Words that rhyme with drawn

Words That Rhyme With "Drawn"

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1 syllable:

aune, awn, Bonn, bonne, Braun, brawn, chon, clon, con, conn, dawn, don, Donn, faun, fawn, flawn, gnawn, gone, john, Kohn, lawn, mon, non, on, pawn, phon, pon, prawn, raun, Ron, sawn, Sean, Shaun, Shawn, Shon, spawn, thon, thrawn, tron, Vaughan, Vaughn, Von, yawn

2 syllables:

agone, Amon, anon, Aton, avion, balon, baton, begone, bouchon, cancion, cardon, Caron, Ceylon, chaconne, chaton, chiffon, cretonne, Dejohn, Eldon, exon, foregone, forgone, fourgon, Gabon, garcon, Garonne, gipon, Gourmont, Grisons, guenon, impawn, lorgnon, Manon, mignonne, Narbonne, nippon, Peron, pilon, plafond, predawn, Proudhon, quinton, ragon, redon, redrawn, saigon, salon, sissonne, Soissons, sorbonne, thereon, Toulon, upon, Villon, withdrawn, Yvonne

3 syllables:

bodegon, Champollion, Maintenon, medaillon, miquelon, mirlitons, overdrawn, pavillon, rigaudon, sabayon, undergone

157 best rhymes for 'drawn'

1 syllable

  • On
  • Gone
  • Dawn
  • Pawn
  • Lawn
  • Sean
  • Spawn
  • Von
  • Yawn
  • Swan
  • Bomb
  • Long
  • Strong
  • Wrong
  • Kong
  • Song
  • Quan
  • Brawn
  • Fawn
  • Zon

  • Prawn
  • Porn
  • Born
  • Torn
  • Om
  • Warn
  • Thong
  • Mourn
  • Dong
  • Pong
  • Corn
  • Chong
  • Warm
  • Storm
  • Form
  • Hong
  • Sworn
  • Horn
  • Gong
  • Mong

  • Jong
  • Pom
  • Wong
  • Stong
  • Tong
  • Yong
  • Throng
  • Prong
  • Ong
  • Fong
  • Raum
  • Daum
  • Somme
  • Thorn
  • Scorn
  • Shorn
  • Dorn
  • Swarm
  • Norm
  • Dorm

2 syllables

  • Belong
  • Along
  • Withdrawn
  • Coupon
  • Vuitton
  • Melbourne
  • Recon
  • Dion
  • Foregone
  • Bygone
  • Exon
  • Anton
  • Hadron
  • Anon
  • Quinton
  • Doggone
  • Caron
  • Balon
  • Amon
  • Devaughn

  • Savion
  • Manon
  • Redrawn
  • Thereon
  • Maron
  • Peron
  • Ragon
  • Pilon
  • Lifelong
  • Reborn
  • Prolong
  • Perform
  • Armstrong
  • Headstrong
  • Zedong
  • Yearlong
  • Vietcong
  • Oblong
  • Oolong
  • Furlong

  • Birdsong
  • Pingpong
  • Daylong
  • Headlong
  • Popcorn
  • Unborn
  • Newborn
  • Transform
  • Forlorn
  • Airborne
  • Stillborn
  • Adorn
  • Forewarn
  • Firstborn
  • Acorn
  • Forsworn
  • Longhorn
  • Osborn
  • Leghorn
  • Shoehorn

  • Inborn
  • Bullhorn
  • Dearborn
  • Hawthorne
  • Conform
  • Inform
  • Platform
  • Reform
  • Brainstorm
  • Lukewarm
  • Deform
  • Rainstorm
  • Snowstorm
  • Sandstorm
  • Windstorm
  • Firestorm
  • Waveform
  • Freeform
  • Hailstorm
  • Shitstorm

3 syllables

  • Undergone
  • Overdrawn
  • Cinnabon
  • Mastodon
  • Woebegone
  • Tiburon
  • Decathlon
  • Hackathon
  • Scuppernong
  • Unicorn
  • Capricorn
  • Uniform
  • Chloroform
  • Thunderstorm
  • Outperform
  • Misinform

4 syllables

  • Cuneiform

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Ruzanna Movsesyan's Painted Theater — Theatergoer

When the theater cannot invite you to its place, it unexpectedly comes to you in the form of a book. It is literally in front of our eyes that director Ruzanna Movsesyan invents and skillfully embodies it. And, of course, this is our Pushkin and, of course, this is our "Eugene Onegin", but rather unusual - "A novel in rhymes and pictures."

- Ruzanna, you are known as a director with a huge, bizarre fantasy. How did you come up with this unusual idea?

- Long ago I drew Eugene Onegin as a play, I even wanted to make a nativity scene. I had such a strange view of the novel. And now, being at home in quarantine, I suddenly began to draw, having absolutely no idea what would come of it.

I started as if anew, because I had a break in drawing for 20 years.

- And this is after you worked as an art teacher?

- Yes. But then I entered the Moscow Art Theater School and completely switched to directing.

- Wasn't there some kind of sign that prompted you to draw this time?

- There was a mild request from my constant co-author - the artist Masha Utrobina. A year later, our new joint project with her will begin - we will recruit a course of set designers at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio. We want to work as equals in order to invent and implement our ideas together. We have long felt each other as one.

- Did you start with Masha together with the play "Lelya and Minka"?

– Of course! And they made three more performances with her: "Rabbit Edward", "From Evening to Noon" and "Manyunya". So we are doing well with her. I feel her as absolutely my person and artist. We are not going to somehow shock and surprise the world - the world is surprised without us.
And so Masha began to actively involve me in the life of the faculty, told me that the exhibition “Our Quarantine” was being prepared, persistently began to persuade me to draw.

“The donuts have arrived!”

– And during the quarantine, I was in some kind of terrible depression, I was terribly broken, the reaction was even frightening. This is my first time ordering food delivered to my home. Moreover, I ordered nothing more than donuts. So I wanted donuts to replace this depression with deliciousness. Delivery has arrived. I open the door, there is no one, I look - on the stairs below there is a man dressed in an "astronaut suit", and in front of my door there is a box on which lies a package with desired donuts. And the “cosmonaut” exclaims to me so joyfully from this apocalyptic picture: “Donuts have arrived!”

I began to retell this picture that appeared before my eyes to Masha, and she answered:
- Sit down and draw! This is just what we need for the quarantine exhibition!

I sat down and drew for the first time in 20 years. She began to draw with some kind of crooked hand, the skill was almost lost, but then she recovered. So I began to draw my impressions and post them on Facebook.

- Yes, yes, I remember! These were such live works!

- And something such a success went! The people liked it! They began to write to me. I even somehow recovered from these reactions. I began to draw everything I wanted from quarantine life. Suddenly people started buying my works from me. Even wrote from Barcelona. It surprised and inspired me. And it helped me financially, because there was no work, the theaters were covered. These works really helped me a lot!

Then I felt that I could not help but draw. And at some point I drew Pushkin.

- That is, in simple terms: “Pushkin drew himself”

“Pushkin drew himself”

– At first I drew one Pushkin, and everyone liked him right away - everyone always likes Pushkin! But I drew it crookedly on the sheet, and the place next to it looked empty. It was necessary to balance the drawing, and I drew Eugene Onegin next to it. And I signed rather strange rhymes under the picture, which I have been remembering for more than 20 years.

- And immediately everyone began to ask you about the author, but you did not reveal the name. Such intrigue hung.

- Yes. Only recently did I discover the name. These are poems by an eight-year-old girl named Asya. She once composed them in our theatre-studio "Flying Ship".

"Flying Ship"

- I created this school theater myself, it grew out of a drawing circle. Children in this theater played and drew. We had a very solid repertoire. We staged The Stone Guest, Antigone, Faust. All the time I existed there on the combination of opposing genres. There was a childish naive look at big topics. My task was to feed them with large texts of the highest level. And the kids enjoy it. For example, Faust is an interesting story for them, first of all. Shakespeare is absolutely a children's author.

- Were these your first directing experiences?

– But then I didn't consider myself a director. We just played with the kids. I got bored with drawing and wanted to bring them to life. For me, drawings are waste material, I do not feel their value. I feel the value of the process and then, when something comes out of it, another object. In this case, a book or a play. In the Flying Ship, we mainly drew, and it was important for us that one scene should follow another.

- It turns out, Ruzanna, that you have made a kind of turn in your life. At first, from drawing to living pictures, they moved the little men, and now, when it was impossible to play, to make performances, did they return to the pictures again? Have you replaced the scenic with drawing?

- Yes. I noticed it and I really like it.

– How was the text of that same, different “Eugene Onegin”, which served as the basis for these quarantine drawings of yours, born?

– That year the theater and I went to the Pushkin Hills after the premiere of The Stone Guest. And there, literally on the spot, every day I read to my students a chapter of Eugene Onegin. And on the third day, the children began to bring their texts. They began to write their Onegin. We even started publishing the Literary Almanac. It was not a task, it grew in the soul of the children. And this is not banter, everything is written seriously. The Onegin of eight-year-old Asya Fedorova was quite special. I remember that she thought that this was not a retelling of Pushkin, but she herself wrote her novel in verse. It is very important.

Now I can say that the girl has already grown up, she is 31 years old, and she is my co-author.

– Why did you choose Asin text?

– I have been in love with this text ever since. And when Pushkin suddenly appeared in my mind, I drew just such Onegin for him, from Asya's poem: “Pushkin was very friendly with Onegin. And he loved him very much. Onegin was a big egoist, but Pushkin fell in love with him anyway. That's such an egoist I drew Onegin, also with a shrimp on a fork. Then I drew a horse from the Bronze Horseman, and put Onegin on it, who began to look at the city. Then I was born his pursed lip - a hallmark of Eugene. Then I drew Tatyana, the stars around her, Onegin flew to them on a rocket. Why not?

And a cat appeared next to Tatiana. He became an unwritten hero, there are no words for him in the text. It is only visual, but it is active. He is evaluative. He is not a scientist, just like Asya at 8 years old. But at the same time he is passionate about all the characters. For example, he bites Onegin on the heel in the final when he explains to Tatyana.

I was already led by this work itself, written by Asya. I always wanted to introduce the world to this amazing text. And suddenly I imagined that I could illustrate the entire text in its entirety. I didn't think of a plot or a plan. But it turned out - Asya wrote like an akyn, so I drew like an akyn.

And all the pleasures of books

– What tool is used to draw your Onegin?

- It is drawn with a helium pen. She looks like a feather.

– Did Pushkin draw with a pen, and does it look like a helium pen?

- Otherwise, our "Eugene Onegin" could not have been drawn, because Pushkin himself painted this way. And, finally, in the process of work, I felt some kind of style. It was already an application for a graphic novel. I now have 40 large drawings.

To be honest, I was no longer happy that I got involved in this huge job. But at this stage, Vyacheslav Eroshenko, a book designer, joined me. He suggested that I make a book. Completely free, literally for the sake of art.

- Was he the first person to offer his help? At the same time, many on Facebook said that a book was looming?

- Yes. And my book is published by my own publishing house, which I called "The Painted Theatre".

- So Yeroshenko came on time?

- Yes, I was going to make a hand-assembled book, printed somewhere, as many do now. He said that everything should be done seriously - the book should be of an absolutely academic type. And I liked this paradox so much - a naive text and naive drawings in an academic publication. And we deliberately went down this path. We even have a title that rhymes with the first edition of Eugene Onegin, both fonts and arrangement. Title of the first edition: “Eugene Onegin. A novel in verse. Composition by Alexander Pushkin”, and we have: “Eugene Onegin. A novel in verse and pictures. The work is not Alexander Pushkin. The edition itself will be luxurious. There will be collected all the bookish delights that can only be. Fabric binding, embossing, medallions pasted into the embossing with drawings. Vyacheslav and I found each other here. We treat the book as a thing, apart from the content. It will be published consciously chic.

- Do you have any idea about the possible circulation?

- Now we can afford to print only exactly as much as they order. In terms of money, this project will be a failure, of course.

– Yes, the situation for book publishing is quite unfavorable.

From the nativity scene to the book

– And when you turned around from the intention to make a performance, a nativity scene, to a book, wasn't it a shame? It turns out that the artist interrupted the director in you?

– So be it! Pushkin came and turned me in the right direction. Such a spontaneous story turned out, for me very unexpected.

I'm very passionate about the book now, I just get high from it! I spent a month and a half with Onegin around the clock. I drew and painted him avidly.

I stopped now because I have to think about selling the book. I have a feeling that I swam, swam, swam, I look around and do not understand what came of it. This exclusive will be difficult to sell. I do not like it. And it's very hard to sell. But this experience is also important. To understand something, you have to do something.

Who do you think will be interested in your book?

- This is for a person who loves literature, has a sense of humor, and loves beautiful things. I was offered to make a simplified version - in paperback, for example. But I refused, or the way I want, or nothing. This will be an awesome gift.

– Is this a theater project after all?

- Yes, that's how I position it. This is a graphic novel. There, every movement of the soul is drawn. There, invented artists play in drawings. This is not the life of the human spirit, but a game of it. There is, of course, my line. This is not an illustration in its purest form, this is not following the author, but my solution to this text. And there is no my second role, my role in this book is the first. I take the text as the basis for my own fantasy, and I decide this text as a director. An artist is the same as a composer, I make a composition, just like a director. I am the director of this book. This is my statement. There is a solution with both actors and characters.
Looking at these pictures, it can be considered a scenic text.

– Why then do we continue to consider this a novel? Let it be a graphic performance?

- This is my "Painted Theater"! And, frankly, I want to continue in this spirit. The text may be completely different. It's like choosing a repertoire in a theatre. By the way, I have never been able to do in the theater what I came up with. It's so strange when suddenly you start working on some text. A lot has to come together there. Sometimes I think up a performance for so long and in detail that I get the feeling that I have already staged it. And I stop wanting.

And now I want a lot!

You can buy the book "Eugene Onegin, a novel in rhymes and pictures" here .

Delicate manicure 2023 [190 photos] - ideas for delicate nail design

Spring and summer are the time of bright colors in clothes, makeup and manicure. But in the fall, it is not necessary to go over to the dark side. We offer ideas for universal manicure in gentle colors for any season


  • Delicate manicure: fashion trends 2023
  • Delicate manicure for short nails
  • Gentle manicure for long nails
  • Pale pink manicure
  • Baby blue manicure
  • Soft purple manicure
  • Delicate matte manicure
  • Delicate French manicure
  • Delicate manicure with rhinestones or sparkles
  • Delicate manicure for different seasons

Light gentle manicure is a classic. Any wardrobe item is combined with such a nail design, it will not violate even the most strict dress code, and most importantly, it makes hands more feminine and fragile. Which option to choose? We have some fresh ideas.

© ok_nail_master

© odessa_studiosilverstone_nails

© valentinakadyrova

© kristinazhupanska

© lila_nails

© mikabeautybar

© mari_snail

Take the test


In the 2023 season, gentle manicure in bright colors is at the peak of popularity. Pastel shades of varnish not only look beautiful on the nails, but also favorably set off the skin tanned after the holidays. This is clearly seen in the example of a monophonic manicure in light blue.

© nailsbyic

© laurenslist

© lovefreshpaint

© hjs_nails

© nailsbyic


Another fashion trend that is not losing ground is stripes. Even one graphic line will add zest to a monochrome coating and make the manicure more expressive. You can experiment with color, and with the location, and with the shape, and with the number of stripes. Find more stripe manicure ideas here.

© imaxtree

© valentinakadyrova

© paintboxnails

© aliciatnails

© veru_nails

© vgrendaite


Jewels on the nails. If you love rhinestones in decoration, then you should not limit yourself. The result should be bright and even catchy, but at the same time remain harmonious. The sizes and colors of these decorative elements can be very different.



© Nails_by_Selena


© Karioopri_nails

© Petitmana


Glitter is an obligatory attribute of preparation for fashionable parties of recent years. The range of possibilities for its use is extremely wide: it is used both as an additional decor (creating a jacket or moon manicure), and for the main coating (whole or partial, when different shades are mixed).

© happy_girl_happy_sally

© aleksandra.kaczmarek_nails

© karolabr

© factorynailsreus

© raisa_che_nailart

© whatcolor_whiteblog

© trendus

© secretjewelgarden

Gentle manicure on short nails

Our photo selection will give you ideas for gentle manicure for those who prefer practical looks.

© homemadenailstoronto

© homemadenailstoronto

© raisa_che_nailart

© renewalnailandbeautybar

© fotoimedia/imaxtree

© chelseaqueen

© jessicawashik

© aliciatnails

© mpnails

© drybylondon

© aliciatnails


Sky blue color on short nails looks elegant and stylish. The result will be more interesting if you add asymmetry to the design: cover one finger on one hand and two fingers on the other with sparkles.

© kristina.marlyan


Delicate moon manicure in bright colors: note that on the ring finger everything is literally turned upside down, and the little finger is simply covered with light blue varnish. On the index and ring fingers, the hole is beautifully framed by sparkles. Unusual and at the same time practical manicure is good for holidays in hot countries.

© nails.1106

Delicate Manicure for Long Nails

Long nails are all the rage right now, no matter what shape you prefer - almond, stiletto or ballerina - a manicure in delicate colors will emphasize it. In our selection you will find noteworthy long nail design ideas.

© nails_by_patrizia

© format_gogol

© kinga_ryszczyk

© just_tasiaxoxo

© nailinghollywood

© Patabloguje

© mpnails



© AliciatNails

© Makeup. ru

9000 1

One of the Mundial -shaped mandaver -shaped options. Pay attention to stickers in the form of stars, hearts and geometric shapes, they make the manicure fabulous.

© goldennailserbil


An idea for those whose ideal holiday is a party plus adventure. Such nails will definitely not go unnoticed. If the length of your own nails is not yet enough for such a design, extended nails will look no worse than natural ones. All you need to do is choose a suitable sky blue shade and cover two nails with layers of glitter.

© irasheptytska


The emphasis on the ring finger is not a new idea, but it is still relevant. A gentle combination of peach and blue looks win-win on nails of any length and shape. Please note: only one nail is decorated with glitter, and only at the base.

© shavatabrows

Pale Pink Manicure

Don't think this is a boring choice. The result is up to you. We show and tell how and with what to combine the most delicate and “girly” color.

© naynaynac

© arxlaboratory

© kayraanne

© karengnails

© GettyImages

© salonkrasoti_lyusi

© hannahroxit

© iStock

© zmalowane_

© katya_tkachenko_

© sohotrightnail

© tanechkapastukhova

© _fiffy

© paintboxnails

  • Pale pink and silver nail designs. If you apply silvery horizontal stripes on a pink coating, the manicure will turn out to be unusual and fashionable. The horizontal strip looks especially good on square-shaped nails. Step-by-step photo instructions for a manicure with a metal strip (though more “brutal”) can be found here.

© paintboxnails

  • The combination of pink and purple is one of the most spectacular. Especially if you choose an interesting design. Inserts in the form of purple triangles on a pale pink background look very original. Such a manicure will perfectly fit into the dress code of any party.

© paintboxnails

  • And finally, the classic combination - pink and white. White can be chosen not only for background coverage, but also as the color of the picture. In the photo, twigs are drawn in white on the ring finger and little finger. A curious detail that does not catch the eye: gold foil with flowers is imprinted on these two fingers, which makes the manicure even more original.

© wondernailsbyjojo

© jessicawashick

© motovilovakatya

© em.manicure

© olga.zanosko

And how you can use foil in manicure, we told in this video.

Pale blue manicure

The blue color evokes the most pleasant associations - with the summer sky and the azure coast. Therefore, a manicure with a varnish of this color is always perceived positively. In our photo selection there are many ideas for pale blue manicure.

© bwp_nails


Gold foil prints on a blue background are a good choice for short nails. Silver shades also go well with pale blue.

© paintboxnails


Don't forget that even a simple solid color looks great if you choose a "special" color. This shade can be deservedly considered a metallic blue from Essie. It is equally good for both short and long nails, regardless of their shape.

© tanita238

Gentle purple manicure

Violet or lilac color can be both defiant and gentle: it all depends on the shade. For a feminine manicure, choose those that evoke associations with lilacs or violets. They are well complemented, for example, by water manicure, which we talked about in this video.

Delicate lilac manicure creates a spring mood, even if it's raining and slushy outside.

© cecinaillounge

Light lilac nail polish paired with vibrant purple glitter for a stunning effect. Such a manicure should be chosen by girls with short nails or nails of medium length.

© paintboxnails

Delicate Matte Manicure

Matte Manicure has experienced a real boom a couple of years ago, but we are still not ready to give up such a design, because a gentle matte manicure looks elegant, and most importantly - goes with any look. See our selection of unusual photo ideas.

© ee_nail_studio_nf

© olga_globus

© ketrin_nail_sochi

© popcoat

© iStock

© wonder.woman.studio

© valentinakadyrova

© paintboxnails

  • Delicate manicure in pastel colors is a universal solution. Pay attention to the soft change of shades: light blue, lilac and milk harmoniously coexist in one design. The highlight is the asymmetrical geometric print at the base of the nail.

© goldennailserbil

  • Delicate gradient on nails is an option for those who can't decide on a color. The manicure in the photo below involves the use of six colors.

    © metamorphosis_beauty_saloon

    And how to create an ombre on the nails, we told in this video.
  • A classic combination of pink and white, but in a matte finish. Golden holes on the middle and ring fingers (in the first case) and a “marble” effect and golden particles on the little finger (in the second) turn a familiar manicure into a creative one.

© denisaivannn

© martyna.liguzinska

Delicate French manicure

French has long moved from the category of wedding manicure to a fashionable classic. In this video we show you how to make such a manicure yourself.

And below we offer different ideas for a gentle French manicure, from classic to the most unusual.

© Nail_MERI

© Nail_MERI

© Karengnails

© Kaitlinferland

© AliciatNails

© Getty Imags


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© sophielounge

© nails_victoria_nails

© krisdi_nails

© mpnails


The option in the photo below will surprise those who still define French as “white border on top”. The decorative edge does not coincide with the natural contour of the nail - it forms a straight "cut". The non-obvious choice of colors is also noteworthy - a combination of pink and burgundy. Before repeating such a manicure, give your nails an almond-shaped or oval shape.

© aliciatnails


The classic version of a discreet pink jacket is very delicate.

© unghie_niky_

© jam_heart

© jennahipp

© mpnails

© naominailsnyc

© 44brebre

© h.anita_mukoromepito

© nails_manicure_switzerland

© vi_vi_nails

© dreamnailsandbrows

© valentinakadyrova

© valentinakadyrova

© valentinakadyrova

© valentinakadyrova

© mydevanail

© emicio


French manicure in a "brilliant" design. The purple glitters on the clear cover make a magnetic impression. Such a manicure is easy to do on your own: it does not take much time and effort.

© polished.by.allison

Delicate manicure with rhinestones or sparkles

Rhinestones and sparkles come out of the shadows. Throw away false modesty and embody the most daring ideas, including from our photo selection.

© aliciatnails

Delicate nude manicure and sparkles are an airy combination. Universal option for nails of any shape and length. Try to repeat it using a rub.

© sweetnailsofficiel

© youngnailsinc

© nailsbyrosalie

Fashionable geometric shapes can be depicted in one color. Just divide the surface of the nail diagonally - apply glitter on one half, and leave the other “naked” or cover with clear varnish.

© paintboxnails

If you like to stand out, a delicate manicure with rhinestones will suit you. A matte pink finish with rhinestones around the edges looks no less impressive than a manicure with glitter. You will find even more design ideas with rhinestones in our article.

© nails_by_alexa__

Gentle manicure for different seasons

We prefer different colors in different seasons: usually in spring and summer these are bright shades, and in autumn and winter - darker ones. In our selection there are actual options for gentle manicure for any season.


A bright palette that seems to call for warmth and sunshine, welcomes the rebirth of nature and creates a summer mood. If you choose juicy shades of varnishes (red, yellow, blue) in a pastel version, the image will turn out to be very light and delicate.

© steyr_nails

© 6thstreetnails

A simple but original idea for a gentle summer manicure. You can divide the nails into two parts at different levels and varnish only the upper ones.

© paintboxnails


The combination of cold shades, blue and pink, is more associated with the autumn-winter season. Although in such a delicate pastel design it is also suitable for summer. Please note that even long nails with sharp tips in this case do not look aggressive, but feminine.

© twins_beauty_szepsegszalon

© vint_inspo

© paintboxnails

Blue and beige also rhyme perfectly when it comes to delicate fall manicure.

Learn more