What are cardinal and ordinal numbers
Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers Chart
Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers ChartA Cardinal Number is a number that says how many of something there are, such as one, two, three, four, five.
An Ordinal Number is a number that tells the position of something in a list, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc.
Most ordinal numbers end in "th" except for:
- one ⇒ first (1st)
- two ⇒ second (2nd)
- three ⇒ third (3rd)
Cardinal | Ordinal | |||
1 | One | 1st | First | |
2 | Two | 2nd | Second | |
3 | Three | 3rd | Third | |
4 | Four | 4th | Fourth | |
5 | Five | 5th | Fifth | |
6 | Six | 6th | Sixth | |
7 | Seven | 7th | Seventh | |
8 | Eight | 8th | Eighth | |
9 | Nine | 9th | Ninth | |
10 | Ten | 10th | Tenth | |
11 | Eleven | 11th | Eleventh | |
12 | Twelve | 12th | Twelfth | |
13 | Thirteen | 13th | Thirteenth | |
14 | Fourteen | 14th | Fourteenth | |
15 | Fifteen | 15th | Fifteenth | |
16 | Sixteen | 16th | Sixteenth | |
17 | Seventeen | 17th | Seventeenth | |
18 | Eighteen | 18th | Eighteenth | |
19 | Nineteen | 19th | Nineteenth | |
20 | Twenty | 20th | Twentieth | |
21 | Twenty one | 21st | Twenty-first | |
22 | Twenty two | 22nd | Twenty-second | |
23 | Twenty three | 23rd | Twenty-third | |
24 | Twenty four | 24th | Twenty-fourth | |
25 | Twenty five | 25th | Twenty-fifth | |
… | … | … | … | |
30 | Thirty | 30th | Thirtieth | |
31 | Thirty one | 31st | Thirty-first | |
32 | Thirty two | 32nd | Thirty-second | |
33 | Thirty three | 33rd | Thirty-third | |
34 | Thirty four | 34th | Thirty-fourth | |
… | … | … | … | |
40 | Forty | 40th | Fortieth | |
50 | Fifty | 50th | Fiftieth | |
60 | Sixty | 60th | Sixtieth | |
70 | Seventy | 70th | Seventieth | |
80 | Eighty | 80th | Eightieth | |
90 | Ninety | 90th | Ninetieth | |
100 | One hundred | 100th | Hundredth | |
… | … | … | … | |
1000 | One thousand | 1000th | Thousandth |
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Cardinal Numbers vs. Ordinal Numbers – What’s the Difference?
It seems difficult to comprehend, but numbers can be used for other purposes than signifying quantity.
Sometimes, for instance, you might want to outline a sequence of events in the correct order. Other times, you might want to describe your favorite sports team’s position in the standings or relay the finishing order of contestants in a race.
To simplify these pursuits, English has both cardinal and ordinal numbers. Cardinal numbers are what most people think about when they think about numbers, but ordinal numbers have many important uses, especially in sports journalism, technical writing, and other fields.
Continue reading for a thorough explanation of these terms.
What is the Difference Between Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers?
In this post, I will compare cardinal vs. ordinal numbers. I will include several example sentences for each term, to give you an idea of their use in context. I will also describe a useful memory tool you can use to determine whether you should use cardinal or ordinal numbers in your own writing.
When to Use Cardinal Numbers
What is a cardinal number? Cardinal numbers are numbers that describe quantity, like one pot, two kettles, or three pans.
Here are some examples,
- Cardinal numbers can be used to describe the quantity of shirts sold by an apparel retailer.
- Mathematicians manipulate cardinal numbers in many of their equations.
- There is presumably a cardinal number that describes how many mosquitoes are in the river flats, but the number is too absurdly high to count.
Here is an example of a newspaper using cardinal numbers,
- The most conservative calculations estimate Americans will need to have about eight to 10 times their annual salary saved for retirement, she said. –The Washington Post
When to Use Ordinal Numbers
What is an ordinal number? Ordinal numbers are numbers that signify relative position, like first in line at the café, second person to comment on Brenda’s new glasses this morning, or third time Kendall has had to tell her friends that she works Friday nights and can only go dancing on Saturdays.
Here are some more examples,
- You can use ordinal numbers to describe the National League Central Division standings, and in 2016, there was only one day on which you could say that the Chicago Cubs were not in first place.
- Ordinal numbers can describe the order in which a sequence of events takes place.
- Avenues in some cities are named for ordinal numbers.
Here is an example of a newspaper using ordinal numbers,
- This year, there are no limits on the Yankees’ ace, who has been very crisp in bullpen sessions and anointed the Opening Day starter for the third straight season. –New York Post
Trick to Remember the Difference
Numbers can be confusing, and remembering ordinal numbers vs. cardinal numbers is no easy task for many writers.
Luckily, there is a simple mnemonic that can help. As long as you remember to associate ordinal numbers with order, you should have no trouble knowing what these words mean.
Is it ordinal or cardinal numbers? Ordinal and cardinal numbers are different but related.
- Cardinal numbers signify quantity.
- Ordinal numbers signify order or position.
Math and writing are difficult to mix well, but if you remember that ordinal numbers represent order, you will be well on your way to writing coherently about different kinds of numbers.
In summary, ordinal means order, while cardinal means quantity.
Don’t undermine your credibility over a poor choice of words. Be sure to use this site as a reference for all your writing needs.
- 1 What is the Difference Between Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers?
- 2 When to Use Cardinal Numbers
- 3 When to Use Ordinal Numbers
- 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
- 5 Summary
Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers in English
On average, each of us uses from 20 to 40 numbers during the day. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the numerals in English: without them, how without hands - neither order a pizza, nor dictate a phone, nor find out what year it is.
Ordinal numbers
Numerals in English, as well as in Russian, are of 2 types: quantitative and ordinal. On this, perhaps, the similarity between English and Russian numerals ends.
Ordinal numbers - answer the question " which is ".
Most ordinal numbers are formed with the ending th .
Ordinal numbers are most often attached to a noun, so they are preceded by the definite article the:
- The forty-six th president of the United States. Forty-sixth President of the United States. November
- is the eleven th month.
November is the eleventh month.
The formation of numerals in English has a clear algorithm. So, ordinal numbers are formed by adding th to cardinal numbers. But there are exceptions: first, second, third.
In compound ordinal numbers, only the last component is in ordinal form: twenty-sixth, seventy-fourth.
Tens ending in y change to ie:
- fort y - fort ie th.
In writing, ordinal numbers can be abbreviated, there is no need to write so much:
- First - 1st
- Second - 2nd
- Third - 3rd
- Fourth - 4th
- Fifth - 5th and so on
In the table - numerals of the English language. Save, Teach, Practice:
Quantitative (cardinal) | Ordinal (ordinal) | |
1 | one | first |
2 | two | second |
3 | three | third |
4 | four | fourth |
5 | five | fifth |
6 | six | sixth |
7 | seven | seventh |
8 | eight | eighth |
9 | nine | ninth |
10 | ten | tenth |
11 | eleven | eleventh |
12 | twelve | twelfth |
13 | thirteen | third |
14 | fourteen | fourteenth |
15 | fifteen | fifteenth |
16 | sixteen | sixteenth |
17 | seventeen | seventeenth |
18 | eighteen | eighteenth |
19 | nineteen | nineteenth |
20 | twenty | twentieth |
21 | twenty-one | twenty-first |
22 | twenty-two | twenty-second |
23 | twenty-three | twenty-third |
24 | twenty-four | twenty-fourth |
25 | twenty-five | twenty-fifth |
26 | twenty-six | twenty-sixth |
27 | twenty-seven | twenty-seventh |
28 | twenty-eight | twenty-eighth |
29 | twenty-nine | twenty-ninth |
30 | thirty | thirtieth |
40 | forty | fortieth |
50 | fifty | fiftieth |
60 | sixty | sixtieth |
70 | seventy | seventieth |
80 | eighty | eightieth |
90 | ninety | ninetieth |
100 | one hundred | hundredth |
200 | two hundred | two hundredth |
1000 | one thousand | thousandth |
1500 | one thousand five hundred | one thousand five hundred |
100,000 | one hundred thousand | hundred thousandth |
1,000,000 | one million | millionth |
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Cardinal numbers
Cardinal numbers - answer the question "how much" .
Remove should be no problem. There are no special chips and wisdom in their education - you just have to remember a few features.
Numerals hundred, thousand, million are used in the singular. No need to add the plural ending S.
The ending S is used only if the numerals are used as nouns:
- thousands of followers
- hundreds of voters - hundreds of voters
- dozens of comments
When you write a large number in English, you have to split it with commas, like this:
- 1.567 one thousand, five hundred and sixty-seven
By the way, in the UK it is customary to split long numbers with the union and:
- seven hundred and sixty - three
And in American English it is accepted like this:
- seven hundred sixty - three
Choose which English is closer to you and use one of the options.
Cardinal numbers will probably be needed for you to dictate a phone number. Are people still exchanging numbers in 2020? Let's assume that yes and remember:
- the digits of the phone number are pronounced one at a time
- if two identical digits are in a row, you can say double and say the digit once
- 112 - 344 double one two three double four
Another effective way to quickly memorize numbers is to sign up for English lessons for children 8 years old online at Skysmart School.
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Features of numerals
Everything could be simple and understandable with English numerals, if not for a few tricky rules that need to be understood and remembered.
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Zero - he is zero, he is also zero, nil, nought and o - many-sided and mysterious, let's figure it out.
Zero is pronounced like zero:
- in the weather forecast: above zero - above zero, below zero - below zero, reduce to zero - reduce to zero.
- as a percentage: there is only a 30% chance of rain - the chance of rain is only 30%.
- in stable expressions: zero visibility - zero visibility, zero chance - zero chances.
- in phone numbers it is equally acceptable to pronounce both zero and o [əu]
- in fractions: 0.6 - zero point six.
Zero is pronounced like o [əu]:
- for years and times: 2007 - twenty o seven.
- in telephone numbers, bank accounts: 051 600 30 – o five one six double o three
- in fractions: 0.8 - o point eight.
If we are talking about sports competitions, matches, championships, use Nil:
- we won four-nil - we won three-nil
- we drew nil-nil - we drew
British nought/naught means "zero", "nothing". The word is outdated and almost never used, but it won't hurt to remember it. Suddenly, Elon Musk messes up something, and we fly into the past, not into the future.
Cardinal numbers are used to designate years in English.
- The four-digit year is divided in half and pronounced as two separate numbers: 1996 nineteen ninety - six,
Millenniums are pronounced in thousands:
2020 - two thousand twenty / twenty twenty,
22000 - two thousand,
22007 - two thousand and seven,
21907 - nineteen or seven,
If there are two zeros at the end of the year, then we say with hundred, that is, we count hundreds:
1700 - seventeen hundred, 1900 - nineteen hundred.
The year is preceded by the preposition in .
The word year is either completely omitted in the sentence, or stands before the numeral, contrary to any logic of a Russian-speaking person:
- Game of Thrones premiered in 2011
Also remember these designations, they are often found in books, textbooks and in movies:
- BC - before Christ (before Christ, - BC).
- AD - Anno Domini (after the birth of Christ, - our era).
Demo lesson in English
We will determine the level and set a goal, and then we will teach you to speak English fluently.
Fractions - ½. The rules of writing are the same as in Russian. Recall that what is above the line is the numerator, and what is below it is the denominator.
Attention now:
The numerator is pronounced like a cardinal number.
Denominator as ordinal number.
The numerator one can be read as an article a :
1/14 - one fourteenth / a fourteenth
1/8 - one eighth / a eighth
1/3 - one third / a third
If the numerator is greater than 1, then the plural ending s is added to the ordinal denominator:
- 4/5 - four fifths
- 2/8-two eighths
- 1/2 - one half / a half
- 1/4 - one quarter / a quarter / one fourth
- 2/4 - two quarters
When reading fractions, half is half
A quarter, one fourth
Decimals . There are a few things to remember here. In English decimal fractions, a dot is put, not a comma, and we do not pronounce fractions (tenths, hundredths, etc.). They are just called numbers. The point is also pronounced point:
- 2.26 - two point twenty six
- 7.654 - seven point six five four
If there is no integer before the point, then zero is pronounced or nothing is said at all:
- 0.3 - zero point three / point three
- 0.65 - zero point six five / point six five
- 0.02 - zero point zero two / point zero two
You can also say o [əu] instead of zero.
Percentages in English do not require a plural. Percent is always singular:
- 3.3% - three point three percent
- 50% - fifty percent
- 99% - ninety-nine percent
The currency designation always precedes the amount: $500 - $500, €200 - two hundred euros. First, the amount is pronounced, and only then the name of the currency - do not mix it up.
If the amount consists of a decimal fraction, then first we pronounce the whole number, then the currency, and at the end - the decimal part.
- € 16.55 - sixteen euros fifty five
- $20. 99 - twenty dollars ninety nine
If you know the name of the coin, you can insert it at the end.
Arithmetic operations
Cardinal numbers are used for counting in English.
to equal - equal to
- 2+2 = 4 - two plus two is four
- 10-5 = 5 - ten minus five equals five
- 30 x 3 = 90 - thirty multiplied by three is ninety
- 50 : 5 = 10 - fifty divided by five equals ten
The verb to be can be plural when added. And the verb to equal can be replaced by the verb to make.
- 36 + 6 = 42 - thirty six and six are forty two
- 8 + 4 = 12 - eight plus four make twelve
Let's practice
You already know how to read numbers in English. To remember all this better, try to practice a little.
1. Read aloud
- phone number: 125 - 344 - 09- 08, 566 - 321 - 007
- : 2003, 1984, 2012, 1400, 1901
- common fraction: 1/8; 1/2; 1/5; 2/3; 1/4; 2/4
- decimal: 2.39; 3.50; 1.70; 0.35; 0.08
- amount: €450, €60.88, €100, $78, $89, $35. 99
- example: 45 - 5 = 40, 2 x 10 = 20, 48 : 6 = 8, 78 + 8 = 86
2. Translate into English and read aloud (return to the plate at the beginning of the article).
thirteenth, first, thirty-ninth, eighteenth, fifth, eighth, four hundred and thirty-fourth, one thousand one hundred and one, nine hundred fifty-third, eleventh, two million three hundred thousand and fourth.
In order not only to practice the ability to pronounce English numerals, but also to test your writing skills, complete the task in writing. Write all the numbers and read what is written aloud.
Even more practice - at the preparation courses for the OGE in English!
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Cardinal and ordinal numbers in German
Lesson 4/6
Zahlwort. Numerals. Kardinal- und Ordnungszahlwort. Cardinal and ordinal numbers.
There are 2 groups of numerals in German: cardinal and ordinal.
Cardinal numbers.
Cardinal numbers from 1 to 12 are simple in their word formation.
1 | or | one |
2 | zwei | two |
3 | drei | three |
4 | vier | four |
5 | fünf | five |
6 | sechs | six |
7 | sieben | seven |
8 | acht | eight |
9 | neon | nine |
10 | zehn | ten |
11 | elf | eleven |
12 | zwolf | twelve |
Simple numbers also include:
100 - hundert
1000 - TAUSEND
1 000 000 - Eine Million
1 000 000 000 000 - Eine Milliarde
Dyuzhina - Das Dutzend
The Names are formed as follows:
13 - Dreizehn
14 - Vierzehn
15 - Fünfzehn
16 - SecHzehn
17 - Siebzehn
18 - Achtzehn
19 - Nezufiff + Ten + + Ten + + Nazy0072 9000 - neuntausend
All numbers are written together.