Words with phonograms
Phonogram Words
Phonogram words are exceptions to phonetic words. Here are word lists that contain phonogram words. These lists can be used for reading, writing and spelling exercises.
4 and 5 year old children can handle double consonants, such as ck, ss, ff, and so on. Also, ing words can be introduced. You can easily introduce these words if they describe something that is a part of your child's environment.
-ing- words
- king
- ring
- fling
- bring
- sing
- wing
- fling
- spring
- sling
- bring
- swing
- hall
- wall
- mall
- bell
- dell
- fell
- well
- tell
- sell
- drill
- ill
- will
- bill
- sill
- till
- fill
- hill
- mill
- still
- grill
- pill
- doll
- dull
- lull
- gull
- smell
- swell
- spell
- dwell
Challenge Words
- skull
- off
- huff
- ruff
- puff
- muff
- gruff
- fluff
- stuff
- muffin
- scruff
- cliff
- stiff
Extra Challenge Words
- button
- cotton
- turret
- happen
- mutton
- fossil
- rotten
- squirrel
- ribbon
- fizz
- carrot
- bottom
- tennis
- kennel
- kitten
- traffic
- blossom
- summer
- address
- buzz
- bonnet
- attic
- mitten
- rabbit
- banana
- bands
-silent e and long a-
- gate
- late
- cake
- rake
- drake
- spade
- snake
- ape
- plate
- slate
- lake
- cape
- name
- made
- wake
- lame
- bake
- lane
- tame
- tape
- take
- grate
- flame
- fate
- maze
- slave
- cable
- blaze
- blame
- pale
- make
- raven
- label
- brave
- stake
- wade
- ate
- mane
- scrape
- grave
- trade
- came
- save
- babe
- fluke
- safe
- rave
- scale
- same
- cane
- fade
- pave
- stale
- grape
- Jane
- James
Challenge Words
- lemonade
-ai- (long a)
- sail
- nail
- rail
- pail
- tail
- maid
- rain
- snail
- train
- paint
- laid
- raid
- aim
- brain
- trail
- strain
- sprain
- waist
- fail
- wail
- saint
- wait
- grain
- faint
- taint
- gain
- drain
- bail
- bait
- pain
- gait
- stain
- again (Queen's English)
- afraid
- explain
- claim
- frail
Challenge Words
- railing
- contain
- obtain
- quaint
- maiden
- maintain
- Spain
-ay-(long a)
- jay
- ray
- bay
- hay
- may
- day
- say
- lay
- pay
- way
- away
- tray
- play
- stay
- spray
- clap
- bray
- fray
- pray
- gray
- sway
- clay
Challenge Words
- crayon
- payment
- display
- delay
- relay
- array
- essay
- midday
- decay
- dismay
- astray
- playing
- repay
- Sunday
-ea-(long e)
- pea
- eat
- seal
- leaf
- bean
- seat
- bead
- beam
- team
- stream
- break
- neat
- cream
- lean
- reap
- speak
- read
- dream
- steam
- clean
- meal
- beast
- yeast
- seam
- mean
- veal
- leak
- leap
- feat
- peat
- plea
- least
- treat
- beat
- east
- feast
- bleat
- creak
- heal
- beam
Challenge Words
- teapot
- peacock
- season
- scream
- squeak
- squeal
- sea
- weak
-ee-(long e)
- eel
- bee
- fee
- tee
- see
- wee
- tree
- reel
- sweet
- sweep
- street
- feet
- green
- seeds
- heel
- reed
- peel
- seem
- been
- deep
- peep
- seed
- seen
- creep
- steep
- weed
- sleep
- preen
- keep
- greed
- deed
- feel
- bleed
- meet
- tweed
- need
- keel
- keen
- heed
- deem
- sleet
- weep
Challenge Words
- see
- toffee
- queen
- week
- creed
- coffee
- sixteen
- seventeen
- nineteen
- fifteen
-ie-(long e)
- field
- yield
- fiend
- priest
- brief
- grief
-ey-(long e)
- key
- abbey
- alley
- valley
- jockey
- hockey
- donkey
-y-(long e)
- teddy
- putty
- very
- ugly
- holly
- dolly
- entry
- curry
- body
- candy
- inky
- merry
- sadly
- bunny
- sorry
- witty
- rusty
- crusty
- ditty
- dirty
- bumpy
- softly
- penny
- golly
- happy
- fifty
- sunny
- berry
- petty
- sandy
- sixty
- seventy
- pity
- jolly
- sentry
- pansy
- empty
Challenge words
- Betty
- Bobby
- Tommy
- Molly
- Polly
- daddy
- merrily
- puppy
-i-(short i)
- -i-(short i)
- mind
- kind
- find
- pint
- mild
- wild
- rind
- blind
- grind
- wind
Challenge words
- unkind
-i-e (silent e, long i)
- tie
- lie
- vie
- die
- pie
- tied
- lied
- pile
Challenge words
- flies
- cries
- cried
- tried
- magpie
- fries
- fried
- dries
- spied
- relief
- nigh
- sigh
- high
- fight
- sight
- night
- light
- flight
- slight
- fright
- blight
- might
- right
- tight
- bright
Challenge Words
- alight
- plight
- lighten
- frighten
- brighten
- lighting
- midnight
- delight
-y (long i)
- by
- my
- dry
- cry
- fry
- sty
- fly
- try
- spy
- pry
- sky
- ply
Challenge Words
- reply
- typist
- apply
- trying
- defy
- cypress
- ally
- supply
- deny
- satisfy
- multiply
- occupy
- qualify
-o-e (long o and silent e)
- owe
- hole
- pole
- mole
- hope
- dope
- bone
- cone
- tone
- robe
- joke
- poke
- vote
- dote
- note
- home
- come
- cove
- wove
- rove
- code
- mode
- rode
- lode
- dome
- Rome
- tome
- mope
Challenge Words
- stone
- stove
- clove
- globe
- smoke
- slope
- spoke
- stole
- trove
- strove
- grove
- elope
-oa-(long o)
- oak
- loan
- Joan
- roan
- coat
- boat
- goat
- soap
- coal
- foal
- toad
- loaf
- road
- load
- moat
- roast
- coast
- boast
- soak
- goal
- oats
- roan
- goad
- roam
- loam
- foam
- coax
Challenge Words
- stoat
- cloak
- groan
- croak
- gloat
- soapsuds
-o-(long o)
- old
- fold
- roll
- so
- cold
- hold
- stroll
- oval
- go
- bold
- sold
- post
- no
- sold
- ago
- host
- gold
- scold
- told
- bolt
- colt
- folk
- both
Challenge Words
- Mexico
- golden
- swollen
-ow-(long o)
- low
- crow
- bow
- bowl
- pillow
- window
- yellow
- marrow
- snow
- sparrow
- elbow
- arrow
- barrow
- blow
- mow
- own
- slow
- glow
- grow
- flow
- row
- fellow
- hollow
- willow
- tow
- grown
- mellow
- stow
- follow
- flown
- fallow
- bellow
- morrow
- widow
- narrow
- barrow
- sorrow
- rule
- cube
- tune
- mule
- duke
- flute
- tube
- rude
- dupe
- lute
- dune
- brute
- use
- mute
- yule
- rune
- jute
- ruse
- fume
- muse
- fuse
Challenge Words
- volume
- dispute
- excuse
- Luke
- June
- amuse
- confuse
- costume
- astute
- new
- few
- pew
- dew
- stew
- crew
- strew
- screw
- drew
- grew
- blew
- brew
- flew
Challenge Words
- Andrew
- jewel
- mews
- news
- hue
- glue
- blue
- true
- due
- flue
- clue
- value
- duel
Challenge Words
- issue
- subdue
- rescue
- continue
-ck-(you can introduce these as phonetic words with "a different spelling")
- duck
- sock
- rock
- tack
- sack
- lock
- stick
- rock
- deck
- sick
- tuck
- back
- lick
- neck
- kick
- peck
- rack
- pack
- mock
- wick
- suck
- Rick
- luck
- lack
- muck
- ticket
- packet
- wicket
Challenge Words
- track
- cricket
- block
- racket
- clock
- brick
- trick
- smack
- prick
- crack
- stack
- stuck
- locket
- stock
- smock
- speck
- truck
- shot
- ship
- shop
- fish
- dish
- shed
- shell
- brush
- radish
- ask
- shelf
- shrimp
- shelf
- wish
- bush
- shut
- wish
- splash
- blush
- crash
- rush
- smash
- rash
- flash
- crush
- shod
- shrub
- sash
- hush
- gash
- shred
- shin
- sham
- shun
- shrill
- rubbish
- cash
- slush
- mesh
- flush
- vanish
- banish
- finish
- quit
- quest
- request
- quell
- quilt
- liquid
- equip
- quill
- banquet
- conquest
- them
- then
- that
- thin
- throb
- think
- thud
- thump
- broth
- moth
- smith
- thank
- cloth
- thrill
- thing
- width
- depth
- froth
- sixth
- tenth
- method
- thrust
- theft
- fifth
- seventh
- lead
- head
- deaf
- read
- deaf
- bread
- heaven
- tread
- spread
- dread
- sweat
- dealt
- meant
- instead
- dreadful
- bedstead
- peasant
- realm
- pleasant
- apple
- little
- puzzle
- bottle
- candle
- cattle
- kettle
- bubble
- bundle
- rattle
- saddle
- handle
- mangle
- nettle
- paddle
- sizzle
- middle
- puddle
- muddle
- cuddle
- brittle
- tremble
- bramble
- grumble
- humble
- crumble
- nestle
- riddle
- hustle
- nozzle
- spindle
- jostle
- muzzle
- gristle
- pebble
- jungle
- simple
- scribble
- rumble
- bristle
- mumble
- single
- possible
- responsible
- rectangle
- love
- sponge
- above
- come
- glove
- son
- won
- ton
- London
- Monday
- dove
- another
- monk
- front
- other
- month
- onion
- monkey
- wonder
- mother
- her
- fern
- term
- pert
- verb
- herd
- term
- jerk
- ever
- butter
- slipper
- duster
- hammer
- spanner
- ladder
- dagger
- hamper
- dinner
- robber
- letter
- cobbler
- lantern
- sister
- clever
- clatter
- bitter
- winter
- mister
- matter
- otter
- batter
- silver
- stern
- gutter
- fatter
- offer
- mutter
- never
- bladder
- udder
- perhaps
- perfect
- person
- serpent
- desert
- girl
- dirt
- bird
- fir
- sir
- skirt
- first
- stir
- firm
- flirt
- smirk
- swirl
- squirm
- affirm
- twirl
- squirt
- confirm
- fur
- cur
- burn
- curl
- turn
- hurt
- furl
- surf
- purr
- burst
- burr
- spur
- turf
- occur
- curt
- slur
- scurf
- suburb
- recur
- disturb
- murmur
- burden
- furlong
- turnip
- absurd
- corn
- born
- cord
- cork
- ford
- fork
- fort
- for
- horn
- lord
- lorn
- forlorn
- mourn
- mourning
- port
- pork
- sort
- torn
- inform
- factor
- tractor
- import
- distort
- import
- important
- rich
- itch
- such
- much
- Dutch
- hutch
- chap
- chill
- latch
- match
- lunch
- bunch
- witch
- switch
- chip
- crutch
- vetch
- chest
- children
- hatchet
- ditch
- chop
- quench
- finch
- catch
- fetch
- bench
- chapel
- scratch
- batch
- chum
- catch
- wretch
- drench
- trench
- notch
- hitch
- stretch
- pitch
- hatch
- patch
- chink
- chestnut
- satchel
- clutch
- splotch
- duchess
- French
- echo
- ache
- anchor
- chorus
- architect
- monarch
- chemical
- choir
- bow
- now
- row
- cow
- sow
- brown
- owl
- crown
- towel
- clown
- town
- gown
- fowl
- trowel
- vowel
- crowd
- down
- howl
- drown
- growl
- frown
- scowl
- prowl
- allow
- out
- loud
- pout
- lout
- bout
- noun
- bound
- mount
- aloud
- pound
- hound
- mound
- cloud
- spout
- trout
- count
- round
- found
- countless
- accounts
- sound
- proud
- about
- around
- amount
- ground
- snout
- stout
- sprout
- salt
- talk
- walk
- halt
- malt
- stalk
- bald
- walnut
- caldron
- almost
- ball
- wall
- fall
- pall
- tall
- call
- all
- hall
- small
- stall
- squall
- oil
- soil
- boil
- foil
- toil
- coil
- join
- broil
- avoid
- poison
- spoil
- point
- joint
- coin
- moist
- hoist
- joist
- ointment
- appoint
- disappoint
- joy
- boy
- toy
- coy
- alloy
- employ
- annoy
- royal
- loyal
- ahoy
- destroy
-soft c-
- cell
- civil
- princess
- pencil
- acid
- cancel
- fence
- pence
- prince
- office
- since
- scent
- mince
- quince
- dunce
- hence
- absence
- sentence
- justice
- accept
- except
- excellent
- success
- accident
- innocent
-soft g-
- gem
- fringe
- bridge
- judge
- hedge
- sledge
- porridge
- dodge
- edge
- plunge
- fidget
- college
- fudge
- grudge
- smudge
- lodge
- cringe
- wedge
- tinge
- regiment
- pledge
- hinge
- lunge
- smudge
- dredge
- nudge
- magic
- addition
- multiplication
- subtraction
- action
- fraction
- ration
- attention
- mention
- affection
- suction
- condition
- expedition
- construction
- question
- section
- function
- fiction
- faction
- diction
- friction
- distinction
- option
- infection
- intention
- division
- vision
- tension
- mansion
- mission
- pension
- session
- extension
- passion
- discussion
- admission
- compassion
- provision
- invasion
- book
- good
- cook
- look
- foot
- nook
- rook
- hook
- took
- wood
- stood
- hood
- brook
- crook
- wool
- footman
- ask
- raft
- mast
- fast
- cask
- task
- glass
- staff
- last
- plant
- past
- brass
- craft
- class
- mask
- cast
- grass
- half
- slant
- pass
- fasten
- basket
- vast
- command
- delta
- demand
- extra
- umbrella
- Africa
- Canada
- ark
- car
- jar
- far
- tar
- bar
- mar
- star
- tart
- barn
- card
- scarf
- harp
- lark
- dart
- cart
- dark
- scar
- yard
- park
- mark
- part
- bark
- hard
- harm
- start
- harvest
- carpet
- hark
- spark
- darkness
- garden
- smart
- parting
- arctic
- darn
- art
- artist
- barbed
- regard
- marvel
- garment
- remark
- garland
- darling
- custard
- beggar
- target
- vicar
- market
-silent b-
- park
- lamb
- limb
- bomb
- numb
- dumb
- crumb
- debt
- jamb
- debt
- plumbing
-silent d-
- ledge
- judge
- hedge
- wedge
- grudge
- badge
- trudge
- bridge
- midge
- porridge
-silent g-
- sign
- gnu
- gnome
- gnaw
- gnarl
- gnash
- honest
- feign
- reign
- sigh
- deign
-silent h-
- which
- while
- when
- what
- whip
- whiz
- whim
- whisk
- whist
- whiff
- wheel
- whack
- whitsun
- white
- whale
- whine
- wheat
- whisper
- wheeze
- honor or honour
- hour
- heir
- whit
- whistle
-silent k-
- knee
- knew
- knob
- knot
- knit
- knelt
- knoll
- knack
- knock
- knife
- knowledge
- kneel
- know
- knead
- knave
- knapsack
- knotty
- knuckle
- knight
-silent t-
- often
- fasten
- listen
- castle
- gristle
- thistle
- jostle
- wrestle
- rustle
- bustle
-silent w-
- wren
- wrap
- wreck
- wrist
- wrong
- writ
- wrung
- wrath
- wreak
- wreath
- wrench
- write
- wretch
- wrote
- sword
- answer
- wrapper
- war
- wart
- warn
- warp
- warn
- wardrobe
- toward
- warbled
- quart
- awkward
- warder
- swarm
- reward
- haul
- Paul
- fault
- haunted
- fraud
- gaunt
- vault
- taunt
- daunt
- daub
- exhaust
- saw
- paw
- law
- jaw
- caw
- awl
- raw
- straw
- fawn
- pawn
- lawn
- claw
- hawk
- draw
- yawn
- drawn
- brawl
- crawl
- awful
- awning
- brawn
- dawn
- drawl
- prawn
- zoo
- food
- boot
- roof
- moon
- pool
- loop
- hoop
- spoon
- stool
- loom
- broom
- balloon
- tool
- cool
- stoop
- noon
- mood
- roost
- soon
- fool
- proof
- hoof
- boon
- picture
- lecture
- fracture
- adventure
- culture
- fixture
- disfigure
- posture
- scripture
- structure
- texture
- signature
- hare
- bare
- mare
- ware
- fare
- rare
- care
- dare
- compare
- Clare
- prepare
- stare
- flare
- spare
- blare
- farewell
- welfare
- square
- air
- pair
- lair
- fair
- hair
- despair
- stair
- affair
- unfair
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- words
Word Lists for Simplex Spelling Phonics
Products >> Simplex Spelling Phonics - Advanced Phonograms >> Word Lists
The majority of the words used in "Simplex Spelling - Advanced Phonograms" are taken from the most frequently occurring words that appear for each phonogram being taught. These high frequency words were then supplemented, where required, with additional other common English words based on word/spelling patterns to help enforce the concepts within and between each lesson. The lessons covered in "Simplex Spelling - Advanced Phonograms" focus on phonograms that have not been previously covered in Simplex Spelling Phonics 1 & Phonics 2. The content in "Advanced Phonograms" builds on the material already covered in Phonics 1 & 2.
welcome, remove, button, keyboard, chosen, correctly, lesson, bubble, syllable, circular, arrow, believe
1] Long o (oe)
foe, floe, hoe, doe, roe, woe, throes, oboe, aloe, toe, tiptoe, toenail, mistletoe, pekoe
2] Long a (ea)
great, steak, break, breaker, tear, pear, wear, swear, bear, bearer, forbear
3] Long i that appears before 2 consonants
wild, mild, child, grandchild, stepchild, wind, rewind, bind, blind, find, kind, mankind, mind, remind, mastermind, hind, behind, rind, grind, pint, climb
4] Long o that before 2 consonants
old, cold, sold, scold, told, fold, hold, gold, poll, roll, troll, scroll, jolt, bolt, colt, molten, most, post, host, both
5] Short o (au)
audit, audible, audibly, author, augment, auto, automatic, autumn, applaud, applause, astronaut
6] Short o (au)
sauna, saunter, sauce, gauze, pause, cause, clause, caught, daughter, taught, taut, laundry
7] Short o (aw)
jaw, raw, thaw, law, lawn, paw, pawn, prawn, spawn, yawn, dawn, hawk, squawk, bawl, brawl, crawl, sprawl, shawl
8] Short o (aw)
saw, jigsaw, sawdust, straw, strawberry, draw, drawback, withdraw, outlaw, claw, flaw, flawless, awe, awestruck
9] Nouns person
Joe, Ryan, Jacob, Emily, Madison, Jefferson, Edison, Mandela, Elizabeth, Churchill
10] Nouns place
America, Canada, England, Scotland, Greenland, Iceland, Washington, Nile, Africa, Pacific, Atlantic, China, Japan
11] Nouns day/month
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
12] Contractions
it's, it'll, who's, that's, can't, won't, isn't, aren't, wasn't, hasn't, hadn't, haven't, didn't, doesn't, don't, let's, o'clock
13] Contractions
I'd, I'll, I'm, I've, he's, she's, he'd, she'd, we're, we'll, we've, they're, they'll, they've
14] U (oul)
put, output, pull, full, bull, bully, push, bush, ambush, butcher
15] U (oul)
artful, awful, useful, woeful, handful, helpful, dreadful, doubtful, careful, cheerful, grateful, painful, peaceful, powerful, wonderful, delightful, successful, beautiful
16] oul (oul)
could, would, should, couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't
17] Long o (ou)
soul, boulder, shoulder, coulter, poultry, poultice, pour, downpour, gourd, mourn, your, you're, yourself
18] Long o (ou)
four, fourth, fourteen, court, courthouse, course, concourse, discourse, recourse, source, resource, cantaloupe, pompadour
19] Short u (ou)
young, touch, southern, country, double, trouble, couple, cousin
20] Short u (ou)
famous, dangerous, enormous, numerous, nervous, continuous, generous, tremendous, ridiculous, marvelous (marvellous*)(marvellous**), anonymous, disastrous, jealous, vigorous, ambiguous, fabulous, hazardous
21] ou (oo)
you, youth, you'll, soup, group, troupe, coupe, coup, coupon, crouton, couth, cougar, coulee, couture, acoustic, couscous, mousse
22] ou (oo)
rouge, route, wound, tour, detour, contour, tourism, tourist, toucan, goulash, bayou, caribou, boulevard
23] ui (oo)
suit, suitor, suitcase, suitable, swimsuit, pursuit, lawsuit, fruit, fruitful, bruise, cruise, juice, juicy, recruit, sluice, nuisance
24] Ph (f)
phone, earphones, saxophone, telephone, triumph, trophy, Joseph, elephant, pamphlet, sphinx, pharaoh, phantom, pheasant, phoenix, nymph, morph, orphan, dolphin, typhoon, emphasize (emphasise*)
25] Ph(f)
sphere, atmosphere, sophomore, sapphire, aphid, glyph, phlegm, physics, physicist, physical, photo, graph, photograph, photocopy, autograph, geography, biography, philosophy, pharmacy, phenomenal, phase
26] Ph (f)
phrase, alpha, alphabet, phoneme, phonemic, phonetic, phonics, phonology, homophone, diphthong, grapheme, digraph, paragraph, homograph, hyphen, metaphor
27] Long e (i)
trio, patio, period, million, kiosk, polio, audio, radio, studio, portfolio, Ontario, tapioca, warrior, physiology, idiom, sodium, stadium, medium, premium, calcium, aquarium, millennium
28] Long e (i)
piano, media, trivia, Maria, India, criteria, bacteria, Victoria, Australia, phobia, amphibian, serial, burial, memorial, industrial, imperial, material, celiac, courtier, audience, experience
29] Long e (i) - foreign words ending in 'i'.

ski, kiwi, Fiji, khaki, bikini, confetti, graffiti, pepperoni, salami, safari, souvlaki, teriyaki, tandoori, broccoli, macaroni, tsunami
30] Long e (i_e)
police, naive, elite, petite, pristine, routine, vaccine, sardine, marine, submarine, magazine, gasoline, automobile
31] ear (er)
earl, pearl, earldom, early, dearth, earth, earthy, earthly, earthen, earthquake
32] ear (er)
earn, earnest, learn, yearn, heard, unheard, overheard, search, research, hearse, rehearse, rehearsal
33] wor (wer)
word, reword, buzzword, foreword, work, artwork, network, teamwork, overwork, homework, handiwork, fireworks, clockwork, workshop, workforce
34] wor (wer)
worm, silkworm, bookworm, earthworm, worry, worse, worst, worth, worthless, worthwhile, worthy, noteworthy, world, worldwide, underworld, worship
35] war (wor)
war, warp, wharf, dwarf, wart, warthog, thwart, warn, forewarn, warm, lukewarm, swarm, warmth, ward, toward (towards*), award, reward, warden, wardrobe
36] war (wor)
warren, warrant, warranty, wartime, warfare, warship, warlord, warlock, warlike, Warsaw, warble, postwar
37] quar (kwor)
quark, quart, quartz, quarry, quarrel, quartet, quarter, quarterly, quarantine
38] war (wer)
inward, outward, onward, upward, downward, forward, backward, earthward, skyward, homeward, awkward, afterward
39] war (wer)
northward, southward, eastward, westward, wayward, windward, leeward, bulwark, coward, stalwart, Dewar
40] Long e (ei)
ceiling, receipt, receive, deceive, perceive, conceive, either, neither, weir, weird, deceit, conceit, caffeine, casein, protein, seize
41] gn (n)
gnat, gnaw, gnash, gnome, gnarl, gnarled, sign, signpost, cosign, consign, ensign, resign, design, redesign, assign
42] gn (n)
align, realign, benign, campaign, impugn, cologne, lasagna (lasagne*), mignon, poignant
43] Long a (ei)
veil, vein, feint, reins, reindeer, reign, deign, feign, heir, heirloom, their, beige, sensei
44] Long a (eigh)
eight, eighty, eighteen, freight, freighter, neigh, neighbor (neighbour*) (neighbour**), weigh, weight, weighty, sleigh
45] Long u/oo (ew)
yew, ewe, ewer, dew, mildew, few, curfew, phew, nephew, new, newborn, sinew, news, newspaper, newt, Newton, renew, renewal
46] Long u/oo (ew)
stew, steward, strew, slew, shrew, shrewd, sewer, skewer, askew, pew, pewter, view, review, preview, interview
47] Long u/oo (ew)
flew, grew, brew, drew, withdrew, threw, blew, cashew, chew, eschew, chewy, crew, screw, corkscrew, jewel
48] Long u/oo (eu)
feud, feudal, sleuth, deuce, Zeus, neutral, neutron, pseudo, pseudonym, eulogy, Eugene, eucalyptus, Europe, maneuver (manoeuvre*) (manoeuvre**), pneumonia
49] ch (k)
chrome, chasm, chaos, chaotic, character, charisma, chemical, chemist, choir, chord, chorus, chloride, chlorine, chronic, chronicle, chromosome, chameleon
50] ch (k)
ache, anchor, arachnid, echo, epoch, mechanic, orchestra, school, scholar, monarch, patriarch, Bach, stomach, technical, technology, scheme, Christ, Christine, Christmas, zucchini
51] ch (sh)
chef, schwa, chute, parachute, niche, cache, mustache (moustache*) (moustache**), chic, brochure, charade, chalet, Chopin, Chicago, Michigan
52] ch (sh)
Charlotte, charlatan, crochet, machine, chateau, chiffon, chivalry, chaperone, chauffeur, chauvinist, chandelier
53] ough (uff, off, long o)
rough, tough, enough, slough, sough, clough, cough, trough, hiccough, dough, doughnut, sourdough, though, although, thorough, borough, furlough
54] ough (oo, ow, short o, ock)
lough, through, throughout, throughput, slough, bough, plough, drought, ought, sought, fought, nought, bought, brought, wrought, thought, thoughtful
* UK spelling.
** Canadian spelling.
The words "phonogram" morphological and phonetic analysis
Explanation of the rules for dividing (breaking down) the word "phonogram" into syllables for transfer.
The Soosle.ru online dictionary will help: to parse the word “ phonogram ” phonetically and morphologically by composition, correctly divide it into syllables according to the rules of the Russian language, highlight parts of the word, put stress, indicate the meaning, synonyms, antonyms and compatibility for the word “ phonogram ".
- 1 Syllables in the word "phonogram" division into syllables
- 2 How to transfer the word "phonogram"
- 3 Morphological analysis of the word "phonogram" according to the morphemic structure of the word "phonogram"
- 6 Synonyms of the word "phonogram"
- 7 Stress in the word "phonogram"
- 8 Phonetic transcription of the word "phonogram"
- 9 Phonetic analysis of the word "phonogram" into letters and sounds )
- 10 Sentences with the word “phonogram”
- 11 Matching of the word “phonogram”
- 12 Meaning of the word “phonogram”
- 13 How to spell the word “phonogram”
- 14 Associations to the word “phonogram” 904 Clogs 9045 “phonogram” division into syllables
- pho - initial, covered, open, 2 letters
- but - medium, covered, open, 2 letters
- gra - medium, covered, open, 3 letters0068 3 letters :
- record library
- spectrogram
- tomogram
- pictogram
- Encephalogram
- 10
1 - 9
2 - 8
3 - 7
4 - 6
5 - 5
6 - 4
7 - 3
8 - 2
9 - 1
10 -
Use of
Tape recorder
Film studio
Provide for
- Translation
- Associations
- Anagrams
- Antonyms
- Synonyms
- Hypernyms
- Morphological analysis
- Declensions
- Conjugations
- English
- German
- French
- phonogram - sound recording
- soundtrack - soundtrack
- musical soundtrack
- track - track
- sound - sound, audio
- Phonogramm
- Tonspur - audio track
- Tonschrift
- Tonaufzeichnung - sound recording
- Spur
- phonogramme - recording
- piste sonore - audio track
- piste - audio track
- son - sound
Number of syllables: 4
By syllables: fo-no-gra-mma
According to the rules of the school curriculum, the word “phonogram” can be divided into syllables in different ways. Variability is allowed, that is, all options are correct. For example, like this:
According to the program of the institute, syllables are distinguished on the basis of ascending sonority:
The types of syllables are listed below and the division is explained taking into account the program of the institute and schools with in-depth study of the Russian language.
part of speech: noun;
animation: inanimate;
gender: female;
number: singular;
case: nominative;
answers the question: (is) What?
Initial form:
Analysis of the word "phonogram" by composition
background | root |
about | connective vowel |
grams | root |
a | ending |
Words similar in morphemic structure “phonogram”
Words similar in morphemic structure
Synonyms of the word “phonogram”
1. Plyaner
2. Signalogram
3. Sound recording
4. Write
Hasis in the word “phonogram”
phonogram-stress falls on the 3rd syllable
Phonetic transcription of the word "phonogram"
[fanagr`am a]
Phonetic analysis of the word "phonogram" into letters and sounds (Sound-letter)
Letter | Sound | Sound characteristics | Color |
f | [f] | consonant, deaf double, hard, noisy | f |
about | [a] | vowel, unstressed | about |
n | [n] | consonant, voiced unpaired (sonor), hard | n |
about | [a] | vowel, unstressed | about |
g | [g] | consonant, voiced double, hard, noisy | g |
p | [r] | consonant, voiced unpaired (sonor), hard | r |
a | [`a] | vowel, stressed | a |
m | [m] | consonant, deaf double, hard, long | m |
m | - | produces no sound | m |
a | [a] | vowel, unstressed | a |
Number of letters and sounds:
Based on the analysis made, we conclude that the word has 10 letters and 9 sounds.
Letters: 4 vowels, 6 consonants.
Sounds: 4 vowels, 5 consonants.
Sentences with the word "phonogram"
Related rights. Subjects and objects of related rights. Rights: performer; manufacturer phonogram ; broadcasting organizations. Validity of related rights.
Source: L. Yu. Grudtsyna, Civil Law of Russia, 2008.
The rights of the manufacturer of phonogram are recognized and are valid regardless of the presence and validity of copyrights and the rights of performers.
Source: IA Strelnikova, Intellectual Property Law.
The related rights protection mark is placed on each copy of phonogram and (or) on each case containing it.
Source: Team of authors, Methodology for investigating crimes under Art. 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, 2004.
Compatibility of the word "phonogram"
1. under someone else's phonogram
2. phonogram of the interrogation
3. phonogram of the song
9. producers of the phonogram
5.900 manufacturer00086. when recording a phonogram
7. sing to the phonogram
8. turn on the phonogram
9. open your mouth to the phonogram
10. (complete compatibility table)
, and. Specialist. Recording the sounds of speech, music, etc., applied to a plate, tape, film, etc. (Small Academic Dictionary, MAC)
How to spell the word "phonogram"
Spelling of the word "phonogram"
Spelling of the word “phonogram”
Correctly the word is written: phonogram
Numbering of letters in the word
Lessons in the word “phonogram” in the direct and reverse order:
Associations to the word «phonogram»
Synonyms and antonyms «phonogram» - analysis and associations to the word phonogram.

Translation of the word phonogram
We offer you the translation of the word phonogram into English, German and French.
Implemented using the Yandex.Dictionary service
What is a phonogram like (adjectives)?
Selection of adjectives for a word based on the Russian language.
commissioned working musical orchestra ominousoriginal vintagenewphotographiccomparativedigitalreadysyllabicwelcomerecordedsoundingsound germandesiredreference singlechannelminusminus reproduceddisgustingsmalldigitalcorrespondingextractedvarioussolemnoriginalemotionalprofessionalfamousinterruptedgooddifficultunobtrusivelatestpaperopticalsynchronousclock naked
Sphere of use of the word phonogram
Technicianklama -collecting vocabulary
Morphological analysis (part of speech) The word phonogram
Part of speech:
Noun declension phonogram
Case | Question | Unit | Mn. number |
Nominative | (who, what?) | phonogram | phonograms |
Genitive | (who, what?) | phonograms | phonograms |
Dative | (to whom, what?) | phonogram | phonograms |
Accusative | (who, what?) | phonogram | phonograms |
Creative | (by whom, what?) | phonogram | phonograms |
Prepositional | (about whom, about what?) | phonogram | phonograms |
Phonogram sentences
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