Youtube sesame street alphabet song
9 Fun Versions of the Alphabet Song to Sing with Kids
Learning to sing the alphabet song is an important part of the process of learning letter recognition on the journey to reading and writing. While I am pretty sure we all know the traditional alphabet song, these super cool versions are lots of fun and fabulous for bringing the letters of the alphabet to life for preschool, kindergarten and early elementary/primary aged children.
The Alphabet Song by The LMNOPs: An upbeat, groovy version of the classic song.
The Alphabet Song by Super Simple Songs: The most traditional version of the song in this collection with a great animation with plastic letters, great for encouraging kids to follow along.
Elmo Sings a Rap Alphabet Song: So Sesame Street has to have the most fabulous of all video alphabet resources, right?!! I’ve featured a few here, including this fun version with Elmo rapping.
ABC Disco with Grover: Now this is classic Sesame Street. In fact, I am pretty sure I first saw it in the 70s when I was a child! You just can’t go past disco!
Sesame Street’s Outer Space ABCs: A more classic song version from Sesame Street with a cool, space themed animation.
ABC Song by Debbie Doo: Debbie sings a catchy jazz version of the classic alphabet song.
The ABC Song by StoryBots: A fun robot animation with cool robotic singing voices.
ABC Phonics Song by The Learning Station: Teaching the alphabet through different musical styles! Love the rock version.
Animal Alphabet by Key Wilde: An fun alphabet story told through a song about fun animal antics with gorgeous illustrations. I can see this inspiring some great alphabet animal drawing with older children.
Have fun singing the alphabet! Do you have a favourite version?
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Christie Burnett is a teacher, presenter, writer and the mother of two. She created Childhood 101 as a place for teachers and parents to access engaging, high quality learning ideas.
Top Youtube Alphabet Video Compilation
We’ve compiled an extensive list of alphabet videos available on youtube. Also you may want to see our favorite alphabet video selection or our phonics alphabet video selection.
The Alphabet Chant – SuperSimpleSongs
A good variation on the alphabet song, and another great video from Super Simple Songs. Set to the beat of a drum this alphabet song gets faster and faster with each repeat. The screen is split into four sections – one with the singer, one showcasing the letters, and the other quadrants are devoted to the alphabet in sign language.
Ray Charles Sings the Alphabet – Sesame Street
An old clip featuring Ray Charles singing the alphabet with a group of Sesame Street kids. The letters are not displayed in this alphabet video, but it has a funky, upbeat tune that will have you and your kids clapping along!
Patti LaBelle Sings The Alphabet – Sesame Street
Patti LaBelle, R&B legend, belts out a beautiful gospel version of the alphabet song (great for the adults) with all the Sesame Street gang dancing and singing along (great for the kids!). Ends with a super fast version of the alphabet with a memorable Patti LaBelle finale.
The Alphabet Song – SocraticaStudios
This video takes kids through the upper case and lower case letters with the traditional tune of the alphabet song. Set only to the voice of the singer it is a gentle and simple alphabet song that is ideal for the very young.
The Hidden Alphabet – Macmillan’sChildren
A very clever and creative display of the alphabet letters to simple music. Each letter starts with a word and an obscure shape, and then you soon see how the letter develops. Also intriguing for adults!
ABC Hip Hop with Miles – Sesame Street
A highly energetic and addictive version of the ABCs. Miles and all the Sesame Street characters perform an entertaining version of the ABCs with great letter repetition to help your child sing along.
ABC song with Tilly and the Wall – Sesame Street
Another upbeat version of the ABCs. It is fun to watch and listen to.
The ABC Song – KidsTV123
The traditional melody of the alphabet song, with a gentle and mellow approach. Great alphabet video for the very young.
The ABC Song – KidsTV123
Another version of the ABC song by KidsTV123. This alphabet video focuses on the letters of the alphabet. The second verse of the song is silent allowing for a child to sing to the video.
Fairy Alphabet – Sesame Street
A classic video set to a melodic medieval tune and featuring classic fairy tale creatures and figures. This video is quite famous and quite often referred to on video websites. Unfortunately all the versions of this alphabet video are copies and the original isn’t available through Sesame Street itself. The clip features a range of fairy tale creatures that transform into letters and is sure to intrigue.
Alphabet Song – havefunteaching
Set to a disco beat this alphabet song covers the normal and phonics alphabets. Great video for older kids who can keep up with the rap singing.
African Alphabet – Sesame Street
A beautifully mellow version of the alphabet featuring Kermit the Frog with harmonious singing and backing. It’s nice to hear the alphabet in a different melody – so if you are sick of hearing the conventional tune of ABCs, this is a refreshing alternative!
Grover and Alphabet Soup – Sesame Street
Dramatic video (not musical) featuring Grover who tries to serve some ‘hot’ alphabet soup to a critical customer only to find that some of the letters for his alphabet soup are missing. After an increasingly frustrated Grover replaces the omitted letters, the soup has gone cold! A great one for Grover fans.
Placido Domingo as an artist, person, phenomenon of mass culture
80th anniversary of the tenor and 60th anniversary of his creative life
Both these dates fell on 2021 Is this not a pretext to study, to understand the phenomenon of Domingo? eighty years not undermined neither his power nor his popularity.
Talk about creativity singer, without linking him to the circles in which he lives and develops, impossible. He was born on January 21, 1941 in Madrid. His parents were artists of the zarzuela (Spanish operetta). He surpassed both his parents and teachers.
In 1949 the family moved to Mexico. This country became his second homeland. It was there that his singing career began. Domingo has not forgotten his roots. AT no one in the family believed that the young man could make a career as a tenor. Yes and moving families from Madrid to Mexico City is not exactly the right place for a career. Weird, that he even began to sing in the opera. It would be more logical for him to sing in the zarzuela. They are debuted in it, helping his parents. But then the world would not know the great Domingo. He intuitively understood that his future would be connected with the leading theaters peace. But critics predicted a short creative path for him, dissuaded him from singing "Othello". But after the performance, the audience at the Vienna Opera applauded him hour.
Domingo can be identified by discs, performances of the three tenors, movies, from the Internet. He was even one of characters in The Simpsons, the star of the TV show Sesame Street. This series watched by his children in 1969.
And the grandchildren recognized Domingo's grandfather in the film "Baby with Beverly Hills" (2008). These are all proofs of the omnipresence of the singer. His every child and every mature person knows. I want to sing a hymn to the mind and Domingo's intuition. He was able to understand the multi-layered world of modern culture and find your place in it. Therefore, his career lasts 60 years.
Placido Domingo (Flamingo) in Sesame Street
His main vocation is opera. Only on the theatrical stage does he find an ideal embodiment. Them 134 operas have been sung, it has no equal in terms of the abundance of released discs and the ability to innovate, discover new paths. Here he is recently turned from a tenor into a baritone, here he acts as a conductor, is director of two theaters, owner of restaurants.
Placido Domingo was lucky. He lives in an era of tenor popularity. And burst onto the stage when the idols left previous generation: Corelli, Tucker, Del Monaco, Di Stefano .. But this fact does not detract from his merit. He had plenty of rivals, at least Luciano Pavarotti.
Do you like classical music? music, do you respect opera? If so, then you know the phrase "three tenors". And you even know the date - July 7, 1990. On this day a legendary concert took place - the greatest musical event of the 20th century. Three great tenors gave this concert another 35 times, but the best one, the first, when Spaniards Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo and Italian Luciano Pavarotti sang together for the first time. It happened during the World Cup in Rome, at the Baths of Caracalla. They thought they would give one concert as a charity in favor of International Leukemia Foundation.
The whole world saw the concert. The success was phenomenal. The circulation of records was such that I did not know yet story. Even people far from the classics admired the beauty of the academic singing. It has never happened before that opera singing attracted a huge mass audience. audience. All three tenors received royalties comparable to those of pop stars (one million dollars for one concert). And there were also disc releases, films, books, interview. Critics were not enthusiastic about these concerts. Domingo in 1998 responded to critics: " you say it is not opera. Yes, this is not an opera. This is a concert in which we sing some kind of opera, we sing some songs, some zarzuela, we make a potpourri of songs. Leave people in peace, who come to these concerts, listen and happy .”
Three tenors in terms Caracalla. Rome
Think all three tenors were friends? Not at all. José Carreras and Placido Domingo are Spaniards. But known the fact of rivalry between the Catalans and Madrid. Jose from Catalonia, Placido - Madrid. For a long time, for various reasons, they were enemies. Even in contracts both were recorded: he performs only when the other does not attend this concert will be invited. But at 19In 87, Correras had a more terrible enemy - leukemia. He defeated the disease thanks to the help of the Hermosa Foundation. Jose was amazed when he learned that the main sponsor and founder of the fund was Domingo. Yes and he created a fund in order to support the sick singer. From the very beginning Domingo kept this a secret, knowing that Carreras would not accept help from his enemy. The reconciliation took place touchingly and publicly at one of the concerts in Madrid. Carreras took the stage, knelt at the feet of Domingo and asked forgiveness from his former enemy and thanked him. They embraced, so it began the great friendship of the two tenors.
Interview with Placido Domingo during the World Cup.
Domingo always strives to new professional horizons. Then he discovers the baroque opera, then turns to baritone parts. October 24, 2009 he dared to sing part of Simon Boccanegra. Berlin Staatsoper audience 25 minutes standing applauded the tenor, now the baritone. Minutes passed, and the hall rumbled from cries: "Bravo", "Long live the mother who gave birth to you." He got flunked flowers, tried to carry in their arms. " This special evening , Domingo admitted. – Amazing that people are still capable of experiencing such feelings .”
At the Verdi opera "Boccanegra" Placido served as a priest. He was lucky with the conductor of this performance by Daniel Barenboim. After the performance, the conductor told the story Russian tenor Ivan Kozlovsky. Kozlovsky sang professionally until the age of 93. And the secret of his longevity was that the singer kept himself, poured into small doses. He performed in full force only in those performances in which Stalin was present. He was Stalin's favorite singer. Looks like Domingo will surpass Kozlovsky in creative longevity. At eighty, he's in great shape. form.
Domingo sings an aria Cavaradossi from the opera "Tosca" by G. Puccini
And what made him take on Russian opera? Master the part of Herman from The Queen of Spades on such a difficult language at 60! He performed the part as if he were a native Russian speaker. Domingo confessed: “ This work very difficult for a tenor, it forces the use of all singing and artistic possibilities. Sometimes you forget what you're eating, action grabs you .” Tchaikovsky's opera has taken pride of place in his arsenal. Domingo performed it at the Vienna Opera, at the Salzburg Festival and at the Madrid royal theater, and even in the Moscow Kremlin.
Is it really Domingo best tenor of all time? British corporation BBC conducted a survey among sixteen leading opera critics. Domingo is the winner. He walked around Enrico Caruso, Luciano Povarotti, Fritz Wunderlich, Jussi Bjerling, Bellamino Gigli. Domingo is the only one of the greats who still performs. He is subject to the main parties and the Russian repertoire - Onegin, The Queen of Spades. And all He studied the Italian list from A to Z. But there is only one favorite character - Othello. This The role takes a lot of energy. It needs precise phrasing, recitation. And with each performance of this image, Placido discovers new facets.
Stars of the World Opera. Placido Domingo. Channel "Culture"
New York Times 7 November 1999 wrote: " On this earth there are six million people walking around, and only one is able to sing Othello. Many try, but no one can, from a purely musical point of view, do justice to character. If Verdi could choose, he would prefer Domingo over Tamagno .”
Surely interesting what was the relationship with the third tenor - Pavarotti? Rival. And long years. But the already mortally ill Luciano said: “ God, let me hear the voice of Domingo . ” Such recognition is impressive.
This happened in 1974 year. There was a tour of the Milan theater "La Scala" in Moscow at the Bolshoi Theater. He visited the country with his wife and parents. The local cuisine is not for him liked it. But Domingo met Galina Vishnevskaya. He was delighted from her talent. « I was touched by the commitment Soviet audience to the opera ". And I was very surprised by the repressive measures. Police began to disperse the crowd of opera lovers who had accumulated in front of the theater. people asked an autograph, a photo of Domingo, they wanted to give him flowers, to thank him. What did you do singer? He spoke to the policemen in Russian, albeit modestly. And strength order allowed the crowd to escort Domingo to the hotel.
Herman's aria from the opera P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Queen of Spades"
It is estimated that for the entire his career, Domingo took the stage as a singer for about three and a half thousand times and about four hundred as a conductor. Both figures are astronomical.
Lensky's aria from the opera "Eugene Onegin"
Will a new Domingo come to replace the current one? Will the lineage of singers continue? He does not see clearly heir: " One of my sons wonderful voice, but he became a composer ". The eighth grandson of the singer was named Placido, as well as his father and son. Maybe this is a prediction? " This one can become my heir to " - said Domingo, knowing full well that no one could replace him.
based on material from the book of the famous Spanish journalist and writer Ruben Amon "Plácido Domingo. The Genius of the World Stage. - St. Petersburg: ABC: Azbuka-Atticus, 2012. - 352 p. : ph. - (Persona Grata).
We also recommend reading a book written by Domingo himself: “Plácido Domingo. My first forty years. – M.: Rainbow, 1989. - 300 p.
These books are in Fund of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Literature of the Library. A. S. Pushkin.
Valentina Tyurina, Pushkin Central Library
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