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On the night of May 6, the main "star rain" of spring can be observed
On the night of May 6, the main "star rain" of spring can be observed - Gazeta.
In Sochi, a girl rode on the roof of a car for a selfie 13:16
Biden discussed with the leaders of Japan and South Korea the expansion of support for Ukraine 13:13
Nemkov assessed Makhachev's chances of defeating Volkanovski in a duel... 13:11
In the Moscow region, the patient was not given an X-ray due to the inadequate condition of the physician 13:11
Mozambique exported LNG for the first time in its history 13:11
Indian Express: India wanted to double its trade with Russia 13:11
Sony restricted Russians in buying games for PlayStation 13:08
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Kishida accused China of violating Japan's sovereignty 13:01
After Milokhin left the Ice Age, Medvedev received ... 12:58
On the night of May 6, earthlings will be able to observe the main "star shower" of spring - the May Aquarids meteor shower. What is the peculiarity of this meteor shower and how to observe it, says the science department of Gazeta.Ru.
This night, the sky will be illuminated by the eta-Aquarids (η-Aquarids, or May Aquarids) meteor shower, a meteor shower so named because its radiant is located in the constellation of Aquarius, next to one of its brightest stars, η-Aquarius. A radiant is a region of the celestial sphere that appears to be the source of meteors, which are observed when the Earth meets a swarm of meteoroids moving around the Sun in a common orbit.
The May Aquarids were first described back in 1870 by Lieutenant Tupman during his trip to the Mediterranean.
Ringing in space
About merging neutron stars, gravitational waves and black holes in their traditional...
April 02 16:03
A serious interest in the study of meteor showers only after the end of World War II.
The maximum intensity of the eta-Aquarida shower will occur at 23.00 Moscow time on May 5, 2016. At the peak moment, the frequency of falling will be up to 40 meteors (dust particles that comets leave behind) per hour. By the way, sometimes the May Aquarids reach 70 meteors per hour and therefore are considered one of the most highly active meteor showers.
The press service of the Moscow Planetarium notes that it is best to make a wish on a shooting star on the night of May 6th. After May 6, the activity of falling meteors will decrease - however, the Russians will be able to observe the meteor shower until the end of spring.
“The coolness of η-Aquarids lies in the fact that they are generated by Halley’s comet — the very first and most famous of the officially discovered comets,” Anton Biryukov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, researcher at the Laboratory of Space projects of SAI MSU.
- The Earth these days crosses its orbit, in which many particles remain, the "dust" of the comet, lost during its journey around the Sun.
The ninth planet has been discovered
Scientists have stunned the world with an unexpected discovery - an indication of the ninth planet in the solar system. ..
January 21 18:31
So we can say that there is a chance to observe a piece of Halley's comet.
Otherwise, she herself will return only in 2061.”
Halley's Comet is a bright, short-period comet that returns to the Sun every 75–76 years. The comet is named after the English astronomer Edmund Halley.
In order to see the meteor shower in all its glory, it is best for residents of megacities to go beyond the city lights (for a wider viewing angle), and also stock up on a warm blanket and hot tea (forecasters promise a cool night). Astronomers report that the best place to watch the meteor shower will be in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Komi and Karelia.
In addition, astronomers note that this year the Moon will not interfere with the observation due to the fact that its phase is close to the new moon.
By the way, very soon the Russians are waiting for a few more important events - for example, 9In May, the inferior conjunction of Mercury with the Sun will take place. On this day, the Russians will be able to observe a small dark spot on the solar disk. On May 22, the opposition of Mars will occur, and on May 31 it will be at a minimum distance from our planet, allowing you to see one of its polar caps.
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Picture of the day
Military operation of the RF Armed Forces in Ukraine. Day 263
Online broadcast of the Russian military special operation in Ukraine — Day 263
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Ambassador Markarova said that Ukraine plans to build a modular nuclear reactor with the United States
Indian Express: India wants to double trade with Russia
Reuters: National Bank of Ukraine is preparing the banking system for power outages
News and materials
Biden discussed with the leaders of Japan and South Korea the expansion of support for Ukraine
Nemkov estimated the chances of Makhachev to win over Volkanovski in the fight for the UFC
titleIn the Moscow region, the patient was not given an X-ray due to the inadequate condition of the physician
Mozambique exported LNG for the first time in its history
Sony restricted Russians in buying games for PlayStation
The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Pyongyang denied reports about the sewing in the DPRK of a uniform for participants in the NWO
Kishida accused China of violating Japanese sovereignty
After Milokhin left the Ice Age, Medvedev got 12 points with a new partner
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Prigozhin asked to check Beglov under the article on treason
Scientists have discovered a human gene in transparent worms
The truck pushed the passenger car into a dump truck near Novosibirsk
Paul McCartney sold a guitar for $77,000 to support Ukraine
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Navka spoke about the form of figure skater Tuktamysheva at the Russian Grand Prix stage in Moscow
112: in Yakutsk, hookah bar guards accidentally strangled a police officer
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"": a large fire occurred in Chornomorsk, Odessa region
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Abstract of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the senior group "Space travel".

1. Identify the acquired knowledge, skills and ideas that children received during the school year.
2. Improve the ability to find the previous and the next number in the number series, count to 10 and back, solve addition and subtraction problems;
3. Improve knowledge of geometric shapes (circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle) .
4. Exercise the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper (center, corners) .
5. Continue to form the ability to name the days of the week and months;
6. Develop mathematical speech , thinking in solving logical problems, communicative qualities of children;
7. Raise interest in mathematics , respect for each other, desire to help a friend.
Materials and equipment : rocket, Luntik toy, sheets A 4, pencil cases with geometric shapes, a poster with houses, cards with numbers, 7 stars with tasks, illustrations of five planets "Counter" , "Veruchayka" , "Reshayka" , "Executive" , "Surprise" , envelopes with tasks for each planet, emoticons, 2 large envelopes with letters from the movie, tape recorder, Star Wars , a picture of the maze for each child, pencils, chest, fives for each child.
Contents lessons .
1. Organizational moment.
Children stand in a circle.
Educator: The children stood up exactly in a circle,
And then they suddenly sat down.
And now let's go in a circle,
We smile at each other.
Well done!
Guys, there was a meteor shower last night, and when I came to work, I saw this star on the windowsill. But this is not an ordinary star, this is someone's message. Shall we read it?
“Dear guys! I love to travel so I flew to space . And since I did not go to kindergarten and did not study math , then I made a lot of mistakes, because of which I can’t return home, because aliens won’t let me go. Please help me! Luntik.
Guys, do you want to help Luntik?
- Then I invite you to go on a space trip . How can you fly to space ?
- Why can't you fly by plane? By helicopter?
Now let's check how you are ready to fly?
I. Game "Attention, astronauts !”
-What season is it now?
-List the spring months.
-Is it evening or night?
-Who is on your right
-Who is on your left, on your right?
- What day of the week is it today?
- What day of the week was yesterday?
- What day of the week will it be tomorrow?
- What is the name of the first day of the week? Last?
Well done!
And now I want to check how you know how to navigate in space.
Don't say anything, just show with your hands: - high, far, low, close, left, right, wide, narrow.
- Any space route is open to those who love work!
- Well done, you answered correctly. Now we will sit in a rocket. And in order for the rocket to take off, you need to give the command " Start " . Sit down, get ready, count: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 - " Start " .
- So we ended up in outer space . Very strange planets here. Let's fly up to the first planet, it's called "Counting" . Why do you think the planet is called that?
(There is an envelope on the table.)
The teacher takes out a letter and reads: “Guys! We are very glad that you came to visit us to help out Luntik. You are very brave, funny, kind. We wish you success in all our tasks.”
It turns out that Luntik mixed up all the numbers on this planet. You need to find the number's neighbors.
A/C "Find the neighbors of the number" .
(The teacher shows the number. Children call the number in front and the next number.)
- Well done! Let's go to the next planet.
(musical accompaniment)
- The planet is called "The Helper" . What does the name of this planet tell you?
- What happened here? It turns out that Luntik was invited to visit by his friends, but he could not meet with them, because he did not find them at home. Let's find Luntik's friends?
D/S "Make no mistake!"
Listen carefully task .
• A friend lives in the tallest house on the fifth floor. You need to find the biggest house and this house has the fifth floor (Children find the floor, put a smiley)
• His second friend lives in the lowest house on the third floor.
(Children find the right floor, post a smiley)
•The third friend lives neither in a low nor in a high house on the fourth floor. (Children find the right floor, post a smiley)
- Well, did Luntik help out?
- Now he can easily find where his friends live. And we are going to the next planet "Reshaika" .
(musical accompaniment)
- What awaits us on this planet? What do you think, what do we have to do now ?
Fun Tasks .
- Some space stars (turns one, reads) . Here, puzzles have been prepared for us, if we solve them correctly, we can safely fly further in search of Luntik, but for this you need to be very attentive .
1. On Andryusha's saucer,
Four yellow pears.
The child wanted to eat
And he ate one of the pears.
Now count the pears,
On Andryusha's saucer.
2. Five crows sat on the roof.
Two more flew to them.
Answer quickly, boldly
How many birds per roof?
3. A hedgehog brought three apples from the orchard.
I gave the most ruddy squirrel.
The squirrel received the gift with joy.
Count the hedgehog's apples on the plate.
4. Five fluffy cats lay down in a basket.
Then one of them ran up to them, how many cats were together? (6)
5. Dasha's grandmother has a granddaughter Masha,
Petushok the cat and Druzhok the dog.
How many grandchildren does grandmother Dasha have?
6. There are 2 apples and 3 pears on the table.
How many vegetables are on the table?
(none, because apples and pears are fruits)
7. There are 3 thick branches on a birch.
Each branch has 2 thin branches.
Each thin branch has one apple.
How many apples are there?
(apples do not grow at all on a birch)
Well done! You did a very good job. It's time to fly to the next planet.
- This planet is called "Performer" . What does the name of this planet mean?
(Children pass and sit at tables) .
- This task is the most difficult, and here you need to be attentive , otherwise we will never find Luntik. Before you are space sheets of paper and geometric shapes. Before you begin to complete the task, you need to remember what a sheet of paper has? (corners, middle)
Y/n " Determine the place of the figure " .
• Place three triangles in the lower left corner.
• Two squares in the upper left corner.
• Four circles in the upper right corner.
• One rectangle in the lower right corner.
• In the middle, put the one remaining piece that you and I didn't use. (oval)
- Guys, you coped with this task. Well done! We fly further.
(musical accompaniment)
-We have one more planet left "Surprise" . Everyone probably guessed why it is called that?
(The teacher takes out a chest with a letter from aliens on the lid and reads it).
"The chest will open only if you find Luntik according to proposed plan ".
Labyrinth .
- Draw the movement of the rocket to the planet.
(Children draw a path with a pencil) .
(The teacher takes Luntik's toy out of the chest) .
- We found Luntik, now he can fly home together with his dreams.