What is lower case letters
Lower-case letters Definition & Meaning
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“Small letters”; letters of the alphabet that are not capital letters or upper-case letters.
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Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Words nearby lower-case letters
Lower Burrell, Lower California, Lower Canada, Lower Canada Rebellion, lowercase, lower-case letters, lower chamber, Lower Chinook, lower class, lowerclassman, lower criticism
The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
What are
lowercase letters?Lowercase letters are the shorter, smaller versions of letters (like w), as opposed to the bigger, taller versions (like W), which are called uppercase letters or capital letters.
The adjective lowercase can also be used as a noun meaning the same thing as lowercase letter, though this is much less commonly used. The adjective uppercase can also be used as a noun in this way. As an adjective, uppercase means the same thing as capital, and uppercase letters can also be called capitals.
Some lowercase letters are just shorter, smaller versions of their uppercase counterparts (like lowercase w and uppercase W or lowercase c and uppercase C), but in many cases the two versions of the letter take different forms altogether, such as lowercase a and uppercase A or lowercase b and uppercase B.
To capitalize a word is to make its first letter a capital or uppercase letter. The word uppercase can be used as a verb to mean the same thing. The word lowercase can be used as a verb meaning to make a letter lowercase. For example, to lowercase the word Polish (which is here spelled with an uppercase p), you would write it with a lowercase P, as polish.
In English, uppercase letters are used at the beginning of words for a few different reasons. It is considered a standard rule of English to use an uppercase letter to start proper nouns (which are nouns that refer to specific people, places, or things—meaning one’s that have specific names), such as Jess, Mexico, and Nintendo. Using an uppercase or lowercase letter at the start of a word can change the way the reader interprets its meaning, as in the case of polish (a verb meaning to make something shinier) and
Polish (an adjective describing someone from Poland) or apple (the fruit) and Apple (the company).
We also use an uppercase letter for the first letter of the first word in a sentence. Sometimes, we use an uppercase letter for the first letter of each word in a title, as in To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. This is sometimes called title case.
Some acronyms and abbreviations are written using all uppercase letters, such as NASA and U.S. A word written entirely in uppercase letters (like WHAT) is said to be written in caps or all caps.
Using lowercase letters in any of these cases typically indicates that the communication is casual or informal, such as in text messages or online posts.
Example: A lot of people exclusively use lowercase letters in text messages unless they want to emphasize something.
Where does
lowercase letter come from?The term lowercase letter has been used since at least the 1680s. The words uppercase and lowercase come from printing. The process of physically printing things with printing presses involved trays, called cases, that were divided into compartments for holding different kinds of type (blocks with letters on them). The upper case held capital letters and the lower case held what came to be known as lowercase letters.
It can be confusing to know whether to use uppercase or lowercase letters in certain situations, but a capitalization guide can help.
Did you know ... ?
What are some other forms related to lowercase letter?
- lower-case letter (alternate hyphenated spelling)
- lower case letter (alternate two-word spelling)
What are some synonyms for lowercase letter?
- lowercase (when lowercase is used as a noun)
What are some words that share a root or word element with lowercase letter?
- lowercase
- uppercase
- uppercase letter
- letter
What are some words that often get used in discussing lowercase letter?
- capital letter
- capital
- capitalization
- spelling
- first
- word
- sentence
- title
How are
lowercase letters used in real life?In most contexts, the majority of letters in a text are lowercase letters. Uppercase letters are used in the beginning of names and other proper nouns, at the beginning of sentences, at the beginning of words in titles, and in some abbreviations. Informal communication like text messages and online posts are sometimes written entirely in lowercase letters.
A capital letter in my code where there was supposed to be a lowercase letter just drove me insane for four hours because I didn't see it.
— Kyle Roth (@jkroth2987) October 22, 2015
Identifying and matching uppercase and lowercase letters using these colorful underwater themed cards. Games make learning fun! 🐟 🐠 #IslipENL #LearningIsFun @WingElemIslip pic.twitter.com/QjUSLvuZ57
— Jaclyn Brady (@JaclynBrady17) February 5, 2021
i got a new phone and my new keyboard doesn’t know that i only use lowercase letters so now all my texts are being autocorrected into formal work emails
— noor body, noor crime (@abnoormality) January 17, 2019
Try using
lowercase letters!Which of the following letters is a lowercase letter?
A. e
B. h
C. r
D. all of the above
How to use lower-case letters in a sentence
Certain features of its history suggest why this may be the case.
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And, in the case of fluoride, at least, that doubt might actually be justified.
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Her latest book, Heretic: The Case for a Muslim Reformation, will be published in April by HarperCollins.
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Their friendship began when Krauss, who was chairman of the physics department at Case Western in Cleveland, sought out Epstein.
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A grand juror in the Ferguson case is suing to be able to explain exactly what went down in the courtroom.
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The case was an assault and battery that came off between two men named Brown and Henderson.
The Book of Anecdotes and Budget of Fun;|Various
In this case, I suspect, there was co-operant a strongly marked childish characteristic, the love of producing an effect.
Children's Ways|James Sully
On the upper part of the stem the whorls are very close together, but they are more widely separated at the lower portion.
How to Know the Ferns|S. Leonard Bastin
Sometimes in the case of large plants, cones have been known to occur on the tips of the branches of the Marsh Horsetail.
How to Know the Ferns|S. Leonard Bastin
As a rule, however, even in the case of extreme varieties, a careful examination of the specimen will enable it to be identified.
How to Know the Ferns|S. Leonard Bastin
What Are Lowercase, Uppercase Letters?
Lowercase letter definition: Lowercase letters are all other letters not in uppercase.
Uppercase letter definition: Uppercase letters are letters that represent the beginning of a sentence or a proper noun.
What are Lowercase Letters?
In writing, most letters are lowercase. Lowercase letters are all letters that do not begin a sentence or refer to a proper noun.
English alphabet lowercase letters: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z.
Examples of Lowercase Letters:
- word
- The word above uses only lowercase letters.
- The sentence above has lowercase letters after the first letter of the sentence.
- This sentence and the one directly above have all lowercase letters except for the “T.”
What are Uppercase Letters?
Uppercase letters are also known as capital letters. Uppercase letters signal to the reader that something is important or significant.
English alphabet uppercase letters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.
Examples of Uppercase Letters:
- Jones
- This is a proper name, so the first letter of the title and the last name are capitalized
- Main Street
- This is a proper noun so the first letter of each word is capitalized
When to Use Uppercase Letters
In English, the first letter of every sentence is capitalized. The uppercase letter signals to the reader that a new sentence is beginning.
Other uses of uppercase letters are detailed below.
TitlesAll titles are considered proper nouns and require capitalization.
- Miss Mabry
- Incorrect: miss mabry
- Mathers
- Incorrect: mr. mathers
- Madam Lockfield
- Incorrect: madam lockfield
- Lady Grace
- Incorrect: lady grace
- Janks
- Incorect: mrs. janks
Acronyms are a type of abbreviation. Acronyms are words formed from other letters to make a new word. However, they require capital letters to signal to the reader that those letters stand for something and are not a word alone.
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
- Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
All proper nouns need to be capitalized.
- We visited the Bowers Museum on Saturday.
- Incorrect: We visited the bowers museum on Saturday.
- I would like to tour the Eiffel Tower.
- Incorrect: I would like to tour the eiffel tower.
- Their names are Jake and Suzy.
- Incorrect: Their names are jake and suzy.
When to Use Lowercase Letters
Use lowercase letters for all letters other than the first in a sentence, provided that there is no required use for uppercase letters in the sentence.
- Every word in this sentence other than the first word is written in lowercase.
- The only words in this sentence that require uppercase letters are the proper nouns, London and Paris.
All nouns that are not proper nouns are called common nouns. All common nouns use lowercase letters (unless a common noun begins a sentence).
- tree
- dog
- bird
- water
- air
- star
- street
- girl
- baby
Define lowercase letters: lowercase letters are those letters used for common nouns and internal words.
Define uppercase letters: uppercase letters (also called capital letters) are those letters that signify the beginning of a sentence or a proper noun.
In summary,
- Uppercase and lowercase letters refer to all letters used to compose the English language.
- Uppercase letters are used to begin sentences and are also used for proper nouns.
- Lowercase letters are all letters that do not begin sentences.
- 1 What are Lowercase Letters?
- 2 What are Uppercase Letters?
- 3 When to Use Uppercase Letters
- 3.1 Titles
- 3.2 Acronyms
- 3.3 All Proper Nouns
- 4 When to Use Lowercase Letters
- 5 Summary
Which is correct: lowercase letters or lowercase letters?
What is correct: lowercase letters or lowercase letters?
Which is correct: lowercase letters or lowercase letters? - Radio Sputnik, 01/20/2020
Which is correct: lowercase letters or lowercase letters?
In everyday life we usually talk about writing letters "large and small letters". Linguists use the words "capital" and... Radio Sputnik, 01/20/2020
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Which is correct: lower case or lower case?
In everyday life, we usually talk about writing letters in large and small letters. Linguists, on the other hand, use the words uppercase and lowercase to designate the styles of letters in writing. Uppercase letters are large and lowercase letters are small. And what about the letters - uppercase and lowercase - large or small? Letter height. An uppercase letter differs from a lowercase letter in greater height, an uppercase letter is higher. You have already heard the accent with which I pronounce the word lower case, with the emphasis on the last syllable. It is with such an accent on the last syllable - a lowercase letter - that it is recommended to pronounce this word in strict speech. A capital letter is immediately visible in the text - it highlights the word, elevates it, and not only in the literal sense, but also figuratively. Therefore, capital letters also have a special stylistic use - we write the pronouns "You", "Your" with a capital letter, expressing a courteous, polite attitude when referring to a specific person. There are also common words that can be capitalized. We write the words Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland, Teacher, Good, Man with a capital letter in texts where we use these words in a special high sense. Such a special use of capital letters is reflected in the turnover with a capital letter - this is how we talk about someone, something worthy of the highest appreciation, admiration. Yakov Karlovich Grot, Russian linguist 19century, in the book "Russian Spelling" he wrote: Large letters constitute, in fact, the luxury of writing.
Affordable and necessary luxury.
Which is correct: lowercase or lowercase?
In everyday life, we usually talk about writing letters in large and small letters. Linguists, on the other hand, use the words uppercase and lowercase to designate the styles of letters in writing. Uppercase letters are large and lowercase letters are small. And what about the letters - uppercase and lowercase - large or small? Letter height. An uppercase letter differs from a lowercase letter in greater height, an uppercase letter is higher. You have already heard the accent with which I pronounce the word lower case, with the emphasis on the last syllable. It is with such an accent on the last syllable - a lowercase letter - that it is recommended to pronounce this word in strict speech. A capital letter is immediately visible in the text - it highlights the word, elevates it, and not only in the literal sense, but also figuratively. Therefore, capital letters also have a special stylistic use - we write the pronouns "You", "Your" with a capital letter, expressing a courteous, polite attitude when referring to a specific person. There are also common words that can be capitalized. We write the words Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland, Teacher, Good, Man with a capital letter in texts where we use these words in a special high sense. Such a special use of capital letters is reflected in the turnover with a capital letter - this is how we talk about someone, something worthy of the highest appreciation, admiration. Yakov Karlovich Grot, Russian linguist 19century, in the book "Russian Spelling" he wrote: Large letters constitute, in fact, the luxury of writing. Affordable and necessary luxury.
In everyday life we usually talk about writing letters "large and small letters". Linguists, on the other hand, use the words "capital" and "lowercase" to designate the styles of letters in writing. Uppercase letters are large and lowercase letters are small. And what about the letters - uppercase and lowercase - large or small? Letter height. An uppercase letter differs from a lowercase letter in greater height, an uppercase letter is higher. You have already heard the accent with which I pronounce the word lower case, with the emphasis on the last syllable. It is with such an accent on the last syllable - a lowercase letter - that it is recommended to pronounce this word in strict speech. A capital letter is immediately visible in the text - it highlights the word, elevates it, and not only in the literal sense, but also figuratively. Therefore, capital letters also have a special stylistic use - we write the pronouns "You", "Your" with a capital letter, expressing a courteous, polite attitude when referring to a specific person. There are also common words that can be capitalized. We write the words Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland, Teacher, Good, Man with a capital letter in texts where we use these words in a special high sense. Such a special use of capital letters is reflected in the turnover with a capital letter - this is how we talk about someone, something worthy of the highest appreciation, admiration. Yakov Karlovich Grot, Russian linguist 19century, in the book "Russian Spelling" he wrote: "Big letters are, in fact, the luxury of writing.
Permissible and necessary luxury."
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Uppercase and lowercase letters. What does lowercase and uppercase letter mean in
August 20, 2020 12:15
Tags: knowledge Internet Russian language
Uppercase and lowercase character. Capital letters are large, lowercase letters are small. In what cases are more letters used in Russian? How to type them on the keyboard. What does it mean if the password needs to use different cases?
A capital letter, also known as a capital letter, is a large letter that is written at the beginning of a sentence and with which personal names begin. For example: " In the room entered In asya." Abbreviations can consist entirely of capital letters: MSU , MFA , RF .
A lowercase letter is a small letter that is written in the middle of a word. Wherever uppercase letters are not required by rule, lowercase letters are written by default. For example: "Z and the window was dark .".
Capital letter = large. A, O, E - uppercase.
Small letter = small. a, o, e - lowercase.
Initially, there was no division of letters into lowercase and uppercase. All letters were written the same way. But over time, many peoples appreciated this innovation, which makes it easier to perceive the text.
Small and large letters may be used slightly differently in different languages. For example, in Russian, only proper names are capitalized, and in German, all nouns in general.
There are languages where there is no division into uppercase and lowercase letters - for example, there is none in the Arabic and Hebrew alphabets.
What words are capitalized
Capitalized in Russian:
The first word in a sentence, in a quotation, in direct speech.
Proper names.
The first word in the name of a historical event or era: World War II, October Revolution.
Names of holidays, events: New Year, Olympic Games.
Names of mythical or religious characters. The words "He", "Most High", "God", when it comes to the supreme deity in monotheistic religions. (But in phraseological units like "God be with you" this word is written with a small letter.)
Company names.
In official documents - some positions and titles: President of the Russian Federation, His Holiness.
The word "Motherland" - as a synonym for the name of the native country.
The pronoun "You" can be capitalized as a courtesy in official documents and business correspondence, but this is not required.
In official documents when designating the parties, documents: Customer, Contractor, Agreement.
In all complex cases it is best to consult a dictionary.
Lowercase and uppercase letters on the keyboard
To type an uppercase letter on a computer keyboard, you must either hold down the shift key and simultaneously type the desired letter, or change the case using the caps lock key - in this case, all letters will be uppercase. Press 9 again0243 caps lock will change the case back, small letters will appear on the screen again.
Remember that using only capital letters in Internet correspondence is considered indecent. The interlocutor will perceive this as a LOUD SCREAM. This is called "writing in caps" (from the name caps lock ), and is allowed only in exceptional cases.
How to capitalize passwords. Example
Sometimes computer passwords can be case sensitive, in which case it matters whether you type a capital letter or a small letter.