What begins with the letter n
Words That Start With N For Kids
The letter N is the second most common consonant sound in English. Only T turns up more often. This list of N words for kids is built to help students turn that basic sound into a fully developed linguistic concept. We've gone beyond a simple word list to provide engaging activities for students of all grade levels to learn words beginning with N.
N words for kids example of note
Preschool Words That Start With N
Preschoolers are just learning the letter N. Therefore, you want to use pictures to help them get used to the sound N makes and recognize the letter itself. These N words can easily be combined with pictures for early letter learners.
nail | nap |
nature | necklace |
nerd | newborn |
nightingale | nine |
ninja | no |
normal | nose |
notebook | now |
nun | nurse |
Trace the Letter N Activity Worksheet
Making that sound-symbol connection is the foundation of all future linguistic development. As a starting point, we recommend giving your youngest learners vivid images to connect with the N sound. We've developed a trace-the-letter activity with that in mind.
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Kindergarten Words That Start With N
Since N is so common, it turns up in a great number of simple, kindergarten-appropriate words. At this level, the priority is to help them start spelling simple N words like CVC and CVCC words. You’re also introducing them to Dolch sight words like new, now and no. Use this list of N words to get your kindergarteners ready.
- Nag: To scold or harass
- Name: What a person is called
- Near: Close to
- Neat: Clean, tidy
- Need: Want or require
- Net: A grid of rope, string or tape, meant to catch something
- New: Existing for the first time
- Nice: Pleasant, friendly
- Nod: To move your head up and down, especially when agreeing with someone
- None: Not any of the presented options
- Nope: Alternative form of no
- Nosy: Curious about other’s business
- Not: Makes a verb negative
- Note: Short written message
- Noun: Part of speech for person, place, thing or idea
- Number: Word or symbol for a count of units
- Nut: Edible seed
Match the N Word to the Picture Worksheet
Kids that are just learning to read and understand N words use image association to help them learn words. Harness this wonderful resource through a match the N word to the picture worksheet.
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Early Elementary N Words for Kids
As your first and second graders begin to read and write, they start to encounter the letter N throughout the language. Reinforcing that with an N words list is a perfect way to make sure the concept stays with them. Our list of N words and letter N activities are crafted to support that knowledge and help your students retain it.
- Neither: With "nor," ruling out two options
- News: Information about what is happening in the world, current events
- Night: Time between sunset and sunrise
- Nip: Small bite
- Noon: Time when the Sun is highest in the sky
- Nor: With "neither," ruling out two options
- North: Pointing toward the North Pole
- Neck: Part of the body between the collarbone and chin
- Nest: Place to rest, especially for birds
- Newt: A small four-legged amphibian shaped like a lizard
- Next: Event following this one
- Noble: Someone of high social class
- Noise: Loud sound
- Nugget: Small lump
Word Association Activities
All of these words are well suited for letter N activities.
For example, simply passing a newspaper around your class, then reading out or summarizing an interesting story, will give them a wonderful feel for the word news. You can also have a dress-up day as a nurse, nun, ninja, or other occupation that begins with N.
Fill-in-the-Blank N Quiz
Hopefully, your students already know where their necks are and, if TV and the Internet are to be trusted, they'll have at least a nodding acquaintance with ninjas. Reinforce that with pictures. A simple fill-in-the-blank quiz with engaging art will establish the words as fully formed ideas in your students' minds. We've provided a sample.
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Late Elementary Words That Start With N
Again, many of these words will probably be familiar to some of your third and fourth grade students through daily use. The purpose of vocabulary aids like this one is to reinforce that familiarity into certain knowledge. Activities in these grades should engage students with the context and larger significance of the language we're presenting. At this stage of development, vocabulary moves from being a memorization exercise to a fundamental tool of lifelong literacy.
- Napkin: Piece of cloth or paper used to keep clean at meals
- Nation: Country
- Narrow: Thin, not wide
- Naughty: Misbehaving, doing wrong
- Needle: Small sharp tool for sewing
- Neighbor: Person living nearby
- Nerve: Part of the body that feels pain and makes senses work
- Never: Cannot happen, under no circumstances
- Noodle: Flat strip of pasta
- Nothing: Absence of something, zero
- Nada: None, nothing
- Nanny: A woman paid to look after children
- Nephew: The relationship of your brother or sister's son to you
- Nervous: Jittery, worried
- Neutral: Evenhanded, unbiased
- Nickel: 5 cent coin, or the metal that coin is partially made from
- Nightmare: Bad dream
- Notice: To take note of, to give your attention
- Nova: Explosion of a star
- Novel: Long fictional book, or something totally new (like an idea)
Idioms With an N Word Activity
This is the age at which you can begin to talk about the subjective or idiomatic uses of language. See if your students know sayings like "never say never" or "better than nothing," then ask them to explain what the N words in those phrases mean. Write a bunch of idioms using N words on the board. Allow students to work in groups to dissect the meanings.
The Etymology of N Words Activity
Several of these words were chosen to have interesting origins. Involve your students in their etymology. For example, nada came to mean "nothing" in English because it's Spanish for zero. "Novel" literally means "the new thing" because writing stories in prose was "the new thing" in the 16th century. Allow your students to connect to the magic of the English language by having them discover the etymology behind the N word list given.
The Ns and Outs: Things That Start With N
The common occurrence of the N sound makes it a key element of vocab learning. That process starts with lists, but it opens out into the origins, consequences and possible future of the whole language. When students connect something as simple and abstract as the letter N to their own lives and stories, they become part of keeping the language alive.
Need some more options for your next vocabulary list? WordFinder has a neat list of words that start with the letter N. You can even fill out the advanced search fields to narrow your choices by word length and letters included. For more enriching vocabulary and etymology, take a look at our words starting with O!
Staff Writer
Words That Start with the Letter N
Let’s have some fun today with N words! Words that start with the letter N are nice and neat. We have a list of N letter words, animals that start with N, N coloring pages, places that start with the letter N and letter N foods. These N words for kids are perfect for use at home or in the classroom as part of alphabet learning.
What are words that start with N? Newt!N Words For Kids
If you are looking for words beginning with N for Kindergarten or Preschool, you have come to the right place! Letter of the Day activities and alphabet letter lesson plans have never been easier or more fun.
Related: Letter N Crafts
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- N is for Neat, is when things are clean and organized.
- N is for Nice, means pleasant.
- N is for Nurturing, is when you give someone physical and emotional care.
There are unlimited ways to spark more ideas for educational opportunities for the letter N. If you are looking for value words that start with N, check out this list from Personal DevelopFit.
Related: Letter N Worksheets
There are so many animals that start with a letter N. When you look at animals that begin with the letter N, you will find awesome animals that begin with the sound of N! I think you will agree when you read the fun facts associated with letter N animals.
1. NARWHAL is an Animal that Starts with N
This crazy looking creature is legendary. Long, white tusks break the surface of the icy Arctic water. It’s not a waterlogged herd of unicorns—it’s a pod of narwhals! Scientists don’t know exactly why narwhals have tusks. But, tusks are more than battle swords. They’re packed with nerves and covered in tiny holes that allow seawater to enter. This gives tusks a sensitivity that could help narwhals detect changes in their environment such as temperature or even the water’s saltiness. Clues like these might help narwhals find prey or survive in other ways. Narwhals’ Arctic habitat makes them difficult to study, and scientists still have plenty to learn about them. These unicorns of the sea might be mysterious, but they’re certainly no myth. You can read more about the N animal, Narwhal on National Geographic
2. NAUTILUS is an Animal that Starts with N
Many biologists see them as ‘living fossils’. Nautiluses are the only cephalopods who have an external shell. The shell contains many chambers. From around four at the moment of hatching, the number of chambers increases to thirty or more in adults. The shell color keeps the animal hidden in the water. When seen from the top, the shell is darker in color and marked with irregular stripes, which makes it blend into the darkness of the water below. The underside is almost completely white, making the animal indistinguishable from brighter waters near the ocean surface. This mode of camouflage is called counter-shading. Nautiluses are predators and feed mainly on shrimp, small fish and crustaceans, which are captured by the tentacles. You can read more about the N animal, Nautilus on Ocean Service
3. NEWT is an Animal that Starts with N
Newts are small amphibians, a kind of salamander. The term “newt” specifically refers to salamanders living in the water. They live in North America, Europe, and North Asia. Newts have three life stages. First as a tiny aquatic larva, which gradually undergoes metamorphosis. Then they leave the water for a year as a juvenile called an eft. They go back in the water to breed as adults. In some species the adults stay in water for the rest of their lives. Others are land-based, but return to water each year to breed. You can read more about the N animal, Newt on Animals San Diego Zoo
4. NIGHTINGALE is an Animal that Starts with N
The nightingale is a small bird. It migrates and eats large amounts of insects. Nightingales are named so because they frequently sing at night as well as during the day. The song is loud, with an impressive range of whistles, trills and gurgles. Its song is particularly noticeable at night because few other birds are singing. This is why its name (in several languages) includes “night”. Nightingales sing even more loudly in urban or near-urban environments, in order to overcome the background noise. You can read more about the N animal, Nighting Gale on A Z Animals
5. NUMBAT is an Animal that Starts with N
The numbat is a marsupial from open woodlands in western Australia. Another name for the numbat is the banded anteater. Can you guess why? Unusual in being one of the few daytime – or diurnal – marsupials. Without a pouch, the mother carries her four young on her stomach. At night, they take shelter in hollow logs. These solitary, long-tailed termite-eaters are in danger of extinction. Very few remain in the wild. This is due to European settlers releasing red foxes into the wilds of Australia. You can read more about the N animal, Numbat Gale on Simple Wikipedia
- Narwhal
- Nautilus
- Newt
- Nightingale
- Numbat
Related: Letter N Coloring Page
Related: Letter N Color by Letter Worksheet
N Is For Narwhal Coloring Pages
N is for Narwhal coloring pages.
Here at Kids Activities Blog we like narwhal and have a lot of fun narwhal coloring pages and narwhal printables that can be used when celebrating the letter N:
- How cute is this narwhal coloring page?
Next, in our words starting with the Letter N, we get to find out about some beautiful places.
1. N is for New York City
In 1624 the Dutch established a colony on what’s now Manhattan Island called New Amsterdam. The British took control of the city and named it New York in 1664. New York City is the most populous city in the United States, with around 8.5 million residents. You can look down from the highest floor of the Empire State Building, climb the steps to the Statue of Liberty’s crown, and tour Ellis Island, where over 12 million immigrants entered the United States between 1892 and 1924. More than 800 languages are spoken in New York City, making it the most linguistically diverse city in the world. 4 in 10 households speak a language other than English. France gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1886 for its centennial celebration. The statue was shipped as 350 pieces in 214 crates and took 4 months to assemble at its current home on Ellis Island.
2. N is for Niagara Falls
Located on the border of Ontario, Canada and New York, USA Niagara Falls is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. 30 million people travel from all over the world to witness its beauty and power, each year. There are three falls making up Niagara Falls: the American Falls, the Bridal Veil Falls and the Horseshoe Falls. The 3 waterfalls combine to produce the highest flow rate of any waterfall on earth.
3. N is for Netherlands
The Netherlands is a country in northwestern Europe known for its windmills, tulips, canals, and historic sites, also known as Holland. The main language in the Netherlands is Dutch, but most people speak more than one language. Stunningly beautiful, there are around 20 national parks in the Netherlands. Because flooding was a big problem in the history of the Netherlands, so man-made hills, dikes, and windmills (to pump water out) were constructed. Canals are prominent features of the landscape. The country experiences cool summers and moderate winters. It’s often breezy, especially in the winters and along the coast. Rain falls throughout the year, but April-September is usually drier.
N IS FOR NOODLES!Use Your Noodle Facts:
- The origin of noodles is Chinese, and the earliest written record of noodles is found in a book dated to the Eastern Han period (25–220)
- Pasta has taken on a variety of shapes, often based on regional specializations.
- Made of wheat, rice, buckwheat, nut-flour, and a variety of vegetables.
Types of Noodles:
- Baked noodles: Boiled and drained noodles are combined with other ingredients and baked.
- Basic noodles: These are cooked in water or broth, then drained. The noodles can be served plain, with a dipping sauce, or oil to be added at the table. In general, noodles are soft and absorb flavors.
- Chilled noodles: Noodles that are served cold, sometimes in a salad.
- Fried noodles: Dishes made of noodles stir fried with various meats, seafood, vegetables, and dairy products.
- Noodle soup: Noodles served in broth.
Some of my favorite noodle recipes:
- Chicken noodle casserole is an easy meal for any night of the week.
- Satisfy the pickiest of eaters with easy rainbow pasta
- Easy cheesy chicken spaghetti is sure to make your kids happy, when they are hungry.
- For a lighter, healthier option, check out our lean lo mein.
More Letter N Words and Resources For Alphabet Learning
- More Letter N learning ideas
- ABC games has a bunch of playful alphabet learning ideas
- Let’s read from the letter N book list
- Learn how to make a bubble letter N
- Practice tracing with this preschool and Kindergarten letter N worksheet
- Easy letter N craft for kids
Can you think of more examples for words that start with the letter N? Share some of your favorites below!
1235 concepts of psychology, career, employment, education.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | M | P | S | T | V |
A | B | B | G | D | E | F | Z | and | K | L | M | H | O | P | R | C | T | W | F | X | C | H | W | E | Yu | I |
Skills (Habit, Practice, Skills) motor, sensory and mental actions brought to automatism through repeated repetition of exercises. Depending on what actions are automated, different types of skills are distinguished: • As a result of the automation of muscle actions, motor (motor) skills arise: typing on the keyboard, playing the piano, etc. • in relation to mental activity, there are intellectual communication skills (communication skills), writing skills, presentation skills, management skills, etc.
Job Title (Job Title) , an essential element of the job, in many cases giving an idea of the work to be done, often reflects the status and prestige of this position. Usually, if the question of the job title is very important for the candidate, and the candidate is interesting to the company, this is solved easily and simply.
Funded pensions Tax consultant, the profession "tax consultant" appeared in Russia in 2000. Only persons who have received a qualification certificate from the Chamber of Tax Consultants are entitled to work as a tax consultant. Steps of an NK career in a large consulting company: 1. Trainee / Junior (Assistant). 2. Consultant / Consultant. 3. Senior consultant. 4. Manager (project manager) / Manager (Project manager). 5. Partner (Head of the department).
Tax threshold , the amount of income not taxed. In the income tax system, individuals do not pay tax on income equal to the established minimum.
Guided reading, a method of learning where the company develops a reading program, provides the employee with literature, and organizes regular consultations with the teacher, where the material read and its application in the company's work are discussed.
Mentoring, a type of job preparation that keeps the employee engaged with the support of an experienced mentor, which encourages learning of the job in practice and in a wide range.
Benefits in kind (in-kind benefits)
Non-verbal sign, non-verbal, non-linguistic; non-verbal communication is communication without a single word.
Non-material motivation, motivation system, formed from the following components: social policy, corporate culture, communication, competition. These elements are so closely related that it is often difficult to separate them.
Non-monetary remuneration, a system of decent evaluation of the work of each employee and staff in general, types of moral encouragement, public recognition of labor contribution. This is the key point of the social environment, in which the intertwining social status, personal and group interests of employees, the possibility of satisfying their various needs with the main goals of the organization are joined. When using this type of remuneration in an organization, the presence of non-material incentives, including moral incentives, such as incentives for free time and organizational incentives, becomes relevant.
Irregular working hours, a condition of the employment contract, according to which the employee undertakes, if necessary, to work in excess of the standard working hours.
Incomplete higher vocational education, education of persons who have not completed their studies in the basic educational program of higher vocational education, but have successfully passed intermediate certification (for at least 2 years of study). These persons are not issued diplomas, but academic certificates of the established form.
Continuous education, the process of growth of the educational (general and professional) potential of the individual throughout life, organizationally supported by a system of state and public institutions and corresponding to the needs of the individual and society. The need for it is due to the progress of science and technology, the widespread use of innovative technologies, the trend of transition from a reactive approach to education to a proactive approach. According to some estimates, the average annual growth rate of new knowledge is 4-6%. This means that a specialist should receive about 50% of professional knowledge after graduation. The amount of time required to update (renovate) professional knowledge for specialists with higher education is 28% of the total amount of time that an employee has during the entire working period. BUT becomes an important factor in the competitiveness of a specialist in the labor market. From this point of view, business education is in a special position compared to other areas of education. The strengthening of professional dynamics leads to the fact that more and more specialists (engineers, scientists - both naturalists and humanitarians) go to work in business and, therefore, need professional retraining.
Networks, groups of friends, acquaintances and colleagues, both inside and outside the workplace, who can be called upon to help and support.
Descending career, moving to a lower level of the structural hierarchy, which an employee can consciously take in a number of situations, for example, when he refuses a managerial position due to a desire to concentrate his efforts on a certain professional interest; in case of a real alternative to be fired; if you do not want to change your geographical location (while moving to another district or city is a prerequisite for career growth), etc.
Non-conformism, the desire to necessarily act contrary to the position of the ruling majority, at any cost and in all cases to assert the opposite point of view.
Norm, social norm (from lat. "norma" ), measure; management; rule, law; exemplar, and means a generally accepted (but often unspoken) standard of behavior that is considered appropriate in a given group. Prohibiting norms are also called negative, while prescriptive norms are called positive.
Normative culture of management, a set of principles, values, norms of management activity. It can influence informal norms, traditions, decision-making in the management process. The totality of these types of norms and values determines the content of normative management, which is divided into three levels: 1) operational management; guided by the questions of “how” and “what” can be managed; 2) strategic management; guided by the norms of "what" and "when"; 3) the actual regulatory management; guided by the questions "why" and "for what".
Regular working day, a working day whose duration is set in a predetermined number of working hours. Distinguish between normal, incomplete, reduced and preferential NSD.
Nostrification of diplomas, recognition of a diploma from a foreign educational institution. In 1997, at the initiative of UNESCO, the “Convention on the Approximation of Education Systems” (the so-called “Lisbon Convention”) was developed. According to the convention, the assessment of a specific higher education institution is introduced as the main parameter of nostrification. Along with the diploma, nostrification is automatically carried out by a scientific degree, the right to professional practice, etc. As a rule, this is a paid service. In order to recognize a diploma or scientific title obtained in another country, it is necessary to submit an appropriate application to the secretariat of the dean's office of the university with the attached documents. The decision on ND is made by the dean of the relevant faculty. The candidate may be required to pass missing exams or scientific work. At the same time, the terms are stipulated and the candidate is enrolled in the university as a correspondence student.
Know-how (“I know how...” or know how to do it) , the totality of knowledge and scientific, production or other experience applied in the activities of the enterprise, professional work, which have not yet become, are not universal property. The concept has a broad content, covers all kinds of information necessary for effective activity.
Newsmaker (“newsmaker” - making news) , figure (of interest to the media, giving “content” for news), person or company, in the field of science, economics, entrepreneurship and in other areas, having a significant impact on the course social and political events.
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Learning letters in action!: Letter H
The letter H denotes a consonant sound: hard [H] and soft [H ']. This is a ringing sound.
Words beginning with N nature, nectar, impossible, beginning, nostrils, low, nail...
The letter H in the middle of the word : lollipop, car, pomegranate, hay, bow, sauna, Vanya, wave, dwarf, melon, raccoon, laziness, pony, angel, fable, bank, cherry, race, wave, grain, book, canvas, minute, autumn, song, market, seal, young man, England, grandson, nest, crown, money...
The letter H at the end of the word lemon, ram, ataman, ram, sofa, boar, clown, deceit, organ, season, slope, herd, coupon, volcano, trap...
Several letters H in the word : orangutan, scissors, fountain, nanny, piano, announcement, manna, sore throat, name...
How to write a capital letter H?
Here is the letter H - easy to remember
Two sticks of equal height.
And one crossbar
In the middle is visible to everyone.
Stick, stick, belt
The letter H as a walkway.
/ you can draw this letter in the air or on the call /
For phonemic perception of the letter H, play the game "Aquarium" (described earlier with the letter A), or jump - if the sound H is at the beginning, jump forward, if at the end - back, if in the middle - in place. My son loves this option! :)
Poems about the letter H (here, here)
N - stretched mesh,
The mesh is held very tightly.
Come to our yard,
Let's play volleyball!
We will take a pencil in our palms,
C N we will write "Nose" and "Legs".
The night has come, you need to sleep -
The letter H is needed again.
I've known the letter H for a long time -
Since childhood, I've been told: "But, but!"
And he has grown up, now in response
I often hear the word: "No!"
"I don't want to!" And mom: "It is necessary!"
In general, we don't get along with the letter H.
Erase H from the alphabet,
But my name is Nikita...
Riddles about the letter H (here, here)
Two bare feet
Walk along the path,
Run and jump,
Yes, they jerk each other.
Will be captured by boots,
Will turn into a letter ....
In rain and in hot weather
The pump pumps water to us.
Quality, quality! Kach-kach!
Wash my hands, wash the ball,
So that the pump does not get bored,
And pumped, pumped, pumped!
He pumped water to everyone,
Turned into a letter ....
Tumbler Nastya
Adversity is not terrible,
Tears will not shed -
He will fall, so he will rise,
And he prefers everyone
The letter of the alphabet ...
Rhino found a sock,
But he could not put it on.
He was captured to the toe
In the picture with the letter ...
Patter with the letter H (here)
The mink is definitely needed,
For a taxi to be served to the mink.
It's clear - in a mink coat
No one will walk.
On the shallows of the river we came across a burbot.
Images of the letter H
(taken here)
Tale about the letter H (here)
The letter H lived in the Alphabet immediately after the letter M. It was the most incomprehensible letter of the Alphabet, the most protesting. Her favorite word was "no". No matter what they asked her, she always said no! It was her nature, she simply could not and did not know how to do it differently. Because of this, she very often got into different stories and suffered.
She was asked:
– Letter N, do you want candy?
- No! - said the letter H, - but she really, really wanted them.
She was asked:
– Would you like some ice cream?
- No! - the letter H said again, and almost cried, because she really wanted ice cream.
And all the letters thought that she was doing it on purpose. And she, poor thing, didn't know just how to say yes. And she really didn't know how to do it. What was left for her?
And then one day the letter H went for a walk and met on a walk ... Whom do you think? She met the letter "D" - her opposite, who all the time said only "yes" and did not know how to say "no".
Are you sick? they asked her.
“Yes,” answered the letter D, “although in fact she was healthy.
– So you can't eat the cake?
“Yes,” the letter D sighed again and was left without a birthday cake.
And they met, so different, but with the same problem. And they began to think how they could get out of this trouble of theirs. How can the letter H learn to say "YES" and the letter "D" learn to say "NO".
They walked, walked, talked to each other and became very friendly. And when someone becomes very friendly, then their thoughts with each other also begin to be friends. And words too. And so it happened that the letter H became a little softer, and the letter D became firmer in its character. And they exchanged words and thoughts, or rather shared with each other.
And so they approached the ice cream vendor. And it was so hot! And I wanted ice cream!
– Would you like ice cream? – the seller asked the letter N.
– No! she said out of habit. And then she suddenly added:
- No, I mean not a lot, but only one, I will! Will! - and with great joy she took the ice cream.
Is that all? Do you have enough? You won't buy ice cream anymore? – the seller asked the letter D.
– Yes! she answered, and then added:
– Yes, I mean, that's enough for her, and I need another ice cream! Will!
And they, our letters, laughed joyfully, they recognized themselves in each other. And when you see yourself from the outside, it is much easier for you to understand yourself and it is also easier to correct your bad habits. The easiest way is not alone, but with friends! And since then, the letter H has always tried to remember the letter D, and before starting to protest and shout “no, I don’t want to!”, She thought about her opposite, and she felt funny at herself, and she stopped resisting. Since then, the life of the letter H has become much easier and she began to smile and laugh more often, and slowly made friends with all the letters.