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How to develop a child 2 years and older

How to develop a child at 2 years old and older

How to develop a child 2 years and older

It is not a secret for any parent that a worthy person, educated, diversified developed out of a child, it is necessary to engage in its development from a very early age. Of course, this task can be shifted to kindergarten teachers, and later on to school teachers. They are professionals, some parents will say, they are more familiar with development methods.

But still, we can say with confidence that no one in the world knows the baby better than his mom and dad, and only they can correctly understand their child and decide what exactly he needs. Engaging in the development of your baby is not so difficult, now the basics of numerous methods for the early development of children are outlined on the Internet, after reading which you will understand in which direction to move with your baby. It is not necessary to fanatically adhere to any one technique, you can take from each what is right for you. The main thing is that you and your baby should be interesting together - this is the most important key to success.

How to develop a child 2 years of age

A two-year-old kid has already become quite accustomed to the world of movements, has learned to run, and sometimes his activity goes off scale. Play hide and seek with your child. Direct the stormy energy of the tomboy into a peaceful and useful channel, teach new motor skills that will be needed in everyday life: fastening and unbuttoning buttons, zippers, fasteners, self-dressing various items of clothing and shoes. Such developmental activities will not only teach the baby new movements, but also affect fine motor skills, which should be given special attention, because it stimulates the development of speech. Sprinkling cereals, playing with small objects, picking up mosaics - all these activities have a great effect on the center of fine motor skills in the brain.

Develop your two year old's creativity. At this age, you can try using modeling dough and finger paints for classes. Make applications with your child. A particularly suitable time for this activity is autumn, because there are so many beautiful leaves of different shapes and sizes around, at the same time you will practice the concept of “more-less”.

For educational activities, be sure to use music. Sing funny children's songs together, listen to audio fairy tales and be sure to discuss what you heard with your child, stimulate the development of your baby's vocabulary.

How to develop a 3 year old child

Three years is a rather difficult age in terms of the psychological development of your child. Surely every parent has heard about the so-called "crisis" of this age, which occurs due to the fact that the child begins to realize that he is a separate person, and therefore behaves differently. This moment in education is important not to miss. Be patient and, without raising your voice or getting annoyed, explain to your child the norms of behavior accepted in society.

In order for the child to learn social concepts, devote enough time to role-playing games: daughter-mothers, doctor-patient, playing cook, driver and other professions.

Despite the fact that the child already coordinates his movements well, continue to give tasks for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, play with the designer. Let the baby build models according to the pattern that you asked him, sort the cereals and pasta, make beads from shell beads and other improvised materials, sculpt and draw together.

To master new motor skills, give your baby a small bike, arrange a joint walk on skates, go sledding down the hill.

Three years is the right age to start learning numbers and letters. There are various teaching methods, for example, the famous Zaitsev cubes. Teach counting at any convenient opportunity: count the steps that the child descends, count all his toys, let each tree that you pass by during the walk have its own serial number.

Talk with the baby more often, discuss the characteristics of objects, such as: small-big, tall-low, narrow-wide, etc. Teach your child colors, shapes of objects.

How to develop a 4 year old child

As a rule, at the age of four, the child is already a full-fledged kindergartener. During his stay in kindergarten, he is given a variety of developmental activities, and you might think that this is enough for the full development of the baby. But this is far from the truth, so continue developing activities, consolidate the knowledge gained in the lessons in kindergarten.

It is not necessary that the classes take place in a strictly established form, you can teach the child by playing with him. Arrange your home zoo, make animals together. Master the art of origami, make amazing images out of paper. Organize a puppet theater at home, give your child their roles, let them develop their imagination by playing another scene from their favorite fairy tale.

A child at the age of four is quite ripe for various board games: lotto, children's dominoes, composing words from the magnetic alphabet and many other exciting entertainments.

Many experienced teachers recommend at this age to send your child to a circle or section. It can be figure skating, gymnastics, dancing, football, hockey. Such classes discipline a four-year-old, teach communication with peers, direct motor energy in the right direction.

How to develop a 5 year old child

The age of five is a preparatory milestone for the school period. By the age of five, a child should know a lot. Analyze the knowledge of your child, if there are any gaps, do not waste time and catch up.

Reading together is very helpful. Take an hour of your time, take an interesting book, sit on the sofa with your child and offer to read the next story in turn. Have your child retell what they have read to you.

Surely the kid already knows the numbers, continue to improve this knowledge and teach him the simplest mathematical problems: add, subtract.

Get your little one ready to write. To master this skill, start by drawing sticks of different inclinations, circles, spirals on a piece of paper, and then proceed to writing letters. Teachers have created a variety of recipes that will help the child master this skill.

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Developmental activities with a child 2-3 years old


A child at 2 years old: what is he like
Fundamentals of development
Logical and mathematical thinking
Oral speech
General and fine motor skills
Intellectual abilities
Acquaintance with the surrounding world

When a baby turns two years old, he begins to actively explore the world around him, so parents ask themselves: how to develop a child at 2 years old correctly? Various tasks for children of this age develop many children's abilities, including speech, social, tactile, creative skills, etc.

A 2-year-old child: what is he like

Children from 2 to 3 years old are very active. They cannot sit still, they definitely need to try everything and go everywhere, because they are eager to find out how the world works around them. But, despite this, children at this age are more attentive than at one or a year and a half.

Two year olds absorb an incredible amount of new information like a sponge, and this is fertile ground for early development. There is no need to buy expensive toys. It is enough to carefully observe the interests of your baby, try to answer his questions, explain everything that he sees around. But do not overdo it: oversaturation with new knowledge can lead to a refusal to perceive it.

2-3 years old is considered to be a transition period, from the early age behavior model to the manifestation of one's "I". Very emotional, the baby still hardly holds attention to one thing, but if he is interested, he can enthusiastically engage in 15-20 minutes. Make good use of this time!

Development Fundamentals

for a two -year -old key activity is the game. Through play activities, mental, mental and social development occurs. On the other hand, the game cannot be aimless. In order for every minute to bring benefit to the child, it is necessary that the classes be aimed at development:

- logical thinking;
- oral speech;
- attention;
- fine motor skills;
- intelligence;
- the surrounding world.

Logical and mathematical thinking

Mastering space and time. Hide some toy and invite the child to find it, helping with hints ("Let's look in the closet / under the table / bedspread ...").

We distinguish the time of day. You can talk about this topic during the day, for example, at breakfast, tell the baby what time of day it is, and before going to bed, ask what he was doing in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Learning to count. It is better to start studying mathematics not with abstract numbers, but with things understandable to the kid. Count everything around: steps, steps, fingers, toys). Teach your child to show his age on his fingers.

Putting puzzles together. This is a difficult task, so you can't do without the help of an adult. Choose pictures from 2-6 elements. Of the two paths “difficult puzzle - mom help” and “easy puzzle, but on your own” - prefer the second.

Learning to compare. Studying the concept of "a lot-little", lay out two piles of buttons - the child must determine which is more and which is less.


Reading . Take a book by age, with large print and pictures. Discuss the plot of the story with your child as you read. Ask questions, praise for the correct answers, give hints if the baby is having a hard time.

Puppet theater . Not only special dolls are suitable for him, but also toys familiar to the baby. The first performance is staged by an adult, showing an example, then we connect the child. Entrust him with the main role or tasks of the director.

Finish the sentence game . Start saying the phrase, and the baby will finish it. You can illustrate situations from life: “There is a red one here ...”, “This girl is dressed in ...”.

Expanding vocabulary . A two-year-old understands more words than he can pronounce. Speak with him all the events of the day, even “what you ate”, “whom you played with”. This lesson improves pronunciation, teaches the baby to share his thoughts with his family.


Find item . Any place will do: in nature, on the street, in line at the clinic, at home. Ask the child to show a white car on the road, find the character in the picture. The main thing is to be interested!

Find the common feature . Lay out objects according to a common feature, for example, with the same pattern, color, shape. It is important that the objects are diverse: a mitten, a saucer, a picture in a book.

We build according to the drawing . There are a lot of games with drawings for this. Buy an age-appropriate set (2-6 pieces) and let your little one build a tower or house on their own.

General and fine motor skills

Modeling . Choose high-quality plasticine of different colors, which can also be successfully memorized in the game.

Application . This case will not only strengthen the fingers, but also deepen creative thinking.

Dressing and undressing . Let the baby dress up the toy on their own or get ready for a walk.

Water games . It is most convenient to play with plastic children's utensils. Let your child play around in the water with the toy teapot and cups.

Hand washing . Teach your child to wash their hands without the help of an adult, after a walk and before eating. At the same time, he will master the skills of hygiene.

Angler game . Need balls or small toys. Throw them into the water (most convenient while swimming) and invite your baby to catch them with a spoon.

Intellectual abilities

Music . Teach your baby and yourself to the classics, using them as a background while reading fairy tales and creative activities. Praise for wanting to dance.

Drawing . A two-year-old is already drawing quite consciously, trying to draw herself, her family, using circles, lines, squares. He learns to paint over the drawing without going beyond the contours. Draw together! Let the baby finish drawing your schemes of the sun or the animal himself.

Role play . Encourage your child's initiative in composing a play scenario with dolls or real people. Plots can be taken from life: go to the store while at home, send the doll to the doctor, school or kindergarten. It is important that the baby is the main one in the game.

Getting to know the world around us

Learning about animals . We talk about animals, we name parts of their body, cubs, what they eat and where they live. We tell you what role an animal or bird plays in nature, whether it matters to a person.

Watching nature .

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