Why are numbers important
Numbers are everywhere connected to everything we do.
We use them to measure years, months, weeks, days, hours, and seconds. We count them in dollars and cents. We measure in feet, inches, meters and yards.
The food we eat has a caloric number attached to it.
We regard success and failure and distinguish ourselves according to the number of each. We age by ever mounting time. We calculate and distribute. We find comfort in the fact that 2 + 2 will always equal 4.
Numbers have definite effect on us, that’s for sure.
Time gives us a schedule, a placement, the ability to organize. It also gives us stress and can be more like a noose around our necks than a comfortable guide. But no matter if your day is great or the worst of your life, it will still be just a day, 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds. You can’t slow it down, stop it or reverse it. And it affects our emotional, spiritual state of being.
I’m up at the crack of dawn. I start my day job at 7:30 AM. By the time I’m done with work, driving the kids to various practices and jobs, cook dinner, write and exercise, I get done around 9:00 PM — That’s thirteen and a half hours running and doing. Some days it’s longer than that depending on my writing schedule and homework helping. Anyone in my house can confirm it’s best to leave me alone for at least thirty minutes or suffer my wrath.
I want more hours, minutes and seconds in the day. I never seem to have enough time to get everything done. I don’t want more hours for the day job, thank you very much, but more time to write, to love, to talk, to listen, to play? Yes please!
If I could get another hour, another five minutes, with my Oma (grandmother)- who was fitted for wings and a halo twenty-one years ago- I would do just about anything for that…but it just doesn’t work like that.
If you make six figures you’re considered very successful by most people and your life is probably comfortable.
Comfortable people tend to smile more. These kinds of numbers are good.
If you’re making minimum wage you are probably barely getting by and are stressed out all the time. Stress sucks. No one is walking around saying, “man I wish I had more stress in my life.” You’re counting every penny and calculating, by numbers, how you will live this fourth month of 2014. The six figure dude is doing the same thing, but it’s NOT the same thing.
When we go to the doctor they show us a chart and ask, “on a scale of one to ten, ten being the worst, how do you feel?” Here, unlike when you’re counting money, the higher number is bad. Take care of yourself and stay out of the high-number- zone!
How many people look at the number on the scale and wish it would go down ten… twenty…fifty pounds? I’m right there with you! Women. We can be so dopey about weight. Now, if the loss of five or ten pounds would solve world hunger, then by all means, let’s worry about it and do it together! But it won’t.
And losing five or ten pounds won’t solve anyone’s problems. Just ask the skinny people.
How about if you’re sick? The lower scale numbers will have an alarmingly different effect on you. We use the measurement of weight as a sign of health or a lack there of. When new parents go to a check up, one of the first things done is weighing the little peanut. The first thing the parents do when they leave is call the grandparents. And what’s the first thing they talk about? Yuppers, it’s the baby’s weight. Or was that just us because of the enormity of my babies? HA!
A person whose numbers on the scale go over what is considered to be a healthy weight, get a different kind of report. As far as the scale goes, how do we know what numbers are the good ones? We have charts and ratios, calculations and formulas, based on other numbers called percentages, and we categorize ourselves into groups of the majority, the minority, or some sideshow weirdness. I say that because I was always freaky-weird-tall in comparison to other girls my age.
Why do we care about the percentile chart? Or the height and weight chart? Because, we all want to be part of the majority(another number) on the chart, the group that makes us feel normal, the calculated sweet spot. This area gives people a feeling of safety.
We count them, mount them, stack ém, and keep track of them. The more success we can count up, the better we feel. And sure, why not. It’s okay to be proud of our accomplishments. Our successes become a private little parade in our heads with cheerleaders waving pom-poms and holding signs that say, “well done! Keep going! Awesome sauce! Don’t fuck this up!”
My little cheerleaders are edgy. They’re allowed to curse.
Ugh. We count, stack and keep track of these suckers too, maybe even more so. Failure is the glue on the bottom of your shoe holding you back. The numbers of failures we have make us feel bad about ourselves, which translates into, moodiness, hostility and depression.
Kick off the glue-shoes, learn from mistakes and move on! Have you ever heard the term, “chasing yourself in circles?” You don’t go anywhere in a circle except back to the same spots you’ve already been. Stop counting all your failures.
Wait. Let’s count all of them. Tick them off on your fingers, toes, brother’s and sister’s too if you’ve really messed up. Stack them up high until they become the Leaning Tower of Piazza and it’s about to crush you. Feel the shittiness, the enormity. Now, look at them one last time…flip ‘em the bird and let them go to their eternal resting place, a place I like to call, been there/done that. Set a mental bonfire and be done with it.
Oh boy, I’ve really been feeling these numbers lately. My parents and a very dear friend moved away recently. *wails on floor like a fool* I have never felt the weight of stretching miles as much as I do now.
But then there are other long miles that make us feel fabulous; a trip overseas for vacation, a road trip to see something on your bucket list or (if you are into it) marathons.
Fun fact: The New York City Marathon is a 42, 195 meter, 26.2 mile race. The 2013 winner, Geoffrey Mutai, did it in 2:05:06. He set the record this past year running a 2:04 mile. Wicked fast!!
This one’s worse than weight! LOL
I remember turning ten and thinking it was the absolute bestest day of my life. Whoot hoot, double digits! Maybe that’s just because I’m the youngest of three and my brother and sister had been in the double digits for five years before I got there. I gotta say I’m not nearly as exited now about my double digits!
I wished away a lot of time back then. As soon as I turned ten I wanted to be thirteen. Once I was thirteen I wanted to be sixteen. At sixteen I wanted to be twenty-one. When my kids were babies I wanted to get past the not sleeping phase. When we accomplished that, I wanted out of the diaper phase. With maturity I’ve learned to stop wishing time away. You can’t get it back.
Age also marks places in time. We do ritualistic, traditional things based on age.
Why do we keep track of our age? Who said that was important?
One year olds usually have a big family party. Parents: skip the clowns. Trust me on this.
When you’re five you begin kindergarten.
At seven you make your First Holy Communion (if you’re one of my clan).
At thirteen, you have a Bar/Bat mitzvah or Confirmation.
Sixteen you drive.
At eighteen you graduate high school and you’re legal to join the military and shoot our enemies in battle. But you’re not legal to have a beer until you’re twenty-one…unless you live in Sweden in which case you can drink in a pub at eighteen.
I’m not against the military, NOT by ANY means, and I’m not encouraging underage drinking. I’m simply rambling as it comes to me. It happens. Plus my sixteen year old keeps reminding me she will be in Sweden for her eighteenth birthday.
I could go on and on about numbers, highways, routes, longitude, latitude, days and months.
Why is it so important for us to know where we are, what time it is, how long till the next thing we do, count downs, count ups, lengths, distances, spaces…
Does it really matter? I guess in some ways. I mean, if I don’t keep track of the hour the kids will be late to school and I’ll be late to work. Or, if I submit my work to an agent and my category is YA and my word count is not in keeping with my genre, then I look like an unprofessional ass. I try not to look like an ass of any kind as much as possible. So in that respect, yeah, it matters.
We need it to find point B from point A. Otherwise we might end up in the ocean.
Numbers are a universal language. Whoever you are and where ever you are, 2 = 1 plus another. If you’re human, you know this, and it works. I get that. I’m on board with that.
What I don’t want is to be defined by my number (age), charts(height & weight), location(longitude and latitude), my ethnicity(majority/minority), or my calculations(success & failures).
And I don’t want to define or judge anyone else by a poll taken or a survey done or a room full of some bodies that determined it to be a certain way based on what’s normal or acceptable.
Normal? What the heck is normal anymore?
I think we have to make our own normal. If you’re not hurting anyone, including yourself, and you’re leading your life by a moral compass– that should be the normal.
A moral compass does not have arrows pointing North, South, East and West, but rather, Kind, Loving, Generous, and Gentle, which equates to a multiplier of peace. I’d like for that to be my guide.
I’d like to find a way to make that a universal language. That sounds better than math to me!
PEACE out until next time!
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What is the importance of the number system?
In daily lives, people often have to depict, represent or associate certain things or objects with a quantity. This is because of the fact that assigning quantities to certain values or aspects in life makes it easier to compare them with other similar aspects. For example, a teacher grading students’ papers would not label each paper with adjectives like “good”, “better”, “awesome” or “poor”, etc., rather would assign a certain numerical value to that paper based on the student’s performance so that it is easy to assess the knowledge and preparation level of the student, but if the former approach were to be applied, it would lead to utter confusion and no accurate comparison could be made out of it. Since at some point, the teacher would run out of adjectives that are relevant to this particular situation, and it would lead to the same words being used to grade all the unique answers/ responses given by the students. Situations like these call for, rather necessitate the usage of a unique method of valuation, which not only helps recognize the true worth of the object in question but also represents it fairly and non- ambiguously. Such a system which uses certain words or symbols to quantify a given object or value is called the number system.
A number refers to a word or symbol which represents a particular quantity. It is with the help of numbers only that multiple arithmetic operations are performed and we have been able to develop so much in the field of physics and mathematics. One cannot live their life without the usage of numbers, even for the most basic chores or tasks. Even the money exchanged for commodities is a certain value represented by numbers. A bunch of numbers grouped together is used to assign a person as their contact number. such is the prominence of numerals in our lives. Hence, it is imperative to know more about the numbers and number systems, as has been discussed below.
Counting Numbers
Such a set of numbers as is used to count certain objects is called counting numbers. Such a set of numbers starts with 1(one) and goes on till infinity. One here represents a single object. For example, Mr. A had one pencil and one pen in his hand, or I ate one banana today. Adding up two counting numbers yields another counting number. These are used in real life for basic exchange, calculations, and operations.
The Number Zero
Zero is denoted by 0. It is used to depict nothing. In other words, if something has no value at all, it is assigned the number zero as a quantity. The number zero comes before all the counting numbers, and forms the set of ‘whole numbers’.
The different types of numbers in mathematics,
- Natural Numbers A set of numbers as is used to count certain objects are called natural numbers. Such a set of numbers starts with 1(one) and goes on till infinity. It is to be noted that natural numbers include only positive integers.
- Whole Numbers A set of numbers that includes all the positive integers and zero.
- Integers An integer is defined as such a whole number that can assume either positive, negative or no value at all.
- Real Numbers Such numbers which include both rational numbers and their irrational counterparts.
- Rational Numbers Such numbers can be expressed in the form of a fraction.
- Irrational Numbers Such numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.
The following diagram depicts all kinds of numbers discussed so far,
Apart from the above-mentioned types, we have the following categories of numbers as well,
- Even Numbers Such numbers as can be divided by 2 are called even numbers. Example: 2, 4, 6, 8, …, 1024, etc.
- Odd Numbers Such numbers as are not divisible by 2 are called odd numbers. Example: 3, 5, 7, 10, …, 1345, etc.
- Prime Numbers Such a number that can be divided exactly by itself or 1. Example: 5, 7, 13, 23, etc.
- Composite Numbers Such numbers as having multiple factors other than 1 and the number itself. Example: 16, 20, 50, etc.
Number System
It is clear that numbers are used to represent a certain quantity. When certain symbols or digits are used to represent the numbers themselves, it forms a number system. Hence, a number system is such a system as can be used to define a set of values, which are further used to represent a quantity.
Types of Number Systems
There are various types of number systems in mathematics. The four most common number system types are:
- Decimal number system
- Binary number system
- Octal number system
- Hexadecimal number system
Decimal Number System
Such a number system as has a base value of 10 is termed a decimal number system. It uses the digits between 0 – 9 for the creation of numbers. In this system, each digit is depicted as its product with different powers of 10. Another feature to be noted is that the place value keeps on increasing from right to left, with the extreme right termed as ones, then tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. The units (ones) place would be depicted as 100, tens would be 101, hundreds 102, and so on.
For example: 548 has place values as
(5 x 102) + ( 4 x 101) + (8 x 100)
= 5 x 100 + 4 x 10 + 8 x 1
= 500 + 40 + 8
= 548
Binary Number System
As the name suggests, this type of number system has a base value of 2 (binary). This system uses only two digits, i.e., 0 and 1 for creating numbers. Extensively used in computer applications, this system is really east to utilize. For example:
14 can be written as 1110
50 can be written as 110010
Octal Number System
As the name suggests, this system has a base value of 8(octal). Hence it uses 8 digits to create numbers. For example:
(112)10 can be expressed as (287)8.
(287)10 can be expressed as (372)8.
Hexadecimal Number System
This system has a base value of 16 and hence uses 16 digits for the creation of numbers. For example:
(255)10 can be written as (FF)16
(1096)10 can be written as (448)16
(4090)10 can be written as (FFA)16
What is the importance of the number system?
It is safe and wise to agree that number system holds its importance for everything which includes proportion and percentage. Number system plays a crucial role, both in our everyday lives and the technological world. With its myriad qualities, it simplifies our lives a lot, which has been discussed as follows:
- It enables to keep count of all the things around people. Like how many apples are in the basket, or the number of milk cartons to be purchased, etc.
- It enables the unique and accurate representation of different types of numbers.
- Making a phone call is possible only because we have a proper and efficient number system.
- Elevators used in public places also depend upon number systems for their functioning.
- Computation of any kind of interest on amounts deposited in banks.
- Creation of passwords on computers, security purposes.
- Encrypting important data, by converting figures into another number system to avoid hacking and misuse of data.
- It enables easy conversion of numbers for technical purposes.
- The entirety of computer architecture depends upon number systems (octal, hexadecimal). Every fiber of data gets stored in the computer as a number.
Conceptual Questions
Question 1: Convert 12810 to an octal number.
In case of octal conversion, we have to divide the numbers by 8.
Operation Output Remainder 128/8 16 0 16/8 2 0 2/8 0 2 Therefore, the equivalent octal number = 2008
Question 2: Convert 12810 to hexadecimal.
In case of hexadecimal conversion, we divide the numbers by 16.
Operation Output Remainder 128/16 8 0 8/16 0 8 Therefore, the equivalent hexadecimal number is 8016
Question 3: Convert (1101)2 into a decimal number.
Now, multiplying each digit from MSB to LSB with reducing the power of the base number 2.
1 × 23 + 1 × 22 + 0 × 21 + 1 × 20
= 8 + 4 + 0 + 1
= 13
Therefore, (1101)2 = (13)10
Question 4: Convert (214)8 into a binary number.
We know,
2 → 010
1 → 001
4 → 100
Therefore,(214)8 = (010001100)2
The meaning and role of numbers in everyday life
- Authors
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- Award documents
Tretyakov A. A. 1
1MBOU "Education Center No. 32"
Eliseeva O.G. 1
1MBOU "Education Center No. 32"
The author of the work was awarded a diploma of the winner of the II degree
Diploma of a student Certificate of the head
The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Files of the work" tab in PDF format
"We would never become rational if we excluded number from human nature"
"Everything is arranged according to numbers"
The relevance of the topic of my research is that numbers are very important in our world. Without numbers, it would be very difficult and uninteresting for us to live. Although numbers have been around for a very long time, their relevance in the modern world is becoming increasingly important. All modern technologies are associated with numbers and are called digital, all information and even music is stored in a digital format.
The magical properties of numbers have excited people for thousands of years. The "Holy Trinity", an odd number of flowers in a bouquet, "The Devil's Dozen" have come down to us, in many countries there are no planes and houses with the number 13, etc. Birth date numerology allows you to reveal hidden opportunities, tell what is given to a person from birth and indicate the best path for personal development. Although numerology has gained immense popularity relatively recently, this science was born back in ancient times.
I am interested in the following problem :
And what do we know about the role that numbers play in our lives?
Based on the above, in this research paper I set the following goals :
Explore the numbers we meet in life.
Show how numbers affect our lives.
Research tasks :
To study the material on the history of the emergence of numbers;
Determine where and how numbers are used in our lives;
Determine where numbers occur in nature;
Conduct a survey on the topic among students in grade 5 and draw conclusions based on the results;
Learn to find the necessary information in various sources;
Learn how to build a spiral.
Study hypothesis :
If there is a relationship between numbers and the surrounding world, then the world cannot exist without numbers.
Object of research are numbers.
The subject of research is the role of number in our life.
Test methods were:
- observations on the use of numbers in everyday life;
- study and selection of facts on the use of different types of numbers;
- establishing the relationship between them;
- questioning students;
- analysis of results.
Practical significance of this work: to find the connection between numbers and our lives.
Numerology. Numbers around us.
There is a whole system of beliefs about the mystical connections of numbers with physical objects, processes and people's lives and their consciousness, which are interconnected and influence each other - numerology. It originated several thousand years ago in ancient Egypt. Its ancestor was the mathematician and astrologer Pythagoras (580-500 BC). He put forward the belief that numbers dominate everything in a person's life.
Despite the fact that it is Pythagoras who is considered the father of numerology of numbers, this science has long been developed by other peoples. It was the Egyptian priests who created a unique numerical system that allows you to compare the specific qualities of a person with a certain number.
The ancient inhabitants of Egypt expressed their knowledge of the magic of numbers and the harmony of proportions in their art and architecture. Indirect evidence that Egypt had this knowledge is the numerical proportions of the pyramids, which still amaze our imagination.
Pythagoras was the first to understand: numbers are not at all abstract and have their own individuality, character. He is a notably philosopher who discovered the numerical expressions for the intervals of the musical scale. He proved that the four musical intervals known at that time can be expressed in proportion between the numbers 1 and 4. This led Pythagoras to create the "Harmony of the Spheres", symbolically expressed in the tetraktid (quaternary, that is, in the sum of the first four numbers - 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10), which contains the main musical intervals: octave (2:1), fifth (3:2) and fourth (4:3).
Pythagoras and his followers reduced all numbers to single digits - from 1 to 9, since they are the initial ones from which all others are obtained.
Numerology has found recognition in Russia. Thus, Count Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, was a staunch supporter of numerology. Born on August 28, 1828, Tolstoy believed that the number 28 played a very important role in his fate and believed in its mystical power until the end of his life: it was on October 28, shortly before his death, that he left his home in Yasnaya Polyana forever.
Numbers play an incredibly important role in our lives. They surround us everywhere. From our very birth, we acquire a number of significant numbers for us. And then the numbers do not leave us: we use them when counting objects, monetary units, counting time, calendar days. Do not forget that numbers are necessary for many specialties, and especially technical ones. Also, we will not do without numbers when dialing a phone number, taking readings from various counters. Whether we are watching a sports program or buying groceries in a store, reading proverbs or sayings, or guessing riddles, we are surrounded by numbers everywhere.
It's hard to imagine our life now without numbers. Everything is mixed up, confused. Life will become very difficult. Many difficulties will appear in relations between people: starting with being late for work, various meetings and ending with international conflicts. Try not to use numbers for a while. It's just impossible! Numbers are very important in everyday life.
At school we use numbers all the time. It is impossible to imagine any school lesson without numbers. In math class, I learned that numbers are divided into prime, compound, even, odd, natural, whole, fractional, and decimal. I was interested, but how do these numbers apply in our lives?
Everything is clear with natural numbers. They are needed for counting or numbering items. We use them every day: we count the number of students in the class, the number of lessons per day, write down the numbers of homework exercises and for many, many other things.
But you can't say the same about prime numbers. They are very mysterious, because. refuse to obey any pattern. I found out that prime numbers have found their application in modern cryptography - a science that explores, among other things, encryption methods (secret writing). Encryption is a system of altering writing in order to make the text incomprehensible to the uninitiated. Cryptograms have important practical applications in diplomacy, military affairs and in many branches of science, for example, in archeology, linguistics, biology, chemistry. Without cryptography, it is impossible to imagine the protection of information in our time: payment for goods on the Internet, protection of bank cards, etc.
Numbers in nature and the world
The magic numbers of nature are presented in the form of mathematical forms. They are everywhere: rainbows, drops, feathers, snail shells, flowers, planetary pools, hexagonal cells of honeycombs, wide clear zebra stripes, wavy ripples in the sand, snowflake symmetry and much, much more. But there are phenomena that do not obey the rules: the weather, waterfalls, flies, cats, etc.
Mathematics as a science has extraordinary beauty and intellectual richness. But for many people, it is just a boring world of arithmetic problems and obscure formulas.
The space in which we live is three-dimensional, because three lines can meet at right angles in it. A plane has only two dimensions, and a line has only one. The space, consisting of a single point, has no directions and therefore has zero dimension (Fig. 1).
One of the most common marks on the skin of animals is striping. Sometimes the stripes are so regular that they are associated with mathematical parallel lines. Of course, when it comes to striped animals, the zebra and tiger come to mind first. The zebra's stripes are catchy, distinct, not at all parallel, clearly far from anything mathematical (Fig. 2). Also, more or less regular lines are inherent in the coloring of tropical fish and seashells (Fig. 3, 4).
Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig.4
The stripes on the shells are of two types: most follow the spirals of the shell, others are located at right angles. In some animals, such as the raccoon, distinct parallel rings run along the tail (Fig. 5).
Some animals - snakes, worms, eels - have bodies so long that a mathematician cannot resist the temptation to imagine them as a perfect straight line. But this is impossible, since during the movement of the body of these animals they undergo various twists and bends due to muscle contractions.
Windings and bends are also found in inanimate nature. For example, small ripples, large dunes are covered with small folds (Fig. 6).
The drawing of a honeycomb looks strictly mathematical - row after row of ideal hexagons, harmoniously stacked in a flat space (Fig. 7).
Fig.6 Fig.7
Honeycombs and snowflakes have a common magic number - six. They differ in that honeycombs repeatedly use the same model, and each snowflake is individual and unique in its pattern (Fig. 8).
What is the shape of a raindrop? A sphere is the shape with the smallest area for a given volume. Water droplets take the form of a ball, as surface tension leads to a reduction in area. The place where the balls can fully express themselves is space. All planets, moons and stars are spherical (Fig. 9).
Fig.8 Fig.9
When formed, they are a giant drop of molten rocks and iron. Orbiting around the Sun and gravity's own forces cause surface tension, so the planets take on a spherical shape.
In the development of construction and architecture, it became necessary to create a surface containing the maximum space in the minimum area. However, the shape of the ball had to be eliminated, since the surface must be created from a number of rigid elements. To do this, the architects came up with the following solution: to create a shape as close as possible to the shape of an ideal ball. The basis of all such forms is the icosahedron (Fig. 10).
The same shape is commonly used in the manufacture of soccer balls (Fig. 11).
Fig.10 Fig.11
Fibonacci wrote The Book of the Abacus, a textbook of arithmetic. In this book, for the first time, a problem was raised that gave rise to a large amount of mathematical material. This icosahedron problem concerns rabbits. If you start with a pair of rabbits, then after a while this pair gives rise to a new pair of rabbits. In subsequent periods, all sexually mature pairs give rise to new pairs of rabbits. All rabbits are supposed to be immortal. Fibonacci discovered a pattern: after the first two, each number is equal to the sum of the previous two.
The Fibonacci number series is still used in the study of animal populations. Fibonacci numbers can be found in the plant world. Tradescantia have 3 petals, phloxes and buttercups have 5 petals, delphiniums often have 8, marigolds have 13, asters have 21, and daisies and sunflowers often have 34, 55 and 89 petals. Some larger sunflowers have 144 petals. Flowers may have non-Fibonacci numbers, but they are less common. Consequently, plant growth is subject to simple, but difficult to grasp mathematical laws (Fig. 12).
I tried to show in my work about the presence of mathematical models in nature, as well as about the fine line between geometry, arithmetic and biology. In nature, we observe natural numbers. 1, 2, 3 - space dimension; 4, 6, 7, 12, 24, 60, 365 - numbers of time; 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ... - Fibonacci numbers used in biology. This, of course, is not a complete list of the use of numbers in nature.
If I had been asked earlier: “What do the Milky Way, strawberries, mountain sheep and sea shells have in common?”, I probably would have found it difficult to answer. But it turns out that all these are examples of spirals (Fibonacci Spiral in nature, Fig. 13) and numbers play a huge role here. And there are a lot of such examples of spirals in our life, especially in nature.
Fig.13 Fibonacci spiral in nature
Many natural processes develop precisely in a spiral. For example, a blizzard spins snow masses in spirals, a hurricane also forms and spins in a spiral. The common spider weaves its web in a spiral pattern. A frightened herd of reindeer scatter in a spiral. The DNA molecule is twisted in a double helix. Goethe called the spiral "the curve of life." On the branches of trees, the leaves do not grow randomly, but helically and in a spiral direction. The spiral is clearly seen in the arrangement of sunflower seeds. Pineapple cells create the same spiral sequence of numbers. As water flows across the ocean and tidal waves approach the shore, they curve into a spiral shape that can be represented mathematically on a chart with points 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 13, 21, 34, and 55. Shells, tulips, and especially the shells of mollusks, are formed according to the same pattern. With each increase, the shell acquires another segment in accordance with the Fibonacci scale. This pattern can also be seen around us and in our everyday life. But the most amazing example, in my opinion, of a numerical spiral is right above our head - this is a galaxy. For about 100,000 light-years, the spirals of the galaxy are formed in exactly the same way as a tiny clam shell.
These patterns are manifested in the energy transitions of elementary particles, in the structure of chemical compounds, in planetary and space systems, in the gene structures of living organisms, in the structure of individual human organs (ear) and the body as a whole, as well as in biorhythms and the functioning of the brain, in visual perception. In general, in everything without which it is difficult to imagine our life.
The sequence 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, ... describes such a spiral (Fig. 14):
Fig.14. Fibonacci Spiral
Thus, I found out where Fibonacci numbers are found in nature, and I wanted to find out if we use them in life? It turns out that Fibonacci numbers are used in writing music, predicting the behavior of financial markets, in computer science, in communications, and so on.
Building and studying the properties of the Fibonacci spiral
Is it so difficult to build a spiral yourself using a sequence of Fibonacci numbers?
I decided to try it. To build a Fibonacci spiral, first I build a golden rectangle (Fig. 15).
Fig.15. Building a golden rectangle using Fibonacci numbers
The sides of the golden rectangle have a ratio of 1. 618 to 1.
First I draw a unit square. I add the second same square. I build another square on the long right side, then another one on the top, then on the left, below, and so on. The longer I continue this process, the closer the resulting rectangle to gold.
But the easiest way to build a Golden Rectangle is with a compass. This process is shown in Fig. 16.
Any Golden Rectangle, as in Figure 15, can be divided into a square and a smaller Golden Rectangle. This process can theoretically be continued indefinitely. These resulting rectangles that I drew are curled inwards (Figure 17).
Fig.16. Construction of the Golden RectangleFig.17. Golden Rectangles Twisting Center
Approximately from the central point I draw a spiral, as shown in Fig.18, connecting the intersection points of each twisting square in order of increasing size.
As the squares twist in and out, their connection points draw out a golden spiral.
Basic properties of the Fibonacci spiral:
The golden spiral has no boundaries and is permanent in shape. From any point on the spiral, you can move indefinitely inward or outward. The central part of the golden spiral, viewed through a microscope, would have the same appearance as its widest visible part at a distance of many light years.
At any point in the development of the Golden Spiral, the ratio of the length of the arc to its diameter is 1.618.
Checking the 2nd property is simple (fig.19).
Fig.18. Construction of the golden Fibonacci spiral Fig.19. Checking the ratio of arc length to arc diameter
Drawing the Fibonacci spiral (Fig. 19), I, using an ordinary thread, got the length of the arc CD. With a ruler, I measured the length of the resulting thread and segment AB. In our case (Fig. 19) got AB=13 and CD=21, so the ratio CD/AB=21/13=1. 615 is pretty close to 1.618.
Having tried to draw a spiral, I came to the conclusion that everything ingenious is simple! We do not even think about the fact that things and phenomena familiar to us are fraught with mathematical patterns.
Fig.20. I'm building a Fibonacci spiral Fig.21. My Fibonacci Spiral
To find out what schoolchildren know about numbers and their application in our lives, a survey was conducted in the 2nd fifth grade of our school, in which 55 schoolchildren took part (Fig. 22, 23, 24)
Fig. 22. Questionnaire
Fig. 23, 24. Conducting a survey in class 5 "B" MBOU "TsO No. 32"
Survey data analysis
The conducted survey showed the following results :
When answering the first question “What types (types) of numbers do you know”, the most popular answer was - fractional (20%), then even (17%), then odd (16%), mixed (13%), decimal (12 %), natural (8%) and 7% each went to positive and negative numbers (Fig. 25). \
Fifth graders consider the number or figure most often encountered in everyday life:
5 – 37% of respondents, 1 – 16%, 4 – 13%, 2, 3, 10 – 7% each, 7 – 4%, 6, 0.04 3% each (Fig. 26).
Fig. 25. Questionnaire (question No. 1) 26. Questionnaire (question No. 2)
Schoolchildren consider amazing numbers or features of numbers:
- numbers more than a million, a billion, because they have a lot of zeros;
- the number of googol (this is the number 10 to the 100th power, that is, 1 with 100 zeros. This number became well-known thanks to the Google search engine named after him)
- they consider, like many in the world, the number 13 to be unlucky;
- find it surprising that numbers can be infinite;
- consider the number 5 to be an amazing number for schoolchildren.
4. The most common answer to the fourth question “Where do you meet numbers in your life” was “At school”, then “At home”, then “Math”, “In the store”, “At the clock”, “On the street” , "On buses", "On the Internet, in banks, in the calendar, in passwords, in phone numbers."
5. Schoolchildren's favorite numbers are (arranged in descending order of popularity) - 5, 7, 11, 10, 8, 12, 228, googol, 15, 18, 13, 100, 666, 777, etc.
While doing this work, I realized that there is a close relationship between numbers and the world around us, because many laws of nature are described precisely with the help of numbers. Even the Pythogorians believed that "Number is the law and connection of the world, the power that reigns over the gods and mortals."
Everyone needs numbers today - not only a mathematician, engineer, physicist, but also a doctor and a worker, a sailor and an athlete, even an artist and a writer.
From all of the above, I can conclude that the mathematical approach to the world around us is one of the ways to know it. And numbers are tools of mathematics, with the help of which we study objects and phenomena of nature and society, as well as create technologies, erect reliable and beautiful buildings, make new scientific discoveries, and, ultimately, build our lives. All this confirms that there is a relationship between numbers and the world around us, and our modern world cannot exist without numbers.
List of literature and Internet sources
Depman I.Ya. "Tales of Mathematics". State Publishing House of Children's Literature of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. Leningrad. 1954
Depman I.Ya., N.Ya. Vilenkin. "Beyond the Pages of a Mathematics Textbook". Moscow. Publishing house "Enlightenment". 1989
Langdon N., Snape C. "Let's go with math. " Moscow. Publishing house "Pedagogy". 1987.
"Mathematics in the modern world". Translation from English by N.G. Rychkova. Moscow. Mir Publishing House.1967
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9D%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3% D0%B8%D1%8F
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The value of a number in a person's life presentation. Presentation in mathematics on the topic "numbers in our life"
Avlukova Julia
Research work in mathematics.
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The work was done by a student of class 9 "B" Yury Avlukova Supervisor: Lapcheva ED Numbers in our life
The purpose of the project The project "Numbers in our life" is aimed at studying numbers. Purpose: formation of students' interest in mathematics and history. Tasks: - to expand knowledge about the number from the position of these objects; - teach to calculate the number of essence and the number of talismans.
Relevance of the topic During our life we come across numbers hundreds of times a day, but do we think about how they affect our destiny? What role do they play in what happens to us?
Numbers rule the world. Pythagoras
Since ancient times, numbers have fascinated humanity. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt, Judea and Phoenicia endowed numbers with special magic. Numerology of numbers is the ancient science of the hidden meaning of numbers. Its ancestor was the mathematician and astrologer Pythagoras (580-500 BC), he put forward the belief that numbers dominate everything in a person's life. Despite the fact that it is Pythagoras who is considered the father of numerology of numbers, this science has long been developed by other peoples.
The art of numerology allows us to reveal the secrets of numbers, to learn their magical meaning, and, perhaps, to find answers to those questions that previously defied any explanation. The main meaning of numerology is that between the phenomena of the Universe and a person, the connection occurs through numerical values and is deciphered by mathematical operations. Therefore, with the help of certain calculations, you can find out what is destined for a person by fate. Any person has not one “numerical value”, but several. Each of them is responsible for a certain area - relationships, character, purpose. In order to find out these numerical codes, it is enough to know: the exact date of birth, last name, first name, patronymic, meanings of numbers and letters With the help of numerology, you can find explanations for many conflicts and disagreements, find an approach to a person who is dear to you. The art of numerology
Number - entities Many numerical codes of a person change during life, for example, address of residence or surname, but the date of birth remains the same for everyone. The day, month and year of birth are the main numbers in a person's life. The entity number is calculated using this data. For example, I was born on February 25, 1997, therefore, the number of the essence is written as follows: 2 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 7 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8
The number of Essence 1 gives its owner such qualities as activity, desire for leadership, patience. Number 1
A person with Essence number 2 is characterized by softness, tact, non-conflict. His life flows measuredly, cyclically, all situations repeat themselves sooner or later, at certain intervals. Number 2
People with Essence number 3 have a very high potential. They will never miss their own, live for today, take on only those cases that will bring great benefits, without wasting their energy on trifles. Number 3
The number of Essence 4 promises its owners a stable, disciplined life, the main mission of which they consider to be the development of a sense of justice and the accumulation of experience. These people are very honest and reliable Number 4
A person with Essence number 5 easily adapts to any circumstances and conditions, spontaneously lights up with new ideas or activities. They approach any business with cheerfulness, resourcefulness and imagination. Distinctive features of such people are creativity, originality, enthusiasm and mobility. Number 5
People born with Essence number 6 are very ambitious, they strive to make themselves, to prove to others their significance. Angel number 6
Essence number 7 endows a person with creative abilities, an easy attitude to life and strong intuition, which gives them the opportunity not to think about many things, but simply to follow the call of the heart. Among them are many speakers, artists, designers. Number 7
The life of these people is filled with restlessness and spontaneity. They have a strong character and violent willpower, for them there is no word "impossible". Number 8
The main mission in the life of people with Essence number 9 is salvation and help to other people. A person with the number 9 is endowed with a good intellect, but he needs a profession related to spiritual values, economics or finance are contraindicated for these people. Number 9
Not only numbers, but also letters or sound symbols act in conjunction with numbers and necessarily affect a person. The name and its bearer influence each other. Numbers will help clarify this connection. You need to add up all the numbers in your first and last name and thus come to a number of one digit, which can be considered your lucky talisman. The letter and the number that corresponds to this letter A - 1, B - 2, C - 6, D - 3, D - 4, E - 5, F - 2, W - 7, I, Y - 1, K - 2, L - 2, M - 4, N - 5, O - 7, P - 8, R - 2, C - 3, T - 4, U - 6, F - 8, X - 5, C - 3, H - 7, W - 2, W - 9, S - 1, b - 1, E - 6, Yu - 7, I - 2 To find out what number you can consider your talisman, first write your full name and surname. For example, Yulia Avlukova. Look at the table, write down all the numbers that correspond to each letter in the first and last name, and add them up. 7+2+1+2=12; 1+6+2+5+2+7+6+1=30; 12+30=42; 4+2=6. So, my talisman is the number 6. Talisman number
If your talisman is number 1, be prepared for the fact that it will reward you with such character traits as the desire for leadership, the desire to be the best, the thirst for honor and respect. One will give your behavior generosity, pride, desire for creation, initiative, a sense of responsibility, justice. The number 1 can be correlated with the sun. Therefore, a medallion in the shape of the sun will be a good talisman, but on its reverse side it is necessary to write or scratch out a unit. For a talisman, a coin worth 1 kopeck is also useful, only it should be made of yellow metal. Number 1
Two is a symbol of openness, emotionality, spiritual endowment. Therefore, we can expect that this particular number will give you more friendliness, fidelity and sensitivity. Two is the symbol of the moon. Therefore, you can use silver trinkets for the talisman, for example, a silver ring. Do not forget to engrave 2 on the outer or inner side of the ring, otherwise the talisman will not work. Number 2
Three is a mysterious number. This talisman makes people optimistic, they are not afraid to make decisions and take risks, because they are sure that they will always win. The number 3 sets up its owners for a positive attitude towards themselves and others. Three attracts happiness and harmony like a magnet, so very rarely people whose talisman number 3 are unhappy. For a talisman, you can use an equilateral triangle. It can be a pendant or other decoration. In order for the talisman to act as a talisman against the envy of strangers, you can depict the number 3 on the talisman. Number 3
The four-talisman makes people wayward and stubborn. They strive to live not according to generally accepted rules, but according to their own standards. For a talisman, you can use everything that consists of four components: a cube, a parallelepiped, a square, a cross, and even a flower with four petals. In the center of the talisman, you must write the number 4. Number 4
This number is a symbol of success and completeness, therefore the talisman in the form of the number 5 gives people a lively and mind that allows them to find a way out of any situation. Five makes it possible to find a rational grain in every business, to take the initiative. Those whose talisman is the number 5 always strive to try their hand at rare professions. For a talisman, it is good to use a five-pointed asterisk. It can be worn around the neck as a pendant, pinned to a dress as a brooch, or simply put in a pocket. Number 5
Usually this number is the talisman of those who are loved by everyone without exception. The six not only gives them charm, but also allows you to bypass all the pitfalls in life. The talisman in the form of the number 6 allows you to achieve everything very easily, with almost no effort. The symbol for the number 6 can be a six-pointed asterisk or an equilateral hexagon. Be sure to write on the talisman 6. You can draw a hexagon on paper and carry it in your wallet or pocket, then you will feel how luck smiles at you. Number 6
An unstable and somewhat magical number. If, as a result of the test, you found out that this particular number is your talisman, it is safe to say that you have some unusual abilities, for example, excellent intuition. For a talisman, you can depict a treble clef or an equilateral heptagon. You can write 7 on paper and always have this sheet with you. Number 7
The number eight symbolizes infinity. If you understand that this is your lucky number, you are destined to live a long, comfortable life. For a talisman, you may well use two rings linked together. Firstly, such a talisman resembles the number 8, and secondly, it symbolizes the rings of Saturn. After all, the figure eight is a symbol of the planet Saturn. Number 8
Nine-talisman is able to give the character of a person initiative, enterprise, energy, self-confidence. However, the nine can reward too self-willed people with ruthlessness, arrogance, a contemptuous attitude towards everyone they consider below themselves. If your talisman is the number 9, you can use a flower with nine petals for it, or just a circle with 9 written in the middle. Number 9
summary of other presentations
"Action multiplication" - Multiplication of positive and negative numbers. Task for oral counting Exercise 22 Grade 6.
"Opening brackets grade 6" - A) -2 + 7.8 b) -14-6.7 b) 0.24 * 4 d) -1.6 * 0.5 e) -3.2: ( -0.4) e) 21.6 * 100. Opening brackets Grade 6. oral work. Homework No. 1254 (a, b, c). A) 8.757 - (7.8 - 1.043) \u003d 8.757 - 7.8 + 1.043 \u003d (8.757 + 1.043) - 7.8 \u003d 2 b) 3.96 + (2.375 - 3.96) \u003d 3.96 + 2.375 - 3.96 \u003d 2.375 c) 3/8 + (1/8 -3/4) \u003d 3/8 + 1/8 -3/4 \u003d 4/8 - 3/4 \u003d 2/4 - 3/4 \u003d - 1/4. MOU Umlekanskaya secondary school Mathematics teacher: Feshchenko E. I. g) 2.7: 0. 1 h) 16 * 3/8 i) 7:? j) 3- 2/9 l) 4- 15/6 M) -8- 4/7.
"Relationships Grade 6" - Compiled by: Butorova O.A. Mathematics teacher at MKOU "Baturinskaya secondary school". Subject: Relationships. Write down possible relationships: Mathematics Grade 6. There are mugs on the table. No. 746. A) green to yellow b) green to pink c) yellow to pink. Find the meaning of the expression: Who is faster? What do the ratios mean: a) 6 to 10 b) 4 to 10 c) 4 to 6. Find in the table successively all the numbers from 26 to 50.
"Entertaining tasks in mathematics" - Who flies the highest? Task 5 - captains. Task 3. Answer: 8. Test yourself. Cucumber to the right of the tomato and to the left of the carrot. 21, 19, 30, 25, 3, 12, 9, 15, 20.27. 6th grade team: Place the cucumber to the left of the carrot but to the right of the tomato.
"School 2000 Mathematics" - Arithmetic of fractions Chapter 4. Decimal fractions §1. The first side of the triangle is 50% longer than the second, but 25% less than the third. Basic concepts (divisors and multiple, prime and composite numbers) §2. Geometric line in the textbook of mathematics by Peterson L.G. Repetition of what has been done before. Chapter 2. Arithmetic §3. Arithmetic of rational numbers (* On number systems). Chapter 1. Mathematical language §1. Chapter 3. Rational numbers §3. Mathematics Grade 6 Dorofeeva G.
Description of the presentation by individual slides:
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Numbers in a person's life Completed by: Yulia Ipatova, grade 10 Supervisor: T.V. Ipatova 2014 MOU "Terebenskaya secondary school"
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"Everything in the world is a Number!" Pythagoras Purpose: To explore the process of the emergence of numbers, their meaning, the degree of influence of numbers on human life. Tasks: 1. To study the history of the appearance of numbers, their names, people's superstitions regarding numbers. 2. Learn more about the meanings of numbers. 3. Find out if numbers affect people's lives, which number is more favorable for a person. 4. Find out the opinions of other people and analyze how the numbers and our lives are related using specific examples.
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Numbers… “Our world is beautiful, that’s true, but the numbers that live among us, it’s just a miracle!” K. Weierstrass At the present time, our society constantly uses numbers. We use them to measure time, buy and sell, make phone calls, watch TV, drive a car. In addition, each person has different numbers that identify him: in an identity card, in a passport, bank account, credit card, etc. Moreover, today in the computer world, all information is transmitted through numerical codes. We meet with numbers at every step and have become so accustomed to it that we hardly realize how important they are in our life. Numbers are part of human thinking. Throughout history, every people wrote numbers, counted and calculated in a variety of forms.
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What were the first numbers? The first written numbers, of which we have reliable evidence, appeared in Egypt and Mesopotamia about 5000 years ago. Although the two cultures were very far from each other, their number systems are very similar, as if they represent the same method: the use of serifs on wood or stone to record the days gone by. The Egyptian priests wrote on papyrus, made from the stems of certain varieties of reeds, and in Mesopotamia - on soft clay. Of course, the specific forms of their numbers were different, but both cultures used simple dashes for units and other marks for tens and higher orders. In addition, in both systems, the desired number was written, repeating dashes and marks the necessary number of times. Found two Egyptian documents, created about four thousand years ago, with the oldest mathematical records found so far. They set out the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians in the field of arithmetic and geometry. These recordings reproduce multiplication tables, measures of area and volume, as well as numerous mathematical problems and their solutions.
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Where did the numbers we use come from? The numbers, or symbols of our numbers, are of Arabic origin, although they were adopted by the Arabic culture in India. Modern numbers (1,2,3,4) do not accurately reproduce the Indian ones, since the Arabs slightly modified them, adapting them to their writing. But based on their influence and the authority of their culture, modern numerical symbols are called Arabic numerals. The emergence of numbers in our lives is not an accident. It is impossible to imagine communication without the use of numbers. The history of numbers is fascinating and mysterious. Mankind has managed to establish a number of laws and patterns of the world of numbers, unravel some mysteries and use their discoveries in everyday life. Without the remarkable science of numbers - mathematics - neither the past nor the future is inconceivable today. And how many more unsolved! Looking at the combinations of numbers, people saw with amazement that the numbers have some kind of independent life, amazing and full of mystery; mysteries of the inexplicable and therefore enigmatic and meaningful... Sacred, magical, enigmatic, mysterious, perfect... As soon as they weren't named! “I don’t know anything more beautiful in arithmetic than these numbers, called by some planetary and by others magic,” wrote the famous French mathematician, one of the creators of number theory, Pierre de Fermat about them.
Attractive with natural beauty, filled with inner harmony, accessible, but still incomprehensible, hiding many secrets behind the seeming simplicity... In the ancient world, numbers were treated very reverently. People who knew them were considered great, they were equated with deities.
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Numerology. - A bit of history... People have observed the planets and stars, and at the same time used mathematical calculations. Thus was born numerology - the science of numbers. It is often called the magic of numbers, although its concept is close to astrology and other sciences of antiquity. Numerology originated several millennia ago in ancient Egypt. It was the Egyptian priests who created a unique numerical system that allows you to compare the specific qualities of a person with a certain number. Numerology was of great interest to most of the famous thinkers of the past. O. Balzac, A. Einstein showed interest in it. There are many numerological schools and systems, as well as options for understanding and interpreting the meanings and essence of numbers. Numerology is not arithmetic, where twice two is always four. Remember: there is no single, true, classic, traditional numerology. The Pythagorean system owes its origin to Pythagoras (550 BC), who considered numbers to be symbols of world principles, and the science of numbers to be the fundamental basis of all occult teachings. It was he who formulated that when adding any number from the number series from 1 to 9you can get a single number. The Pythagorean system had a significant impact on the presentation of later teachings that consider numerical symbolism. It was it that the Europeans borrowed, and later it was transferred to Russia and adapted to the Russian language. Therefore, this system is most widely used today. Modern numerology has many dimensions and directions. She took the best of the numerical systems of the ancient civilizations of India, Tibet, and China and Egypt.
Today's numerology continues to comprehend the innermost essence of numbers, their secret code, which unconsciously affects a person: to know this infinite "kingdom of quantity".
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"All things can be represented as numbers" Pythagoras Pythagorean meaning of numbers The number 0. In numerology, zero is not a number and does not belong to the world of numbers, but it is the source of all numbers. Zero is a secret of secrets, a symbol of the unmanifested world. Zero is a symbol of the spirit, the Divine essence, acting in matter. Number 1 (monad). Number 1 is ruled by the Sun. This is a symbol of wisdom. The unit is the home. This is the First Cause, Creation, God, the masculine principle. It is the basis of all numbers and the basis of life. . It symbolizes the active spiritual will of man. Number 2 (duad). Number 2 is ruled by the Moon. 2 is a symbol of both ignorance (as separation) and common wisdom. Number 3 (triad) The number 3 is ruled by Jupiter. Three allows people to express themselves in painting, music, theater, literature and other arts. Number 4 (tetrad) The number 4 symbolizes the planet Uranus. Four is the number of the Earth. Number 5 (pentad) The number 5 is ruled by Mercury. This number is a symbol of a person. It expresses the idea of a "perfect man" with a developed will, able to place himself in the center of the elements and control them.
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Number 6 (hexad) The number 6 is ruled by the planet Venus. According to the teachings of the Pythagoreans, the hexad is the number of the creation of the world. It symbolizes the principle of free will, spiritual harmony and recognition between good and evil. Number 7 (heptad) The number 7 is ruled by the planet Neptune. This is the number of mysteries pertaining to the spiritual side of things, the mysterious Divine power in nature. Seven is a symbol of good luck and occult knowledge. Number 8 (ogdoad) According to Pythagoras, the figure eight is a symbol of harmony, fate, the sacred number of Divine justice. It is love, advice, disposition, law, agreement. The number eight was considered sacred. Number 9(ennead) Number 9 is ruled by the planet Mars. The number 9 represents iron, the metal from which weapons of war are made. Nine is a strong-willed and aggressive number, a symbol of indestructible matter. Number 10 (decade) 10 is the number of different energies. There is no number higher than it, and all "the tenth has something Divine."
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Interpretation of the number of the date of birth Numerology calculates the number of personality, the number of character, the number of fate ... This science can tell about the future, help you recognize yourself. Each number in a person's date of birth has its own meaning. Date of birth on the character of a person. How to find out the date of birth? For example: date of birth October 5, 2005. Adding 5 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 5 we get 13, we continue to add until we get a single-digit number, we get 1 + 3 = 4. So the number of the date of birth is 4. What does it mean?
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Interpretation of the date of birth Number 1 (Sun) People of number 1 - people of the Sun - leaders by nature, incredibly strong personalities who never go unnoticed. These are enthusiastic, impulsive, businesslike people. If you are under the influence of this number, then do not close yourself in your own feelings, do not limit yourself only to your own perception, otherwise you will come into conflict with the outside world. Number 1 people always achieve outstanding success. They are characterized by generosity, pride, the desire to create something new, physical and spiritual strength, authority, the desire for power, initiative, a sense of responsibility, unconditional justice, and practicality. They develop harmonious relationships with people of numbers 1, 2, 8 and 9.
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Number 2 (Moon) These are the people of the Moon. They are distinguished by emotionality, easily adapt to circumstances, and are often artistically gifted. They achieve their goals by avoiding obstacles and intuitively taking advantage of favorable opportunities. They have mood swings, unconsciously they are looking for a stronger person who would reliably support them. Very homely, family-minded, loyal, sensitive, never take risks. They can change the rhythm of life. They are introverts, therefore, although friendly, they are often closed in their complex inner world with a rich imagination. These people are characterized by a sense of responsibility, a desire for independence. In the implementation of their plans, they act diplomatically and balancedly, do not allow others to force them to do what they do not like. They develop good relationships with people of the number 1.
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Number 3 (Mars) The people of Mars are ready to conquer everything on their own. They do not accept objections, but only resist them even more. They have courage and strong will, and thanks to these qualities they achieve great success. But impulsiveness negatively affects their activity. Often they do not weigh their forces and distribute them irrationally. In love and partnership, they often have problems - exorbitant pride affects. Possessing good organizational skills, they categorically cannot stand a subordinate position. They are distinguished by initiative and enterprise, vigor and self-confidence. These leaders by nature rely only on themselves, do not allow themselves to be surpassed, are sometimes merciless and unceremonious. Find mutual understanding with people of numbers 3, 5 and 6.
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Number 4 (Mercury) People of Mercury have an extremely lively and resourceful mind. They show initiative in everything, in any business they quickly find a rational grain, they strive to try their hand at rare professions. They are alien to the stupefying routine. Everything boils in their hands, they are swift in everything, think quickly, quickly draw conclusions. The ability to express thoughts is of particular importance to them. They are overwhelmed by a thirst for knowledge, critical, resourceful, but quickly become discouraged by failures. These are dual natures. These people are loved and popular, not very economic, insatiably curious about all manifestations of life, charming, never lose their individuality. Best of all, they converge with people of their number, but get along well with all other types of people.
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Number 5 (Jupiter) People of Jupiter are mostly optimists, have a positive attitude towards others, as a rule, have deep knowledge of their nature; bestow love on others and expect respect in return. They do not exchange for trifles, avoid difficult situations and conflicts, often act like a magnet, in a strange way attracting happiness and harmony to themselves. A positive attitude helps them achieve their goal. People of this type are full of a sense of responsibility, strive for self-improvement, are influenced by idealism, are often indecisive, and seek recognition. Acting openly, they seek to benefit for themselves. They are inclined to engage in art, willingly travel, disinterestedly stand up for those in need of help. They develop good relationships with people of numbers 3, 5 and 6.
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Number 6 (Venus) These people radiate sensuality, they are all loved without exception. Their charm helps them get around all the pitfalls in life. Since everything is easy for them, they must be especially careful in handling money, otherwise they risk incurring large losses. Often they are married to a wealthy partner. They love everything beautiful, have a cheerful disposition. Often these are very attractive outwardly people. Sometimes they are arrogant, give too much attention to appearance. They keep up with the times, are enterprising, sociable, have the ability to arts. They successfully work in those areas where they have to communicate a lot with people, have a sense of justice, and devote themselves to the joys of life with all their hearts. Particularly good relationships develop with people of numbers 3, 5 and 6.
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Number 7 (Saturn) People of Saturn often do not find understanding of others and suffer from loneliness. Their external coldness and alienation hide the thirst for spiritual warmth. They do not like anything superficial, they like order in all matters. They get everything with difficulty, they achieve everything on their own. People of this type are characterized by a sober view of things and some stubbornness. They highly respect the rules and laws. These are pragmatists, prudent in everything, cautious, punctual and methodical, very hardworking and persistent in achieving their goals. They rarely find themselves in a subordinate position. People of this type are aimed at material well-being, they must certainly be confident in the future, but they are prone to melancholy. They are absolutely loyal, you can always rely on them. Best of all, they find a common language with people of number 2 and sympathize with people of number 9.
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Number 8 (Uranus) The people of Uranus are very wayward stubborn people who never live by generally accepted rules, go their own way. They strive for social reforms, and they try to reject the past. These are humane, internally independent people with a non-standard way of life, they strive to have as many friends as possible, show interest in spiritual life, and love nature. Although people of this type are distinguished by independence, they are not closed and not alone, they are company-oriented; even after the dissolution of the marriage, they continue to maintain friendly relations with the former partner. Number 8 people are mobile, very conscientious in their work, nervous, they have an excellent memory and good organizational skills. Get along well with people of numbers 1, 2 and 9.
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Number 9 (Neptune) People of Neptune harmonize well with people of number 2. Usually they are philosophical or religious, compliant. Often they have an unstable financial situation, because the money is melting in their hands. They have great ideas, but they rarely follow through. prone to gambling. These are subtle, highly sensitive natures, merciful and sensitive to the mood of others. They have difficulty making decisions, usually physically weak with a fragile build, do not accept quarrels and conflicts. Most often they are employed in social services, often musical, with all their hearts they sympathize with all those who suffer.
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Calculation of the personal number of the year Unit: It's time to start some new business. Ahead of new meetings, new work, acquaintances - in a word, do not get bored. True, this does not mean that everything will be exclusively in a rosy light (failures are also possible), but obstacles will also move you forward. This year favors new love, new activities and all initiative people who rely only on themselves. If you don’t consider yourself one of them yet, try to change. Tangible positive results will not be slow to follow: you will notice already next year. Two: This is the period of continuation of everything that you started last year, this is the year of rest, the germination of seeds sown in year number 1. Wait for the "harvest", there is still time, no need to rush. Practice patience and carefully nurture everything that will come in handy in the future. Get rid of your doubts, drive away your insecurities. An extremely favorable year for love and friendship awaits you, because two is the number of love and partnership. But beware of becoming too dependent on your partner.
Three: This is the time when you will finally see the results of your previous activities. You are waiting for travel, good relationships with loved ones, good luck in love - and here you need to pay attention not to insist too much on your point of view. The favorable period for you will be mainly summer. You also need to pay attention to the correct distribution of forces: do not overestimate them. If you discover a new talent in yourself, develop it vigorously. And if you, on the contrary, have forgotten about some old hobby, then the moment has come to return to it.
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Four: For you it means the consistent development of everything laid down in the last three years. Don't try to make any major transformations this year. You will have a lot of work, as well as stable friendships and complete harmony in the family. Lonely people this year can meet their soul mate and, by the way, have time to quarrel with her. In general, this is the year when you can expect anything. However, put the emphasis not on the result, but on the process - it will not be the achievements that will be important, but how you will be able to organize your life. Five: This is the year of renewal. Changes are waiting for you, perhaps not the most favorable ones. It is better not to start new projects, but to deal with current ones. But as far as love and friendship are concerned, a fertile time awaits you. Familiar relationships will be able to refresh and bring something new into them. The best months for you will be May and June - hurry up to live, use the light period as fully as possible. This year is also favorable for health: all old ailments will leave you alone. Six: Arm yourself with everything you need and create harmony within and around you. The field of activity is quite wide: family, friends, love, career. Perhaps you are expecting an addition to the family. Think about self-education: a year is very suitable for this purpose.
In addition, you can travel, and this will not bring financial problems. You will meet interesting people, maybe even love at first sight. And whether it will be mutual or not, you should not guess.
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Seven: It's time to rest. Do not look for new things to do, continue your education, maintain partnerships, open up to new love. But try to avoid continuing such relationships that initially carry problems, for example, connection with a partner who is not free. In this case, it is better to be alone for a while, to fill your life with impressions, excursions or travels. In short: this is a year of harmony, a year of long and interesting vacations. Eight: The year will pass under the sign of predominantly material affairs. It will be a year of work, successful transactions, career advancement and, accordingly, an improvement in the financial situation. Take a closer look at the little things: despite the fact that you are not expected to have financial problems, prudence is needed in spending. Perhaps you are waiting for a win. You will be filled with energy, you will achieve a lot. Be careful with words, do not get ahead of events if things do not go as fast as you dreamed. Nine: It's time to take stock. With new projects, it is better to wait until next year, as well as with new relationships. This year is better spent reflecting on past years and learning from your own mistakes. The main thing is to admit to yourself that ... A good time to take care of your health and loved ones (especially the needy and the weak). Perhaps parting is also destined for you, most likely where you missed something in a relationship. Think more about others than about yourself, and then you will endure the possible blows of fate much better.
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6- enhances confidence in your words, helps to establish spiritual contact, friendly relations; good for people with a large social circle outside of work or for those whose work is related to psychology, pedagogy, teaching the humanities; encourages a healthy lifestyle. 7 - the most mystical number that those whom you lost in the everyday bustle and no longer hoped to hear can respond to; useful in science, philosophy, astrology; fraught with many surprises associated with the penetration into the essence of things. 8 - contributes to the material well-being of the owner, the establishment of fruitful contacts in the field of business, management; has business partners for you; attracts luck in the game, although it will not help much in solving difficult personal problems. Gives self-confidence, determination in achieving goals. 9- helps to promote new projects started from scratch, scientific developments, management of complex production processes; contributes to the successful implementation of the most time-consuming tasks and risky undertakings; will bring clarity to difficult personal relationships.
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Numbers and our life Count Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, was a staunch supporter of numerology. Born on August 28, 1828, Tolstoy believed that the number 28 played a very important role in his fate and believed in its mystical power until the end of his life: it was on October 28, shortly before his death, that he left his home in Yasnaya Polyana forever. He attached great importance to this number not only in life situations, but also in his literary work. It is curious that the hero of the novel "Resurrection", Prince Nekhlyudov, experiences a spiritual rebirth on April 28. In the epic "War and Peace", when describing the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte, there are also elements of numerological prophecy. Pierre Bezukhov, who was preparing to kill Napoleon, connects with Satan the apocalyptic “number of the beast” - 666 (which is mentioned in chapter thirteen)
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Number 13 "Damn's Dozen" 13 is a number to which many harmful and (which is much less often) useful magical properties are attributed. Some "coincidences" with this number are so striking that common sense refuses to consider them accidents. Is it really a coincidence? The eagle on the US coat of arms holds 13 arrows in one paw and an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 olives in the other. The American Union was originally formed by just 13 states that adopted a motto that consisted of exactly 13 letters ("E pluribus Unum" - "Out of many One"), and when George Washington solemnly raised the US flag, a solemn salute sounded ... exactly from 13 volleys! Some people consider the number 13 lucky. These include the prima donna of the Russian stage Alla Pugacheva. She always believed that 13 is the number that brought her success not only on stage, but also in her personal life. Philip Kirkorov gave her bouquets consisting of 13 and 113 roses.
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Number 11 After the acts of terror on September 11, the world community was struck by some Indian numerologists who called the fatal number of this event - 11. A lot really converged on it. September 11 is the 254th day of the year. 2+5+4=11. There were 111 days left until the end of the year. The plane that crashed into the towers first was flight number 11. There were 92 passengers on board. 9+2=11. There were 65 people on the second plane. The total is again 11. Finally, let's turn to history: the state of New York joined the United States eleventh in a row. And the island of Manhattan, where the twin towers stood, was opened on September 11th. And there were towers, by the way, in the form of the same pair of units. retribution to the system” and “transition to a higher level through self-sacrifice” Numerologists characterize the number 11 as “energy and ethical shock”, retribution to the system” and “transition to a higher level through self-sacrifice”. Number 14 Neither ordinary people nor kings are safe from persecution by numbers. Several centuries ago, mysterious numerical coincidences haunted the Bourbon dynasty. The royal family was accompanied by the number 14. The founder of the dynasty, King Henry 4, was born on December 14 and was killed on May 14.
On the same day, his son, Louis XIII, became king. Incredibly, his life ended on May 14. He was afraid of this date, begging the healers to extend his life for at least a day in order to break the family curse. But - in vain. This was destined to be done by his son, Louis XIV (FOURTEENTH!!!), who ascended the throne on the fateful day - May 14th.
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Number 22 In the Middle Ages, people would have bypassed a house on the outskirts of the city of Dmitrov in the Moscow region. House of the Sapronov family. It may seem unbelievable, but the number 22 “haunts” them through life ... On September 22, the hostess of the house, Ninel Sapronova, has a birthday. But not only with her: on the same day, both her sister and brother were born. Elder sister - since 1935, Ninel Konstantinovna herself - from the 37th, their brother - from 49th. In passports - different years, different place of birth, and one date. Moreover, all three were also born at the same time - at 6 in the morning. But now they don’t like to remember their birthday here. From a happy date turned into a fatal one. On September 22, misfortunes began to haunt the birthday people, as if a happy code had gone astray. It all started with little things: sometimes they get the flu on their birthday, then they end up in the hospital together. And a few years later - the number of September 22 began to take lives. First, the brother's wife dies on this day, a year later - again on September 22 - the father of the daughter-in-law dies. A few years later, on the same day - September 22 - the son's daughter, granddaughter Ninel Konstantinovna, leaves for another world. Years later, 2 days before the fateful date, their old mother ends up in the hospital. The children immediately went to her, but did not have time for a bit ... When they were on the way, they kept saying, they say, at least this ill-fated date - September 22 - would never come again. How they foresaw that their mother would not survive this day .
.. Later they will find out: their mother's death occurred on September 22 at exactly 6 in the morning. At the same time when her children, Anna, Ninel and Nikolai, were born. So why does this particular date haunt their family? And are such coincidences rare?
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Calculation of the date of birth Pafnuty Lvovich Chebyshev May 26, 1821 We consider: 2 + 6 + 5 + 1 + 8+ 2 + 1 = 25; 2 + 5 = 7. Birthday number - 7 Pafnuty Lvovich was a talented person - this, of course. In addition, music lessons taught him to analyze, and from this it follows that the analytical inclinations of the character in his life played an important role. Chebyshev was a poet at heart - he felt, understood, idolized the poetry of mathematics. His theories are absolute creativity. He was a diligent and industrious man; his industriousness was boundless. It can also be concluded that Chebyshev P.L. was a strong man, he was able to become famous, and only strong people of this number become so.
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Conclusion From the diagram we see that in our school there are representatives of all character numbers. Indeed, we are all different. It turned out that representatives of the numbers 7 and 8 are most common. Number 7 (Saturn) People of Saturn often do not find understanding of others and suffer from loneliness. Their external coldness and alienation hide the thirst for spiritual warmth. They do not like anything superficial, they like order in all matters. They get everything with difficulty, they achieve everything on their own. People of this type are characterized by a sober view of things and some stubbornness. They highly respect the rules and laws. These are pragmatists, prudent in everything, cautious, punctual and methodical, very hardworking and persistent in achieving their goals. They rarely find themselves in a subordinate position. People of this type are aimed at material well-being, they must certainly be confident in the future, but they are prone to melancholy. They are absolutely loyal, you can always rely on them. Best of all, they find a common language with people of number 2 and sympathize with people of number 9. Number 8 (Uranus) The people of Uranus are very wayward stubborn people who never live by generally accepted rules, go their own way. They strive for social reforms, and they try to reject the past. These are humane, internally independent people with a non-standard way of life, they strive to have as many friends as possible, show interest in spiritual life, and love nature. Although people of this type are distinguished by independence, they are not closed and not alone, they are company-oriented; even after the dissolution of the marriage, they continue to maintain friendly relations with the former partner. Number 8 people are mobile, very conscientious in their work, nervous, they have an excellent memory and good organizational skills.
Get along well with people of numbers 1, 2 and 9.
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Questionnaire results: My favorite number: 15.5(2nd student),6,13,16,2,666,24,7,12,17,436,4,3. My lucky number: 15(2), no, 13(3), 5(3), 8(2), 7,2,1,436, no. The number that brings me bad luck: 13 (3), 17.3 (2), 20, 11, 8, 7, I don’t know, 4.44, no. Do you think that the date of birth affects your destiny? Yes - 8 No - 6 Don't know - 2 Do you consider yourself a happy person? Yes - 12 No -1 Don't know - 0 Partly - 2 Opinion of students, teachers and parents (conversations, interviews)
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Hypothesis I was wondering if numbers really play a role in our lives. I wanted to learn a lot about numbers. After all, the world of numbers is very mysterious and interesting. This topic is relevant because numbers are very important in our world. The purpose of my research is the influence of numbers on the fate of a person. Objectives: To study the history of the emergence of numbers. Reveal the magical meaning of numbers.
Ancient Arabs Mohammed ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi The system of Indian mathematicians was accepted by Arab mathematicians and Al-Khwarizmi in the 9th century wrote the book “The Indian Art of Accounting”, in which he described the Indian number system. Simple and convenient rules for adding and subtracting arbitrarily large numbers made this system especially popular among European merchants.
The numbers we are used to in Russia appeared under Peter I.
The magic of numbers Numbers for each of us have certain consumer properties. Using numbers, we daily, hourly, use them to quantify the phenomena and processes around us. And, perhaps, only one person - the greatest scientist of antiquity - Pythagoras, gave people the doctrine that numbers have a more intimate meaning. Pythagoras taught that "everything is a number. "
"Everything is a number and everything is from a number." 13 Triskaidekaphobia 666 Number of the Beast! Mysterious number seven! superperfect number
Our research You can calculate your "master number" by the day, month and year of your birth. For example, you were born on June 24, 2005 (). We add all these numbers together: \u003d 19 and we get 19. These two numbers must also be added together: 1 + 9 \u003d \u003d 1 “One” - this is my main number. So you can calculate your "master number" and find out what it means.
Birthday number 1 - a person with all the necessary features of a leader. At any time, in absolutely any situation, you try to bring the matter to the end, not retreating until all possible solutions to a particular problem run out. Birthday number 2 - this birthday number characterizes you as a restrained, balanced person, a supporter of resolving conflict situations by finding a compromise. Birthday number 3 - from an early age you have an amazing ability to grasp everything on the fly. Easily perceive and assimilate new knowledge. An incredibly talented person in many areas of activity, capable of much. Birthday number 4 - you are a risk-averse person who treats many things with trepidation and caution. You are very hardworking and persistent, able to achieve a lot alone without relying on anyone. Birthday number 5 - you are ruled by a constant attraction to everything unusual, previously unknown. You are inspired and enthusiastic, do not like to stay in one place for a long time. Wherever you are, you feel at home.
Birthday number 6 is the birthday number of a sincere, open, reliable person. You are fully prepared to treat the assignments and the work entrusted to you with full responsibility. One of the main tasks in life is to make a name for yourself and achieve high success in anything. Birthday number 7 - diligent, creative person with a poetic soul and with some oddities. The owner of an analytical mindset, brilliant imagination and a very developed intuition. The birthday number 8 is a number that symbolizes unlimited business opportunities. You are adventurous and fearless before any kind of activity, especially in a commercial environment. Birthday number 9- a highly developed intellect and endless potential are characteristic features of people with a life number of 9. Creativity and artistic talent give success in the art world.
Conclusion: First, we learned how, when, where and by whom the numbers were invented. Secondly, the counting system we use today was invented in India a thousand years ago. Arab merchants spread it throughout Europe. Thirdly, we learned that each person has his own “master number”, knowing which you can change your character for the better. In the future, we will use the acquired knowledge in the lessons of mathematics and computer science. And given the "main number" of a person, we will try to help ourselves and loved ones become better. We will also continue to try to "discover" some more "secrets" that are associated with numbers.
"The main number" of a person Ancient scientists believed that numbers have a mysterious, magical meaning and affect a person. According to the beliefs of the ancients, each person has a certain number that has mystical power, affecting the character and habits. According to the beliefs of the ancients, each person has a certain number that has mystical power, affecting the character and habits.
You can calculate your "master number" by the day, month and year of your birth. You can calculate your “master number” by the day, month and year of your birth. For example, I was born on February 61996 years (). We add all these numbers together: \u003d 33 and we get 33. For example, I was born on February 6, 1996 (). We add all these numbers together: \u003d 33 and we get 33. These two numbers must also be added together: 3 + 3 \u003d 6 - this is the main number.
Usually the main numbers characterize a person, in order to check the reliability of this method, I decided to find out the main number of Lobachevsky, the great mathematician. He was born December 1, 1792. () So: =23 2+3=5
The number 5 symbolizes risk. This number is both the happiest and the most unpredictable. When checking this description, I found out that from childhood Lobachevsky was unpredictable, with behavior that did not meet strict standards and limits, a risk taker.
Napoleon's birthday was May 5, 1821, so his main number is: =22=2+2=4 The number 4 - the number means stability and strength. These characteristics can easily be associated with the strong and stable nature of Napoleon.
But Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on October 7, 1952. Therefore: =25=2+5= 7 The number 7 - the number symbolizes mystery, as well as study and knowledge.
Leonardo DiCaprio was born on November 11, 1974. So: =25 =2+5=7 The number 7 - the number symbolizes the mystery, as well as the study and knowledge.
The meaning of numbers according to Pythagoras Number 1 - the number of the goal, which manifests itself in the form of aggressiveness and ambition. The number 1 is the number of purpose, which manifests itself in the form of aggressiveness and ambition. The number 2 is a number with extremes. It maintains balance by mixing positive and negative qualities. The number 2 is a number with extremes. It maintains balance by mixing positive and negative qualities. The number 3 means instability. It combines talent and cheerfulness symbolizes adaptability. The number 3 means instability. It combines talent and cheerfulness symbolizes adaptability.
The meaning of numbers according to Pythagoras Number 4 - the number means stability and strength. Number 4 - the number means stability and strength. Number 5 - symbolizes risk. This number is both the happiest and the most unpredictable. Number 5 - symbolizes risk. This number is both the happiest and the most unpredictable. The number 6 is a symbol of reliability. It is in harmony with nature. This is the ideal number. The number 6 is a symbol of reliability. It is in harmony with nature.