Cooperation activity for kindergarten
41 Fun Cooperative Games for Kids
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Cooperative Games for KidsEveryone likes to win at games, especially young children who might have not yet learned to take minor losses in stride. Of course, when it comes to most games, victory and defeat are twin sides of the same coin, which can create thorny situations for teachers and parents. Fortunately, there’s an increasing number of easy and diverting solutions to this conundrum: cooperative games.
In these games, the players work together as a group to achieve a common goal, rather than playing against each other. While victory is still not guaranteed, a cooperative game will ensure that each participant can have a great time from beginning to end. As a bonus, it’s never too early to teach children about the importance of teamwork, and games provide a fun backdrop to the lesson. Some of these games can even double as trust-building activities for adults in the workplace. In addition, participation in these games may even help antisocial or aggressive children become more calm and relaxed in a school setting.
To help you get started, here’s a list of popular cooperative games that are both fun and simple to learn. All of them are suitable for grade-school aged children (some younger than others).
Cooperative Games for PE
1. Smaug’s Jewels
This game (based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit) invites players to steal the “dragon’s” jewels and make it back to their base without being captured.First, use cones or other stationary markers to create a circle, and place one player at each marker. Place a Nerf football (or any soft object) in the center of the circle. Choose one player to serve as “Smaug” (the dragon), and assign a number to each remaining player to divide them into teams (1, 2, or 3).
To begin play, call a team’s number. This team will have to work together in an attempt to take “Smaug’s Jewel” and return safely to their base. If Smaug manages to tag any of the players before they get back to their base, that team’s turn ends. When a team manages to steal the jewel, it’s time to select a different player to act as Smaug.
2. Iceberg
If you’re looking for cooperative games for PE for students in the lower grades (K-2), this is a suitable option.First, split students into teams of 4 (or 6, depending on the size of the class and the number of playing surfaces you have on hand). Give each team a playing surface (old sheets and tablecloths are preferred). Have each team lay out their playing surface on the floor.
When you’re ready to begin play, blow a whistle or clap your hands to alert all players to stand on their team’s playing surface.
The area beyond the boundaries of the sheet are off-limits. Once every player is on the sheet, have them move off and fold the sheet in half, repeating this process until the sheet is too small for the entire team to stand on.
3. Space Race
The objective of this game is to collect enough “fuel sources” (bean bags) and return them to the “tanks” (small hoops or poly spots) without touching the area outside the “spaceships” (hula hoops).Divide players up into teams of four to six, depending on group size. Scatter a total of five bean bags for each team across the playing surface. Assign each team a “home base” with five fuel tanks apiece.
Players can begin in either the center of the playing surface, or at their team’s home base. To move across the playing surface, players must formulate a path using the hula hoops (three per team works well), gathering all team members within these safe spaces. A hoop can be moved only when there are no players currently inside it.
Once the fuel sources have been collected, they must be placed on the tanks. Tossing the bean bags is not allowed—the players must physically return to their home base.
4. Caterpillar
Note that players should be comfortable doing a forward roll before attempting this activity.If you like, divide players into two teams (it’s fine to keep them in a single line instead). Line up each team, single file, and have each player pass their right hand through their own legs before reaching out their left hands to take the right hand of the person in front of them. The player in front will still have a free left hand, while the rear player has a free right hand.
Once this is done, have the first player perform a forward roll, without relinquishing the next player’s hand. Once this player has completed his or her roll, have them sit cross-legged as the line works together to move forward. Each subsequent player will repeat the forward roll, also sitting cross-legged when finished. The goal is to move through the entire line without breaking the chain.
5. Rope Circle
Divide players into groups of two. Have one partner tie a jump rope loosely around their own wrists (one end on the right wrist, one on the left). Next, have the second partner tie a second jump rope around their own left wrist, then thread the other end of rope through their partner’s “circle.” Finally, the free end should be tied to the second player’s right wrist. The players should then attempt to separate from one another without untying the ropes or freeing themselves from their own circles. It’s up to the supervisor to make sure that the ropes aren’t being tied too tightly.
6. Ball Builders
Divide players into groups of two or three. Assign one player on each team to be the holder, and the rest to be the builders. The objective is to see how many tennis balls the holder can hold on to at one time, without using their pockets or any other article of clothing. Additionally, the balls cannot be touching anything aside from each other and the holder, and must be held for at least 10 seconds. Players are welcome to switch roles after a few attempts.
7. Crossing the River
This game can be played with groups of two to five participants, depending on age group. The smaller the group, the more challenging the game becomes.The objective is to move your entire group across the “river,” or playing surface (this can be as wide as you like, but 20-30 feet is standard). To do this, players should line up beside each other, their feet touching their closest neighbors’. In order to cross, they must move as a group without breaking this contact. If a player’s feet loses contact with any other player’s, the entire team has to return to the starting line.
8. Shipwrecked
Divide players into teams of eight to 10 students apiece, and assign a large hoop to each team. This hoop will act as their “spaceship.” Blow a whistle to signify the beginning of play, at which time the players will begin racing with their ship toward the finish line. Note that all team members must be touching the ship at all times during this portion of play.When you call out “Shipwrecked,” the players all must set their ship down and attempt to get within the circle. The first team to get every player on board earns one point, and the first team to cross the finish line earns two points. The team with the most points is the winner of that particular “voyage.”
9. Knots
To play this game, divide players into teams of six, and have each team form a circle. Instruct players to hold hands with two others (they can’t hold both hands of the same player), making sure that no one’s hands are joined with their closest neighbors’.Once this is done, blow a whistle to signal that it’s time for the “knot” to begin unraveling. All hands must remain joined until the team is standing in a circle, or in two intertwined circles.
10. Frenzy
This is a fun way for students to let out pent-up energy on a rainy day. Invite players to scatter across the playing area (the gymnasium is the preferred venue). Next, toss out as many balls (or balloons) as there are players. The participants will then attempt to keep the balls (known here as “rabid nuggets”) in constant movement.
Instructors should stand at either end of the gym to keep an eye out for “hectics,” or balls that stop moving. Once you’ve spotted one, yell out “HECTIC!” and point to the offending object. Players are then given a set period of time (say, five seconds) to get the hectic moving again.
Once five hectics have been spotted, the “frenzy” is over. Time each frenzy to see how long the players are able to make one last. To keep things more interesting, toss another rabid nugget into the fray every 10 seconds or so.
11. Group Juggle
Even students who aren’t skilled at juggling on their own can be successful at this cooperative activity.To begin, split the class into teams of at least 5 (try to stick with odd-numbered teams). Have all players form a circle, facing one another. One player should then be given a ball, which he will throw to any team member who isn’t standing directly to his right or left. The next player repeats this step, and so on and so forth, until the ball returns to the starting player. Once this happens, have the players attempt to pass the ball in the same sequence as before. Once a rhythm has been established, continue by adding more balls to the circle.
12. Birds of a Feather
In advance, make up a series of index cards printed with the names of various animals (two for each animal you choose). Be sure that each creature has a distinctive sound that children will likely be familiar with.To play, have each student draw a card from the pile. Turn them loose in a safe playing field, encouraging them to keep their eyes closed during play. Have them imitate their designated animal, repeating the sounds until they locate the student who shares the same animal. Once this happens, the pair is welcome to open their eyes. The game is over when all of the pairs have been matched up.
13. Amoeba Advance
This game requires splitting the class up into two equal teams. Once you’ve done that, invite half the team to form a circle by joining their elbows, and have the rest of the team wedge themselves inside the circle.When both teams have formed their makeshift amoebas, blow a whistle to signify the start of play. The teams will then attempt to make it to the finish line without breaking up the group. If the amoeba should dissolve during the attempt, the team must repair itself before it can move forward.
14. Magnificent Marbles
In advance, designate a large circle to serve as the giant marble ring. Place three or four partially deflated beach balls and an equal number of smaller targets (like multicolored poly spots) within the playing circle.To begin play, have ready a supply of bean bags. Invite participants to stand outside the circle and use the bean bags to nudge the balls as close to the smaller target areas as possible. Players are not permitted inside the playing circle; if a bean bag gets stuck inside, they may attempt to retrieve it only by throwing another bean bag in to try and knock it out.
15. Dry Marco Polo
This activity is a good one to use as an icebreaker on the first day of gym class. It bears a resemblance to Birds of a Feather, only students are given a larger role in the setup.Divide students into pairs. Each group must then choose either a compound word or a group of words that work together in some way (i.e., “suit” and “case” or “cheese” and “whiz”). The relationship between the two words doesn’t really matter, as long as both partners agree on which ones to use. One player should be assigned one word, with their partner taking on the other.
Invite each team to share their chosen words with the rest of the class. Not only does this provide the group with a fun sharing activity, it will help to ensure that each word pairing is unique.
Next, have the students scatter to various areas within a safe playing field. Ask them to close their eyes (or use blindfolds if necessary). Blow a whistle to signify the start of play, at which time the players should begin calling out their assigned words. Once the partners have found one another, they’re invited to open their eyes (or remove their blindfolds) and watch the rest of the group.
Cooperative Board Games for Kids
16. Mmm!
The object of this game, in which the players are represented by a group of mice, is to “finish” all the food in the pantry before the hungry cat breaks up the party. There are three six-sided dice, all printed with five different types of food and one X; and a playing surface, featuring the same food images and, of course, the cat.
On a single player’s turn, he or she will roll all three dice. If all three are X’s, the cat moves one step closer to the pantry, and the player’s turn is over. If the dice turn up any food images, the player must place at least one die on the corresponding food square located on the board. They may then choose to re-roll the remaining dice in an attempt to “finish” the chosen food. If they are unable to do so on their subsequent roll, the player’s turn ends with the cat moving one step closer. The player is permitted to go on rolling the dice for as long as he or she is able to place at least one die on the board.
If the cat reaches the pantry while there’s still unfinished food on the board, the game has been lost. If, however, the team manages to finish all the food, then they’ve won. The reverse side of the playing surface offers a more challenging version of the same principle.
17. Stack Up!
As cooperative board games go, this one is as simple as it gets. During play, players take turns spinning a color-coded dial and stacking blocks of the corresponding color. The objective is to stack twelve blocks without landing on the “Stack Smasher” when the dial is spun.The dial also contains challenges to make the game more interesting—for example, players might have to stack while singing “Happy Birthday. ” There are three levels of difficulty, so if the game becomes too dull for young players, they’re welcome to ramp it up.
18. Race to the Treasure
Like Candy Land, Race to the Treasure requires no reading, and the rules are easy enough for toddlers to follow. Players take turns drawing tiles from a sack, indicating either a section of a path or a picture of the dreaded Ogre who guards the treasure.The objective is to make a path to the three keys that will unlock the treasure, before forging a path to the final goal: the treasure itself. Meanwhile, each Ogre tile will move him closer to the prize. If he gets there first, the team loses. If they reach the treasure before the Ogre does, they win.
19. Hoot Owl Hoot!
The concept between Hoot Owl Hoot! is that it’s nighttime, and all the owls are out on the hunt. The objective is to get them all safely back to the nest before sunrise.To begin, a token representing the sun is placed on its corresponding track, while three owls are placed on a track of their own. Each player then receives three cards, which will be placed face up in front of them.
The deck includes 50 cards, 36 of which represent colors, and 14 of which represent the sun. When a player receives a sun card, they must use it to move the sun token forward one space on the board, after which they discard the sun card. If a player has all color cards on their turn, they must discard one and move one of the owls to the first available open space in the corresponding color. If one of the owls surpasses another owl on the board, the players all make a hooting sound to cheer it on. If all of the owls have made it back to the nest before the sun completes its track, then the team wins!
To make the game more challenging, add more owls to the board at the start of play (the game includes six owls total).
20. Pandemic
The concept behind this popular game is compelling, if somewhat frightening to children under the age of eight: Your team is tasked with fighting a series of dangerous viruses that are spreading across the world. Players must travel to different areas of the globe to offer treatment to those infected, and also to build research stations in the attempt to find cures for the various diseases. Two decks of cards (one benign, one “Epidemic!”) control the courses of the viruses, and participants must work together to coordinate a successful plan.
21. Feed the Woozle
Instead of working against a common enemy, participants in this lighthearted adventure are trying to keep the mythical “Woozle” fed so he won’t go hungry.Players are invited to feed the Woozle the number of snacks that appears on the die during their turn. To make play more challenging, they’re also tasked with making sure the snacks remain on the spoon during transfer (he won’t eat them otherwise, and they won’t count towards the total). Once he’s been fed, the player takes a “yummy card” from the stack to indicate how many treats he’s gotten so far.
The next player then repeats the process, until all the snacks are gone. If the Woozle has gotten 12, then the team wins; if not, the beast remains hungry until the next round of play.
22. Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters
This game is similar to Race to the Treasure!, but the setup is slightly different. Participants join forces in an attempt to recover treasure from a haunted house before the place becomes overrun by ghouls. Along the way, they have to evade these same ghouls through a combination of wit, teamwork, and skill.
23. Flashpoint Fire Rescue
In Flashpoint Fire Rescue, players are trying to save a city from the threat of a spreading fire. The team is outfitted with basic equipment, and tasked with rescuing a number of civilians from the burning buildings. As the fire spreads, pathways to the victims may become blocked, making the task that much more difficult.There are two skill levels for Flashpoint Fire Rescue: basic and advanced. When playing with very young children, you might want to tone down the intensity of the threat, even though it’s make-believe to begin with. For example, if you fail to save the building, you can explain that a rival team managed to save the people inside instead.
24. Harvest Time
This one is geared toward very young children—even preschoolers can get in on the fun. The playing surface is a basic board, depicting a farmhouse surrounded by acres of crops, along with various homegrown vegetables The object is to gather the entire harvest before winter sets in and destroys the crops. Families who live in rural areas may appreciate this one the most, as it teaches valuable life skills that are bound to come in handy later.
25. Granny’s House
Another game aimed at the preschool set, this one inviting the tykes to set out on an adventure to Granny’s House while encountering a number of troublesome obstacles along the way.The board is reminiscent of old favorites like Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders, with its depictions of varicolored symbols that make up the path to the titular destination. Play is picture-based, so reading comprehension isn’t a necessary prerequisite.
26. Stone Soup
This cheerily designed game is similar to Memory in nature, as players have to locate matching cards in order to add a variety of ingredients to the soup pot. Unlike the traditional rules of Memory, however, the players aren’t trying to amass the greatest number of pairs, but to keep the soup cooking for as long as the fire keeps burning. If the designated number of ingredients hasn’t been added by the time the fire goes out under the kettle, the game is over and the family goes hungry.
27. Mermaid Island
In this fantastical, nautical outing, players try to get the mermaids back to their home base before the evil Sea Witch can swoop in to destroy them. Oftentimes, a single move might endanger the others, so participants must remain aware if they want to get the whole group (fleet?) home safely. Obviously, this is an appealing option for the girls in the group, but there’s no reason why boys shouldn’t enjoy it too.
28. The Secret Door
Sleuths-in-training will want to play this game again and again, as participants attempt to locate a number of valuable objects within a deserted mansion. To do this, they’ll take turns flipping cards from a deck to look for two that match—but if they turn over twelve clock cards before they locate all the treasures, the game is over. Should they find all of the hidden objects, they’re then invited to figure out which three cards were hidden from the deck at the start of play.
29. Lion In My Way
In addition to providing youngsters with a cooperative activity, Lion In My Way often inspires creative storytelling as well. The object is to get from one end of the board to the other, all while encountering the likes of hungry lions, barren deserts, and a number of other increasingly peculiar obstacles. A set of tool cards aids players in their efforts to defeat these roadblocks.
30. Outfoxed!
This foxy outing serves as a good forerunner to Clue, or any other detective-themed game. The story goes that a mysterious thief has made off with Mrs. Plumpert’s pie. Players must follow clues to determine which of the sly foxes is the culprit before he can make it safely to the other side of the board.To play, participants may choose whether to either search for clues or reveal possible suspects on their respective turns. Should the player be unsuccessful in turning up their desired action when they roll the dice, the fox moves ahead three spaces on the board. If they succeed in winning the opportunity to take action, they’ll either use the suspect cards to gather new information, or move their own playing piece across the board to search for clues. As play progresses, the players will be able to narrow down the list of suspects, based on the information they’ve gathered.
If the fox token makes it all the way to the end of the board and the players haven’t named a suspect, the game is over and the detectives lose. Likewise if the players accuse a suspect who turns out to be innocent. However, if the correct culprit is named, the detectives win.
For more information on the rules of Outfoxed! and other board games like it, check out the Board Game Geek website.
Cooperative Games for the Classroom
31. Balloon Bop
Remember playing a game of catch and trying to see how many passes you could make without allowing the ball to hit the ground? This game has a similar objective, but it utilizes a balloon (or multiple balloons) and a larger group of people.
To begin the teacher should invite children to form a loose circle by holding hands. Continue by dropping a balloon (not helium-filled) into the middle of the circle, and ask students to count how many times they can “bop” it back into the air without breaking the circle. To do this, the students may use any part of their body except for their feet (knees are acceptable). The game is over when the balloon touches the floor or a student’s foot, or if any student lets go of their neighbor’s hand.
This game is better suited to children at the upper grade-school level (say, third grade and up). To make it more challenging, add a second or third balloon.
32. Zoom
This is a fun, interactive classroom game that takes the concepts of loss and victory right out of the equation. Instead, students are seated in a circle, and each one is handed a simple photograph. The images don’t really matter, but try to keep them as basic as possible.To play, invite one of the students to begin telling a story, based on the image that he or she is holding. After one minute, say “freeze” and move on to the next student, who will then continue the story based on his or her own photograph, and so on. The greatest challenges will lie with the first student, who’ll need to create a solid introduction; and the last one, who’s responsible for the conclusion.
33. Humpty Dumpty
Older grade school students are the best participants for this activity, which should only be attempted in an uncarpeted area. To begin, divide students into groups of four or five. Supply each team with a raw egg, and task them with creating a situation in which the egg will not break when dropped from a certain height (say, six feet). Teams are then free to make use of whatever objects in the classroom might be helpful in achieving their goal. After a set time period, ask the teams to demonstrate their work.
Earlier versions of this game supplied each team with a box of plastic straws, with which they would then build a cushioning device. However, as single-use plastics fall further out of favor, it’s better to encourage students to work with the items they have on hand.
34. Balancing the Hula Hoop
The object of this game sounds straightforward: Teams of four or five work together to lower a hula hoop from about nose-height to the floor, using only the very tips of their fingers. As your students will come to learn, however, it’s much more difficult than it looks.
35. Hula Hoop Hustle
If you still have those hula hoops and the students are bored with the balancing game, consolidate them into larger groups of about 10. Have each team form a circle by holding hands, with a single hula hoop in between two of them. Challenge them to move the hula hoop in a complete revolution without breaking the circle. They may do this by maneuvering the hoop over their heads, under their feet, or by whatever means they can come up with, as long as they don’t let go of one another’s hands.
36. Eye Contact
Eye Contact provides an excellent way to foster nonverbal communication skills.To play, choose 10 students for the first round (the others can watch in the meantime). Choose a single student to act as “Player One,” and designate a “Go” signal (such as winking or making an “O” shape with your mouth). Player One should then attempt to make eye contact with another participant. When they’ve succeeded, they should give the “go” signal, at which time the second player takes Player One’s place in the circle to repeat the same process with another participant.
No verbal communication or hand signals are allowed during play. If a player breaks this rule, he or she is disqualified, and their place is taken by one of the observers. Once everyone in the round has made eye contact and give up their place in the circle, switch teams until all the observers have had a chance to play as well.
Cooperative Card Games
37. Spaceteam
In this game (recommended for older children, ages 10 and up), players are tasked with repairing a damaged spacecraft while dodging asteroids and wormholes along the way. To ramp up the challenge, they also must reveal six “System-Go” cards inside the time limit, or all of their work has been for nothing.
38. Hanabi
Hanabi can be played with as few as two participants, but it gets more interesting when more players are added (up to five). The unique concept invites participants to orchestrate a fireworks show, utilizing a series of numbered cards. If the display is finished before the pile of cards runs out, the team wins. Play is fairly fast-paced—a single game can be played in about half an hour—and is suitable for ages eight and up. The playing kit also includes a “rainbow” set of cards to make things more challenging, once your team has mastered the basic game.
39. Shamus
This is a two-player cooperative card game, and one of the few to utilize a standard deck of playing cards. A cross between Uno and Rummy, the rules are not difficult to follow, but they are somewhat lengthy to explain—a complete breakdown can be found here. Essentially, both players (one following the rules of Rummy, the other playing a solo game of Uno) must achieve the goals of their respective games before the “Circle of Shamus” (a ring consisting of 10 cards) has been depleted. It’s addictive, and a good choice for families with smaller households.
40. 5-Minute Marvel
For superhero fans, this game is a must-try. Each player assumes the role of a different superhero as a five-minute timer is set. During play, the cards keep turning up new threats in the form of increasingly powerful bad guys. The objective is to work together to defeat all the villains before the time is up.
41. Cahoots
This cooperative card game is like a fancier take on Go Fish, except the players are working together (“in cahoots”). In order to win the round, the team has to match all of their cards by either color or number before the time clock runs out. Play is fast-paced and easy to follow, even for younger participants.
There you have it, 41 fun cooperative games for kids. Make sure you check out our competition games as well as our kids team names.
Top 20 Fun Cooperative Games For Kids
Playing is much more fun when you play together to attain shared goals.
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Image: Shutterstock
Cooperative games for kids help teach them the importance of teamwork and patience. Children can play co-op games with their friends or family members. The main objective of these games is not ‘winning’ but teaching them ways to work together towards achieving a common goal. These games also help develop your child’s communication, deduction, and planning skills.
Read on for a curated list of cooperative games we have listed in this post for children of all ages to have a fun learning experience.
20 Cooperative Games For Kids
1. Tower building
Image: Shutterstock
Tower building is a cooperative game for kids that can be played by adults too. It teaches teamwork and develops your preschooler’s counting skills. Children as young as three years can play this game effortlessly.
Age group:
3 years and up
You will need:
- A pair of dice
- Blocks
How to play:
- Make teams of two.
If your child is young, pair them with someone older.
- Keep the blocks in a common area accessible to all teams.
- A member of each team rolls a dice.
- The number on the dice is the number of blocks they must lift to build their tower.
- The team with the highest tower after every team member rolls the dice wins.
2. Candy Land
Image: Shutterstock
Candy Land is one of the oldest and easiest cooperative games. It doesn’t require any reading skills, and there is no strategy involved. Thus, even very young children with limited counting abilities can play this game.
Age group:
3 years and up
You will need:
- Candy Land board game set (you can make it yourself at home, too)
How to play:
- Candy Land comes with a set of cards with colored marks on them and a board with a colorful maze on it.
- Each player has to pick the topmost card, check the color on it, and move their marker to the next square of that color.
- If a card has two marks of one color, the player has to move their marker to the second occurrence of that color from their current location.
- Some cards might have the name of a location. These locations are specified in certain squares on the maze. The player can directly move to that location.
- The first player to reach the end of the maze is the winner.
3. Dragon’s jewel
Image: Shutterstock
This cooperative game is best played outdoors or in a large play area. It is a great game to teach teamwork and develop communication and quick-thinking skills. You can also develop your child’s gross motor skills with this game.
Age group:
4 years and up
You will need:
- Football or basketball
- Cones for marking
How to play:
- Make a circle with the cones.
- Place a ball at the center of the circle. This is the dragon’s jewel.
- One player is the dragon.
- Divide the other players into teams of two or three.
- Each team takes turns to work together and get the dragon’s jewel. The dragon tries to tag them before they get to it.
- If the dragon tags a player of a team, the team is out, and the next team continues the game.
- If a team manages to capture the jewel, choose a new dragon for the next round.
4. Bandido
Image: Shutterstock
Bandido is a popular board game for young ones who love mysteries and puzzles. This game makes your child think about their next move and improves their critical thinking skills.
Age group:
4 years and up
You will need:
- Bandido board game set
How to play:
- Each player has three cards, and each card has a piece of a tunnel — it could be a bend, a straight pass, a branch, or a dead end.
- The first player starts with a card, and the other players add their cards.
- The goal of the game is to prevent the imaginary prisoner at the start of the tunnel from escaping.
5. Airplane game
Image: Shutterstock
Try this game if you want to improve your child’s listening and speaking skills. Listening and speaking are essential components of effective interpersonal communication.
Age group:
3 years and up
You will need:
- A cloth for blindfolding
How to play:
- Blindfold a child. This child is the pilot.
- Select another player as the navigator.
- Make the other members stand in different places. They are the trees.
- The navigator has to guide the pilot across the runway without letting the airplane crash into any of the trees. The navigator can give only one instruction at a time.
6. Outfoxed
Image: Shutterstock
Outfoxed is one of the best cooperative games that can be played by children and adults alike. If your child loves playing detective, they will take to this game in no time.
Age group:
5 years and up
You will need:
- Outfoxed game box
How to play:
- One of the foxes in the game has stolen a pot pie. The players have to find the culprit.
- Slip a card with the name of the culprit into the special contraption provided for this purpose.
- Each player rolls the dice and decides whether they want to collect clues or reveal the answer.
- Each wrong answer brings the fox closer to escaping.
- Every right answer gets the player a new clue of the culprit or two new suspect cards.
- The player who gets the right culprit or eliminates all of the suspects but one is the winner.
7. All over
Image: iStock
This game is great for sleepovers and family holidays. The more the players, the more enjoyable the game.
Age group:
4 years and up
You will need:
- Big, softballs according to the number of players
- A rope
How to play:
- Divide the players into two teams and make them stand on two sides of the rope.
- Once the leader shouts, “All Over!” the players throw, kick, or roll the ball towards the opposite team.
- The players of each team have to catch the incoming balls while launching their respective balls.
- Once the passing stops, count the number of balls caught by each team. The team that catches the maximum number of balls wins.
8. Pandemic
Image: Shutterstock
If your child often imagines emergency situations and rescue missions, this board game is perfect for them. Pandemic is the right choice for a family game night or a rainy afternoon to engage your children for hours. You can also use this opportunity to teach your children about the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Age group:
8 years and up
You will need:
- Pandemic board game set
How to play:
- Each player is out in the world as a part of a disease-fighting
- All the players work together to prevent the outbreak of diseases and keep the world safe.
- They travel across the board to different countries, treat infections, collect cures, and build research stations within a stipulated time, that is, before the diseases spread beyond recovery.
9. Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters
Image: Shutterstock
This is another very popular board game that includes treasure and ghosts. Children love finding treasures and are curious about ghosts, so this game is a great co-op game for kids.
Age group:
6 years and up
You will need:
- Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters board game set
How to play:
- The aim of the game is for the players or treasure hunters to find all the treasures in a haunted house.
- If there are three ghosts in a room, that room is considered haunted.
- If six rooms are haunted before the players get the treasures, all of them lose.
- You can go together or separately, fight the ghosts, or run back with the treasure.
Each step needs planning and strategy for getting the treasure before the ghosts get you.
10. Assassin
Image: Shutterstock
If you have a group of children, this game is a good option for you. Prepare to spend a few hours laughing with your children as they enjoy playing this game.
Age group:
5 years and up
You will need:
- A group of children
How to play:
- Make the children sit in a circle with their heads down.
- One person (preferably the adult) should walk around the circle and tap one child on the head. This child is the assassin. No other player knows who the assassin is.
- The child looks at the others and assassinates them by winking at them.
- The other players can guess who the assassin is but are out of the game if they make a wrong guess.
- If the assassin is successful in assassinating every other player, they are the winner.

Image: Shutterstock
This game is fun, especially for younger children. It involves a bit of quick thinking and is best played in large groups.
Age group:
3-10 years
You will need:
- Bedsheet, tablecloth, etc. for the surface
How to play:
- Divide the children into two teams. Give each team a bedsheet or a tablecloth.
- Spread the sheet on the floor. This is the surface for the game.
- The whole team should stand on the surface. Anyone standing outside the surface is eliminated from the game,
- Next, ask the players to step off and fold the sheet in half. Stand again on the sheet.
- Continue in this fashion till there is no space for all the players to fit on the sheet.
- The team that makes the maximum folds while accommodating the most number of players wins.
12. Race to the treasure
Image: Shutterstock
Here’s another cooperative board game that requires strategic skills but offers loads of fun. This is a great co-op game for the whole family, even if your children are very young.
Age group:
3 years and up
You will need:
- Race to the treasure board game set
How to play:
- The players take turns to draw cards..
- If you draw a path card and not an Ogre card, you move further in the race.
- Retrieve three keys on the way to get the treasure.
- The aim of the game is to reach the treasure before the Ogre does. If he does, you all lose.
13. Band-aid tag
Image: iStock
This is a cooperative outdoor game you can teach your children to play. Besides playing together, this game tests and develops your children’s flexibility.
Age group:
4 years and up
You will need:
- A group of children
How to play:
- Select one person as “It.”
- The person must run behind other players and tag them.
- The tagged person must hold their hand (the band-aid) over the part where the “It” tagged them.
- When a person runs out of band-aids (gets tagged two times), they freeze.
- Two other players have to come over to the frozen player and unfreeze them by counting to five.
- Continue playing the game, changing the “It” from time to time.
14. Rope circle
Image: Shutterstock
This is a cooperative game for kids of all ages. It is best played when there is a large group of children. Adults can play it at gatherings, too, for a good time.
Age group:
3 years and up
You will need:
- Jump ropes
How to play:
- Divide the players into teams of two players each.
- Tie one wrist of each partner with the jump rope – the left wrist of one person and the right wrist of the other person.
- Then tie a second jump rope joining the other wrist.
- Make sure the ropes are not tied very tightly.
- The players should attempt to free themselves from one another without actually untying the ropes or breaking out from the circle.
15. Barnyard
Image: iStock
If you want to teach animal names and sounds to your children, play this game with them. This game is perfect for sleepovers and birthday parties when there are many children.
Age group:
3 years and up
You will need:
- Pieces of paper
- Pen
How to play:
- Write various animal names on the pieces of paper. Include four to five pieces of paper for each animal name.
- Ask each child to pick one piece of paper. The child is the animal mentioned in the paper. No other child must know what animal another child is.
- Next, ask the children to scatter over the play area.
- Once the game starts, each child wanders over to other children and tries to determine the similar animals like them.
- Children who find all the members of the same animal are the winners.
16. Ball builders
Image: iStock
This is a game that children of all ages love. It teaches children the value of teamwork and develops their communication and gross motor skills.
Age group:
3 years and up
You will need:
- Tennis balls
How to play:
- Divide the players into teams of two or three.
- One player in each team will be the holder, and the others will be the builders.
- The builders start handing over tennis balls to the holder.
- The aim is to see how many balls the holder can hold without using their pockets or other clothing. They cannot hold the balls against any other surface other than their own bodies.
- Each ball must be held for at least 10 seconds.
- The players can take turns doing it.
17. Bedsheet ping pong
Image: Shutterstock
This is a great game for family game night. As versatile as this game is, it is also very simple. You can use household items to play the game.
Age group:
3 years and up
You will need:
- A bedsheet
- Ping pong balls or even crumpled balls of paper will do
How to play:
- Divide the players into two teams.
- Each team holds the opposite sides of the sheet.
- Put the balls in the middle of the sheet.
- Each team has to raise or lower their end of the sheet. The aim of the game is to get the balls to fall on the other side of the sheet.
- The players must take care not to launch the ball during play.
18. Crossing the river
Image: iStock
Crossing the river is a cooperative game for kids that can come in handy in actual life too. This game is excellent for developing their communication skills.
Age group:
4 years and up
You will need:
- Rope (optional)
How to play:
- Divide the players into groups of two to five players each.
- Each team joins hands, touches legs, or uses a rope to get across the “river”(the play area) around 20-30 feet across.
- Each group must move to the other side without losing contact.
- If a player loses contact with other players, the team must start over from the beginning.
19. Birthday line-up team building
Image: Shutterstock
When you have a large group of children with you and want them to get along with each other, this game is an excellent option for you. It acts as an ice breaker and gets your group to mingle with each other easily.
Age group:
5 years and up
You will need:
- A group of children
How to play:
- Once the game starts, the players shouldn’t talk until you permit them.
- Make all the children stand in a line.
- Next, get them to stand in a line based on their height, in silence.
- You can give them different challenges, such as lining them up by birthday month, the initials of their names, etc.
20. Shipwrecked
Image: Shutterstock
This is another game that you can play when you have a lot of children with you. It is a great game to develop teamwork in a fun way.
Age group:
5 years and up
You will need:
- Large hoops
How to play:
- Divide the players into teams of 8-10 players.
- Give a hoop to each team. This hoop is their spaceship.
- Once the game begins, each team should grab their spaceship and race to the finish line.
- All the players of the team should be in contact with the spaceship at all times.
- Once they cross the finish line, they put down the hoop, call out “Shipwrecked,” and try to get within the hoop.
- The first team to get all the players into the hoop is the winner.
Cooperative games for kids are the best way to teach them leadership skills, teamwork, and patience. Tower building, Candy land, Dragon’s jewel, and Bandido are some of the most exciting team games for children. You may choose a game appropriate for the age of children and other participants. These games can also be played with adults at family nights and parties. You may let the children take charge of the team and decide how to win the game. Team games also boost a child’s ability to engage and communicate.
Key Pointers
- Building a tower is a cooperative game for kids that teaches teamwork.
- Race to the treasure is a board game that helps children develop strategic thinking skills while having fun.
- Bedsheet ping pong, All Over, Bandido, and more interesting games as you scroll down.
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Nisha Bharatan is a freelance writer with experience in writing health and finance content for various Indian and international clients. After completing her engineering from Savitribai Phule Pune University, she did content marketing courses to complement her interest in writing. Nisha writes articles centered around kids’ development, their activities, crafts, games, and fun elements that keep children and families entertained....
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Dr. Maymunah Yusuf Kadiri, popularly referred to as ‘The Celebrity Shrink,’ is an award-winning neuro-psychiatrist and mental health advocate with over 15 years experience. She is the medical director and psychiatrist-in-chief at Pinnacle Medical Services. She has created the innovative mental health app in Africa, HOW BODI. Dr. Kadiri is a Goldman Sachs Scholar on Entrepreneurial Management of Pan Atlantic...
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Joint activities of the educator and children | Pedagogical experience
Author: Solovieva Elena Petrovna
Organization: Kindergarten No. 2 of the compensating type of the Kirovsky District
Settlement: St.
Before considering in detail the concept of “joint activity of a teacher and children”, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the concept of “activity”. Activity can be defined as a specific type of human activity aimed at the knowledge and creative transformation of the surrounding world, including oneself and the conditions of one's existence. It is activity that acts as the basis for the formation of personality. In the content of activity, the following components are usually distinguished as the most important: cognitive, emotional, volitional.
In activities that are creative and independent in nature, people and their psyche not only manifest themselves, but are also created, formed, and developed.
Activity development scheme:
- joint activity with an adult
- joint activity with peers
- independent activity
The optimal form of organizing cooperation is joint partnership activity between an adult and a child.
Joint activity is a subject - subject relations.
Joint activity - the relationship of two phenomena, the interaction and mutual relations of which are highly dynamic and procedural. (E.V. Shorokhova)
Joint activities are implemented through the organization of various types of children's activities. At the same time, the joint activity of an adult and a child is not only a stage in the development of any type of activity, but also a special system of relationships and interaction. The essential features of the joint activities of adults and children are not leadership, but the presence of a partner position and a partner form of organization.
The concept of "partnership" is revealed by researchers in different ways, but always in conjunction with the problem of personal development. In the course of joint activities, there is an exchange of information, actions, planning and implementation of common activities.
What does it mean to partner with children? (according to N.A. Korotkova):
- Involvement of the educator in the activities on an equal basis with children.
- Voluntary involvement of children in activities (without mental and disciplinary coercion.)
- Free communication and movement of children during activities (subject to the organization of the working space.)
- Open temporary end of the lesson (everyone works at their own pace.)
trying to do something without fear that it will turn out wrong, causes a desire for achievement, favors emotional comfort.
Significant is the statement of V. A. Sukhomlinsky that pedagogical interaction is aimed at the development of the child and not only. In the very pedagogical interaction lies the need and possibility of self-development of the teacher. As a result, the interaction gives a holistic development (self-development) of all the subjects participating in it.
Thus, the cooperation of adults and children against the background of joint activities, their commonwealth in real and live contacts with each other - this is the environment where the qualities of the developing personality of the child arise.
Unfortunately, modern preschoolers have a number of features that further prove the need for joint activities of children and educators .
3. There is a narrowing of the level of development of the plot-role-playing game of preschoolers, which leads to underdevelopment of the motivational-need sphere of the child, as well as his will and arbitrariness.
4. Underdevelopment of fine motor skills of the hand of older preschoolers, lack of graphic skills.
5. Insufficient social competence of preschool children, their helplessness in relations with peers, inability to resolve the simplest conflicts.
6. A large number of children with speech development disorders
7. The reluctance of a significant part of today's preschoolers to learn about the world around them causes serious concern.
8. Low level of communicative competence.
9. There are more and more children with emotional problems, who are in a state of affective tension due to a constant feeling of insecurity, lack of support in a close environment and therefore helplessness.
The above requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard is familiar to all modern teachers working with preschool children. However, when organizing joint activities with children, teachers make a number of mistakes that turn this activity into a “formally joint” one. For example:
- in the process of observation during a walk, the teacher himself comments on what he saw, the children silently listen to the story of the teacher;
- all actions with materials in the process of experimental activity are carried out by an adult, children only observe;
- the questions asked by the educator are of the "closed" type - they require the answer "yes" or "no";
- no joint discussion;
- conclusions based on the results of experiments are made by an adult;
- the educator poses a problem for the children and himself offers an option on how to solve it;
- at all stages of the game, children act on the instructions of the teacher, children's initiative and independence are absent, etc.
This once again proves that the activity of the educator with children should not only be formally joint, but partner, it was the cooperation of an adult and a child. Educators must solve educational problems in joint partnership activities with children and create conditions for free independent activity of preschoolers. The joint partnership activity of the educator and the child is the best form of cooperation.
Consider the main components of joint activities - cooperation:
1. Common goal. Joint assignment.
2. Common motive. Always combines the efforts of partners. Leads them to cooperation.
3. Joint action. Aimed at achieving a common goal. First, it is necessary to understand the goal, distribute independent and joint actions, determine the sequence of these actions, clarify and correct them.
4. Overall result. The final stage of joint activity, which unites all participants. It allows you to evaluate individual and joint actions based on the result.
What requirements a teacher must comply with, what qualities will help to competently organize partner activities:
- The presence of a partner position of an adult and a partner form of organization of activities.
- The teacher-partner is distinguished by a special style of relationships, interaction with children.
- He respects the opinion of children, knows how to listen and hear his pupils, prefers dialogue in communication with them, gives children freedom of choice (choice of a partner, materials, methods of action).
- The teacher-partner does not forget that the child is a full-fledged participant in educational relations.
Partner forms of organizing activities with children are different:
1) Holding a round table.
Usually the teacher highlights the children's concerns, conflict situations or the desire to simply organize preparations for the holiday, for example:
- Florists' workshop (making flowers for mothers)
- “Boys and girls.
What are they?
- “Me and my family” (or “Family Traditions”)
- “Learning to learn poetry quickly and cheerfully” (with the help of mnemotables, logarithmic exercises, finger games, etc.)
- round tables in which teachers, children and their parents are involved in activities
2) A series of joint activities under the slogan “Who can or wants to help me? (assistant teacher)
3) Activities such as “Who can teach me...?”
4) Quest games:
- “In search of a treat” (dedicated to the city day)
- “Autumn Journey”
- Easter Games
- “I know the rules of the road”
- “Green Light” (dedicated to Earth Day)
- “Let's save nature together”
Properly organized joint activity with an adult contributes to the achievement of targets for the development of a preschooler:
- The child begins to be interested in surrounding objects and actively act with them
- emotionally involved in activities with toys and other items
- seeks to persevere in achieving the result of his actions
- strives to show independence in everyday and play behavior
- begins to show a negative attitude towards rudeness, greed.
- tries to follow the rules of elementary politeness (on his own or when prompted, he says “thank you”, “hello”, “goodbye”, “good night” (in the family, in the group))
- has primary ideas about the elementary rules of behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street and tries to follow them
- tries to "own" speech included in communication
- can handle questions and requests
- speech becomes a necessary means of communication with other children
- strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions
- there are games in which the child imitates the actions of an adult
- responds emotionally to a game offered by an adult, accepts a game task
- begins to show interest in peers; observe their actions and imitate them
- knows how to play next to peers without disturbing them
- shows interest in playing together in small groups
- shows interest in the surrounding world of nature, participates with interest in seasonal observations
- begins to show interest in poetry, songs and fairy tales, looking at pictures, tends to move to the music; responds emotionally to various works of culture and art.
- sympathetically follows the actions of the heroes of the puppet theater; shows a desire to participate in theatrical and role-playing games.
- begins to show interest in productive activities (drawing, modeling, designing, appliqué).
- Zhestkova, Barkan, Luzay: Joint activities of children, teachers and parents in kindergarten. From work experience
- FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Innovative program of preschool education. / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, E. M. Dorofeeva. — Fifth edition (innovative), corrected. and additional — M.: MOSAIC-SINTEZ, 2019.
Published: 04.08.2020
Joint activity of an adult and children. Its importance in the process of environmental education (Nikolaeva)
- Material Information
- Nature, ecology
- Views: 48761
The kindergarten teacher is the main figure in the pedagogical process, including environmental education.
Being the bearer of ecological culture, owning the methodology of ecological education, he organizes the activities of children in such a way that it is meaningful, emotionally rich, contributes to the formation of practical skills and the necessary ideas about nature and gradually “transitions” into independent behavior of children.
Leading in this process should be the joint activity of an adult and a child.
This idea is not new, it is presented in one way or another in the works of many teachers, domestic and foreign. It is clearly seen in the pedagogical views of K. D. Ushinsky, L. N. Tolstoy, P. F. Kapterev, Soviet teachers V. A. Sukhomlinsky, A. S. Makarenko, Sh. A. Amonashvili and others.0003
Collaboration, through which mutual understanding, sympathy and harmony develop, so necessary in the formation of an ecological culture, can most effectively be manifested in the repeated joint activities of the educator and children, united by the achievement of a common goal.
Characteristic features of joint activities are:
- contact between its participants, providing an exchange of actions and information;
- understanding by all participants of the meaning of the activity, its final result;
- the presence of a leader who organizes joint activities, distributes responsibilities in accordance with the capabilities of its participants;
- the emergence and manifestation in the process of interpersonal relations, the nature and coloring of which affect the achievement of the final result.
What types of joint activities can have a decisive impact on the formation of the principles of ecological culture in preschool childhood?
The main place in the system of ecological education should be given to activities with the help of which all living things that are in the field of vision of the child develop normally (grows, gives offspring, blooms, etc.).
This activity is nothing more than the creation and maintenance of conditions for plants and animals located in various "ecological spaces" of a preschool institution.
Creation of a stationary ecological-developing environment in a kindergarten is a continuous pedagogical process, which includes the organization of group corners of nature, a room or study of nature, mini-farms, greenhouses, nature playgrounds, etc., daily maintenance of the conditions necessary for the full life of all living creatures. Such constant activity teaches to think and systematically and really take care of the "smaller brothers" who are in the same living space with children.
This activity becomes a method only if it is included in the pedagogical process and is performed jointly by adults and children.
Teachers who do everything themselves and do not give preschoolers the opportunity to observe and participate in the creation of normal conditions for the inhabitants of living corners, a room of nature, a site, develop in children indifference, callousness and inattention in general to life as a unique value.
Joint organizational, economic, labor activities in the green zone of the kindergarten, growing plants, caring for adult animals and their offspring can take various forms and take place with varying degrees of involvement and participation of both adults and children.
Preschoolers can participate in this activity in three ways:
- listening to the teacher's story about various activities and events in preschool;
- watching the activities of adults;
- practically participating in it.
For example, a winter garden is being created in a newly attached wing in a preschool institution. Large-scale construction and household works on its improvement, filling with natural objects are carried out by adults alone, without the participation of children. Nevertheless, older preschoolers can be accomplices in this process if the teacher talks about what is being built in the kindergarten, what the winter garden will be like, who will live in it and what will grow in it; from time to time shows how things are progressing, explains why large windows are made, why there are many lamps, and instead of cages there are high aviaries, etc.
Children still practically do not participate in activities, but are already included in the process - they are aware of events, emotionally react to them.
At the last stage of equipping the winter garden, adults can find things available for 5-7-year-old children, and then they will become real participants in a big event.
Whatever forms the joint activity of adults and preschoolers takes, the most important thing in it is the attitude of the educator to the object of activity, which manifests itself in his interested story, emotional reactions, assessments, explanations and correct actions from an ecological point of view. An adult, by his behavior, creates an example of interaction with nature, an indifferent attitude towards it, demonstrates the necessity and significance of everything that happens in front of children.
Joint activities can be carried out in any "ecological space" in the premises and on the site of the kindergarten. Its most common form is the creation and maintenance of the necessary conditions for the inhabitants of a group corner of nature. Before discussing a specific methodology for organizing joint activities with children of different ages in a corner of nature, it is necessary to dwell on one more important phenomenon - pedagogical communication, which always accompanies the interaction of a teacher with children.
Extensive research by psychologists has shown a truly phenomenal value of communication between an adult and a child for his full-fledged mental and personal development. So, M. I. Lisina claims: communication is a process of interaction between people in order to achieve a common result; both participants are active in communication, they alternately listen to each other and speak out. (Lisina M.I. Communication of a child with an adult as an activity. Communication and its influence on the development of the psyche of a preschooler: Collection of scientific works. M., 1974). Communication, as a rule, is carried out in the form of a dialogue, but psychologists (J. Piaget, M. M. Bakhtin, etc.) emphasize that initially the child does not own dialogue - he develops in the process of meaningful interaction with other people. A. G. Arushanova believes: mastering a dialogue is the formation of the ability to hear and understand the interlocutor, to be an interested partner in the activity. This skill is formed through patterns of dialogue that the child receives in communication with an adult (Arushanova A. G. Speech and verbal communication of children. M., 1999).
A. A. Leontiev puts a special meaning into the concept of “pedagogical communication”. In his opinion, this is what ensures collective activity: the setting of specific tasks, the distribution of responsibilities, the definition of moments of interaction. He emphasizes: "... Communication directly provides interaction, and this last - collective activity" (Leontiev A. A. Pedagogical communication. M., 1996. P. 16). A. A. Leontiev identifies several types of pedagogical communication;
for us, personality-oriented communication is of the greatest importance, which can take the form of business interaction, aimed at some kind of joint activity. In such communication, both the content and the form are significant - the general tone, selection of expressions, intonations and loudness of the voice. The optimal pedagogical communication of the educator with the children is when the best conditions are created for the development of the child, his active creative participation in the activity.
All these points are directly related to the joint activities of the educator with children in the corner of nature and other "ecological spaces". How should this activity be organized in order to realize its leading motive - the education of the principles of ecological culture among preschoolers - and to achieve specific goals?
These targets are many.
- Demonstration by the educator of a model (standard) of human interaction with nature, in which an ecological approach to all living things, a humane attitude is implemented.
- Demonstration of ways of communication with objects of nature, providing an interested, emotionally colored, practical interaction with them.
- Non-intrusive training of children in the techniques and operations for the care of plants and animals, built on the basis of an understanding of the needs of a living organism.
- Indirect training in dialogue, question-answer speech, the ability to listen and hear another person, to respond to his words.
- "The development of observation, the formation of an understanding of causal relationships in nature.
At primary preschool age
children in joint activities are more observers than practical performers, and yet it is at this age that the pattern of interaction with nature is crucial: children hear and absorb the affectionate conversation of an adult with animals and plants, calm and clear explanations about what and how need to do, they see the actions of the educator and willingly take part in them. For example, having invited two or three children to participate in watering indoor plants, the teacher says something like this: “Let's go to the window, look at our plants, talk to them and water them. (Go to the window.) Hello, flowers! How are you feeling? Not frozen, not dried up? (Examines the plants.) No, it's all right - you're green, beautiful. Look how good our plants are, how nice it is to look at them! (Touches the earth in a pot.) Dry earth, but plants need water - they are alive, they cannot live without water! Let's water them." The teacher gives each child a watering can with a little water in it, waters everything himself, saying: “Spark, we will pour a lot of water into your pot, drink as much as you want and grow further - we will admire you!” The participation of children in this joint activity lies in the fact that they listen to the teacher’s speech, observe his actions, hold watering cans, serve and receive them, fill them with water together and put them in their place. The educator in front of the children and together with them takes care of the plants - this is an example of interaction with nature. Education as a didactic task is not in the foreground, it turns out by itself, naturally, in the process of joint practical activity.
Gradually, the functions of the educator and the degree of independence of preschool children change, but the activity remains joint.
In the middle group , the teacher and the children act together, although the priority belongs to the adult, which is expressed in the formula: “I do it - you help me, you are my helpers. We take care of our pets together!”
At the senior preschool age the independence of children grows intensively, it becomes possible to have
duty in a corner of nature. The adult and the children switch roles: the children do everything themselves, and the teacher helps them (it does not matter that the help at first can be very large). Education of preschoolers in the process of creating the necessary conditions for plants and animals occurs indirectly - as an adult child's help. Formula of this age: “You do it yourself, and I help you. I am your assistant, I will help you do everything that you still cannot do: I will remind you, I will tell you, I will show you. The teacher necessarily notes all the achievements of the children, praises them for their independence, confidence and initiative.
Let's take a closer look at the methodology for conducting duties in a corner of nature with children from the older group.
1st stage — inspection of the inhabitants of a corner of nature and identification of: a) their well-being and condition; b) missing components of vital conditions (food, water, clean bedding, etc.). The teacher says and does something like this: “First, you need to examine the bird in the cage - is it healthy, is it fluffed up, is it sick. (Together they examine and conclude that everything is in order with the bird.) Now we need to examine the cage, first of all, the bottom, feeders, drinkers and find out what conditions it lacks for life now. {They examine, the educator names what is wrong, what is missing, thus determining the set of labor operations.) There is not enough grain in the feeder, the bird has pecked almost everything - it must be added; the water is cloudy, feathers and husks float in it - it is urgent to pour clean water, birds do not like dirty water; the sand at the bottom got littered over the weekend - it needs to be sifted; our bird pecked at all the greens - we need to put a new box with oats and sow a new portion. We will do all this, and the bird will have good conditions.”
2nd stage - practical implementation of all operations to create the necessary conditions. The teacher says something like this: “Sasha and Masha, distribute among themselves who and what will do for the bird, and start cleaning. If you do not know how to negotiate and distribute cases, I will help you. If you have forgotten how to do it, I will tell you, I will show you, just ask, do not be shy.
3rd stage - final short-term observation of animals - their behavior in children-improved living conditions (external environment).
A preliminary inspection of the aquarium with fish, caged birds, plants is a very important point in the technique.
Firstly, it allows children to develop a truly humane attitude towards all living things: during the examination, it is possible to identify how the pets of a corner of nature look and feel, whether any emergency has happened to them, whether they have fallen ill.
Secondly, it is precisely the inspection of the conditions in which living objects are located at the moment that makes it possible to determine the set of labor operations that must be performed during duty.
Preliminary inspection contains the ecological essence of labor in nature, it makes it meaningful and conscious for both adults and children. The "ecological formula" of the relationship of a living object with the environment is as follows: "What conditions are now available - what is missing - what needs to be added and changed."
The second point of the methodology is traditional - these are real labor operations to improve conditions for animals and plants. They should include vital and pedagogical expediency: their implementation takes place from maximum attention to the living being, for whose sake they are made, and maximum convenience for the child, performing them. That's why you need the right equipment: a food preparation table, small brushes and scoops to keep your baby comfortable and light,
unbreakable bowls, jars, pails, small safety knives, etc. The teacher teaches children to perform all actions calmly, slowly, carefully so as not to frighten the bird, fish, or break the stems or leaves of plants.
In all labor operations, the living object is the main one, and the operations themselves have a subordinate meaning. “Children, now we will get a drinking bowl, a feeder from the cage. Watch how I do it - carefully, calmly and slowly, so as not to frighten the bird, so that it is not afraid of our sudden movements. And further: “Now we will pull out the pallet, put it on the table and sift the sand: we will collect it with a scoop in a pile, put a sieve next to it, put the whole pile into it with a scoop and sift it easily. Look, clean sand was on the pallet, and all the garbage was in the sieve. Smooth out the sand and slide the tray carefully into the cage again.” Etc.
The third point of method (final inspection) allows you to visually see the expediency of labor efforts. The children watch how the bird pecks at the grain, bathes in clear water, how the fish eat their food, and so on—everyone feels better because the attendants have worked so hard. This is a necessary emotional completion of the joint activities of the educator and the children on duty. It instills confidence in them, gives rise to an understanding of the importance of real practical care for pets in a corner of nature, and arouses a desire to continue to take part in this.
The organization of duty in a corner of nature provides for joint activities of the same children with a teacher for several days (from 2 to 5). The best option is the duty of three children in a row for three days. During this time, 5-6-year-old preschoolers are able to understand the meaning and significance of the mandatory care of living objects of nature, to acquire the initial
practical skills. The process of organizing duties with children of the older group during the year can be divided into three periods: initial (autumn months), middle (December - March) and final (April and May). During these periods, the joint activities of the educator with those on duty are carried out in different ways, and there is a gradual increase in the independence of children.
At the initial stage, the children take part in the watch for the first time, and the educator teaches them the whole process. In joint activities at this stage, the priority belongs to the educator - he is fully involved in labor operations, does everything together with the children, shows and corrects. At this stage, cleaning is still slow, so the teacher facilitates the process by bringing a bucket of garbage and a bucket of water into a corner of nature, in which you can quickly wash everything.
The next period is when the children are on duty for the second and third time. The attendants begin to do everything on their own, the teacher stands nearby and helps them - in word and deed, showing and approval. Individual differences between children are very significant, so the degree of involvement of the educator in practical actions is different: with some you have to do everything together again, while others only prompt and help a little. In one team it is better to combine children with the same skills and a similar pace of work. Fast guys can be taught to wash equipment under the sink instead of in a bucket. At this stage, a positive assessment of all the achievements and efforts of children, praise for emerging practical skills, and support for those who are not yet successful are important.
At the final stage, when children take part in the duty for the third, fourth and even fifth time, the educator gives priority to preschool children in joint activities. It is not nearby, but close, carries out visual
control and is still ready to remind, prompt and practically help the duty officers to perform their duties. The teacher praises the children for the correct performance of labor operations, their good quality (for example, they did everything carefully, carefully, etc.), for independence, confidence and initiative; for not forgetting to first examine the pets and the conditions in which they are, and only then proceeded to practical actions. In the end, he reminds: we must observe the behavior of animals in improved conditions, be glad for them. When everything is done, the educator can sum up: “How wonderful we did it! You almost did everything yourself, without my help, on your own. I was worried, but you made it. Well done!"
Even at this last stage, with a sufficiently high level of their independence, the duty of the children remains a joint activity: the educator observes those on duty, prompts and joins when necessary - this is his participation in this activity.
In the number of mandatory operations at the second stage of the organization of duty, it is necessary to introduce the sowing of oats (or seeds of other cereal crops) in 2-3 small boxes. Each trinity of children once in three days makes such a crop - this is a green dressing for birds and other inhabitants of a living corner, a room of nature.
In the same way (according to the same scheme) the organization of joint labor activity of children and adults in other "ecological spaces" is carried out. In the room of nature, older preschoolers can work collectively after they acquire the first skills and knowledge and know the objects of labor well (how and who should be looked after). For example, an adult with a subgroup of children (5-10 people) can do a "spring cleaning". Educator distributes between children
cases, asks first to examine his wards, find out what needs to be done, and then start cleaning (he helps them). The collective work of older preschoolers in the nature room is a real help to adults (these skills can be useful in emergency cases, for example, in the absence of adults in charge of the nature room).
In a similar way, joint activities are organized to grow plants in the area of a preschool institution (in the garden, flower beds) - each time the children examine the green pets, find out what they lack or what interferes, and then water them, weed them, etc.
The work of children, no matter how large it may be, becomes meaningful, environmentally sound:
- if there is a dependence of the life and condition of plants and animals on the conditions in which they are located;
- if the understanding is strengthened that these conditions are created by the labor of people.