Who am i animal
580 What Animal Am I? Trivia Questions, Answers, and Fun Facts
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What Animal Am I?
How much do you know about What Animal Am I?? This category is for trivia questions and answers related to What Animal Am I? (For Children). Each one is filled with fun facts and interesting information.
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1 I am a pet, and a fast one at that. I can sometimes be found at a racetrack, chasing a rabbit.
Answer: GreyhoundWhile not all greyhounds are necessarily colored grey, they were named this way because many were that color.
They are good pets but are sometimes used in greyhound racing.
- Your options: [ Lemur ] [ Gray Wolf ] [ Greyhound ] [ Koala ]
From Quiz: Gray is Good
2 I have eight legs and often dine on insects. What am I?
Answer: SpiderSpiders come in all sorts of sizes and colors, and usually avoid people. But never play with them because some are very dangerous!
From Quiz: Guess the Animal
3 "With a wingspan of up to seventy-five centimetres, I'm the largest known flying insect. I lived in the warm jungles of Western Europe during a period in Earth's history called the Carboniferous, three hundred million years ago. What am I?"
Answer: Meganeura"I am....meganeura! I'm an ancestor of modern dragonflies. While in flight, I carried my long legs beneath my body, using them to trap other flying insects. There's a beautiful fossil of me on display in the Natural History Museum in Paris, France."
From Quiz: Living Large
4 Which farm animal might say to her best friend, "I feel so much better now all that wool has gone. Where are you going? I will come with you."?
Answer: SheepSheep are known for two things; their woollen coat called a fleece and following each other.
I often feel sorry for the sheep when they seem to be shivering in the fields after they have had wool sheared off. Sheep live in flocks and if one goes off for a walk, the rest will follow.
- Your options: [ Chicken ] [ Collie ] [ Sheep ] [ Swan ]
From Quiz: If Farm Animals Could Talk
5 These African animals, as a colony, build huge mounds of dirt in which they live. A colony actually contains millions of individual animals. What could these tiny animals be?
Answer: TermitesThere are over 1000 species of termite in Africa. You can see miles of the large and quite dramatic looking mounds all over the African plains.
- Your options: [ Butterflies ] [ Ants ] [ Termites ] [ Cockroaches ]
From Quiz: Oooooooh, What Is That?
6 At night you might spot me hunting for small animals. I'm a bird of prey and I can turn my head almost all the way around! I stay up at night, but I ain't misbehavin'! Do you know who-who I am?
Answer: OwlOwls can be found on every continent in the world except Antarctica. They have large eyes on the front of their heads so they can see their prey even in the dark. They can't move their eyes, however, but they can turn their necks almost all the way around! They also have very good hearing and they fly silently so their prey can't hear them.
The other animals in the answer options are also birds.
From Quiz: Ain't Misbehavin'
7 I am a marsupial that can be found only in Australia and New Guinea. I lick my forearms and paws to cool down in hot weather. What animal am I?
Answer: KangarooThe evaporation of saliva from the kangaroo's fur and paws would carry the heat away. The kangaroo is one of the national symbols of Australia. The coat of arms of Australia features a kangaroo and an emu.
From Quiz: Beating the Heat!
8 Which animal is black and white and loves to eat bamboo?
Answer: PandaIn the wild, the panda does eat other things such as carrion (which is the meat of dead animals). Its diet is 99% bamboo, though.
- Your options: [ Cow ] [ Zebra ] [ Panda ] [ Penguin ]
From Quiz: What Animal Could I Possibly Be?
9 This Australian bird, which is sometimes kept as a pet, has a name that is a mixture of a striped animal and a small songbird.
Answer: Zebra finchThe zebra finch can be found throughout almost all of mainland Australia. It is a small, seed-eating bird normally growing to 10 - 12 centimetres. It has black and white stripes on the tailfeather, and thin black stripes on its pale grey throat and chest. These markings are why it is called a zebra finch.
- Your options: [ Tiger ostrich ] [ Zebra finch ] [ Lemur eagle ] [ Bandicoot drongo ]
From Quiz: Double-Barreled Animals
10 I roar and have stripes In orange and black I roam through the jungle I'm a cat, how about that!
Answer: TigerThe tiger is the largest of the 'big cats' and is striped black and orange. They live in the jungles of Asia and mostly eat meat but sometimes eat fruit and other vegetation. In rare cases tigers will attack and eat humans, but this doesn't happen very often at all.
- Your options: [ Tiger ] [ Orangutan ] [ Lion ] [ Panther ]
From Quiz: Welcome to the Jungle
11 I can be found in an African game park I have a loud roar and a big mane I am usually seen lyin' in the sun (there's a clue there!) What is my name?
Answer: LionYou might be able to see a lion at your local zoo, or there are lion parks in Africa where you can go to see lions in the wild.
Only the male lion has a big mane but the female lion is the one who catches all the food. Baby lions are called cubs.
From Quiz: Things I Didn't See at the Park
12 I am the tallest, but not heaviest, land mammal. I have a long neck to pluck leaves off the high trees.
Answer: giraffeGiraffes have long necks and very long tongues, and have brown spots on their bodies. The average male weighs about 2,600 pounds. Wait... what's happening? I'm changing form!
- Your options: [ giraffe ] [ swan ] [ elephant ] [ long-neck turtle ]
From Quiz: Guess what animal I am!
13 I'm an Australian native marsupial and I'm nocturnal, so I'm mostly awake at night. I usually live in a burrow, but a hollow log or something similar will do me just fine. I look slow and harmless, but I have sharp claws and teeth and I'm all muscle. What am I?
Answer: WombatWombats are large Austrlian marsupials that really resemble a round slab of concrete on legs. They are slow but strong, with teeth that can bite through bone. Interestingly, their pouches face backwards. This is so their young aren't covered with dirt when the wombat is digging.
From Quiz: Guess the Animal
14 I live on a plain. I have a great mane.
Answer: LionLions are vulnerable to extinction.
They live longer in captivity than in the wild. This is because they are hunted by other animals in the wild.
- Your options: [ Giraffe ] [ Toucan ] [ Cheetah ] [ Lion ]
From Quiz: Animal Antics
15 I can be big or small. I love to play and chase a ball. When you pat me I wag my tail. I bark when the man comes with the mail.
Answer: DogDogs are wonderful pets. They make great companions and can make you feel better when you are blue. But being a pet owner is a big responsibility, you need to be ready to take care of your dog before you get one!
- Your options: [ Hamster ] [ Lion ] [ Dog ] [ Goldfish ]
From Quiz: What Animal Am I, Children?
16 Member of the dog family; females are called vixens; mostly nocturnal.
Answer: Red foxThe red fox has a bushy tail, usually with a white tip. Although part of the dog family, they can be referred to as 'cat-like' canines because of their excellent balance when stalking prey.
- Your options: [ Red fox ] [ Dingo ] [ Coyote ] [ Tasmanian Devil ]
From Quiz: Animal Choices!
17 I go "who, who", And may scare you, I come out at night, And eat mice.
Answer: owlThere are a lot of different kinds of owls. Harry Potter has an owl for a pet. The other birds in the question come out during the day.
- Your options: [ crow ] [ owl ] [ loon ] [ duck ]
From Quiz: Animals for Kids
18 I am an Australian marsupial, not usually hopping slowly. When I have a baby, it's always called joey. What am I?
Answer: kangarooThe opossum and the bandicoot are also marsupials.
From Quiz: What Am I? - Animals
19 I love to play with my owner, Especially the game 'fetch'. I have four paws and a tail, And under the sun will I stretch. What am I?
Answer: DogDogs are man's best friend, and there are so many different breeds! Border Collies, Cocker Spaniels, Terriers, just to name a few. They can be cute and cuddly, loyal and intelligent, proud and fierce or just plain annoying!
From Quiz: What's That Animal?
20 Ni hao ma! People always describe me as cute and roly-poly, which suits me fine. My black and white fur usually gets me recognized, as does the bamboo I love to consume. Because my friends and I are Chinese, we usually have names like Mei Mei and Hua Sheng. What mammal am I?
Answer: PandaSeeing giant pandas is not easy because they are an endangered species.
Only certain zoos around the world have them. Pandas have six fingers. They use their 'thumb' to help break off the bamboo shoots they love to eat. In China, the panda is called a 'xiongmao', or 'bear cat'.
'Ni hao ma' is how people greet each other in China.
- Your options: [ Raccoon ] [ Sloth ] [ Coyote ] [ Panda ]
From Quiz: Medium-Sized Mammals: What Am I?
21 My fur is either gray or brown, I often hang in a tree upside-down. Of toes I have only two or three, Which of these animals could I be?
Answer: SlothSloths are South American mammals that live in trees. They have gray or brown fur, and two or three toes on each foot.
- Your options: [ Koala ] [ Chimpanzee ] [ Anteater ] [ Sloth ]
From Quiz: What Animal Am I?
22 Who am I talking about in this poem? He's a long-lived creature that lives by the water. He has a hard shell, so he is no otter!
Answer: turtleIf you ever own a turtle, you'll find out that on land or in water, turtles aren't as slow as people think they are. Still, they and their tortoise cousins are no match for a hare!
From Quiz: Mystery Animal Poems
23 I live in the North Pole and the hairs of my fur are hollow. I eat a variety of things, including seals. I belong to the bear family.
Answer: polar bearPolar bears are one of the rare animals that actually like the taste of humans.
- Your options: [ seal ] [ whale ] [ moose ] [ polar bear ]
From Quiz: Animals
24 Our journey begins in Africa, a land filled with deserts and jungles, and of course, a whole lot of animals! As we trek across a huge flat plain we can see in the distance two beautiful creatures! They have long necks and big brown spots, and they're much taller than we are. Can you help me name these wonderful creatures?
Answer: GiraffesWow! Two giraffes standing right in front of us! We certainly are lucky to find such magnificent creatures on our journey.
Giraffes have long necks and big brown spots. They're vegetarians too! That means that they are herbivores, so they don't eat meat like a lot of us!
From Quiz: A Worldwide Animal Adventure!
25 My cousin is the giraffe, although I look like a zebra. I live in the Congo and no one found me until 1900. Who am I?
Answer: OkapiThe okapi is a hoofed animal with a long purple tongue that looks like a cross between a giraffe, a deer and a zebra.
From Quiz: Perfect Animals
26 I often live in the open sea, and I am a mammal that can have the words "bottle" or "spinner" as part of my name.
Answer: DolphinDolphins are mammals, so they have their babies live and need to breathe oxygen to survive. They are very intelligent and there are many species of this wonderful mammal.
- Your options: [ Elephant ] [ Shark ] [ Dolphin ] [ Barracuda ]
From Quiz: Gray is Good
27 Which snake makes a rattling sound when you get too close?
Answer: RattlesnakeA rattlesnake rattles its tail when it feels threatened. If you hear a rattling sound in the grass, don't walk any further or the snake could bite you.
- Your options: [ Rattlesnake ] [ Garden Snake ] [ Python ] [ Sidewinder ]
From Quiz: Guess the Animal
28 "I'm the largest living animal. I measure thirty metres long and weigh an impressive one hundred and seventy tonnes. What am I?"
Answer: Blue whale"I am....the blue whale! Despite my impressive size, my diet is made up of tiny crustaceans called krill and I can eat up to forty million of them every day. I live in the North Pacific, Indian, Antarctic and North Atlantic oceans."
From Quiz: Living Large
29 Which farm animal do you think the other animals were discussing when they said, "Are you sure that is a bird? It can't fly, it is really tall and look at those legs, they look like look like pieces of string with a knot in the middle!"?
Answer: OstrichKeeping ostriches on farms away from Africa, which is where they come from, is a fairly new idea in England. The first ostrich farms started in the 1980s. Ostrich meat is not yet as popular as traditional meats. Farmers can also sell the feathers and skins.
- Your options: [ Goose ] [ Giraffe ] [ Ostrich ] [ Stork ]
From Quiz: If Farm Animals Could Talk
30 These animals have sharp, needle-like teeth through which a toxin is expressed. They are smooth bodied, long and lean, with heads covered in shields. They can come in colors from white to black and all colors and patterns in between. What is the common name of this dark eyed beauty?
Answer: SnakesMost of these animals belong to the family Elapidae.
There are many species of cobras and vipers on the African continent. Both types of snakes deliver their venom from fangs on the back of the top jaw. The exception is the King Cobra who has developed an additional talent for spitting their venom - they are the only type of snake in Africa who can do this.
- Your options: [ Snails ] [ Lizards ] [ Snakes ] [ Birds ]
From Quiz: Oooooooh, What Is That?
31 I'm a big black and white animal who walks along the ground eating insects, grubs and some small animals at night when no-one is around, but I ain't misbehavin'! What animal am I?
Answer: BadgerBadgers are large creatures that can be found in North America, Europe and some places in Asia and Africa.
They are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other animals, and they scurry along the ground digging for insects and grubs, small animals and some plants. They are nocturnal and sleep in burrows which they dig themselves.
The other animals are also black and white in colour.
From Quiz: Ain't Misbehavin'
32 I am a small nocturnal fox that lives in the Sahara desert. I am noted for my large pointed ears, which aid in dissipating heat during hot weather. What animal am I?
Answer: Fennec foxThe Fennec fox, also known as the desert fox, has a pair of distinctive large ears that give the animal great hearing ability. A typical Fennec fox is fawn in color. This species of fox is also the national animal of Algeria.
- Your options: [ Fennec fox ] [ Arctic fox ] [ Red fox ] [ Silver fox ]
From Quiz: Beating the Heat!
33 Gathering nuts and climbing trees is what I like to do. Which animal am I?
Answer: SquirrelThe squirrel doesn't have a very large brain. It is only the size of a walnut.
- Your options: [ Cat ] [ Rabbit ] [ Squirrel ] [ Opossum ]
From Quiz: What Animal Could I Possibly Be?
34 If you were to cross the largest mammal on Earth with a sea creature that has sometimes been called a maneater, you would end up with which really big fish?
Answer: Whale sharkThe whale shark is the world's biggest fish and is usually found in the warmer tropical ocean waters throughout the world. Even though the name sounds scary, they are a fairly gentle giant and will even allow humans to interact with them. The largest confirmed whale shark to have been caught was measured at more than 12 metres long. They have pale yellow spots over their bodies that are as unique as human fingerprints.
- Your options: [ Elephant trout ] [ Whale shark ] [ Rhinoceros dolphin ] [ Hippopotamus anchovy ]
From Quiz: Double-Barreled Animals
35 I'm black and white I eat bamboo I live by myself How do you do?
Answer: Giant PandaThe giant panda is a big, black and white bear-like animal.
They have black legs, eye 'patches', ears and shoulders but the rest of their body is white. They eat bamboo even though their digestive system is designed, like other mammals, to eat meat. Because bamboo doesn't give them much energy, pandas eat more than 10kg per day and don't actually move around too much.
From Quiz: Welcome to the Jungle
36 I can have black or white feathers I have a red/orange beak I swim in a lake And have webbed feet.
Answer: SwanSwans can be seen in many parks around the world but, depending on where you live, they may not be found in your local park. In the southern parts of Australia we have black swans which are not really found anywhere else in the world.
Did you also know that all the unmarked mute swans on the River Thames in the United Kingdom are traditionally owned by the reigning Monarch of the UK?
- Your options: [ Swan ] [ Platypus ] [ Seagull ] [ Turtle ]
From Quiz: Things I Didn't See at the Park
37 Now I am an underwater creature, usually a predator. I am often large, but not always. I can sometimes fit into a human's hand.
Answer: sharkDid you know that sharks lived before dinosaurs? They are still living today! How exciting! I don't understand why humans are afraid of them. Most sharks are actually harmless. Huh? It's happening again!
- Your options: [ shark ] [ panda ] [ whale ] [ seahorse ]
From Quiz: Guess what animal I am!
38 I'm a large feline mammal. I'm not the fastest or the strongest but I am the biggest of the felines, save hybrids. My coat is very distinctive, so you'll know me if you see me. What am I?
Answer: TigerTigers are members of a group of felines called the 'big cats', a group which also includes lions, jaguars and leopards. These 'big cats' are the only cats able to roar.
From Quiz: Guess the Animal
39 Hug me tight to sleep well at night. The "Teddy" kind of me won't give you a fright!
Answer: BearMany children sleep with a teddy bear to keep them warm and not be afraid of the dark.
Real bears can be harmful animals which have very long claws used for tearing apart their prey.
- Your options: [ Cat ] [ Lion ] [ Panda ] [ Bear ]
From Quiz: Animal Antics
40 My famous feature is my nose. It's long and thin, like a garden hose. A peanut is my favorite treat. My ears can grow up to four feet!
Answer: ElephantElephants are big creatures that are interesting to study. They are highly intelligent and are the largest land mammal alive today.
- Your options: [ Bird ] [ Cat ] [ Elephant ] [ Horse ]
From Quiz: What Animal Am I, Children?
The rest of the questions and answers can be found in our quizzes here:
What Animal Am I? Quizzes
Animal in You
20 million people have taken The Animal In You Personality Test! There’s a reason so many human cultures ponder the question, ” What animal am I?” You’ve probably wondered yourself. Native Americans asked, ” What is my spirit animal?” and went to find their guardian in the forest, while Asian cultures relied on the animal zodiac and Europeans turned to astrology.
How can you determine your inner animal? Fortunately it’s 2018, so you don’t have to venture into the woods to find your spirit animal or decipher ancient star charts. The Animal in You fuses ancient traditions with modern psychological and biological concepts and its nine question personality quiz has almost fifty possible animal results. It’s eerily accurate, and best of all… it’s free!
Are you a wolf personality, intimidating yet misunderstood? Or do you have the characteristics of a fox, a canine with a different survival strategy? You might have the attributes of a lion or tiger personality, or you may not be a carnivore at all. In fact, herbivorous personalities like deer, bison and sheep are far more numerous in the human zoo. If you’re extroverted and flirty you might be one of seven bird personalities, or perhaps an aquatic mammal like a dolphin or otter.
Ready to find your Animal Personality? Answer the questions honestly and the quiz will build a mathematical model of your personality and match it to our database of animal profiles.
This personality test is based on the bestselling books, The Animal in You and Animal Attraction by Roy Feinson. Roy is also the creator of The Secret Universe of Names, which theorizes that the sounds in our names subconsciously influence how others perceive us.
others are saying"I took the test; I was a tiger. I'm able to read people's motivations and assess situations quickly."
Dr. Phil McGraw
"This test is amazing! It pegged me perfectly. I had a feeling I was an eagle."
Sharon Osbourne
"A truly insightful personality test based on a novel psychological idea."
"I am not a badger!"
Robin McGraw (Dr. Phil's Wife)
"Yes you are!"
Dr. Phil McGraw
Why Do People's Personalities Resemble Animals?
Have you ever noticed that people tend to assume animal personalities? We talk of someone being a bear of a man or someone acting like a dog. People we don’t care for are weasels, sloths, or vultures. Why is there such a strong correlation between human and animal behavior? Are these connections coincidental, or is there a more simple explanation? A clue lies in nature’s need for diversity.
In a process known as parallel evolution, unrelated animal species, separated by vast distances, exhibit the same behavioral and physical characteristics. Isolated from the mainland for thousands of years, the extinct Tasmanian wolf, or thylacine, evolved numerous features similar to the North American wolf. Although it was a marsupial, its doglike body, coughing bark, and canine hunting behavior closely parallel that of wolf society, even though they have markedly different ancestries.
The fact is, an ecosystem without a robust number of species cannot successfully maintain itself. The food web requires the interaction of predators, prey, burrowing creatures, arboreal animals, and insects to remain stable, which is why every ecosystem has approximately 50 types of similar species that take advantage of the various food niches. A similar process has taken place in human society. Our species dominates the planet and is an ecosystem unto itself. The variety of attributes that provide stability in the animal world — aggression, passivity, stealth, skittishness, etc. — serve the same functions in our own society. It is no coincidence, therefore, that we mimic these animal behaviors to better survive in a complex and competitive world.
The Four
F's of Animal PersonalitiesF i g h t i n g
Fighting is equivalent to the way in which we try and control our environment. Carnivorous personalities are assertive and aggressive, while herbivore personalities tend to be passive and cautious.
F l e e i n g
Fleeing is how people protect themselves from each other. Herd animal personalities find refuge in the company of friends and family, wolves prefer tightly knit social groups, and mice personalities prefer to keep a low profile.
F e e d i n g
Feeding techniques translate into the careers that corresponding human personalities would choose. Bird personalities, for example, prefer jobs that provide a great deal of freedom, while sheep might flourish under the direction of a strong dog personality. Canine personalities like the wolf, dog and fox instinctively understand hierarchy, while bear personas chafe under the direction of authority.
S e x
Sex describes the ways we seek mates. From the brutal strength posture of the zebra to the seductive display of peacocks, all creatures strive to exert control over their reproductive choices. Some animal species -- like the beaver and many birds -- mate for life while others, like the tiger, are solitary and rarely monogamous. Every animal personality uses a distinctive set of subtle body language to stake its claim.
Animal Personalities in Culture
Chinese Zodiac
Recognition of the intimate connections between animals and humans dates back tens of thousands of years. The ancient Chinese developed a distinctive calendar system that described twelve animal personalities: Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Ox, Dragon, Rooster, Snake, Horse, Ram, Pig, Dog, and Monkey. While the precise origins of these animals are unknown, Chinese astrologers considered them to be a reflection of the universe itself.
Native American Beliefs
Native Americans also recognized the intractable bond between humans and animals. For many young men, trekking into the forest to find their spirit animal was a rite of passage. Reverence for animals was almost universal among the Plains Indians, who dedicated a great deal of energy to paying tribute to their companions of the prairies. Spiritual beliefs were formed in large part by their close survival bonds with North American wildlife. Bison were not viewed simply as a food source but were recognized to be an essential element in the grand scheme.
Contemporary Literature
There is a great deal of writing found in contemporary sources that reflects our connections to animals with rich references in language. We refer to people as being bitchy, foxy, slothful, and catty. People work like horses, eat like pigs, and are as stubborn as mules. George Orwell's classic Animal Farm explored this idea to its limits, and animal characters dominate comic pages. The Pulitzer Prize winning Maus, by Art Spiegelman, detailed his father's concentration camp experiences and used animal personalities to depict the drama of the Nazi atrocities; mice were used to portray victims, cats to represent the Germans, frogs the French, and pigs to describe the Poles.
Relationships between Animal Personalities
For an ecosystem to remain stable, it must contain a wide diversity of species. It is also important that the ratio of these species is balanced, since an overabundance of predators could wreak havoc on the ecosystem. If predators were not present at all, then prey animals would overpopulate the environment causing overgrazing and disease. Interestingly, the ratio between predators and prey in nature seems to be mirrored in our own society. Larger animal personalities like elephants, giraffes, and gorillas cannot be supported in large numbers since their bulky personalities put a disproportional stress on the social environment. Conversely, smaller personalities like mice, otters, beavers, and sheep are found in great numbers throughout the concrete jungle.
The ratio of predators to prey in human society is maintained through a process of social pressure. Consider the artificial environment of prisons. In these overcrowded inhospitable conditions, someone who was previously a combative warthog might be unable to survive in a society dominated by crocodiles and lions. By backing away from his assertive stance and manifesting the more gregarious personality of a herbivore, this prisoner can seek the protection of the herd in order to survive. Carnivorous personalities are territorial and require more personal space than their herbivorous counterparts.
Courtship Rituals
From the subtle and coy techniques of the mouse and cottontail personalities, to the aggressive displays of the lion and wolf, every species employs a unique mating strategy. These sorts of behaviors come naturally to us and a visit to a public park quickly reveals our animal personalities in action. Young girls walk by, often arm in arm, pretending not to notice the watching boys displaying their own mating behavior. Some boys adopt masculine stances, lounging around with their legs apart, calling aggressively to the females. Others will feign disinterest and use subtle body language and eye contact to stake their claims.
A male wolf personality might pursue a female sable by first surrounding himself with friends for moral support and then carefully and indirectly approaching the female. If comfortable with these advances, the female will display her interest by moving slowly away from the pack—taking care not to withdraw too far. As the male continues his hunt, she will turn and cautiously engage the group. This stalking approach is not for the male weasel. To seduce a female warthog personality he must first gain the trust of this cantankerous lady by hiding his true intentions with a small gift or an offer of friendship. If successfully swayed by these advances, the female warthog soon finds herself lured into an uncomfortably unbalanced relationship with the wily weasel.
The rules that govern our mating behaviors are instinctive and deeply rooted. In a number of mammalian species, when males reach middle age they respond to a biological realization that they are no longer in their prime. Aging silverback gorillas can no longer compete physically or sexually with the upcoming group of younger males, and in a biological panic, their reproductive urges trigger them to make one last fling at mating with younger, more fertile females. In humans, this manifests itself when a middle-aged man suddenly feels the urge to display his wealth by buying a fancy sports car, begins ignoring his wife, and starts a workout routine. This middle-life crisis is simply one example of our response to animal programming.
Animal Magnetism
Fortunately, we humans have the ability to control our own behaviors and are not complete slaves to these drives. Still, it is useful to understand our passions in the light of these powerful animal urges. When a wildcat and a fox get together, they have superficial connections with a common range and nocturnal spirit. However, as a canine, the fox is a natural competitor of the cat and its natural friendliness grates against the cat's tendency to maintain its distance. Over time these tensions conspire to destroy the relationship. Likewise, if a mouse personality married a cat, power conflicts or spousal abuse would quickly destroy the union.
So, all animal personalities should avoid forming close relationships with their species' natural predator. However, this does not mean that all herbivorous personalities must avoid predators. The meek cottontail rabbit might even strike up a friendship with a powerful lion, since lions are disinclined to waste energy chasing elusive, low-calorie rabbits. Although marriage is out of the question, these friendships can be quite enduring. In exchange for companionship and loyalty, the predator provides resources and protection for the cottontail. Animal personalities tend to relate to species that share their ranges. The water personality of the dolphin has much in common with the aquatic sea lion and the pastoral nature of the sheep makes for a compatible mate with the grazing deer. Conversely, animal personalities that live in markedly different environments tend to avoid each other. Birds choose to remain out of reach of the land mammal personalities and the unencumbered lives of the sea dwellers make them awkward mates for complex land creatures. On the other hand, the semi-aquatic beaver is capable of forming relationships with both water-going and land-based animal personalities.
Why Ask What Animal Am I?
Personality quizzes have been around since the 1920s and were originally designed to help businesses select personnel for the US military. In 1995, Roy Feinson published the bestselling book, The Animal in You (St. Martin’s), based on the hypothesis that humans adopt a set of behavioral and personality traits to allow them to function in their particular environments.
The book spawned a sequel, Animal Attraction, and popular books by other authors like, The Experiment of Professor Polgas (Brownlee) The fact is, humans are just like animals – albeit with much larger brains — and animals are just like people in that they exhibit virtually the same range of emotions. So asking “what animal am I” is a natural extension of asking yourself “who am I?”… the most basic question known to man.
Test: What animal are you? - onedio.ru
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Who are you in this life? What animal is close to you in character? Take our quiz and find out!
Don't forget to write if you agree with the result!

2. Which of these colors do you like best now?
3. What would you like to eat right now?
Patty puree
Fried chicken
Pizza (annoyed with their gif!)
4. Now choose a drink!
Almond milk
Just some water
Herbal tea
5. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Ambivert (both)
6. Select a word that most accurately corresponds to you:
0018 7. What feel/texture do you like?Moisture

Just after a rain
A downpour
A frosty evening
Light windy weather
A hot sunny day
Immediately. Why stand and think when you can take and do everything already?
First I think through everything, and only then do I get to work.
10. Lastly, which of these do you need in a relationship?
I need equality
To be appreciated
To be understood
To be faithful
To be allowed to be who I am
To feel that I am need/need
Parrots are one of the most popular, but also one of the most misunderstood creatures. You are quick-witted, sociable and always on the go looking for new adventures. But because of this, for some reason, many consider you too superficial, a kind of simpleton. But in you there is both depth and a mystery, which not everyone can comprehend.
Other people often get positive energy from you, forgetting that you also have your own desires and needs. Sometimes you just can’t refuse to communicate, even though you are deadly tired, simply because you are afraid to offend a person.
You are emotional, often irritated and cannot restrain your feelings, because of which you often get into trouble. Just remember that any problem can always be solved calmly. Don't act on emotions.
You seem to consist of several people at once! There are so many eclectic and diverse things about you. The people around you don’t even know what you really are, and you yourself don’t know it.
You have many abilities, but also many shortcomings. You are a walking contradiction: soft and hard at the same time; loving, but cold in communication; calm and rebellious, longing for freedom.
You are constantly adapting to the environment and to other people. Embrace your versatility, but try not to get lost in it.
Parrots are one of the most popular, but also one of the most misunderstood creatures. You are quick-witted, sociable and always on the go looking for new adventures. But because of this, for some reason, many consider you too superficial, a kind of simpleton. But in you there is both depth and a mystery, which not everyone can comprehend.
Other people often get positive energy from you, forgetting that you also have your own desires and needs. Sometimes you just can’t refuse to communicate, even though you are deadly tired, simply because you are afraid to offend a person.
You are emotional, often irritated and cannot restrain your feelings, because of which you often get into trouble. Just remember that any problem can always be solved calmly. Don't act on emotions.
You are determined, energetic and ardent! Try to always do everything at a pace and not slow it down. You can easily start a quarrel and do not hesitate to use dirty tricks. Otherwise, you are a thinking person, standing firmly on the ground. However, your passion is often perceived as aggression. But you are definitely a team player, and if you put aside your tough side, it turns out that you know how to care and compassion like no other. Just try to restrain yourself sometimes, okay? ;)
You are reserved, you can even say closed and succeed where you need to think a lot. You are faithful to the point of impossibility, but choose with care whom to give your loyalty to. You have few friends, but it's not the quantity that matters, but the quality. You value independence and intelligence. You often experience stress, but you always manage to cope with it. Maybe you are too serious. Do not forget that life is not only a struggle, there is still a place for joy and pleasant little things in it.
You are cunning, resourceful and graceful. You try to stay away from others, but not too far away in case you need anything. You are usually proud of your accomplishments because you know you have done something really well. You don't like the hustle and bustle. Working in such conditions is sheer torture for you. And if something does not suit you, you will not tolerate it - immediately "leave the ship."
You also need to watch your tone and facial expressions when you talk to people. Sometimes you unconsciously offend them.
Try not to go with the flow, but fight for your dream. Yes, you may fail the first, second and even third time. Don't be afraid to get frustrated and fail! In the end, your efforts will definitely be rewarded.
You are cunning, resourceful and graceful. You try to stay away from others, but not too far away in case you need anything. You are usually proud of your accomplishments because you know you have done something really well. You don't like the hustle and bustle. Working in such conditions is sheer torture for you. And if something does not suit you, you will not tolerate it - immediately "leave the ship."
You also need to watch your tone and facial expressions when you talk to people. Sometimes you unconsciously offend them.
Try not to go with the flow, but fight for your dream. Yes, you may fail the first, second and even third time. Don't be afraid to get frustrated and fail! In the end, your efforts will definitely be rewarded.
Source: playbuzz.com
This article was created by Onedio. There were no changes from the editorial side. You can also create your own articles on our website.
What animal are you?
Answer 12 simple questions and find out what kind of animal you are. The result may surprise you :)
For the most accurate result, please answer the questions honestly.
In a bar I usually...
In the spotlight
Meet other people
Go alone
An old friend came to your city, but you have a lot of work. How will you do it?
I'll leave work and go see a friend
I'll invite a friend to see me at a cafe near my work
I'll explain to a friend and stay at work
In a cafe, the waiter, serving you your coffee, spilled it.
How will you react?
I won't get angry, just ask him to leave
I will complain to the manager
Which of the following sentences do you think makes more sense?
Man does, god watches
Every man for himself, and the devil takes the stragglers
Would you ask your friends to meet you when you return to your hometown from a trip?
Yes, please, because it would be tiring to get home on your own
No, I can do it myself
Is it easy for you to make new acquaintances?
Yes, I win people over
In different ways. Depends on the situation
No, it's not about me
If you see a crying child in a park without parents, what will you do?
I will calm the child down and help him find his parents
I will leave the child to the park or the police
I am not interested in the fate of the child, I will pass by
After a long wait, the elevator finally arrived on your floor, but there was a person unpleasant to you .
Your actions?
I'll get into the elevator
I'll wait for the next one
Which of the following would you prefer when going for an evening walk?
Take a ride on a Ferris wheel
Go to a bar
Imagine that you are a boss and you need to choose one of two candidates for a position. Will you choose the one you think is prettier?
All the same
If you and your friend like the same person, but he, in turn, of the two of you does not like you, what will you do?
I will try not to get upset
I will seek reciprocal feelings
I will stop communicating with both
Would you like to participate in a volunteer program?
Yes, with pleasure
Maybe someday
No, it’s not for me can be seen, for example, in the lifeguards of Malibu. Absolutely healthy, eat and drink what they want and never get fat. They do not really strive for mental development and generally avoid this kind of activity.
- Lisa302312130You are independent, generous, talented and flirty, but you like to put things off until later. Foxes are usually not extravagant. They prefer stealth and cunning to brute force. Foxes love small and cozy places, and their homes are usually well-furnished and tidy. As hunters, foxes are in good physical shape and also enjoy mental and physical challenges. - beautiful and influential people with innate elegance and self-confidence. They are surrounded by a sense of urgency and some kind of special aura, so that with their appearance there is always a feeling that something is about to happen.//www.arealme.com/animal/show/3.png
- Bear222221212You are confident, ethical, strong, but too straightforward. Conflicting traits shape the character of a bear. Their sociability, strength of body and spirit make bears easily recognizable. Instead of vigilance and knowledge, the bear mostly succeeds through sheer personal strength.
Such people prefer to act directly and aggressively instead of thinking.//www.arealme.com/animal/show/4.png
- Leo332123302You are powerful, beautiful, persuasive and courageous, but tyrannical. The personality of a lion is inherent in the nobility. Energetic and strong, they respect strength in others, but pay little attention to grace. Leos are aggressive, predictable and reliable. Other people always recognize the lion. Their self-confidence and leadership qualities will lead them to success.//www.arealme.com/animal/show/5.png
- Elephant223131303You are spiritually rich, smart, principled, strong, but pompous. The personality of an elephant is a person whose deliberate actions radiate confidence and calmness in all aspects of his life. Their intelligence, combined with impressive personality traits, gives them a significant advantage in business and social affairs, and their communication skills make them excellent leaders.//www.arealme.com/what-animal-am-i/show/6.png
- Horse223031312You are stable, courageous, attentive, but stubborn.
Horses are those strong people who can live with enviable ease. Their good physical shape is maintained by regular physical activity, and their personality exudes charm and confidence.//www.arealme.com/animal/show/7.png
- Deer221122212You are beautiful, elusive, flexible, idealistic, but inconsistent. Deer is a beautiful, refined and vivid example of a herbivore. Given his few defensive skills - a nimble mind and a wired body - he must be constantly on guard. Deer's desire for a balanced life leads to a constant search for self, and stability can take the form of loneliness or relationships. the character of sheep causes some ridicule from predators and involuntary respect from other herbivores. Sheep have no real defensive skills other than their numbers, so they tend to form like-minded groups, pooling resources and starting families.//www.arealme.com/animal/show/9.png
- Octopus332212122You are smart, creative and active. Octopuses are those talented and creative people who bring extra interest to our lives.
Their active minds are always busy bringing more drama into their lives.//www.arealme.com/animal/show/10.png
- Eagle331323111You are attractive, confident, but impatient. Eagles are admired for their soaring spirit. They tend to be flippant and emotionally harsh. Avoiding commitment, they prefer to keep moving, often not because it's necessary, but because they simply enjoy it. More than any other animal, eagles love to travel, rarely integrating into their environment.//www.arealme.com/animal/show/11.png
- Wolf332312221You are handsome, athletic, determined, passionate, but aggressive. Wolves readily express their emotional state with body language. They work hard to develop their social relationships. With an innate understanding of the value of teamwork, wolves are always ready to take their place in the chain of command, both as a leader and as just one of its members.//www.arealme.com/animal/show/12.png
- Peacock233031203 but superficial. Peacocks are beautiful, sexy, neat and simple.
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