Wheels on bus goes
The Wheels On The Bus
Nursery Rhyme The Wheels On The Bus with Lyrics and Music
The Wheels on the Bus is a very popular children`s song. It is sung with different verses, and it excists many variations. We suggest that you try the verses listed below. And remember that you also can make up your own verses... Remember to share them with us in the comment field below!
The Wheels On The Bus is perfect to sing on journeys to keep children amused. On bus journeys it is a "must".
Tip: Going on a long car trip? Why not change "bus" with "car", and try to make up some new verses? This is fun enertainment for all the family! Enjoy - and have a nice trip :)
Don't you remember the The Wheels On The Bus tune? Don't worry! You can listen to "The Wheels On The Bus" at the bottom of this page...
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round
Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all day long.
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep
Beep, beep, beep
Beep, beep, beep.
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep,
all day long.
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish
Swish, swish, swish
Swish, swish, swish.
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish,
all day long.
The baby on the bus says "Wah, wah, wah
Wah, wah, wah
Wah, wah, wah".
The baby on the bus says "Wah, wah, wah",
all day long.
The bell on the buss goes "Ding, ding, ding"
Ding, ding, ding
Ding, ding, ding
The bell on the buss goes "Ding, ding, ding",
all day long.
The money on the bus (or in the box) goes, Clink, clink, clink
Clink, clink, clink
Clink, clink, clink.
The money on the bus goes, Clink, clink, clink,
all day long.
The Driver on the bus says "Move on back
move on back, move on back"
The Driver on the bus says "Move on back",
all day long.
The windows on the bus go up and down
up and down
up and down".
The windows on the bus go up and down,
all day long.
The mommy on the bus says "Shush, shush, shush
Shush, shush, shush
Shush, shush, shush."
The mommy on the bus says "Shush, shush, shush"
all day long.
The people on the bus laugh "Ha-ha-ha"
Ha, ha, ha
Ha, ha, ha.
The people on the bus laugh "Ha-ha-ha",
all day long.
Press the play-icon to listen to the nursery rhyme "The Wheels On The Bus". Sing along!
YOUR Experiences With The Wheels On The Bus
How and when do YOU use the nursery rhyme The Wheels On The Bus? Have you made a own verse? Please tell us about it :)
The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round by Annie Kubler
Classic Books with Holes
Annie Kubler (Illustrations)
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Bouncy illustrations, innovative die cutting and popular rhymes make Books with Holes a must for every child. Available in three formats, suitable for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and the nursery or classroom.
14 pages, Board Book
First published January 1, 2001
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews
March 19, 2019Awards Received (if any):
-Parenting Magazine Reading Magic Award
-ALA Notable Book
-Redbook Award
Appropriate Grade Level:
-Pre-K through 1st Grade
Original Summary:
-This is a repetitious song book that goes through different parts of the bus and the corresponding movements or sounds that those parts make; for example the wheels go round, the wipers go swish, the horn goes beep, the parents go chat, the babies go wah, and so on.
The illustrations are colorful, and the words repeat for children to easily sing along to.
Original Review:
-This is a classic song that I can remember singing when I was a kid, and it hasn’t gotten old because it is a wonderful book to teach children how to sing. The specific copy that I got of this book was a big book, which is great because the bus is huge and makes the singing activity even more fun for the children to follow along with. I love how this song book draws children’s attention to sounds like “swish” and “wah,” because it creates a wonderful opportunity to work on phonics with the class.
Possible In-Class Use:
-This book is wonderful for practicing phonics because it is repetitious and includes many great sounds like swish, chat, ssh, and beep. After singing along to this book with the class, a quick and easy activity could be to point to certain sounds and have the class repeat them with you, such as “sh” and “ch.”
- songs
October 7, 2020
Awards: None for this particular book was found.
Appropriate Grade Level: Pre-K through 1st grade
Original Summary: This is a classic song/rhyme illustrated into a book for children to be able to see colorful photos as they sing or read along to this traditional song.
Original Review: This song has reminded me of my childhood! I remember singing along to this in school along with "Old Macdonald" and other songs like "Bingo." It's a great book that allows kids to be able to mimic in words what kinds of sounds a bus makes and how it runs.
In-Class Use: It's a good phonics use because it repeats a lot of sounds and it also teaches children things like, "The Wheels on the bus go round and round" so that's how it moves and travels. It also has other sounds like the drivers horn that goes, "Beep, beep, beep" and the wipers going, "Swish, swish, swish." Each thing on the bus makes a noise and the song and book demonstrates them all.
- nursery-rhymes
July 16, 2020
Wheels on the bus go round and round, babies on the bus go wah wah wah, the driver on the bus says tickets please, and the tires on the bus go shh shh sssshhhh. .... Flat tire? Nah. To stop for a picnic! Duh! Annie Kubler once again makes nursery songs fun with sweet drawings of people riding a bus, running to catch the bus, and basically having fun together, and yes the riders are as diverse as the world itself, like the black baby boy in the arms of a white clown, and no one bothers them. I wish all bus rides were like this! Well, the dream will come true..... someday.
Four stars
Go Kubler , and leave the riding to us!
A Allen
491 reviews1 follower
September 8, 2019This book reads as a "classic" rendition of Wheels on the Bus meaning that there isn't a lot about it that sets it apart from other versions. It is also worth noting that the white people outnumber all of the people of color in Kubler's version. I'd rather have a "newer" or more unique or more inclusive version of Wheels On the Bus in my classroom library, personally. Wouldn't recommend this one.
November 17, 2020
1. Awards:
2. Grade Levels: PreK - 1
3. Summary: Young children take the bus that picks up people along their way to a party.
4. Review: There are lots of repetition and onomatopoeias that is easy to remember and to sing along with. There are also very colorful and fun illustrations.
5. In-Class Use: This book is great for raising phonemic awareness. Students can create their own lyrics.
- songs
December 3, 2021
Probably not the best version, artistically, but my toddler loves it and there's lots of little details to point out and talk about. In this version magicians and clowns and face painters are all boarding the bus to get to a child's birthday party at the end. In my experience it's nice to have book versions of songs to bring them to life and help with memory.
906 reviews
February 8, 2018So colorful, and I love the addition of the die-cut pages. But it's going to bother me that I don't know whose birthday it is at the end.
- children-s-books finished-in-2018
September 23, 2019This book is about the song the wheels on the bus. The book has a picture of the bus while it goes through the whole song.
- picture-books
December 6, 2020The wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round is a book/ song about how wheels move on a bus. It a great nursery rhyme and teaches children how to sound out words and practice spoken language.
- songs
480 reviews1 follower
December 10, 2021Nice sturdy copy of The Wheels on the Bus. Great for smaller kids. A must-have for toddler storytimes! Everyone always loves the colorful wheels!
- apl-childrens
July 25, 2019
The writing is perfectly serviceable, though without any distinguishing characteristics. It's like those MFA bores all are.
November 30, 2020
This did not have any rewards that I could find because there are so many versions and different ways of telling/singing this. This would be good for infants and toddlers I believe because it teaches them rhyme and repetition but it also helps with fine motor skills when using the hand motions as well. This is just a song about what parts of the bus there are and what they do. I love this song and it is a staple in my two year old son's life. You could use this in a school setting by singing along with the children and doing the hand motions.
- songs
December 14, 2018
I can't believe this book has zero reviews. Between two small children, this book gets the most requests. Each time I'm impressed at the thought that wen't into the cutouts and how they had to be considerate of both the page before, the page after and the whole story. As with any children's book that has been read more than 50 times you start to ask real questions about what's going on ... like what happened to baby #1's parent? Whose birthday is this? And why doesn't the artist have a ticket for the bus? These are the conversations I came here to have with other parents.
- children-s-books
3,178 reviews44 followers
May 30, 2014We had to have this at every single story time at my previous library and I got horribly tired of it, but it's been almost two years since I had to read it, so I thought I could bring it out again in my current job. I took it for an outreach visit to the child care classes at an immigrant assistance centre, and the kids were crazy about it. One boy kept screaming "look, it's a real bus!" in a thick Russian accent.
- childrens-books outreach story-time
November 11, 2015
This big book seems to be a favorite among toddlers and preschoolers. The song is one that many children are already familiar with... and easy enough to learn for those who are unfamiliar. This book is funny and the children love to make sounds and gestures for each part of the bus ride experience.
This book can provide a good activity for children who are familiar with the song, to figure out what the verse will be based on the pictures in the book.
November 11, 2015
This big book seems to be a favorite among toddlers and preschoolers. The song is one that many children are already familiar with... and easy enough to learn for those who are unfamiliar. This book is funny and the children love to make sounds and gestures for each part of the bus ride experience.
This book can provide a good activity for children who are familiar with the song, to figure out what the verse will be based on the pictures in the book.
September 30, 2014
This book is so fun! Not only can you sing along, but the illustrations are so fun! I absolutely love the holes focusing on the current character/item. My girls love to look at this book with me and sing it on their own. Plus the destination of the bus is very cute and fun. I learned this song with "all through the town", so I had a hard time saying/singing "all day long".
683 reviews97 followers
July 21, 2016Everybody knows this nursery rhyme, although variations to the song exist. My son and I enjoyed reading this board book together and the illustrations were engaging to the reader. Areas of the pages were cut out so the young reader can follow the story easily. The illustrations were reminiscent of Nick Sharratt, who provides the imagery for Jacqueline Wilson books.
- four-star
7 reviews1 follower
May 10, 2012It looks like everyone is having a bad day, what with it raining for the birthday, all their cars broken, the baby going wah instead of giggling, and the poor mortified solo dad being shhhed by everyone on the bus. only to find the bus drive is has helped himself to their birthday picnic!
April 4, 2013
It's a cute board book, nothing particularly special except the cut outs on each page, but my three-year old is quite drawn to this book! He seeks it out over and over at the library. Perhaps it is because I sing it rather than read it.
- picture-books
June 13, 2016
colorful, fun pictures, and cute to watch the bus fill up on its trip. but the problem with this type of book is that everyone learns different words to the songs. since when does the driver say 'tickets please' instead of 'move on back'? and I never heard of parents saying 'chat chat chat' either.
- library
587 reviews28 followers
February 22, 2010Another popular book for my kids. They love the holes and doing the movement of the song.
March 12, 2010
Who could forget the ever so classic "Wheels on the Bus" story perfect for pre-k and kindergarten grade levels but a must have within a home that has infants or toddlers.
- children-s classic prediction
September 25, 2012
I think this is a funny book and it is fun to sing the song that goes with it. Did you think so, too?
Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews
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it's raining, the bus is coming. Everyone on the bus is asleep, only one best man is awake.

Denis Eremenko
it's raining, the bus is coming. Everyone on the bus is asleep, only one best man is awake. Guess the name of the driver?, what was the number of the bus?, and which wheel was not spinning? rain Name number driver bus wheel only best man
Viktor Borodin
Drunk enters the bus and says to the whole cabin- What a nice weather. Everyone is silent. He again- What a nice weather. Everyone is silent again. This guy - well, since there's no one here - I'll pour it!
Denis Eremenko
Elena Khadykina
The wheels are all spinning, because the bus is moving. ... Consequently, the headlights of the bus were on and it was raining. ... You can't guess the number because it's raining and you can't see anything.
Viktor Zhilin
and I need it ...???)) I don’t even want to surf the Internet in search of an answer ... but if you are interested in this ... hmm ... I don’t know exactly and it’s not interesting ...
Abdigazi Rakim
I don’t know the name, but the last name is probably Bessonov, I don’t know the bus number, but the spare tire was not spinning, something like this))))
Tatyana *************
oh, I knew it as a child, I forgot, remind me, please. .. in my opinion, the name is Tolka, number-1. the wheels were all spinning..
San Barin
I don’t understand the best man or the driver held the spare wheel --- in short and the rain washes away all traces - I don’t know
Vadim Solovyov
the best man_is at the wedding, the driver's name was Tolik, the spare wheel is not spinning, and the license plate is smeared with mud...
Natalia Happy
is a bus with wet license plates, whose spare wheel is not spinning. And the driver's name is Tolik.
Irina Plekhanova (Gorpinich)
There is a bus with wet numbers, whose spare wheel is not spinning. And the driver's name is Tolik.
the wheel was spinning the driver was not sleeping, it was raining, and some bastard was sitting and inventing this riddle
Nastusha Dmitrievna
there is a bus with wet numbers, the cat does not have a spare wheel spinning. And the driver is called Tolik.
Gulnash Tulepova
probably the name of the driver is Ivan, the bus number is 13, but how will he drive if the wheel is not spinning!
Eugene Dj
A wooden brick is floating along the river like glass, well, let it float, we don’t need polystyrene
Inna Epifanenkova
an old, childish riddle: the driver's name was Tolka, the license plate was dirty, the spare wheel did not spin
Irina Kolcheva
spare does not spin . ... without a number ...... but a name .... any ... whatever they called it is called ......
Natalya Karpetova
the driver's name is Tolka, the bus number is one, the fifth wheel probably did not spin
Tatyana Tatyanovna
who knows what Tolka's name was))) if only they didn't fall into the ditch)))) or ischo where)))
Regina Ivanova
the driver's name is Tolka))) the number is not visible because of the rain, the spare wheel does not spin)
Olga Beliaeva
The name of the "best man" is the driver. "guessed" - a guess, "only" - only the wheels were spinning
Denis Eremenko
yeah caught =)) 2 mistakes, Only his name, spare wheel!
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Children's Songs of the Wheel by the Bus Children's song about the bus and other songs for children watch online video from Hasl Media in good quality.
1 year and 6 months ago Playlist with children's songs BroiSys: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKf8BioPJp1BiznV8U3xsxN6ry_A5qH86 Children's Songs Wheels by the Bus Children's song about the bus The bus is never boring, because there is always something going on. The wheels spin fast, the wipers slam on the windows, the doors open and close, the headlights flash, the horn buzzes - in general, there is noise and din. But what fun to go somewhere with the whole family! And on our children's channel you will find children's songs with animals, counting rhymes for children, educational songs for children and other interesting children's songs. #wheels of the bus #children's songs #songs for children 00:00 Wheels at Awobus 02:38 Head, shoulders, knees and toes ✋ https://youtu.be/t725xBtpogU 05:26 Lived at Grandma's Two Merry Goose https://youtu.be/afTjKZgSTpY 07:49Zainka Dance https://youtu.be/vnKs4TMzW3Y 09:08 Bunny came out for a walk https://youtu.be/D1KvpTQ3Kgo 10:50 Bear Clubfoot Walks through the Forest https://youtu.be/Qda7mS2jeqE 13:46 My Hands https://youtu.be/KrU53BlNuhI 16:07 Blue tractor https://youtu.be/PSKjbn_iYuw 19:21 Yellow Elephant in Sandals https://youtu.be/RA0H6SyGg48 21:30 My Cow https://youtu.be/X3HoM6TsonM 23:35 Five Monkeys Jump https://youtu.
be/AQsBhqAVbmc 25:37 If Life Is Fun Do It Like This https://youtu.be/1_15w0X-3U8 27:01 Song about Elephants https://youtu.be/DnX8ae46APs 29:58 The World Is So Wonderful https://youtu.be/jx7-dFKKmUA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bro_and_sis_russia/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/broandsis.russia Lyrics of the song The wheels of the bus are turning: ======================================== The wheels of the bus are turning, Turn-scha-yut-sya, Come on! The wheels of the bus are spinning Day-day! The doors of the bus clap-clap-clap, Clap-clap-clap, Clap-clap-clap! Bus doors clap-clap-clap Day-day! Brushes at the bus whack-whack-whack, Whack-whack-whack, Whack-whack-whack! Brushes at the bus whack-whack-whack Day-day! The headlights on the bus are instant, instant, instant, Moment-moment-moment, Moment-moment-moment! Headlights on the bus Day-day! And the horn of the bus is bb-b-b, BBC, Bi-bi-bi! And the whistle of the bus beep beep Day-day! And the bus motor dirr-dirr-dyrr, Dirr-dirr-dirr, Dirr-dirr-dirr! And the bus motor dirr-dirr-dyrr Day-day! Passenger on the bus back and forth Back and forth Back and forth! Passenger on the bus back and forth Day-day! And the kid on the bus whimper, whimper, whimper, whine-whine-whine, Whine-whine-whine! And the kid on the bus whimper whimper Day-day! Mommy on the bus: "Ssssssssssss Shhhhhhhhhhhhh Shhhhhhhhh!” Mommy on the Bus: "Shhhhhhhhh!" Day-day! Playlist with New Year's children's songs: https://www.