Writing at home
Learnfrom the greatest minds
ReadThe Great Books
GrowA Lifetime love of literature
The average American teen spends less than
nine minutes per day reading…and
three hours looking at screens. Are your teens reading enough? Give your middle and high school students a love for literature with a WriteAtHome literature class.Our high school literature classes focus on the Great Books of Western civilization—books like The Iliad, The Inferno, Hamlet, and Moby Dick. Books most of us have heard of, but too few of us have actually read.
But WriteAtHome literature isn’t just about developing a book list that will impress college admissions. It’s about giving students an appreciation and love for great books and the confidence to tackle even the most difficult works.
Starting this year, we also offer a fantastic middle school literature course to get students ready for the Great Books and an exciting new World Lit course that exposes students to works outside the Western Tradition.
If you’re curious about what it’s like to take a WriteAtHome literature course, click here.
Live Literature: regularly $549, Early enrollment price $479Each week, Students:
Complete the assigned reading
Take a short, online comprehension quiz
Answer an online discussion question
Attend a one-hour, live Webinar class session, including Chat discussion
In addition, students must Submit two literary analysis papers and one creative project.
Students will also have access to recorded sessions.
The reading schedule is designed to require approximately one hour per day for four days each week.
High School Lit 1: The Ancient World
High School Lit 2: The Middle Ages
High School Lit 3: The Renaissance
High School Lit 4: The Modern World
High School World Literature
Middle School Literature
Self-Paced Literature: $199
Lit 1, Lit 2, Lit 3, and Lit 4 can be taken as self-paced classes. Students watch recorded versions of weekly lectures and can choose when to read each work.
All recordings for class will be available at the beginning of the year.
Students get a book list, course syllabus, and weekly auto-graded quizzes.
There are no discussion questions, papers, projects, or live class.
Self-paced literature classes are for individual or family use. They are not meant to be shared outside of your immediate family. Please contact us for information about using them in a class or coop setting.
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Our Approach is unique:It’s not about tests.
It’s not about defining literary terms.
It’s not about memorizing names and dates.
It’s about the books.
We read a lot of good books together. And we talk about them. As time goes by, we learn to talk about them more intelligently. Sure, we teach literary terms like plot, conflict, and theme. But we use those terms to help us understand and appreciate the books.
literature Course Descriptions & Book Lists
2022-23 Course Schedule
Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.— C.S. Lewis
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Yes, your kids can handle these books.I know the reading list can seem intimidating. Parents and students sometimes wonder if they are ready for difficult classic works like The Aeneid, Paradise Lost, Crime and Punishment and Don Quixote. But trust me—I've been teaching this stuff for more than twenty years to high school students of a wide range of abilities. They are capable of much more than you or they would expect.
Some books will seem beyond students when they first attempt to read them, but I provide lots of resources to help along the way. And, of course, we spend much of the time in our class discussions on the basics—sometimes just figuring out exactly what is going on.
We will challenge students of every ability. Some will be ready to go beyond simple comprehension into literary analysis and criticism. Others will simply work to get a feel for the basic purpose and plot of each work. Either way, students will come away with life-changing encounters with some of the best writing our culture has ever produced.
Be aware that the classes are geared for students in grades 9-12, though 8th grade students have successfully completed Lit 1. We don’t recommend these classes for students below 8th grade.
Give it a try. You won't regret it!
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In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but how many can get through to you.— Mortimer Adler
...your Writing and Lit programs have both been a Godsend to us. Both of our boys enrolled in the Fall of 2018, and overnight their interest in ELA went from completing a daily chore to “I can’t wait until the next assignment”! We are all absolutely thrilled with your program, and looking forward to the upcoming school year!— -The Rice Family, Craig, Alaska
I couldn’t endorse a literature class by Mr.— Daniel LambWasko highly enough to do it justice. What I will tell you to do is to take it and take it now. I discovered that I understood not just “the Classics” but the world better by taking Mr. Wasko’s literature classes. They give you a reference point to understand events in the world.
Thank you so much for teaching Lit 2, I really enjoyed your class! All of the books, plays, and poems we read were fun, interesting or both. I’ve gained an appreciation for Shakespeare and poetry that I never dreamed I would have. I was really caused to think about the works through your discussion questions and conferences. I found myself getting carried away at times answering questions way more in depth than was necessary because I enjoyed the subject so much and didn’t want to stop. I even memorized Shakespeare’s XVIII Sonnet because I loved it some much! Thank you for giving me a greater appreciation and joy for literature! You are an amazing teacher.— Corwin![]()
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*According to Pew Research, 2019
**According to the American Academy for Arts and Sciences, 2019
Studying history is not just rehearsing the past.
By learning how the past shapes our world, we learn how better to engage our present.
Students will be challenged to bring to bear logic, and imagination, to distinguish cause and effect, motivation and action, and discern ideas and events.
We’re excited for all our history students because your teacher is awesome! Click HERE to learn more about your teacher, Mike Napier.
To learn more about Mike Napier and hear more about the classes, watch the recording of our Introduction to WriteAtHome History webinar.
History 1 - The Ancient World
This class surveys the events, ideas, and culture of ancient civilizations of the world, from the Fertile Crescent in the third millennium BCE to the Roman Tetrarchy in 300 CE. The class primarily focuses on the development of Western Civilization, with forays into the Far East. Shaped to pair well with Wasko Lit 1. This class is intended for 9th and 10th graders and ambitious 8th graders (but all are welcome!).
Student expectations:
attend weekly lessons
complete weekly reading assignments
complete weekly quizzes and discussion posts
one book review
one position paper
Required Books:
- History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome, Susan Wise Bauer
- Sources of the Western Tradition Volume I: From Ancient Times to the Enlightenment, Marvin Perry (Ninth Edition preferred but not required)
Class meets live via Zoom on Wednesdays at 3:00 PM, Eastern time. All class sessions will be recorded.
Class size is limited to 50 students.
NOTE: Required texts are not provided.
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History 2 - Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
This class surveys the events, ideas and cultures from Constantine in the 4th Century CE to the Fall of Constantinople in the 15th Century, primarily focused on the developments and issues of Western Civilizations, with forays into the Far East. Shaped to pair well with Wasko Lit 2.
Student expectations:
attend weekly lessons
complete weekly reading assignments
complete weekly quizzes and discussion posts
one book review
one position paper
Required Texts:
- The History of the Medieval World: From the Conversion of Constantine to the First Crusade, Susan Wise Bauer
- The History of the Renaissance World: From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Conquest of Constantinople, Susan Wise Bauer
- Sources of the Western Tradition Volume I: From Ancient Times to the Enlightenment, Marvin Perry (Ninth Edition preferred but not required)
Class meets live via Zoom on Wednesdays at 2:00 PM, Eastern time. All class sessions will be recorded.
Class size is limited to 50 students.
NOTE: Required texts are not provided.
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History 3 - Renaissance, Reformation and Early Modern Era
Wh4 surveys the events, ideas and cultures from the 15th Century through the mid-19th Century, primarily focused on the developments of Western Civilizations, with forays into the Far East. Shaped to pair well with Wasko Lit 3.
Student expectations:
attend weekly lessons
complete weekly reading assignments
complete weekly quizzes and discussion posts
one book review
one position paper
Required Texts:
- History of the Renaissance World, Susan Wise Bauer
- The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, Paul Kennedy
- Sources of the Western Tradition Volume II: From the Renaissance to the Present, Marvin Perry (Ninth Edition preferred but not required)
- Smithsonian History of the World Map by Map
Class meets live via Zoom on Wednesdays at 12:00 PM, Eastern time. All class sessions will be recorded.
Class size is limited to 50 students.
NOTE: Required texts are not provided.
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History 4 - The Modern World
Wh5 surveys the events ideas and cultures from the mid-19th Century through the end of the cold war. Primarily focused on American History and Intellectual History, with elements of geography and history of the significant world events that have brought multiple civilizations into conflict. Shaped to pair well with Wasko Lit 4.
Student expectations:
attend weekly lessons
complete weekly reading assignments
complete weekly quizzes and discussion posts
one book review
one position paper
Required Texts:
- The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, Paul Kennedy
- (Concise edition of) The 20th Century, Martin Gilbert
- Sources of the Western Tradition Volume II: From the Renaissance to the Present, Marvin Perry (Ninth Edition preferred but not required)
- Smithsonian History of the World Map by Map
Class meets live via Zoom on Wednesdays at 11:00 AM, Eastern time. All class sessions will be recorded.
Class size is limited to 50 students.
NOTE: Required texts are not provided.
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How to stop a puppy from shitting at home and take it to the street
This will require a lot of patience and attention to the dog.
In fact, the algorithm of actions is simple - as soon as the puppy has passed the need on the floor, you need to pick it up and take it out to the street. At the same time, at the moment, so to speak, of committing a crime, the puppy must say “no” in a stern voice. It is strictly forbidden to beat and scare, otherwise the situation will only get worse, and the puppy will never be patient at all. It is especially contraindicated to poke the dog's nose into the deed. Firstly, in this way it can be damaged and even break the upper jaw, and secondly, the puppy will simply begin to hide its lies and eat feces.
Another common mistake is to punish the puppy some time after the crime has been committed, for example, after coming home from work. He has long forgotten about the puddle and the educational moment for him has long been missed.
So the cries and indignation of the owner will only frighten him and upset him.
After the dog is on the street, you need to carefully monitor it, and as soon as it peeps or shows, also praise with a voice, the tone should be. You can even reward your puppy with a treat. A smart dog will immediately understand the interconnection of events and draw the right conclusions.
How to wean an adult dog from shitting at home
In general, you need to act, just like with a puppy. Yelling at a dog, hitting it and poking its nose into a puddle is useless. You just need to take her out on the street more often and every time she relieves her need there, praise her in a good voice.
If a dog has done its wet work at home in front of its owner, it must be punished. You can hit, but not with a heavy object or hand, do it with a newspaper or a broom folded into tubes, that is, with an object that is more frightening than painful. Dogs are very emotional, it is enough for them to understand that the owner is upset or angry, and pain rarely frightens them, only angers them.
If the dog began to shit at home, what is the reason must be understood. Just like that, a dog will not give up the habit of urinating on the street. Moreover, by resolving this issue, the owner can automatically solve this problem.
How to wean a dog to shit in the absence of the owners
How to wean a dog to pee at home in the wrong place in the absence of the owners? There is also such a problem. That is, in general, a well-bred dog and in the presence of the owner will never allow himself to wet the carpet, but when left at home alone, he is capable of not only puddles, nights and nights.
Only after that you can start using chemicals such as Antigadine sprays or Best friend to stop shitting. They mask the smell of the animal's urine and cause unpleasant sensations in him, forcing him to look for a new place for his affairs. And if the carpet or floor is treated with these means, then the dog is forced to look for a tyalet only on the street.
Expensive spray can be replaced with a natural and readily available product such as orange peels. They need to be crushed and scattered in those places where the pet has determined a pallet for himself. The unpleasant and pungent smell of orange will discourage him from visiting any place.
To enhance the effect of repelling a dog from a favorite carpet, some breeders use ground pepper. But this method is considered inhumane, since pepper damages the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and deprives the dog of the sense of smell. This organ in a dog is even more important than sight, depriving it of its sense of smell is like blinding a person, for example, so that he does not pee in the entrance or the elevator.
Man is alpha
Dogs are social creatures that live in packs in nature. And in the flock, as you know, there is an alpha male - the leader. All the members of the flock obey him without exception and his authority is unshakable.
For a domestic dog, a human family is its pack. There is an alpha male - the head of the family, his wife, children, in the dog's understanding - puppies and other family members. If the puppy unconditionally accepts the will of the oldest person in the family, then with age he will find his strength in leadership, trying to snap at the alpha. Such attempts must be crushed immediately. To do this is easy, for this you need to press the dog to the floor, painfully pressing your finger on the point between the shoulder blades, thereby causing pain. You can’t let go of an escaping dog until it stops resisting. This means that she is subject to the power of the owner. 2-3 such sessions at a young age and the authority of the owner will be unshakable throughout his life. If the dog has naxyliganized, you need to speak to him in a stern voice, if you have followed the command, then encourage him with affection and delicacy. To please the owner, to serve him is the meaning of the life of any dog. Therefore, with proper upbringing, not a single dog will upset his person in a puddle on the floor. And if this happens, then she will feel guilty.
We are responsible for those we have tamed. This well-known expression vividly characterizes the relationship of a person with a dog. It is necessary to understand that puddles and clumps on the floor of an apartment are, first of all, a fault of the owner and you only need to blame yourself for this. And, accordingly, to correct the situation, you also need to start with yourself - to reconsider your attitude to the dog, show attention to it, will, take time, find a common language with it. Only such an attitude will help solve all negative problems.
Do you dream of moving to a private house?
Your family and pets will be more comfortable in the cottage. The dog will be able to walk freely along the street, and you will get a spacious yard for relaxation and creativity. Realtors from the real estate agency "Etazhi" will help you choose a suitable private house outside the city or within it.
Request a consultation with a specialist
How to wean a dog to pee at home
The article contains recommendations on how to wean a dog to pee at home in the wrong place. From the very beginning, the owner should focus on teaching the dog obedience and "good manners" in and out of the home.
In all the advice of experienced dog breeders on how to wean a dog from shitting in an apartment or peeing anywhere, the main point is that this should be done as soon as a problem is discovered without delay.
With puppies, the issue of accustoming is built through consistent educational actions from the moment the animal appears in the house. But the problem, when a dog shits at home or takes a small need anywhere in the apartment, also occurs in adult animals. If a small puppy is simply not yet accustomed to the norms of behavior, then with an adult dog everything is more complicated. Necessary measures should be taken when the incident occurs for the first time.
There are points that need to be considered individually.
- For example, a bitch may have some problem with the toilet during the formation of hormonal levels. Usually, all problems go away after the first birth.
- It happens that incontinence appears in dogs on the background of spaying, this may be temporary.
- When a litter-trained dog stops using it, it may be worth changing the filler, litter cleaner, or simply moving the litter box to another place.
- Urinary problems in older dogs may begin to show due to their age.
In this case, the owner should take care of special diapers for the animal.
One of the reasons irresponsible owners give their dogs to shelters is the problem with the toilet. People are not ready to put up with a dog that spoils carpets, furniture, floor coverings, leaves smelly “marks” and mess. All this must be cleaned after a working day.
Why does the dog shit at home?
From the moment when a puppy appears in the house, a new stage in life begins for the owner and family. A person must take care of the puppy, educate and form his habits.
A dog's life must be scheduled. In the schedule, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the dog and the characteristics of the breed. A person needs to be ready to take the dog outside in the morning, after waking up, before going to bed. The urge to go to the toilet will appear in the dog after eating and drinking plenty of water. It is recommended to maintain a feeding and walking schedule so that good habits take root. Breaking and changing the established schedule for the dog is possible only as a last resort.
Many puppies spend their first months of life in quarantine at home. During this period, animals are trained to go to the toilet in a designated place on a diaper-litter or in newspapers. Then, as the dog grows older, they begin to regularly take it outside, where it gets used to urinate.
In raising a puppy, it is important not to waste time and form a habit. Everything needs to be done as soon as possible. Building outdoor toilet habits takes time and some effort.
Puppies must first be accustomed to the home toilet (diaper, newspapers), and then they should be taken outside as often as required.
Breeders advise spreading newspapers around the house for the very first time, and then gradually reduce the number of newspapers. When the puppy whines, fusses and looks for a place for the next toilet, the owner can take it and take it outside.
On the street the dog will pee or shit, and the owner will do everything to make this moment positively significant for the animal. Praise and various rewards for the dog help. It is important to fix and make it clear to the puppy that this is normal behavior and that going to the toilet on the street is good and right.
The growing pet of the family begins to become more mature. He gives signals that he wants to go to the toilet - runs in circles, sniffing everything, or arches his back in a special way. When the dog gets older, it begins to "tell" the owner that she needs to "go out" - bark and run to the door. Sometimes owners train their dog to ring a bell hanging on the door handle to signal they are ready to go to the bathroom. Bell training occurs through repetition and the formation of a connection between ringing the bell and going outside.
Consistency is important to the owner. You need to teach your dog to walk regularly and relieve himself on a walk. Ideally, morning and evening walks should be at the same time. The responsible owner will have to wake up in the morning with the pet. It is advisable immediately after waking up, at the same time, to take the dog out to take the first walk and morning toilet. Maintaining a walking regime reinforces the formation of the habit of going to the toilet at certain hours.
Now about why the dog began to shit in the apartment, if it hadn't done it before. That is, before your dog relieved himself during a walk and always let you know when he urgently needed a “walk”. But something went wrong and you started noticing puddles on the floor and wet spots on the carpet. When figuring out why a dog's behavior changes, there are many factors to consider, such as age, history, methods, and sequence of training.
Sometimes the reason why dogs pee at home and in other inappropriate places is because of a physical problem. The animal must be shown to a veterinarian to confirm that there are no physical ailments. If the veterinarian has given a positive opinion about the dog's health, the next step is to find out if everything is in order with the psychological state of the pet. To do this, it must be shown to a behavioral doctor specializing in such problems.
One of the most obvious causes is a disease of the genitourinary system in dogs. Your pet may have kidney or bladder problems. Try to track how the dog pee, what has changed, whether there is a feeling that urination hurts, whether new unpleasant odors have appeared. Dogs can become incontinent due to cystitis.
The causes of cystitis in a dog are infections of the genitourinary system, hypothermia, medication, stones and inflammation in the kidneys, and more.
If the dog shits at home, although it has not done this before, then here you need to track the process and deviations in the character of the animal's stool. Possible causes are varied - from a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract to the presence of parasites in the animal's body. If there are suspicions and concerns about health, a consultation with a veterinarian is required.
Another reason why your pet urinates or goes to the toilet "in a big way" in an apartment or house is banal and at the same time common. These are dietary changes. That is, something has changed in the dog's diet - dry food or natural food, it does not matter.
Analyze this question, see what's new in the dog's bowl lately. Try changing your diet. In the context of the influence of nutrition on the "hooliganism" of the dog in relation to the toilet, consider changing the diet. For example, the second meal of the animal was much earlier than the standard meal schedule. Perhaps for this reason, somewhere in a hidden or in the most visible place of the room, the owner will see a “mighty bunch”.
The number one reason when a dog starts peeing and shitting at home is a change (violation) of the walking schedule. And what else is left for the animal to do if, instead of an evening walk according to the schedule, the dog hears - “don’t whine, be patient, we’ll go soon, now I’ll watch the series, finish the game” and so on. A dog can endure and hold back, but there is a limit to any patience.
And in some cases, the dog has to wait for the late owner from work for several hours. There is no patience and restraint here. If the owner is at work for ten hours, then the dog should spend at least an hour outside in the morning, and preferably more. And this will not be a 100% guarantee that the family, returning from work, will not see “traces” of an unrestrained animal in the apartment.
If it is impossible to regularly walk the dog, the owner should take care of the place reserved for the "needs" of the pet, where you need to lay a diaper, put torn soft paper or newspaper, put a tray.
It happens that walks with a pet go according to the schedule, but their duration is noticeably reduced. And then, instead of the prescribed several hours for playing and defecation, the dog gets half an hour in the morning and fifteen minutes in the evening. It is clear that with such a schedule of being on the street, the animals simply do not have time to do all their business, and what they did not have time to “finish” at home.
Dogs are sensitive animals and may also have psychological problems. The general condition of the dog can change in stressful situations - the death of the owner, moving to a new place of residence, the appearance of a new family member or another pet in the house. The dog could get stressed by being very frightened of something. As a result, involuntary urination in an animal can occur from any sharp and loud sound. If you suspect that a dog has started peeing or pooping at home, that is why it should be taken to an expert in dog behavior - a behavioral veterinarian.
A situation where a dog deliberately starts going to the toilet at home, and before that did not do anything like that, may be the result of a big problem. The root of the problem lies not in dogs and their "ugly behavior", but in the fact that between the animal and the person there are serious contradictions associated with education. Animals with age can try themselves in the role of "leader". The dog "marks" the territory, thus showing its importance and attracting attention to itself.
Perhaps a conflict has occurred between the owner and the pet, or sufficient authority of the person has not formed in the relationship. Having found out the reason, you need to work out the situation on a psychological level. In this case, the problems of coping with the needs of the animal in the house will go away.
Any disobedience is not the norm; in relations between an animal and a person, authority should always be with the latter. From an early age, the dog must understand “who is the boss in the house” and unquestioningly obey his will. The established rule must not be broken. And odorous heaps, puddles and wet spots in the house can be signs of incorrect, insufficient or poor-quality dog education and a signal that action needs to be taken.
If an owner adopts an adult dog raised on the street from a shelter, he needs to be prepared for the fact that such dogs are used to peeing and shitting where it is convenient. The upbringing and socialization of a puppy and an adult dog are very different. In some cases, an under-socialized adult dog should be adapted to new conditions, like a puppy. The owner of the animal needs to be prepared that it will be harder to teach an adult dog to go to the toilet in the “right” places, and the education process will be much slower than with a puppy.
How to wean a dog from shitting at home in the wrong place?
Having sorted out the reasons, it becomes much easier to solve the problem of how to wean a dog to write at home in the wrong place and mark in the absence of the owners. It happens that the dog simply likes to go to the toilet at home.
In this case, pets on the street during a walk are deliberately tolerated, and the need is comfortably relieved at home immediately upon return. The dog develops a kind of habit of going to the toilet outside. In this case, you can try:
- Give the dog a drink before going outside. Additionally, you can take clean drinking water and a bowl with you to give your pet another drink during the walk.
After drinking a lot of liquid, the dog will not be able to wait until the house, and he will do his job on the street.
- Make walking outside longer and more interesting. If the dog is interested in a long walk, he will not ask to go home, but will relieve himself right there, on the street. In this case, it is important not to forget to reward the dog for the “right” actions.
- Dogs are like children in many ways. Children do not want to leave the street if they have someone to walk with. Also, an active dog will benefit from playing with other dogs in the fresh air. And, having played, she will most likely follow the urge and go to the toilet on the street.
How to wean a puppy from peeing anywhere at home?
When the dog goes to the toilet in the house, he "marks" the territory. And the next time the smell of these places will stimulate the animal to repeat its toilet in the same place. Numerous "marks" in the house can lead to inconsistency in education, and the habit of pampering pets.
From the owners of the so-called toy dwarf breeds, you can hear: “My dog is everywhere in the house!”. Small dogs are very accustomed to the "diaper reflex". Diapers laid out in different places in the house are becoming the norm. In the future, the dog can consider any textile items, upholstered sofa or bed as a place for a toilet.
There is a way to wean a puppy from shitting at home. It lies in the fact that the places marked by the dog are treated with special enzymatic cleaning agents.
They can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store. The action of these cleaners is to neutralize the odors of the urine or feces of the animal. Such drugs form aversion in the animal and cause it to ignore all treated areas as a possible canine "toilet". If the dog has marked only the edge of the carpet, it makes sense to process its entire surface.
If the dog went to the toilet on the carpet, it is necessary to remove the mess as soon as possible, clean the stain with an agent that eliminates the smell.
Eliminating the smell is an important point that will prevent the dog from using this place in the future for similar activities.
If the dog continues to go to the toilet in the same place in the apartment, it indicates that the smell is still there, and the dog goes to it.
Ordinary baking soda will help to clean the smell of pet urine from the carpet. Sprinkle baking soda on the cleaned and dried area and leave overnight. Then this place needs to be vacuumed and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.
Another "folk" method regarding how to clean the carpet and how to wash the floor so that the dog does not pee at home. So that the dog does not write anywhere, except for his tray, you can independently make a tool that is equally simple and effective. This tool has pros and cons, the cons are associated with its smell. It is necessary to add a small amount of acetic acid to the water and carefully wipe all the places that the dog has managed to stain with the resulting liquid. You can wash the entire surface of the floor in the house with this solution, excluding the part where the dog tray is located. A sharp and pungent smell will not allow the dog to go to the toilet in places wiped with vinegar.
Advice on the right steps to remove dog urine smell from carpet?
When you find dog pees on the carpet, lay down a layer of newspaper or paper towels to absorb any moisture. Then you need to remove the papers, and rinse the areas with cool water. After that, you need to dry this area thoroughly. And then - treat with a purchased or "home" remedy, relieving the carpet of the smell.
As stated on the website of one of the most famous American canine organizations - "all dogs can be "good" dogs, and all owners can be great owners for their dog." All that is needed is enough attention, training and a lot of love for the animal. Proper upbringing of a dog from the first days lays the foundation for a long-term trusting relationship between the owner and his pet.
The owner should closely monitor their puppy for individual rhythms and signals. Some puppies can be patient, others have to pee more often. Dog habits are very individual.
*They often behave like children and in the midst of play they may suddenly stop to pee.
It is difficult for dogs to cope with large amounts of food. Therefore, it is important not to overfeed the animals and stick to the feeding schedule. You should also try to ensure that the dog food is of high quality and suitable.
If you catch a dog that starts to crouch, preparing to urinate or defecate, stop it and take it outside as soon as possible. At the end of the process on the street, give the animal maximum attention and praise it. Read how to potty train a puppy outside.
Scolding a dog for soiling the floor or carpet, in the case when this has happened and nothing can be done, is not advisable. As much as possible - affectionately scold and do not focus on the "bad" act at all, but focus your efforts on preventing similar cases in the future.