The learning company games free download
32-bit The Learning Company Originals : The Learning Company, Mattel Interactive, Creative Wonders, riverdeep : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
This is for users who are running Windows 95-me. (Windows 9x). However the 2002 editions might not work with Windows 95 according with my testing’s.
I strongly advised for windows 10 users to go Here
Learning-Creative 64-bit Installation (Final V.3.7)
Due note as of version 3.0 Windows 2000 or XP are not supported. They may well run - I Can no longer offer support for issues that occur when using the games under those systems.
If your having slow download speed or dial-up connection please use Compressed files.
32-bit Learning-Creative Installation (compressed)
Making a list of complete games from the learning company really soon
Elmo's World.iso Is not made by the learning company. they are 2 reasons why I’m adding it. 1 was that originally the learning company owns the trademarks of sesame workshop from creative wonders; Up until 2003 then sold to nova development that is why it is going to 64-bit The Learning Company Originals. 2nd nova development did not add new content except combining 2 games below until one application although they made a macintosh port.
Sesame Street Elmo’s World: Pets, Foods and Telephones
Sesame Street Elmo’s World: Shoes, Bugs and Farms
CF Reading (Version 1.3)
The ClueFinders Reading Adventures Ages 9-12: Mystery of the Missing Amulet
CF Search (Version 2.3)
The ClueFinders Search and Solve Adventures: The Phantom Amusement Park
CFARCADE (Version 1.1)
The ClueFinders: Mystery Mansion Arcade
CFMATH(1998) (Version 1.0)
The ClueFinders Math Adventures Ages 9–12: Mystery in the Himalayas
CFMATH(2002) (Version 2.5)
The ClueFinders Math Adventures Ages 9–12: Mystery in the Himalayas
CLUEFINDERS (Version 1.1)
The ClueFinders Real World Adventure Kit
ClueFinders 3rd (Version 2.4)
The ClueFinders 3rd Grade Adventures: Mystery of Mathra
ClueFinders 5th (Version 2.
The ClueFinders 5th Grade Adventures: Secret of the Living Volcano
ClueFinders 6th (Version 2.4)
The ClueFinders 6th Grade Adventures: Empire of the Plant People
ClueFinders' 4th (Version 2.5)
The ClueFinders 4th Grade Adventures: Puzzle of the Pyramid
QUIZNOS_CF (Version 1.0)
The ClueFinders: Sample Solation 2002 edition
ToyStore (Version 2.4)
The ClueFinders: The Incredible Toy Store Adventure!
Folder (Creative Wonders Arthur’s Learning)
Arthur Wildernes= Arthur's Wilderness Rescue
ARTHUR= Arthur's Computer Adventure
Arthurc= Arthur's Camping Adventure
Arthurf1= Arthur's 1st Grade (Disc 1) (Learning)
ARTHURF2= Arthur's 1st Grade (Disc 2) (Creativity)
ARTHURK1= Arthur's Kindergarten (Disc 1) (Learning)
Arthurk2= Arthur's Kindergarten (Disc 2) (Creativity)
ArthurMG= Arthur's Math Games
Arthurp1= Arthur's Preschool (Disc 1) (Learning)
Arthurp2= Arthur's Preschool (Disc 2) (Creativity)
ArthurR2= Arthur's Reading Games
ARTHURS1= Arthur's 2nd Grade (Disc 1) (Learning)
ARTHURS2= Arthur's 2nd Grade (Disc 2) (Creativity)
ARTHURTG= Arthur's Thinking Games
Pet Chase= Arthur's Pet Chase
Sand Castle= Arthur's Sand Castle Contest
Mean Folder (Creative Wonders Other Games)
Folder (Dr Seuss Collection (Unsupported 64-bit))
Dr. Seuss PK Reading Workbook
Dr. Seuss Reading Games
Dr. Seuss Toddler
Dr. Seuss Toddler Workbook
Dr. Seuss Kindergarten 2002 Edition
Dr. Seuss PK Reading
SeussPS TLC (Version 1.0)
Dr. Seuss Preschool
Folder (Little Bear Credited memoriesofthedaize)
Elmo's World
Little Bear Kindergarten
Little Bear Preschool
Little Bear Toddler
Folder (Sesame Street Credited to halerpal)
Baby & Me Disk 1
Baby & Me Disk 2 Sesame Street Greatest Hits
Elmo's Preschool disk 1
Elmo's preschool Disk 2 Search & Learn Adventures
Sesame Street Toddler disk 1
SSTODDLER Letters & Numbers
Sesame Street Toddler disk 2
SSTODDLER Elmo's Art Workshop
Folder (Creative Wonders Other Games)
BSC3 Disk 1 Grade Skills
BSC3 Disk 2
BSC4 Disk 1 Grade Skills
BSC4 Disk 2
BSC4 Disk 2 Brain Blitz
Little Bear Rainy Day Activities
Folder (Learn to speak 2002 Spanish, English, Frunch, Garman)
EE_1_B38 (Version 8. 1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak English Disk 1
EE_2_B32 (Version 8.1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak English Disk 2
EE_3_B_32 (Version 8.1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak English Disk 3
EE_4_B_30 (Version 8.1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak English Disk 4
FE_1_B13 (Version 8.1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak French Disk 1
FE_2_B_6 (Version 8.1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak French Disk 2
FE_3_B_6’ (Version 8.1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak French Disk 3
FE_4_B_5 (Version 8.1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak French Disk 4
GE_1_B12 (Version 8.1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak German Disk 1
GE_2_B_6 (Version 8.1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak German Disk 2
GE_3_B_6 (Version 8.1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak German Disk 3
GE_4_B_6 (Version 8.1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak German Disk 4
SE_1_B20 (Version 8. 1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak Spanish Disk 1
SE_2_B_14 (Version 8.1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak Spanish Disk 2
SE_3_B_14 (Version 8.1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak Spanish Disk 3
SE_4_B_14 (Version 8.1)
The Learning Company: Learn to Speak Spanish Disk 4
Folder (Madeline by Bradleys Old School Collection)
ELMOGLASS= Sesame Street Elmo's Looking-Glass
ELMOREADING= Sesame Street Reading Basics 1998 Edition
MADCC1= Madeline 1st Classroom
MADCC2= Madeline 2nd Classroom
MADCCK= Madeline Kindergarten Classroom
MADCCP= Madeline Preschool Classroom
MADEUROD= Madeline European 1998
Madmath2= Madeline 1st Grade Math
Madmath3= Madeline 2nd Grade Math
MADREAD1= Madeline 1st Grade Reading
MADREAD2= Madeline 2nd Grade Reading
MADTGD= Madeline Thinking 1998
Folder (Mind Power Math & Science Series)
Algebra 1 PC= Mind Power(TM) High - Algebra 1
Algebra 2 PC= Mind Power(TM) High - Algebra 2
Biology PC= Mind Power(TM) Science - Biology
Calculus PC= Mind Power(TM) High - Calculus
Chemistry PC= Mind Power(TM) Science - Chemistry
Geometry PC= Mind Power(TM) High - Geometry
Light_Electricit= Mind Power(TM) Science - Light & Electricity
Math Review PC= Mind Power(TM) High - Math Review
MSAlg1= Mind Power Middle - Algebra, Part 1
MSAlg2= Mind Power Middle - Algebra, Part 2
MSBasic= Mind Power Middle - Basic Math
MSPreAlg= Mind Power Middle - Pre Algebra
Physical Sci PC= Mind Power(TM) Science - Physical Science
Trigonometry PC= Mind Power(TM) High – Trigonometry
Folder (Other Learning Company Games)
Bailey= Bailey's Book House
Carnival Countdown= Mighty Math Carnival Countdown
Crew= Mighty Math Calculating Crew
FrippleTown= Thinkin' Things FrippleTown
Grammarrock= School House Rock Grammar Rock
Island= Let's Go Read - An Island Adventure
Math Zoo= Mighty Math Zoo Zillions
MindTwister= Mind Twister Math
Ocean Adventure= Let's Go Read - An Ocean Adventure
Sammy= Sammy's Science House
Sc2= Strategy Challenges 2
SpaceAcademy= Space Academy GX-1
Time and Place= Stories and More - Time and Place
Trek 4-6= Writing Trek Ages 4-6
Wmuncher= Word Munchers Deluxe
Zap!= Thinkin' Science Zap!
Folder (Other 2002 Learning Company Ediitons)
ALIENSPACE= Starflyers Alien Space Chase
BatmanJU= Batman Justice Unbalanced
BatmanTC= batman toxic chill
CSWord= carmen sandiego word detective
Carmen= where in the world is carmen sandiego treasures of knowledge
Cookie Party= Strawberry Shortcake Amazing Cookie Party
Kid Pix Deluxe 4 (2008)
LIBERTY= liberty kids (The Learning Company)
PPG Snorebucks= The Powerpuff Girls Learning Challenge 2: Princess Snorebucks
PPG= The Powerpuff Girls Learning Challenge: Mojo Jojo's Clone Zone
ROYALRESCUE= starflyers royal jewel rescue
Zoombini= zoombinis logical journey
Zoombinis= Zoombinis Mountain Rescue
ZoombinisIO= Zoombinis Island Odyssey
Hamtaro= hamtaro wake up snoozer!
Folder (PPS Learning Games)
Beginning Math Super Star Games CD2
Caillou's Magic= Caillou(R) Magic Playhouse
Caillou's Party= Caillou(R) Party Fun & Games
CarnivalChaos= Cyberchase - Carnival Chaos (USA)
Castleblanca= Cyberchase - Castleblanca Quest (USA)
Creature Quest= Zoboomafoo Creature Quest
JayJay SkyCircus
JJ Earns= Jay Jay Earns His Wings
Millies Math House CD1
NUMBERLAND= Stuart Little His Adventures in Numberland
Read, Write, Type (2004 Edition)
Seasons of Fun= Caillou(R) Four Seasons of Fun
WORDLAND= Stuart Little - His Adventures in Wordland
Zoboomafoo= Zoboomafoo Animal Alphabet
Folder (Reader Rabbit Classic)
I_Can_Read (Version 4. 0)
Reader Rabbit I Can Read With Phonics
RR Kindergarten (Version 3.1)
reader rabbit kindergarten classic edition
RR Preschool (Version 4.0)
Reader Rabbit Preschool Classic Edition
RRReading46 (Version 2.1)
Reader Rabbit Reading Adventures Ages 4-6
RRReading69 (Version 2.1)
Reader Rabbit Reading Adventures Ages 6-9
RRTA (Version 1.0)
reader rabbit high flying act
RR_2nd_Grade (Version 3.1)
Reader Rabbit 2nd Grade Classic Edition
Reader Rabbit Ma (Version 4.0)
Reader Rabbit Math Adventures Ages 4-6
Rrabbit_1st (Version 3.1)
Reader Rabbit 1st Grade Classic Edition
Folder (Reader Rabbit Relaunch)
DREAMSHIP= Reader Rabbit Dreamship Tales
Learn To Read= LearnToRead Pre-Kindergarten (2002)
RR1Cloud= Reader Rabbit 1st Grade Cloud
RR2Cheese= Reader Rabbit 2nd Grade Cheese
RRHFA= Reader Rabbit High Flying Act
RRKBTown= Reader Rabbit Kindergarten Town
RRLTR12= LearnToRead 1st-2nd grade (2002)
RRPSpark= Reader Rabbit Preschool Sparkle
RRTODDLER= Reader Rabbit Baby & Toddler (2002)
Folder (Scooby-Doo Complete)
Case File 1= Scooby-Doo, Case File #1 The Glowing Bug Man
GSPCD1724A= Scooby-Doo! Case File #3
Jinx= Scooby-Doo, Jinx At The Sphinx(TM)
Phantom= Scooby-Doo, Phantom of the Knight
Scary Stone Dragon= Scooby-Doo, Case File #2 Scary Stone Dragon
SCOOBY_DOO= Scooby-Doo Mystery of the Fun Park
ScoobyDooActivity= ScoobyDooActivityChallenge
Showdown= Scooby-Doo, Showdown in Ghost Town
Folder (The Princeton Review)
ALGEBRA= The Princeton Review Algebra Smart
ALGEBRA1= The Princeton Review Algebra 1
ALGEBRA2= The Princeton Review Algebra 2
ARTRAGEOUS= The Princeton Review ArtRageous!
BODY500= The Princeton Review BodyWorks 5
CIE99E= The Princeton Review CIE 1999
GEOMETRY= The Princeton Review Geometry
REVIEW= The Princeton Review REVIEW
S_B_SPANISH= Success Builder Spanish
SBDICT= The Princeton Review Multi-Lingual Dictionary
SLAMDUNK= The Princeton Review Slam Dunk Typing
TRIG= The Princeton Review Trigonometry
WORDSMT= The Princeton Review Word Smart
Folder (Unsupported Partially (64-bit compatibility)
BODYWORKS_6= The Princeton Review BodyWorks 6
EARTH= Real Science Earth
RoadUSA1= Road Adventures USA Disk 1
RoadUSA2= Road Adventures USA Disk 2
RoadUSA3= Road Adventures USA Disk 3
SeussPS= Dr. Seuss Preschool
Folder (Windows 3.1 for
CIE97.ISO (Version 1.0)
Comptons Interactive ENCYCLOPEDIA
CMW844AE.ISO (Version 1.1)
LSSE_60_1.ISO (Version 6.0)
Learn To Speak Spanish The Complete Interactive Course
Learn To Speak Spanish The Complete Interactive Course
MMAP95.ISO (Version 1.10
Master Maps For Windows 95
Unknown title PMG_1.ISO (1996 x.x Version)
Includes the following with this disk
Bodyworks 5.0
Student Writing Center
Family Tree
Unknown title PMG_2.ISO (1996 x.x Version)
Includes the following with this disk
Leonardo the Inventor 2.0
Calendar Creator 4.0
Grandmaster Chess Ultra
Unknown title PMG_4.ISO (1996 x.x Version)
Includes the following with this disk
PFS: Window Works
Astro Rock
Unknown title PMG_5. ISO (1996 x.x Version)
Includes the following with this disk
Explorers of the new World
Kitchen Gourmet
Logic Quest
RESPRO20.ISO (Version 2.0)
PFS Resume PRO for Windows 95 and Windows 3.1
Unknown title WMUNCHER.ISO (1996 x.x Version)
Includes the following with this disk
Pro Landscaper 3-D
Design It! 3-D
Home Repair Guide
Typing Teacher
The Oregon Trail
Word Munchers Deluxe
Storybook Weaver Deluxe
The Learning Company - MobyGames
- Main
- History
- Logos
- Trivia
- Links
The Learning Company was co-founded in 1980 as Advanced Learning Technology, in 1981 changed to The Learning Co., by Ann McCormick, Leslie Grimm and Frona Kahn and based in California. The first releases focused on teaching young children math, reading and science skills. The most lucrative properties the company developed were Super Solvers, Reader Rabbit and ClueFinders. The company joined the New York Stock Exchange in 1992.
In December 1995 The Learning Co. was acquired by SoftKey International. In October 1996, SoftKey International changed its company name to The Learning Company, Inc. and relocated it to Cambridge, Massachusetts. The company was listed on the New York Stock Exchange with Ticker Symbol TLC, and the TLC initials were added to the company logo. The company also operated the subsidiary TLC Properties, Inc. from the same location.
Acquisitions by The Learning Company, Inc. included:
- Microsystems Software, Inc. (Oct. 1997)
- Creative Wonders LLC (Dec. 1997)
- Mindscape, Inc. (April 1998)
- PF Magic Inc. (May 1998)
- Sofsource, Inc. (June 1998)
- Brøderbund (Aug. 1998)
The Learning Company, Inc. and all its subsidiaries and divisions was acquired by Mattel Inc., the toy company, on May 13, 1999 and renamed Mattel Interactive. Mattel Interactive had the following international offices in addition to the ones in the United States. Many of these were renamed Learning Company Inc. locations.
- Mattel Interactive Asia Pacific (Richmond, Australia)
- Mattel Interactive Japan (Tokyo, Japan)
- Mattel Interactive France / TLC-Edusoft (Boulogne Billancourt, France)
- Mattel Interactive Northern Europe B.V. (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Mattel Interactive Deutschland GmbH (Oberhaching, Germany)
- Mattel Interactive, S.R.L. (Milano, Italy)
- Mattel Interactive Spain (Barcelona, Spain)
- Mattel Interactive Ltd (Crawley, West Sussex, UK)
- Mattel Argentina, S.A. (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Mattel de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
- Mattel do Brasil Ltda (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
- Mattel de Venezuela, C.A. (Caracas, Venezuela)
- Mattel Chile, S.A. (Santiago, Chile)
- Mattel Colombia, S.A. (Bogota, Colombia)
Mattel then sold it to the Gores Technology Group in October 2000. After taking over The Learning Company, Gores divided it into three groups:
- One specializing in games was branded GAME Studios by Gores in January 2001 and then was sold to French publisher Ubi Soft in March 2001. This included rights to all Strategic Simulations, Inc. games. The SSI brand has since been retired, and all other acquired properties have been absorbed into Ubisoft.
- A second which focused on educational software, kept The Learning Company name, and was acquired by Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited in September 2001.
- The third group, named Brøderbund, was put in charge of home productivity software. Riverdeep then acquired all of Brøderbund in August 2002.
The Learning Company became a brand of Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited, which owned all previous TLC and Brøderbund educational/edutainment franchises including Reader Rabbit, Carmen Sandiego, ClueFinders, and Oregon Trail.
The Learning Company became a brand of Houghton Mifflin Company (now Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) in 2006 when Riverdeep merged with that company.
Also Known As
- Mattel Interactive (from May 13, 1999 to Sep 05, 2001)
- Learning Company, Inc., The (from Oct, 1996 to May 12, 1999)
- Learning Co., Inc., The (from 1981 to Sep, 1996)
- Advanced Learning Technology (from 1980 to 1981)
Currently viewing the 50 most recent games. Click here to view the complete list.
Most locations in the United States that originally belonged to The Learning Company, Inc. (1996-1999) were used by Mattel Interactive after their acquisition of TLC in May 1999 until October 2000. Telephone and Fax numbers remained the same. Any locations that were unique to either company are listed at the bottom.
The Learning Company, Inc. (Main headquarters) and TLC Properties, Inc. (subsidiary)
Mattel Interactive (Cambridge office)
One Athenaeum Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
Toll Free Phone: 1-800-227-5609
Telephone: 617-494-1200
Customer Service: 617-761-3000
Fax: 617-494-1219
The Learning Company, Inc. website:
Mattel Interactive websites: - -
Framingham office:
Internet Solutions Group
600 Worcester Road
Framingham, MA
Telephone: 508-416-1000
Fax: 508-626-8515
Fremont office:
6493 Kaiser Drive
Fremont, CA 94555
Telephone: 510-792-2101
Fax: 510-713-6072
Novato branch: (Mindscape)
88 Rowland Way
Novato, CA 94945
Telephone: 415-895-2000
Additional Novato location (Mattel Interactive only):
The Learning Company School
500 Redwood Blvd
Novato, CA 94947
Telephone: 415-382-4400
Note: This location was called Riverdeep in 2004
Riverdeep's Learning Company website:
Minneapolis branch (The Learning Company, Inc. only):
6160 Summit Drive North
Minneapolis, MN 55430
Telephone: 612-569-1500
Fax: 612-569-1551
Hiawatha office (Mattel Interactive only):
1 Martha's Way
Hiawatha, Iowa 52233
Telephone: 319-395-9626
Fax: 319-395-0217
Related Web Sites
- The Learning Company at Wikipedia (Featuring a list of the Learning Company's games and it's history.
Educational games for children
Educational games for childrenMonitoring of electronic money exchangers
Smeshariki - primers - children's educational game
Cheerful, funny, awkward and therefore making kids laugh non-stop, favorite fairy-tale characters of the animated series "Smeshariki" in an unobtrusive playful way will guide your child through a dark forest of yet unfamiliar symbols, which we, adults, habitually call letters. With the help of cartoon friends, kids will learn how to put letters into syllables and then into words in a fun and non-coercive way. Learn new songs and poems. After a while, both you and your baby will make a very important discovery for themselves. He does not need to ask to read his favorite fairy tale anymore, he can do it himself. Both boys and girls like Smeshariki equally, because they are so similar to real babies and, at the same time, they can suggest the right way out of an unpleasant situation.
Smeshariki go camping - children's educational game
How to set up a tent, how to light a fire, what to take with you on a hike, and what can you leave at home? What berries and mushrooms can be eaten, and which ones should be avoided? Who can you meet in the forest and how to behave in such a way that only pleasant memories remain after the hike? All these questions and many more will be answered by this game. Until you complete the tasks of the arcade level, you won’t get out to the next one. Well, it's hard to learn, easy to fight.
Download for free the game "Children's educational game "Smeshariki go camping""Kaleidoscope of games 1" Smeshariki - children's educational game
The first game from the collection of Smeshariki toys, designed for preschool and primary school age. The collection is compiled taking into account the requirements of child psychologists. All games have a short time span. Starting the game, the child is not "pulled" into the process. The game Smeshariki Kaleidoscope is great for a short pastime at the computer. An extra 10-15 minutes of free time for parents will not be superfluous, but for a child, this is not a bad switch of attention at the same time as inconspicuous learning in mathematics, literacy, and logical thinking.
Learn the colors of the rainbow - children's educational game
Usually, by the age of two or three, almost every child knows and easily distinguishes not only the primary colors, but also ceases to get confused in such complex concepts of color as "beige", "turquoise", "light green", "lilac". The kid is happy to put into words the variety of color shades that he sees around him. Often, he even comes up with his own original and very funny names for flowers. But, it is also common for a lively and developed child, who perfectly distinguishes colors, even at the age of seven to eight years, cannot remember the order of the colors of the rainbow. And at school, this knowledge is also necessary, as well as knowledge of the alphabet or multiplication tables. For many decades there has been a nursery rhyme about a hunter that helps to remember a rainbow. Our family drew and voiced a simple cartoon in Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 presentation format, which helps to remember both the rhyme and the colors of the rainbow.
Download free presentation "Children's educational game "Colors of the Rainbow"
Clifford's Birthday - Children's Educational Game
Sweet, charming, little mistress of the huge miracle dog Clifford, known throughout the city, is preparing to celebrate her pet's birthday. In order for the holiday to be fun, this wonderful couple has to solve many entertaining tasks, find answers to logical riddles, and carry out instructions from the characters of this game - fairy tales. The children's arcade has several levels, designed for different ages of players. For correct installation, it is better to use a CD-R recorded without a multisession.
Download free archive "Kids educational game" Clifford's Birthday"
Adventures of SpongeBob - children's arcade
If you are not familiar with the hero of the world-famous animated series about the inhabitants of the underwater fabulous city of Bikini Bottom, then this children's game is a great chance to get to know them. Your little one will have the opportunity to ride the boat car at Mrs. Puff's school, rescue delicious Krabby Patties from Plankton, ride fishhooks with Patrick the starfish, rescue Harry the snail, and do many more tricks with SpongeBob, Sandy the squirrel, and even the stern octopus Squidward. This small children's game brought together an arcade, a "race", a "shooter", and elements of coloring books and musical puzzles. All this is adapted for preschool age. Although older children of both sexes enjoy playing this game. For correct installation, it is better to use a CD-R recorded without a multisession.
Free download archive "Children's educational game "SpongeBob - square pants"
ABC for the little ones - children's educational game
I made this simple presentation toy when my son was just over two years old. If a standard assembly of Microsoft Office is installed on your computer, then you have the opportunity to occupy the baby for ten minutes. Cards with letters alternate with cards with corresponding pictures. The show is accompanied by sound design. The child sees a letter, hears its name, sees a picture with an object or a hero of a fairy tale whose name begins with this letter. You can turn on the automatic change of cards, or you can press the largest button on the keyboard - "space" and change them yourself. Several cards with surprises. By clicking on the "space", you collect and color the picture.
Free download "ABC for the little ones"
Smeshariki - Round company - solfeggio for kids - children's educational game
Why do children need to know musical literacy? Why does a child need to own a piano? It turns out not only to give parents a reason to brag to distant and close relatives. Playing the black and white keys of the instrument, better than anything else, develops fine motor skills and activates the very part of the brain that is responsible for speech, memory, writing and reading skills. There is not a single child who, while studying music, does not at the same time please his parents with excellent school performance. And, of course, this is the education of discipline, diligence and responsibility. Cheerful and exciting, with excellent musical accompaniment, the arcade game "Smeshariki - a round company" unobtrusively teaches the child musical literacy. Solfeggio lessons turn from a boring lesson into a fun adventure, interspersed with exciting tasks on the playground, in the forest, on the sports field and in many other places that can bring the restless and most beloved children's heroes - Smeshariki. The child not only learns the most important things about music, but can immediately test their knowledge on the piano emulator.
Smeshariki - Parallel worlds - modeling lessons - children's educational game
A round cheerful company decided to celebrate the Inventor's Day with a deed, and invented a machine for moving to parallel worlds. But, something went wrong, and everyone together ended up in a broken car for moving around in the plasticine world. Everything around is made of plasticine - and Krosh, and Ping, and Hedgehog, and Nyusha, and everything, everything, everything ... What to do, how to return home? Just got the car fixed. Your kid gets interactive modeling lessons from plasticine, sculpts his favorite characters and completes arcade tasks, helping Smeshariki return home.
Smeshariki - Finding Bibi - children's educational game for future astronauts
Very simple walker. Easily accepted by kids. The plot is also simple. The famous inventor Penguin Ping flew to the moon. He has two most important things to do - to return home and find Bibi the robot to bring him back to Earth. At the same time, get acquainted with the lunar surface, space, weightlessness and everything that real astronauts should know about. The game is interspersed with text and sound prompts for children and parents.
Smeshariki - On the road with Smeshariki - a children's educational game that helps the kid not to get lost on the city street
A fun interactive cartoon that, using the principle of everyone's favorite board games, unobtrusively explains the rules of the road. The game is designed not only for pedestrians, but also for future car owners. Seven-eight-year-old boys and girls memorize road signs with pleasure, recognize them on the streets of cities and feel like equal participants in the movement. The mother of such a child can say with absolute certainty that her baby will never run across the road at a red light.
Download for free the game "Children's educational game "Smeshariki - On the road with Smeshariki"Smeshariki - Holidays - children's educational game
Pig Nyusha received a wonderful gift from her friends at the beginning of the year of the pig. Set of Christmas balls. Touching each of them, for the third year now, reminds Nyusha of happy holidays. The game not only tells the story of the holidays, but also teaches you how to make gifts with your own hands for every significant occasion. Our favorite holiday, except for the New Year of course, is February 23rd. Indeed, on this day we can express our love to our brave defenders. And for the most daring of them - detailed instructions for creating a real aviation squad with your own hands. Here you can download game 9 for free0006
The world of riddles. Animals - children's educational game
You are invited to learn a new way of traveling around the world. To get from one part of the world to another, you will need to solve about 20 logic puzzles. In total, you will complete more than 120 levels in the main game mode (one level - one task). An additional mode includes 49 more puzzles, in which you can test and hone your skills. Logic tasks alternate with mini-games where you need to decompose a mosaic, find differences between pictures of animals, feed a hungry seagull with fish and much more. Game World of Mysteries. Animals are an excellent simulator that develops intelligence, logic, intuition, speed of reaction, accuracy, attentiveness. Useful tips on the first levels help you quickly understand the rules of the game. You can handle this challenge even if you are only 8 years old, and it will be able to interest you, even if you are much older! Here you can download game 9 for free0006
Sea battle. Submarine Warfare
Try yourself in the role of the captain of an extra-class submarine. The enemy command has started a major naval operation, but the arrogant admirals do not yet know that their plans are not destined to come true. You have to conduct aimed torpedo fire on enemy ships. At each level, you must score a certain number of points in the allotted time. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that the largest ships sail far from the coast and it is difficult to hit them. Develop your own strategy and don't let anyone get away. The game has a lot of bonuses and improvements that will add firepower to your submarine and make it even more formidable weapon. If you are attracted to sea battles, do not miss this wonderful arcade game! Here you can download the game for free
Kingdom. Elise's Adventures
One day, walking through the forest, Eliza met a gray-haired wanderer - he told her about an ancient prophecy... According to legend, the greatest of all the rulers of the kingdom will be a simple girl who will be pointed out by the Ruby of Kings. The shoulder of the young sorceress will be marked with a special sign. Hearing about this, Eliza remembered a strange birthmark on her shoulder, which her stepmother tried with such zeal to remove, but could not ... Help Eliza accept her fate and learn how to rule the country! Before you is a map of the magical state. Travel across cities and help their inhabitants: build dams, build schools, save farmers from locust invasion. You will get money and everything you need by looking for items on the list and solving puzzles. Find chains of identical figures on the playing field and break tiles under them. The level will be completed when there are no more tiles left under the tiles. Be observant, and Eliza will succeed! Here you can download the game for free
Monopoly - children's educational game
A game that smoothly moved from the desk to computer screens. But, as before, she is able to gather the whole family around her. Four players can fight each other for the right to own city real estate. The strongest wins. It doesn't matter how old he is. Our eight-year-old son often outdoes his experienced parents. The evening flies by cheerfully and noisily. Educational game "Monopoly" is one of the best ways of family leisure during long winter evenings.
Download free educational game for the whole family "Monopoly"
online learning and learning sessionsEducational games / 6‑7 years There are more than 200 educational, cognitive and other online games on the LogicLike website.
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Logical gamesThe fourth extra Compare Sets Simple Boolean tasks put things in order Intersection of many Determine the number
Cognitive and educational gamesSimple riddles and questions Tricky riddles Guess by description Cubes: top view 2 activity options optional ❐
Complete 3 games Complete 3 games Then you can save the progress of classes and open access to all our games. Games for attention and memoryShape games Number Games Say a word Truthful and liar
Math GamesCount the cubes Insert a number or sign Smart account Continue the pattern Honeycombs and Sudoku weigh-ins The LogicLike game format is liked by children and adults. |