Adjective to describe a boy
Descriptive Words for a Man
When it comes to talking about a guy, you may find yourself at a loss in looking for words to describe a man. Depending on your mindset for compiling the list of words, you might find many of the words used to describe a man can be used to describe just about any person. Get that manly feel across by using descriptive words generally reserved for men.
descriptive word example of dependable man
Words to Describe a Man Physically
Describing what a man looks like includes mentioning things like his physique and what he’s wearing. Explore descriptive words for appearance to find the best term for your needs.
- athletic
- attractive
- bald
- big
- broad
- clean-cut
- cute
- dapper
- dashing
- fat
- fit
- handsome
- hot
- robust
- rough
- rugged
- sculpted
- sexy
- sharp
- short
- strong
- studly
- tall
- tan
Words to Describe a Man’s Personality
Use adjectives that describe personality traits generally associated with males to describe the man you’re talking about.
- aggressive
- arrogant
- assertive
- charming
- cocky
- confident
- dependable
- funny
- good friend
- good guy
- hard working
- helpful
- hero
- humble
- nice
- player
- powerful
- protective
- reliable
- self-aware
- smart
- tough
Words for a Man’s Roles
Men in real life and in fiction play a lot of different roles from provider to lover. Describe your guy with a strong word or phrase that illustrates exactly who he is.
- action hero - strong, not silent; protector type; can be excessively aggressive or engage in violent behavior
- big shot - conceited; a player; can be cocky, arrogant and harsh; defined by his status in life as being the apex of success with all the money in the world in his bank account
- breadwinner - earns the most money in the relationship and supports the family
- buffoon - has a tough time parenting and dealing with issues at home or at work
- jock - aggressive, attractive, nice body; uses his strength and body mass to impress women and scare men; avoids dealing with emotions; showcases power and strength in order to win the affection of women and the approval of men
- joker - former class clown, turned all around funny guy that makes people laugh for a living
- strong silent type - keeps to himself, yet is an ordinary guy; women may flock to him due to the mystique that surrounds his persona; can be rough, strong and sensitive; focuses on being in charge and in control
Stereotypical Perspective of Masculine Words
Typically when describing a man, you tend to choose more traditionally masculine words and powerful words. There is a tendency to use words that align with the stereotypes society has about men.
Descriptive words for a man are directly linked to the internal and external belief barriers towards their career, life and success in both. Some of these words can be considered self-limiting. Most words used to describe men seem to give an implied meaning of something that may or may not be there.
Examples of the words putting that stereotypical social conditioning in motion include:
- collective power
- competitive
- groomed
- personal power
- protector
- status
- strong performance
- unemotional
Finding Words to Describe Men
It can be said that there are hundreds of words to describe a man. The meaning of the word depends on the context the word is being used in. Before flipping through a thesaurus for a descriptive word, consider the context of the situation regarding the man you’re trying to describe.
- Are you providing a general description?
- Are you describing the guy in a certain situation?
- Is the man someone you know or a random passerby?
- What is the man wearing?
Describing the Perfect Man
Whether you’re describing your perfect man or perfectly describing a male character, choosing the right words can make a world of difference. Now that you have the right words to describe a man, find the perfect words to describe a first impression or powerful words to describe a woman. Want to know when it's ok to call someone sexy, the connotations of the word, or just what traits make up sexiness? We define all the uses and meanings of sexy.
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- middle school
- high school
- college
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However, it can be especially difficult to come up with just the right descriptive words to talk about yourself or another person. By reading daily and learning more adjectives that are appropriate for describing people and their personalities, you can build your vocabulary. Use the lists of personality adjectives below to choose just the right adjectives to describe another person or yourself!
400+ Words To Describe A Good Man
When describing a good man, we can use describing words around subjective values that make a man ‘good’, plus physical appearance, mental, emotional, or spiritual qualities. That’s because the definition of a ‘good man’ is different based on opinion and can come from many different experiences in life.
Unfortunately, it’s all too common to describe men simply on their physical strength, appearance and net worth, and to forget the huge array of words that can be used to positively describe a good man’s personality, skills, and intelligence.
Therefore, we’ve compiled an enormous list of empowering words and adjectives that positively describe good men in many different ways.
This list is not designed to be a checklist of course, merely to provide inspiration for more empowering words to describe men.
Words To Describe A Good Man- adaptable
- adventurous
- agreeable
- ambitious
- amiable
- approachable
- articulate
- attentive
- balanced
- boyfriend
- brave
- calm
- candid
- carer
- caring
- charming
- committed
- communicator
- compassionate
- composed
- considerate
- considered
- dad
- dear
- dependable
- determined
- diplomatic
- direct
- disciplined
- discrete
- dutiful
- eager
- emotional
- empathetic
- energetic
- engaged
- enterprising
- enthusiastic
- ethical
- excellent
- fair
- faithful
- fastidious
- father
- focused
- frank
- friend
- fun
- generous
- genuine
- good
- grandfather
- grateful
- great
- hardworking
- helpful
- honest
- humble
- humorous
- husband
- impartial
- incorruptible
- inspiring
- intelligent
- interesting
- intuitive
- judicious
- keen
- kind
- learner
- lighthearted
- logical
- loving
- mate
- mature
- mediator
- methodical
- meticulous
- moderate
- modest
- moral
- motivated
- neat
- noble
- objective
- observant
- open
- optimistic
- orderly
- partner
- passionate
- patient
- perceptive
- persevering
- persistent
- playful
- pleasant
- polite
- positive
- powerful
- practical
- precise
- principled
- proactive
- productive
- professional
- protective
- prudent
- punctual
- purposeful
- rational
- real
- realistic
- reasonable
- reflective
- reliable
- remarkable
- reserved
- resilient
- resourceful
- respected
- respectful
- responsible
- responsive
- self-assured
- self-aware
- self-disciplined
- selfless
- self-motivated
- self-starter
- sensible
- sensitive
- sincere
- skilled
- sociable
- solid
- sound
- sporadic
- stable
- steady
- strong
- supportive
- sympathetic
- tactful
- team-player
- tenacious
- thorough
- thoughtful
- tolerant
- true
- trusting
- trustworthy
- upbeat
- versatile
- virtuous
- warm
- watchful
- well-mannered
- willing
Words to Describe a Man’s Physical Appearance
- active
- alluring
- aloof
- athletic
- attractive
- beautiful
- bold
- brash
- captivating
- charismatic
- charming
- classy
- confident
- elegant
- energetic
- enticing
- fit
- gorgeous
- graceful
- gregarious
- groomed
- handsome
- happy
- husky
- majestic
- mighty
- muscularly
- passionate
- polished
- powerful
- refined
- sensual
- sexy
- strong
Words to Describe a Man’s Personality
- able
- abundant
- accomplished
- accountable
- achiever
- active
- adaptable
- adept
- adventurous
- alert
- ambitious
- amiable
- analytical
- approachable
- articulate
- artistic
- assertive
- astute
- attentive
- balanced
- bold
- brash
- bright
- broad-minded
- calculated
- calm
- candid
- capable
- careful
- caring
- cautious
- changeable
- charismatic
- cheerful
- cheerleader
- circumspect
- clever
- collaborative
- committed
- communicative
- compassionate
- competitive
- complicated
- confident
- conscientious
- conservative
- considerate
- considered
- consistent
- constructive
- controversial
- cool
- cooperative
- courageous
- creative
- curious
- customer-orientated
- dependable
- determined
- diligent
- diplomatic
- direct
- discerning
- disciplined
- discrete
- driven
- dynamic
- eager
- easy-going
- eclectic
- effective
- efficient
- emotional
- empathetic
- encouraging
- engaged
- enterprising
- enthusiastic
- entrepreneurial
- ethical
- evolved
- excited
- extroverted
- facilitator
- fair
- faithful
- fast
- fastidious
- focused
- frank
- friendly
- fun
- funny
- generous
- gentle
- genuine
- good
- goofy
- gregarious
- hardworking
- honest
- humble
- imaginative
- impartial
- incorruptible
- independent
- individual
- industrious
- initiator
- innovative
- insightful
- inspired
- inspiring
- intelligent
- intense
- interesting
- introverted
- intuitive
- inventive
- judicious
- keen
- kind
- knowledgeable
- leader
- learner
- level-headed
- lighthearted
- logical
- loud
- loving
- loyal
- mature
- mediator
- methodical
- meticulous
- modest
- moral
- motivated
- neat
- objective
- observant
- open
- open-minded
- optimistic
- orderly
- organized
- original
- partial
- particular
- passionate
- patient
- perceptive
- persevering
- persistent
- persuasive
- playful
- pleasant
- polite
- political
- positive
- powerful
- practical
- precise
- principled
- proactive
- productive
- professional
- prudent
- punctual
- purposeful
- quick-learner
- quick-witted
- quiet
- rational
- realistic
- reasonable
- reflective
- reliable
- reserved
- resilient
- resourceful
- respected
- respectful
- responsible
- responsive
- self-assured
- self-aware
- selfless
- self-motivated
- self-starter
- sensible
- shy
- simple
- sincere
- skilled
- sociable
- solid
- sophisticated
- spontaneous
- spritely
- stable
- steady
- strong
- subjective
- subtle
- successful
- sympathetic
- systematic
- tactful
- talented
- team-player
- tenacious
- thorough
- thoughtful
- tolerant
- traditional
- trusting
- trustworthy
- unaffected
- unassuming
- unconventional
- unique
- unpretentious
- upbeat
- versatile
- vibrant
- visionary
- warm
- watchful
- willing
- witty
- zealous
- zesty
If you’re interested in reading more describing words, be sure to check out:
- 240+ Words To Describe Your Personality
- 200+ Empowering Words To Describe A Strong Woman
- 350+ Positive Words to Describe Someone
- 250+ Unique Adjectives to Describe a Person
- 125+ Funny Words To Describe Someone
Adjectives characterizing a person from the good side
Heading: For every day Here is the most complete list of adjectives that positively characterize a person. The list does not include obscene words and words that are professional terms used by a narrow circle of people for professional purposes (not in colloquial speech).
The list does not include such words as: “beautiful”, “blue-eyed”, “stately”, “slender” and the like. They describe appearance, but (although they are adjectives used to describe a person) they are not related to character and are unable to shed light on personality traits.
Please note: the list contains words that can be both an adjective and participle (depending on the context in which the word is used at any given time).
Also, remember that some words are neutral in color and characterize a person from the good side only depending on the context in which it is used. But in the same way, it can be used not as a characteristic of positive personality traits, but simply as a statement of fact (without a specific coloring).
If you need the most complete list of adjectives that characterize a person (both positively and negatively), you can find it at the link above.
- Adventurous (positively characterizes if used in a good way)
- Adequate
- Gambling (here in the meaning - a positively gambling person, for example - an athlete or passionate about study, work, i.e. - very enthusiastic)
- Active
- Neat
- Altruistic (altruistic)
- Ambitious (if positively ambitious, in a good sense, we are talking about healthy ambitions of an adequate person)
- Apolitical
- Ascetic without violating the rights of others)
- Artistic
- Aristocratic
- Alert
- Harmless
- Fearless
- Galant
- harmonious
- Brilline
- Heroic
- Thunder
- Deep (here is not empty, filled person)
- Talking
- Golovasty 9001
- Hot (if used positively)
- Hospitable
- Literate
- Humane
- Gutta-percha
- Forethly
- Darovite
- Delicate
- Business
- Democratic
- Daring (sometimes insolence is required for the implementation of bold plans and this personality quality becomes positive)
- limy (cm above.
as daring)
- Active
- Diplomatic
- Disciplined
- Valiant
- Kind
- Kindest
- Companion
- Social
- Comfortable (for example: Comfortable in communication, in solving disputed issues, etc.)
- specific
- competitive
- Conservative
- Creative Creative Creative Creative Creative
- Painstaking
- Meek
- Cultural
- Laconic
- Gentle
- Light (here, not light by weight. For example: easy to communicate, easy to get on with, etc.)
- Lyrical (neutral characterizes, but in some cases is a positive property)
- Loyal
- Loving
- Affable
- Inquisitive
- Curious (for some situations, professions, this personality trait is positive)
- Loving
- Slow-speaking
- Insensitive (under certain circumstances, such a character trait can be positive)
- Mannery
- Skillful
- Seasoned (here in the meaning - very experienced, knowledgeable in something)
- Melancholic (neutrally characterizes In some cases, it is a positive characteristic.
For example, when it is required to exclude people of choleric temperament from the candidates under consideration ... in this case, characterizing him as "melancholy" will do him good)
- Powerful
- Fashion
- Moral
- Motivated
- Wise
- Wise
- Wisdom
- Musical
- Cweaty - Simple. Completely. Completely. description, sometimes - can serve as a negative feature)
- Thinking
- Soft (here in the meaning - soft in character, not to the touch)
- Soft -hearted
- Ertheated
- Reliable
- Nacked
- assertive
- Potter (in a good sense. assertiveness)
- Well-read
- Not indifferent
- Not indifferent
- Undemanding
- Unflappable
- NOT Military
- Infant (a useful property for ... for example - a surgeon and other specialists where a certain share of insensibility is required to fulfill their professional tasks)
- Nejadema
- Non -dry
- Negloor
- Non -Wire useful property for a man, for a woman - rather negative)
- Gentle
- Independent
- Disinterested (a useful feature when it is required to be disinterested in something in order to be objective)
- Principly
- Unfinous
- Large
- Extraordinary
- Non -sound
- Non -sound
- Non -melodious one, a produced and one -mights and in the same way.
- Innocent
- Uncorrupted
- Incorrigible
- Non-conflict
- Unselfish
- Unnecessary
- Unkind
- unemotional (it can positively characterize a person if the lack of emotionality, equanimity, excerpt, etc.)
- Normal

- Original
- Self-sufficient
- Self-forgetful
- Strong (not necessarily physically strong, for example: a strong person, mentally strong, mentally strong, etc.) e.)
- Skeptical
- Modest
- Scrupulous
- Loquacious
- Complicated (for example, complexly organized, etc. this can be both a negative characteristic and a positive one. This word can be described from a good side only if attached to it positive coloring in the context)
- Stable (constant, durable, sensible, emotional-stabil, socially stable, etc.)
- Stepnoy
- Strongy
- Passionate
- Strong-resistant
- Happy Happy Happy
- Tactful
- Talented
- Solid (here it means a reliable, stubborn, courageous, inflexible person)
- Creative
- Lucky
- amazing
- Squeezing
- Smiling
- Skillful
- Moderate
- Pacified
- Smart
- Unique
- CAN TREED OF THE COMMUNITURED (WHOS CAN TREE OF THE CAN depends on the context and circumstances)
- Balanced
- Diligent
- Diligent
- Helpful
- Successful
- Blonding
- Sophisticated
- Frontier
- Scientist
- Calid
- Sustainable (for example: mentally, emotionally, professionally, etc.
- Fanatic (for example, fanatically brought to work, children, children, children etc.)
- Fantasizing
- Lucky (from the word "luck")
- Fatish (depending on the context - in some cases it serves as a positive, negative or neutral characteristic)
- Philosophical (for example: philosophically minded, philosophically reasoning, etc.)
- Phlegmatic (neutral characteristic, but phlegmatic can be considered a virtue when a person of exactly the phlegmatic type is required, and all other types are undesirable)
- Photogenic
- Fundamental (here in the meaning - strong, strong)
- Charismatic
- Cold-blooded
- Hospitable
- Economically competent (economically prepared)
- Expert
- Extravagant (sometimes this word can be positively characterized, sometimes - negatively. Depends on the context)
- Energetic
- Emotional
- Empathetic (capable of empathy)
- Extraordic
- Outrageous
- Elite
- Spectacular
- Humorous
- Homornaya
- Young
- Legally competent/illiterate
- Yurkiy
- Language
- Bright
- Yariy (On any inclinations , an ardent hater of fools)
- Furious (here, as above - a fierce fan of his profession, for example)
- Clairvoyant
- All of the above words can positively characterize both a man and a woman, a teenager and in many cases a child.
To do this, you need to change the ending of each word, changing the gender of the word from masculine to feminine.
- This list of words is useful when creating a profile, resume, self-presentation, cover letter (when looking for a job), essays and is applicable wherever it is required to describe a person (his character traits, behavioral characteristics, personality traits, etc.).
- The collection of words was collected manually by the author of the site. And the author has copyright. Use the list for personal non-commercial purposes and do not use it for reprinting and publication (in whole or in separate fragments) on any media (electronic, paper, etc.).
- sultry
- Healthy (on good health and as a result - capable of healthy offspring)
- Knowing
- Gold
- Ideal
- Sincere Comfort
- interesting
- initiative
- intelligent
- intellectual
- intellectually developed
- Exquisite (about its style, taste, appearance, etc.)
- Impaired
- Kaifovo
- Cool
- competitive
- sociable
- creative
- cultured
- competent
- good
- leading
- Director
- Exventive enterprise
- Piquant
- pepper
- Perspective
- First-class
- Practical
- Positive
- Exemplary sampling family man)
- smart
- positive
- successful
- traveling
- popular
- amazing
- Smart (smartest)
- A successful (everything has time)
- Unique
- Successful
- Zealous
- Concert Conductive
- Helled
- Skill Fabulous0018
- Wonderful
- Priest
- Sensual
- Chumovaya
- Wide-thinking
- chic
- piece of ligs (as "piece specimen", i.
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