What was little jack horner eating in the corner

'Little Jack Horner' : NPR

Reason Behind the Rhyme: 'Little Jack Horner' Host Debbie Elliott and Chris Roberts dissect the meaning of the nursery rhyme "Little Jack Horner." It's about a real estate swindle in 16th-century England. Roberts is the author of Heavy Words Lightly Thrown: The Reason Behind the Rhyme.

Heard on All Things Considered

Reason Behind the Rhyme: 'Little Jack Horner'

Host Debbie Elliott and Chris Roberts dissect the meaning of the nursery rhyme "Little Jack Horner." It's about a real estate swindle in 16th-century England. Roberts is the author of Heavy Words Lightly Thrown: The Reason Behind the Rhyme.


This is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News. I'm Debbie Elliott.

You think the real estate market is treacherous today, try England in the late 1530s. That's what the nursery rhyme "Little Jack Horner" is really all about.

(Soundbite of music)

ELLIOTT: Here to explain is our London librarian Chris Roberts. He's the author of "Heavy Words Lightly Thrown: The Reason Behind the Rhyme," and he's at our London bureau.

Hello again, Chris.

Mr. CHRIS ROBERTS (Author, "Heavy Words Lightly Thrown"): Hello. Hi, Debbie.

ELLIOTT: So who was Little Jack Horner?

Mr. ROBERTS: Little Jack Horner was actually Thomas Horner. The name Jack comes up in nursery rhymes a lot, usually to reflect a slightly knavish character, a bit of a ne'er-do-well. So I suspect that's why they changed his name to Jack from Thomas.

(Reading) `Little Jack Horner sat in a corner eating his Christmas pie. He stuck in a thumb and pulled out a plum and said, "What a good boy am I."'

Where to begin with this? This is talking about the dissolution of the monasteries, Henry VIII taking property from the Catholic Church. Jack, as we know, is actually called Thomas Horner. Now he was a steward to the Abbot of Glastonbury during the reign of Henry VIII. This is how the story goes: He was entrusted to take some title deeds of properties to Henry VIII as a bribe so the abbot could keep the main monastery, but was prepared to give away some of the lesser properties.

Now the title deeds were held and sealed in a pie, and Jack's off to London. But instead of delivering the bribe to Henry VIII, he helps himself to the pie, puts his hand in, pulls out a plum piece of real estate--in this case, a place called Mells Manor--and thinks he's very clever for doing this. That's one version of it, that Jack is a thief and he's stealing the bribe that's intended for the king. And he...

ELLIOTT: So was this common? Is there historical evidence to support the theory that bribes were often delivered in pies?

Mr. ROBERTS: It comes up bewilderingly often in nursery rhyme. And it's--I think the pie is used as a metaphor. I think it's not necessarily what we would think of as a pie. It's just referring to a means of concealing a document, concealing anything. It could be jewels in some cases. Now the Horner family, who incidentally lived in Mells Manor until the 20th century, are quite outraged at this slander of their ancestor and understandably so.

And there are actually two rhymes that mention Mr. Horner. The first one that mentions him is: `Hopton(ph), Horner, Smith and Finn, when the abbots went out, they came in.' And a much more likely reading of what happened is that Thomas Horner, along with the other people mentioned in the previous rhyme--Hopton and Smith and Finn--were up-and-coming gentry. They were Protestant, they were local merchants doing quite well for themselves in the area around Glastonbury, and that they bought the property. You could see it as an early example of gentrification. They bought the property at the time admittedly at a knockdown rate, and admittedly the land had been stolen from the Catholic Church by Henry VIII. This seems to be what happened after the dissolution of the monasteries. The king didn't keep all the land for himself; he distributed it amongst his supporters so he then could rely on their loyalty should anything occur in the future, should there be a rebellion in the future. I suspect, though I can't prove this, that the popular `Little Jack Horner sat in a corner, eating his Christmas pie' version is actually the Catholic take on proceedings there.

ELLIOTT: Chris Roberts is the author of "Heavy Words Lightly Thrown: The Reason Behind the Rhyme," and he's a librarian at Lambeth College in South London.

Thank you, Chris.

Mr. ROBERTS: Thank you, Debbie.

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A Short Analysis of the ‘Little Jack Horner’ Nursery Rhyme – Interesting Literature


By Dr Oliver Tearle

‘Little Jack Horner’ has attracted a good deal more speculation than many other famous nursery rhymes, and others have had a fair bit. But for some reason, this little children’s rhyme about a boy eating a Christmas pie and pulling out a plum has been the subject of more debate than 90% of nursery rhymes in the English language. Why has the rhyme of ‘Little Jack Horner’ attracted such wild analysis, interpretation, and speculation? First, here’s a reminder of the words:

Little Jack Horner
Sat in the corner,
Eating a Christmas pie;
He put in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum,
And said, ‘What a good boy am I!’

We mentioned in our analysis of another nursery rhyme, ‘Sing a Song of Sixpence’, that some scholars or enthusiasts of nursery rhymes seem to want to make all of them about the Dissolution of the Monasteries and the English Reformation. But Reformation intrigue also surrounds ‘Little Jack Horner’, and here the case is a little more persuasive and interesting, although nevertheless nothing more than speculation.

The story goes as follows. A man named Thomas Horner was steward to Richard Whiting, the last of the abbots at Glastonbury Abbey. When King Henry VIII was dissolving the monasteries, the abbot sent Horner to London with the gift of a Christmas pie, in which were concealed the title deeds to twelve manors, which were designed to appease Henry in the hope that he would allow Glastonbury to survive the purging of the monasteries. But, when Horner returned to Glastonbury he opened the pie and pilled out the deeds of the Manor of Mells, which he had kept from Henry, meaning the monastery still had some of its own land.

What makes the link between this story and the rhyme of Little Jack Horner a little more scintillating is that we know that a man named Thomas Horner took up residence at Mells not long after the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Neat, huh? But the Horner family descended from this sixteenth-century Thomas Horner claim that their ancestor bought the manor, rather than plucking it from a pie. So it’s difficult to know whom to believe.

‘Little Jack Horner’ was later worked into a longer rhyme, which was published as a chapbook in 1764. (Many familiar nursery rhymes were popularised by the chapbook form around this time: ‘Old Mother Hubbard’ first became a bestseller and household name when it was published as a chapbook in the early nineteenth century.) But it seems clear that the original six-line rhyme of ‘Little Jack Horner’ was of an older vintage, and may well have been penned in reference to Thomas Horner’s acquisition of his Mells estate. Even if the real Thomas Horner acquired his manor fair and square, tongues may have wagged in those divided times. In the last analysis, we’ll probably never know for sure just how closely the events of Thomas Horner’s life and the pie-poking events described in the rhyme were related.

The author of this article, Dr Oliver Tearle, is a literary critic and lecturer in English at Loughborough University. He is the author of, among others, The Secret Library: A Book-Lovers’ Journey Through Curiosities of History and The Great War, The Waste Land and the Modernist Long Poem.

Image: via Wikimedia Commons.

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Tags: Analysis, Children's Literature, Henry VIII, History, Little Jack Horner, Nursery Rhymes, Origins, Summary, Thomas Horner

When the cake was opened, did the birds sing? – Celebrity.fm

Roberts: Sing a song about sixpence, a pocket full of rye, four and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie. When the cake was opened, the birds sang. Isn't this an elegant dish to be served in front of a king? The king was in his office, counting money; the queen was in the drawing room eating bread and honey.

Besides, what does Humpty Dumpty symbolize?

The riddle probably used to mislead the fact that "Humpty Dumpty" was also an eighteenth century redundant slang for short and clumsy person . The riddle may depend on the assumption that a clumsy person falling off a wall cannot be irreparably damaged, while an egg can.

Accordingly, what do 4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie mean?

One of the leading theories is that twenty-four blackbirds represent the hours of the day, with the king being the sun and the queen being the moon. …People have even suggested that thrushes are movable type , and they are "baked into a pie" when the printer sets them up to print an English Bible.

in the same way How do verses 4 and 20 of thrushes go?

The rhyme is: Sing a sixpence song, a pocket full of rye, Twenty-four thrushes baked in a pie . When the cake was opened, the birds sang.

Why is Humpty Dumpty banned?

The BBC insisted that the nursery rhyme was not changed due to its target audience and stated that it was only changed for "creative" purposes. nine0008 . But Tom Harris, Labor MP for Glasgow South, called the change "ridiculous. "


What is the moral of Humpty Dumpty's story?

After the fall. The first lesson we can learn from Humpty is to accept failure . He realizes that everyone knows about him because of his "great fall". However, he defines himself not on the basis of our view of him, but on what he thinks of himself.

Are Jack and Jill based on true events? nine0034

A small town in Somerset called Kilmersdon now has a real hill. is called "Jack and Jill Hill ," which locals say inspired the nursery rhymes. Their story involves a young couple - local spinster Jill and her mysterious lover Jack.

What does a full pocket of rye mean?

Reference to a full pocket of rye could be seeds used to feed thrushes . The thrushes themselves were originally magpies in some versions. The presentation of this rhyme could end with a playful correction of a child's nose. nine0003

Can you eat thrush?

Blackbirds are edible however, like many other small birds. Each bird had its own taste and some were the size of a piece of meat when clean and cooked. … Blackbirds were once eaten, although their meat is considered quite bitter.

What was Little Jack Horner eating in the corner?

(Reading) Little Jack Horner was sitting in the corner eating his Christmas cake . He stuck his thumb in, pulled out a plum, and said, "What a good boy I am." nine0003

What did Jack Horner eat in the corner?

(Reading) Little Jack Horner was sitting in the corner eating his Christmas cake . He stuck his thumb in, pulled out a plum, and said, "What a good boy I am"... Now the title deeds were sealed in a pie and Jack went to London.

What were 3 blind mice running after?

Three blind mice! Watch how they run! They all ran after farmer's wife Who cut off their tails with a carving knife. nine0003

Humpty Dumpty alive?

Shock Ji, producer and frontman of the 1990s hip-hop group Digital Underground, widely known for his "Humpty Hump" alter ego, has died, according to a statement from his family. The artist, whose real name was Gregory Jacobs, was 57 years old; cause of death not confirmed .

Was Humpty Dumpty human?

Yes, Humpty was a human . It was drawn like an egg, as a symbol of our fragility. Whether we have fallen or failed, we must tear down our walls, overcome them, or get out of them before we become incorrigible. Humpty, as a man, could handle one crack, not several. nine0003

Why is Rosie's ring bad?

Rhyme cruel fatalism: roses euphemism for death rash Supposed preventive measure; a-tishoos refer to the symptoms of sneezing, and the consequences of every fall are, in general, death.

Humpty Dumpty in Alice through a mirror?

Humpty Dumpty fictional character from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There.

What is the meaning of the word Humpty? nine0034

(ˈHʌmptɪ) British. low padded seat ; pouf.

Why is the ring around Rosie bad?

Rhyme cruel fatalism: roses euphemism for death rash Supposed preventive measure; a-tishoos refer to the symptoms of sneezing, and the consequences of every fall are, in general, death.

What does the Crown mean in Jack and Jill?

As a result, Jill became pregnant, but shortly before the baby was born, Jack was killed by a rock that fell down a hill and landed on his head. Just a few days later, Jill also died in childbirth. So in this case the crown is will again be on top of .

Why did Jack and Jill go get a bucket of water?

Jack fell. and broke his crown, And Jill fell after. The comic satirizes the paradoxical idea that Jack and Jill go up the hill for water, because natural water sources such as rivers and streams flow from hill , so they are usually found in valleys rather than hilltops.

Why did old Mother Hubbard go into the closet?

Old Mother Hubbard went to the closet, To bring her poor dog a bone . But when she got there, the closet was empty... To bring her poor dog a bone.

What could Jack Sprat's wife not eat?

Jack Sprat couldn't eat fat. His wife could eat without lean . But together they both licked the dish.

Why can't you eat a crow?

Eating a crow is a colloquial idiom used in some English-speaking countries, which means humiliation by admitting one is wrong after having taken a strong position . The crow is a scavenger who is apparently disgusting to eat, just like being proven wrong can be emotionally difficult to swallow.

How old do thrushes live?

Blackbirds are relatively short-lived birds with a life expectancy of only 3.4 years . Of course, this is only an average lifespan, and the actual age of individual thrushes varies greatly, with many not surviving past their first year, while the oldest recorded thrush was 20 years and 3 months old. nine0003

Are thrush eggs edible?

Bird eggs are a nutritious food source so it is not surprising that many animals eat them. During the summer, leftover eggs are common, so if you find any, check first to see if they are hatching normally.

Last updated: 7 days ago - Authors: 14 - Authors: 6 - Links: 27 interviews and posts; 7 Video.

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Skip & Flip - Cherry Pie

  • Lyrics
  • Skip & Flip
  • Cherry Pie

Cherry Pie

Nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah, whoa-oh, whoa-oh
Nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah, whoa-oh, whoa-oh -nah-nah cherry pie nah-nah-nah-nah-nah
Cherry, nah-nah-nah cherry pie , nah
Nah, nah, nah, whoa-oh, whoa-oh

Sugar, nah-nah-nah sugar plum nah-nah-nah-nah-nah
Sugar, nah-nah-nah sugar plum nah-nah-nah-nah-nah sweet as they come
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah

Like Little Jack Horner sat, sat, sat in the corner
Eating his cherry, cherry pie
I didn't put in a thumb
I didn' pull out a plum
I guess I'm not as great as he, whoa-oh, whoa-oh

Give me nah-nah-nah give me some nah-nah-nah-nah-nah
Give me nah- nah-nah give me some nah-nah-nah-nah-nah
Give me nah-nah-nah give me some cherry, cherry pie
Nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah, whoa-oh, whoa-oh nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah cherry pie

Nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah cherry pie

Nah, nah, nah
No, no, no, stop-oh, oh

Cherry, nah-nah-nah cherry pie Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah
Cherry, Nah-nah-nah cherry pie Nah -nah-nah-nah-nah
Cherry, Nah-nah-nah cherry pie, hey so good
Nah, nah
No, No, No, stop-oh, uh-oh nah
Sugar, nah-nah-nah Dragee Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah
Sugar, nah-nah-nah sugar plums, sweet as they come
No, no, no, no, no, nah

Like little Jack Horner sat, sat, sat in the corner
Ate cherries, cherry pie
I didn't put in my finger
I didn't pull plums
I guess I'm not as big as him, uh uh oh

Give me nah-nah-nah give me some Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah
Give me nah-nah-nah give me some Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah I got some cherries, cherry pie
Nah, nah
No, no, no, stop-oh, uh-oh
Nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah cherry pie
Nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah cherry pie

Nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah cherry pie

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