Writing games 3rd grade
8+ 3rd Grade Writing Activities for Your Students
March 10, 2020
Only 22% of students aged 8 to 11 years old write something daily outside of school (Source: Literacy Trust, 2018). To encourage more students to write for pleasure, we have created this list of 9 fun 3rd-grade writing activities for your students.
In the third grade, students are just beginning to express themselves through writing. The typical third grader will know how to string a couple of sentences together and even write with some humour and style. But one common problem with students this age is that they get bored. And when they get bored, they start seeing writing as a chore or another piece of homework that needs to be done on time.
As teachers, we should encourage our students to write for pleasure through a range of fun writing activities. This means writing because they love writing and not because your students are being told to write for a school project. We hope these creative writing activities for third students can help them see the importance and fun they can gain from writing.
Table of contents [Hide]
- Creative Captions
- Finish the Story Game
- Storyboarding
- Keeping an ideas journal
- Role-playing with Paper Puppets
- Creating your own Monster
- Write some song lyrics
- Creating Comic Strips
- How-To Guides
Creative Captions
This is a really quick and simple writing activity to encourage your students to write daily. Simply ask them to collect some photos from magazines or the internet. Alternatively, you could provide your students with a set of random image prompts. And every day they can stick an image or two into their notebook with a short caption to describe the image.
This introduces your students into daily writing without too much pressure on what to write and how to write it. They can write a 10 word caption or 100 words depending on their mood and available time. The key here is to give them the freedom to write anything they like about whatever that interests them. This way they can experience the relaxing and fun side of writing.
Finish the Story Game
The finish the story game is a fun way to collaboratively write a story with your friends or classmates. The basic idea of this game is that one player starts the story off with a short sentence and then the other players continue the story using their own words. By the time you reach the end of the game, you should have a complete story from beginning to end written collaboratively between all the players involved.
The story can be as weird and as wonderful as you like as the players are in charge. For more tips and ideas on how to play this game, read our post dedicated to the finish the story game.
For most kids, especially visual learners drawing is much more fun compared to writing. To cater to the needs of these students, storyboarding is a brilliant activity. Storyboarding utilizes a range of skills, including creativity, organisational skills and writing.
Not to mention it is a great way to plan your stories out, from beginning to end!
There are three ways you can use storyboarding to encourage students to write. The first way is that you provide a completed storyboard with all the images already drawn in. Here the student has to write their own description or caption to the image. This method is great for students who lack inspiration or just don’t like drawing.
The second method is dedicated to those students that just lack inspiration. Here you can give them a partially completed storyboard. Where the first one or two frames will be completed for them. Here the students’ job is to basically finish the storyboard off with their own drawings and words.
>And the final way involves using completely blank storyboard templates where the student can draw and write their own words entirely. This gives students the freedom to write about anything they like. This could be a story about a footballer or a storyboard for a video game idea.
This final method is great if your students already have an idea in mind for a story!
Keeping an ideas journal
Journaling has never meant to be perfect. Even as adults, we scribble quick thoughts into our journal without second-thinking our grammar or spelling. And for this reason, your students should also be encouraged to keep a journal at a young age. In particular, one type of journal which works best for third graders is an ideas journal. Here they can keep note of everything that inspires them daily. This could be a newspaper article, a certain photograph or even a quick doodle.
Eventually, the ideas journal should become your student’s number one source of inspiration when it comes to writing stories. They should be able to look back and see their ideas from months ago and keep track of how they have developed over time. The freedom that journalling gives students will show them the fun and easy side of writing, which often gets missed in classrooms.
Role-playing with Paper Puppets
When all else fails, encourage the love of writing through arts and crafts. Get your students to create their own paper finger puppets based on their favourite movie, TV show or even their imagination. Once the paper puppets are created you can hold your very own paper theatre shows in the classroom or at home! Students can write their own scripts and then using their puppets act out a scene. This is not only a fun arts and crafts activity, but it is also a fun way to encourage your kids to see the creative side of writing.
You students could even create a whole set of paper puppets, with paper scenery and props – Which can all be kept safely in a shoebox. So whenever they are bored they can get their puppets out and hold their paper theatre shows monthly or weekly!
Creating your own Monster
Forget about writing for a moment and just get your students to imagine something new. Ask them to draw a monster. Any monster they like and anything that comes to mind. Once finished drawing they can write a description to describe their monster. Here is where you can go into great detail. Ask your students to think about what the monster eats, what it dislikes, likes, it’s interests, where it’s from and so on. Once done, your students could have written over 100 words without even knowing it!
Another idea to make this writing activity collaborative is to ask your students to share their monsters with the person next to them. Then that person can write their own description of a monster drawn by someone else. This not only encourages teamwork but also improves the creative thinking skills of your students.
Write some song lyrics
We’re sure that every one of your students loves listening to music. And now it is their chance to write some funky lyrics of their own. Simply ask your students to think of their favourite singer or band. Then give them the task of writing their own song lyrics for those people. If your students are a fan of Ed Sheeran, then just imagine that Ed himself has asked the students to write him some new song lyrics for his next album.
Writing song lyrics is a form of poetry. Whether it’s a rap or an emotional ballad, your students can learn so much from writing their own songs. And if your students are feeling brave enough, they even perform their song in front of the class!
Creating Comic Strips
Comics are the all-time favourite for creative students. And more importantly writing comics involves a good level of dialogue skills, as well as creativity and imagination. And with superheroes being a popular thing in today’s culture, creating comic strips should be a fun task for all of your students. Of course not all comic strips or books are about superheroes, but it is a good place to start.
If you’re planning on adding comic strips to your lesson plans, you should take a look at our blog post on creating your comic strips and comic books.
How-To Guides
How-to guides do sound like a normal, typical writing activity in the classroom. But our way of writing how-to guides is much more fun for your students. Instead of assigning the topic of the guide, ask your students to come up with their own topic. Your students should think about all the things they are good at and decide on which one they should write a guide about.
For example, if a student is really good at playing Minecraft, then they could write a guide on how to build a treehouse in Minecraft. Alternatively if one of your students owns a pet, they could write a guide on how they take care of that pet at home. The key here is to focus on the interests of your students and not to force your own topics onto them. This will help them see the real importance of writing in their daily lives and even encourage them to continue writing outside of school time.
Want more fun writing ideas? Check out this post on over 100 creative writing exercises to inspire you!
Third grade is the perfect time to show your students the importance of writing in their daily lives. This means showing them the creative and fun side of writing, as well as the more formal, essay-style format of writing. A mix of fun with strict guidelines can reinforce the love of writing in kids and get them to see the true beauty that creative writing can offer.
8 Ideas and Activities for Making Writing Fun in Upper Elementary
Making Writing Fun Activities Written by Guest Blogger Jessica Thompson, 4th Grade Teacher
Writing. The minute the word is mentioned there is an audible, in-sync sigh from the students. Of course, there are a few super excited students who cannot get their ideas down quick enough. For every handful of excited writers, there is a large portion of the class that “has nothing to write about.”
The struggle is real, y’all. For both teachers and students.
The big question for teachers is not only how to make writing fun and engaging, but how do we get students excited about writing?
Fun Writing Activities To Try
Here are 8 Activities to try with third, fourth, and fifth grade students. These activities are to get our young writers excited about writing which will make formal writing tasks less daunting.
1. Think-Write-Pass:
This is always a favorite that gets lots of laughs.
Put students in groups of four. Give each student a piece of paper and have them write their name on the top.
Have students write for 2-3 minutes. You can give them a topic, or simply have them write about whatever they want.
When the time is up, students pass their paper to another student in their group. Each student in the group will have to read, continue the writing, and pass the paper again 2-3 minutes later.
When each student gets their own paper back they get a few minutes to complete the story. If time allows: let the groups choose their favorite one to share.
2. Sticky Note Stories:
Students want to share stories with us. There are so many stories - from their weekend, the ball game, recess, at their Aunt Barb’s birthday party 5 years ago - they have so much that they want to tell us!
It’s usually the same students ones who are constantly trying to tell us stories that, come writing time, same they have nothing to write about. Sticky Note Stories are an easy solution.
A sticky post it note is not nearly as intimidating as a piece of notebook paper.
When a student has a story to share, tell them how much you want to hear it - but they have to write it down on the sticky note.
A holiday weekend? A school event? A birthday party? A football game? Write it on a sticky note.
3. Found Poetry
Make copies of text from a book you are reading and have them find words or groups of words throughout the text to create a poem.
They can circle these words and draw pictures or designs around everything else to make the poem pop. See some examples of found poetry here.
3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students can also use words cut out from magazines to create a poem. It is best to precut words and have them in a container to make sure all words are appropriate.
4. Go Outside!
A change of scenery makes everything more fun. Take the notebooks and pencils to the outdoors for 10-15 minutes. Have students sit and use their 5 senses to write observations.
You can stop there, or take this activity a little further and have students write some poetry!
Give them free rein, or add some guidelines for structure.
This free cinquain writing template is perfect for an activity like this!
5. This or That
Sometimes all students need is a little bit of choice and control. Give them that control with This or That.
This is easy - simply provide them with 2 writing prompts and let them choose!
It can be time consuming to create choice boards with 9 options, but with This or That you only need to create two.
6. Silly Pictures
This is an easy way to make writing fun!
There are millions of funny pictures without captions on the internet. The key is to find appropriate ones and save them for later use.
Put the picture up on a projector, mirror it to a screen, or print it out. Have students write about what is happening in that picture.
This is great to practice skills such as predicting, inferring, cause and effect, and problem and solution.
7. Persuasive Letters
Two birds, one writing piece. The key to making this writing activity fun is choosing a topic that is sure to of interest of students.
What student wouldn't love to try to convince their teacher that recess should be longer? Or that they should be able to skip homework one night? Or that they should have a pizza party?
The list of ideas is endless. They could write to their parents on why they should have a later bedtime or get a dog. They could write to the principal on why donuts should be served with breakfast. They could write to an author on why they should write another book in their favorite series. You could also let students choose the topic.
3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students have fun arguing their point and they will learn quickly the importance of supporting their claim.
8. Quick Writes
Quick Writes are a timed writing. The idea is not to scare the students, but for them to get their ideas on paper as quickly as possibly and to be writing or thinking the entire time.
Give students a prompt, and then tell them to write down whatever comes to mind over the next 5 - 10 minutes. Make sure students aren't worried about spelling or a grade - the goal is to just spend some time writing.
If you are looking for a more polished piece, you can have students do this daily for 3-5 days. Then, have them choose their favorite quick write to revise, edit, and turn in.
An Extra Tip for Making Writing Fun
A personalized writing notebook can be an easy way to motivate students to write. This is something that is theirs and they have more ownership over.
Composition books can easily be decorated with pictures, stickers, photographs, etc. and covered with contact paper. Letting them take the time to decorate a notebook with things that are important to them can give them more ownership over their writing - as well as help stir up ideas for writing!
Bonus: Writing will not get lost easily! Make one yourself as a teacher and use it! Let the students see you write. Read your writing to them and make time for students to share too.
Never Stress Over Sub Plans Again!
Make copies, find a fiction book, and you'll be ready for any emergency that comes your way!
10 paper games - Let's play together! — LiveJournal
In our childhood there were a lot of different games, most of them we just kept in our heads, the rules were passed on to each other during the game. Many of these games were played with just a pair of pencils or pens and a piece of paper.
Paper games can safely be called the most intelligent and developing. And now they are forgotten quite undeservedly. It is worth teaching children to play these games, and they can always be occupied on a long road or in rainy weather at home and in the country.
1. Tic-tac-toe
This is the most famous of these games. For her, paper is not always needed, just a foggy window pane in a minibus or a couple of twigs and sand underfoot . ..
A playing field is drawn 3 by 3 cells (9 cells in total). Players take turns making moves by placing a cross or a zero in an empty cell. Purpose of the game: to build a line of 3 crosses or zeroes horizontally, vertically or diagonally. It is extremely difficult to win in this game, basically the game comes down to a draw and more than one game is played.
But still there are certain combinations of moves that lead to victory. ))
When you get tired of playing on a small field, you can increase the field or not limit it at all. On such a field, players take turns making moves until someone manages to line up a line of five characters horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
2. Battleship
This is one of the most favorite games of our childhood. ))
I think everyone remembers the rules. And for those who do not remember, we will remind. This game is for two.
The goal of the game is to sink all enemy ships. Ships are located on 2 square fields measuring 10 by 10 cells. You place ships on your field and the enemy strikes at them. And on the other field, the enemy has his ships. Each player has an equal number of ships - 10 pieces:
Single-deck (1-cell size) 4 pieces
Double-deck (2-cell size) 3 pieces
Three-deck (3-cell size) 2 pieces
Four-deck (4-cell size) 1 piece
When placing ships on the field, it must be taken into account that there must be at least one empty cell between them; ships cannot be placed close to each other.
During his turn, the player selects a cell on the opponent's field and "shoots", calling its coordinates "a1", for example. At the same time, he marks his move on his additional field. If you sank the enemy ship, then the opponent must say “killed”, if you wounded the ship (that is, you hit a ship with more than one deck), then the opponent must say “wounded”. If you hit the opponent's ship, you continue to "shoot".
The game ends when all ships of one of the players are "sunk".
3. Tanchiki
The game requires an A4 sheet folded in half (you can also take any exercise book sheet). Two players draw 10 tanks each on their own half of the sheet. Having finished the alignment of forces, the players begin to “shell” each other in this way: the shot is drawn in their own half of the field, then the sheet is folded in the middle and the shot, visible through the light, is marked in the second half of the field. If the shot hit the tank, then it is considered "knocked out" and one more additional shot is needed to destroy it. If the player hit the tank directly, then one shot is enough.
Each successful shot entitles the player to the next shot. To complicate the game, you can introduce a ban on the next shot at a freshly knocked out tank.
4. Hands
Even small children who are already familiar with numbers can play this game.
It will help you learn how to quickly navigate the numbers and concentrate.
For the game you will need two sheets of paper in a cage, on each sheet the player circles his palm. Now, in the space bounded by the drawing, numbers from 1 to ... are randomly arranged here. Here you need to agree in advance. Next, the game begins. One player calls an arbitrary number, while the other tries to find this number on his palm, while the first player quickly puts crosses in the cells on his sheet, starting from the top left cell. The winner is the one who quickly fills all the cells of his field with crosses.
5. Points and lines.
The conditions of this game on paper are simple: let's put a few dots on a sheet of paper (at least 8, and preferably at least 15). Two players play by connecting any two points in turn with a line segment. You cannot capture the 3rd point, and each point can be the end of only one segment. The segments must not intersect. The one who cannot make a move loses.
In the figures you can see the correct connection of the dots.
and incorrect
6. Dots
We played this game at the institute during boring lectures. It develops tactical and strategic thinking.
The playing field is an ordinary sheet of paper in a box, if there is a lot of time and patience, you can play on a whole notebook spread. The playing field can be circled with a line and forbid by the rules to put dots on this border. Each player must have a pen or pencil of their own color. Players take turns putting dots in random places at the intersection of cells.
The goal of the game is to capture as many paper possessions as possible. A territory is considered captured if it is surrounded by dots of its color. The dots must be spaced one cell apart horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The captured territory is painted over with its own color or a fortress wall is drawn around it (thick line). If you managed to encircle the territory or points of the enemy with dots, they are yours. After such a capture, the player is granted the right of an extraordinary move. In some versions of the game, you can capture only those territories where there are already enemy fortifications. In others, any land is available to you, including free ones. Choose what you like best. At the end of the game, the size of the occupied lands is calculated and the winner is declared. Most often, there is no need to specifically count anything - the result is obvious.
Can also be played with younger children. In this case, the playing field should be made quite small - a quarter of a notebook page or even less, and take paper with large cells.
7. Numbers
Did you play such a game on a notebook in a box at school or institute? We played half of the hostel. ))) I held on for a long time, but then I plunged into it with my head, but an hour home on the train flew by unnoticed.
It was called differently: numbers, numbers, seeds, 19, but the meaning of this did not change. You write out the numbers from 1 to 19 in a row, in a line up to 9, and then you start the next line, in each cell, 1 digit. Then you cross out paired numbers or giving a total of 10. One condition - the pairs must be next to or through the crossed out numbers horizontally or vertically. And after you have crossed out all possible pairs, you rewrite the remaining numbers at the end. The goal is to completely cross out all the numbers.
8. Hangman
A bit inhumane game, but still. As a child, we combined the yard game of Cossack robbers with the "gallows"!.
The meaning of this game is to guess the word by letter in a certain number of moves.
One player thinks of a word (simple and short to begin with). He writes his first and last letters, and instead of the missing letters we put dashes. The task of the second player is to guess the hidden word. He names a letter. If this letter is in the word, we enter it in its place. If not, then we write the letter to the side so as not to repeat ourselves, and we begin to draw the "gallows" - a vertical line. With the next error - horizontal (it turns out something like the letter g). Then a rope, a loop, a man's head, a torso, arms and legs are drawn. For these several attempts, the player must guess the word. If it didn't work out, you lost. If he had time, it was his turn to think of a word.
9. Balda
Another game with words. Here you can play with two, three or even one.
A square playing field with 5x5 cells is drawn on a sheet of paper, for example. In the middle row we write a word of five letters. Players take turns making moves. In one move, a letter is entered into a free cell in such a way that a new word is formed each time. Words can be read in any direction except diagonal. For each word, the player receives as many points as there are letters in the word. Words are written on the side of the field so that other players do not repeat them. The game ends when all the cells are filled with letters or none of the players can come up with a new word. After that, the number of points is calculated. Whoever has the most wins.
10. Dots and squares
Game for two players. You will need a sheet of paper, preferably in a cage, and a pair of pens in different colors.
On a piece of paper, a playing field is drawn in size from 3 * 3 squares, and more (up to 9 * 9), depending on the level of the players.
The essence of the game: players take turns drawing lines one cell long, trying to create squares of 1 by 1 inside the field. If your line has become the final one in the square, put your sign in it and get the right to an additional move. The moves continue until you put a line that does not close any square. The game ends when the entire field is filled. After that, the number of squares closed by each player is counted and the winner is announced.
For all its simplicity, a game with a twist. Here you can calculate the moves ahead and try to put your opponent in a disadvantageous position, forcing him to make an uncomfortable move.
What games did you play? Share with us the "paper" games of your childhood!
Tags: For preschoolers, For schoolchildren, M&D, Strategy games
Paper games for two or more: rules for 22 games
- Simple paper games
- Paper games - a selection of books
- National paper games
Paper games: for children and adults, simple and complex, creative and strategic, fun and educational. New games from around the world that you have not heard of!
Life with children can be boring or fun, and it does not depend on any external circumstances!
Zhenya Katz "Games for Beginner Moms"
Simple games on a sheet of paper
The player thinks of a picture and draws part of it, and then passes it on to another player.
Treasure map
It is necessary to draw a schematic plan of the apartment - a treasure map and indicate the place where the treasure is hidden.
Enrich vocabulary, develop imagination and laugh a lot! We take a word of 3-4 letters and, changing 1 letter at a time, we turn it into others, and so on, until it turns out. The chain can turn out from 3-5 to 50 words. And then, according to the recorded words, we compose a story. Impossible not to laugh, checked!
Many words
Choose 1 long word and use its letters to make many short words. Whoever has more - he won!
An old unforgotten game. To make it more interesting, play on a large field - 4*4 or 5*5 cells.
The game stimulates the imagination. One draws any squiggle with his own color, and the second turns it into anything with the help of fantasy.
Tic-tac-toe game, only with letters. On the 3 * 3 field, two players put any one letter each, and the one who, by the end of the game (when all the fields are filled), will be able to write diagonally, vertically or horizontally more well-known words of 3 letters wins.
A square playing field is drawn on a piece of paper with 5*5 cells for the word BALDA or another number of cells corresponding to the number of letters in another word. Write a word in the middle row. Players take turns making moves. In one move, a letter is entered into a free cell in such a way that a new word is formed each time.
Words can be read in any direction. For each word, the player receives as many points as there are letters in the word. The game ends when all the cells are filled with letters or none of the players can come up with a new word.
Silent artist
Develop imagination and associative thinking! Non-reading children receive an oral task from their mother: how would you depict a holiday (lake, mirror, mother cat, stars)? The drawing needs a schematic, only a contour, the main thing is figurative thinking.
The older the child, the less specific the words are - not “pan”, but “dinner”, not “five in the diary”, but “end of the quarter”. You will be surprised how interesting children's thinking works!
We prepare leaflets with an arbitrary number of words (difficulty by age) and draw, and then guess.
A game without competition, the main thing is to convey the meaning.
Bulls and cows
The player thinks of a four-digit number. All digits in the number must be different. His opponent must guess the number. Each time he also calls a four-digit number with different digits. If the figure from the named number is in the guessed number - this is a cow. If the figure from the named number is in the guessed number and stands in the same place - this is a bull.
Capture the field
In addition to a piece of paper and a pen, this game will require a dice or two (to speed up the game and develop children's addition skills). The first player rolls the dice(s), adds up the numbers that have fallen (if there are 2 dice) and paints as many squares on his playing field as he received as a result.
The first person to color all the squares wins. You can also play 3 dice! Those already familiar with the multiplication table can play with multiplication instead of addition!
Paper strategy games for two or more
Naval battle
The goal of the game is to sink all enemy ships. We arrange the ships and "shoot" in turn.
Ships are placed on a field of 10*10 cells. The letters and numbers along the sides of the square are the coordinates. Each player has 10 ships: 4 one-deck (1 cell), 3 two-deck (2 cells), 2 three-deck (3 cells), 1 four-deck (4 cells). There must be at least 1 empty space between ships.
The second similar field is drawn for clarity of "shooting" at the enemy's field. The player names the coordinates, for example, "K5", the enemy honestly answers: "past", "wounded" or "killed". The victim shoots again. The one who misses passes the right to shoot to the enemy.
The game is widely known in the world under the name Scrabble. From separate letters it is necessary to make words and put them on the field. You can buy a field for playing Scrabble or play on a piece of paper.
Knight move
We work with logic and spatial thinking! We teach a child how a chess horse walks. We draw a small field of play on a sheet in a cage. We start the game from any cell: “we walk”, we take turns putting a cross in a cell one after another (older - numbers from 1 to . ..), while it is possible to walk.
First, you can show the trajectory, then the child can already “draw” it in his mind. Task: fill the field as much as possible. With older children - who will have nowhere to go - lost.
The players are trying to build a bridge from one side of their bank to the other. Red has red shores and crosses as stones, Green has green shores and zeros. The game can start anywhere on the field.
In one move, a player can connect two adjacent stones with a vertical or horizontal bridge. Red and green bridges must not intersect. The winner is the one who builds a continuous bridge from one of its banks to the other.
It is necessary to put several points on a sheet of paper (at least 8, the more, the more interesting). Two players play by connecting any two points in turn with a line segment. You cannot capture the 3rd point, and each point can be the end of only one segment. The segments must not intersect. The one who cannot make a move loses.
This is a paper strategy game for two or four people. The goal of the game is to connect the drawn lines into squares. The player who draws the most squares wins.
It is necessary to create a field of dots, 10*10 is enough to start with. But you can play with any field. Each player takes turns drawing lines by connecting 2 adjacent dots.
As soon as the player finishes the square, he fills the square with his color or puts his sign inside and can make one more move.
Two players must use different colored pens or pencils. A square of arbitrary size is drawn, for example, 9*9 cells. 2 sides of one color and 2 of another. Each player chooses points and begins to draw his snake, lengthening it alternately by 2 cells in one move. You cannot walk diagonally and cross your own or someone else's snake. You can lead the snake on the side of the opposite color. The one who cannot make a move will lose.
This is a simple pen and paper puzzle that trains visual perception and spatial reasoning. The goal of the game is to be the last player to successfully place a tromino on the game board.
Tromino is a figure consisting of three squares connected by sides. You can either play straight pieces only, corner pieces only, or both versions at the same time.
The goal of the game is to be the last player to place a tromino on the board, thereby blocking the opponent's ability to play.
Read more about the tromino game in the next article.
Games on a sheet of paper with letters
Games on paper - a selection of books
Games on a sheet of paper published by Bely Gorod. A whole encyclopedia and almost a complete collection of such books! To the labyrinth
Games on paper. Tic-tac-toe, sea battle, dots and segments - a budget book by the Phoenix publishing house, in Chitai-gorod.
National games on paper
When these strategic games were played on the ground or sand with stones, sticks, flowers, etc. These days, playing has become easier, but no less interesting.
Dara is a cool match 3 game from North West Africa. The goal of the game is to capture your opponent's tokens so that he can no longer place his tokens three in a row of . Read more here.
Tiger and Leopards or Len Choa is a traditional game from Thailand in which a tiger (hunter) fights six leopards (victims). The tiger tries to catch the leopard by jumping over it (as in checkers).
The leopards are trying to surround the tiger and block it so that it cannot move. The game is dynamic, there is not enough pen and paper for it - chips are also needed (coins, buttons, scraps of paper - whatever). About the strategy of the game here.
Fox and Geese is a traditional board game from Northern Europe. This is a variation of Halatafl, a Viking board game mentioned in the early Icelandic sagas. Read more here.