Winter activities for kids
70 Winter Activities For Kids And Families To Enjoy All Season
From hosting a bonfire to a joke competition indoors, there is plenty of winter family fun.
Building snow people isn't the only outdoor winter activity for kids.Esther Pueyo / Getty Images stock/ Source: TODAY
By Kait Hanson
The winter season brings both the excitement of the upcoming holidays and — depending on where you live — cold temperatures that may have parents nervous about cabin fever.
Laura Linn Knight, author of "Break Free from Reactive Parenting" tells that winter activities for kids and families will be "very dependent" upon where you are located.
"I live in Arizona with my two children, (so) our winter activities are jam-packed with all the things we couldn’t do during the heat of the summer," Knight says. "Friends face long stretches of rain and snow during the winter months, and their winters are full of umbrellas, sleds and warm jackets. "
Knight says that because your family activities this winter will vary greatly from place to place, the best thing to do will be to create a list of activities together that work for where you live.
"For many of you, that will be building snowmen and for others it will be morning hikes in the crisp air," Knight says.
Knight shares that whatever your winter activities are, create the list together with your children so that everyone can share their favorite things to do.
"This will invite greater enthusiasm and participation," she explains.
Knight says that there's good news for the days when you find yourself wanting to plop your children in front of devices for hours.
"My suggestion is to plan out your winter activities and crafts ahead of time," Knight says. "Keep going back to the list you created as a family of what winter activities you’d like to do and then prioritize your family activities as much as possible."
70 Winter Activities For KidsWhether you're seeking an outdoor winter activity for the whole family or something simple for the kids to do inside, here are 70 winter activities for kids.
- Bundle up and go for a walk.
- Build a snowman.
- Make snow angels.
- Walk through the neighborhood looking at holiday decor.
- Help adults shovel snow.
- Make frozen bubbles.
- Spend 15 minutes outside on the Winter Solstice.
- Build a snow fort.
- Play flashlight tag.
- Take a walk with hot chocolate.
- Go sledding.
- Paint with snow.
- Look for winter birds.
- Identify animal tracks.
- Make a snow maze.
- Go for a walk to admire holiday lights.
- Make snow ice cream.
- Shovel a neighbor's sidewalk.
- Plan a hike.
- Make garland for the birds.
- Go for a winter scavenger hunt.
- Skiing.
- Decorate an outdoor tree with twinkly lights.
- Play tic-tac-toe using items from nature.
- Host a neighborhood bonfire.
- Roast s'mores.
- Have a snowball fight.
- Explore a nearby National Park.
- Enjoy a New Year's Day parade in your town.
- Go ice skating.
- Have a winter picnic.
- Host an outdoor snow Olympics.
- Play pin the nose on the snowman.
- Go snowshoeing.
- Make an obstacle course.
35 Indoor Winter Activities For Kids
Knight says that indoor activities can be cozy, joyful and exciting.
"I love seasonal activities, because they provide extra family time and promote creativity," she says.
The former elementary school teacher also offered suggestions for celebrating winter traditions.
"I gear many of our indoor winter activities towards holidays around the world," Knight says.
Hanukkah activities
To celebrate Hanukkah: we can decorate dreidels, make veggie latkes and read stories about Hanukkah.
Christmas activities
To celebrate Christmas: make gingerbread houses, decorate stockings, read "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" and watch "The Nutcracker" ballet.
Kwanza activities
"For Kwanza you can read a picture book about the holiday, do an activity with corn as a component of Kwanza is celebrating the first harvest and corn is a big part of that, and make pasta necklaces using traditional Kwanza colors to paint penne pasta before stringing it," Knight says.
New Year's Eve activities for kids
New Year's activities can include: making gratitude books of the things that your children felt good about from the year, making decorations for the home and writing goals for the new year ahead.
- Host a kid jokes competition.
- Make a bird feeder.
- Watch holiday movies.
- Play hopscotch with masking tape.
- Read a new book.
- Plan a festive scavenger hunt.
- Host an indoor picnic.
- Color seasonal coloring pages.
- Decorate dreidels.
- Learn a dreidel game.
- Read stories about Hanukkah.
- Make latkes.
- Watch a local performance of "The Nutcracker" ballet.
- Make gingerbread houses.
- Read "'Twas The Night Before Christmas."
- Host a kid-friendly trivia night.
- Do a Kwanza craft.
- Read stories about Kwanza.
- Make a gratitude book on New Year's Eve.
- Write New Year goals.
- Practice typing skills.
- Create an indoor tent or fort.
- Honor Martin Luther King Jr.
- Host a kid jokes competition.
- Craft your own puppets.
- Make a puppet theater.
- Play dress-up with old Halloween costumes.
- Try a new recipe.
- Have a game night.
- Make and send cards to relatives and friends.
- Have a play-dough building challenge.
- Build a cardboard fort.
- Learn a classic game like chess or checkers.
- Decorate the windows with cling-on gel shapes.
- Host a DIY pizza night.
Kait Hanson
Kait Hanson is a lifestyle reporter for A graduate of Penn State University, she began her career in sports and happily wakes up at 6 a. m. for games thanks to the time change at her home in Hawaii. An island transplant originally from the Northeast, she has called Oahu home for nearly 10 years with her husband and two chocolate Labs. Follow her on Instagram or Twitter.
31+ Winter Activities for Kids
Looking for winter activities for kids? Here’s our printable list with winter crafts, outdoor snow ideas, winter art projects & book list!
Updated December 2022
It’s winter here in the northern hemisphere which means it’s time for sledding, ice skating, building snowmen, hot chocolate, and, perhaps, more indoor activities than usual.
Here’s more than 31 ideas for winter activities for kids to keep busy all month long. This list includes both outdoor ideas and indoor ideas. It’s a mix of snow play, art activities, crafts, construction, and, of course, a winter book list for kids. These are great ways to keep occupied during the winter months!
For a printable version of the list, scroll down to the bottom of this post to get a handy PDF version!
Photo by Gina Vide5 Outdoor Snow Play Ideas
First up is outdoor play! These are probably going to be any kids’ favorite winter activities because they truly capture the special nature of this season. It’s a winter wonderland out there, so go enjoy it!
1) Make Swedish snowball lanterns
2) Send the kids on a winter scavenger hunt with colored ice sculptures
3) Build a snowman!
4) Host a backyard winter Olympics (on Rain or Shine Mama)
5) Go on a winter nature walk (on How Wee Learn)
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul5 Winter Art Activities
Now for some indoor activities. But just because you are warm inside doesn’t mean you can’t draw inspiration from the season. Here’s a bunch of fun art projects that your kids will enjoy:
6) Make glue resist snowman paintings
7) Paint winter scenes with this easy snow painting technique
8) Microwave puffy paint snowflakes and snowmen
9) Try a Jan Brett inspired winter art activity
10) Make a stained-glass bunting (with words & wishes for the new year)
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul7 Art Activities with Snow and Ice
Or combine the art & play outdoors. Take art projects outside for some truly unique activities that you couldn’t make any other time of year!
11) Build colored ice sculptures
12) Paint snow with spray bottles (on The Resourceful Mama)
13) Make painted ice lanterns (on Willowday)
14) Experiment with ice, salt, and food coloring
15) Make glowing snow paint (on Growing a Jeweled Rose)
16) Try this snowy day tissue paper art (on Fireflies and Mudpies)
17) Create a nature ice wreath
Photo by Rachel Withers5 Winter Crafts for Kids
And here are 5 fun and unique winter art projects that are suitable for all skill levels.
18) Use bleeding tissue paper to make snowflake prints
19) Use contact paper and yarn to make sticky snowflakes
20) Paint with ice (on Easy Peasy and Fun)
21) Cut and paint coffee filter snowflakes
22) Sew paper plate snowflake yarn art (on I Heart Crafty Things)
Photo by Rachel Withers5 Indoor Winter Play Ideas
And for times when everyone prefers to stay warm here are some ideas for winter play indoors.
23) Try small world pretend play with fake snow (or real snow)
24) Build snowmen out of playdough and decorate with beads or buttons
25) Build and play with a lighted cardboard dollhouse
26) Try one of these winter-themed sensory play ideas!
27) Have a game night
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul5 Construction Ideas
Kids love to build things, and winter provides its own fair share of building materials right on the ground! You can build indoors or outdoors, and we’ve provided both options below:
28) Build with toothpicks and grapes, cranberries, marshmallows, or gumdrops
29) Make an igloo out of sugar cubes (on Dixie Crystals)
30) Build an indoor fort or igloo
31) Use these brick molds to build the perfect snow fort
32) Build the perfect snowman (from the Spruce)
Read Winter Books for Kids
33) Head to the library and check out some books about winter.
Need some suggestions? Ask your children’s librarian or try some of these:
- The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
- Over and Under the Snow by Kate Messner and Christopher Silas Neal
- The Mitten by Jan Brett
- Owl Moon by Jane Yolen
- The Tomten by Astrid Lindgren
- Red Sled by Lita Judge
- Walking in a Winter Wonderland by Richard B. Smith, Felix Bernard, and Tim Hopgood
Would you like a printable version of 31 Winter Activities for Kids to hang on your fridge?
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We hope our winter activities provide your family with inspiration and ideas for embracing creativity with your family through the winter months.
How about you? What are your favorite winter activities for kids?
More Winter Activities for Kids
- 12 Winter Sensory Activities and Creative Play Ideas for Kids
- How to Make Swedish Snowball Lanterns
- 13 Winter Crafts for Kids
- How to Do a Winter Scavenger Hunt for Kids
- How to Paint Snow with This Winter Painting Idea
- DIY Snowflake Decorations: How to Make a Wintry Window
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Winter fun, children's games and outdoor activities for children
One of the most important problems of mankind is boredom. Sometimes it makes us suffer incredibly, but often it is she who becomes the source of new grandiose discoveries. And yet the main task is not to accomplish great things, but simply to entertain yourself and others.
This question is relevant at any time of the year, but most of all in winter. Outside, it gets colder, big snowdrifts appear, and the roads are covered with ice. That and look: you will slip, you will fall and you will freeze. It makes you want to stay at home, wrap yourself in a warm blanket, make hot tea and spend time reading a book or TV shows, only occasionally looking at the bad weather outside.
But traditionally it is believed that fun at this time of the year is not only possible, but also interesting. Such games will help not only to have a good time, but also to earn yourself a sound sleep and even improve immunity.
And most importantly, it is not adults who are most bored, but children. In this article, we will look at how to make a winter walk with a child enjoyable and useful by turning it into a game.
Usually the problem of what to do with yourself is not so great. Adults work all day, and children go to school. Only a couple of hours in the evenings remain for joint fun. But is it possible to do at least something interesting during this time? In such cases, weekends come to the rescue, when it becomes possible to throw out all the accumulated emotions and realize the most daring ideas. But what if it's not just another weekend, but the winter holidays?
Children's entertainment during the winter holidays
The vacation period in the middle of winter can be safely distinguished as a separate season. And let the weather conditions at this time remain the same, but the world around takes on completely different colors. Crowds of boys and girls, despite the severe frost, ask their parents for a walk on the street, while promising to study perfectly and clean the room. And this all happens for a reason. Winter opens up a lot of new games and fun for kids of all ages. It is no secret that many adults are very sympathetic to this time of year.
Winter outdoor activities, games and amusements for children
As mentioned earlier, most plans and ideas can be easily implemented in a couple of days. But what if the vacation lasted for a week or even two? Remember what impressions have been preserved in your memory from childhood and think about what you can offer your child? Or maybe you can draw something for yourself? Let's take a closer look at what you can do with children on a snowy day.
The first thing worth mentioning in a conversation about winter is, of course, skiing. Take a sled and go to the nearest mountain. Believe me, the trip will bring great pleasure not only to your child, but also to you. But it’s worth being patient, because after each descent you will have to not only climb back, but also drag transport along with you.
Great alternative to sleds. Glaciers are much lighter and more compact, which will allow you to save energy on the ascent. Also, ice slides are much more common than good sledges. Do not miss this opportunity and enjoy the process with the children.
Have a snowball fight
A logical continuation of the summer game of knights and superheroes. Only now wooden swords have replaced balls of snow. You can play alone or with a large group. In any case, it will bring you a whole bunch of positive emotions and impressions.
In addition, such a pastime will help your children become more accurate and dexterous. After all, it will be necessary not only to hit the opponent, but also to evade his attacks.
Have a photo session
Another reason to once again take a walk in the winter with children. Here, photographs with colorful leaves have been replaced by photographs of the kingdom of the snow. Such entertainment will give you more than a dozen beautiful pictures with bright and genuine emotions. So you can not only have fun, but also save this episode as a keepsake.
Build a fortress
What is a game without its own headquarters? Help your children build their fortress. With the help of snow you can make a real castle. Remember that your result will be limited only by your imagination.
In addition to the usual tower or wall that protects, for example, from snowballs, you can even build your own, your own slide for skiing.
Make a snowman
But how to spend the winter without its faithful symbol and companion - a snowman? Usually they do this at the first snow, but you can build your hero at any opportunity.
You can also try yourself as a sculptor and replace your snowy friend with any other creation. By the way, after completion of work, it can even be painted. To do this, take gouache diluted with water and create.
In winter, many ice rinks open throughout the city. There are open and closed, paid and free. But only one thing remains unchanged - a large number of happy people and a good mood.
Go skiing
Better than a winter walk in the forest can only be the same skiing. Your movement will become easier and more enjoyable. Therefore, you will have more energy to enjoy the scenery.
In addition, it is a great option to combine entertainment with sports.
Play tracker with the children
Fun should bring not only laughter and joy, but also benefit. So, for example, snowballs develop accuracy, and skating increases coordination of movements. Another good example is the game of trackers. Show the children footprints in the snow and tell them who left them. So you can better study the traces of birds and animals. And also play a real detective and watch the traces of specific people.
In addition to just watching the animals, you can also take care of them. Finding food becomes more difficult at this time of the year, so instill a love of nature in your children and set up bird feeders with them.
Blow soap bubbles in the bitter cold
Another very creative way to surprise a child is bubbles. If they are allowed in the winter, then their effect increases significantly. With their help, you can show the children how the ice crust appears. It will be not only interesting, but also very beautiful.
Just get ready for the fact that the performance will be followed by questions about how it all happens. This will give you the opportunity to introduce your child to physics. At the same time, take some snow home and show how it turns into water.
Decorate the trees in the garden
On the eve of the New Year, you should not only hope for a miracle, but also create it yourself. After decorating the Christmas tree and rooms in the house, go outside. Collect the remaining toys, garlands and tinsel. Make more snowflakes and start decorating the plants in the yard. Around will become much more beautiful, and the atmosphere will be filled with magic.
Gather a big party
All the games and fun presented are interesting in their own way, but everything can quickly get boring if you do it alone or together. Gather more friends and ordinary slides or snowball fights will become a big event. So you will have not only more emotions and impressions, but also topics for conversation with friends.
Stay indoors
Winter activities and fun with kids are great. But not always the weather outside the window allows you to have fun carefree no matter what. At such moments, it is still worth staying warm at home. Here you will find countless entertainment from board games to all sorts of creative processes.
If you still want to go outside, then dress warmly and enjoy a walk along the way to the theater, cinema or cafe.
One has only to remember that such games require high activity from both children and adults. Dynamics will provide you with warmth and will not let you freeze even with a strong cold snap. And the comfortable state of your body will allow you to focus on snow fun.
It is simply impossible to list all the entertainment, because their number is limited only by your imagination. The main thing is to remember that there is no bad weather and even in severe frost you can come up with entertainment to your liking. Now grab your camera so you don't miss a moment. Dress warmly so you don't catch a cold. Arm yourself with a good mood and go with your children to conquer the winter city. Give them a fairy tale that they will remember for a very long time.
9 unusual winter activities with children
Are you going to take the children for a walk, but are they tired of everything? And they don’t want to go up the hill, and the sled is “this is for kids”, building a snowman is boring, but there is no one to play snowballs with? And how can you drive these homebodies out into the fresh air for at least half an hour, what other winter entertainment can they come up with? And is it possible at the same time to stay warm yourself, and not run around them, entertaining?
We have collected for you 9 winter fun that come to parents' minds not in the first place. We will diversify winter walks with new and interesting activities together with Tlum.Ru.
1. We paint everything we find.
Snow and ice are frozen water and can therefore be dyed. Therefore, we take paints and forward, to the street - to paint everything that comes to hand.
For starters, you can make colored decorations on a street tree. Pour water into a mold (for example, for a sandbox, or make the mold yourself by folding the foil), add paint, lower a loop of thread there and wait until it hardens. Decorate any tree on the street with the resulting ice figurines. Here passers-by will be surprised! By the way, according to the same principle, small snow queens can make street decorations - pendants or beads. Most importantly, do not bring them into the house: the beads will melt, the queens will burst into tears.
You can also touch up the icicles. But only if you know where they will grow. For example, add paints to the drain, and new dripping drops will paint the ice in different colors.
If you are too lazy to wait, but you want to create right now, then we start painting the snow. You can simply pour paint on a white cover and smear it with whatever you need, you can spray tinted water from a spray bottle, you can draw whole pictures with a pipette, or you can paint snowmen and other snow sculptures. Draw bright red lips and green buttons for the snowmen standing next to you, it will be fun!
2. What is interesting about footprints?
You still ask! You can think of a lot of entertainment. The most banal thing is to go to the forest and look for animal tracks there. But if there is no forest nearby, then animal tracks can be created by yourself. Show your child how to make cat or dog footprints in the snow, how to trace the path of a tractor with your feet. You can also cut out cardboard boxes with footprints of a yeti or a dinosaur, attach them to your shoes and walk the streets. And again - passers-by will be surprised!
3. Sculpture, but not a snowman.
Of course, the usual snowmen are banal, boring and too round. Invite the child to blind something that he is really interested in. Lover of "Be-be-bears"? We sculpt a huge Chick. Dreaming of becoming a programmer? We sculpt a mega-computer. The main thing is a non-standard task, and interest will immediately appear.
But even the most ordinary snowmen can be made more fun. To do this, you just need to dress them up. Try experimenting. Instead of a carrot, we sculpt a cucumber in place of the nose, wrap it in an old red rag, and put a cardboard sombrero on the head.
Use molds for modeling, fasten parts with sticks or toothpicks, glue them with water to better hold. Your creativity deserves to please the eyes of neighbors for a long time!
You can also hide snowmen. Well, sculpt them where no one expects. On a bench, on a tree branch (a little snowman, of course), on a hill, on a balcony. Just make sure that no one scolds you later for such creativity in the wrong place!
4. Building a snow lantern.
Those who carefully read books about Moomin remember that in winter they decorated the streets with snow lanterns. In Scandinavian countries, this is a traditional Christmas decoration, but in our country no one knows about it, although it is easier to make it.
We make a lot of round snowballs, put them in a pyramid, and put a candle inside (or put an LED). And we admire the magical lighting in our yard.
Lanterns can also be made from ice. For example, like this: we put a smaller container in a large container with water, put a load there and fix the container with adhesive tape. The ice frozen between the walls of two molds is the basis of the future lantern. When it all hardens, we remove the molds and put a candle in the resulting "cup".
And a couple of tips. If you want your craft to be transparent, use boiled water. For beauty, you can add berries, leaves, cones, branches, and everything that your imagination and your child will have enough for.
5. New snow house.
The weather is snowy, great, so you can live outside. Build a snow house with the kids using compressed snow or ice. Everyone can build snow fortresses, but not everyone can build a real igloo!
If you have time, you can build your igloo for several days, making perfect even blocks, and if not, do as you can, the main thing is to have fun. The stores even sell special molds for building an igloo, you can get one.
Design and draw the coat of arms of your family on the finished house/fortress/mansion. Or hang a flag. So that everyone knows whose hands this magnificent sparkling structure is.
6. Snow artists.
Snow is an excellent canvas not only for paints, but also for snow "pencils" - sticks. We all draw hearts and emoticons on car windows, don't deny it. After all, after the snow fell, everything around is a huge field for creativity.
You can draw with a stick in the snow, with your feet on a snowy field, and you can also draw with snow on walls and trees. Stick a snow caterpillar on the door of the house, add berry eyes to it. Or sculpt a dinosaur relief on the school wall. Or draw a face for a tree out of snowballs.
And if there is a lot of snow, then you can turn from an artist into a road builder. We dig a labyrinth in deep snow (it is better to make a plan first), and then pour water over it to freeze it. And along this smooth tangled path we launch balls, cars and everything else that comes to mind. If you build a labyrinth with a slope, it is, of course, more interesting to play.
7. Shooting range on the street.
Let's arrange a competition for accuracy, even with ourselves, if no one wants to play. To do this, you need nothing at all - a target and shells. What are they made of? Of course, from the snow! You can work hard and cut a round target out of cardboard, or you can mark it with the same snow on the wall of the house. Or trample a target on the ground, in the snow. And then - snowballs in your hands and go!
If you live in a country house or come to visit someone, you can improve the quality of shells. Put the molded snowballs (or cubes) in the freezer, then they will freeze better. The main thing to remember is that you can’t throw such snowballs at each other, it will hurt.
8. Searching-finding-taking pictures.
For those who prefer quiet walks to active recreation, we offer a game that requires a camera. On a piece of paper we write to the child a list of what he should find on a walk (if it’s bad with fantasy, there are ready-made lists on the Internet) and ask him to take a picture of it. It is better to start with a small number of items and they should all be really easy to find. For example, a snowman and a garland, a star and a Christmas tree. It can be a real item, or its image on a shop window or on an advertising poster.
You can also look for snowflakes. We take black cardboard (paper, something else black and flat). We take macro shots and look at the amazing variety of the world of snowflakes.
9. Looking for a snow treasure.
The next option to keep warm is to run around in search of a real treasure. Think there are no snow pirates? It is even more convenient to dig into the snow than into the sand! Draw a map for the children and let them complete the task before lunch. A found and opened bag of sweets will be a great gift for no reason.
We only advise you to tightly wrap your treasure in a waterproof bag so that you don’t get soaked paper from candy wrappers with chocolate at the exit. If you don’t have artistic abilities, you can do without a map, give them clues or a riddle, just shout “hot-cold” to the edge.