What is your favorite color in french
what's your favorite color - Translation into French - examples English
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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
Alexa, what's your favorite color?
Alexa, quelle est ta couleur préférée ?
And what's your favorite color?
Et quelle est ta couleur préférée ?
Like... what's your favorite color?
Comme... quelle est ta couleur favorite?
Lucas, what's your favorite color?
Lucas, quelle est ta couleur favorite?
what's your favorite color of your favorite car?
Quelle est ta couleur favorite de ta voiture favorite ?
"what's your favorite color?", and "your favorite food?"
La première question était: Quelle est ta couleur préférée?
What's your favorite color, Happy?
Quelle est ta couleur favorite Happy?
"What's your favorite color?" Hers is Violet, his blue.
"Quelle est ta couleur favorite ?"La sienne c'est le violet,
You know, to get to know each other better, like "What's your favorite color?" that kind of thing.
Pour mieux se connaître, comme " quelle est ta couleur préférée" etc.
What's your favorite color? - Blue.
Quelle est ta couleur préférée ?
What's your favorite color?
Quelle est ta couleur préférée ?
Grandma, what's your favorite color?
Mamie, c'est quoi ta couleur préférée ?
Lucas, what's your favorite color?
Ta couleur préférée, c'est quoi ? Noir. N-O-l-R.
What's your favorite color, Happy? Chrome.
Et ta couleur préférée, Happy ? - Chrome.
What's your favorite color of hair?
Quelle est ta couleur de cheveux préférée ?
What's your favorite color balloon?
Quelle est votre couleur de ballon préférée ?
What's your favorite color for carpets?
Quelle est ta couleur de tapis préférée ?
The first programs I wrote asked things like, "What's your favorite color".
Le premier programme que j'ai écrit posait des questions comme "Quelle est votre couleur préférée ?" ou "Quel age avez-vous ?"
In the case of Mr. Finnegan, the question was "What's your favorite color?"
Dans le cas de M. Finnegan, la question était "Quelle est votre couleur préférée?"
"What's your mother's maiden name?" "What's your favorite color?" "Did you have any pets?"
"votre couleur favorite ?", "le nom de vos animaux ?"
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Remember this is not an exact science, and it is an opportunity to have fun while learning how members of a team think and express
[. themselves in responding to the thought [...] provoking question, What is Your Favorite Color and What Does that [...] Color Mean to You. lionsclubs.org lionsclubs.org |
Rappelez-vous que cet exercice n'est pas une science exacte, c'est plutt une occasion pour s'amuser tout en apprenant comment les membres d'une quipe pensent et [...] s'expriment en rponse la question qui fait [...] rflchir, Quelle est votre couleur prfre et que reprsente-t-elle [...] pour vous ? lionsclubs.org lionsclubs.org |
What is your favorite color? sonos.com sonos.com |
Quelle est votre couleur prfre? sonos. sonos.com |
What is your favorite color? mac-chaussettes.com mac-chaussettes.com |
Lequel est votre couleur favorite? mac-chaussettes.com mac-chaussettes.com |
Ask, "What is your favorite color and what does [...] that color represent to you? lionsclubs.org lionsclubs.org |
Lorsque les membres du District 50 (Hawaii) ont tenu leur stage rgional de formation des responsables Lions, ils ont trouv une manire de rendre la rencontre initiale plus [...] confortable. Une des personnes locales des
Lions a invit les participants et les animateurs [. chez elle pour un barbecue. lionsclubs.org lionsclubs.org |
What is your favorite sports team? bell.ca bell.ca |
Le nom de votre quipe prfre? bell.ca bell.ca |
Green is about to be your favorite color. technologeeko.com technologeeko.com |
Le vert est sur le point d'tre votre couleur prfre. technologeeko.com technologeeko.com |
What is your favorite memory? antarcticstation.org antarcticstation.org |
Quel est ton meilleur souvenir ? antarcticstation. antarcticstation.org |
After all, if your biggest decision is what color to buy and what type of wheel you want, that makes for a day of anguish! lauzonaudi.com lauzonaudi.com |
Lorsque votre plus grand dilemme est de dterminer la couleur et l'ensemble de jantes que vous prfrez, c'est parce que la vie [...] est plutt belle! lauzonaudi.com lauzonaudi.com |
What is your favorite instrument? actualites-electroniques.com actualites-electroniques. |
Quel est ton instrument prfr? actualites-electroniques.com actualites-electroniques.com |
What is your favorite type of music? webawareness.ca webawareness.ca |
Quel est ton type de musique prfr? webawareness.ca webawareness.ca |
If so, what is your favorite activity to do [...] in the garden? rooftopgardens.ca rooftopgardens.ca |
Si oui, quelle est l'activit que vous prfrez [...] faire dans le jardin ? rooftopgardens. rooftopgardens.ca |
Because we want you to be able to give your kitchen that Personal Touch, even if your favorite color is white! siematic.se siematic.se |
Parce que nous voulons vous offrir la [...] possibilit de donner votre cuisine une touche de couleur personnelle, mme si votre couleur prfre est le blanc. siematic.se siematic.se |
What is your favorite dog breed? help.surveymonkey.com help.surveymonkey.com |
Quelle est votre race de chiens prfre? aide. aide.surveymonkey.com |
What is your favorite pastime? bell.ca bell.ca |
Votre passe temps favori? bell.ca bell.ca |
If the respondent selected "Labrador", then the [...] follow-up to the respondentwould show as: When thinking about [...] theLabrador breed of dog, what is your favorite characteristic? help.surveymonkey.com help.surveymonkey.com |
Si la personne interroge a slectionn Labrador, le [...] suivisuivant s'afficherait: Lorsque vous pensez la race de
[. aide.surveymonkey.com aide.surveymonkey.com |
If Q1 is "What is your favorite breed of dog? help.surveymonkey.com help.surveymonkey.com |
Si Q1 est Quelle est votre race de chiens prfre? aide.surveymonkey.com aide.surveymonkey.com |
What is your favorite word? consulfrance-atlanta.org consulfrance-atlanta.org |
Votre mot prfr? consulfrance-atlanta.org consulfrance-atlanta. |
life planning expert richard [...] n. bolles, author of What Color Is Your Parachute? america.gov america.gov |
richard bolles, expert en planification de carrire et auteur [...] du livre De quelle couleur est votre parachute ? america.gov america.gov |
What is your favorite swearword? consulfrance-atlanta.org consulfrance-atlanta.org |
Votre juron, gros mot ou blasphme favori? consulfrance-atlanta.org consulfrance-atlanta.org |
Saturation is the strength or purity of a color, hue is the color your eyes see as reflected from the image, and gamma [. controls the brightness of the midtones of the color. xeroxscanners.com xeroxscanners.com |
La saturation est l'intensit ou la puret d'une couleur, la teinte couleur correspond la couleur telle que vous [...] la voyez sur l'image, [...] et la courbe des gammas contrle la luminosit des demi-teintes de la couleur. xeroxscanners.com xeroxscanners.com |
Hair color is a wonderful option for creating a new look for yourself and hair care products are becoming less harmful to your hair care. go2tv.tv go2tv.tv |
La couleur de cheveux est une option merveilleuse pour crer un nouveau se recherchent et les produits de soin de cheveux deviennent moins nocifs votre soin de cheveux. go2tv.tv go2tv.tv |
The background color is the color appearing at the back of your web page. one.com one.com |
La couleur d'arrire-plan est la couleur apparaissant au fond de votre page web. one.com one.com |
His favorite animal is a gold fish and his favorite color is red. nphfrance.org nphfrance.org |
Son animal prfr est le poisson rouge et sa couleur prfre est le rouge. nphfrance.org nphfrance.org |
This article is adapted from http://www.jobhuntersbible.com/, the [...] official site of Bolles's book What Color Is Your Parachute? america.gov america.gov |
Cet article s'inspire du site http://www.jobhuntersbible.com/, le site officiel du livre de R. [...] Bolles intitul De quelle couleur est votre parachute? america.gov america.gov |
Those satellite cameras [...] can even see what color shoes a little girl is wearing. rcmp-grc.gc.ca rcmp-grc.gc. |
Ces camras [...] peuvent mme voir de quelle couleur sont les chaussures d'une [...] petite fille. rcmp-grc.gc.ca rcmp-grc.gc.ca |
What is your favorite book? unaids.org unaids.org |
Quel est votre livre prfr ? unaids.org unaids.org |
In my work as a therapist, I [...] frequently use his two favorite questions: What is your intention? eatanews.org eatanews.org |
Dans mon travail en tant que thrapeute j'utilise souvent
[. eatanews.org eatanews.org |
What is your favorite cooking magazine? ricardocuisine.com ricardocuisine.com |
Quel est votre magazine de cuisine prfr? ricardocuisine.com ricardocuisine.com |
(Ex: When thinking [...] aboutthe[leave your cursor here] breed of dog, what is your favorite characteristic? help.surveymonkey.com help.surveymonkey.com |
(Par exemple: Lorsque vous pensez la race
[. aide.surveymonkey.com aide.surveymonkey.com |
What is your favorite meal? rooftopgardens.ca rooftopgardens.ca |
Quel est ton plat favori ? rooftopgardens.ca rooftopgardens.ca |
French style in the interior - 22 photos
French style in the interior is a real magic of charm and negligence. This is a stunning mix of different styles and times, in which antique luxury looks organically next to modern solutions.
Due to the huge number of different trends, it is difficult to isolate the aesthetics of style into a single formula - the whole history and geography of France is collected in a French house - from Parisian chic to the comfort of Provence. Still, let's try to highlight the main thing.
Let's start with history.
The origin of French interior design
The history of French chic goes way back. Modern versions of interiors are based on the historical heritage of France - one of the strongest European powers and an important trendsetter.
At one time France was touched by: pomposity and majesty of classicism, luxury and elegance of baroque, strict geometry of art deco, modern minimalist styles. Part of European styles was born in France: playful charming Rococo, monumental imperial Empire, fabulous symbolic Art Nouveau and, of course, rustic Provence, which brought a love of space and simplicity, natural materials and light, warm shades.
Features of the French style in the interior
All this mixture of styles led us to the following features:
Respect for history antiquity.

A mix of old and new shows the dynamics of time in the interior. Accept contradictions - the most interesting French-style interiors calmly mix styles, materials, colors.
French casual
Like fashion, there is an unspoken rule in French interiors: you can't try too hard. Keep it simple, combine the incongruous, let the interior express your individuality.
Many pre-war houses remain in Paris, retaining the French aesthetic with their high ceilings, cornices, parquet floors and boiserie panels on the walls. If you are lucky and got such a house - enjoy, you are lucky! In Russia, such apartments can only be found in old Stalinist houses.
The French understand the value of minimalism and are not afraid of empty space on walls or floors. Art objects are important in the room - paintings and sculptures, they can be massive, but better in a single copy. Furniture should also “breathe”.
The gap between modern and vintage pieces helps overcome the French favorite color in interiors - white. It is very important to choose the right white shade of the walls, at the same time not blue-cold, not too yellow. Proper white is right in the middle: creamy white with a slight pinkish tinge.
The rest of the palette is muted, it allows beautiful interior details and decor to attract more attention. Parisians are big fans of monochrome interiors with warm shades - gray, warm brown, linen.
Another important point is the golden accents. It can be a gilded frame that hangs over the fireplace, or the legs of an antique chair, take your pick.
In the more Provencal version, the color scheme, consisting of soft flowers, is more diverse - here are lavender and blue, soft pink, dusty pink, light lilac, all shades of metal.
Wall finishes offer several options: smooth walls painted in pastel colors or “correct” white, or textured walls. In old houses, stucco molding with the design of bygone eras often remains. Another option to add texture is to use embossed and patterned wallpaper with vinyl inserts.
French floors finished with natural materials - they can be wood or stone. City apartments often have artistic parquet. Carpets can be found in most rooms of French houses.
High, floor-to-ceiling, narrow French windows are of great importance. Such windows make the space more airy, they are the hallmark of a French apartment.
Selection of furniture and accessories
The combination of old and new in the French style is embodied, above all, in furniture. The French are big lovers of antiquity. It could be an antique, scratched, age-tarnished mirror in a gold frame, bought at an auction for a huge sum, or it could be a vintage table bought at a flea market or inherited, with coffee stains on it.
It is important that each room has such an authentic piece of furniture or decor, all other items can be modern, this combination gives an unusual, but in its own way sophisticated look.
French-style lighting
Lighting plays an important role in the interior. For the French, a huge chandelier is required in the middle of the room, kitchen and even the bathroom. The chandelier can be luxurious crystal, antiqued, or more modern with clear lines, as you like.
In addition, you can also find many local light sources in the rooms - candles, candelabra, wall sconces.
Textiles are very important for all directions of the French style in the interior. Handmade blankets, tablecloths and curtains, carpets that create comfort in the room. The most famous French fabric, Toile de Jouy, a printed cotton, is often used for bedding, valances, draperies, and also as wall coverings. Such fabric instantly evokes the charm of old France, and often comes in cornflower blue, red, gray and pink. Satin and silk are very popular, ideal for pillows, upholstery and curtains.
Classic French Style
One of the main features of a classic French country house is the warm atmosphere. There are almost no bold colors in such an interior, mainly shades of white and light gray, which blend perfectly with natural light.
Additional decor - expensive decorations, such as paintings and lamps. Despite the fact that the color scheme is quite simple, French design is always very generous with details: majestic chandeliers, large golden mirrors, rococo furniture made of expensive materials.
Modern French style
Parisian chic now contains all the decor elements we discussed above, but allows for bolder color accents and furniture. Such interiors maintain an amazing balance of modern styles with more classic elements. There is a lot of air and little furniture, and large abstract paintings, black and white photographs, children's drawings coexist with the historical heritage of the home and family.
The goal of modern Provence in the interior is to create a home that combines rustic motifs and French chic. Every detail plays its part. Walls and ceilings are often light pastel colors, and materials are of great importance: rough plaster and untreated wood create a rustic simplicity. The furniture is made of wood, preferably aged, painted in light or bright colors of the meadow, lavender, turquoise. Such a play of light can create a feeling of the warm south of France.
Whatever direction of French style you choose, the main thing is to make sure that you feel comfortable in your home. Be creative, add personality, let the space breathe, but keep it simple, don't try too hard. The best thing you can do is to properly mix items from different currents. At the same time, French design is quite realistic to bring to life with any budget.
Useful French-style cheat sheet is in this article
Author: Ekaterina Pigasova
France: about women, food and fierce bureaucracy
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about women, food and fierce bureaucracy
Olga Raspopova
abroad, or foreigners who know Russian speak about the peculiarities of life and culture of different states. This time we will talk about France - especially close to us.
Anastasia Kochura moved to the "country of cheese and baguette" five years ago. She married a Frenchman, settled down in the suburbs of Paris, works as a business travel manager and now shares her personal experience in an interview with RIA Novosti.
How their women differ from ours
Many French women have a special charm by nature. They stick only to their accessible style of clothing: an invariable beret, a scarf or even a vest. This myth is indestructible, dozens of books and films are devoted to it.
Parisians near the Bataclan theater
In fact, not everyone has this most elusive charm. Women in France do not seem to follow fashion very much, and even the crowd on the street in the capital shows that the favorite colors of Parisians are black and gray.
If they use cosmetics, then at a minimum: mascara, less often eyeliner, when they have to go out - also red lipstick.
A Parisian on the Seine embankment
© Fotolia / Ekaterina Pokrovsky0003
A Parisian on the Seine embankment
© Fotolia / Ekaterina Pokrovsky
Girls try to look a little casual, as if they didn't think about their image.
“Unlike, say, representatives of the CIS countries, where until recently it was customary to wear all the best, even if you go to throw out the trash. So the French in Russia simply run up their eyes from our beauties - with a full marafet, ”says Anastasia.
According to her, French women begin to actively take care of themselves closer to the age of 30, usually already married. Sports, but without fanaticism, a diet that boils down mainly to the number of portions consumed, and, perhaps, trips to a beautician. For Russian women, it’s rather the opposite: before marriage, they take care of themselves, and then relax.
About food, economy and apero
The French are big gourmets. Of course, they don't eat frog legs and foie gras every day, washed down with 1995 Burgundy. Dishes on weekdays are simple, but they are always fresh meat or fish, herbs, vegetables and fruits - often from the local market. “According to my observations, food is something that they don’t save much on here,” Anastasia notes.
Vegetable market in France
© Depositphotos.com / andrea_cf
Fish market in Saint Tropez, France
Vegetable shop in France
© Depositphotos.com / andrea_cf
However, the French are not wasteful. For example, if you were invited to a restaurant or cafe for a birthday, it is enough to bring a book, a scented candle or a bouquet of flowers to the birthday person, which is considered an independent gift, not an addition. In 90 percent of cases, the inviter will treat you only to an aperitif or put one or two bottles of wine on the common table. For the rest - snacks, meals, other drinks - you will have to pay yourself, says Nastya. The exception, perhaps, is weddings and christenings.
Café on Place Saint-Michel in Paris
“During the quarantine, I really miss the apero, or aperitif, the traditional after-work meeting with friends for a drink. And in no case do not get drunk, do not pour out your soul to each other - the essence of such rendezvous is to have an easy and fun time! Anastasia emphasizes.
About “desole” and “bizou”
Désolé… You probably hear this word in France not much less often than bonjour and merci. It can be translated as "sorry", "sorry".
“You come to the post office and your parcel was given to someone else. When you are indignant, instead of trying to figure it out, they throw you a government-issued “desole”.
“How many times have I heard him! It seems to me that even if someone is run over by a tram, the driver will get out and mutter “desole,” says Anastasia Kochura.
Restaurant in Paris
CC BY-SA 3.0 / Philippe Alès / Restaurant le Polidor à Paris (France)
The French get offended if they don't show protocol politeness. To ask for directions without saying hello, or to go into a bakery and not ask the seller how you are doing is bad manners!
Citizens and tourists on Rue du Petit Pont (Small Bridge Street) in Paris
On the Louvre grounds in Paris
Citizens and tourists on Rue du Petit Pont (Small Bridge Street) in Paris
adjustments even in French etiquette. No more "bisou" - light kisses at a meeting.
About medicine and bureaucracy
A visit to a specialist doctor in France can take several months, or even six months. It's easier to find a family doctor. “There is no ambulance in our understanding here, unless you are bleeding, of course. With my little child who fell down the steep steps, we sat in line for five hours,” says Anastasia.
Most of the pharmacies are also closed on Sundays - even those on duty often close around eight in the evening.
“I used to think that Russian bureaucracy had no competitors. But no - there is: a worthy rival in France. Without a piece of paper, you are not a person here. Moreover, for one document, you need to get ten more confirming ones, ”Nastya notes.
Participant of the Yellow Vests motorist protest in the Arc de Triomphe area in Paris
In addition, all these government agencies work according to a standard schedule, so you will have to take time off from work to visit officials.
What we should learn from the French
Of course, sociability and the ability to talk on light topics: to have pleasant conversations for hours about the weather, food and drinks, discounts in stores. At the same time, without tiring the interlocutor. “Of course, more courtesy: I went to any store and be sure to exchange “bonjours” at the entrance and “merci-revoires” at the exit. For a long time I tried to understand why and for what Mercy, but then I gave up and began to play by their rules, ”admits Anastasia Kochura.
A woman in a grocery store in Paris
A street market in France
© Depositphotos.com / beinder
A woman in a grocery store in Paris
Finally, how to give each other little compliments. For example, a stranger passing by suddenly says: “God, what a wonderful dog you have! Simply charming! It seems to be a trifle, but nice.
About souvenirs
What to bring from France besides perfume? It is worth walking through the numerous flea markets and buying beautiful cups, spoons, tablecloths, plates for serving snacks.
La Braderie flea market in Lille
Visitors to the La Braderie flea market in Lille
Cheese in a store in France
CC BY 2.0 / JohnPickenPhoto / French cheeses
Chocolates in a store in France
CC BY-SA 2.0 / ho visto nina volare / balades parisiennes
9016 Customers in a Grande Lacerie wine cellar in the oldest department store Le Bon Marche in ParisLa Braderie flea market in Lille
There is an incredible abundance of alcohol for every taste: tart flock from the department of Gers, velvety and rich beer from the northern regions (Lille), cider from Brittany or Normandy, pastis, or anise liqueur, from Provence.