Tell me a story baby first
Bedtime Stories | Free 5 Min Bedtime Stories for Kids Online Bedtime Stories
The Classic fairytale of Cinderella: a young girl, mistreated by her step-mother and step-sisters, who finds out that dreams really can come true.
The Classic Fairytale Story of Snow White with a Modern Twist: Who is the “fair”est of them all? Snow White of course!
A Bedtime Story of Honesty, Courage and Truth. If Pinocchio is to become a Real boy he needs to learn how to be honest, brave and true.
A Grimm’s Brother Tale: A miller tells a tale that his daughter can turn straw into gold. A strange little man is willing to help…for a price. Guess his name and he will be gone…but what is his name?
Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids. Goldilocks finds the three bears cottage in the woods. Should she make herself comfortable?
Hansel and Gretel Bedtime Stories for Kids. When Hansel and Gretel go in search of food, they find a gingerbread house. But who is inside?
A Story of Friendship, Love and Courage. Rapunzel’s Story ~ A Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale. An evil witch has trapped Rapunzel in a tower. Can her long hair or love save her?
A Story of Courage, Justice and Self-Awareness. Merlin the Magician places a magic sword in a stone…whomever can pull it out is the rightful king.
A Bedtime Story of Acceptance and Self-Awareness. A Mama Duck is proud when her six ducklings hatch from their eggs. But one duckling does not look like the others? Is he truly an Ugly Duckling?
The classic Brother’s Grimm fairytale that sparked the Disney adaptation.
A Story of Courage, Learning and Love. The Classic fairy tale: The Little Mermaid falls in love with a prince on shore and she makes a deal with the Sea Witch to become human. But without her voice, how can the prince fall in love with her?
This Classic Folktale is adapted from the original story of “Aladdin” from The Arabian Nights. Aladdin, the Genie and the Magic Lamp work to impress the princess who wishes to be a commoner.
A Story of Courage, Kindness to Animals and Learning. The Classic Tale of a male deer, Bambi, his mother and his adventures learning in the woods.
A Story of Charity, Compassion and Justice, from England. Robin Hood takes part in an archery contest thrown by the Sheriff of Nottingham. Will he realize its a trap before it is too late? One of the many Tales of Robin Hood.
This is the Legend Tale of Maui the Demi-God from Moana. It is part of our Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids Collection. It has been adapted from the Tales of Maui as well as Disney’s version of Moana.
A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. A toy rabbit learns that through a child’s love it can become real.
The Classic Tale of the Snow Queen: Gerda and Kai struggle to fight the Snow Queen and find the balance between Good and Evil.
The Classic Fairy Tale of Sleeping Beauty. Princess Aurora has been cursed by Maleficent. When she pricks herself on a spinning wheel on her 16th birthday, she is put into a deep sleep for 100 years.
Who can save her?
Bedtime Story for Kids: The Gift of the Magi, A Christmas Story. Della and Jim wish to give each other the perfect Christmas present, but how will they come up with the money?
A Bedtime Story of Friendship, Courage and Acceptance. . The story tells of the time Pocahontas saved the life of settler John Smith from her father, Powhatan.
A Cinderella Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
The Classic fairytale of Cinderella: a young girl, mistreated by her step-mother and step-sisters, who finds out that dreams really can come true.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
The Classic Fairytale Story of Snow White with a Modern Twist: Who is the “fair”est of them all? Snow White of course!
Pinocchio Story ~ Fairy Tale Bedtime Stories in English for Kids
A Bedtime Story of Honesty, Courage and Truth. If Pinocchio is to become a Real boy he needs to learn how to be honest, brave and true.
Beauty and the Beast Classic Tale ~ Fairy Tale Stories for Kids
The classic fairy tale of a beautiful woman and the monstrous beast.
Rumpelstiltskin ~ A Fairy Tale Bedtime Story for Kids
A Grimm’s Brother Tale: A miller tells a tale that his daughter can turn straw into gold. A strange little man is willing to help…for a price. Guess his name and he will be gone…but what is his name?
Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids. Goldilocks finds the three bears cottage in the woods. Should she make herself comfortable?
Hansel and Gretel ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
Hansel and Gretel Bedtime Stories for Kids. When Hansel and Gretel go in search of food, they find a gingerbread house. But who is inside?
Rapunzel by the Brothers Grimm ~ Bedtime Stories
A Story of Friendship, Love and Courage. Rapunzel’s Story ~ A Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale. An evil witch has trapped Rapunzel in a tower. Can her long hair or love save her?
The Sword in the Stone: a King Arthur Legend of the Sword Story
A Story of Courage, Justice and Self-Awareness. Merlin the Magician places a magic sword in a stone…whomever can pull it out is the rightful king.
The Ugly Duckling Story ~ Fairy Tale Story for Kids in English
A Bedtime Story of Acceptance and Self-Awareness. A Mama Duck is proud when her six ducklings hatch from their eggs. But one duckling does not look like the others? Is he truly an Ugly Duckling?
The Frog Prince: The Story of the Princess and the Frog ~ Bedtime Stories
The classic Brother’s Grimm fairytale that sparked the Disney adaptation.
The Little Mermaid Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids in English
A Story of Courage, Learning and Love. The Classic fairy tale: The Little Mermaid falls in love with a prince on shore and she makes a deal with the Sea Witch to become human. But without her voice, how can the prince fall in love with her?
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp from The Arabian Nights ~ Bedtime Stories
This Classic Folktale is adapted from the original story of “Aladdin” from The Arabian Nights. Aladdin, the Genie and the Magic Lamp work to impress the princess who wishes to be a commoner.
Bambi Story: A Life in the Woods ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids in English
A Story of Courage, Kindness to Animals and Learning. The Classic Tale of a male deer, Bambi, his mother and his adventures learning in the woods.
Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow Story ~ Legend Stories for Kids
A Story of Charity, Compassion and Justice, from England. Robin Hood takes part in an archery contest thrown by the Sheriff of Nottingham. Will he realize its a trap before it is too late? One of the many Tales of Robin Hood.
Maui from Moana: Tales of the Demi-God ~ Legend Stories for Kids
This is the Legend Tale of Maui the Demi-God from Moana. It is part of our Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids Collection. It has been adapted from the Tales of Maui as well as Disney’s version of Moana.
The Velveteen Rabbit Story ~ Bedtime English Story for Kids
A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. A toy rabbit learns that through a child’s love it can become real.
The Snow Queen Fairy Tale Story ~Bedtime Story for Kids
The Classic Tale of the Snow Queen: Gerda and Kai struggle to fight the Snow Queen and find the balance between Good and Evil.
Sleeping Beauty Fairy Tale Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
The Classic Fairy Tale of Sleeping Beauty. Princess Aurora has been cursed by Maleficent. When she pricks herself on a spinning wheel on her 16th birthday, she is put into a deep sleep for 100 years. Who can save her?
The Gift of the Magi Story ~ A Holiday Story for Kids
Bedtime Story for Kids: The Gift of the Magi, A Christmas Story. Della and Jim wish to give each other the perfect Christmas present, but how will they come up with the money?
Pocahontas and John Smith Story ~ Folktales Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Story of Friendship, Courage and Acceptance. . The story tells of the time Pocahontas saved the life of settler John Smith from her father, Powhatan.
The Emperor’s New Clothes Story ~ Bedtime Stories
A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. The Emperor is fooled into believing he is wearing magic clothes which can’t be “seen”.
Mulan Story ~ Tale of Hua Mulan Bedtime Stories | English Story for Kids
A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. Based on the “Ballad of Mulan” and Disney’s Mulan, this is a legend tale about a girl who goes in disguise as a boy and joins the army in her brother’s place.
Short Stories for Kids ~ Folk tales, Fairy Tales, Riddles, Legends, Poems
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Reading Books to Babies (for Parents)
What Are the Benefits of Reading to My Baby?
An infant won't understand everything you're doing or why. But reading aloud to your baby is a wonderful shared activity you can continue for years to come — and it's important for your baby's brain.
Reading aloud:
- teaches a baby about communication
- introduces concepts such as numbers, letters, colors, and shapes in a fun way
- builds listening, memory, and vocabulary skills
- gives babies information about the world around them
By the time babies reach their first birthday they will have learned all the sounds needed to speak their native language. The more stories you read aloud, the more words your baby will hear and the better they'll be able to talk.
Hearing words helps to build a rich network of words in a baby's brain. Kids whose parents talk and read to them often know more words by age 2 than children who have not been read to. And kids who are read to during their early years are more likely to learn to read at the right time.
When you read to your baby:
- Your baby hears you using many different emotions and expressive sounds.
This supports social and emotional development.
- It encourages your baby to look, point, touch, and answer questions. This helps with social development and thinking skills.
- Your baby improves language skills by copying sounds, recognizing pictures, and learning words.
But perhaps the most important reason to read aloud is that it makes a connection between the things your baby loves the most — your voice and closeness to you — and books. Spending time reading to your baby shows that reading is important. And if infants and children are read to often with joy, excitement, and closeness, they begin to associate books with happiness — and new readers are created.
Different Ages, Different Stages
Young babies may not know what the pictures in a book mean, but they can focus on them, especially faces, bright colors, and different patterns. When you read or sing lullabies and nursery rhymes, you can entertain and soothe your infant.
Between 4–6 months:
- Your baby may begin to show more interest in books.
Your little one will grab and hold books, but will mouth, chew, and drop them as well. Choose sturdy vinyl or cloth books with bright colors and familiar, repetitive, or rhyming text.
Between 6–12 months:
- Your baby starts to understand that pictures represent objects, and may start to show that they like certain pictures, pages, or even entire stories better than others. Your baby will respond while you read, grabbing for the book and making sounds. By 12 months, your little one will turn pages (with some help from you), pat or start to point to objects on a page, and repeat your sounds.
When and How to Read
Here's a great thing about reading aloud: It doesn't take special skills or equipment, just you, your baby, and some books. Read aloud for a few minutes at a time, but do it often. Don't worry about finishing entire books — focus on pages that you and your baby enjoy.
Try to read every day, perhaps before naptime and bedtime. Reading before bed gives you and your baby a chance to cuddle and connect. It also sets a routine that will help calm your baby.
It's also good to read at other points in the day. Choose times when your baby is dry, fed, and alert. Books also come in handy when you're stuck waiting, so have some in the diaper bag to fill time sitting at the doctor's office or standing in line at the grocery store.
Here are some other reading tips:
- Cuddling while you read helps your baby feel safe, warm, and connected to you.
- Read with expression, make your voice higher or lower where it's appropriate, or use different voices for different characters.
- Don't worry about following the text exactly. Stop once in a while and ask questions or make comments on the pictures or text. ("Where's the kitty? There he is! What a cute black kitty.") Your child might not be able to respond yet, but this lays the groundwork for doing so later.
- Sing nursery rhymes, make funny animal sounds, or bounce your baby on your knee — anything that shows that reading is fun.
- Babies love — and learn from — repetition, so don't be afraid of reading the same books over and over. When you do, repeat the same emphasis each time as you would with a familiar song.
- As your baby gets older, encourage your little one to touch the book or hold sturdier vinyl, cloth, or board books. You don't want to encourage chewing on books, but by putting them in the mouth, your baby is learning about them, finding out how books feel and taste — and discovering that you can't eat them!
What to Read
Books for babies should have simple, repetitive, and familiar text and clear pictures. During the first few months of life, your child just likes to hear your voice. So you can read almost anything, especially books with a sing-song or rhyming text. As your baby gets more interested in looking at things, choose books with simple pictures against solid backgrounds.
As your baby begins to grab, you can read vinyl or cloth books that have faces, bright colors, and shapes. When your baby begins to respond to what's inside the books, add board books with pictures of babies or familiar objects like toys. When your baby starts to do things like sit up in the bathtub or eat finger foods, find simple stories about daily routines like bedtime or bathtime. When your child starts talking, choose books that let babies repeat simple words or phrases.
Books with mirrors and different textures (crinkly, soft, scratchy) are also great for this age group. So are fold-out books you can prop up, or books with flaps that open for a surprise. Board books make page turning easier for infants, and vinyl or cloth books can go everywhere — even the tub. Babies of any age like photo albums with pictures of people they know and love. And babies love nursery rhymes!
One of the best ways to make sure that your little one grows up to be a reader is to have books around your house. When your baby is old enough to crawl over to a basket of toys and pick one out, make sure some books are in the mix.
Besides the books you own, you also can borrow from the library. Many libraries have story time for babies too. Don't forget to pick up a book for yourself while you're there. Reading for fun is another way you can be your baby's reading role model.
Reviewed by: Kandia N. Lewis, PhD
Date reviewed: August 2019
Tell me a story Tell Me a Story - “Not a good story at all. I'll tell you a little about the second season and my impressions »
Hello everyone!
When I started watching this series, I did not think that I would be so drawn in, because it seemed to me that by turning it on, I would see some nice naive fairy tale without a dynamic plot. However, after a couple of episodes, I realized that in this series we will be shown not such a good fairy tale, here everything is more real and cruel.
There are 2 seasons in the series. Each episode lasts about an hour. Total episodes 10 (in both seasons).
Each season there are three new fairy tales.
The first season were fairy tales: Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs and Hansel and Gretel.
There are three fairy tales in the second season: Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella.
Since enough has been said about the first season, I would like to tell you a little about the second season and my impressions.
In general, this series is not a direct exact copy of children's fairy tales, it is rather an impetus to the further development of the plot, and from the fairy tales there is only one name and the plot of stories. The most interesting thing is to watch how all three stories eventually intersect.
The second season was more interesting for me, but compared to the first it is light, not so emotionally heavy. And it is shot brighter and more colorful than the first.
Despite the fact that I am a lover of just a heavy and oppressive atmosphere in films, I still preferred the second season and looked forward to each episode.
The most interesting thing is that two actors from the previous season remained for the second one. These are Paul Wesley and Danielle Campbell, known to many from the series The Vampire Diaries and The Originals.
And now I'll tell you about the second season.
The first story is Beauty and the Beast.
Before us is the story of the popular singer Ashley , who had to face an attempt on her life.
And now her face and body are covered with burns and danger lurks everywhere, because no one knows who committed this attempt.
Ashley is a sweet girl, kind, but broken after everything that happened. Until the moment when the bodyguard Bo is assigned to her.
More precisely, he is like a security guard, but more like a bodyguard, because he constantly looks after Ashley and walks next to her.
Bo I adored throughout the season. And if you watch the series in the original, then he has such a rough voice that does not fit in with his cute appearance at all?
Back in history Ashley's mother, is such a strict woman who at first gave the impression of a mother who does not care about her daughter and who only wants her to make a career and sing songs in public. However, by the third episode, we were shown the other side of the mother, kind and sensitive, who is ready to protect her daughter under any circumstances. This is especially noticeable in the last episodes of the season.
And here we smoothly move on to another story. To Cinderella.
Ashley has a brother - Jackoson , a drunkard and gouging, who is trying to get on the right path, but he does not succeed well.
And this is where the mysterious stranger appears - Simon.
Simon is a strong-willed, brave girl who came to the funeral of her father, who died under strange circumstances.
And with all her might, the girl tries to blame the evil stepmother for everything (by the way, the stepmother is not so evil and does not cause hostility throughout the series).
A stepmother has two sons. One is evil and the other is good. And who is to blame for the death of Father Simon until the end of the season is not clear. However, by the end of the series, many viewers will probably have a hunch in their heads who did all this.
The fairy godmother is also involved in the story (I don’t remember her name, because she didn’t appear that much in the series).
The third story, as I already said, is Sleeping Beauty.
Ashley also has a sister Maddy (by the way, did I realize that she is a sister only at the end of the season?).
And Maddie is trying to build a future with her fiancé Tucker . But Tucker is not so simple with us, he has sleep problems and depression.
And we will learn about the reasons for this only in the middle of the season, because it is precisely because of these reasons that a third person appears in this fairy tale - Olivia.
It would seem that a defenseless girl who has fallen into so many troubles. But this story is not so simple.
Therefore, to find out what happened in this story, turn on the series :)
And now about your impressions.
I'm a fan of the soundtrack from the intro of the series and of the intro itself, it's obvious that something so fabulous is going to happen now. However, further we see only cruel realities and broken people. But as I said, the second season is lighter and brighter and I would probably say that it is even more kind. Especially the Beauty and the Beast story.
The main advantage is that this series can be watched from any season. The first season is cruel and sad, after watching such a heavy sediment remains in the soul, and the second is more calm and leaves a pleasant impression on the soul at the end.
In any case, I recommend this series. For me, it became interesting, I liked watching the development of the plot, how the fates of the characters are intertwined, and I liked what endings were written in each of the fairy tales. Definitely recommend
Read online “Tell me a story. In the fairy tale philosophy of being ”, Victor Zuda-liters
© Viktor Zuda, 2020
ISBN 978-5-0051-6864-1
Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero
Tell me a fairy tale ...
General Premarine
respectful readers!
Once again I have created for you a collection of all my fairy tales, consisting of three mini books.
I decided to combine them into one book so that you could draw a grain of philosophical meaning from it without searching for all the books separately.
Everything is here and everything is in one place.
Read carefully and look into the essence of what you read, and the secrets and mysteries of your life will be revealed to you.
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - this is the definition in which the whole philosophical essence of any fairy tales is hidden.
Fairy tales are very different and all nations have their own.
Russian folk tales are full of symbolism, mysticism, hidden mysteries and secrets.
My fairy tales are full of philosophical meaning, which you need to reflect on, think about and possibly be useful for the rest of your life.
I do not make secrets from these fairy tales, and they are not much like fairy tales, there is no magic and mysticism, but I think that they will be interesting for an inquisitive reader.
Good luck to you, dear readers, in understanding the essence of these fairy tales!!!
About a woman who wanted to be happy
Once upon a time there was an ordinary girl who, like all people, from childhood, wanted to be happy. In childhood, her happiness lay in the care of her and the love of her parents for her.
She thought it was her parents' responsibility to care for and love her the way she wanted to, but her parents loved her and cared for her the best they could.
The girl grew up capricious and demanding. She wanted the whole world to take care of her and love her, because her parents could not love her the way she wanted. She suffered and thought that her parents did not love her, but they said that they loved her.
An unhappy, as it seemed to her, childhood passed, an ordinary girl grew up and turned into an unusual beauty. Nature endowed her with femininity and beauty. The girls were very jealous of her, and the boys spun around her in droves.
Remembering her childhood, the beauty concluded that her childhood was unhappy. She did not lose heart, because she realized that she was beautiful and thought that beauty would make her happy.
She liked to turn around in front of the mirror for a long time and suffered greatly if some kind of pimple appeared on her beautiful face.
Good fellows flocked to its natural beauty like bees to honey. All her envious friends jumped into marriage, had already given birth to children, and our beauty still could not get married. She was looking for her ideal man who would be worthy of her beauty. She thought that if she found her ideal man, she would find her feminine happiness. But it turned out that finding the perfect man is a difficult task. But she, as it seemed to her, found him. He was a slender, athletically built handsome man.
Everyone said:
- What a beautiful harmonious couple!
The beauty was in seventh heaven because she found him.
Her husband was a promising singer. As an artist, he demanded increased attention. Being handsome, he was constantly surrounded by pretty female fans.
The wife was jealous of her husband for the fans. In marriage, she managed to give birth to a son and a daughter. It began to seem to her that her husband did not love her, although he told her that he did. She wanted her husband to love her the way she wants, but nothing worked, because her husband loved her the best he could.
Her marriage and family happiness turned out to be short-lived and not lasting. They got divorced. The handsome artist went to another younger woman.
For the beauty, this was a tragedy on a global scale, and if it were not for the children who had to be raised, she would have hanged herself.
The ego of the beauty was insulted, humiliated, offended to the depths of the female soul, but there are small children in her arms, and they need to be brought up. She loved them and took care of her children the best she could.
The beauty was very worried about her divorce and suffered from loneliness. There were no ideal men in her real life and inner circle. The beauty withdrew into herself, she turned out to be a very unhappy woman. She completely immersed herself in work and raising children.
Time passed, the children grew up, and the beauty turned into a mature woman. She began to believe that her happiness is the birth of children and the realization of motherhood, that the fulfillment of a natural mission is her female happiness. But the children grew up and turned into grown-up men and women themselves. Soon the son got married, and the daughter got married, and it so happened that they began to live separately from their mother.
The woman was left alone again. At night, longing, sadness, spleen, boredom, sadness came to her, and they sang soulful songs to her, put pressure on her brains, disrupted blood circulation, and it became difficult to breathe.
Home, work, night, cold bed, loneliness, house, work, night, cold bed, loneliness - green melancholy. The monotony tormented me to the point of nausea.
The woman really wanted to have a friend next to her, at least an understanding friend who could caress when she is sad, talk when her heart is heavy, understand when there is spiritual communication, give attention and notice her femininity, see in her woman, man and personality. She really wanted to receive warmth from her beloved man, but for some reason there were no such men around. She suffered greatly. It turned out that her life was completely filled with suffering, and from that it turned out to be unhappy.
For the first time, a woman was truly disappointed in love and happiness.
From disappointment and annoyance, from longing and loneliness, her offended and humiliated female ego often cried.
Hopelessness and helplessness firmly laid a heavy burden on her fragile female shoulders and crushed her with their power.
It was hard to go through all this.
The woman decided not to lose heart and began to explore the Internet. Having mastered the Internet, she began to meet people and make virtual friendships. Started talking to new people.
The virtual world of the Internet helped a woman color the reality of loneliness by virtual communication with new virtual friends. One virtual friend even confessed his love to her. The woman again had hope for at least virtual love, but this love turned out to be only virtual. The woman again experienced a nervous shock. She was simply deceived virtually, and deceit, even virtual, was hard for her.
– Where is female happiness, how does it happen, maybe there is no happiness at all?
With these questions, she went to bed and had a wonderful dream.
In a dream, a hundred-year-old man came to her, a gray-haired man in a white robe, with very lively brown eyes that radiated warmth and light.
- Who are you, gray-haired old man? the woman asked in her dream.
- I am your spiritual Father and Mentor.
- Do such people exist?
- Every earthly person has his own spiritual Father and Mentor.
– What is your name?
- Call me WISDOM.
– Why did you come to me, and even in a dream?
– To help you gain the highest value of enduring significance, which is called wisdom, and through it become an absolutely happy woman, person, person.
- Is wisdom acquired?
– Yes, it is acquired, although it exists in every person, but its presence must be recognized, which means to gain wisdom again, even if it is present. My daughter, the search for personal female happiness has dragged on, you are already over 50 years old and even now you are in a state of disappointment and disbelief that there is happiness.
A happy person does not live in unhappiness and does not seek happiness.
Most women are deeply unhappy only because they associate their happiness with the presence of external conditions in them, like outgoing incoming illusory values, become strongly attached to them and begin to depend on them. When they arrive, they seem to be happy; when they leave, they become truly unhappy.
These conventions are parents, then friends, girlfriends, lovers, husbands, children, close and distant relatives, some things, work, money, etc.
What is the result?
Parents become old, ill, or an accident - died. Friends, girlfriends, lovers, husbands have come and gone. The children grew up and became adults, separated from their parents and began to live independently. Things got old, dilapidated, broke, lost their functionality and had to be thrown into a landfill. Work has to be changed, and money is always scarce, it also comes and goes. Nothing for a person from all this remains forever and forever.
Can all these illusory, outgoing, far-fetched, imposed values bring eternal happiness, joy, bliss from the fact that you possess them, you have them, you achieve them, achieving them with sweat and blood?
– Then what is the real, enduring value of eternal being? What should one strive for?
– The eternal value of being is the realization that I AM, AS I, and only AS I.
It is in the I that another eternal value is contained, which is called WISDOM I, as I am WISDOM.
WISDOM I contains another eternal value, this is KNOWLEDGE OF THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH about I, as I-AM, as soon as I am. I, as soon as I, any person finds absolute eternal happiness.
Such a person begins to live wisely and begins to apply the knowledge of absolute truth in life, which means that he will live correctly.
Wisdom is an eternal value that stays in the Self forever, but in the real life of a person it is a great deficit.
Live to become wise, but don't just live, but try to keep your FEMININENESS.
A feminine woman is always in a good mood. She truly loves herself and the whole world, she is happy like a woman. She is always in a state of falling in love with herself and the world around.
Wisdom will help her get rid of all negative manifestations.
The goal of the whole life of a wise person will be the desire to share wisdom with other people, with the whole world, and this is a very noble mission.
A person acquires the status of a TEACHER and MENTOR and enters the universal level of being and communication.
Wisdom will tell you how to keep a woman's femininity.
Love the moment HERE AND NOW, in which you always abide, as an eternal, immortal Self, as an eternal, immortal point.
You have a lot of time ahead of you. Realize yourself as I, keep your femininity and gain wisdom.
The elder fell silent, leaned over and kissed the woman three times on the forehead with the sage's kiss, and disappeared as if he had never been.
The woman woke up.
For the first time, a true smile lit up her face, blissful joy entered and dissolved into it without a trace.
She understood what to do next, how to live, where to go, what to strive for.
About openness
Once upon a time there was a man and he lived like all people, in a human way and he did everything in a human way.
He watched how people were doing and repeated everything after them. He could not gain any other experience, because all people lived like everyone else, humanly.
From childhood he grew up very observant and began to notice and understand that for some reason people suffer from human love, suffer, get jealous, fight, swear, constantly sort things out, share something, get offended, hate, take personal advantage, envy and everything like that.
If they begin to serve, then the service turns into a job to earn money and benefit again. And they can’t be friends, instead of friendship they get, YOU for ME, I for YOU!
Some kind of business deal and nothing more. The concepts of fidelity and betrayal appear, and again the derivation of benefits, and so on in everything.
They proudly declare that they are reasonable and that everything human is not alien to them, and in this they are humanly right.
The boy grew up and became an adult.
One day in the fourth grade, a boy fell in love with his classmate. He experienced the highest timidity and shyness, he could not even approach her and speak. He liked her very much. Fragile, with freckles and two braids to the waist. The boy is already 60 years old, and he still remembers her.
His second love overtook him at the age of 16. He fell in love with his neighbor on the street. There was a moment when he could not eat, do anything, sleep for a whole week. In general, it was youthful love torment. And she didn't seem to notice him.
The boy's parents divorced when he was 7 years old.
How did dad and mom live?
At first, dad walked away from mom, and when they got divorced, mom started walking without dad.
From childhood, the boy saw that love comes down to sex, and, seeing another man in the room with his mother, for some reason, he began to cry.
He cried a lot until he grew up and understood what was happening.
He decided early on that he did not want to live like all people in a human way and he began to live not like all people.
As a child, he was friends with the boys from his street and in the classroom, but as an adult he did not look for friendship, although he called the guys with whom he often talked friends.
At the age of 7, a miracle happened to him, which became his daily life.
In the swamp, when he was picking cranberries with the guys, the boy saw a man in the form of a monk.
After this incident, the boy got the feeling that someone was invisibly present next to him, leading and taking care of him.
Stage by stage, he also walked the path of an ordinary person and managed to build a house, i.e. get an apartment, get married, give birth to two children, educate, plant trees, get an education, earn more than 30 years of work experience and get a divorce, having worked off the marriage karma. He went all the way to married family life.
He realized that ordinary people's marriage union is really a marriage.
The question: why does everything human bring people suffering, did not give him peace. As he grew older, information began to come to him in a dosed manner, and through it he began to understand why this was happening to them.
Information came to him that people live in three types of consciousness:
1. Separation consciousness.
2. Consciousness of separation.
3. Unity consciousness.
Having identified all kinds of consciousness, he finally understood why what happens to people happens.
A person of separation consciousness is separated from the Higher Unity, which is a single information and energy space of Eternity.
A divided person constantly being in the space of the Great Unity, having the consciousness of separation, will always be divided with everyone and everything. He is alone everywhere, alone among people, alone in society, and he is constantly tormented by the fear of loneliness. Being in nature, he is also alone and is afraid of the forest, water, mountains, desert.
He is alone and it seems to him that he is surrounded on all sides by a hostile world and his fears are justified. The world really becomes hostile, because in a divided world there is an eternal struggle of two opposites, like good with evil, evil with good, where war, death, blood, crimes of misfortune, eternal companions of the world of divided people.
In order to somehow survive, these people unite in communities, parties, states, create families and thereby further move away and isolate themselves from the Great Unity, but in any community a person will always feel his loneliness.
In order not to feel loneliness, one must accept and open up to society and dissolve in it.
But why join and dissolve in the community?
To become one's own, to survive, to get something or someone, to benefit or benefit, etc.
Everyone has their own goals for joining the community, but the founders of communities may have their own goals, which often do not coincide with the adherents of these communities.
This also needs to be understood.
my hero received information directly from his monk from Eternity, then he did not join any communities, but visited.
Next comes the person of the consciousness of separation, who lives as an independent unit, and such a person has no connection with the Supreme Unity at all. But without a connection with the Higher Unity, a disunited person does not have enough of his own vitality and tries to feed himself through the exploitation of other people.
People of divided and divided consciousness are all VAMPIRES and PREDATORS, because they survive on vampirism, i.e. they constantly suck away the vitality of other people, who are brought closer to themselves for this purpose. These people have been doing just that all their lives.
They cannot open up to each other, because their vampire predatory essence will be revealed, but they say a lot of beautiful words about love, peace, friendship, happiness, humanity, help, etc.
Sheer, to put it mildly, hypocrisy.
These people, by definition, cannot unite with Eternity and open up to it, and even more so to people, because they live divided and disconnected from everyone and everything, although they constantly unite into something. Their consciousnesses are like that, but they will not let them unite, no matter how beautifully they talk about it.
Consciousness of unity have people who are the maximum minority.
My hero gained unity consciousness in the month of September 2004.
At that time, a man of a new era, the Age of Aquarius, a man of the new sixth race appeared on earth.
After that, the information began to flow and this went on for three years. Through the consciousness of unity, my hero united with the Highest Unity, dissolved in the space of Eternity and became Eternity itself, having acquired all the qualities of an immortal consciousness, became IMMORTAL.
Having dissolved in the space of Eternity, he no longer needed to be open to it, because he became Eternity itself.
Eternity, living according to its eternal laws, determines the existence of everything that exists and carries within it.
Eternity itself has never lived and does not live according to human laws, i.e. humanly, and therefore does not suffer like people. People need to learn the laws of Eternity, gain immortality and stop suffering from all sorts of nonsense.
My hero learned those laws of Eternity that help him live without suffering.
His life became light, airy, transparent, predictable, happy.
He began to live by the eternal values of Eternity, and not by the human illusions that are passing away.
His love for everything is manifested through the laws of Eternity, and not through human speculations of the egoistic mind and verbiage of the human intelligent ego.
Having become Eternity itself, my hero gained the status of an immortal and became the Keeper of everything that is in Eternity, for only the immortal eternal can keep everything forever within himself.
A person of consciousness of unity is internally absolutely self-sufficient, becomes a void, zero, point, nothing, because he is dissolved in Eternity, acquires an invisible form of nothingness, and lives in the visible world as a point in which there is EVERYTHING and NOTHING.
The point lives in emptiness and itself begins to nourish everyone and everything, like Eternity itself, because all the energy and information about everything and about nothing passes through the emptiness of the point, which is the point itself.
And such a point does not vampirize anyone, does not feed on anyone and does not suck the life force from anyone, but it completely gives itself, serves everyone, loves everyone purely, openly, disinterestedly, showing free love for everything and everyone, demanding nothing in return like eternity itself.
Tale 3
About personal experience
Once upon a time there were three brothers. The eldest was named Ding, the middle one was Sen, and the youngest was Dan.
The three brothers were very different and the attitude to experience was also different, i.e. his.
The attitude towards experience was as follows:
Dan learned to live from his personal experience, Sen learned to live from the experience of other people, and Ding possessed knowledge of the absolute truth about the experience of the two brothers.
The life of a younger brother was no different from the life of most people who lived by personal experience. Their life motto was the formula: Experience everything for yourself, from your personal experience, because life is very short.
Dan started smoking at an early age, having matured a little, he began to drink first weak, and then strong alcoholic drinks. He married early, even before serving in the Army, and when he left to serve, the marriage broke up. While he was serving, his son was born.
In the Army, he tried drugs and got into a fight, for which he was sent to prison for 5 years. After leaving prison, he decided to marry again to start a new life. He remarried and had two children. In prison, he met people who were imprisoned for the distribution of drugs, and in the wild, communication with them resumed and he became a drug dealer. There was decent money that he spent on restaurants and prostitutes. There were constant scandals in the family, it came to fights, and as a result, the second marriage also broke up, and he was again imprisoned for 3 years.
Smoking, alcohol, drugs, time in prison, idle life and sexual promiscuity severely undermined his health and as a result he died at the age of 40.
This is how insane, intelligent and intelligent people live.
With all the desire, the younger brother could not personally experience everything and make everything his personal life experience. He had neither time, nor strength, nor health, nor money for this.
He had a short life filled with negative personal experiences.
The reader may say that Dan's life is not typical for all people, because all people live differently, i. e. in my own way.
In details, the life of most people is very typical, stereotypical, because many people smoke, use alcohol, drugs, and, moreover, from childhood, sit several times in prisons and zones, lead an idle, rave life, are sexually promiscuous, marry and divorce, get divorced and married, and in general details the life of most people is very monotonous and similar.
The middle brother's life was somewhat different. He, looking at the suffering, torment and illness of other people. He led a healthy lifestyle, did not drink, did not smoke, did not inject, knew how to have a good rest, was a good family man, raised two children, worked. He was faithful to his wife, in general, he gained personal life experience of a positive plan, learning to live without problems on the negative life experience of other people.
There are also enough of these people, but they are much fewer. This is how sensible people live.
The older brother also managed to get an education, a profession, get married, build a house, raise two children, plant trees, and eventually get a divorce.
He never smoked, but he drank alcohol moderately, ate meat, and as a result, for many years he did not eat meat and did not drink alcohol.
At the age of 51, he finally and headlong entered the spiritual life, began to philosophize and write books. Now he no longer needs the life of ordinary people, as his personal experience.
Yes, he partially went through the experience of an ordinary person, but then he began to live through the knowledge of the absolute truth about the life experience of all people.
Spiritual life drastically reduced physical contacts with people, but expanded these contacts with all of humanity on the spiritual-information-energetic level of being. His connection with humanity took on a new spiritual relationship.
Poems, songs, philosophical prose, in general, the whole spectrum of his spiritual creative heritage became his self-expression.
In the future, many years of travel and years of seclusion await him, communication with highly spiritual people and living with them for some time, and then going out to people in a new quality and ascension.