Indoor games for winter
24 Fun Indoor Winter Activities for Kids [Indoor Winter Games]
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If you are looking for some fun indoor winter activities for kids, look no further. Here you will find 24 winter-themed activities and games to keep the kids busy when they are cooped up.
You will need:
Several sheets of white paper
Laundry basket
Ping-Pong ball
Empty plastic soda bottle
Crumple up the sheets of paper to make paper snowballs and try one or more of the following activities with the children:
1. Set a Hula-Hoop on the floor and try to toss the snowballs into the circle.
2. Place a laundry basket on a table and try to toss the snowballs into the basket.
3. Place a Ping-Pong ball on the mouth of an empty plastic soda bottle, then try to knock off the ball with the snowballs without knocking over the bottle.
• Crumple up several sheets of paper to make snowballs. Before play begins, create a safe zone to which the children may run.
• Have one player hide (turn their back) with a stack of ‘snowballs’. The other players pretend to ice-skate, ski, or play in the snow.
• With a shout of “Snowball Fight!” the hidden player begins to throw snowballs at the players, who must run to the safe zone before a snowball hits them.
• If the snowball thrower doesn’t hit a player with a snowball, he must return to his hiding place, and play resumes.
• If a player is hit, he becomes the hidden player.
(With a larger group have 2 or 3 snowball throwers)
Adapt tic-tac-toe to play at different seasons and holidays. Take a large piece of poster board and draw the tic tac toe lines on it and laminate if possible. FOR WINTER…
Make winter shape templates of mittens and hats…or snowballs and snowmen.
Cut out the shapes (laminate if possible) and play as usual.
Blackboard and chalk or a Dry Erase board. Also markers, slips of paper with different winter items/objects on each one, a container for words and timer.
Example of winter Pictionary words:
mittens, coat, snowflake, sled, ice-skates, snowman, etc…
Divide the kids into teams. The player up draws a slip of paper from the bowl and then reads it silently and hands to it to the facilitator. The player must then draw clues as to what was on their paper — their team guesses what it is. If the playing team guesses correctly, before the timer runs out, they get two points.
If the playing team cannot guess correctly, before the timer runs out, the opposing team may take one guess.
If the opposing team guesses correctly they get a point and the playing team loses a point. Most points win.
For small children don’t divide into teams, use a timer, or keep track of points. Just play until someone in the class yells out the right answer.
Play Simon Says according to the season and theme:
Frosty Says, The Snowman Says, The Polar Bear Says, The Penguin Says, The Gingerbread Boy (or Girl) Says, etc.
I live in Southern CA where we don’t get snow. So, each December with my older group of children we assemble about 200 snowballs using newspaper and masking tape. (Or crumpled up paper) On cold days or on days we can’t be outside, we have a snowball fight.
Divide the group into two teams. Put each team on opposite sides of the room with the pile of snowballs in the middle.
On go, each team must try to get as many snowballs on the other team’s side as fast as possible. I usually time them for about 1-2 minutes. At the stop, all of the snowballs are on the ground, and staff assists the children in gathering them into one pile and counting. The team with the least snowballs is the winner.
Of course, you have to have the typical rules: you can’t throw them at anyone, yada yada!. Have fun!! Tasha/California
Race against time and competitors to puff your ball to the finish line.
Large paper cups
Ping-Pong ball
Paper towel tubes
1. To set up, hang three large paper cups with tape off one side of a table, so that the cup openings are level with the table’s surface. Fill each cup halfway with small prizes. (If it’s a party; forget the prizes if it’s NOT a party)
2. Give the first two players paper towel tubes and explain that when you place a Ping-Pong ball in front of each of them, they must blow through the tubes like a snowblower. (Point out that a gentle breath is all it takes to get the “snowball” rolling.)
3. Each contestant will have 15 seconds to direct the ball across the table and into one of the paper cups; if the ball goes over the edge first, that player’s turn is over. Each winner gets to pick one prize from the cup–and the playing continues until each cup is empty.
(Just play if there are no prizers. This could be an on-going winter game; if it is, have the kids decorate their paper towel tubes with construction paper, stickers, ribbon, drawings, etc.
This is an Indoor race that challenges kids’ balancing skills – penguin style.
Beanbag or Hacky Sack-style footbag
Have children stand side by side with their “eggs” (beanbags or Hacky Sack-style footbags) on top of their feet. Players try to shuffle across the room without dropping their “eggs.” The first one to succeed wins.
Supplies: A 5-inch paper snowflake per team, masking tape or chalk
Divide children into equal teams. Use tape or chalk to mark a starting and turning point–about 10 feet apart for each team. Give the first team members a paper snowflake. At the signal, the first players place the snowflakes on their heads and clasp their hands behind their backs. They walk to the turning point and back.. If the snowflake falls off, players must return to the starting point and begin again.
Collect plastic grocery bags. Tie one on each foot. (This will take a little time.) Have children go into the gym and play a game–but they have to skate on the bags! Basketball is a riot! From Mrs.Z/Rochester, Mi.
One person picks something that is WINTER RELATED… and then the rest of the children ask “Yes -or -No- questions’ (up to 20 questions only) until someone guesses who/or what the person has chosen. Another version of this game is to place something “Winter-ish” IN A BOX that the children can’t see. Play the game from there! (You could put in a mitten, snowball-in a baggie), hat, paper snowflake, chap-stick, etc.)
Styrofoam ball for each team
Pencil for each team
How To Play:
Divide into teams. The first child on each team will be given a Styrofoam ball (snowball) and a pencil.
On your mark- they are to bend over, place the ball on the floor, and push the ball with the pencil across the room, around an obstacle, and back to the next child on a team. The first team to finish wins.
You’ll need:
Styrofoam balls or balls of white yarn, spoons and mittens for each team.
Play this game as you would any relay race. Divide into teams. Each player takes turns putting on mittens and balancing a “snowball” on a spoon while racing to the other side of the room. Drop the snowball
into a bucket, return to the team, pass the mittens, and go to the back of the line. The first team to complete the race wins!
Materials: Draw Snowball, snowflake and icicle shapes on paper…chairs or carpet squares, tape
Divide kids into 3 groups–
• The snowballs
• The snowflakes
• The icicles.
Tape one labeled paper shape on each child to indicate what group they are part of. Have the children sit in a circle on chairs or carpet squares.
Choose one child to be Jack Frost and have him/her stand in the center of the circle.
Remove Jack Frost’s seat from the group so there is one seat less than the number of kids playing the game.
Begin by having Jack Frost call out ONE group name—such as “snowballs” (or one of the other two)
When a group hears their group name called, the children of THAT group run to a NEW chair in the circle. (All in that group switch seats) At the same time, Jack Frost tries to get into one of the empty seats…
Whoever is NOT in a seat is the NEW Jack Frost.
Jack may also call out SNOWSTORM! If so…All kids find new seats!
I first thought this game is only for younger children; however, even 3-5 graders wanted to play too! I join in and play with them. Laugh and have a good time. When adults laugh and play too…the kids have a better time! Barb
Do you have a ‘small’ group? If so, during the winter months when children can’t get outside or if you live in a warm climate and want to have a snowball fight— use large marshmallows.
The children stand across from each other and start throwing. Put the marshmallows into containers. The side that makes them all disappear first wins. After they all hit the floor you can use again to throw some more.
Remind the children they can’t eat them after they hit the floor or ground! This is a fun activity for ages 3 and up. (My older grandchildren love to do this all year round when they visit, they bombard grandpa! Barb)
White balloons are blown up
Adults to help
How To Play:
Children are divided into two teams. A sheet (the mountain) is held above eye level between the two groups by adults or tall youth (holding each end). Each side throws snowballs (white balloons) over to the other side. Adapted from
- Tootsie Rolls (1 for each child)
Shoebox for each team, Bell for each team
2 mittens for each team
2 bowls for each team
How To Play:
• Place tootsie rolls, in a bowl, at the opposite end of the room.
• Divide the children into two or more relay teams.
• Explain that when you say, “GO” the first person on each team will put on the mittens, step into the shoe boxes, and race to the other end of the room.
• They are then to pick up a tootsie roll out of the bowl and race back to their team still wearing their mittens and shoe boxes.
• Pass the mittens and shoebox to the next person in line, sit down, eat your tootsie roll.
• The first team to finish eating their tootsie rolls wins! Adapted from
• Have a large area with two adults and their own gloves, hats, coats, scarves, and boots laying next to them.
• The children l line up in front of one of the adults and one at a time run up and place an item of winter on the adult.
• The first team done, wins.
• Children love the excitement of this game and it also gets a lot of energy out on days it is too cold to go outside!
Supplies: A line is drawn or taped on the floor –pre-made tissue paper snowballs.
How To Play:
• Set a time for 2-3 minutes.
• Yell, “GO”!
• Each team throws their tissue paper snowballs back and forth across the lines.
• When the timer goes off, the team with the LEAST amount of snowballs on their side wins.
My kids (all ages) have a great time balling up old newspapers and then taking the “snowballs” outside for an old-fashioned snowball fight. Just remember that newspaper can leave inky hands… you could also use that rejected copy paper that is saved in a trash bag or large marshmallows (both read about elsewhere on this site) for warm climate winter game ideas! From Casey
***Idea: PLAY COLD BALL using a large white Styrofoam ball…the same way you would play “Hot Potato”.
21. PASS THE ICE (Young kids)
Play just like hot potato only with an ice cube. When the music stops… clap for the person with the ice.
22. PASS THE SNOWBALL – Circle Game (For younger kids)
When you have snow–make a couple of snowballs and freeze them until they are very hard.
Have the children put on their mittens. and play the “Wonder-ball game”.
While passing the snowball around the circle have children memorize and say,
“The wonder ball goes round and round. To pass it quickly, you are bound. If you’re the one to hold it last. The game for you has quickly passed. Out goes Y-O-U!”
The children sit out the rest of that round (or you can have them stay in–it’s your choice how you play this part)
The kids will think it’s fun wearing their mittens during the inside time–to play this game.
There have been several games here describing games that simulate “indoor ice-skating”. This is what we do with our kinder-program. We make a skating rink on the carpet by placing the tape on the floor as an outline and then put wax paper on the children’s shoes. They really like to do this—and it’s also good for indoor large motor skills. (Sarah/Oakbrook)
10-12 magazines for each team
Scissors for each team
Construction paper
Glue or stapler
Create identicle lists of winter items.
Example: snow, mittens, gloves, ice skates, winter coat/jacket, sled, hot cocoa, ice, snowman, igloo, earmuffs, scarf, polar bear, Christmas tree, holiday toys, a winter scene, Holiday food, etc.
1. Divide the players into two or more teams.
2. Give each team a stack of magazines, scissors, and a Scavenger list
3. Have teams search the magazines for the items on their list to cut out. Glue or staple to the construction paper.
The team has found the most items at the end of the time wins. (Remember this activity-it can be adapted to any other time of the year!)
Hot Cocoa Recipes and Fun
Winter Outside Snow Games
Winter Outside Fun
Winter Inside Fun
Snowman Themed Games…
Snowman Themed Arts and Crafts
Miscellaneous Snowman Ideas
Snowman Themed Snacks
Reindeer Theme
Snowflake Theme
There you have it, 24 fun indoor winter activities for kids. We hope you enjoy these activity and games and that you can make your day indoors a memorable one.
9 Indoor Winter Games and Activities for Kids
When it's cold out and the kids are excited for the chance to get out and romp in the snow, but the conditions are just too blustery, treat them to some indoor winter games. From building an indoor snowman to whipping up some delicious hot cocoa, these ideas for indoor winter activities celebrate the cold and snowy weather inside the comfort of your home.
01 of 09
Make Snowman Snacks
Huyen Nguyen / EyeEm / Getty ImagesGather the kids in the kitchen, and warm up your oven, to bake a batch of snowman cookies or cupcakes.
If you don't want to bake, you can make snowman ice cream sundaes, sledding snowman graham cracker treats, or any other snowman party food ideas.
02 of 09
Indoor Snowball Fight
Ulf Huett Nilsson / Getty ImagesThere's something about a fresh snowfall that really revs up your kids’ energy levels. Help them work out some of that excitement with a little practice session for the snowball fight they’ll have later. Roll up balls of paper, white socks, or make your own fabric snowballs. Give each kid a bucket of these indoor snowballs and let them toss them at each other for fun.
03 of 09
Winter Hot Cocoa Picnic
kajakiki / Getty ImagesAfter the indoor snowball fight, the kids will want to warm up with some hot cocoa. Throw a white blanket on the floor and sprinkle it with cotton balls. Place it near your fireplace or build a faux fire and place it in the middle. Whip up a pot of hot cocoa, serve it with cookies or marshmallows, and let the kids gather for a warm winter picnic.
04 of 09
Homemade Winter Cottage
Liam Norris / Getty ImagesIf you have a large cardboard box and a few craft supplies, then you have the materials needed to help the kids build their own winter cottage. Cut the window and door holes out of the box and then let them decorate it with paint, glue, markers, ornaments, and, of course, fake snow for the roof. Don't forget to top it with a chimney! (You can make one out of the leftover cardboard from the door or window.)
05 of 09
Build a Snowman
Chachawal Prapai / Getty ImagesThink you need real snow and the outdoors to build a snowman? Think again. Stuff a bunch of large white pillowcases (with pillow stuffing, comfy clothes, or even crumpled up paper) and you have the makings for an indoor snowman. Velcro can help to stack them as well as be used for affixing items such as buttons for eyes, nose, and mouth.
06 of 09
Winter Bingo Game
Veronika Ryabova / Getty ImagesMake your own bingo sheets using winter-themed clipart.
Print an extra sheet to cut out the clipart images and place them in a bowl. Use these to call the game of Bingo. Snow-cap style candies or mini marshmallows make fun, edible, winter-themed bingo card markers.
07 of 09
Winter Piñatas
Ryan McVay / Getty ImagesWho says piñatas are only for birthday parties? A snow day sure feels like a holiday to kids, celebrate with this exciting game! You can make your own with supplies you probably have around the house, including a simple, paper bag. Fill it with treats. Clear a space inside where you can safely hang it and let the kids whack away until it spills out its goodies.
08 of 09
Winter Party Games
FatCamera / Getty ImagesParty games are a great way to pass the time on a snow day. Choose a few games with a winter theme, such as snowman games, penguin games, or even reindeer games, during the holiday season.
09 of 09
Winter-Themed Kids' Movies
PeopleImages / Getty ImagesWhen it’s cold outside, one of the best ways to keep warm and entertained is to snuggle up under the blankets and watch a winter-themed movie.
Some suggestions for kids' movies with a winter theme:
- "Snow Buddies"
- "Eight Below"
- "Snow Dogs"
- "Happy Feet"
- "Mr. Popper's Penguins"
Folk games and outdoor fun with children in winter
Everyone is looking forward to the coming of winter - kids, teenagers and adults. Pure white snow brings great variety to children's entertainment. Skating, skiing and sledding are only a small part of the winter program. A large number of interesting games and activities allows you to expand the leisure of children during walks.
Sculpting and building with snow
Both kids and adults get special pleasure when the snow is well molded.
A lot of winter fun is associated with the opportunity to feel like a builder, sculptor, artist or marksman:
- Making and decorating snow sculptures
Not only children, but also adults enjoy rolling snowballs and sculpting various figures - from a classic snowman to Santa Claus with a Snow Maiden or various animals. The soft, pliable snow helps children bring their creative ideas to life, developing the child's imagination.
If children are given watercolors or gouache paints, they will be very enthusiastic about coloring the molded figurines.
- Building a slide
Building a slide in the company of peers under the guidance and assistance of adults is a great pleasure for children. After all, when it freezes a little, they can enjoy the fruits of their labor.
- Painting with snow
If there is a big tree, a wall of a house or a porch near the playground, placing snowballs in a certain order on the surface can create a beautiful winter landscape.
The picture will be even more attractive if it is revived with multi-colored paints.
- Snow battles
Snowball fights have long been considered a fun and exciting winter activity. If you first build fortresses and split into 2 armies, you can arrange real snow battles. Those players who were hit by a snowball 1 time are considered injured. If someone is hit twice, the player is considered dead and is out of the game. The task of the players is not only to hit the opponent.
It is important to dodge the enemy's flying snowballs in order to keep firing at the enemy for as long as possible.
- Target game
Make a target on the court from various materials at hand (make a small pole, hang any object on a tree, or make a circle on the wall). Now you can arrange competitions for accuracy by throwing snowballs at the selected target. All participants make the same number of snowballs, the most accurate of them wins.
- Which one is bigger
Children get up two by two and, on command, start rolling snowballs. Adults mark the time, for example, 5 minutes, after which they choose the largest lump and name the winners.
Outdoor winter games of skill and skill
Most of the winter fun, games and entertainment came to us from our ancestors. Frosty weather does not allow you to stand in one place for a long time, so many games consist of continuous movement.
- Salki
Children who stand confidently on skates play tag with enthusiasm on the ice rink. First, a driver is chosen who catches up with the players driving around the rink. The one who was caught up first becomes the new driver.
- Looking for treasure
It is good to play the game on a playground with large snowdrifts along the edges. There are 2 teams of players and two leaders. The players are asked to turn away, and the presenters watch how one of the children or adults not participating in the game hides a treasure in two snowdrifts. After the objects denoting the treasure are securely buried in the snow, the command is given to start the search.
The leader of the group can only give hints to players by indicating the direction of the search - to the left, to the right or above. The first team to unearth the treasure wins.
- Russian folk fun "Ldinka"
A circle with a diameter of about 5 meters is drawn on well-trodden snow. A small depression is made in its center, where 10-12 pieces of ice are placed. A leader is chosen, who stands inside a large circle, and the rest of the players are evenly distributed outside the diameter. Their goal is to knock out all the ice floes beyond the border of the large circle, while they can go inside the diameter.
The driver's task is to interfere with the players and knock down one of them in order to put him in his place. The game ends when all the pieces of ice are knocked out and taken out of the circle.
- King of the Hill
To play, you need to build a slide up to 2 m high (depending on the age of the players) or use a large snowdrift. It will be more interesting to play if the slide is covered with an ice crust. One of the players climbs to the top of the mountain, and the rest of the participants try to push the "king" from his throne. The player who succeeds becomes the new king, taking a place on the hill.
Adults can keep track of which of the children will last longer than others on the summit.
- Two Santa Claus
To participate in the competition, 2 teams are recruited, each of which will have the same number of players. Each team chooses Santa Claus with a counting rhyme. Players stand on opposite sides of the court. The distance between opponents is 10-12 meters from each other. After the team, one player from each team runs towards each other to switch places. The task of the "grandfathers" is to hit the player of his team with a snowball in order to stop him and freeze him. As soon as the player reaches the goal or, hit by a snowball, freezes in place, the next player starts the movement.
- The winner is Santa Claus who hit the most players.
- The loser Santa Claus is replaced by another member of the team, and the game continues again.
Fascinating winter competitions on sleds
Ordinary sleds, which were used in childhood by our ancestors, are used not only for skiing from the mountain, but also for various competitions.
- Who is faster
Having chosen a flat area, draw 2 lines at some distance from each other, which indicate the start and finish. Players team up in pairs and sit on the sled with their backs to each other. The goal of the competing pairs is to be the first to reach the finish line, pushing off at the same time, only with their feet.
The first pair to cross the finish line wins.
- Who is stronger
Participants from 2 different teams sit on the same sled with their backs to each other. The finish line is drawn and the command "Start" is given. The one who sits on the sled facing the finish line, using only his legs, should try to reach the cherished line. An opponent sitting with his back on the same sled impedes movement. A certain amount of time is allotted for the competition (3-5 minutes) . If during this time the person sitting in front has not crossed the finish line, his team is considered the loser.
- Who will pull whom
Two sleds are placed opposite each other at a distance of 3-4 meters. A boundary is drawn between them at an equal distance. Competitors sit in a sled, holding a rope from the opponent's sled in their hands. Their task is to pull the opponent to their side so that the sled crosses the designated border.
Players' feet must not touch the ground during the match.
- Relay
Players are divided into several teams. At a distance of 10–20 meters, 2 lines are drawn. At one of them, all the teams line up in columns. One player from each of them sits on a sled, the second carries him to the border, turns around and comes back. The next player gets into the sled, and the participant who was sitting in them before becomes the carrier.
The team that transports all the players faster than the others wins.
Winter fun for the little ones
- Making an angel
Little children love to roll in the snow. Show your baby how to make an angel or a bird on the snow cover. To do this, the baby should lie on his back in clean, not trampled snow, spread his arms and legs to the side. Gradually moving your hands up to the head and down to the body, leave prints in the snow. The same must be done with the legs, just do not spread them too wide. After that, you need to help the baby get up, leaving as few marks as possible next to the print. The contour obtained in the snow will be very similar to a little angel.
- Playing tracker
Going for a walk with your baby in the forest or park, offer him an exciting and educational game. On clean, untouched snow, there are traces of large and small birds, squirrels or dogs. Let the kid try to guess whose footprints you found. Invite the baby to climb on a clean snowball and leave a pattern of their footprints on it. This will be his message to the inhabitants of the forest or park.
- Treading paths
Show your child how to make paths in the snow by putting your feet in different positions - herringbone, across the road or make a path that looks like a ski track. Let the baby try to follow strictly in your footsteps. For his little feet, this will be a rather difficult task.
Winter is a great time for skiing, sledding or skating . And how much fun the baby will get, floundering in the freshly fallen snow-white snow, laying a labyrinth, digging a shelter in a snowdrift or sliding down a huge slide in the park with mom or dad. In addition to the games described above, you can come up with many more interesting entertainment.
Winter games and fun for children of preschool and primary school age
Probably, each of us keeps warm memories of winter in our hearts from childhood. Mom took out a fur coat and boots from the mezzanine, dad sealed the windows, grandmother cooked cocoa, which seemed sweeter than usual in winter - everyday affairs acquired some kind of fabulous shade. And everyone, with trepidation in their souls, was waiting for the first snow, so that, wrapped up warmer, they could run out into the yard.
In the same way, our children today are waiting for the winter to come, and we, already parents, must help our children experience all the joys of this wonderful season and diversify their leisure time with active outdoor games.
No winter is complete without a classic snowman. This folk fun passes from generation to generation and still remains a favorite pastime for all children in the winter.
It would seem that it could be simpler - a big snowball, a smaller one on it, then even less, and so on. But there are no restrictions here, which means you can get creative, let your imagination fly!
Dating game
This game is perfect for kids on the playground. Children become in a circle. The leader (one of the parents) is the first to say his name. The next player says the leader's name and his own name. The third calls the two previous names and his own, and so on in a circle.
The most difficult thing, of course, is the last player who has to remember and name the names of all the players standing in front of him. The task is difficult, but quite feasible.
In this game, you should pay attention to the fact that sometimes children just try to remember the names and their order, forgetting the person himself. Try to focus primarily on the characteristic features of a particular player, for example: “Masha in a red cap”, “Cheerful and smiling Vanya”. The game can be diversified, thereby simplifying memorization. Imagine that the participants of the game are going to a desert island.
Each player must not only give his name, but also indicate what exactly he will do there. For example: “Yulia will cook food”, “Andrey will chop wood”, etc.
Javelin Throw
For the game you will need a large snowdrift, several sticks of approximately the same length.
It is necessary to win several competitions: throw your “spear” the farthest, plunge it into the snowdrift as deep as possible, and the most accurate ones must hit the “spear” into the hole that the previous “spear” made.
Mind you, mine!
One leader is chosen for the game, the rest of the players must stand in a circle. The driver slowly walks around the circle from the outside. Having chosen one of the players, he pats him on the back and starts running around the circle in a clockwise direction. The chosen player must run in the opposite direction, that is, counterclockwise. The task of the runners is to take a free place in the circle faster than the enemy and secure their right to it with the phrase “Chur, mine!”.
Snowman target
You will need a snowman to play this game. After the children make a figure out of the snow, a plastic bucket is put on the snowman's head - it will serve as a target.
The players are divided into two teams. Each team member is given three attempts to knock the bucket off the snowman's head. If the player knocks down the target on the first attempt, he gets 30 points, on the second - 20, on the third, respectively, 10.
At the end of the game, the number of points is added up. The team that earns more points wins the game.
This game requires four cardboard sheets large enough to fit a child's foot.
Children are divided into two teams and line up in columns one after another. Two sheets are placed in front of each team.
Task: you need to stand with your feet on the cardboard and walk in this way to the finish point and back. The task must be completed by all team members in turn. You can’t take your legs off the “skis” and step on the ground. The team that does it faster wins.
Who is on the mountain?
For the game you will need a large snowball, from which a kind of slide is constructed. Around this slide, holding hands, children stand up. At the command of the leader (one of the adults), the children must pull each other up the hill. The task of each player is to resist the actions of his comrades and not fall down the hill. Those players who fail to do so are out of the game. The number of participants decreases until the remaining players can join hands around the slide.
Teams of participants line up in two lines opposite each other at a distance of 8-10 meters. The interval between the players in the line should be 3-4 steps. The host gives the signal: "First!". The first members of both teams should respond: "Me!". Then, at the signal of the leader “Pli!”, These participants must make a snowball and throw it at each other. The one who is hit by a snowball is out. You can only dodge the projectile by crouching or bending down. Taking a step to the side is prohibited. Anyone who breaks the rules is out of the game. The facilitator must signal quickly so that the game does not slow down. A participant in the game has the right to aim a snowball at any player from the opposing team if his next opponent has already left. The team that completely took the opponents out of the battle wins.
After the fight
Players are divided into two teams: “shooters” and “targets”. The team of "targets" line up in two equal lines opposite each other at a distance of approximately 10 meters.
The shooting team is built in the same way and is located perpendicular to the opposing team. Thus, the ranks should form a square outlining the "battlefield".
On a signal from the leader, a player from the "target" team runs across the battlefield to the opposite line, and from there another participant runs towards them. At this time, the “arrows”, without leaving the spot, must hit the opponents running across the field.
The task of the "shooters" is to hit as many "targets" as possible, and those, in turn, must dodge the snowballs. After the game, the teams can switch places and continue the fun.
The game requires two teams, some apples and snowballs. There should be significantly fewer apples than snowballs. Mix apples and snowballs and place them in one pile at the finish point. This is a "shop". The players of each team take turns running to the “shop”, taking the “purchase” and returning to the team. As a "purchase" you can take either one apple or two snowballs. The game ends when all the participants have visited the “shop”. The team with the most apples wins.
You can then ask the teams to exchange their "purchases" so that no one leaves offended.
One of the players chosen by the host squats.
The task of the other participants is to jump over it. During the game, the leader gradually straightens up, and it becomes more difficult for the participants to jump over the obstacle. The one who made a mistake in the jump is out of the game. The winner is the player who was able to overcome the highest height.
Knock the puck
You will need a puck or a small block of wood to play. The leader is selected, he will knock out the puck. The rest of the players stand in a circle.
The task of the host is to knock the puck out of the circle, the task of the players is to prevent him from doing this. The one who misses the puck to his right, becomes inside the circle in the place of the leader.
Fight in a circle
For the game you will need an ordinary gymnastic circle. Inside the circle are two participants. Each of them presses one leg and puts his hands behind his back.
The participant's task is to push the opponent out of the circle by jumping on one leg. Hands are not allowed. If there are many who want to participate, you can play in turn.
Little Rider
This game is perfect for a group of children of different ages. Older children with the help of this fun can easily entertain the kids. The essence of the game is as follows: an older child puts the baby on his back and runs towards the finish line.
At the finish point, the “rider” dismounts and the “horse” goes back for the next rider. Adults can also act as "noble horses".
Snow gallery
This is a simple task of imagination: you need to put any figure or object on the snow, for example, an apple, a house, etc. To do this, you can use any materials at hand: cones, branches, stones.
Shapes can be created in teams or individually. Be sure to pay attention to each work and encourage the participants in the game.
On a broomstick
Two brooms are required to play (you can use brooms). Before each team, you need to create a number of obstacles: the starting point (starting position for teams), the middle point (after 3-4 meters), the finish point.
Between the middle point and the finish point, 5-7 pins are placed at a short distance from each other. The broom is at the middle point.
The first member of the team runs to the broom, then rides it to the finish line, and back to the middle point, being careful not to hit the pins. Standing at the middle point, the player must throw the broom to the next team member and step aside. The game continues until all participants meet the conditions. The team that completes the task faster wins.
You will need two small sticks and two snowballs to play. In order for the snowballs not to merge with each other, they can be tinted with a spray gun or watercolor. Each team has its own color. The task of the players is to use a stick to roll a snowball to the finish point and back.
After that, the stick is passed to the next participant, and so on. The team that completes the task faster wins.
North wind, south wind
Two leaders are chosen for the game. One is called the "north wind", the other - the "south wind".
The rest of the players scatter across the court. The "Northern Wind" should catch the participants in the game and "freeze" them.
Players caught must stop. The task of the “south wind” is to “unfreeze” the players by touching them with your hand and saying “Free!”. The "north wind" can also catch and freeze the "south wind". In order to diversify the game, participants can change roles.
Bucket runs
The players are divided into two teams. To play, you need two plastic buckets. Teams line up at the start in parallel columns. At the finish line, you need to build a large snowdrift. At the signal of the leader, the first players begin to move to the finish line, there they collect snow in buckets (without ramming it) and return to the team. After that, the players pour the snow out of the bucket and pass it to the next participant. The snow that the players bring must be poured into one snowdrift.
The first member to return to his team earns a point. After all participants have completed the task, the host compares the size of the snowdrift of each of the teams. The team with the larger snowdrift receives an additional five points. All points are added up and the winner is declared.
Players pair up and line up on the starting line. At the finish, you need to place a pin or flag, separate for each pair. The right foot of one player is tied to the left foot of the other. The task of the couple is to run “on three legs” to the finish point and back. Those who complete the task faster win.
Titmouse and bullfinches
This is one of the variants of the game of tag. Children are divided into two teams: one team is “titmouse”, the other is “bullfinches”. You can choose other names, the main thing is that it is convenient to pronounce them.
The leader calls one of the teams, and it must catch the members of the other team.
For example, first "tits" catch "bullfinches", then vice versa.
12 sticks
To play, you will need a wooden board, stone or piece of wood and 12 small sticks. The plank must be placed on a bar, so that one end of it is raised, and the other lies on the ground. On the side that lies on the ground, put 12 sticks.
The host abruptly steps on the free edge of the board, after which all the sticks fly apart. While the leader collects the sticks, the players scatter and hide.
After the leader has collected all the sticks and put them back on the edge of the board, he must start looking for players. Having found one of them, he must call the player by name. If the name is correct, the player comes out of hiding. If not, the player remains in place until the host guesses his name.
At this time, one of the participants can run out of cover, run up to the board and kick it with the words: “12 sticks are flying!”. In this case, the leader must return and collect them, and everyone he has already found can hide again. The facilitator must find all the players, after which another participant is selected as the facilitator.
Fisherman and fish
Another game that will appeal to active fidgets. For the game you need a jump rope. Participants are located in a circle, the diameter of which should be equal to the length of the rope.
The leader is chosen - "fisherman", who stands in the center of this circle with a rope in his hands. The "fisherman" rotates the rope so that it slides along the ground and describes circles under the players' feet.
The “fish” participants must jump over the rope in order not to be caught.
"Hooked" "fish" becomes the new "fisherman". The facilitator can make the game more difficult by raising the rope and making the players jump higher.
Winter games with children indoors
When it's too cold outside. Things to do at home
There are winter days when walking is not the best pastime, and then you and your baby stay at home.
Of course, there are cartoons that every child enjoys watching. But little fidgets, accustomed to active pursuits, are unlikely to agree to sit in front of the TV all day. Such leisure needs to be diluted with something. That's just what exactly?
Jumping on an ice slide
Such fun will surely not leave your little one indifferent. To play, you will need a lot of pillows and blankets, from which an "ice slide" will be built. For greater credibility, cover the structure with a white sheet. Jumping on such a slide is a pleasure, especially if a “magic spell” is cast on your active child, which will turn him into a snow bear or leopard. An ordinary ironing board can also serve as a material for building a slide. One end is placed on the sofa, the other on the floor.
For greater safety of the child, it is better to hold the end of the board that rests on the floor. Of course, you shouldn’t jump on such a hill, but walking around or rolling toys on it is easy.
Snow hut
Probably, each of us in childhood built a hut or hut at home: chairs were gathered in the middle of the room, covered with a blanket or blanket. Then the most mysterious conspiracies took place in such structures and terrible secrets were revealed. Invite your child to build such a hut, and best of all, join the process.
After that, you can play in the hut or have a puppet tea party.
Mitten - girlfriend
After active games, it's time to do something more relaxed. For example, handicraft.
Surely, your baby periodically loses one glove or mitten, leaving the other alone. This orphan can be given a new life if you make a toy out of her.
Sew buttons instead of eyes to a mitten, decorate with embroidery or beads - and your child will find a new friend, and if you decorate a glove, making a little man out of each finger, your child will have as many as 5 friends who will never let him get bored. Be sure to include your child in this process.
Snow cakes
If your child looks longingly at the white street, arrange a snow party for him at home. Do not be too lazy to go to the yard and bring a small bucket of snow. Put on gloves and make snow cakes together, decorating them with paints. Then place your crafts on a tray and freeze in the freezer. After a while, when the baby forgets about them, the freezer can be emptied.
Snowflakes on windows
If winter does not indulge in snow, it is very easy to create it artificially by decorating windows with snowflakes. You can stick snowflakes cut out of paper on the window, or draw them with toothpaste directly on the glass. To do this, you will need a stencil, a glass of water and an old toothbrush. Make a stencil out of paper or thick cardboard and tape it to the glass. Then wet the brush, dip it in toothpowder or paste, and run your finger over it until it splatters on the glass.
White watercolor or gouache paint can be used to create these snowflakes, but the paste lays on the glass more evenly and is much easier to wash off.
Dough snowmen
All you need is salt dough, brushes and paints. First, make the material for the craft. To do this, you will need fine salt, wheat flour, vegetable oil and water. The recipe is very simple: mix a glass of salt and a glass of flour, pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil and half a glass of water into the resulting mixture. Knead the dough until a homogeneous mass. In order for the dough to be more plastic, replace the water with jelly from starch.
From the resulting material, you can sculpt not only snowmen, but also other crafts. After the figure is molded, paint it with paints with the baby.
10 more winter games that you can play at home
Play "contracts" with your child
- There is a cheerful round dance in the forest near the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve
Sitting tight at the bitch, the rooster cries:
- And every time in response to him, a cow lows:
Moo, moo, moo.
-I wanted to say “bravo” to the singers, but only the cat came out:
- I can't make out the words, the frogs say:
-And the bullfinch whispers something funny pig:
-And smiling to himself, the goat sang:
-Who the hell is that? The cuckoo called out:
“It's snowing outside” (based on a poem by E. Blaginina)
Children must guess how each quatrain ends.
It's snowing outside,
The holiday is coming soon. ..
- New Year!
The needles are softly glowing,
The coniferous spirit is coming...
-From the Christmas tree!
The branches are faintly rustling,
Beads are bright..
- Shine!
And the toys are swinging -
Flags, stars...
- Flappers!
Threads of colorful tinsel,
- Balloons!
Fragile figurines of fish,
Birds, skiers…
- Snow Maidens!
White-beard and red-nosed
Under the branches of Grandfather ...
- Frost!
And, decorating the top,
It shines there, as always,
Very bright, big,
- Star!
Well, the Christmas tree, just marvelous!
How elegant, how...
Here are the lights lit on it,
Hundreds of tiny...
- Lights!
The doors are wide open, as if in a fairy tale,
The round dance rushes in ...
- Dance!
And over this round dance
Talk, songs, ringing laughter...
Congratulations on. ..
- Happy New Year!
With new happiness at once...
- Everyone!
Play a game of reading
Write "YES" and the word "NO" on slips of paper. Ask the child a variety of questions, and the child shows you the right cards.
- Is this toy hanging on top of the Christmas tree?
- Glass toy?
- Is it big?
- Is it red?
- Silver toy?
Find the Gift Game
Wrap a small present in foil and hide it. If your child can read, write landmarks on a piece of paper.
For example: under the table; on the windowsill behind a flower; in the bedroom under my mother's pillow, etc.
If the child is unable to read, also provide a reference point in words.
For example: in the hall near the teddy bear on the right; or in your room between a closet and a big typewriter.
Catch the Gift Game
Place small gifts (toys) in the Kinder Surprise Egg and hang them on a string. Give the child scissors and blindfold him. Gently lead the child to the hanging surprises, and let the child cut them off, thereby choosing a gift for himself.
Another version of the game (found on the Internet). You can play this version of the game when guests come to you. Big and small. Prepare surprises for everyone and wrap them in beautiful paper. Make a fishing rod. Tie a rope or belt to any stick. Cover the doorway with a blanket. An assistant will sit behind the blanket and tie gifts to the fishing rod. Guests take turns throwing a fishing rod and pulling it out with gifts. Don't forget about the obligatory attribute of fishing - a boot or an empty bottle. Whoever pulls out these "surprises" casts the bait again.
Paper snowball game
Take newspapers and crumple them. If the newspaper is very large, then tear off pieces from them and crush them into lumps, the size of a fist.
Paper snowballs can be divided into 2 equal parts.
Objective of the game: Throw as many snowballs at the enemy as possible.
The players with the fewest snowballs on their half win.
Blow the snowflake game
Cut out snowflakes from paper. Put it in the middle of the table, and let the children stand at the edges of the table. So, who will blow their snowflake off the opposite side of the table faster?
Cotton wool snow game
Put a piece of cotton on your palm and let the child blow. You can also arrange a competition: who will blow snow out of cotton wool the farthest.
Cotton wool can also be placed in the middle of the table and blown on to play football
Footprints Game
Cut (or draw) silhouettes of animal and bird tracks from paper. Prepare cards with pictures of animals and birds.
Spread the footprints on the floor.
The child's task is to guess which of the animals and birds leaves traces that are cut or drawn on paper.
Snowball game
What needs to be prepared?
— Cotton wool, foil, basket
How to play?
Take a piece of cotton and wrap it in foil.
So that you get a ball (lump). Take more cotton wool, because. The “lump” must be made such that it fits in the baby’s palm, but at the same time the baby could not swallow it.
Prepare a basket and show your child how to throw this ball into the basket. In this game, your baby develops coordination, accuracy, manual dexterity. You, in turn, teach the baby to squeeze and unclench the fist
If you have older children, then among them you can arrange a competition:
- who will throw the ball further;
- who will throw the lumps into the basket the most;
- who will throw 5 lumps into the general basket the fastest, etc. etc.
Snowman's Nose game
A snowman without a nose is drawn on a large sheet of paper and hung on the wall. Blind the nose from plasticine.
Blindfold the children and give them a plasticine carrot nose. The child must attach the nose to the snowman.
Magic bag game
Santa's bag is filled with as many toys as possible. Each child puts his hand in there, determines by touch what he caught there, and describes in detail. After everyone has got a toy out of the bag, you can announce that these are New Year's gifts (this, of course, is not improvisation, you took care of the gifts in advance).
Remember that every game should bring joy to the child! Play with the kids yourself, be closer to them, take part in their game, they will appreciate it, it will become even more interesting for them, and this holiday will never be forgotten!
Russian folk outdoor games in winter
Russian folk winter outdoor games are distinguished by the fact that they use snow and ice as "inventory". Winter games and fun are almost always a little "riotous". Perhaps because the Russian frosts urged us to move quickly, not to stand still - otherwise you would freeze.
The traditional winter fun for children and teenagers was skiing from the mountains. Moreover, if these mountains were not built, then the guys themselves must have poured them. This was the first experience of collective work for the common good. They rode from the mountains on sleds (rather, urban entertainment), home-made wooden sleds and ice-boats, and naughty youth - on real sledges.
Another entertainment was snowball fights. The rules of the game are very simple - throw snow at the enemy, and dodge yourself. With modern versions of this winter fun, you can read in the article about outdoor games with snowballs .
"Snow Tower" - Russian folk winter game
You can play when loose sleet falls. A small (about 50-70 cm) turret is built from it. Children are divided into two groups - "defender" and "invaders". "Defenders" stand near the fortress, and "invaders" at a distance of 5-6 steps from it, holding snowballs in their hands. The boys say in unison:
"Jack Frost
brought cold-cold,
On the road he did a trick,
I made a snow tower.
Who stood in a circle -
Throw a snowball!”
After that, the "invaders" throw snowballs at the tower - each one snowball, trying to destroy it. "Defenders" can beat off snowballs. To do this, the "defenders" can be armed with cartons or ice cubes. If the tower could not be destroyed, then the teams change roles. The team that destroys the tower wins.
"Storm of the Fortress" - Russian folk winter outdoor game
Before the start of the game at some distance from each other build two snow forts out of snow . You can omit this preparatory part and simply draw two circles on the snow - they will be fortresses. Children are divided into equal squads and come up with names for their fortresses. Let us have Moscow and Kazan.
A "drawer" is chosen from each team. They measure the distance and draw a line in the middle between the fortresses. Along this line, "teams" are lined up - each from the side of its "city".
The drawers stand a little to the side and throw lots - for example, tossing a coin, or guessing "rock-paper-scissors". Let the drawer of the Moscow "team" lose with us. Then he shouts: “One, two, three! Run to Moscow! After that, the Moscow "team" runs to their fortress, and the Kazan "team" tries to catch and knock down as many enemy players as possible. The Muscovite player is safe as soon as he is inside his fortress. Those players who were pissed off go over to the side of the opponent and become members of the Kazan "team". Everyone returns to their original position, the lot is drawn again. If the drawer of the Kazan fortress loses, he shouts: “One-two-three! Run to Kazan! After that, the Kazan "team" runs away, and the Moscow army catches up. The game ends when all players are in the same squad.
"Moroz" - Russian folk winter round dance game
This is a round dance game with elements of a tag. Before the game, they choose the driver - "Frost" with a rhyme. Children stand in a circle and hold hands. "Frost" stands in the center of the circle. They dance and say:
“Zimushka-Winter is coming,
She has a white braid.
Three aunts go with her -
White undershirts:
Blizzard, Blizzard and Snowstorm.
Those aunts have a servant:
Furious Uncle Frost,
Whoever grabs - he froze!
After these words, the children scatter, and "Frost" tries to overpower them, "freeze". The one whom the frost managed to touch must freeze in place, arms outstretched to the side. The rest of the players can "unfreeze" it - throw a snowball at it (and, of course, hit it). When all players except one are frozen, the game ends and the last, most dexterous player becomes the new Frost.
For younger children, the rules can be simplified. The one whom Frost caught up with first becomes the driver. And the game starts again.
"Winter cauldron" - Russian folk winter outdoor game
This game is Russian children's hockey. To begin with, all the players acquired clubs - sticks bent at the ends. Today, children's plastic clubs can be used to play. A circle with a diameter of 4-5 meters is drawn on the snow. A small circle with a diameter of about 70-80 centimeters is drawn in the center of the large circle. The small circle is the cauldron.
Before playing a rhyme, a driver is chosen - a "watchman". He stands inside the big circle. All other children are located around the perimeter of a large circle on the outside.
Played with a small piece of ice or packed snow. Players try to throw the piece of ice in such a way that it falls into the "cauldron". "Watchman" beats off the ice and protects the "cauldron". Players can throw ice to each other, choosing the right moment for the throw. The one whose shot is effective takes the place of the "watchman" and the game continues.
If you do not have clubs, then you can play the folk game "Winter Cauldron" with your feet.
I must say that in folk game "Kotel" played at any time of the year, but the rules were somewhat different - much more complex.
"Heel" - Russian folk winter game
This folk game of the Arkhangelsk province is similar to the game "Winter Cauldron". A circle with a diameter of 2-3 meters is drawn on snow or ice. The leader stands inside the circle. He holds a small piece of ice in his hand. The rest of the children jump on one leg from the outside of the circle. You can't cross the line! The children say in chorus:
Against our yard
Rolled mountain
Shoe nailed.
I jump-jump on ice,
The heel fell off,
Heel fell off
And left his footprint!
After the last word of the chants, the leader throws the heeled ice floe outside the circle. The guys are trying to drive the ice back into the circle. You need to do this with your feet, without stopping jumping on one leg. For toddlers, you can simplify the rules and allow them to move on two legs. The driver beats off the ice with a stick. Moreover, he can take out a stick beyond the line of the circle, but not go out with his feet. If someone managed to drive an ice floe into a circle, then he becomes a driver.
"Ldinka" - Russian folk winter outdoor game
Two circles are drawn - one inside the other - a large circle with a diameter of 5-6 meters and a small circle 0.5-0.7 meters. Instead of a small circle, it is even better to dig a shallow hole. 10-12 pieces of ice are put into this hole. Choose a leader. Its place is inside the great circle. He has no right to go beyond it. The rest of the players are at the beginning of the game outside the circle. The task of the players is to knock out an ice floe from a large circle. The driver tries to knock out those children who run into the circle to knock out the ice. The one who was taunted becomes the new driver (while the game does not stop). They play until the last piece of ice is knocked out of the circle.
"Korovka" - Russian folk winter outdoor game
This game can be played on ice or on very well packed snow. Choose a driver. The driver steps on an ice floe, which is called a “cow”. The players stand still, and the driver tries to hit the players with an ice floe. When thrown, he says: "Buy a cow!". Players can jump over the ice but are not allowed to run away. The one who got the ice is the new driver.
"King of the Ice Mountain" - Russian folk winter outdoor game
Very active, strong game. It was played mostly by boys. A high snowdrift is selected. Everyone usually plays against everyone. The task of each player is to climb to the very top and not let himself be thrown off from there. In the game, you can push, shove, fight, dropping (rolling) opponents down. The one who lasts the longest is the King of the Ice Mountain. Sometimes, instead of a snowdrift mountain, they made a big ball out of snow, poured water on it, and played the next day. Climbing onto such a ball and then standing on it, even if you are not being pushed or shoved, is a difficult task.