The compound word
Examples of Compound Words by Type
Compound words are an easy way to add interest to your writing. By combining two ideas in one word, you can quickly provide all the information needed. These examples of compounds will show you how it's done.
Grandmother Illustration With Compound Word Example
What Are Compound Words?
A compound word is formed when two words are combined to make a new word. It is one of the ways in which the English language is flexible and always changing, as compound words allow people to create new words as the need arises.
For example, you might use “in” and “side” to create the compound word “inside”.
We should play inside today.
The words “carry” and “over” can make the compound word “carry over”.
We can carry over that surplus into the next sprint.
As you can see, compound words can come in different varieties. Explore examples of each.
Examples of Compound Words
When it comes to compound words, there are three different types that are important: closed-form, open-form, and hyphenated. Dive into how each type of compound word is different.
Closed-Form Compound Word Examples
Closed compound words are formed when two fully independent, unique words are combined to create a new word. For example, you would combine “grand” and “mother” to create the closed-form word “grandmother”. In a sentence, this would look like, “My grandmother is coming over.” These are the most common types of compound words.
For example:
- bullfrog
- snowball
- mailbox
- grandmother
- railroad
- sometimes
- inside
- upstream
- basketball
- anybody
- outside
- cannot
- skateboard
- everything
- schoolhouse
- grasshopper
- sunflower
- moonlight
Open Compound Word Examples
Open compound words are formed when two words remain separate on the page but are used together to create a new idea with a specific meaning. For example, “attorney” and “general” are used to form the open compound word “attorney general”. You could see this in the sentence, “The attorney general holds the power in legal matters.” Other examples of open compounds include:
- peanut butter
- Boy Scouts
- no one
- ice cream
- real estate
- high school
- living room
- sweet tooth
- hot dog
- grand jury
- post office
- full moon
- half sister
- cave in
Hyphenated Compound Word Examples
Hyphenated compound words are formed when two separate words are joined together by a hyphen. Examples of hyphenated compound words include:
- two-fold
- check-in
- merry-go-round
- father-in-law
- seventy-two
- long-term
- up-to-date
- mother-in-law
- one-half
- over-the-counter
Note that hyphenated compound words are most commonly used when the words being joined together are combined to form an adjective before a noun.
For example:
- forty-acre farm
- full-time worker
- on-campus housing
- state-of-the-art features
- family-run busines
However, these hyphenated compound words become open compounds when they are placed after the word they describe. For example:
- The farm has forty acres.
- The worker is full time.
- The housing is all on campus for freshman
- Its features are truly state of the art.
- The business is still family run.
Compound Words in Sentences
Now that you learned about the different types of compound words, see if you can find the compound words in the sentences below.
- My grandfather is coming home for the holidays.
- I really want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
- The real estate agent had to take a test to get her license.
- She is a part-time teacher.
- That is our full-time worker.
- I’m so tired of looking for on-campus housing.
- He was seventy-two years old.
- Let’s go play some basketball
- Has anybody seen my binder?
If you have those down, try creating a few sentences using compound words that you create!
Compound the Reader's Interest
By adding compound words to your writing, you can make your ideas more interesting and descriptive for the reader. The addition of too many compounds can be messy, especially hyphenated compound words; so, be sure to use compound words wisely. Like any seasoning, they are best sprinkled throughout your writing instead of used in every line.
Now, that you have a grasp of compound words, you might want to dive into some compound sentence examples.
M.A. English
- 7th grade
- 8th grade
- 9th grade
- middle school
- high school
- college
- 6th grade
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Compound Words - our list contains over 500 words
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What are Compound Words?
Compound words are made by joining two or more words; the combination creates a new word. They can be formed using two nouns, e.g. basketball, two non-nouns, e. g. blowup, or a noun and non-noun, e.g. sunrise. It is important to note that the words do not always keep their original meaning, e.g. breakfast. Our list of compound words contains 500 words.
There are three types of compound words:
- Closed compound words, e.g., football, peanut,
- Open compound words, e.g., cell phone, high school, and
- Hyphenated compound words, e.g., in-depth, runner-up.
List of Compound Words
To determine if a compound word is one word, two words or hyphenated, use a dictionary to look up the word or our lists below. The list below excludes both fractions and compound numbers from 21 to 91. These words are hyphenated, e.g., two-thirds, one-half, thirty-nine and ninety-one.
able-bodied | girlfriend | sandpaper |
A-frame | goldfish | scarecrow |
afternoon | grandchildren | scatterbrain |
afterthought | grandfather | school day |
airborne | grandmother | school year |
airline | grandparent | screwdriver |
airmail | grapefruit | seacoast |
airplane | grass roots | seafood |
airport | grasshopper | seagull |
airtight | gridlock | seaport |
anchorperson | groundwater | search engine |
another | grownup | seashell |
anybody | haircut | seaside |
anyone | hamburger | seaweed |
anyplace | handcuff | seesaw |
anything | handlebar | self-concept |
anytime | handshake | self-service |
anyway | hanky-panky | shipwreck |
anywhere | haystack | shoelace |
applesauce | headache | shortstop |
audiotape | headlight | showdown |
awestruck | headquarters | showoff |
backache | headset | showroom |
backboard | heart attack | shrink-wrap |
backbone | heartwarming | sidewalk |
backbreaking | heat lightening | silverware |
backfire | heath care | single-minded |
background | help desk | sister-in-law |
backlash | herringbone | skateboard |
backpack | herself | skyscraper |
backup | high school | sleeping bag |
backyard | high-tech | snowball - |
ballpark | highway | snowfall |
ballroom | hilltop | snowflake |
barefoot | himself | snowman |
baseball | hockey puck | snowplow |
basketball | ho-hum | snowshoe |
bathroom | home page | snowstorm |
bathtub | homemade | softball |
bedrock | homeowner | somebody |
bedroom | homesick | someday |
bedspread | homework | somehow |
beforehand | hot dog | someone |
benchmark | however | someplace |
birdhouse | hush-hush | something |
birthday | ice cream | Sometimes |
blackbird | in-depth | somewhat |
blackboard | indoor | somewhere |
blowup | infield | spacewalk |
blueberry | in-law | sports drink |
blueprint | inside | spotlight |
bookstore | into | spreadsheet |
bottled water | itself | springtime |
boyfriend | jellyfish | square root |
brainstorm | key pal | starfish |
breakdown | keyboard | statewide |
breakfast | kickoff | stepbrother |
breathtaking | know-how | stepfather |
briefcase | know-it-all | stepmother |
broadcast | knucklehead | stepsister |
brother-in-law | ladybug | storyteller |
buildup | landlord | straightforward |
bulldog | leapfrog | strawberry |
burnout | leftover | strong-arm |
butterfly | life span | sugarcoat |
buttermilk | lifeboat | suitcase |
byproduct | lifeguard | summertime |
campfire | life-size | sundown |
cannot | lifestyle | sunflower |
car pool | lightheaded | sunlight |
caregiver | lighthouse | sunrise |
carpool | lightweight | sunset |
carryover | lipstick | sunshine |
cash flow | longshoreman | sunstroke |
catcher’s mitt | loudspeaker | suntan |
cell phone | makeup | superhighway |
chalkboard | marketplace | sweatshirt |
chat room | maybe | sweetheart |
check-in | meantime | tablecloth |
checkout | meanwhile | teammate |
child care | memory stick | tennis court |
Christmas tree | merry-go-round | textbook |
churchgoer | miniskirt | Thanksgiving |
citywide | moonlight | theme park |
civil rights | mother-in-law | themselves |
classmate | motorcycle | thirty-nine |
clean-cut | myself | three-dimensional |
cleanup | nationwide | thunderstorm |
clipboard | network | time line |
close-up | nevertheless | time savor |
cockpit | new world | timetable |
colorblind | newscast | tip-off |
comic strip | newspaper | tiptoe |
common sense | nightgown | today |
cookbook | nitty-gritty | toenail |
co-op | nobody | together |
cooperative | notebook | toothbrush |
copperhead | not-for-profit | topsy-turvy |
copyright | nowhere | toss-up |
countryside | oatmeal | touchdown |
course work | off-site | trailblazer |
cowboy | one-sided | tree house |
crosswalk | ongoing | tryout |
crossword puzzle | online | tugboat |
cupcake | on-site | turnaround |
database | ourselves | turnpike |
daydream | outcome | turtleneck |
daylight | outfield | two-thirds |
daytime | outfit | undercover |
desktop | outlaw | underdog |
dirt bike | outline | underground |
disc drive | outside | understatement |
disc jockey | outsource | undertake |
doorbell | outstanding | uproot |
doorknob | oven mitt | upset |
downpour | overalls | upstairs |
downstairs | overcoat | uptown |
drawbridge | overexposure | u-turn |
driveway | overkill | vice president |
drugstore | overlook | videotape |
dugout | overpass | vineyard |
dump truck | pancake | voice mail |
earring | paper clip | waiting room |
earthquake | paperback | walking stick |
earthworm | paperwork | warm-up |
easygoing | payoff | wastebasket |
editor-in-chief | payroll | watercolor |
empty-handed | peanut | waterfall |
energy bar | peppermint | waterfront |
everybody | percent | watermelon |
everyday | photo ID | weatherperson |
everyone | pinball | web site |
everything | pinpoint | webpage |
everywhere | pitch hitter | weekday |
extracurricular | playground | weekend |
eyeball | playmate | well-being |
eyebrow | ponytail | well-to-do |
eyelid | popcorn | wheelchair |
fact sheet | post office | whenever |
father-in-law | postcard | whirlpool |
fine arts | pothole | whiteboard |
fingernail | prime minister | wholesale |
fingerprint | printout | windmill |
firefighter | proofread | windpipe |
fireplace | quarterback | windshield |
fireproof | quicksand | windsurfing |
firewood | railroad | wingspan |
fireworks | rainbow | wiretapping |
flashback | raincoat | without |
flashlight | rattlesnake | woodland |
flowchart | rawhide | woodpecker |
flowerpot | real estate | word processing |
folklore | redhead | word wall |
follow-up | redwood | word-of-mouth |
football | remote control | work boots |
forever | rock band | workday |
for-profit | role play | workforce |
free-for-all | rollerblade | workload |
freelance | rollout | workplace |
french fry | roly-poly | workshop |
freshwater | run-in | workstation |
front-runner | runner-up | worn-out |
frostbite | runway | wristwatch |
fund-raiser | safety glasses | wrongdoing |
gentleman | sagebrush | x-ray |
get-together | sailboat | yourself |
gingerbread | salad dressing |
Closed Words
These words have no spaces. Our list contains hundreds of words, so we organized them in alphabetical order. Click on a letter below to obtain a list of those compound words.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z |
A | |||
afternoon | afterthought | airborne | airline |
airmail | airplane | airport | airtight |
anchorperson | another | anybody | anyone |
anyplace | anything | anytime | awestruck |
anyway | anywhere | applesauce | audiotape |
B | |||
backache | backboard | backbone | backbreaking |
backfire | background | backlash | backpack |
backup | backyard | ballpark | ballroom |
barefoot | baseball | basketball | bathroom |
bedrock | bedroom | bedspread | beforehand |
benchmark | birdhouse | birthday | blackbird |
blackboard | blowup | blueprint | bookstore |
boyfriend | brainstorm | breakdown | breakfast |
breathtaking | broadcast | buildup | bulldog |
burnout | buttermilk | byproduct |
C | |||
campfire | cannot | caregiver | carpool |
carryover | chalkboard | checkout | churchgoer |
citywide | classmate | cleanup | clipboard |
cockpit | colorblind | cookbook | cooperative |
copperhead | copyright | countryside | cowboy |
crosswalk | cupcake |
D | |||
database | daydream | daylight | daytime |
desktop | doorbell | doorknob | downpour |
downstairs | drawbridge | driveway | drugstore |
dugout |
E | |||
earring | earthquake | earthworm | easygoing |
everybody | everywhere | everyone | everything |
everyday | extracurricular | eyeball | eyebrow |
eyelid | everywhere |
F | |||
fingernail | fingerprint | firefighter | fireplace |
fireproof | firewood | fireworks | flashback |
flashlight | flowchart | flowerpot | folklore |
football | forever | freelance | freshwater |
frostbite |
G | |||
gentlemen | gingerbread | girlfriend | goldfish |
grandchildren | grandfather | grandmother | grandparent |
grapefruit | grasshopper | gridlock | groundwater |
grownup |
H | |||
haircut | hamburger | handcuff | handlebar |
handshake | haystack | headache | headlight |
headquarter | headset | heartwarming | herringbone |
herself | highway | hilltop | himself |
homemade | homeowner | homesick | homework |
however |
I | |||
iceberg | icebox | icebreaker | inchworm |
indoor | infield | inside | into |
itself | innkeeper |
J | |||
jackknife | jackpot | jackrabbit | jawbone |
jaywalk | jellyfish | jigsaw | jumpsuit |
K | |||
keyboard | kickoff | knucklehead | keepsake |
kettledrum | kickball | keyhole | keynote |
killjoy | kindhearted | kneecap | knighthood |
knothole | knucklehead | keystone |
L | |||
leapfrog | ladybug | landlord | leftover |
lifeboat | lifeguard | lifestyle | lightheaded |
lighthouse | lightweight | lipstick | longshoremen |
loudspeaker |
M | |||
makeup | marketplace | maybe | meantime |
meanwhile | miniskirt | moonlight | motorcycle |
myself |
N | |||
nationwide | network | nevertheless | newscast |
newspaper | nightgown | nobody | notebook |
nowhere |
O | |||
oatmeal | ongoing | online | ourselves |
outcome | outfield | outfit | outlaw |
outline | outside | outsource | outstanding |
overalls | overcoat | overexposure | overkill |
overlook | overpass |
P | |||
pancake | paperback | paperwork | payoff |
payroll | peanuts | peppermint | percent |
pinball | playground | playmate | ponytail |
popcorn | postcard | pothole | printout |
proofread |
Q | |||
quarrelsome | quarterback | quartermaster | quicksand |
quicksilver |
R | |||
railroad | rainbow | raincoat | rattlesnake |
rawhide | redhead | redwood | rollerblade |
rollout | runway |
S | |||
sagebrush | sailboat | sandpaper | scarecrow |
scatterbrain | screwdriver | seacoast | seafood |
seagull | seaport | seashell | seaside |
seaweed | seesaw | shipwreck | shoelace |
shortstop | shutdown | showoff | showroom |
sidewalk | silverware | skateboard | skyscraper |
snowball | snowfall | snowflake | snowman |
snowplow | snowshoe | snowstorm | softball |
somebody | someday | somehow | someone |
someplace | something | sometimes | somewhat |
somewhere | spacewalk | spotlight | spreadsheet |
springtime | starfish | statewide | stepbrother |
stepfather | stepmother | stepsister | storyteller |
straightforward | strawberry | sugarcoat | suitcase |
summertime | sundown | sunflower | sunlight |
sunrise | sunset | sunshine | sunstroke |
suntan | superhighway | sweatshirt |
T | |||
tablecloth | teammate | textbook | Thanksgiving |
themselves | thunderstorm | timetable | tiptoe |
today | toenail | together | toothbrush |
touchdown | trailblazer | tryout | tugboat |
turnaround | turnpike | turtleneck |
U | |||
undercover | underdog | underground | understatement |
undertake | upstairs | uptown | uproot |
upset |
V | |||
venturesome | videocassette | videotape | vineyard |
viewfinder | viewpoint | volleyball | vouchsafe |
W | |||
wastebasket | watercolor | waterfall | waterfront |
watermelon | weatherperson | webpage | weekday |
weekend | wheelchair | whenever | whirlpool |
whiteboard | wholesale | windmill | windpipe |
windshield | windsurfing | wingspan | wiretapping |
without | woodland | woodpecker | workday |
workforce | workload | workplace | workshop |
workstation | wristwatch | wrongdoing |
Y | |||
yardarm | yardstick | yearbook | yourself |
Z | |||
zookeeper |
Open Words
Open compound words have a space between the words. The following are open compound words:
bottled water | car pool | cash flow | cell membrane |
cell phone | chat room | child care | Christmas tree |
civil right | comic strip | common sense | course work |
crossword puzzle | dirt bike | disk drive | disc jockey |
dump truck | energy bar | fact sheet | fine art |
French fry | grass root | health care | heart attack |
heat lightning | help desk | high school | hockey puck |
home page | hot dog | ice cream | jigsaw puzzle |
jungle gym | junk food | jumping jack | key pal |
killer whale | Labor Day | labor union | laser printer |
land mine | lance corporal | landing field | landing strip |
light bulb | life jacket | life raft | life vest |
life belt | life buoy | Little Dipper | little finger |
life span | memory stick | new world | oven mitt |
paper clip | photo ID | pinch hitter | post office |
paddle wheel | passenger pigeon | past tense | past participle |
peace pipe | physical education | picture graph | planet kingdom |
prime minister | radiant energy | radio wave | real time |
report card | respiratory system | rib cage | right angle |
right triangle | ring finger | rock dove | rocking chair |
rocking horse | role model | roller coaster | Roman Catholic |
root beer | real estate | remote control | rock band |
role play | safety glasses | salad dressing | school day |
school year | search engine | sleeping bag | sports drink |
square root | tennis court | theme park | time line |
time capsule | tree house | vacuum cleaner | Valentine’s Day |
vampire bat | vanilla bean | vending machine | vice president |
video camera | videocassette recorder | video game | videotape recorder |
virtual reality | vocal chords | voice box | voice mail |
waiting room | walking stick | web site | word processing |
word wall | work boots |
Hyphenated Words
The list below excludes spelled out fractions and compound numbers from 21 to 91. Please note you hyphenate all spelled out fractions, e.g., two-thirds, one-half, and compound numbers from 21 to 91, e.g., thirty-nine, ninety-one. The following are hyphenated compound words:
able-bodied | A-frame | brother-in-law | check-in |
clean-cut | close-up | co-op | editor-in-chief |
empty-handed | father-in-law | follow-up | for-profit |
free-for-all | front-runner | fund-raiser | get-together |
hanky-panky | high-tech | ho-hum | hush-hush |
in-depth | in-law | in-line skate | jack-o’-lantern |
jet-propelled | king-size | know-how | know-it-all |
life-size | merry-go-round | mother-in-law | nitty-gritty |
not-for-profit | off-site | one-sided | on-site |
pitch-black | pitch-dark | play-off | quick-tempered |
roly-poly | run-in | runner-up | self-concept |
self-service | shrink-wrap | single-minded | strong-arm |
three-dimensional | tip-off | topsy-turvy | toss-up |
two-dimensional | u-turn | warm-up | well-being |
well-to-do | word-of-mouth | warn-out | X-ray |
Source: Fry, E. B., Ph.D. & Kress, J.E., Ed.D. (2006). The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists 5th Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.
Merriam-Webster Children’s Dictionary, 3rd Edition 2008.
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Meaning of the word COMPOSITE
Composed of several parts.
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A unit of speech used to express a separate concept.
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None of the ligatures should be used outside of compound words.
This isolated difference between kanji and constituents gives words for similar concepts completely different pronunciations.
Kunyomi compound words are not as numerous as onyomi words, but not rare either.
However, some forms are still recognized as irregular morphologies, especially forms that occur mainly in verb conjugation, as well as some compound words.
In some analyses, compound words and certain classes of idiomatic expressions and other phrases are also considered part of the lexicon.
Standard German provides compounds for the particle and the associated preposition.
This means that many small compound words can be put together to create a word with a new meaning.
When two words are combined completely, the result is considered a compound word, not a mixture.
A person with schizophrenia may use neologisms, which are compound words that have a specific meaning to the person using them.
The first mention of the form bærlic in the Oxford English Dictionary is around 966 CE. e., in the compound word bærlic-croft.
The first mention of the form bærlic in the Oxford English Dictionary is around 966 CE. e., in the compound word bærlic-croft.
Slovenia joined the federation as a constituent republic, led by its own pro-communist leadership.
As if it had become an integral part of his body.
This page provides the definition (meaning) of the phrase / expression "compound word", as well as synonyms, antonyms and sentences, if they are available in our database. We strive to make the English-Grammar.Biz explanatory dictionary, including the interpretation of the phrase / expression "compound word", as correct and informative as possible. If you have suggestions or comments about the correctness of the definition of "compound word", please write to us in the "Feedback" section.
Compound words in English
Compound words ( Compo und Word s ) in English make up a considerable layer of everyday vocabulary.
They are formed from two words that are completely different in meaning and often belong to different parts of speech, for example, the word notebook = note (verb "write") + book (noun "book").
Today we will get acquainted with the concept of compound words in English and learn many examples, thus significantly replenishing our English vocabulary.
The formation of compound words in English
I repeat once again that compound words are formed from two words and eventually give a new lexical unit. Very often, compound words mean compound nouns ( Compound Nouns ).
But this is not entirely true, because among the compound words there are also adjectives, for example: fire-resistant (fire-resistant), high-speed (high-speed), etc.
As for the spelling of English compound words, there are several options: together, separately and through a hyphen.
If there is a question of choosing how to write this or that compound word - through a hyphen or separately, the variant of separate writing will be preferable.
Article in the topic:
The difference between an adverb and an adjective in English: how to distinguish them?
English Compound Examples
- Brainstorm - Brainstorm
- Scapegoat Scapegoat
- Aftermath - Aftermath
- Backfire - reciprocal of
- Daredevil Daredevil
- Frostbite - Frostbite
- Iron cl ad - unbreakable rules
- Lighthearted - carefree, happy
- Milestone - progress
- Outlaw - bandit, fugitive
- Panhandle - beg
- Wholesale
- Sunflower
- Backbone - Backbone
- Sweetmeat
- Lifeboat Lifeboat
- Horseshoe
- Greenhouse
- Lighthouse - Lighthouse
- Jellyfish
- Traffic jam
- Grown-up - adult
- Also-ran - loser
- Headache Headache
- Toothbrush - Toothbrush
Article in the topic:
Degrees of comparison of adjectives in English
Stress in compound words
As a rule, the stress in compound words is placed on the first syllable.