We are shapes
WE ARE SHAPES | Kirkus Reviews
by Melinda Beck ; illustrated by Melinda Beck ‧ RELEASE DATE: April 20, 2022
Six assorted shapes introduce themselves one by one, then come together in this minimalist concept book.
First up, a white, polka-dot square points out its four sides. Next, a red rectangle does the same, adding that it can be wide or tall. The green triangle describes itself as “pointy,” while the yellow circle admits it has no sides but can roll. Lumpy, a cloudlike shape, and striped, visaged, ropelike Squiggly model their own less-concrete attributes: Lumpy bounces; Squiggly wiggles and giggles. Together, the cast attempt to form a stack, but this proves challenging. Triangle is too pointy to support its fellow shapes, Circle is inclined to roll, and Squiggly is too unstable. However, persistence pays off, and the now-smiley shapes arrange themselves into a house. Beck is a respected, accomplished graphic artist, but here, the choice of using shapes to convey the welcome, if familiar, message of cooperative endeavor feels incongruously dispassionate and abstract. The book is conceptually inconsistent. Squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles are shapes and nouns with simple, universal specifications easily grasped by small children; but, the adjectives
lumpy and squiggly are not shapes and lack straightforward definitions, a discrepancy left unresolved. The text is similarly confusing. The shapes’ conclusion that “together we are a home” is contradicted by the illustration: Circle is a sun, Lumpy is a cloud, while Squiggly’s role (surrogate human?) is unclear.
(This book was reviewed digitally.)
Executed with more flair than substance, this board book is a miss. (Board book. 1-3)
- 1
Pub Date: April 20, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-83866-474-9
Page Count: 32
Publisher: Phaidon
Review Posted Online: Jan. 25, 2022
Kirkus Reviews Issue: Feb. 15, 2022
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Key words: pronouns, figurative usage, Russian, Estonian
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32. Krasilnikova EV A noun in colloquial Russian. functional aspect. M., 1990. 126 p.
33. Kupp-Sazonov S. Is translation “one's own” or “foreign” text? // Works on Russian and Slavic philology. Linguistics. Own-foreign in language and speech. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2016. C. 296-309.
34. Kulmoja I., Vaigla E., Soll M. A Brief Guide to Contrastive Grammar of the Estonian and Russian Languages. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2003. 140 p.
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39. Sannikov VZ The Russian language in the mirror of the language game. Moscow: Languages of Russian culture, 2002. 552 p.
40. Shelyakin MA Russian pronouns (meaning, grammatical forms, use): materials for the special course "Functional grammar of the Russian language". Tartu: Tartu State University, 1986. 90 p.
41. Urzha A. V. Praesens historicum or dramatic present? On the issue of terminological designation and pragmatics of present forms in the translated narrative // Žmogus ir Žodis. vol. 17, no. 3, 2015. http://www.zmogusirzodis.leu.lt/index.php/zmogusirzodis/article/view/123/119(date of access: 06/13/2019)
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43. Blokland R., Kehayov P. Vene keele mõjust eesti keeles. Tagasivaateid ja perspektiive // Keele rajad. Pühendusteos professor Helle Metslangi 60. sünnipäevaks. Paths of language. Festschrift for professor Helle Metslang on the occasion of her 60th birthday. (= Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics 1-2.) Tartu: ESUKA-JEFUL, 2010. C. 35-54.
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49. Kupp-Sazonov S. Grammatiline sugu - tõlkija sõber või vaenlane? // Paar sammukest XXVIII Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi aastaraamat, Tartu: Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi Teaduskirjastus, 2011. S. 103-126.
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55. Pyykkö R. Who is ‘us’ in Russian political discourse // Us and Others: Social Identities Across Languages, Discourses and Cultures. Ed. Anna Duszak, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2002, pp. 233-248.
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57. Štšadneva V., Velman-Omelina J. Viisakusevormidest eesti- ja venekeelsetes ametlikes paralleeltekstides // Lähivõrdlusi. Lahivertailuja. 2016. 26. S. 481-500.
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Here are five reasons authors should work with MYTH. First, there are values. MIF publishes only good books that can change the world. It is important for me to work with those for whom contribution to the world is the main value. Secondly, MIF has a very professional team of editors, who make the manuscript “cut” in jewelry and it becomes even stronger and of higher quality. Thirdly, MYTH has the most powerful platforms for promoting the book. The company has an innovative approach to marketing: each book has its own producer, who is responsible for ensuring that as many people as possible know about it. Fourthly, MYTH is a brand.
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Zina Surova
author of the books Zanimalki, Nakhodilka and many others
At that time, only two children's books were published in the publishing house, the children's direction had just begun to work. We met. I was waiting for the usual acquaintance with the publisher. She brought already published books and the project "Findings" in the form of a printout on two A4 sheets. I was skeptical, because from the experience of communicating with different publishers, I knew that it was necessary to offer a finished project, and not just one spread. Even if it clearly expresses the idea and style of the whole book. No pile of published books, no awards will help here: they simply won’t believe you that you will do it. And MIF did not even doubt it. Instead of unnecessary persuasion, it turned out to be a constructive conversation about the project. And two months later, Finders came out and are still being published. All our further joint projects had a similar fate.
There is one more feature of our work with MYTH: my husband, co-author and designer Philip, and I love to invent whole books: we compose text, draw pictures and make designs. Moreover, at first there may not be text, but pictures or a layout. Such freedom in work is good for projects. In the process, we discuss everything with our editor and head of the children's department Anastasia Troyan. I remember the case when our story "Summer in the Village" was not yet finished, and the cover design had already been adopted.
Kostikova Natalya
bestselling author Creativity with kids
When the idea of creating a book came up, for me there was no question of choosing a publisher (even though it sounds more like a popular advertising cliché :-), but it's a fact). In my understanding, MIF is the best Russian publishing house, and I can hardly add anything to this. I was very worried that they would not answer me at all or would refuse me when the correspondence began.
The idea of creating a book was rather a joint one, since I couldn't bring myself to admit that I could WRITE A BOOK. This thought hovered somewhere near me, but I managed to catch it only with MYTH.
Our correspondence was so active that I can no longer remember all the details. And I am very grateful to the publishing house that all the employees very meticulously answered all my (sometimes stupid) questions. I had to wait for an answer only if the addressee was absent (usually on some business trip), but, as a rule, not for very long. Work on my book went smoothly in terms of communication with the publishing house, and so my son and I, of course, stood on our heads (mostly him) to create the best content.
There were many questions that I was embarrassed to ask, although now I understand that it was stupid, as it slowed down my work.
The first book left the best impressions, which gave me a magical kick and the idea of creating the next book. Probably, everything turned out differently, I would not dare to write the second one.
I can hardly guess how many destinies the books published by MIF have changed, but most likely very, very many! But I can definitely say about myself. After all, before that, what could I say ... I'm a photographer, I'm also engaged in the information business, to which I always heard two questions: "Will you shoot a wedding?" "Infobusiness... what is it?" And now I can proudly say: "I write books." And even more proudly: “Do you know the MYTH? Here I am cooperating with them!” Everyone says: "Oooooh, MYTH, of course we know." “Well, yes, books, of course, are cool!” “Well, it’s clear, then you can’t shoot a wedding :-)”. "And when is your next book coming out?"
Alexandra Balashova
author of books Stockholm and Fun Journey
Hello everyone! I will begin my story about my work with the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house with a little background. I've always loved children's books, and when MIF started publishing them, the market for children's books changed. It seems to me that the publishing house has instilled a love for activity books, for books that you can write and draw in, that you can cut and color, and it's so cool!
I got into the publishing house somehow by myself. I had a project - I drew city postcards that could be downloaded on the Internet, printed, cut out and assembled as a multi-layered postcard. I also painted Stockholm, Gojeborn and Malmo for the Swedish Tourism Office. Even then, the Swedes and I began to discuss how great it would be to make a book about Stockholm, Scandinavia is very close to me and I really liked this idea of a children's guide, Nastya Kreneva from MIF Childhood liked it too. And everything turned around. In addition, at the first stage of work, we discussed the publication of my multi-layered postcards in the form of a book, and at that moment I had proposals for publication from 5 or 6 other publishers, but I chose MYTH. It seems to me that each publishing house has its own style and its own content, and my cities fit perfectly into the MYTH.
Working on both books is a long and difficult process, but I really like the way it is built in the publishing house. First, the structure of the book is discussed and a turn-by-turn plan is drawn up, and then I start drawing.
Of course, there are always edits, but the initial discussion of the idea and a clear request from the editor reduces them to a minimum.
In general, the work is built very clearly, and the result is not long in coming. What is especially important for me (after all, I have my own vision), all edits and ideas are discussed, that is, if I disagree with something and am ready to justify it and offer a better idea, then I do it my own way.
It was great to work with the MIF editors, I learned a lot about the technical side of the issue and learned how to better compose illustrations on spreads.
In general, if you are in the style of the MYTH, join us.
Slava Baransky
author of the book Doubt
I constantly receive feedback with gratitude. People literally give the book to friends and colleagues. A lot of people begin to take care of their body, reconsider their attitude to nutrition. But the most important thing happened a year later, when we launched the Doubt Challenge sports initiative, relying on the book brand. We were able to attract the most popular people to jogging - the news anchor of the largest channel, the second in the elections for the mayor of Kyiv, deputy ministers of several departments, deputy minister of sports, Miss Ukraine 2015 and many others. All of them somehow knew about the book and were happy to support the ideas set forth in it. They trained for 7 weeks and made their first races!
All this has grown into a sports hub, lecture hall, training programs with hundreds of participants! I think this is just the beginning of a movement that started with a simple book.
If we talk about working with a publishing house, then I found several advantages for myself.
1) Completely closed the issues of printing, proofreading, editing and sales. I did not want to do offline things, and I am glad that this question was taken away from me.
2) The strength of the publisher's brand helps sell the book and related items. You just say that "the book was published by MYTH" and everyone starts listening to you with genuine interest.
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