russian. nine0003 As soon as the account was opened, they gave me a sheet with details for international transfers
Now I had to wait five business days for my plastic card to be delivered to the bank office. I received it on time and activated it right away. To do this, he simply requested a balance at an ATM. The issuance and maintenance of my card in Freedom Finance is free.
Then I went to Kaspi. There I received another card in 15 minutes. For this, I filled out only a small questionnaire in Russian. The card itself was issued by a special ATM. nine0003
Kaspi issues and services the card for the first year free of charge. From the second year, maintenance costs 1995 KZT (242 R) per year.
As a result, I spent nine working days to issue two cards. Due to the fact that I received the IIN with a delay, I had to buy a new return ticket for 19,000 R and pay 3,000 R for two additional nights in a hotel.
How I notified the Russian Federal Tax Service
If a Russian citizen opens a bank account abroad, he is required by law to notify the Federal Tax Service of this. This must be done within a month. And then it is necessary to submit a report on the movement of money on this account every year. More about this has already been written in another article by T-Zh. I will tell you how this process went for me. nine0003
Part 2 12 of the law on currency control
I submitted a notification through my personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service. It was easy: I went to the taxpayer’s office, in the “Life Situations” section, selected the item “Inform about an account with a bank located outside the Russian Federation”, and then the item “Notify about opening an account (deposit) in a bank or other financial market organization located outside the territory of the Russian Federation”.
After that, I filled out a short application. It is not complicated, but it is important to choose the right notification attribute:
- “pursuant to Part 2 of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 10, 2003” if you submit a notice within a month, as required by law;
- "in pursuance of Part 8 of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 10, 2003" if you notify the Federal Tax Service later.
Next, you only need to enter the bank and account information: name and address, SWIFT or BIC, number, currency and account opening date. The application also contains fields for the number and date of the agreement with the bank, but I did not find them in my documents, so I did not fill them out. nine0003
Community 22.02.22
How to transfer money from abroad to Russia?
The tax office arranged everything, and the next day I received a message that the notice had been registered.
You can notify the Federal Tax Service of your foreign account through the taxpayer's personal accountWhat is the result
- Kazakhstan has a developed banking system, so there are many banking products that are comfortable in terms of cost. But not all of them are available to non-residents - in some banks, in order to open an account, you will have to confirm that you are working or studying in the country. nine0014
- In banks that open accounts for non-residents, getting a card is easy.