The wolf and red riding hood
Red Riding Hood Replica - TV Tropes
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Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? note Not her, that's for sure.
Little Red Riding Hood is an iconic fairy tale about a young girl travelling in the woods who wears a red cloak on her way to deliver baked goods to her grandmother. Along the way, she encounters a seemingly friendly wolf, in actuality The Big Bad Wolf, who intends to eat her.
The wolf asks Red where she is headed, Red tells the wolf about her delivery, and the wolf goes to the grandmother's house clandestinely to replace her and eat Red.
There are many versions of the tale. Either the wolf eats and kills Red, or Red is rescued by a woodsman/hunter, with the grandmother's survival optional.
The Red Riding Hood Replica is any character which adopts traits of Red Riding Hood, including her cloak, her colours, her plotline, or all of the aforementioned elements.
The presentation of the Red Riding Hood Replica varies, from the innocent victim to the capable survivalist, and anything in between. Occasionally, she may be presented as less innocent than she looks.
There isn't always a literal wolf. Sometimes, the antagonist is a killer, a sexual predator, or any otherwise unsavory individual.
This is a Super-Trope to Little Dead Riding Hood, when red clothing is worn by an innocent character to mark her for death; and to Little Red Fighting Hood, when the Red Riding Hood analogue is nobody to be trifled with.
Compare Fractured Fairy Tale and Fairy Tale Motifs.
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Anime & Manga
- The titular Cute Witch from Akazukin Cha Cha has her default attire (including a red hooded cloak) being based directly on Little Red Riding Hood. One of her companions, Riiya, is even a little werewolf boy who can turn into a white wolf pup at times. The third opening of the anime even directly references this trope by having the main trio take part in a stage play based off the fairy tale, with Chacha and Riiya mostly having the roles they should in the story, and Shiine, Chachas other companion, taking the Grandmother's role.
- At one point in The Kindaichi Case Files, Reika tells Kindaichi of a dream she used to have as a child, in which she was Little Red Riding Hood being dragged away by a wild wolf and expecting the wolf to kill her, only for the wolf to stare at her until she noticed the wolf had an injured leg and tended to it, causing the wolf to be a Predator Turned Protector.
Comic Books
- Scarlet, from Crimson, starts out as a werewolf hunter in a red hood.
- In the DC Comics graphic novel Kingdom Come set in a dystopian future, Lian Harper followed in her father, Red Arrow's footsteps and became an archer. She took his color scheme and based her superhero identity and costume on Little Red Riding Hood, calling herself Red Hood.
- Through the Woods, a series of horror comics by Emily Carroll, (best known for
His Face All Red) has a short epilogue based on the Red Riding Hood story. Carroll's version of Red arrives at her grandmother's without incident, however even while safe in her grandmother's house, the wolf has a way to truly frighten her.
Red Riding Hood: What a fine night! What a good walk! I knew the wolf wouldn't find me!
The Wolf: [Peering in through the window, looking absolutely gigantic] Oh, but you must travel through these woods again and again, and you must be lucky to avoid the wolf every time. But the wolf... the wolf only needs enough luck to find you once.
Fan Works
- Chloe Cerise from Infinity Train: Blossoming Trail is associated with the tale, first having a dream of her in a red cloak meeting up with Lexi in a dark forest and then later gets a red cloak modeled after Marchosias — a wolf demon from the Ars Goetia — by Olmec.
Films — Live-Action
- About Little Red Riding Hood is a Continuation Fic that serves as Deconstruction at the same time.
- In Freeway, Vanessa encounters a predator named Wolverton while wearing a red jacket on the highway when she makes her way to her grandmother's house.
- In Hard Candy, Hayley Stark poses as an innocent girl in an orange hoodie to lure a sexual predator so she can inflict vigilante justice on him.
- Red: Werewolf Hunter, a Syfy Channel Original Movie about Red's descendants hunting werewolves.
- In Blood Red the first chapter (and the original short story that inspired it) is a retelling of this. The rest of the book is the main character all grown up and kicking monster ass.
- The kids' book Little Red Reading Hood and the Misunderstood Wolf involves a little girl in a red cloak and a wolf who are both Bookworms. In this version, the wolf isn't perfect since he wants to steal the books, but he's pretty much harmless and as the title suggests, he's mistaken for being worse than he is.
- Little Red Rhyming Hood is about a little girl who wears a red cloak like Little Red Riding Hood but always speaks in rhyme.
- The children's book Little Red Ruthie features a girl who is like Little Red Riding Hood, but Jewish.
- Lucy and the Big Bad Wolf begins with Lucy on her way to visit her grandparents, wearing a red anorak, when she's accosted by a Wrong Genre Savvy wolf who assumes that he's the Big Bad Wolf in a Red Riding Hood story.
- Scarlet from The Lunar Chronicles is based off of Red Riding Hood, with red hair and a red jacket, lives with her grandmother and falls in love with a man whose genes were spliced with those of a wolf nicknamed "Wolf".
- The Princess Series: In Red Hood's Revenge, Roudette has become an assassin known as the Lady of the Red Hood, after her family were killed by the Wild Hunt, a group of monstrous spirits who kill anyone in their path; the wolf in her story was actually her grandmother wearing an enchanted wolf-skin when she was killed by the Hunt for her long vendetta against them. After her grandmother's death, Roudette took the skin and combined it with her pre-existing red cloak; initially enchanted to block magic, Roudette had the runes changed so that they deflect fairy magic, the combination of the two cloaks making Roudette immune to magic cast on her directly and able to transform into a wolf.
- Quite Contrary: The protagonist, a twelve year old girl named Mary, walks home from a halloween party wearing a red riding hood costume- on the way home, she finds herself lost in the woods, and stalked by the fairy tale wolf himself. Mary has somehow stumbled into the world of fairytales- and not the kid-friendly Disney version. Trying to get home, Mary must make her way through various fairy tales whilst being pursued by the big bad wolf, who is intent on eating and/or raping her.
- Tales of the Five Hundred Kingdoms: Beauty and the Werewolf, the sixth main story of a Fractured Fairy Tale series, which is a twist on Little Red Riding Hood, mixed with Beauty and the Beast, and as implied by the cover art◊ of a woman in a red cloak, and the blurb on the book's back:
The eldest daughter is often doomed in fairy tales. But Bella — Isabella Beauchamps, daughter of a wealthy merchant — vows to escape the usual pitfalls.
Anxious to avoid the traditional path, Bella dons a red cloak and ventures into the forbidden forest to consult with "Granny," the local wisewoman. But on the way home she's attacked by a wolf—who turns out to be a cursed nobleman. Secluded in his castle, Bella is torn between her family and this strange man who creates marvelous inventions and makes her laugh—when he isn't howling at the moon. - In the Discworld novel Witches Abroad, the witches find a young girl in a red hood taking a basket of goodies to her grandmother. After spending some time with the Bratty Half-Pint, Magrat starts to understand why her mother lets her walk alone through a forest known to contain wolves. Due to the book's theme of "rural myth", Nanny Ogg says the same thing happened near Skund and they never even found the granny. It's also mentioned that when Nanny herself was younger, she also wore a red hood while taking baskets of goodies to her grandmother, who lived next door.
The "wolf" in this case being "old Sumpkins the lodger".
- In the second book of The Wolf Chronicles, a situation is inspired by Little Red Riding Hood. The girl TaLi frequently visits and brings food to her grandmother, who lives alone in the woods, and they have a connection to wolves due to being the shamans of their people. TaLi's wannabe love interest, DavRian, is a hunter who represents the huntsman of the tale. He ends up murdering both the grandmother and the wolf protecting her.
Live-Action TV
- Once Upon a Time uses Red Riding Hood as one of many fairy tale characters inhabiting a shared universe.
- In the Supernatural episode "Bedtime Stories," a little girl in a red jacket loses her grandmother and is abducted by a man with a Wile E. Coyote tattoo as a result of a ghost forcing a town's inhabitants re-enact fairy tales. She survives due to the intervention of Dean Winchester.
- The pilot of Grimm opens with a jogger in a bright red hoodie being killed by a Blutbad.
The little girl he abducts is also wearing a red hoodie, and he turns out to have a collection of them. Munroe tells Nick that the colour is a kind of trigger for Blutbaden.
- The 1960 song "Li'l Red Riding Hood" by Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs is a monologue from the wolf's perspective, revealing that he has lecherous intentions but plans to act like A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing until the girl trusts him enough to let her guard down. Metaphorically, of course, this plays up the double meaning of "wolf" as both the animal and the slang term for the other kind of predator.
- Into the Woods takes several well-known fairy tales, including this one, and weaves them into one story.
- Several Lalaloopsy dolls are based on fairy tales, and Red Hiding Hood is no different. Say hello to Scarlet Riding Hood and little sister Cape.
- One of the 2022 Chaos and Pretty girls from Megami Device is a Little Red, who has a wolf head and claws as part of her weapons.
Video Games
- In Arknights, the character Projekt Red is a specialist operator who is, ironically, of the Lupo race (which is based on wolves), and wears a red, hooded jacket. Because, story-wise, her involvement usually indicates a mission with high potential for casualties and losses, she's infamously known as the "Reaper in a Red Riding Hood" amongst some of her colleagues. While her tendency to stare at her fellow Lupo operators tends to spook them, she really just wants to play with their tails, Provence in particular being a common target of her desires - this habit of hers led to a small fluff-ball being added to her Module, to serve as a comforting surrogate whenever she lacks someone else's fluffy tail to play with.
- In Castle Cats, Hood is a cat who wears a red hooded cape. Like the girl in the fairytale, she comments about how she wants to visit her grandma, and one of her lines advises against trusting strangers, which is a reference to Little Red Riding Hood's encounter with the wolf.
- Dark Parables: The Red Riding Hood Sisters
- Doraemon 2: SOS! Otogi no Kuni, in which Doraemon and friends get to enter the world of fairytales thanks to the Picture Book Entry Shoes. Shizuka's level is based on Little Red Riding Hood, where she gets to dress up in a red hood, launch projectiles from her food basket, and battle The Big Bad Wolf who serves as her level's boss.
- The Shy Girls from Erinye are this, going around everywhere in red hoods and masks. They're actually based on an intentionally altered version of the Red Riding Hood story that was read to them by their caretaker at the orphanage who, wanting to teach the girls to be strong, turned Red into a badass Action Girl who slayed the Big Bad Wolf using her awesome knife skills.
- Velouria in Fire Emblem Fates has inspiration of Little Red Riding Hood like her red hood and carry a basket referenced by her personal skill, Goody Basket, and being a collector like her father.
Ironically, she's a Wolkskin so she's the Big Bad Wolf as well.
- While King's Quest II uses the actual Little Red Riding Hood, the Fan Remake replaces her with a girl named Possum. She still wears a red cloak and still has to deliver soup to her grandmother, only now the grandmother is dying and they both get turned into vampires.
- Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ
- Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina includes the abnormality known as Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary is a twisted version of the classic fairytale, being, as her name suggests, a Mercenary. In addition to the hood, she wears a bandana-like mask over her mouth resembling sharp teeth to hide her face, which is horrifically scarred with no teeth. The one responsible was Big and Will be Bad Wolf, and she will do everything in her power to hunt it down. She can however be hired to fight on your behalf, for a price.
- Moshi Monsters had a whole species called Little Red Riding Wolves, the most prominent one being one named Randall.
Little Red Riding Wolves were sort of werewolves in reverse; they were usually wolves but turned into humans on the full moon. Their human forms are always female and wear red cloaks.
- The Path: The game is very based on Little Red Riding Hood, having six sisters in red clothes with red Colourful Theme Naming delivering food to their grandmother with the possibility of encountering a wolf-figure.
- Soul Sacrifice has Similia, known by her epithet Red Hood. She is a member of Grim and comes from a line of sorcerers known and feared for the hood, being the third. The original Red Hood became an archfiend, tricking a man in wolf armor to eat her. She took over his body and they became the monster known as Little Red Riding Hood.
- In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Geralt can take a quest to protect a village from a bandit leader named Little Red, who wears a hood and transforms into a werewolf if Geralt chooses to fight her.
- Woolfe - The Red Hood Diaries has Red as an Action Girl with an axe, pursuing Corrupt Corporate Executive B.
B. Woolfe.
Web Animation
- Evil Tales: the first short film, Fascination, is a Darker and Edgier spin on Red Riding Hood.
Western Animation
- This was a staple of Hanna-Barbera cartoons in the late 1950s and 1960s, such as The Huckleberry Hound Show ("Little Red Riding Huck"), Yogi Bear ("Hoodwinked Bear") and Wacky Races ("Idaho à Go Go").
- Tex Avery:
- "Red Hot Riding Hood" is a Hotter and Sexier parody of the Red Riding Hood myth, invoked by the original characters of the fairy tale complaining about how stale the original fairy tale is. Red is an adult nightclub singer in a skimpy red dress, while the wolf is an overenthusiastic audience member who lustfully pursues her, though she loudly rejects him with a Big "NO!". Granny shows up as a brothel owner who pursues the wolf in turn, much to his displeasure.
- "Little Rural Riding Hood" takes a The City vs. the Country approach to the Red Riding Hood story, with a "Country Red" whose quest to give her grandma some moonshine is intercepted by a romantic tryst with Country Wolf.
Country Wolf soon departs to the city when his cousin invites him to see the sexy nightclub dancer Red from "Red Hot Riding Hood".
The story of Little Red Riding Hood
[en español]
by Leanne Guenther
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a village near the forest. Whenever she went out, the little girl wore a red riding cloak, so everyone in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood.
One morning, Little Red Riding Hood asked her mother if she could go to visit her grandmother as it had been awhile since they'd seen each other.
"That's a good idea," her mother said. So they
packed a nice basket for Little Red Riding Hood to take to her grandmother.
When the basket was ready, the little girl put on her red cloak and kissed her mother goodbye.
"Remember, go straight to Grandma's house," her mother cautioned. "Don't dawdle along the way and please don't talk to strangers! The woods are dangerous."
"Don't worry, mommy," said Little Red Riding Hood, "I'll be careful."
But when Little Red Riding Hood noticed some lovely flowers in the woods, she forgot her promise to her mother. She picked a few, watched the butterflies flit about for awhile, listened to the frogs croaking and then picked a few more.
Little Red Riding Hood was enjoying the warm summer day so much, that she didn't notice a dark shadow approaching out of the forest behind her...
Suddenly, the wolf appeared beside her.
"What are you doing out here, little
girl?" the wolf asked in a voice as friendly as he could muster.
"I'm on my way to see my Grandma who lives through the forest, near the brook," Little Red Riding Hood replied.
Then she realized how late she was and quickly excused herself, rushing down the path to her Grandma's house.
The wolf, in the meantime, took a shortcut...
The wolf, a little out of breath from running, arrived at Grandma's and knocked lightly at the door.
"Oh thank goodness dear! Come in, come in! I was worried sick that something had happened to you in the forest," said Grandma thinking that the knock was her granddaughter.
The wolf let himself in. Poor Granny did not have time to say another word, before the wolf gobbled her up!
The wolf let out a
satisfied burp, and then poked through Granny's wardrobe to find a
nightgown that he liked. He added a frilly sleeping cap, and for
good measure, dabbed some of Granny's perfume behind his pointy ears.
A few minutes later, Red Riding Hood knocked on the door. The wolf jumped into bed and pulled the covers over his nose. "Who is it?" he called in a cackly voice.
"It's me, Little Red Riding Hood."
"Oh how lovely! Do come in, my dear," croaked the wolf.
When Little Red Riding Hood entered the little cottage, she could scarcely recognize her Grandmother.
"Grandmother! Your voice sounds so odd. Is something the matter?" she asked.
"Oh, I just have touch of a cold," squeaked the wolf adding a cough at the end to prove the point.
"But Grandmother! What big ears you have," said Little Red Riding Hood as she edged closer to the bed.
"The better to hear you with, my dear," replied the wolf.
"But Grandmother! What big eyes you have," said Little Red Riding Hood.
"The better to see you with, my
dear," replied the wolf.
"But Grandmother! What big teeth you have," said Little Red Riding Hood her voice quivering slightly.
"The better to eat you with, my dear," roared the wolf and he leapt out of the bed and began to chase the little girl.
Almost too late, Little Red Riding Hood realized that the person in the bed was not her Grandmother, but a hungry wolf.
She ran across the room and through the door, shouting, "Help! Wolf!" as loudly as she could.
A woodsman who was chopping logs nearby heard her cry and ran towards the cottage as fast as he could.
He grabbed the wolf and made him spit out the poor Grandmother who was a bit frazzled by the whole experience, but still in one piece."Oh Grandma, I was so scared!" sobbed Little Red Riding Hood, "I'll never speak to strangers or dawdle in the forest again."
"There, there, child. You've learned
an important lesson. Thank goodness you shouted loud enough for this
kind woodsman to hear you!"
The woodsman knocked out the wolf and carried him deep into the forest where he wouldn't bother people any longer.
Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother had a nice lunch and a long chat.
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Little Red Riding Hood - Charles Perrault, read online
Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her mother loved her without memory, and her grandmother even more. For her granddaughter's birthday, her grandmother gave her a red cap. Since then, the girl went everywhere in it. Neighbors said this about her:
— Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!
Once a mother baked a pie and said to her daughter:
— Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to your grandmother, bring her a pie and a pot of butter and find out if she is healthy.
Little Red Riding Hood gathered and went to her grandmother.
She is walking through the forest, and towards her is a gray wolf.
— Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood? Wolf asks.
— I go to my grandmother and bring her a pie and a pot of butter.
— Does your grandmother live far away?
“Far away,” answers Little Red Riding Hood. - Over there in that village, behind the mill, in the first house from the edge.
— All right, — Wolf says, — I also want to visit your grandmother. I'll go down this road, and you go down that one. Let's see which one of us comes first.
The Wolf said this and ran as fast as he could along the shortest path.
And Little Red Riding Hood went along the longest road. She walked slowly, stopping along the way, picking flowers and collecting them in bouquets. Before she had even reached the mill, the Wolf had already galloped up to her grandmother's house and was knocking on the door: knock-knock!
Who is there? Grandma asks.
- It's me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood, - the Wolf answers, - I came to visit you, I brought a pie and a pot of butter.
And my grandmother was sick at the time and was in bed. She thought it was really Little Red Riding Hood and called out:
— Pull the string, my child, and the door will open!
The wolf pulled the string and the door opened.
The wolf rushed at the grandmother and swallowed her at once. He was very hungry because he had not eaten anything for three days. Then he closed the door, lay down on his grandmother's bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.
Soon she came and knocked:
Knock Knock!
Who is there? Wolf asks. And his voice is rough, hoarse.
Little Red Riding Hood was frightened, but then she thought that her grandmother was hoarse from a cold, and answered:
— It's me, your granddaughter. I brought you a pie and a pot of butter!
The wolf cleared his throat and said more subtly:
— Pull the string, my child, the door will open.
Little Red Riding Hood pulled the rope-door and opened it. The girl entered the house, and the Wolf hid under the covers and said:
- Granddaughter, put the pie on the table, put the pot on the shelf, and lie down next to me!
Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the Wolf and asked:
— Grandmother, why do you have such big hands?
- This is to hug you tighter, my child.
— Grandmother, why do you have such big ears?
— To hear better, my child.
— Grandmother, why do you have such big eyes?
— To see better, my child.
— Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?
— And this is to eat you as soon as possible, my child!
Before Little Red Riding Hood had time to gasp, the Wolf rushed at her and swallowed her.
But, fortunately, at that time, woodcutters with axes on their shoulders were passing by the house. They heard a noise, ran into the house and killed the Wolf. And then they cut open his belly, and Little Red Riding Hood came out, and behind her and grandmother - both whole and unharmed.
Fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood - Charles Perrault. Read online.
A short story about a trusting girl and a cunning gray wolf. Disobeying her mother, the girl turns off the road and talks to a stranger - a gray wolf ...
"Little Red Riding Hood" read
Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her mother loved her without memory, and her grandmother even more. For her granddaughter's birthday, her grandmother gave her a red cap. Since then, the girl went everywhere in it. Neighbors talked about her like this:
- Here comes Little Red Riding Hood!
Once a mother baked a pie and said to her daughter:
– Little Red Riding Hood, go to your grandmother, bring her a pie and a pot of butter and find out if she is healthy.
Little Red Riding Hood got ready and went to her grandmother.
She is walking through the forest, and towards her is a gray wolf.
– Where are you going. Red Riding Hood? Wolf asks.
– I go to my grandmother and bring her a pie and a pot of butter.
– Does your grandmother live far away?
“Far away,” answers Little Red Riding Hood. - Over there in that village, behind the mill, in the first house from the edge.
– Okay, Wolf says, I want to visit your grandmother too. I'll go down this road, and you go down that one. Let's see which one of us comes first.
The Wolf said this and ran as fast as he could along the shortest path.
And Little Red Riding Hood went along the longest road. She walked slowly, stopping along the way, picking flowers and collecting them in bouquets.
Before she had even reached the mill, the Wolf had already galloped up to her grandmother's house and was knocking on the door:
– Who is there? Grandma asks.
- It's me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood, - answers the Wolf, - I came to visit you, I brought a pie and a pot of butter.
And the grandmother was sick at that time and lay in bed. She thought it was really Little Red Riding Hood and called out:
“Pull the string, my child, and the door will open!”
The wolf pulled the string - the door opened.
The wolf rushed at the grandmother and swallowed her at once. He was very hungry because he had not eaten anything for three days. Then he closed the door, lay down on his grandmother's bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.
Soon she came and knocked:
Knock knock!
– Who is there? Wolf asks. And his voice is rough, hoarse.
Little Red Riding Hood was frightened, but then she thought that her grandmother was hoarse from a cold, and answered:
– It's me, your granddaughter. I brought you a pie and a pot of butter!
The wolf cleared his throat and said more subtly:
Pull the string, my child, and the door will open.
Little Red Riding Hood pulled the rope-door and opened it. The girl entered the house, and the Wolf hid under the covers and said:
- Granddaughter, put the pie on the table, put the pot on the shelf, and lie down next to me!
Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the Wolf and asked:
– Grandmother, why do you have such big hands?
- This is to hug you tighter, my child.
– Grandmother, why do you have such big ears?
– To hear better, my child.
– Grandmother, why do you have such big eyes?
– To see better, my child.