What to write for kids
100 Writing Prompts for Kids
100 Writing Prompts for Kids | Ideas To Keep Student Pens Moving3P Learning
09 November, 2020
by Jackson Best
Stuck for writing prompts that will inspire your students to fill their pages?
We’ve got you covered. Here are 100 writing prompts that will get heads down and pens moving faster than ever.
- Write about a special bond you have with an animal.
- Describe your dream bedroom. What would be in it and why?
- You’re trapped on a desert island with only the things in your schoolbag. What do you do?
- Your pet is in charge of you for a day. What will they make you do?
- Write about a place that is important to you.
- When I discovered there was treasure buried in the backyard I…
- A friend from another country is going to swap schools with you. Write a letter telling them what to expect.
- The moment I woke up, I knew something wasn’t right…
- Write a letter to your teacher telling them why your favourite/favorite book should be studied in class.
- You get to be your favourite/favorite animal for a day. What do you do?
- Write a story where all your favourite/favorite characters from books and movies meet up. What do they get up to?
- Write an alternative ending for your favourite/favorite book or movie.
- Describe a day in your life if you were famous.
- Write a story where the main character faces their biggest fear.
- I looked out the window and couldn’t believe what I saw…
- You’ve got a magic pen. What can it do and how will you use it?
- Write a story that includes the sentence, “I should have seen this coming.
- You discover a trapdoor in your house. What lies beneath?
- Describe a mistake you made and what you learned from it.
- Write a speech that tells the whole school why you should be a student leader.
- Write a letter to a younger sibling telling them everything they need to know about being in Grade 4.
- You can choose one new subject or sport to be taught at school. What do you choose and why?
- Homework should be banned. Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.
- If you could travel through time, would you go to the past or the future? Explain why.
- Write about a famous person and why you admire them.
- Write about the best gift you’ve ever received. What made it so amazing?
- The dinosaurs are back, and they’re in your street. What happens next?
- If I could visit another planet I would go to…
- You dig the world’s deepest hole. What lies at the bottom?
- You’re the teacher for the day.
What will you do in your lesson?
- If I could keep any animal as a pet I would choose… because…
- Your house has a secret and mysterious history. Write a story about what happened before you lived there.
- If I had a superpower it would be…
- The most interesting thing I’ve learned this year is…
- You get to change the school uniform. What would you make everyone wear and why?
- You get transported into the last video game you played. Where are you?
- If you could invent anything, what would it be?
- If I could only eat one food from now on it would be… because…
- You’re a detective working on a big, important case. What is it and how do you solve it?
- If I could have any job in the world it would be…
- Write a story where the main character is hiding a big secret.
- An alien arrives at your house. What happens next?
- You climb to the top of the tallest tree in your neighbourhood/neighborhood. What can you see that you couldn’t see from down below?
- Write a story where a boring, everyday experience gets turned into a big adventure.
- Describe what you look for in a friend.
- Who lives in the clouds and what do they do up there?
- What is your favourite/favorite holiday and why?
- It started out as just an ordinary day, but then…
- Write about a family member who has an interesting story to tell.
- You’re organizing the ultimate birthday for a friend. What have you planned for them?
- You can breathe underwater and swim like a fish. What will you do with your new power?
- Write a story about a lost city.
- What has someone taught you that you will never forget?
- You get sucked into the pages of your favourite/favorite book. What happens when you join the story?
- This year my goal is to…
- Write a thank you letter to a person who has helped you in some way.
- What is your favourite/favorite season and why?
- You work at the zoo and the elephants have broken loose! What will you do?
- “You’ve got the wrong person – it wasn’t me!” Continue this story…
- Write about a time when you felt a strong emotion (e.
g. happy, sad, angry, scared). What made you feel this way?
- Write a story where a character discovers something surprising.
- If I could change one thing in the world it would be…
- Describe the oldest person you know.
- Imagine your life on a farm. What would be on it and what would you do?
- Write a story about a journey at sea.
- What is your favourite/favorite room in your house and why?
- You have $1000 to spend. What will you buy?
- You’ve grown wings and now you can fly. Where will you go?
- What is a food you find really disgusting? Explain why it’s so bad.
- Write about a journey to the top of a huge mountain.
- You’re the mayor of a new town, and now you want people to move there. How will you convince them to join you?
- Would you rather live in a cold, snowy place, or a hot and sunny place? Why?
- What would be in your dream playground?
- You’re starting a band. What instruments will you need and what sort of music will you play?
- Write about the best ride you’ve ever been on.
- One thing I am really good at is…
- What is your earliest memory? Describe it in as much detail as you can remember.
- Write about the most fun holiday you’ve been on.
- You’re a wildlife photographer trying to get a photo of a rare animal. What animal is it and how will you find it?
- Write a story where one character must keep an important secret. Will it be discovered?
- “Don’t look down,” I told myself. But then I…
- Write a story where two people meet in an unusual way and become fast friends.
- Write a “quarantine story” set in a single house.
- Write a recommendation of a book or movie for a friend. Why do you think they would enjoy it?
- A mystery chest washes up on the shore after a storm. Write a story about what happens when it’s discovered.
- Turn one of your strangest dreams into a story.
- Write a “how to play” guide for your favourite/favorite sport.
- Write about the most delicious OR the most disgusting meal you can think of.
Make sure your reader can imagine what it tastes like!
- Every year a new person is sent to the moon, and now it’s your turn. What happens when you step out of the rocket?
- If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
- Write a story where a holiday goes horribly wrong.
- I was terrified. Butterflies filled my stomach. But I took a deep breath and finally stepped out onto the stage…
- You’re handed a letter with your name on it. When you open it up you can’t believe your eyes…
- Write a story where someone discovers something surprising about their neighbor.
- You get to create a new holiday that will be celebrated every year. What is it called and what will people do to celebrate on this day?
- Write a story that takes place in a forest.
- There’s an old house at the end of the street hidden behind tall, dark trees. No one has been brave enough to enter, until now…
- Write a story about a snow day.
- You’re the host of a new game show.
Write about what happens in the first episode.
- Write a story where someone discovers something they aren’t supposed to know.
Looking for more writing prompts for your class?
Reading Eggs is brimming with thousands of reading and writing activities. Story Factory in Reading Eggs for example, allows students to create their very own story books with illustrations. Once they have written a story, you can print it out to create a real book that is uniquely theirs.
Categories Writing
55 Creative Writing Ideas for Kids • JournalBuddies.com
Journal Buddies Jill | | Creative Writing
Creative Writing Ideas for Kids— Energize your students’ writing with these new creative writing ideas for kids! When they’re having so much fun writing, they might not even realize all the things they’re learning. These 55 new journal prompts and creative writing ideas for kids promote creativity and fun.
Creative Writing Ideas to Stretch the Imagination
Unexpected questions about unicorns and space travel stretch their imaginations, while prompts about dreams, responsibilities, and heroism encourage reflection. A balance of silly and serious questions keeps kids engaged in journaling and holds their interest over time.
There’s no doubt about it—kids love adventures. Exploring, creating, and questioning are essential aspects of childhood, and you can promote these endeavors in your students through daily creative writing activities.
While journaling and story writing are certainly good ways to help kids improve their writing skills, it also allows them a new method of expression. Through journaling, students learn how to consider ideas from new angles and come up with new, creative ways of thinking.
Best of all, a student’s journal is a safe place where they can write freely without the fear of embarrassment or judgment. Journal keeping is a fantastic tool you can use to encourage the kids in your life to practice and refine their creative writing skills. We think this is simply fantastic and hope you do too!
55 Fabulous Creative Writing Ideas for Kids
Whether they’re using them as short story starters or daily journal prompts, these creative topics make the writing process a little easier.
- If you drew a flag to represent yourself, what would it look like?
- Do you like receiving attention? Why or why not?
- Write about something or someone you love.
- If you could visit any planet, which would you visit?
- Would you rather dance or sing on stage?
- What do you like about writing?
- Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
- Are you good at keeping secrets?
- If you were taking a road trip, who would you want to have in the car?
- What does it mean to be creative?
- Do your parents let you choose what you wear to school?
- How close are you with people in your extended family?
- Do you like to go outside with shoes or barefoot?
- When did you first learn to ride a bike?
- What is your greatest responsibility?
- What are you afraid of?
- What is your favorite kind of animal? Why?
- If you had a magic balloon that could take you anywhere, where would you go?
- What is the best thing about being a kid?
- If you were a song, what kind would you be?
- What is your greatest dream?
- Write about three things that you really want.
Why are they important to you?
- If you were stuck on a desert island, what would you want to have with you?
- What is the best age to be?
- List three foods you couldn’t live without. What do you like about them?
- What is your favorite season? Why?
- Would you rather ride a horse or a camel?
- Are you (or would you be) a good older sibling?
- How do you feel when you finish the school year?
- Would you rather watch a movie in a theater or see a play?
- Do you have any hidden talents?
- Have you ever found something cool? What did you do with it?
- Would you rather have a pet monkey or a zebra?
- What is your favorite way to travel?
- If you could visit any state, which would you choose?
- Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
- Would you rather be hungry or thirsty?
- Name ten things that you’re lucky to have.
- Are your dreams in color or black and white?
- Do you like watching TV? Why or why not?
- What would the world be like without the Internet?
- How does it feel to receive praise?
- What is your favorite kind of weather?
- Have you ever found out something that you weren’t supposed to know?
- What is your favorite kind of homework?
- If you were a toy, what would you be?
- Who is your hero?
- If you created a dream pizza, what would it have on it?
- If you were a tree, what kind would you be?
- At the end of the day, do you prefer to play by yourself or with friends?
- Would you rather write a paper or do a science fair project?
- Where do you feel the most “at home”?
- What is your favorite thing to do with your parents?
- What would you do if you found a unicorn?
- Have you ever won something?
- Creative Writing Tasks and Printable Writing Prompts
- 33 Creative Writing Prompts for All Students
- Character Development Writing Prompts
- Creative Writing Activities for Kids
Creative writing doesn’t have to feel like a chore – with fun prompts to chose from, elementary school, middle school, and high school students can explore new perspectives through storytelling.
Until next time, write on…
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From the archives… the following article was originally published on here on our blog in Dec, 2017
Creative Writing Kids
Creative Writing Resources for Teachers, Kids and Parents—
Writing offers many benefits to students, but the ability to explore new worlds is undoubtedly one of the most important. Whether they’re writing creatively or considering a topic of personal reflection, writing improves critical thinking skills and encourages imagination.
When students write on a regular basis, they gain more confidence in their schoolwork and in their own ideas. Creative writing is a powerful way to empower your students both inside and outside of the classroom. Moreover, encouraging children to think imaginatively and at the same time allowing them to practice their writing skills can lead to many positive outcomes such as increased self-esteem and self-confidence and a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s skills.
Creative Writing Kids — 11 Fun Prompts to Write About
- What is your greatest dream?
- Write about three things that you really want. Why are they important to you?
- If you were stuck on a desert island, what would you want to have with you?
- What is the best age to be?
- List three foods you couldn’t live without. What do you like about them?
- What is your favorite season? Why?
- Would you rather ride a horse or a camel?
- Are you (or would you be) a good older sibling?
- How do you feel when you finish the school year?
- Would you rather watch a movie in a theater or see a play?
- Do you have any hidden talents?
Discover even more creative writing prompts for kids.
Encouraging children to explore their minds and express their thoughts through writing is an excellent skill to teach. Teaching a child to write creatively can be a fun learning process. It allows them to exercise their creativity and literary skills while at the same time gaining a better appreciation for the arts.
We all know there are many wonderful stories that are a hit with children, and allowing them to write their own similar stories is guaranteed to take their love for writing to a whole new level. Creative writing will help children do this!
Until next time, write on…
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You have discovered an awesome resource of wonderful writing ideas and fabulous journal prompts.
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Tags Creative Writing, creative writing ideas, daily writing, Ideas for Kids, journal, Journal Keeping, journal prompts, journaling, prompts, write freely, writing, writing activities, writing ideas, Writing Ideas for Kids, writing skills12 tips on how to write a story for children
Stories for children work well for people with a vivid imagination, those who are able to look at reality through the eyes of a child. Try to come up with a few ideas that the kids might like to start with.
The hallmarks of a good story are a compelling introduction, a well-defined storyline, and a central message or moral that the story conveys.
What else to pay attention to?
- Decide on the age group for which the story will be sharpened.
It is one thing to write for toddlers of younger kindergarten age, it is somewhat different for children who master letters before school. And in a story for younger students, there may already be sentences longer than 4-5 words.
- Be inspired by vivid childhood memories . Remember what made an impression on you at the time. Use the memory as the basis for a children's story. For example, you had an exciting adventure one day after school, based on which you can create an entertaining story. As a material, you can also use memories of a foreign country, your first trip abroad at a young age.
- Be able to present in an interesting way a simple , an ordinary event. Choose an everyday action and describe it with fantasy elements. You can add some absurd element. Use your imagination to see the event through the eyes of a child. One of the options is a trip to the hairdresser, whose machine, scissors and other tools come to life. Or you can describe the child's acquaintance with the water world of the ocean, an incredible journey through its depths on a fantastic swimming apparatus.
- Think of a story concept. It is convenient to generate ideas around the central theme. You can highlight the following concepts: love, friendship, loss. One option is to study the topic of friendship using the example of the relationship between a little girl and a hedgehog.
- Think of an unusual image of the main character , this is important for a children's story. To succeed at this stage, remember what types of characters are popular with kids. Try to create a special character, but no less bright than in other works. When thinking about the image of the main character, use the character traits that you find interesting. To add exoticism to the story, you can take a girl of a non-Caucasian race as a hero.
- The main character should have a couple of bright external features. Perhaps it will be an interesting hairstyle, an original manner of dressing, an unusual gait. The inner world of the character also needs to be revealed, describing kindness, a craving for adventure, or the ability to attract trouble.
For example, the main character may have long red hair braided into pigtails. Or she'll have a noticeable scar on her arm from falling out of a tree.
- Work on the introduction of the story. Divide the story into parts: the first will be an introduction, then a few episodes of the base, and at the end - a conclusion. In the introductory part, describe the place of action, the main character and the plot of the conflict situation. Let the young reader know the name of the main character and the place where the events take place. Next, you can touch on the aspirations and goals of the protagonist, as well as the obstacles that he will have to face. An example of the content of the introduction: a young girl named Viola wants to get a pet and accidentally finds a hedgehog in her yard.
- Come up with a catalyst - an event that challenges the main character. The source of the catalyst can be an act of another character or the actions of some organization (school, parents' place of work).
Another option is a natural phenomenon (storm, flood, etc.). An example of a catalyst: Viola's mom says it's too early for her daughter to have a pet because it's a big responsibility.
- Work on the tie. It is needed so that you can reveal the image of the main character, show his relationship with other characters. Describe his behavior, reaction to the event-catalyst. Show him how he gets out. An example of a tie: Viola catches a hedgehog, hides the living creatures in her backpack and carries it everywhere with her so that her mother does not take it away.
- Create a dramatic climax - the high point of the story. The protagonist must make a decision and make a choice. The climax is the most dramatic moment of the story, the peak moment of the story. In our example, the following culmination is possible: Viola's mother accidentally finds a hedgehog in her daughter's backpack and tells her that such a pet is not needed in the house.
- Go to the end of action , the point where the main character reaps the consequences of his choice.
Perhaps he has to correct his mistakes or make an important decision. Here, an action is possible, joint with another character. Example: Viola argues with her mother, and while they sort things out, the hedgehog runs away. Over time, they notice her missing and go in search of the surrounding area.
- End with denouement - the end of the story. Let the reader find out if the main character succeeded in achieving his goal. The ending can be positive, negative or compromise. Example: Viola and her mother go to the forest and release the hedgehog, wishing him a happy journey goodbye.
The works of famous masters of the word will help you learn how to write children's stories. Check out good examples of literature written for the age group you want to tell your story to.
And we will be happy to print your stories and design a beautiful children's book.
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75 phrases to say to children
© Kate Vellacott
Did I say anything affectionate, gentle, even a little positive today?
Source: Happy you - happy family
Every evening, putting the children on the beds, I fall on the sofa, close my eyes and sigh.
Unfortunately, the reality of a mother of four children is that I have about 2.5 seconds of rest before either of them asks for a drink, a hug, or remembers a school project that was asked a month ago but must be taken tomorrow.
But after a few laps on this "time to sleep" carousel, I can finally fall back on the couch and relax.
It is at this moment that the events of the previous day begin to spin in my mind. It's like a 10x speed video, but every time my mouth opens to say something to the kids, the video slows down and I can hear my words.
“Put your shoes away.”
“Your room is such a mess!”
“Get away from your sister.”
“Have you brushed your teeth yet?”
My personal video of whining and negativity directed at the people I love more than anything.
The weight of my words presses on my chest, and the brain tries to remember: did I say anything affectionate, gentle, even a little positive today?
Have I been so focused on the endless parenting "must" - preparing snacks, laying out laundry, dealing with sibling fights - that I forgot to tell my children how much I love them?
My children deserve better. They deserve to hear every day, no matter what happens, that I am incredibly happy to be their mother and walk the same path with them in this life journey.
But here comes the problem.
It's awful to think that your child's last thought in bed before going to bed today will be: "Is my mother angry with me?" or "What have I done wrong?" or "Does dad still love me?"
Not to mention that the lack of intimacy and understanding with the child leads to more frequent quarrels and the child's unwillingness to comply with your requests when you ask to put away toys, take apart the dishwasher or stop chewing like a cow with a megaphone.
But being a parent in today's world is hard. It's easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day that we forget to stop and tell our kids how much we love them.
If you have too many things to do and too little time, you are in survival mode, not filling mode. And wonderful phrases such as "You are very important to me", "I love you to the sky and back", so necessary for our children, remain unsaid.
Why is it so important to speak positive words to children?
I recently came across a quote from a doctor and writer who specializes in child development and childhood trauma:
“The love a parent feels does not automatically translate into the love a child feels.” - Gabor Mathe.
In other words, these positive messages to children don't work if you only think but don't speak them. You must say these things out loud.
I realized that it was time to change everything.
Because there are very clear research findings that show that when children feel love and care from their parents, it positively affects their whole life.
Children of loving parents not only do well in school and have high self-esteem, they also become happier and less anxious adults. Parental warmth also affects the child's mental health.
And here comes the moment of the important question: when you are busy, you have a lot of worries, or you are just angry because you stepped on Lego, how can you remember to say positive things out loud to your child and remind him of your unconditional love?
Easy solution for busy parents
Since it is very easy to forget about such an important thing in the hustle and bustle, I decided to prepare a visual reminder. Something that will subtly remind me to switch out of survival mode several times a day and fill my children's vault with unconditional love.
Researchers say that if you want to start a habit, a visual reminder of your intention is a great help.
For example:
- If you want to change your eating habits to healthier ones, you can stick a bright sticker on the refrigerator with a reminder: "Snack - only vegetables" .
- If you want to start exercising every morning, you can lay out your sportswear in a prominent place by the bed every evening.
In my case, I printed out a list of positive phrases that I want to say to children during the day. I can hang it on the refrigerator, on my bathroom mirror, or leave it in the driver's seat of a car, where it reminds me every day that I should say something nice to my kids when I get in the car.
Here is an example of 75 phrases that you can (and should) say to children every day:
1. You are very important to me.
2. I enjoy spending time with you.
3. You make me smile.
4. I love you no matter what happens.
5. I am so happy to be your father (mother).
6. I am very proud of you.
7. I love you from nose to toe.
8. You are very beautiful (beautiful) inside and out.
9. Today I was thinking about you (write what you were doing at that moment).
10. I like you.
11. Today I was sad, but the thought of you cheered me up.
12. You can always talk to me about anything, even if it's something sad or scary.
13. I like to look at you.
14. You fill my heart.
15. I am so grateful to you for (write for what).
16. You are the one and only.
17. I care about you more than you can imagine.
18. Thank you for being in my life.
19. I am with you, no matter what happens.
20. I would like to know your opinion about (ask your child about something so that he will see that his opinion is important - for example, what to cook for dinner, where to go for the weekend, or what movie to see).
21. My world has become more beautiful since you are in it.
22. I noticed how hard you try and how much you work on ... (specify exactly what you noticed and appreciated the child's efforts).
23. I believe in you.
24. I saw you (describe a good deed or act done by a child).
25. I like it when you share your ideas with me.
26. You changed my life.
27. I like to see the world through your eyes.
28. When I see that you are happy, I am happy too.
29. You matter.
30. I hope you had a good day.
31. If you need me, I'm always here.
32. You are beautiful just the way you are.
33. You are my treasure.
34. I respect you and your opinion.
35. We are a team.
36. I love being your mother.
37. I look at you and remember... (tell a funny or touching incident that happened when the child was younger).
38. You are the only such person in the whole world.
39. I like it when you smile.
40. I love it when you laugh.
41. My love for you will never change, no matter what happens to us.
42. I like you all and all your parts separately.
43. You are a very important part of our family.
44. It's amazing and wonderful to watch you grow.
45. I am happy that you are my son (my daughter).
46. You can always turn to me in any situation.
47. My love for you is greater than (the ocean, than all the stars in the sky, etc.)
48. I will always be with you.
49. Being your mother is the most favorite part of my life.
50. You are special to me.
51. Thank you for (write something nice the child did).
52. Life becomes much more fun with you.
53. I enjoy doing anything with you, no matter what.
54. You are my favorite five-year-old in the world.
55. I love you to the moon, through the entire solar system to the next galaxy, to the farthest, unknown planet and back.
56. I'm your fan.
57. I like learning new things with you.
58. I am never too busy for you.
59. You make my day brighter.
60. It was a wonderful decision of a kind person (describe a time when a child was kind to someone).
61. It's fun to be with you.
62. I love you more than french fries (pizza, pasta, chocolate - substitute your child's favorite food).
63. Your smile makes me smile.
64. I will never be angry with you for asking me about your concerns.
65. You are my happiness.
66. You inspire me to be a better person.
67. Even when I get angry, I love you very much.
68. I like the way you talk.
69. The fact that you exist makes me happy.
70. I love it when you (insert two opposite things, for example "when you are fooling around or very serious")
71. I really miss when we are not together.
72. You can always tell me the truth, even if you are very afraid, I will always listen and support you.
73. How I wish I didn't have to go to work, stay with you and have fun all day.
74. You are my sunshine.
75. I will love you forever and ever.
Important addition
Visual reminders have one weak point. After a while, they merge with the environment, and we stop noticing them.
And of course, our list of positive phrases is not immune to this.
But there is one simple solution: if you find yourself not noticing the list, move it to another location.
Here are a few places:
- Refrigerator
- Door
- Bathroom mirror
- Dining table
- Driver's seat
- A book you read to yourself or to your children at bedtime.
- Night table
- Kitchen cabinet
- A drawer that you often open - in the kitchen or bathroom
- In a visible place in the kitchen - next to the coffee maker, for example
Or another idea: put one of the phrases as a password anywhere.