Three little pigs script
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Free Printable Three Little Pigs Story Puppet Set With Script
By Tater Tots Co.
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(Last Updated On: April 23, 2022)
The Three Little Pigs Toddler Activity puppet SetIntroduction
The Three Little Pigs Story Puppet Story Set makes an ideal toddler stay home activity. This can be used as an interactive storytelling activity for your child. It’s good for teaching and home-based learning activities. It is suitable for babies/toddlers/young kids in a classroom or home setting to learn and play. Scroll further to download the
free printable to use for this puppet show so you can narrate to your child.
What inspired me to create The Three Little Pigs Story puppets?
Initially, I came up with this idea while I was doing DIY pre-printed animal papercrafts with my toddler. These were the animal finger/popsicle animals created from the DIY craft set.
sample puppet set do it yourself animalsWe felt that it was cute but not very durable so I wanted to make some other puppets for her to play with and decorate her room.
Then I chose the story of the Three Little Pigs as this was a popular classic story and I thought that my toddler would be interested to hear about it. It was also a simple yet easy story for her to learn. After all, puppets have exciting roles to play in early childhood development.
Why are storytelling activities important for early learning?
Storytelling is not only a great way to bond between parents and children. It also has the following benefits,
+ Stimulate imagination and creative thinking
+ Build confidence and self-esteem
+ Encourage interest in reading
+ Improves vocabulary, story organization
Free Download Link
The PDF comes with 4 character puppets and 4 props
- Three Little Pigs and Big Bad wolf puppet
- Three houses (straw, wood and brick) and boiling pot
- Story script to narrate to your child
You can download the free printable here.
How to prepare the stick puppets
It is recommended to prepare the puppets together with your child.
First, print out the puppets and props on card stock. It is optional to laminate them. I would recommend sticking the puppets on popsicle sticks to make the puppets more sturdy. The printable also comes with finger labels if you want to use the finger puppet version. Next, cut out the puppets according to the dotted lines and props and stick them to popsicle sticks using glue or double-sided tape.
The Three Little Pigs Toddler Activity Set sample printed out on popsicle sticksInspirational Story for Kids with morals
Everybody knows the story of the Three Little Pigs. The first and second little pig built their houses with weak materials and hence it was blown away by the wolf. The third little pig however labored the construction of his house and built it with bricks and together the three little pigs survived the wolf. The moral of this story that you can teach your child from this story is that hard work and dedication pay off, while carelessness and being lazy can bring bad consequences.
How can you make The Three Little Pigs Story more engaging?
At intervals, you could ask your child to guess what is event comes next during storytelling. For older children, you could get them to act out the story with the puppets. For the story about the Three Little Pigs, you can add a little twist in the story ending. Maybe at the end, the wolf decided not to eat the Three Little Pigs, and instead, they became friends.
Either way, once you and your child have made The Three Little Pigs Toddler Activity Puppet Set be ready for a puppet show as they will have lots of fun playing with them!
What other ways are there to make reading books (storytelling) more interesting for young children? Share them in the comments below!
If you’re looking for other toddler activity ideas, you can visit the site’s section on Toddler Activity Ideas.
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Scenes-Tales "Three Little Pigs" For Corporate Party
My dear readers, dear visitors of the positive blog! On this page you can read funny fairy tales about three little pigs. Remember this good old fairy tale that once came to us from English folklore?
In it, funny heroes, brothers-piglets Nif-nif, Naf-naf and Nuf-nuf unite against an evil wolf and, thanks to strong friendship, defeat a toothy predator.
The plot is interesting, very instructive for children and adults! Based on a story from a good English fairy tale, I will present you three sketches for corporate parties:
- Employees of schools, kindergartens and other educational institutions.
- Employees of construction companies.
- Businessmen.
Take note of ideas, put on good funny performances. Let the holiday spent with friends, relatives, colleagues become the most fun and memorable.
- Fairy-tale scene "Three little pigs" for teachers' corporate party
- Scene "Three little pigs" for builders' corporate party
- Musical scene "Three Little Pigs" for a corporate party of businessmen
Scene-fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" for a corporate party of teachers
Three actors dressed as piglets enter the stage. They have fun, dance to the music, relax and eat sweets. A wolf in an apron comes up to them, with a rag in his hands. He wipes the table, collects dirty dishes.
Piglet 1 : Hey wolf, give us some lemonade!
Piglet 2 : And we're out of cookies!
Piglet 3 : And it's time to clean up my house! Do not be lazy!
They call him in chorus and pull him in different directions with their requests.
Wolf screams in anger: Stop! Not! I'm tired! Give it, bring it, collect it there, take it away here! How can?! Enough! I'm leaving!
He takes off his apron, throws it on the floor with a rag and tramples his feet indicatively.
Wolf finally: Pigs! (runs away)
The piglets snort in his direction and, offended, sit down on the chairs.
Piglet 1 : Well, what shall we do?
Piglet 2: shrugging: We need to find someone else...
Piglet 3 : Or do everything ourselves.
There is a short pause, after which all three start laughing and grunting.
Piglet 1 : Funny, funny. Good joke!
Piglet 3 : Thank you, I try!
Piglet 2 : But we still haven't solved the problem.
Piglet 3 : Let's decide now. Who is that going there?
An actor dressed as Little Red Riding Hood enters the stage to the song "If it's long, long, long. " In his hands is a basket and flowers.
Piglet 1 : Looks like Little Red Riding Hood…. I'll go find out.
The rest are waiting. Piglet comes up to Riding Hood and greets her.
Little Red Riding Hood in a rough voice: Well, hello, little pig. Whats up?
Piglet 1 : You are Little Red Riding Hood, right?
Little Red Riding Hood : Yes. It doesn't look like it, does it?
Piglet 1 frightened: It looks like it! You are even more beautiful than they say about you! And stronger! (looks at his biceps)
Cap coquettishly straightens her hair and outfit, demonstrating her muscles.
Piglet 1 : Listen, we need your help. My brothers and I are so tired today, but we need to clean up the houses.
Piglet 2 boldly steps forward: There are also dishes.
Piglet 3 agrees: And we are very exhausted, just oh-oh-oh!
Hat thinks and walks around the piglets. They are worried.
Little Red Riding Hood : Good. I'll help you while you rest.
The piglets quietly rejoice. They sit down on chairs, relaxed close their eyes.
The cap quickly clears the table, goes through with a broom and a rag.
Hat after cleaning loudly: Wake up, piglets!
Everyone jumps up at once, grunting in fright.
Piglet 3 : Well, how can you scare like that?!
Piglet 2 : I was just dreaming about a bag of ripe apples!
Piglet 1 : Riding Hood, what happened?! Why are you screaming so?
Little Red Riding Hood : I've finished cleaning, now it's your turn. Here is the schedule!
She places a printed chart on the table.
Piglet 1 : Where did you get it from?
Little Red Riding Hood : She made it herself.
Piglet 2 pointing to the paper: What are these numbers?
Little Red Riding Hood: It's time.
Piglet 3 : Get up at six, exercise, run. Breakfast at seven. What kind of mode is this?!
Pigs grunt discontentedly, shake their heads.
Little Red Riding Hood in a commanding tone: Well, be quiet! Get up, line up!
Pigs get up and stand next to each other like soldiers. Riding Hood paces in front of them like a general.
Little Red Riding Hood : From now on there are different laws. We will live according to the schedule. We take turns cleaning, play at a certain time, eat healthy food and follow the regime!
Piglet 1 : But how? Why?
Little Red Riding Hood : For you to be healthy, strong and independent! Do not worry, I will make people out of you, i.e. pigs.
Piglet 2 : Oh, it will be hard.
Piglet 3 : Where is our good wolf cub?
Little Red Riding Hood: For good behavior, I will treat you to pies, and before going to bed I will read you fairy tales.
Pigs in chorus: Agree!
Little Red Riding Hood gives everyone a pie: Starting tomorrow morning, we start training. In the meantime, we can drink tea!
Everyone sits down at the table together, Riding Hood brings a tray with cups and a teapot.
Presenter : That's how the pigs agreed to change their lives, and Little Red Riding Hood showed a true talent as a teacher. And how they reacted to getting up at six in the morning is another story!
The audience applauds, the actors come out to bow.
"Three Little Pigs" scene for builders' corporate party
There are three actors on the stage dressed as pigs and wearing construction helmets. Next to each is a house built by him.
Piglet 1 : I think it will work.... (scratches his head)
Piglet 2 : Me too, I'm too lazy to redo it.
Piglet 3 : I feel that your work will not be approved. It is impossible to live in such houses!
The latter approaches the houses of his colleagues and looks at them skeptically.
Piglet 3 : House made of paper. Decay faster than your career.
Piglet 1 snorts offended: But environmentally friendly material! I save nature.
Piglet 3 reaches for the house and receives a hand.
Piglet 1 : Don't touch it, it will fall apart!
Piglet 2 laughs and opens a plastic bottle of lemonade: He's right! Unreliable thing.
Piglet 3 : And himself! Bottle house. Here's what you came up with.
Piglet 2 : Wasteless production! Houses from bottles have been made for a long time, but I just have nowhere to put this kindness.
Piglet 3 reaches for the house again and receives a hand.
Piglet 2 : What do you want to touch everything? You will break it!
Piglet 3 : Then what is the use of these houses?
Piglet 1 : We would like to pass the test.
Piglet 2 : Then we'll sort it all out.
Piglet 3 : Do you think the commission will appreciate your creations?
Piglet 2 : Well, they look like home. What else do they need?
Piglet 1 : And they don't fall from the wind, everything is fine.
Piglet 3 wants to object, but the Wolf appears on the scene. He is in a formal suit and with a notebook .
Pigs stand at ease next to their projects, Piglet 2 puts another bottle in the frame of the house.
Wolf : Hello, gentlemen builders. I think you are aware that today we have an inspection scheduled. Showcase your work, please.
He clicks his pen, opens a notebook. Piglet 1 coughs nervously, pointing to his house.
Piglet 1 : Here. This building… (turns to Piglet 3) made of environmentally friendly materials!
He lifts his chin proudly. The wolf carefully looks around the house, grins.
Wolf : Brilliant. The idea is just great, but there is a problem…
He blows hard on the house and it falls apart.
Wolf: Unreliable. There is no frame. Not resistant to external influences. So let's write it down. Point for work - zero!
Piglet 1 sadly collects paper from the floor, the Wolf moves on to the second job. Piglet 2 is visibly nervous, marking time.
Wolf : Well, what do you have?
Piglet 2 stammering: I have.… This.… Waste.… I mean, not trash, of course! This is simple…. I reuse materials… Good for the environment!
Wolf sighs softly: Here is ecology, and there is ecology…. It is commendable, of course, but the quality of work is lame!
He looks at the house of bottles, makes notes in a notebook and shakes it. Piglet 2 prays, crosses himself, but the house still collapses. Piglet 2 groans in fright, collecting building materials in one heap.
Wolf : Same story. Doesn't fit anywhere.
Piglet 3 is calmly waiting for his turn, but the Wolf is negative. He approaches his house.
Wolf chuckles angrily: What about you? Also for the benefit of the environment or something more serious?
Piglet 3 shrugs and shakes his head: No, everything is classic.
The wolf looks around the building, makes notes, frowns. He touches the house, pushes it, but it does not collapse.
Wolf: Good job. At least someone lived up to my expectations! I think you have a promotion and a great future. And these piglets still need to learn how to build quality homes. All the best!
The wolf leaves and Piglet 3 approaches his upset colleagues.
Piglet 3 : Nothing. You can still fix everything. Your ideas are on the right track - so many useful things can be done.
Piglet 1 : We will save the environment and build housing.
Piglet 2 : Correct. Okay, now for a toast! For us builders!
He takes out three new bottles of lemonade. Pigs drink and dance.
Host : Our motto is don't be lazy! And no one has forbidden the flight of fantasy yet!
Actors come out to bow. Spectators are thrilled!
Musical scene "Three Little Pigs" for a corporate party of businessmen
There are three improvised houses on the stage. The first one is being held by two builders in Chinese panama hats, the second one by migrant workers from the south, the third one by tough guys in tracksuits. Three girls in tight suits with funny ponytails and caps with protruding ears run onto the stage to the cheerful song of the Inveterate Scammers “I'm learning to dance”. Charming actresses dance an incendiary dance, and the audience applauds unanimously.
Suddenly the lights go out in the hall, the pigs get scared and hide in their houses with a squeal. A beautiful composition sounds, the flashlight directs the light to the far corner of the hall, and from there the Gray Wolf sneaks with a predatory gait. He goes on stage and performs the dance of the conqueror of women's hearts. In the finale, the wolf's stomach cramps from hunger, he seriously thinks about what to eat?
The audience plays along. They offer the predator sausage, cheese, salad and a glass of vodka, but the wolf wants to hunt, he needs a big pink pig. Pigs on the stage are shaking behind makeshift doors, and a vicious predator goes hunting.
So, three attempts by the wolf to catch a live pig:
- First he comes to the straw shack and politely knocks. Nobody opens it for him, then the hungry gray scatters and demolishes the house with one blow. From under the collapsed roof to the composition "Titanic" the poor piglet runs to the neighboring house.
- The second house is stronger, you can't just take it. The wolf knocks for a long time and persistently, but the piglets refuse to open the door.
Behind the scenes, a whimpering baby sounds, a hungry rumbling of a wolf's belly. The predator gets angry and the wooden house begins to shake to the heavy fatal melody. The structure collapses, and the piglets run with a panicked squeal to the third, most robust mansion.
- The wolf was left without dinner again. Then a plan matures in him, to lure the pigs out in an ingenious way. The sad song “My Affectionate” sounds, and the wolf performs the dance of a womanizer in love. The piglets peek out, look suspiciously at the wolf. Behind the door, a dispute begins, to whom does the cunning wolf dedicate a song?
As a result, three deceived piglets run out into the street and attack the wolf to the music of the Brigade. Gray gets on the nuts, with rumpled sides, he crawls off the stage. Suddenly, one of the girls' heart softens, she rushes after the predator. A sad melody sounds, the sisters hold the fool, but love, as you know, is evil!
The she-wolf returns to her beloved, everyone reconciles and performs a dance to Alexei Vorobyov's song "I love you". Cute pigs perform a dance, and the wolf howls from love anguish and moves in time with the girls.
Spectators are delighted! Read more scenes here.
Author of scenes: Irina Mamedova.
Fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" in a new way
Actual scenario of the fairy tale in a modern style "The Three Little Pigs"
Description: Scenario of the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" in a new way for young people or adults. In a comic form, for KVN, corporate parties, parties, for the New Year, April 1, Valentine's Day.
Voice of the leader Three maidens - 3 people Three heroes - 3 people Nif-Nif Naf-Naf Nuf-Nuf Wolf
The stage is decorated with a hut. The hut should be small, with posters and the inscription "Football Tickets". There is a small well nearby. The sounds of the forest and nature can be heard in the background.
Host's voice:
Three girls under the window were spinning late in the evening…
Three girls in overalls and men's shirts appear on the stage.
Voice: Oh. Not that.
Voice: Once upon a time there were three bogatyrs…
Three beefy men appear on the stage (you can dress like footballers), stand in puzzlement by the house. He reaches them to the shoulders.
Voice: So. Again, not that.
Three heroes disappear.
Voice: Oh! I remembered. Once, three little pigs won a tender for a summer cottage.
Three little pigs appear on the stage in overalls and men's checkered shirts. The house is just the right size for them.
Nif-Nif: You turned down, dear father, with a tender.
Voice: Well, I'm confused. Rejoice that the characters are remembered.
Naf-Naf: We rejoice.
Nuf-Nuf: What is a tender for a summer cottage?
Voice: So. Well, don't get distracted. Why do you only have one house? There should be three. And anyway, why does it say "Football Tickets" on it?
Naf-Naf: Thanks, at least I didn’t solder the mortgage.
The music from the screen saver "House 2" is playing.
Song of the three little pigs:
Let the foundation be strong and steep, So that the descendants would find a home like this. Let them wonder: who built the house? We will take all the troubles out of the gate.
Even children want to build houses from childhood, After all, everyone should have a strong roof. Happiness is when everyone gathered at home, Even if suddenly there were wolves in the district.
Bad weather sets in on the stage. The wind rises, the sun hides.
Nif-Nif: What is this? Leading upstairs, tell me what you can see from there?
Voice: What, what… the wolf is coming.
Voice: Alone, but he hasn't washed in a long time.
The piglets run away screaming.
Song of the wolf, to the music of Pavel Volya's song, "Everything will be awesome":
I muttered in shock. Gulnul immeasurably, ……………………………… ………………………………….. Europe? Yes, well, into the furnace, Wolves so that mega-respectable Next to me circled, ……………………………… ……………………………….. ………………………… ……… ……………………………… A healthy black bear in a raincoat, I want a personal driver in general, And a bigger car, And most importantly…
Everything will be awesome, Surely everything will be awesome, Big changes are ahead, In the forest I know for sure everything will be awesome, Surely everything will be awesome, Big changes are ahead, And everything will be awesome ahead of the wolf.
I want to spend the summer on the high seas, I want the wolves to know neither rain nor grief, I want money in an envelope, I want our forest to prosper, I want it to be like in childhood, I want to give big armfuls of flowers, …………… …………. ………………………. ……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………
Sees a booth in front of him.
Wolf: So. What is the structure of the unknown dimension? Who lives in the booth?
End of introduction. To purchase the full version of the scene, go to the basket. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for download via the link on the site and from the letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.
You will also like a fairy tale for adults based on: Pinocchio
Three modern pigs
Add to favorites — Read 2932
— Read 6 minutes — Updated April 30, 2021
T The pigs sang funny songs, danced funny dances, played different musical instruments. And so it was all summer.
What fabulous beastliness.
Said the Owl, flying over the clearing where they had fun.
And when autumn came and it began to get colder in the evenings, one of the brothers named Khryundel said:
Everyone in the world needs a home, both people and animals, as well as us piglets.
Oh, not now. That's when it becomes very cold, then we'll think about it. As long as we play.
Khryushkin and Khryukin answered.
At that time, the voice of an owl was heard, which was sitting on a tree and watching the brothers.
A wolf appeared in our area, he is angry, hungry and scary.
Oh, if you're afraid of him.
Khryushkin and Khryukin objected.
Then sit in your hollow.
And they themselves sang with a friendly pig squeal in two voices:
We are not afraid of the Gray Wolf, the Gray Wolf. Where do you roam Gray wolf, gray wolf?
Who would have thought that the Owl's words about the wolf in the forest would turn out to be true. This news was on the lips of all the animals.
The piglets realized that things were bad even when they went to bed. It was pretty cool outside.
And in the morning they woke up from the cold, and it became quite clear that the cold was approaching, and it was necessary to build a house. In it you can hide from the Wolf and keep warm in severe frosts.
I will build a house out of straw. We will be warm and soft in it, and there is so much of it everywhere, you don’t have to go far for building materials, spend money and time on delivery. Yes, and you don’t have to call krivorukov masters.
And I am made of branches and twigs. To keep it from being blown away by the wind.
As they said, so they did.
At that time their brother Khryundel was building his house.
He was distinguished by his intellect and ingenuity, he knew how to combine play and work. Khryundel made a stone foundation, brick walls, a red tile roof, installed solar panels on it to generate electricity. After all, inside he wanted to equip the house with smart technology, and this requires the presence of direct current.
And Khryukin and Khryushkin continued to sing and dance:
One and two, And everything is ready, The house is built of straw, Three-four, Of branches too, We can have fun again.
The wolf heard their songs and shouted:
Who is it that makes noise in the forest when the tired Wolf sleeps?
And when I saw two plump, ruddy piglets, I squealed with delight:
Wow, what plump babies! I could only dream of such! Well this is necessary, how lucky! Catch two pigs at once!
The piglets got scared and ran into Khryukin's thatched house.
The wolf approached their hiding place, scratched his ear with his paw, and said in bewilderment:
What kind of stack of straw is this? I can easily destroy it! I’ll just take more air into my lungs, and how I’ll blow with all my might! All your flimsy straw hut will scatter around.
And the Wolf blew. And the straw scattered on the sides. The house collapsed. And the piglets ran to the second house that Khryushkin built. The wolf sprang after them.
Oh, what kind of frail branch hut is this? Ha ha ha! I'll break it too, but here I'll have to work a little, use force.
And the Wolf began to shake Khryushkin's house. The branches fell down, the supports broke and this flimsy house also collapsed.
The pigs ran as fast as they could.
Oh, look at those greyhound pigs! They run away from me.
And grabbed them by the hind legs. The piglets ran only on the front ones. A huge pine tree appeared ahead.
We scatter in different directions.
Khryukin shouted, remembering drill lessons from the school fizruk.
And they rushed in different directions: Khryukin to the right, and Khryushkin to the left. And the Wolf remained in the middle, and flew into a pine tree from all over.
The brothers ran out of breath to Khryundel's house. He opened the door for them and let them in.
The pigs were shaking with fear. Tears rolled down their stigmas.
Everything will be a bundle! The wolf cannot overcome my house. It is strong, it cannot be blown away by the wind, it cannot be broken by force. And you will have a lesson that you can sing, play, dance, if there is somewhere to escape! Here!
At that time, the Wolf ran around the house, tried to destroy it, but only broke all the claws and crumbled his teeth. So he left with nothing.
And inside the house Hryundel decided to give an excursion for his brothers.
My house is very smart. There is no lock in it, but it opens with a hoof print. There are motion sensors, a wireless mini-button for light above the work surface in the kitchen, a cube with programmed TV channels, a gas and smoke detector.
And in the bedroom, when I wake up and it's still dark outside, I say: “Good morning!” and the light turns on by itself at the sound of my voice.
When I leave the bathroom, the light turns off by itself when the door closes, and the ventilation turns on. I also have a robotic vacuum cleaner. It cleans not only the floor, but also the air from dust and allergic particles.
You know what? I invite you to live with me in this house.
But for this we need to build a second floor so that everyone has enough space.
Great idea! Thank you!
Khryushkin and Khryukin picked up.
And everyone set to work together and sang:
Now it is important for us to build a new two-storey house! In order not to please, You need to live in a strong house!
The work went quickly. The piglets completed the second floor, and the whole house was connected to the alarm system and put on guard, and they lived in it together, calmly and cheerfully.
Read fairy tales and recipes for all occasions in your pocket.
3 fairy tale scenes "Three Little Pigs" for corporate parties
My dear readers, dear visitors of a positive blog! On this page you can read funny fairy tales about three little pigs. Remember this good old fairy tale that once came to us from English folklore?
In it, funny heroes, brothers-piglets Nif-nif, Naf-naf and Nuf-nuf unite against an evil wolf and, thanks to strong friendship, defeat a toothy predator.
The plot is interesting, very instructive for children and adults! Based on a story from a good English fairy tale, I will present you three sketches for corporate parties:
Take note of the ideas, put on good funny performances. Let the holiday spent with friends, relatives, colleagues become the most fun and memorable.
New Year's fairy tale about three little pigs
Do you remember how in summer the three little pigs Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf built houses, but the wolf destroyed two of them?
Well done for remembering. Winter came. Three little pigs decided to bring a Christmas tree home from the forest. It's cold in the forest, it's scary. The piglets dressed warmer, skis, sticks and sleds were taken to carry the Christmas tree on them.
We left early in the morning. They go and look around. God forbid a wolf is somewhere nearby. The piglets will not have time to run to the house.
Only ski poles and an ax to cut down a Christmas tree are weapons.
Pigs ran to the forest, but they are afraid to go inside - who knows, suddenly a wolf lies under the tree, waiting for them.
They began to argue which of them would go first. Who is braver?
Nuf-Nuf says:
— I am the strongest of all, so I will pull the tree on a sled, I will not go into the forest to cut the tree.
— I see better than anyone, so I will protect from the wolf, look around. I will not go to the forest to cut down the Christmas tree.
Naf-Naf looked at his cowardly brothers, took the ax on his shoulder and silently sent it into the woods. Moreover, a small beautiful Christmas tree was standing nearby - it was not far to go.
Walked around the Naf-Naf Christmas tree, trampled down a snowball so that you could see where to hit with an ax. And with one blow he knocked down a small Christmas tree. And he says:
- What, Nuf-Nuf, you are the strongest. Come, tie the Christmas tree to the sled, drag it home.
Nuf-Nuf wanted to get away, but there was nowhere to go - he volunteered a couple of minutes ago. They tied the Christmas tree to the sled and dragged her Nuf-Nuf to the house of the three pigs. Nif-Nif runs around in circles, jumps up - looks at the wolf from all sides. And Naf-Naf is walking nearby, carrying an ax.
Nuf-Nuf is tired of dragging the Christmas tree. I started asking for help. And Naf-Naf says to him:
- I chopped the Christmas tree.
- I protect from the wolf.
- And now let me protect you from the wolf - I'm tired of dragging the Christmas tree. If you want to get home faster, help.
Nif-Nif looked at each other with Naf-Naf, harnessed to the sled together. The tree ran faster. And Nuf-Nuf was so tired that he completely forgot to look around. Barely weaving.
And the wolf is right there. He had been watching piglets from the forest for a long time. He sees that no one is looking in his direction, and quickly ran in their direction. I wanted to eat Nuf-Nuf. I didn’t have time - Nuf-Nuf looked back, and the wolf was already close.
Nuf-Nuf shouted:
- Wolf!
And where did the strength come from, he ran to the house with all his might.
Nif-Nif, seeing how his brother's heels flickered, he also left the sled to run.
Left alone with the wolf Naf-Naf. With a wolf, a Christmas tree and an ax.
— Now I'll eat you, little pig, the wolf laughed.
— Eat, and what? How will you celebrate tomorrow? The holiday is tomorrow. And the festive table should be laid tomorrow. You, wolf, with whom will you celebrate? Do you invite guests to your place or to whom are you going?
— What kind of bones? the wolf was surprised.
- Yes, not bones, but guests. In the New Year, it is customary to visit guests with gifts or invite guests to bring gifts.
— I love gifts, — answered the wolf. - You give me gifts now, tomorrow it will be too long to wait.
— No, Wolf, that won't do. All gifts only tomorrow. Santa Claus will come with the Snow Maiden, they will bring a bunch more gifts. We will sing songs and dance around the Christmas tree. Nothing works without a tree. So come back tomorrow.
- Who will come to you? This OK how many you will? - licked the wolf. - All right, I'll come tomorrow. Wait. Only, God forbid, deceive, eat everyone!
And the wolf wandered back to the forest. Painfully, he liked the prospect of gorging himself tomorrow. One day can be tolerated.
Dragged Naf-Naf the tree to the house. He knocks, but the piglets do not open it. They were so frightened that only tails stick out from under the beds.
- Brothers, open up, take the Christmas tree! There is no wolf, he will come tomorrow.
— How is tomorrow? - Chorus asked Nuf-Nuf and Nif-Nif.
— That's it, tomorrow he will come to the holiday. Let's celebrate the new year together.
“Oh-oh-oh, he will eat us all tomorrow,” the piglets sobbed.
- He won't eat it, we'll think of something now.
And the pigs started decorating the Christmas tree and the room for the new year.
Well, in order to deceive the wolf, they made stuffed Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden out of straw. The wolf will attack them, the piglets will tie him up and throw him underground. As a punishment for having decided to ruin the holiday.
Oh, and it was terrible for the pigs to let the wolf into the house. And where to go, they promised, so you need to. They dressed up in iron armor from old buckets. Costumes of knights are masquerade. This is so that the wolf breaks his teeth, and does not eat.
The wolf was surprised at their outfits. They explained that in the new year you only need to walk in costumes. And they offered the wolf to dress up too. Choice of goldfish or rooster. The wolf did not want to be a rooster. So I chose goldfish. The piglets threw a fishing net over him and said that he had become very much like a goldfish. The wolf calmed down.
Pigs were offered to play tag until Father Frost and Snegurochka arrived. It was necessary to catch up and "salt" - to hurt that now this player began to catch up with the rest. Oh, and the wolf got from the pigs - they in iron armor hit him so hard that his sides ached. He will touch them - only a knock and a break.
The pigs ran with the wolf, they were tired. We decided that it was time to release Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. They were suspended from the ceiling by ropes. They lowered their straw heroes to the floor and said to the wolf:
- So Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden have arrived. It's time to sit down at the table and exchange gifts.
Pigs turned away from the wolf to take gifts. And the wolf will rush at the Snow Maiden - apparently she seemed to him the most appetizing. As he began to tear and throw. Only straw flies all over the room. Piglets rushed at him, twisted them into a fishing net and threw them into the underground. Serve the robber.
They locked him underground, at the table themselves. Eat festive dishes from vegetables and fruits. Oh, and they had a merry New Year - the wolf called music to them, they knocked on buckets, knocked out a melody. The dances were dancing.
Tired and fell asleep. And the wolf in the basement, apparently, was also tired and fell asleep.
In the morning they released the wolf and told them never to come to them, the piglets. They'll still overdo it.
This is how the New Year turned out for three little pigs. And what did you like most about our fairy tale, tell us.
Scene-fairy tale "Three little pigs" for teachers' corporate party
Three actors dressed as piglets appear on the stage. They have fun, dance to the music, relax and eat sweets. A wolf in an apron comes up to them, with a rag in his hands. He wipes the table, collects dirty dishes.
Piglet 1 : Hey wolf, give us some lemonade!
Piglet 2 : And we're out of cookies!
Piglet 3 : And it's time to clean up my house! Do not be lazy!
They call him a choir and pull him in different directions with their requests.
Wolf screams in anger: Stop! Not! I'm tired! Give it, bring it, collect it there, take it away here! How can?! Enough! I'm leaving!
He takes off his apron, throws it with a rag on the floor and tramples his feet indicatively.
Wolf for the last: Pigs! (runs away)
The piglets snort in his direction and, offended, sit down on the chairs.
Piglet 1 : Well, what shall we do?
Piglet 2: shrugging: We need to find someone else...
Piglet 3 : Or do everything ourselves.
There is a short pause, after which all three start laughing and grunting.
Piglet 1 : Funny, funny. Good joke!
Piglet 3 : Thank you, I try!
Piglet 2 : But we still haven't solved the problem.
Piglet 3 : Let's decide now. Who is that going there?
An actor dressed as Little Red Riding Hood enters the stage to the song "If it's long, long, long. " In his hands is a basket and flowers.
Piglet 1 : Looks like Little Red Riding Hood…. I'll go find out.
The rest are waiting. Piglet comes up to Riding Hood and greets her.
Little Red Riding Hood in a rough voice: Hello, little pig. Whats up?
Piglet 1 : You are Little Red Riding Hood, right?
Little Red Riding Hood : Yes. It doesn't look like it, does it?
Piglet 1 frightened: It looks like it! You are even more beautiful than they say about you! And stronger! (looks at his biceps)
Riding Hood coquettishly adjusts her hairdo and outfit, demonstrating her muscles.
Piglet 1 : Listen, we need your help. My brothers and I are so tired today, but we need to clean up the houses.
Piglet 2 boldly steps forward: There are also dishes.
Piglet 3 agrees: And we are very exhausted, just oh-oh-oh!
Hat thinks and walks around the piglets. They are worried.
Little Red Riding Hood : Good. I'll help you while you rest. The piglets are quietly cheering. They sit down on chairs, relaxed close their eyes.
The cap quickly clears the table, goes through with a broom and a rag.
Hat after cleaning loudly: Wake up, piglets!
Everyone jumps up at once, grunting in fright.
Piglet 3 : Well, how can you scare like that?!
Piglet 2 : I was just dreaming about a bag of ripe apples!
Piglet 1 : Riding Hood, what happened?! Why are you screaming so?
Little Red Riding Hood : I've finished cleaning, now it's your turn. Here is the schedule! She places a printed chart on the table.
Piglet 1 : Where did you get it from?
Little Red Riding Hood : She made it herself.
Piglet 2 pointing to the paper: What are these numbers?
Little Red Riding Hood: It's time.
Piglet 3 : Get up at six, exercise, run. Breakfast at seven. What kind of mode is this?!
Pigs grunt discontentedly, shake their heads.
Little Red Riding Hood command tone: Well, be quiet! Get up, line up!
"Three Little Pigs" scene for a builders' corporate party
There are three actors on the stage dressed as pigs and wearing construction helmets. Next to each is a house built by him.
Piglet 1 : I think it will work…. (scratches his head)
Piglet 2 : Me too, I'm too lazy to redo it.
Piglet 3 : I feel that your work will not be approved. It is impossible to live in such houses!
The latter approaches the houses of his colleagues and looks at them skeptically.
Piglet 3 : Paper house. Decay faster than your career.
Piglet 1 snorts offended: But environmentally friendly material! I save nature.
Piglet 3 reaches for the house and receives a hand.
Piglet 1 : Don't touch it, it will fall apart!
Piglet 2 laughs and opens a plastic bottle of lemonade: He's right! Unreliable thing.
Piglet 3 : And himself! Bottle house. Here's what you came up with.
Piglet 2 : Wasteless production! Houses from bottles have been made for a long time, but I just have nowhere to put this kindness.
Piglet 3 reaches for the house again and receives a hand.
Piglet 2 : What do you want to touch everything? You will break it!
Piglet 3 : Then what is the use of these houses?
Piglet 1 : We would like to pass the test.
Piglet 2 : Then we'll sort it all out.
Piglet 3 : Do you think the commission will appreciate your creations?
Piglet 2 : Well, they look like home. What else do they need?
Piglet 1 : And they don't fall from the wind, everything is fine.
Piglet 3 wants to object, but the Wolf appears on the stage. He is in a formal suit and with a notebook.
Pigs stand at ease next to their projects, Piglet 2 puts another bottle in the frame of the house.
Wolf : Hello fellow builders. I think you are aware that today we have an inspection scheduled. Showcase your work, please.
He clicks the pen, opens the notebook. Piglet 1 coughs nervously, pointing to his house.
Piglet 1 : Here. This building… (turns to Piglet 3) made of environmentally friendly materials!
He lifts his chin proudly. The wolf carefully looks around the house, grins.
Wolf : Brilliant. The idea is just great, but there is a problem…
He blows hard on the house and it falls apart.
Wolf: Unreliable. There is no frame. Not resistant to external influences. So let's write it down. Point for work - zero!
Piglet 1 sadly collects paper from the floor, the Wolf moves on to the second job. Piglet 2 is visibly nervous, marking time.
Wolf : Well, what do you have?
Piglet 2 stammering: I have.… This.… Waste.… I mean, not trash, of course! This is simple…. I reuse materials… Good for the environment!
Wolf quietly sighs: Here is ecology, and there is ecology…. It is commendable, of course, but the quality of work is lame!
He looks at the house of bottles, makes notes in a notebook and shakes it. Piglet 2 prays, crosses himself, but the house still collapses. Piglet 2 groans in fright, collecting building materials in one heap.
Wolf : Same story. Doesn't fit anywhere.
Piglet 3 is calmly waiting for his turn, but the Wolf is negative. He approaches his house.
Wolf chuckles evilly: What about you? Also for the benefit of the environment or something more serious?
Piglet 3 shrugs and shakes his head: No, everything is classic.