5 compound words
1000 Examples of Compound Words
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1000 Examples of Compound Words
Grammar, Nouns, Vocabulary
englishstudyhere 4 years ago No Comments
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1000 Examples of Compound Words in English.
Compound word is two or more words linked together to produce a word with a new meaning.
Example: bed + room –> bedroom, blue + berry –> blueberry. Here is most common compound words list;
1. aboveboard
2. afterbirth
3. afterburner
4. afterglow
5. afterimage
6. afterlife
7. aftermath
8. afternoon
9. airbrush
10. aircraft
11. aircraft
12. airfield
13. airfield
14. airlift
15. airline
16. airliner
17. airmail
18. airman
19. airmen
20. airplane
21. airport
22. airport
23. airship
24. airtime
25. allover
26. allspice
27. alongside
28. also
29. another
30. anybody
31. anyhow
32. anymore
33. anyone
34. anyplace
35. anything
36. anytime
37. anyway
38. anywhere
39. armchair
40. armpit
41. around
42. arrowhead
43. ashtray
44. authorship
45. babysitter
46. backache
47. backbite
48. backbite
49. backbone
50. backbreaker
51. backdrop
52. backdrop
53. backfield
54. backfire
55. backfire
56. background
57. background
58. backhand
59. backhand
60. backlash
61. backlash
62. backlog
63. backlog
64. backpack
65. backside
66. backside
67. backslap
68. backslide
69. backslide
70. backspace
71. backspin
72. backspin
73. backstage
74. backstop
75. backstretch
76. backstroke
77. backstroke
78. backtrack
79. backward
80. ballpark
81. ballroom
82. bankbook
83. bankroll
84. baseball
85. basketball
86. beachcomb
87. became
88. because
89. become
90. bedbug
91. bedclothes
92. bedrock
93. bedroll
94. bedroom
95. bellbottom
96. bellboy
97. bellhop
98. below
99. blackball
100. blackberries
101. blackbird
102. blackboard
103. blackjack
104. blacklist
105. blackmail
106. blackout
107. blacksmith
108. blacktop
109. bluebell
110. blueberry
111. bluebird
112. bluefish
113. bluegrass
114. blueprint
115. boardwalk
116. bodyguard
117. bodywork
118. boldface
119. bookbinder
120. bookcase
121. bookend
122. bookkeeper
123. booklet
124. bookmark
125. bookmobile
126. bookseller
127. bookshelf
128. bookstore
129. bookworm
130. bootstrap
131. bowtie
132. brainchild
133. brainstorm
134. brainwash
135. bugspray
136. buttercup
137. butterfat
138. butterfingers
139. butterflies
140. buttermilk
141. butternut
142. butterscotch
143. bypass
144. cabdriver
145. cancan
146. candid
147. candlelight
148. candlestick
149. cannot
150. cardboard
151. cardsharp
152. carefree
153. caretaker
154. careworn
155. carfare
156. cargo
157. carhop
158. carload
159. carpetbagger
160. carpool
161. carport
162. carrack
163. carryall
164. carsick
165. cartwheel
166. carwash
167. cattail
168. caveman
169. centercut
170. cheeseburger
171. cheesecake
172. clockwise
173. coffeemaker
174. comeback
175. comedown
176. commonplace
177. commonwealth
178. cornball
179. cornmeal
180. cornstalk
181. cornwall
182. cottonmouth
183. cottontail
184. cottonwood
185. countdown
186. counterattack
187. counterbalance
188. counterclockwise
189. counterintelligence
190. countermeasure
191. counteroffensive
192. counterpane
193. counterpart
194. counterpoint
195. counterpoise
196. courthouse
197. courtroom
198. courtyard
199. crewcut
200. crossbow
201. crossbreed
202. crosscut
203. crossover
204. crosstown
205. crosswalk
206. crossword
207. dairymaid
208. daisywheel
209. daybed
210. daybook
211. daybreak
212. daydream
213. daylight
214. daytime
215. deadend
216. deadline
217. dishcloth
218. dishpan
219. dishwasher
220. dishwater
221. diskdrive
222. dogwood
223. doorstop
224. downbeat
225. downunder
226. drawbridge
227. driveway
228. duckbill
229. duckpin
230. earache
231. eardrop
232. eardrum
233. earring
234. earthbound
235. earthquake
236. earthward
237. earthworm
238. egghead
239. eggshell
240. elsewhere
241. everything
242. eyeballs
243. eyecatching
244. eyeglasses
245. eyelash
246. eyelid
247. eyesight
248. eyewitness
249. fatherland
250. fatherless
251. firearm
252. fireball
253. fireboat
254. firebomb
255. firebox
256. firebreak
257. firecracker
258. firefighter
259. fireflies
260. firehouse
261. fireproof
262. firewater
263. fireworks
264. fishbowl
265. fisherman
266. fisheye
267. fishhook
268. fishlike
269. fishmonger
270. fishnet
271. fishpond
272. fishtail
273. football
274. foothill
275. foothold
276. footlights
277. footlocker
278. footnote
279. footpath
280. footprints
281. footrest
282. forbearer
283. forbid
284. forearm
285. forebear
286. forecast
287. foreclose
288. foreclosure
289. forefather
290. forefinger
291. forefront
292. forehand
293. forehead
294. foreleg
295. foreman
296. forerunner
297. foresee
298. foresight
299. forestland
300. forever
301. forget
302. forgive
303. forklift
304. format
305. fortnight
306. friendship
307. fruitcup
308. gearshift
309. glassmaking
310. goodbye
311. goodnight
312. grandaunt
313. grandchild
314. grandchildren
315. granddaughter
316. grandfather
317. grandmaster
318. grandmother
319. grandnephew
320. grandnieces
321. grandparent
322. grandson
323. grandstand
324. granduncle
325. grasshopper
326. graveyard
327. gumball
328. haircut
329. hamburger
330. hammerhead
331. hamstring
332. handball
333. handbook
334. handcuff
335. handgun
336. handmade
337. handout
338. headache
339. headdress
340. headhunter
341. headlight
342. headline
343. headquarters
344. hedgehop
345. heirloom
346. hellcat
347. hellhole
348. helpmate
349. helpmeet
350. hemstitch
351. henceforth
352. henchman
353. henpeck
354. hereabout
355. hereafter
356. hereafter
357. hereby
358. hereby
359. herein
360. herein
361. hereof
362. hereupon
363. herself
364. highball
365. highchair
366. highland
367. highway
368. himself
369. homemade
370. hometown
371. honeybee
372. honeycomb
373. honeydew
374. honeymoon
375. honeysuckle
376. hookup
377. hookworm
378. horseback
379. horsefly
380. horsehair
381. horseplay
382. horsepower
383. horseshoe
384. houseboat
385. housecoat
386. household
387. housekeeper
388. housetop
389. housewife
390. housework
391. however
392. ideal
393. inchworm
394. income
395. indoors
396. infold
397. infuse
398. infusion
399. inhale
400. inkblot
401. inkwell
402. inland
403. inmate
404. inpatient
405. inroad
406. inset
407. inside
408. intake
409. ironwork
410. itself
411. jackpot
412. jackpot
413. Jackson
414. jailbait
415. jailbird
416. jawbone
417. jawbreaker
418. jaywalk
419. jellybean
420. jellyfish
421. jellyfish
422. jerkwater
423. jerrybuild
424. jetliner
425. jetport
426. jigsaw
427. jimsonweed
428. jitterbug
429. jobholder
430. johnnycake
431. jumpshot
432. keepsake
433. keyboard
434. keyhole
435. keynote
436. keypad
437. keypunch
438. keystone
439. keystroke
440. keyway
441. keyword
442. landmark
443. landslide
444. landward
445. Lapland
446. lapwing
447. larkspur
448. laughingstock
449. lawgiver
450. lawmaker
451. lawsuit
452. layman
453. layoff
454. layout
455. layover
456. leapfrog
457. lifeblood
458. lifeboat
459. lifeguard
460. lifelike
461. lifeline
462. lifelong
463. lifesaver
464. lifetime
465. lifework
466. limelight
467. limestone
468. longhand
469. longhorn
470. longhouse
471. lukewarm
472. mainland
473. mainline
474. mainspring
475. mainstream
476. matchbox
477. meadowland
478. meantime
479. meanwhile
480. moonbeam
481. moonlight
482. moonscape
483. moonshine
484. moonstone
485. moonstruck
486. moonwalk
487. moreover
488. mothball
489. motherhood
490. motorcycle
491. nearby
492. nevermore
493. newfound
494. newsboy
495. newsbreak
496. newscast
497. newscaster
498. newsdealer
499. newsletter
500. newsman
501. newsmen
502. newspaper
503. newsprint
504. newsreel
505. newsroom
506. newsstand
507. newsworthy
508. nightfall
509. nobody
510. noisemaker
511. northeast
512. notebook
513. noteworthy
514. nowhere
515. nursemaid
516. nutcracker
517. oneself
518. onetime
519. overabundance
520. overboard
521. overcoat
522. overflow
523. overland
524. overshoes
525. pacemaker
526. pancake
527. parkway
528. passbook
529. passbook
530. passkey
531. Passover
532. Passover
533. passport
534. passport
535. password
536. pasteboard
537. patchwork
538. pathfinder
539. pathway
540. pawnbroker
541. pawnshop
542. paycheck
543. payload
544. paymaster
545. payoff
546. payroll
547. peppermint
548. pickup
549. pinhole
550. pinpoint
551. pinstripe
552. pinup
553. pinwheel
554. playback
555. playboy
556. playground
557. playhouse
558. playmate
559. playthings
560. ponytail
561. popcorn
562. postcard
563. racquetball
564. railroad
565. railway
566. rainbow
567. raincheck
568. raincoat
569. raindrop
570. rainfall
571. rainmaker
572. rainstorm
573. rainwater
574. ratline
575. ratsbane
576. rattlesnake
577. rattlesnake
578. rattletrap
579. rattletrap
580. rawboned
581. rawhide
582. readywitted
583. rearmost
584. rearrange
585. rearward
586. redcap
587. redcoat
588. reddish
589. redhead
590. repairman
591. riverbanks
592. rubberband
593. sailboat
594. salesclerk
595. sandbox
596. sandlot
597. sandstone
598. saucepan
599. scapegoat
600. scarecrow
601. schoolbook
602. schoolboy
603. schoolbus
604. schoolhouse
605. schoolroom
606. schoolwork
607. seashore
608. setback
609. setoff
610. shadyside
611. sharecropper
612. sharpshooter
613. sheepskin
614. shipbottom
615. shipbuilder
616. shipload
617. shipwreck
618. shipyard
619. shoelace
620. shoemaker
621. shopkeeper
622. shortbread
623. shortcake
624. shotgun
625. showboat
626. showoff
627. showplace
628. showroom
629. sideburns
630. sidecar
631. sidekick
632. sideshow
633. sidewalk
634. silversmith
635. sisterhood
636. sixfold
637. skateboard
638. skintight
639. skylark
640. skylight
641. skyscraper
642. slapstick
643. slowdown
644. slumlord
645. snakeskin
646. snowball
647. snowbank
648. snowbird
649. snowdrift
650. snowshoe
651. snowshovel
652. snowstorm
653. soapstone
654. softball
655. softball
656. software
657. somebody
658. somebody
659. someday
660. someday
661. somehow
662. somehow
663. someone
664. someone
665. someplace
666. someplace
667. something
668. something
669. sometime
670. sometimes
671. sometimes
672. someway
673. somewhat
674. somewhat
675. somewhere
676. somewhere
677. soundproof
678. southeast
679. southwest
680. soybean
681. spacesuit
682. spacewalk
683. spearmint
684. speedboat
685. spillway
686. spokesperson
687. springtime
688. stagehand
689. standby
690. standoff
691. standout
692. standpipe
693. standpoint
694. standstill
695. starfish
696. steamboat
697. steamship
698. stepson
699. stickup
700. stockroom
701. stonewall
702. stoplight
703. stopwatch
704. storerooms
705. streetcar
706. stronghold
707. subway
708. sunbaked
709. sunbathe
710. Sunday
711. sundial
712. sundown
713. sunfish
714. sunflower
715. sunglasses
716. sunlit
717. sunray
718. sunroof
719. suntan
720. sunup
721. supercargo
722. supercharge
723. supercool
724. superego
725. superfine
726. supergiant
727. superhero
728. superhighways
729. superhuman
730. superimpose
731. superman
732. supermarket
733. supermen
734. supernatural
735. superpower
736. superscript
737. supersensitive
738. supersonic
739. superstar
740. superstrong
741. superstructure
742. supertanker
743. superweapon
744. superwoman
745. sweetheart
746. sweetmeat
747. tablecloth
748. tablespoon
749. tabletop
750. tableware
751. tadpole
752. tagalong
753. tailbone
754. tailcoat
755. tailgate
756. taillight
757. taillike
758. tailpiece
759. tailspin
760. tailspin
761. takeoff
762. takeoff
763. takeout
764. takeover
765. talebearer
766. talebearer
767. taleteller
768. tapeworm
769. tapeworm
770. taproom
771. taproom
772. taproot
773. taproot
774. target
775. taskmaster
776. taskmaster
777. tattletale
778. taxicab
779. taxpayer
780. teacup
781. teammate
782. teammate
783. teamwork
784. teapot
785. teardrop
786. teardrop
787. teaspoon
788. teaspoon
789. teenager
790. telltale
791. telltale
792. tenderfoot
793. tenderfoot
794. tenderhearted
795. tenderloin
796. tenfold
797. textbook
798. themselves
799. therefore
800. throwaway
801. throwback
802. thunderbird
803. thunderbolt
804. thundershower
805. thunderstorm
806. timekeeper
807. timepieces
808. timesaving
809. timeshare
810. timetable
811. today
812. together
813. toolbox
814. toothpaste
815. toothpick
816. touchdown
817. township
818. turnabout
819. turnaround
820. turnbuckle
821. turncoat
822. turndown
823. turnkey
824. turnoff
825. turnover
826. turntable
827. typewriter
828. underachieve
829. underact
830. underage
831. underarm
832. underbelly
833. underbid
834. undercharge
835. underclothes
836. undercover
837. undercurrent
838. undercut
839. underdevelop
840. underdog
841. underesimate
842. underexpose
843. underexpose
844. underfeed
845. underfinance
846. underfoot
847. underfoot
848. underfur
849. undergarment
850. undergird
851. undergo
852. undergraduate
853. underground
854. underground
855. undergrowth
856. underhand
857. underhanded
858. underlayer
859. underlie
860. upbeat
861. upbringing
862. upcoming
863. update
864. updraft
865. upend
866. upgrade
867. upheaval
868. upheld
869. uphill
870. uphold
871. upkeep
872. upland
873. uplift
874. uplink
875. upload
876. upmarket
877. upon
878. uppercase
879. upperclassman
880. uppercut
881. uppermost
882. upright
883. uprising
884. upriver
885. uproar
886. uproot
887. upset
888. upshot
889. upside
890. upstage
891. upstairs
892. upstanding
893. upstart
894. upstart
895. upstate
896. upstate
897. upstream
898. upstream
899. upsurge
900. upswing
901. uptake
902. uptake
903. upthrust
904. uptight
905. uptime
906. uptown
907. upturn
908. upturn
909. upward
910. upward
911. upwind
912. waistband
913. waistcoat
914. waistline
915. walkout
916. walkways
917. wallboard
918. walleyed
919. wallflower
920. wallpaper
921. wanderlust
922. wardroom
923. warehouse
924. warfare
925. warhead
926. warlike
927. warlord
928. warmblooded
929. warmhearted
930. warmonger
931. warpath
932. warplanes
933. warship
934. wartime
935. washboard
936. washbowl
937. washcloth
938. washout
939. washroom
940. washstand
941. washtub
942. wastebasket
943. wasteland
944. wastepaper
945. wastewater
946. watchband
947. watchcase
948. watchdog
949. watchmaker
950. watchman
951. watchtower
952. watchword
953. watercolor
954. watercooler
955. watercraft
956. waterfall
957. waterfowl
958. waterfront
959. waterline
960. waterlog
961. watermark
962. watermelon
963. waterpower
964. waterproof
965. waterscape
966. watershead
967. waterside
968. waterspout
969. watertight
970. waterway
971. waterwheel
972. waterworks
973. wavelength
974. wavelike
975. waxwork
976. waybill
977. wayfarer
978. waylaid
979. wayside
980. wayward
981. weathercock
982. weatherman
983. weatherproof
984. weekday
985. weekend
986. weeknight
987. whatever
988. whatsoever
989. wheelbarrow
990. wheelbase
991. wheelchair
992. wheelhouse
993. whitecap
994. whitefish
995. whitewall
996. whitewash
997. widespread
998. wipeout
999. without
1000. woodshop
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Examples of Compound Words by Type
Grandmother With Compound Word Example
Grandmother: Natalia Kosheleva / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Background: Tolchik / iStock / Getty Images Plus
Used under Getty Images license
Compound words are an easy way to add interest to your writing. By combining two ideas in one word, you can quickly provide all the information needed. These examples of compounds will show you how it's done.
What Are Compound Words?
A compound word is formed when two words are combined to make a new word. It is one of the ways in which the English language is flexible and always changing, as compound words allow people to create new words as the need arises.
For example, you might use “in” and “side” to create the compound word “inside”.
We should play inside today.
The words “carry” and “over” can make the compound word “carry over”.
We can carry over that surplus into the next sprint.
As you can see, compound words can come in different varieties. Explore examples of each.
Examples of Compound Words
When it comes to compound words, there are three different types that are important: closed-form, open-form, and hyphenated. Dive into how each type of compound word is different.
Closed-Form Compound Word Examples
Closed compound words are formed when two fully independent, unique words are combined to create a new word. For example, you would combine “grand” and “mother” to create the closed-form word “grandmother”. In a sentence, this would look like, “My grandmother is coming over.” These are the most common types of compound words.
For example:
- bullfrog
- snowball
- mailbox
- grandmother
- railroad
- sometimes
- inside
- upstream
- basketball
- anybody
- outside
- cannot
- skateboard
- everything
- schoolhouse
- grasshopper
- sunflower
- moonlight
Open Compound Word Examples
Open compound words are formed when two words remain separate on the page but are used together to create a new idea with a specific meaning. For example, “attorney” and “general” are used to form the open compound word “attorney general”. You could see this in the sentence, “The attorney general holds the power in legal matters.” Other examples of open compounds include:
- peanut butter
- Boy Scouts
- no one
- ice cream
- real estate
- high school
- living room
- sweet tooth
- hot dog
- grand jury
- post office
- full moon
- half sister
- cave in
Hyphenated Compound Word Examples
Hyphenated compound words are formed when two separate words are joined together by a hyphen. Examples of hyphenated compound words include:
- two-fold
- check-in
- merry-go-round
- father-in-law
- seventy-two
- long-term
- up-to-date
- mother-in-law
- one-half
- over-the-counter
Note that hyphenated compound words are most commonly used when the words being joined together are combined to form an adjective before a noun. For example:
- forty-acre farm
- full-time worker
- on-campus housing
- state-of-the-art features
- family-run busines
However, these hyphenated compound words become open compounds when they are placed after the word they describe. For example:
- The farm has forty acres.
- The worker is full time.
- The housing is all on campus for freshman
- Its features are truly state of the art.
- The business is still family run.
Compound Words in Sentences
Now that you learned about the different types of compound words, see if you can find the compound words in the sentences below.
- My grandfather is coming home for the holidays.
- I really want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
- The real estate agent had to take a test to get her license.
- She is a part-time teacher.
- That is our full-time worker.
- I’m so tired of looking for on-campus housing.
- He was seventy-two years old.
- Let’s go play some basketball
- Has anybody seen my binder?
If you have those down, try creating a few sentences using compound words that you create!
Compound the Reader's Interest
By adding compound words to your writing, you can make your ideas more interesting and descriptive for the reader. The addition of too many compounds can be messy, especially hyphenated compound words; so, be sure to use compound words wisely. Like any seasoning, they are best sprinkled throughout your writing instead of used in every line.
Now, that you have a grasp of compound words, you might want to dive into some compound sentence examples.
Compound words / Root and single-root (related) words / Morphemic analysis / Reference book on the Russian language for elementary school
- Main
- Handbooks
- Primary school Russian language guide
- Morphemic analysis
- Root and related words
- Compound words
Words with multiple roots are called compound words . Such words are formed by adding two stems from different words.
For example:
Forest+Park section Forest Park
Between the roots, there are often connective vowel "O" ( dump itself, stars about PAD) or "E" (Sol (Sol (Sol e var, pool e met).
A connecting vowel in complex words is a spelling that must be remembered.
Compound words can be formed and without connecting vowel.
For example:
wall newspaper, coffee grinder
Compound words can be nouns and adjectives.
For example:
steamer, samovar, waterfall - nouns
blue-eyed, white-toothed, red-cheeked - adjectives
In compound words, the stress falls on the last of the roots (snow).
Recommended to see:
Root words and word forms
Word stem
Root and cognate (related) words
Prefixes and their meanings
Morphemic parsing
9007 The rule is found in the following exercises:Grade 3
Exercise 213, Klimanov, Babushkina, Textbook, part 1
Exercise 214, Klimanov, Babushkina, Textbook, part 1
Exercise 239, Klimanov, Babushkina, Textbook, part 2
Exercise 171, Polyakova, Textbook, part 1
Exercise 179, Polyakova, Textbook, part 1
Exercise 180, Polyakova, Textbook, part 1
Exercise 124, Buneev, Buneeva, Pronina, Textbook, part 1
Exercise 173, Buneev, Buneeva, Pronina, Textbook, part 1
Exercise 285, Buneev, Buneeva, Pronina, Textbook, part 2
Exercise 4, Buneev, Buneeva, Pronina, Textbook, part 2
4th grade
Exercise 64, Kanakina, Goretsky, Textbook, part 1
Exercise 87, Kanakina, Goretsky, Textbook, part 2
Exercise 162, Kanakina, Workbook, part 2
Exercise 11, Klimanov, Babushkina, Textbook, part 1
Exercise 192, Klimanov, Babushkina, Textbook, part 1
Exercise 110, Klimanova, Babushkina, Workbook, part 1
Exercise 14, Klimanova, Babushkina, Workbook, part 2
Exercise 49, Klimanova, Babushkina, Workbook, part 2
Exercise 92, Buneev, Buneeva, Pronina, Textbook, part 1
Exercise 4, Isaeva, Buneev, Workbook
5th grade
Exercise 116, Alexandrova, Rybchenkova, Glazkov, Lisitsin, Textbook, part 1
Exercise 117, Alexandrova, Rybchenkova, Glazkov, Lisitsin, Textbook, part 1
Exercise 118, Alexandrova, Rybchenkova, Glazkov, Lisitsin, Textbook, part 1
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10 most difficult words in English ‹ GO Blog
English can be very harmful even for a native speaker with their tricky words. Sometimes they are difficult to understand, and sometimes words are used for other purposes and therefore the meaning is lost. Pronunciation is also a separate issue. In this article, we have collected the 10 most difficult words in English , according to EF.
1. Literally
If you meet an English philologist, beware. Incorrect use of this word will lead to increased pressure. ‘Literally’ means “literally” or “what I say is not imaginary, but it really happened the way I say it.”
An interesting fact is that due to the non-standard use of this word, Oxford English Dictionary made an addition to the dictionary. According to him, the dictionary gives us the right to use ‘literally’ in the emotional coloring of our speech with you. Just don't tell the literate, well, or the linguists! 😀
2. Ironic
This word has discouraged almost everyone - native speakers and learners of English. It's not a joke, we could write a whole course on "How to use irony or Ironic properly". While irony is described as a coincidence or a strange outcome of events, the word itself no longer gives such a meaning. In fact, in the famous song Alanis Morissette - Ironic there are 10 examples of irony that show that coincidence and unfortunate events are not everything 😉
When the concept of irony is layered, it indicates the opposite of what is being said. However, it doesn't sound like sarcasm, oddly enough. This is because irony never intends to offend a person's feelings. But not so fast! There is dramatic irony, situational irony, historical irony and much more. Oh, this irony!
So what are we to do in such an embarrassing situation? There is only one way out… “Let go and forget it”〜 Yes, that's right. Frankly, irony is not a necessary ingredient for regular use.
3. Irregardless (instead of regardless)
Have you heard of people who use 'irregardless' instead of 'regardless'? ‘Regardless’ means “regardless” or “despite” (“He maxed out his credit card regardless of the consequences,”) and is used quite often.
But despite what you might think, 'irregardless' is not a synonym! Because of its double negative (prefix -ir meaning "not" and suffix -less meaning "without") it means “not without special attention” which has the opposite meaning of the negative. Oh what a headache!
So remember: While we use ‘irregardless’, it is listed in dictionaries as a non-standard word. While it technically exists, it should not be used recklessly by those who want to learn English. 😉
4. Whom
Who knew that such a short word could puzzle! In English we use 'who' for the subject in a sentence and 'whom' for the object. But how do we determine which one we need? Try answering your own question with 'him' or 'he'. If ‘hi m ’ matches the answer, ‘who m ’ is your word. (Hint: both words end in m anyway.)
For example: “Who/whom are you going to Brazil with?” Which word would you answer - "With him," or "With he"? And you choose him - so whom is the right word!

Not everyone can pronounce this word. When you look at this word (imagine the rank of an army officer, don't you?) you might think it's pronounced co-lo-nel . And no one blames you, because in fact it is pronounced as kernel (like corn kernels!). But how did it happen?
Well, it's like an old fairy tale, as old as the world. The word ‘Colonel’ came from French, which was borrowed from Italian, after which one letter changed (coronel) . Later, English adjusted the word to suit itself, before French and English returned to their original pronunciation (and now English has a very different pronunciation). *Phew*!
6. Nonplussed
Feeling a little embarrassed after our brief history of linguistics? This is very possible. We settled on our sixth compound word, which just means “confused”. Its prefix -non means negation, and some people misuse 'nonplussed' as "deadpan" or "disinterested" . In reality, 'nonplussed' is "confused" or "at a loss" . Unfortunately, this word is used so often that it comes in two meanings at once. Therefore, in writing it is very difficult to understand in what sense it is used.
7. Disinterested
Imagine that you are in court. What judge would you like? A disinterested or uninterested judge? I hope you chose the first one. Since the second one can yawn and poke around in his phone, while the first one will listen and try to judge objectively. Remember: someone disinterested is not biased or takes sides, and uninterested is not interested in anything at all.
8. Enormity
Oh, this is already interesting and looks simple. 'Enormity' sounds like 'enormous', they must be synonyms. So right? But no! The word 'enormity' describes a very evil, unmerciful dictator. Also, such a sentence is used incorrectly - “the enormity of the situation…” (Well, if you are not talking about a real evil act, which we do not think about you for sure!)

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