Things starting with the letter g

130+ Useful Examples of Things that Start with G in English • 7ESL


What are things that start with G? The letter G is the seventh letter of the modern English alphabet that was originally used in the Old Latin inscriptions as a variant of the letter C. One of the advances that the Romans made is that they placed a bar below the letter C in order to finally create the letter G that they added to the inscriptions that we have adapted up to this day.

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Things that Start with G

What are Things that Start with G?

There are several things that start with the letter G that you can use in your daily colloquy. From foods to household items, here are the lists of things that start with G.

List of Things that Start with G

Foods that Start with G

List of foods that start with G

  • Grapes
  • Goose
  • Gooseberries
  • Graham crackers
  • Gravy
  • Granola
  • Guava
  • Guacamole
  • Gyoza
  • Gyros
  • Gazpacho
  • Gumbo
  • Garbanzo
  • Gelatin
  • Gingerbread
  • Ginger
  • Goulash
  • Greengage
  • Gumdrop
Furniture that Starts with G

List of furniture that starts with G

  • Garden chair
  • Gramophone
  • Grinder
  • Garden table
  • Grey chair
  • Glue
  • Gaming chair
  • Game table
  • Ground mat
  • Gartenstuhl
  • Gateleg
Animals that Start with G

List of animals that start with G

  • Galapagos penguin
  • Galapagos tortoise
  • Gar
  • Gecko
  • Gentoo penguin
  • Geoffroy’s tamarin
  • Gerbil
  • German pinscher
  • German shepherd
  • Gharial
  • Giant african land snail
  • Giant clam
  • Giant panda bear
  • Giant schnauzer
  • Gibbon
  • Gila monster
  • Giraffe
  • Glass lizard
  • Glow worm
  • Goat
  • Goblin shark
  • Golden lion tamarin
  • Golden masked owl
  • Golden oriole
  • Golden retriever
  • Golden-crowned flying fox
  • Goose
  • Gopher
  • Gorilla
  • Grasshopper
  • Great dane
  • Great pyrenees
  • Great white shark
  • Greater swiss mountain dog
  • Green anole
  • Green bee-eater
  • Greenland dog
  • Grey mouse lemur
  • Grey reef shark
  • Grey seal
  • Greyhound
  • Grizzly bear
  • Grouse
  • Guinea fowl
  • Guinea pig
  • Guppy
Clothing that Start with G

List of clothing that start with G

  • Green shirt
  • G String
  • G-string
  • Garment
  • Gown
  • Gold
  • Necklace
  • Gurdle
  • Gillet
  • Galoshes
  • Gauntlet
  • Girdle
  • Gloves
  • Guimpe
Household Items that Start with G
  • Glasses
  • Green plants
  • Glass
  • Grater
  • Grap
  • Garlic
  • G-string
  • Gas tank
  • Ground
  • Gutter
  • Grease
  • Gift
Other Things/ Objects That Start With G
  • Gag
  • Garden
  • Garland
  • Gas tank
  • Gate
  • Gel
  • Giftwrap
  • Glassworks
  • Globe
  • Golf ball
  • Golfcart
  • Grass
  • Gripsack
  • Gum balls
  • Gumbo

Learn more with words that start with G in English.

Things that Start with G with their Meanings

  • Garbanzo – a type of legume of the family Fabaceae
  • Gazpacho – a cold soup made of raw vegetables that are blended together
  • Gelatin – a food ingredient obtained from animal tissues
  • Gingerbread – a ginger-flavored cake
  • Gingersnap – a ginger-flavored cookie
  • Glaze – a glossy coating typically dipped, dripped, or brushed to the outer surface of various foods
  • Gnocchi – is a type of dumpling that’s typically served with a sauce or cheese
  • Gooseberry – a round edible berry used in jams
  • Goulash – a paprika-flavored soup or stew
  • Gravy – is a seasoned sauce made from the juice of cooked meat
  • Greengage – a variety of plum
  • Gumdrop – a type of gummy candy coated with sugar crystals
  • Guacamole – a dish of mashed avocado seasoned with onion, tomatoes, and peppers
  • Glider – a long swinging seat that’s typically suspended from a frame
  • Gartenstuhl – an outdoor chair that’s typically made out of plastic material
  • Gateleg – a type of table built in a form that resembles a gate
  • Galloway – a medium-sized cattle native to southwestern Scotland
  • Gazelle – a type of antelope native to Africa and Asia
  • Gecko – a nocturnal lizard of the family Gekkonidae
  • Gibbon – a tailless ape native to southeastern Asia
  • Giraffe – a tall ungulate mammal with a distinctively long neck
  • Goat – a domesticated ruminant animal with backwardly arched horns
  • Gobbler – it refers to a male turkey
  • Goldfish – a colorful fish of the family Cyprinidae
  • Grasshopper – an insect with long hind legs
  • Greyhound – a breed of tall and slender dogs
  • Guitarfish – a guitar-shaped fish of the family Rhinobatidae
  • Galoshes – a waterproof shoe that is worn over a normal shoe that’s typically made of rubber
  • Gauntlet – a type of glove made of hardened leather
  • Girdle – a type of belt worn around the waist
  • Gloves – a covering for the hand that features separate parts for each finger and the thumb
  • Gown – a long dress that features a close-fitting bodice and flowing skirt typically worn on special occasions
  • Guimpe – a high-necked undergarment worn
  • Gadget – a small electronic device made for a particular purpose
  • Gangsaw – a powerful hand tool used for cutting wood or other materials
  • Gravimeter – an electronic instrument used in measuring the Earth’s gravitational field
  • Grinder – a tool used in processing metals or other materials
  • Garbage can – a container used for storing household refuse
  • Gauze – a very thin fabric that features a loose open weave
  • Glassware – household articles that are made from glass


The Latin inscriptions may have been the basis of the modern English alphabet but these contemporary symbols have gone a long way that it has now established its own global identity. May the list of things that start with G enumerated above help you in expanding your vocabulary and increase the quality of your daily colloquy.

Things that Start with G | Image


Categories Vocabulary, Words

Words That Start With G For Kids

Introduce a wealth of spelling concepts to your little learners with words that start with G for kids. Ideas like compound words, long vowel sounds and consonant blends can all be explored with a healthy word list. Find a robust list of G words for kids, including letter G activities to develop their writing skills and keep them active throughout the day.

g words for kids


G Words for Kids: Preschool List

When it comes to preschoolers, you aren’t worried about spelling. Instead, you are working to get them to recognize the letter G. So you can include Dolch sight words along with words with clear images or that preschoolers can recognize.















Writing G Activity Worksheet for Kids

Keep your preschoolers entertained with a fun activity tracing and writing big and little Gs.

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Words That Start With G for Kindergarten

Kindergarten is where it all begins. Students can experience a massive feeling of achievement with their growing ability to spell simple, three-letter words (CVC words). Explore a list of simple G words for kindergarteners.

  • gab - to talk much
  • gag - to choke or wretch
  • gap - a hole, opening, or space between two objects
  • gas - air that fills a space
  • gay - happy or joyous person
  • get - to receive something
  • god - a being that is the perfect, omnipotent ruler or creator of the universe
  • goo - a sticky substance
  • got - receive something; past tense of get
  • gum - chewy food; chewing gum
  • gut - the intestines or the belly
  • guy - an informal term for a man or boy

Match the G Word Printable Activity

Keep your little learners' interest in everything G going by introducing this G-word activity. They simply match the word to the picture.

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Words That Start With G: Early Elementary

First grade is a wonderful opportunity to advance from those three-letter words to tougher words like glass and guard. Some of these words can't be sounded out. Ready to dip into a few compound words, like goldfish? You can also start the conversation on long vowel sounds with words like greedy.

  • gang - a group of people who spend a lot of time together
  • garden - a space where plants, fruits, or vegetables are grown
  • gasp - a deep inhale as if in shock
  • gather - to bring or come together in one place
  • gaze - a steady and intense look
  • getting - the act of obtaining or acquiring
  • gigantic - extremely large
  • glass - a hard substance made of silicates
  • glide - to move easily or flow smoothly
  • glob - a rounded mass or lump
  • globe - something round in the shape of a ball, especially the Earth
  • glow - a steady light
  • glue - a substance used to stick things together
  • goldfish - a small yellow or orange freshwater fish
  • gopher - a member of the rodent family with wide cheek pouches
  • gorilla - the largest and most powerful of the great apes
  • gradual - something that changes or progresses slowly
  • grasp - a firm hold on something
  • gravity - the force that causes everything to fall back down to Earth
  • greedy - someone who wants more of something than he's entitled to
  • group - a collection of people or things
  • grow - to become larger
  • guard - a person or device that protects
  • guitar - a musical instrument with six strings that are plucked or strummed
  • gust - a powerful and unexpected rush of wind


Fun Flipbook With G Activity

Now's a great time to introduce vocabulary flipbooks. Students have so much fun creating them. With a set of flashcards, ask students to copy their vocabulary words on the front of the cards and the definitions on the back. They might even draw a picture of the word. Then, you can hole punch the top corner for them and add a metal ring, so they can continue adding to the flipbook.

Printable G Vocabulary Word Definition Worksheet

Below, you'll find a worksheet that allows students to choose the word that most aligns with the above vocabulary words.

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G-Word List: Late Elementary

Keep the compounds coming, young grasshopper! Now's the time to dive into hard and soft consonant sounds, with words like gigantic. Once we start mixing vowels like the "ou" pairing in glamorous, things really start to get interesting. There are even some words in here that top spellers struggle with from time to time. Is garrulous one "R" or two "Ls"? How about grievous? Where does that fall in the "I" before "E" way of things? Here's a nice, challenging list for all your late elementary spelling sensations.

  • grasshopper - a leaping, plant-eating insect with powerful legs for jumping
  • great - above the ordinary quality or size
  • generosity - the quality of being willing to share
  • glamorous - fascinating, interesting, or adventurous
  • glance - a quick look
  • glorious - a person or thing that is magnificent
  • graduate - someone who completed a school program
  • grammar - the study of the way words are used to make sentences
  • granule - a small grain
  • grouchy - to be in a bad-tempered or sulky mood
  • gruff - someone who is abrupt and short-tempered
  • guzzle - to drink greedily
  • galloping - moving at a fast speed
  • garrulous - talking too much about unimportant things
  • geriatric - of or pertaining to the elderly
  • germane - something relevant to the topic
  • gerrymander - to divide a voting area to give a political party an advantage
  • gingivitis - an inflammation of the gums
  • gorge - to consume or take too much of something
  • grapple - to struggle with someone or something
  • gramophone - a record player, like a phonograph
  • grievous - something very serious, grave, or severe
  • guardian - someone who watches over or protects
  • gubernatorial - of or relating to a governor
  • gumption - determination and courage


Stack the Cups Activity

Stack the cups is one of the favorite vocabulary games. It allows students to get active while they practice their challenging new words. All you have to do is secure a set of clear plastic cups and write a vocabulary word on each cup. Then, split the class into two groups.

  1. Students will line up in their groups.
  2. The first student in one group will pull a cup, read the word and define it.
  3. The first student in the other group will check the definition.
  4. If the first student is correct, they take their cup and begin to build a tower.
  5. Each team rotates until either time runs out or the cups run out.
  6. The group with the highest tower wins!

Glorious, Galloping G Words

Let these G words gallop across your page as you boost your students' vocabulary today. If you're ready to create your own vocabulary list, feel free to draw from the above words. You can augment your list with these words that start with the letter G from Wordfinder, which allows you to choose words based on length as well. You'll never need to Google those G words again!

Walking through the alphabet with your students is a wonderful daily challenge. You can designate any month as a vocabulary month, with 26 letters to explore. Each day begins a new letter exploration. They'll be happy for these words that start with H!

Staff Writer

Dictionary of clothes. Letter G | Novosti.Info

GALANT - ribbons, which in the middle of the 17th century especially generously decorated their costumes with fashionistas, nicknamed gallant for this. Hence the name "gallant" - fashionable. Today, the word has a slightly different meaning.

GALUN - patches of gold or silver tinsel braid (ribbon) on uniforms (the ribbon itself was also called).

GAITERS - a kind of warm stockings (cloth, knitted or leather), covering the leg from the top of the foot to the knee (earlier to the ankle). The gaiters are characterized by button closures on the sides.

GARUS — soft twisted wool for sewing, embroidery.

GAITERS - warm stockings that cover the leg from the ankle to the knees (previously made of cloth and worn over shoes).

HYMATIUS - outerwear of the ancient Greeks in the form of a square or oblong-quadrangular piece of fabric; worn over a tunic; according to R. Zakharzhevskaya, a cloak, a large piece of fabric, in which they wrapped themselves, wrapping it around the body in various ways.

COD - the front strap of the trouser slit (originally a piece of fabric that was attached in front to the knees).

GUPELAND - cape (to the knees or to the toes) without sleeves, worn over the head, with an embroidered or deaf standing collar.

GABARDINE (fr.) - dense fabric with embossed oblique small scars on the front side. Pure wool, half wool, silk, staple and cotton gabardine are produced. Modern gabardines are made with a special water-repellent impregnation, “boiled”, etc. It is used for sewing demi-season coats and suits.

HAVELOCK (English) - an elegant long "English" men's cape coat, without sleeves. Named after the English general Henry Havelock (1795-1857).

GAGATE (gr.) - a dense shiny variety of coal. It is mainly used for making jewelry.

GAS (fr.) - the lightest, thinnest, transparent silk fabric for women's dresses in the old days in Russia - galloon, braid, gold, silver or tinsel braid.

GAZYRI - originally cartridges for flintlock guns, inserted into special pockets - gazyrnitsa - on the chest of the Circassian. From the second half of the 19th century - their imitation of wood, bone or metal.

GALABEYA - a long, spacious shirt with wide sleeves, without a collar among the peoples of North and Central Africa. For the wealthy, it is made of fine cloth, for the poor, it is made of the cheapest fabric, usually blue, white or brown.

HALLERY (French, lit. “politeness, courtesy”) - the general name of a number of toilet and personal items: ribbons, lace, buttons, gloves, etc.

GALERUS (lat.) - Roman headdress made of leather, mainly among peasants and hunters.

GALIFET (fr.) - trousers, narrow at the tops and wide at the hips. Named after the French General Gaston Augustade Gallifé (1830-1909).

TIE (in German, lit. “cravat”) is an elegant detail of a man's suit, which is an oblique strip of fabric or a scarf folded diagonally. A tie in the form of a strip of fabric is still included in the wardrobe of a man, the size of its knot, length and color vary depending on fashion. The tie, which is a handkerchief, was in vogue in the 30s. 19in. and wore it as follows: the wide part surrounded the neck, and the ends of the tie were tied with a bow. At that time, a special booklet was published on teaching how to tie a tie, which included 15 lessons.

Tie a la Stenkerk - a tie that appeared in the 90s. 17th century, was a freely flowing scarf, one end of which was threaded through the sixth and seventh loops in the justocor. This fashion appeared by chance. The battle of Shtenkerk (1692) began so suddenly that the officers did not have time to properly tie a tie. This fashion was also adopted by women.

Bow tie - a tie with a knot in the form of a butterfly, a detail of a men's suit for receptions. In England, for evening receptions, a black bow tie is traditionally worn with a tuxedo, a white one with a tailcoat. White is also a detail of the English university uniform.

Tie - bow - worn on solemn occasions, may be an integral part of the uniform. Tied with various knots. A bow tie can be ready.

Windsor tie - wide, made of black silk, tied loose, the so-called triangular Windsor knot. Named after the English ruling dynasty.

The regatta tie is a ready-made factory-made knot, has a rubber band with a clasp at the back under the shirt collar.

GALUN (French) - a dense ribbon or braid, originally gold, silver or tinsel, a patch from such a ribbon or braid on clothes. Now galloon is made from cotton yarn, chemical threads, silk, reinforced thread is added. Currently used for patches on uniforms.

HAMAN, HAMYAN (Tet. - Persian) - in the old days a purse for money, very long, sometimes in the form of a belt, made of leather or dense fabric.

GAMASHES – a kind of knitted stockings without feet Three waterings are named after a certain city of Gadamash, where a special kind of leather was made, and initially leggings were made of leather, and much later - of cloth or knitted. The first fixation in Russia -1875. In France, they appeared in the 18th century. Leggings are often called gaiters.

GAMBISON (fr.) - originally a long narrow jacket stuffed with hair and quilted, which was worn under metal armor. By the age of 17, the cut of the gambizon had changed somewhat, and civilians began to wear these clothes as outerwear.

GAMURRA (It.) - in the second half of the 15th century. in Italy top open

dress with wide sleeves.

GANDURA is a silk or woolen tunic-shaped shirt worn by the Arabs of Algeria under the burnous.

GARIBALDI - men's soft felt hat without brim. Came into fashion in the 1940s Named after the Italian national hero Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882).

GARNASH (fr.) - in the 12th-13th centuries. wide outerwear with hood, with

short cape sleeves with side slits. It was sewn from a thick dense fabric, as it was intended to be worn in bad weather.

SET (fr.) - a set of items, things that serve a single purpose, for example, a bed set, evening, etc.

GARCET - a traditional colored sleeveless jacket, richly decorated in festive attire, among Belarusians.

GARCETTE (fr.) - hairstyle with curls on the forehead and temples, was fashionable in the 40s. 17th century

GARUS - cotton printed fabric made of low-grade cotton with a small printed pattern on both sides, durable, hard and rough to the touch. It is used, for example, for sewing homemade women's dresses.

GATIA - Hungarians' traditional wide linen pants for men.

GAUN (English) - in the 15th-16th centuries. men's and women's evening wear in England for men - fur-lined, with fold-down (from the elbow) sleeves, with a fur collar without a fastener, for women - an overdress made of heavy colored fabric, the skirt diverged in front revealing an underdress made of patterned fabric.

GAUCHOS - baggy trousers (see gaucho style) in Russia - a lace tied around the waist, ports were held on it, poneva.

GEIBL (English) - at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th centuries. in England, a women's headdress was a white cap, a brocade ribbon, and a strip of black woolen material was laid on top in a special way.


GEMMA (lat.) - a precious or semi-precious stone with incised (intaglio) or convex (cameo) images.

HENSEBAUCH (in German, literally “goose belly”) – at 16 in the lower convex, gradually increasing downwards part of the wams shelves, repeating the shape of forged armor.

GAITERS (fr.) - a fastened cloth overlay like a false top or a kind of warm stockings worn over shoes. Initially, they were made of leather or dense material, later of cloth. The first fixation in Russia - 1895.

HYMATIUS (gr.) - in Ancient Greece, men's and women's outerwear cloak, which is a piece of rectangular fabric. It draped (lined up) intricately directly on the human figure.

GINGEM, GINGAM (English) - light cotton fabric, usually with stripes or checks Used for sewing ladies' and children's dresses.

GUIPURE – a lace fabric made up of fragments embroidered with a needle or woven on bobbins, which are fastened together with thin bundles. They were made from the finest cotton or silk threads. Venetian guipure was especially famous. In the 16th century mantillas were made from guipure.

EYE (fr.) - brocade with a colored silk base and gold and silver patterns woven on it.

GLENGARRY - a traditional headdress of the Scottish Highlanders - a hat - a “patty” made of thick woolen fabric with ribbons. Named after the Vale of Glengarry, Scotland.

Tapestry (fr.) - artistic and decorative fabric made by machine. Named after the French Royal Manufactory established in 1662. Paris on the rue Gobelins - masters of yarn dyers for the production of tapestries by hand. Currently used for furniture upholstery, curtains.

GOLILLA (Spanish) - in the 17th century in Spain, a smooth turn-down collar for men's clothing, replaced the huge cuello, was made of cardboard covered with white or gray silk.

GOLITSY - in Russia, leather mittens without wool lining.

GORGERA (Spanish) - in the 15th-16th centuries. in Spain, a large cutter, a huge dense white collar trimmed with lace, about 15 cm in size. At the end of the 18th century. increases to 25-30 cm. It existed among all classes. The large collar forced to keep the head somewhat thrown back, which emphasized the greatness of the Spanish grandee.

GORGE (fr.) - in the 13th - 15th centuries. in France, a women's headdress resembling a pipe sewn from fabric, expanded along the edges, with a slit at the back.

GORGET, or BOA (fr.) - a detail of women's clothing - a strip of fur worn as a collar. It is worn on the shoulders so that the fur touches the neck or slightly descends from the shoulders, sometimes worn on one shoulder.

Corrugation (fr.) is a pleated, in which the folds and bends are equal to each other.

GOFFERING (fr.) - creating wavy folds on fabric, embossing extrusion of a relief pattern on fabric.

GRACE (lat.) – a kind of corset, a wide elastic waistband for women covering the torso and supporting the chest.

CREST – as evidenced by the results of archaeological excavations in Europe, ridges already existed at an early stage of the Stone Age. They never lost their practical value, they were often used as decoration. They were made from ivory horn, wood, metal, in the 20th century. - made of plastic, inlaid with mother-of-pearl, pearls, precious stones, decorated with engraving.

SINNER - in the 15th-17th centuries. in Russia, a male high headdress with small fields.

GRI3ET (fr.) - in the old days, light cheap fabric, gray dress.

GREENBON (English) - strong, dense, bleached cotton fabric with a herringbone weave pattern. Goes to men's underpants, linings, pockets, etc.

GRO (fr.) - in the old days the name of silk, the most dense fabrics of grogro, grodenapl, grodetur, etc.

GRO-GRO (fr.) - corsage ribbon, dense, starched, plain weave, white black, gray brown. Used for the inner belt in trouser skirts.

GRODETUR (fr.) - in the 18th century. in Russia, an upper swing dress, the name of a thick silk fabric.

GUBA - a traditional long-brimmed outerwear for men from Hungarians and Slovaks made of cloth with a long pile.

GUGEL (German) - in the Middle Ages - a hood turning into a collar on the shoulders, a detail of a man's costume in the second half of the 14th century. Displaced hat from fashion Predecessor cockle.

GULISPIRI (Georgian) – chest insert for kartuli.

GUS - traditional men's outerwear of a dull cut, with a hood with fur outside among Mansi and Nenets.

GYRMY3YDON - traditional men's clothing among the peoples of Central Asia, a dressing gown lined with homespun red silk, in a narrow black and white stripe.

GETA (Japanese) - sandals with wooden soles on high supports in Japan.

  • R. V. Zakharzhevskaya "History of costume: From antiquity to the present"
  • Rusanov Vladislav Adolfovich "Encyclopedia of ancient clothes"

English words starting with the letter G

This lesson will focus on learning new vocabulary, and specifically we will look at English words starting with the letter f. Your task is to carefully study words from different areas of use. The words are given with transcription and translation. Thanks to this, you can practice pronunciation and memorize words by ear. Below you are invited to make words from the available letters. Be careful and try to avoid mistakes, because for each correct answer you will be awarded points.

Online exercise





901 80 Complete course03
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  • a
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  • g
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  • f
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  • g
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