Verbs to know

100 Most Common English Verbs List

This is a list of the 100 most common verbs in English. If you are learning English it would be useful to learn these popular verbs first. Click though to see full conjugation tables of each verb.

Irregular verb forms are in red

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No. Verb Simple Past Past Participle
1 to be were been Conjugate
2 to have had had Conjugate
3 to do did done Conjugate
4 to say said said Conjugate
5 to go went gone Conjugate
6 to get got got Conjugate
7 to make made made Conjugate
8 to know knew known Conjugate
9 to think thought thought Conjugate
10 to take took taken Conjugate
11 to see saw seen Conjugate
12 to come came come Conjugate
13 to want wanted wanted Conjugate
14 to look looked looked Conjugate
15 to use used used Conjugate
16 to find found found Conjugate
17 to give gave given Conjugate
18 to tell told told Conjugate
19 to work worked worked Conjugate
20 to call called called Conjugate
21 to try tried tried Conjugate
22 to ask asked asked Conjugate
23 to need needed needed Conjugate
24 to feel felt felt Conjugate
25 to become became become Conjugate


  • The top irregular verbs you need to know
  • 100 Most common English verbs
  • Most common nouns
  • Vocabulary lists & games

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Top Irregular verbs in English

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  4. Top Irregular Verbs

Many of the most important verbs in English are irregular in the simple past and past participle forms. Irregular verbs don't follow a set pattern so they have to be learnt individually. The list below shows the most common irregular verbs, with the simple past and participle for each. Click on the verb name to see full conjugation tables.

Irregular forms are in red.

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No. Verb Simple Past Past Participle
1 to be were been Conjugate
2 to have had had Conjugate
3 to do did done Conjugate
4 to say said said Conjugate
5 to go went gone Conjugate
6 to get got got Conjugate
7 to make made made Conjugate
8 to know knew known Conjugate
9 to think thought thought Conjugate
10 to take took taken Conjugate
11 to see saw seen Conjugate
12 to come came come Conjugate
13 to find found found Conjugate
14 to give gave given Conjugate
15 to tell told told Conjugate
16 to feel felt felt Conjugate
17 to become became become Conjugate
18 to leave left left Conjugate
19 to put put put Conjugate
20 to mean meant meant Conjugate
21 to keep kept kept Conjugate
22 to let let let Conjugate
23 to begin began begun Conjugate
24 to show showed shown Conjugate
25 to hear heard heard Conjugate

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  • The top irregular verbs you need to know
  • 100 Most common English verbs
  • Most common nouns
  • Vocabulary lists & games

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13 meanings of the verb "belu" (to know)

We continue to analyze the most popular Tatar verbs. Today we will consider the verb "belu" (to know) and the most popular meanings of this word. We also prepared a bonus in the form of several set expressions with a verb. Uңyshlar!

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We will be glad to any feedback!

1) know, realize, be aware:

  • Do you know the way?
  • Nibulasyn uzem belam. - I myself know what will happen.

2) to be competent (in something), to be knowledgeable:

  • - Ask more competent people.
  • Belep aitasenme? - Are you sure (you speak with knowledge)?

3) be able (to do something), understand something:

  • - Do what you can.
  • Belgәn belgәnen eshlәr, belmәgan barmagyn teshlәr. - The one who knows how does what he can, the dunno only bites his finger (proverb).

4) to recognize, to know:

  • Belep kil! - Go find out ( what's up )!
  • Uzen Beldenme Mona? Did you learn this yourself? (recognized it?)

5) in combination with the verb form "dip" - count, think, believe:

  • Ul monda ashli dip bele go. - I thought he (she) works here.
  • Akny ak dip, khakny khak dip belu. –​ Consider white as white and truth as truth (proverb).


How to learn Tatar words? 5 working councils

6) in the form "...-not belu" - to know (to oneself), to know one's business, place: - Know your business! (meaning: don't interfere).

  • Keschedan elek uzene belsen. - Let him look at himself first.
  • 7) with verbs starting with -а/-й – to be able, to be able (as an auxiliary verb):

    • Monda ashley belerga kirak. - Here you need to be able to work.
    • Asharga pesheri belasenme? – Can you cook?

    8) with verbs in -yrga/-ergә in emotionally expressive speech – to be able, to be able to do well: - Well, you are a master of sneaking!

  • Asharga beli, eshlargә belmi –​ He knows how to eat well, but he can’t do the work (proverb).
  • 9) in the meaning of the modal word:

    • Belasezme, mina bu hal oshamy. – You know what, I don't like this kind of thing.
    • Belamsen, kitkander st. - You know (apparently), he left.

    10) negative revolutions - to know:

    • belmi da - and does not know;
    • Belase da kilmi And he doesn’t want to know.


    20 ways to use the verb "toru" (to stand, to be, to live)

    Now for a bonus! 5 set expressions with the word "belu":

    11) Belegez (belegez any) - know, do not forget, keep in mind:

    • Belegez: min kilmim! - Keep in mind: I'm not coming!

    12) Belүemcha (minem belүemcha) - as I believe, in my opinion:

    • Belүemcha, bu shulai tәrҗemә itelmi. - I believe this is not translated correctly.

    13) Belsәң ide (belsәez ide) - if you knew (if you knew): - Eh, if you only knew how angry I got!

    What other meanings of the word "belu" do you know? If we missed something, be sure to write to us on social networks!


    20 ways to use the verb "karau" (look, look)

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    If you have any suggestions, you can always leave them in our group on Vkontakte or at: eydetat@gmail. com

    More coming soon! Stay with our project, sau bulygyz!​


    15 Tatar verbs you can't live without

    Lesson #4 - Czech modal verbs. Mobile application for Czech language | SpeakASAP®

    Listen to the audio lesson with additional explanations

    Like any other language, Czech also has modal verbs . The modal verb is followed by the infinitive.

    These are verbs: to want , to be able , to be due .

    be due
    Ja chci můžu music
    Ty chceš můžeš music
    On, ona, ono chce muse music
    My chceme můžeme music
    Vy, vy chcete musete music
    Oni chtěji můžou / mohou music

    Můžete mi pomoct? - Can you help me?
    Kde chceš pracovat? - Where do you want to work?
    Musíš mít u sebe pas a pojištěni. You must have your passport and insurance with you.
    Musíme tam být včas. We must be there on time.
    Co ještě tady chcete vidět? – What else do you want to see?
    Můžeš mne / mě zítra vyzvednout? - Can you pick me up tomorrow?

    In order not to make it into a separate lesson, we will add to this lesson a few more verbs, on the basis of which stable expressions are built and which are often used in life: nat
    know vědět
    know Ja sign vim Ty znaš viš On, ona, ono zna vi My brand vime Vy, vy znate vite Oni znaji vědi

    The difference between the verbs znát and vědět:

    znát – to possess knowledge, to know a person, to possess (skill), to know

    Znám tvého kolegu. - I know your colleague.
    Ja ten film sign. – I know this film.
    Tu pohádku znáš. - You know this story.
    V tomto městě nikoho neznám. I don't know anyone in this city.
    Já ho znám ještě ze školy. “I have known him since high school.
    Oni se know sto let. They have known each other for 100 years.

    vědět – to have information, to know

    Neříkej mu, že to vím. “Don't tell him I know it.
    Nevim, kdy se koná schůzka. I don't know when the meeting is.
    Viš, jak se tam jede? – Do you know how to get there?
    Vy to nevite? Každý cizinec v Česku musí mít pojištění. - You don't know? Every foreigner in the Czech Republic must have insurance.
    Víte, že musíte mít pracovní povolení? Do you know that you must have a work permit?
    Už víte, kde budete bydlet? Do you already know where you will live?
    Ona nevi, co chce. She doesn't know what she wants.

    The Czech language has the same roots as Russian.

    Learn more