What is creative activities
The World's Fastest Dictionary | Vocabulary.com
creative activity the human act of creating
creativity the ability to bring something into existence
creatively in a creative manner
Great Revolt a widespread rebellion in 1381 against poll taxes and other inequities that oppressed the poorer people of England; suppressed by Richard II
creative thinker an important intellectual
great millet important for human and animal food
creative having the ability or power to invent or make something
credulity tendency to believe readily
great bellied having a prominent belly
creatine phosphate an organic compound of creatine and phosphoric acid
great deal (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent
gratified having received what was desired
creativeness the ability to create
individuality the quality of being a single thing or person
electric outlet receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices
crisphead lettuce lettuce with crisp tightly packed light-green leaves in a firm head
Great Divide that part of the continental divide formed by the Rocky Mountains in the United States
thortveitite a mineral consisting of scandium yttrium silicate
Great Falls a town in central Montana on the Missouri river
Great Rift Valley a depression in southwestern Asia and eastern Africa
Creative play & activities for children
Creative activities: why they’re important for school-age learning and development
School-age children usually take a keen interest in creative activities. This is great because creative activities like drama, singing, dancing, art and craft help school-age children:
- develop creativity and imagination
- build confidence
- express emotions, thoughts and ideas in verbal and non-verbal ways
- learn about the world from someone else’s point of view
- practise decision-making, problem-solving and critical thinking
- practise and improve social skills
- develop physical and motor skills.
Encouraging school-age children to enjoy creative activities
You can encourage creative activity by giving your child free time to play and stepping back from your child’s play. Even boredom can encourage children to be creative. So can relaxation – for example, lying on the grass and watching the clouds change their shape.
It’s important for your child to enjoy and think about the process of creating things. You can help this happen by encouraging your child to share artworks and creative activities with you and your family. It’s always best to check with your child before sharing their artwork with other people, especially on social media.
When your child is creating something, it’s good for them to keep experimenting and changing their artworks until they feel they’re finished.
You can encourage this by:
- asking about their process – for example, ‘Tell me how you attached the wheels to the bus’
- suggesting ways to experiment – for example, ‘Show me how many sounds you can make with the drum’
- being available to help if they need it – for example, ‘I can hold that shape while you paint around it’.
If you can give your child a workspace or storage box for their unfinished projects, that’s great too.
Whatever artwork your child comes up with, you can encourage their effort with plenty of descriptive praise. For example, ‘I like the rhyming words in your song’. This is great for your child’s confidence.
Some children are more interested in creative activities than others, so you can’t really ‘teach’ your child to enjoy these creative activities.
But you can pass on a positive attitude to them.
It’s good to include some ‘art appreciation’ in your child’s life. Why not visit a local art exhibition or see a multicultural or Aboriginal dance or theatre performance together and talk about your favourite parts?
Art and craft: creative activities for school-age children
At this age, children have a solid understanding of colour, shapes, patterns and details. Where your child used to draw scribbles and squiggles for trees and flowers, now you can see leaves, branches, trunks and petals.
School-age children are also figuring out different ways to make things – they don’t need parts pre-made for them. For example, they might draw and cut out wings for a craft butterfly, or they might make wings from scrap paper and leaves. Younger school-age children might still need your help to get started.
Here are some ideas for creative art and craft activities:
- Get your child to build and decorate a cubby house out of cardboard boxes or natural materials like tree branches.
- Play with textured paint. Encourage your child to add sand, dirt or sawdust to paint and use this to decorate boxes or make paintings.
- Make invisible ink out of a mixture of lemon juice and water. Your child can write a secret message with the ink. When it’s dry, they can hold the paper up to the light and see the message reappear.
- Find a large cardboard box and see what your child can come up with. It could become a robot costume, plane, puppet theatre and so on.
- Combine drawing, painting or clay-making with digital media. For example, make a clay model or a sculpture out of sticks and take photographs of it. Your child can use these photographs to make up a story.
- Go on a nature walk and take nature photographs. Create a story, photo album or map with the photos using an app or a software program.
- Create digital artwork using software programs or apps.
Creative writing is a great way for your child to express emotions and explore ideas. For example, your child might make up new words or riddles, write and illustrate a family story book, write a script for their favourite TV show, or start a journal or blog about their favourite subjects or activities.
Drama: creative activities for school-age children
School-age children often make up and act out their own stories using simple props. Sometimes they act out events from daily life, movies and TV shows. Or you might notice your child acting out the lyrics as they listen to music or watch music videos. Also, children might act out roles like a caring vet or a police officer.
These dramatic activities give children the chance to work out real-life problems, like what to do when a person or a pet is sick or someone is angry. They also encourage children to see the world from someone else’s point of view, which helps to build empathy.
Here are some ideas to get your child involved in dramatic creative activities:
- Start a dress-up box.
Use old clothes or buy simple props like cooking utensils from op shops.
- Make simple puppets and put on a puppet show.
- Take turns making up a story. You could begin with a simple situation and take turns saying what happens next. The longer the game continues, the more imaginative the story can be. If you need help to get started, you could try roll-a-story.
- Video a play or performance. Your child could write the script and make the costumes, then video themselves using a smartphone or camera. They can edit and add special effects with software or apps.
- Play games that involve guessing and acting, like charades and Pictionary. Your child could also make up their own set of flashcards with words to act out or draw.
Diversity in play is good for children. It helps children learn about people from diverse backgrounds, avoid stereotypes and understand equality. For example, you could encourage children of all genders to dress up as nurses or builders. Or choose stories or songs from diverse cultures or languages.
Music, sound, movement and dance: creative activities for school-age children
Your child might enjoy making music, either copying songs they know or making up their own. Your child might also be keen to experiment with volume, echo, rhythm, tempo and pitch. And they might be ready to use musical symbols and notes to learn how to play a piece of music.
Also, at this age, children can often control and move their bodies in expressive ways. You’ll probably see your child moving more in time with music. Or your child might start making up dance sequences to popular music or songs.
Here are some ways for your child to get creative with music, sound, movement and dance:
- Let your child play or make sounds using bought instruments or instruments you already own. Encourage your child to try different volumes, tempos and rhythms, or copy the way you play.
- Listen to the musical pieces Peter and the wolf and The carnival of the animals, which use different instruments to represent different animals. Guess what animal the music represents, copy the sounds and make up movements to go with the music.
- Encourage your child to hum a favourite song, and try to guess what they’re humming. You can have a go too.
- Use body percussion with singing. You and your child can tap your shoulders, knees or elbows to the beat of a song.
- Play with music apps that allow your child to make songs and beats using the sounds of different instruments.
- Dance to different rhythms and music. Or make up dance sequences about people, animals, machines, plants – whatever interests your child. Your child can teach you some dance moves too.
If your child wants to learn a musical instrument, encourage them to listen to a range of instruments and musical styles so they can work out what interests them the most. For example, play orchestral music, electronic music and popular bands. Or go to see different live music acts at a local festival.
Creative activities for children with diverse abilities
You can adapt creative activities to suit school-age children with diverse abilities. For example, if your child:
- needs help with creative play skills, you could model simple actions – for example, show your child how to growl like a monster or bang a drum, or break down the activity into easier steps or use written or picture instructions to help your child understand what to do
- has sensory sensitivities, give your child tools to touch things like playdough, play music more quietly or introduce new textures and colours slowly
- has vision impairment or fine motor difficulties, use larger materials and tools – for example, make collages with large oak leafs instead of petals, or use chunky crayons instead of pencils
- has a lot of energy, encourage bigger movements like jumping, swaying arms, stretching, crouching or shaking
- has limited mobility, collect play materials for your child and put them within easy reach.
What is creative activity?
A study by the World Economic Forum has shown that by 2025 more than 85 million jobs in medium and large enterprises will be filled by robots. They will replace low-skilled workers, and creative work will become even more in demand. The WEF predicts more than 97 million new jobs in emerging sectors of the economy: nursing, technology, artificial intelligence and content creation. To work in these areas, you need a profession based on creative activity. We talk about creative activity, its signs and types in the material. We also talk about where to go to work in the next 30 years.
Concept of creative activity
What is creative activity? "Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary" defines it as a work that creates something new that was not there before. For example, a new result, means to achieve this result, or a new task. These goals are achieved by combining existing skills, abilities and methods.
Creative work is any kind of human activity that changes nature and social reality depending on its needs. Creativity is characterized by unpredictability and, to a greater extent, by the absence of clear regulations.
Art. 44 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen has the right to freedom of any creativity, and its results - intellectual property - are protected by law.
Signs of the creative process
The Soviet scientist and educator Mark Potashnik in his book "How to Develop Pedagogical Creativity" singled out the main features of creative activity:
An article in the International Journal of Experimental Education defines the conditions for the creative nature of labor, these are:
- a situation of incompleteness or discovery
- encouraging curiosity
- testing hypotheses, developing methods, and selecting tools for work
- encouragement to make independent decisions and responsibility
- emphasis on independent work: observation, experiment, generalizations, comparisons and conclusions
Varieties of creative activity
What is creativity?
Soviet psychologist, member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Sergei Rubinshtein in the textbook "Fundamentals of General Psychology" identifies several types of creativity (practical and spiritual activities):
Let's talk in more detail about some of them.
Artistic creativity
This is the creation of new aesthetic values and works of art. Includes sculpture, painting, graphics, photography and architecture.
A multi-component type of creativity, because it can include other types of creativity: music, literature, acting, and even scientific creativity, if we are talking about popular science films.
Scientific creativity
Work to identify the laws of the surrounding reality and create something new and useful for people. The process includes the formulation of theories and principles, the creation of models and technologies. The process of scientific creativity is more regulated in comparison with cinematography or artistic creativity. The scientific community has developed methods of scientific knowledge and methods of scientific research, which are followed by scientists around the world.
Production and technical creativity
This type of creative activity is aimed at creating devices that solve some human problems. Such creativity consists of design, prototyping and mass production.
Social creativity
Creativity aimed at interaction between people, changing society and personal development. These are teaching, psychology, counseling and social work.
How to make money in a creative profession
Recall that in the material we consider creativity in a broad sense, as any creative human activity. But in order to make good money, you need to choose a creative profession that will be in demand in society for the next couple of decades.
Choose a profession in a promising field of activity
According to UNESCO, the creative economy accounts for 3% of global GDP. The organization called it one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world. In 2021, media company Influencer Marketing Hub estimated the creative economy market at $104.2 billion. The head of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Alexei Kudrin, assured that there will be a great demand for specialists in the field of creative economy "in the coming decades."
The creative industry is a profession at the intersection of art, culture, business and technology. It includes many creative activities. According to the classification of the UN General Assembly, UNCTAD Creative Industry includes:
- Cinema, video and photo
- Television and radio
- Music
- Design
- Picture
- on Iznative Art.
- performing and theater arts
- museums, galleries and creative clusters
- crafts
- publishing
Join the “creator economy”
The “creator economy” is the population of social media influencers, bloggers, and influencers who create content on digital platforms. Artificial intelligence recruiting platform Signalfire estimated that more than 50 million people are currently employed in this field.
In 2021, Influencer Marketing Hub estimated the value of influencer marketing in the creative economy at $13.8 billion. According to the company, 46% of creators who monetize content and build an audience for more than 4 years earn more than $20,000 per year.
What platforms allow creators to promote and monetize content?
- photo editing applications (Canva, Snappa, VSCO) video editing applications (Invideo, Kapwing)
- Podcast services (RedCircle, Anchor, PodBean)
- Media platforms and social networks with video content (YouTube, TikTok, Twitch)
- Crowdfunding platforms (Patreon, Music Music Starsona, Karat) , Soundcloud, Splice)
Invest in a promising field of activity
UNESCO noted that the pandemic has accelerated the growth of digitalization and the development of digital art. You can read more about digital art in this material, where we tell you what types of digital works are, who owns the exclusive rights to such works, and how to protect art from copying and plagiarism.
The accelerated transition to online becomes a booster for the growth of the influencer marketing sector or the “creator economy”. Influencer Marketing Hub estimated that since October 2020, $800 million in venture capital has been invested in creative economy startups and these numbers will only grow every year.
Creative activity is much broader and includes all human creative activity. She has only three main features and many varieties. There are many options for earning money on creative activities, one of them is to choose a profession in the creative industry. You can become part of the emerging “creator economy” or invest in the emerging influencer marketing sector. General trends in the creative industry market: digitalization and transition to online.
Creative activities
Creativity is what distinguishes human activity from the mechanical and soulless activity of machines. If the latter are conceived to fulfill a certain program that does not allow deviation from it, then the ability to create new or improve existing achievements, relying not only on intellectual achievements, but also on sensory sensations and approaching the solution of the issue from an unexpected angle, characterizes a person.
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Creative activity - what is it?
The form of human activity aimed at creating a qualitatively new product is called creativity. The result of the creative process is an original solution or the "birth" of a new product, through the establishment of non-standard relationships and relationships, passed through the inner world of the creator and found their reflection there.
A necessary condition for creativity are:
- flexibility of thinking - the ability to offer a variety of ways to solve a problem;
- criticality – the ability to reasonably assess one's own capabilities and results of work;
- integrity perception and prediction of outcomes.
The makings of creative abilities are present in every person. You just need to be able to see and develop them. They can range from bright and prominent global talents to subtle successes. But the essence of creativity is the same for everyone. Only the modes of expression, the level of achievement and its social significance differ.
What are the types of creative activity
Despite the fact that a person is able to create in any field of activity, in the generally accepted sense, the meaning of the word "creativity" is still understood, as art - the creation of artistic images using different ways of expressing them . In the modern world, these methods are divided into three groups:
- the first includes those that are perceived visually. This is a fine arts and crafts;
- second - ways of expressing a long-term character - fiction and music;
- the third group includes spatio-temporal modes of expression - it is theatrical, circus and film art.
The Latin word "art", which translates as "art" until the 16th century, had the meaning of high quality work, and not creative activity.
Artistic (pictorial) activity
Pictorial activity is the art of displaying images. It expresses the artist's thoughts, feelings and fantasies, as well as the world around him. Includes:
- sculpture - creation of three-dimensional works:
- painting — by imprinting visual images;
- graphics — use of black and white or colored lines, strokes, spots and dots as visual aids;
- photographic art — creation of photographs reflecting the artistic vision of the surrounding world;
- architecture — the art of creating structures that, in addition to their functional purpose, have an aesthetic or cultural component.
Along with the external design of buildings, it can be the design and decoration of the internal space.
The separation of artistic activity as a type of creativity, which later assigned the concept of “art” to it, is attributed to the works of Leon Battista Albertie, who extolled the primacy of the intellectual components of artistic talent, and not manual labor. Michelangelo Buonarroti is considered the first artist to separate creative activity from handicraft.
Musical creativity is defined as the art of composing sounds that affects the emotional background of a person.
It is inseparable from performing activity. Despite the fact that the creation of new works is available to a much smaller number of musicians, talented performers also carry out creative activities, introducing their own style and vision of works into performance, and like great composers, they are world famous and revered for talent.
The influence of musical creativity on a person is enormous! This is probably the only kind of art that does not require reflection from the listener. You can simply immerse yourself in music by “disconnecting” from the outside world and experiencing its healing effect on yourself.
Only in the 20th century, thanks to the technical means of sound reproduction, music became a popular pleasure. Now you can listen to it anytime, anywhere. Until this period, musical works were performed only in live sound and in designated places, so for most people this was not available.
Literature is a form of creativity in which the author conveys ideas through words. It is with words that the writer paints like an artist.
However, writing is inseparable from reading, because only with the help of read books is formed the perception of works, their rethinking, as well as evaluation in terms of plot and aesthetic component.
Reading enriches the writer's vocabulary, his experience and promotes cultural, spiritual and moral development. In the future, relying on this base, and having in front of him artistic samples created by the world's greatest writers, he will write his works.
The greatest Russian writer is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who is considered the father of native Russian literature, who did not accept Western influence. The poet had a unique style of presentation of thoughts, allowing him to touch on all aspects of the Russian language.
The most popular type of contemporary art, due to its high versatility. Any kind of art can be filmed, making it more interesting for perception, for example, by combining several artistic expressions in one work: music, painting, literature. Theatrical performances, feature and popular science films, ballet - all this can be conveyed to the viewer through cinema.
Filmmaking is a separate world based on the American Dream Factory Hollywood . In addition to it, in every civilized country there are firms for the production of film products.
The issue of artistic evaluation of films is decided at film festivals. The most famous among them are:
- Cannes;
- Venetian;
- Berlin;
- Moscow.
Film awards are also awarded to the most highly rated films:
- Oscar;
- Golden Globe;
- Saturn.
Arts and crafts
Arts and crafts are classified as fine arts. It is characterized by the production of a product that has both a functional and an artistic component, which distinguishes it from works of fine art that have only an aesthetic orientation.
items of folk crafts, combining household orientation and artistic design, are the brightest representatives of this type of art. Along with the fulfillment of their immediate tasks, such things serve to decorate the interior of the home.
The most famous examples of Russian arts and crafts are the products of the following masters:
Why is it vital for a person to engage in creative activity
Creative activity is a great way to distract from reality, an opportunity to restore the emotional background and collect thoughts.
Learn more