Things to teach your child
Bright Horizons | Teaching Kids Life Skills: 7 Essential Life Skills to Help Your Child Succeed
What Are the Most Important Life Skills for Kids to Learn?
- Focus and Self-Control
- Perspective-Taking
- Communication
- Making Connections
- Critical Thinking
- Taking on Challenges
- Self-Directed, Engaged Learning
What Are Life Skills?
Teachers sometimes describe these skills as “learning to learn” skills, which can be developed through intentional daily activities.
Below, we explore the seven essential life skills and offer some simple ways to nurture them.
Life Skill Activities to Incorporate into Your Child’s Daily Routine
1. Focus and Self-Control
Children thrive on schedules, habits, and routines, which not only create a feeling of security, but also help children learn self-control and focus. Talk with your child about what to expect each day. Organize your home so your child knows where to put shoes, coats, and personal belongings.
We live in a noisy, distraction-filled world, so quiet activities like reading a book, enjoying sensory activities, or completing a puzzle together can help your child slow down and increase focus.
2. Perspective-Taking
Thinking about another’s point of view doesn’t come naturally to most children, but it can be developed. Discuss characters’ feelings and motivations in the books you read, e.g., “I wonder why the cat and the pig wouldn’t help the little red hen.” Make observations about how others are feeling, e.g., “Alex was really sad that he didn’t get a turn. I wonder what we can do to make him feel better.”
3. Communication
Children need high-touch personal interactions every day to build healthy social-emotional skills, including the ability to understand and communicate with others. While the pace at which they develop these skills may vary, children need to learn how to “read” social cues and listen carefully. They must consider what they want to communicate and the most effective way to share it. Just talking with an interested adult can help build these skills. Spend time every day listening and responding to your child without distractions.
4. Making Connections
True learning, says Galinsky, occurs when we can see connections and patterns between seemingly disparate things. The more connections we make, the more sense and meaning we make of the world. Young children begin to see connections and patterns as they sort basic household items like toys and socks. Simple acts, such as choosing clothing appropriate for the weather, helps them build connections. Point out more abstract connections in life, or in stories you read, e.g., “This book reminds me of when we picked sea shells at the beach.”
5. Critical Thinking
We live in a complex world in which adults are required to analyze information and make decisions about myriad things every day. One of the best ways to build critical thinking is through rich, open-ended play. Make sure your child has time each day to play alone or with friends.
This play might include taking on roles (pretending to be fire fighters or super heroes), building structures, playing board games, or playing outside physical games, such as tag or hide-and-go-seek. Through play, children formulate hypotheses, take risks, try out their ideas, make mistakes, and find solutions—all essential elements in building critical thinking.
6. Taking on Challenges
One of the most important traits we can develop in life is that of resilience—being able to take on challenges, bounce back from failure, and keep trying. Children learn to take on challenges when we create an environment with the right amount of structure—not so much as to be limiting, but enough to make them feel safe. Encourage your child to try new things and allow reasonable risk, such as climbing a tree or riding a bike. Offer a new challenge when she seems ready, e.g., “I think you’re ready to learn to tie your shoes. Let’s give it a try.” Focus more on effort than achievement, e.g.
, “Learning to tie your shoes was really hard, but you kept trying. Well done.”
7. Self-Directed, Engaged Learning
A child who loves learning becomes an adult who is rarely bored in life. To encourage a love of learning, try to limit television and encourage plenty of reading, play, and open-ended exploration. Model curiosity and enthusiasm for learning in your own life by visiting the library together, keeping craft supplies, making games available, and allowing for some messes at home.
By following these simple tips, you can easily help your child build essential skills.
Bright Horizons Podcast: Lemons to Lemonade with Four Ingredients
On this episode of the Work-Life Equation, turn those parenting lemons into lemonade! It might not seem like it, but your child is more predictable than you think—and each stage of your child’s development, along with every meltdown, is a gateway to skill-building for your little one. Hear early childhood experts Ellen Galinsky and Rachel discuss the science behind parenting that can turn frustration into great skills for life.
More on Life Skills for Children
- Many of the skills children will need as adults to compete in a global economy are not easily taught in a typical classroom setting. Read more to learn about the lifelong benefits of play.
- One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to raise kind children and therefore, kind adults. Explore our list of everyday ways to encourage kindness in your preschooler.
- How can you give your children the life skills they need to cope in the modern world? Learn simple, everyday ways to build life skills in your children and help them manage stress.
59 important life skills to teach your children
What do table manners, telling the time and tying shoelaces have in common? Well, they're all important life skills you should pass on to your children, according to a new survey by Chessington World of Adventures.
The list of 59 most important life skills, according to British parents was topped by saying please and thank you dads with 80% of the vote.
“It is interesting that the top three things on the parental teaching list are all to do with ‘behaviour’, and how the child ‘appears’ to others," psychologist Donna Dawson, who was involved in the study said. “Parents are clearly worried that their children will reflect badly on them."
So what else made the list? See how many you can check off here…
- Always say please and thank you
- Respect your elders
- Show good table manners
- Always tell the truth
- Don’t talk to strangers
- Brush your teeth properly twice a day
- Treat others with kindness
- Be confident
- Be helpful
- Admit when you’re wrong
- Work hard at school
- Know when to say ‘No’
- Save money and spend it wisely
- Be independent
- Learn how to swim
- Appreciate wildlife / animals
- Show compassion
- Accept defeat with grace
- Deal with rejection and disappointment
- Comfort others
- Have a loving relationship
- Don’t walk home alone at night
- Get along with people you may not like that much
- Always look on the bright side
- Distinguish needs from wants
- Support yourself financially
- How to add, subtract, multiply and divide
- Look someone in the eye when talking to them
- How to tie a shoelace
- Eat your greens
- How to ride a bike
- How to write a thank you letter
- Tell the time on a clock with hands
- How to make your bed
- Always accept a challenge
- How to deal with tragedy
- How to resolve a dilemma
- How to negotiate
- To always clear your plate after dinner
- Read before you go to bed because it’s good for you
- How to drive a car
- How to throw a ball
- Don’t get involved in unnecessary dramas
- Watch TV and pay video games in moderation
- How to read a traditional map
- How to dress for an occasion
- How to bake a cake
- How to give a firm handshake
- How to tie a tie
- How to write an essay
- How to wrap a present
- How to change a flat tyre
- How to fly a kite
- How to start a fire
- How to pitch a tent
- How to dive into a swimming pool
- How to do a cartwheel
- How to use chopsticks
- How to open a champagne bottle
Read more:
- Shoelace hack: teach your kids in two seconds
- Teaching your toddler manners
- Introducing mealtime manners
Jessica Gibb
How to teach your child to write summaries.

Yesenina S.A.
Series: Primary Grade
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The development of not only oral, but also written, parvile and beautiful speech in a child is an important task, but very difficult. Our guide will help you to solve this problem.
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Book How to teach your child to write without mistakes
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Dear mothers and grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers! With this guide, we open series "How to teach your child..." to write, count, etc. In this book you will receive an answer to the question: "How to help my child write without errors?". It is better if you use the advice given here before how problems arise with the Russian language. Even before your children will start reading. You should understand well what exactly at the stage of learning to read the first foundations of literate writing are laid. So your child turned 4.5 or 6 years. He already knows the letters ... Or, when you came home from work, you saw with horror that in an exercise diligently performed by a small student, practically missing vowels... Or your child got the first not-so-good mark for dictation...
Number of pages: 24 pages
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