Amazing adjectives list
125+ Positive Adjectives | List of Adjectives
While there’s nothing wrong with being realistic, no one likes a Negative Neddy. This is where adjectives can help, giving you the right words to describe people, places, and things. Knowing your positive adjectives gives you the vocabulary to describe your charming friends, your passionate colleagues, and every stunning rainbow. A bigger personal vocabulary also improves your writing, so keep your eye on that silver lining.
Happy Jumping Woman With List of Five Positive Adjectives
List of Positive Attitude Adjectives
It’s not always easy keeping up a positive attitude, but building up your personal lexicon of positive attitude adjectives might help. You’ll begin to see yourself as more
diligent, dynamic, or likable than you realize.
Adjective | Definition | Synonyms |
affectionate | having or showing fond feelings or tenderness | loving, adoring, fond |
agreeable | pleasing or pleasant | pleasant, harmonious, amenable |
amiable | friendly and agreeable in disposition | friendly, polite, kind |
bright | intelligent | smart, intellectual |
charming | highly pleasing or delightful | enchanting, fascinating |
creative | characterized by originality and expressiveness | artistic, imaginative, inventive |
determined | resolute, having made a firm decision | persistent, stubborn, single-minded |
diligent | consistent in effort; pursued with persevering energy and attention | persistent, hard-working, industrious |
diplomatic | having the ability to deal with situations or people in an effective, sensitive way | tactful, gracious, strategic |
dynamic | full of energy and positive in attitude | charismatic, energetic, vital |
energetic | showing great vitality and activity | vigorous, vivacious, lively |
friendly | kind and pleasant; on good terms with | affable, companionable, amicable |
funny | causing amusement or laughter | hilarious, amusing, comical |
generous | freely giving and sharing; unselfish | big-hearted, charitable, considerate |
giving | caring; providing emotional support | generous, big-hearted, bountiful |
gregarious | sociable; fond of being around others | affable, friendly, convivial |
hardworking | working with great energy and concentration | industrious, diligent, zealous |
helpful | useful; readily providing assistance | beneficent, supportive, accommodating |
kind | having a good, generous, or friendly nature | affable, good, compassionate |
likable | pleasant and easy to like | agreeable, friendly, amiable |
loyal | giving constant faith and support to a person, nation, or institution | faithful, committed, devoted |
patient | able to tolerate problems without complaint or anger | enduring, tolerant, forbearing |
polite | showing good manners | courteous, civilized, cordial |
sincere | free of deceit, falseness, or pretense | genuine, honest, heartfelt |
List of Positive Adjectives To Describe a Person
One of the few sure things in life is: People are incredibly diverse. You need words to describe people and their actions beyond just great. Whether you need to describe a blithesome sibling, upbeat friend, or your own stunning look today, it never hurts to expand your vocabulary of positive adjectives for people.
Adjective | Definition | Synonyms |
amazing | astonishing; instilling great wonder or surprise | astounding, stunning, fascinating |
awesome | causing overwhelming feelings of admiration, reverence, or fear; impressive | amazing, awe-inspiring, outstanding |
blithesome | having a cheerful disposition | lighthearted, carefree, gleeful |
excellent | extremely good; having outstanding quality | wonderful, superior, exceptional |
fabulous | exceptionally good; nearly unbelievable | wonderful, awesome, phenomenal |
favorable | positive; expressing or characterized by approval | agreeable, supportive, encouraging |
fortuitous | lucky; happening by chance or accident | accidental, unexpected, serendipitous |
gorgeous | very attractive in appearance; beautiful | handsome, exquisite, good-looking |
incredible | unbelievable; extraordinary | marvelous, inconceivable, amazing |
unique | having no equal, one of a kind | singular, individual, unparalleled |
mirthful | joyous, cheerful | merry, carefree, gleeful |
outstanding | prominent; exceptionally good | superior, excellent, magnificent |
perfect | beyond improvement; as close to the ideal as possible | flawless, faultless, impeccable |
philosophical | calm, patient, or composed in light of disappointments; versed in philosophy | reflective, rational, profound |
propitious | presenting favorable conditions; favorably inclined | auspicious, advantageous, promising |
remarkable | extraordinary; worthy of notice | unusual, impressive, noteworthy |
rousing | stirring, lively, vigorous | enthusiastic, spirited, chirpy |
spectacular | characterized by an impressive display; thrilling or daring | awesome, breathtaking, dazzling |
splendid | magnificent, gorgeous, superb | luxurious, excellent, illustrious |
stellar | relating to the stars; exceptionally good | cosmic, outstanding, superior |
stupendous | amazingly large; causing amazement | wonderful, fabulous, marvelous |
super | of the highest degree; very good; of an extreme degree | great, magnificent, terrific |
upbeat | happy and optimistic | cheerful, buoyant, rosy |
stunning | causing astonishment or bewilderment; characterized by striking excellence or beauty | beautiful, gorgeous, dazzling |
wondrous | marvelous, wonderful | astonishing, extraordinary, miraculous |
Descriptive Positive Words for Personality Traits and Qualities
People have complex, nuanced personalities that exist beyond the binary of bad and good. With the right vocabulary, you can better describe the personality traits and qualities of your considerate friends and loving family, or you can write plucky, vivacious characters.
Adjective | Definition | Synonyms |
adept | very skilled | proficient, adroit, skillful |
alluring | charming; very tempting or attractive | seductive, enticing, beguiling |
ample | sufficient or more than enough | plentiful, abundant, bountiful |
bountiful | giving generously; large in amount | abundant, plentiful, magnanimous |
brave | ready and willing to face danger | courageous, fearless, valiant |
breathtaking | thrilling or awe-inspiring in quality | amazing, heart-stopping, impressive |
brilliant | shining brightly; having or displaying great intelligence or skill | dazzling, outstanding, astute |
capable | having the power and ability to accomplish something | competent, able, adept |
considerate | showing care and awareness of other people’s feelings | thoughtful, attentive, accommodating |
courageous | not deterred by dangerous or fearful things | brave, bold, daring |
dazzling | extremely bright, enough to blind temporarily; highly skilled, clever, or attractive | brilliant, glittering, sensational |
elegant | gracefully refined; tasteful or luxurious in dress or style | chic, dignified, fashionable |
enchanting | delightfully captivating and charming | alluring, beguiling, bewitching |
faithful | true to one’s principles; remaining loyal | reliable, dependable, devoted |
fearless | bold, brave, or intrepid | courageous, unafraid, daring |
frank | direct in speech | unreserved, straightforward, matter-of-fact |
gleaming | giving off light or brightness; radiant | shining, glistening, lustrous |
glimmering | shining faintly or unsteadily | scintillating, dazzling, twinkling |
glistening | shining with a sparkling light | glossy, lustrous, gleaming |
glittering | shining with a shimmering or sparkling light | gleaming, glistening, twinkling |
glowing | warmly favorable or praiseworthy; bright | enthusiastic, vibrant, flushed |
humorous | causing laughter and amusement | comical, funny, amusing |
knowledgeable | well-informed or well-versed in specific topics | smart, educated, intelligent |
lovely | exquisitely beautiful; pleasant or enjoyable | good-looking, delightful, adorable |
loving | warmly affectionate | fond, caring, admiring |
lustrous | luminous; brilliant | shining, glorious, glowing |
magnificent | sublime; extraordinary; having exceptional size | wonderful, brilliant, grandiose |
marvelous | superb, excellent; improbable or unbelievable | astonishing, awesome, fantastic |
nice | pleasant in nature | agreeable, fair, friendly |
optimistic | hopeful and confident about future events | positive, sanguine, cheerful |
passionate | having intense emotions or strong feelings | ardent, enthusiastic, impassioned |
persistent | lasting or enduring despite obstacles or opposition | determined, relentless, resolute |
plucky | showing courage | brave, heroic, gutsy |
proficient | competent or skilled in a craft or subject | able, adept, capable |
ravishing | enchanting; extremely attractive | alluring, beautiful, gorgeous |
romantic | characterized by the expression of love | amorous, sentimental, intimate |
self-confident | trusting or secure in oneself | assertive, self-assured, composed |
sensible | showing or possessing wisdom, prudence, or sound judgment | astute, reasonable, practical |
sleek | smooth or glossy; graceful | shiny, silky, satin |
sparkling | shining brightly with flashes of light | glinting, gleaming, brilliant |
thoughtful | caring and considerate of others | mindful, gracious, tactful |
twinkling | shining with a light that alternates between faint and bright | sparkling, flashing, shimmering |
vivid | full of life; producing strong feelings | intense, powerful, evocative |
vibrant | vigorous or energetic; stimulating | dynamic, vivacious, animated |
vivacious | lively, spirited | active, animated, effervescent |
warm-hearted | kind and sympathetic | kindhearted, selfless, affable |
willing | readily given or done | prepared, agreeable, inclined |
zestful | having great energy or enthusiasm | exhilarated, eager, vivacious |
List of Positive Adjectives for Your Resume
Your resume is a tool for selling yourself to a potential employer, which is hard to do when you’re just using words. Even if you’re fully qualified, the wrong words in your resume can send you back to scrolling through endless job listings. Sticking with some positive adjectives can help you land the interview, and they can be a great reminder that you’re an ambitious, devoted, and responsible employee.
Adjective | Definition | Synonyms |
adaptable | able to readily adjust to different conditions | flexible, versatile, resilient |
ambitious | having the desire to be successful or achieve goals | determined, goal-oriented, enterprising |
approachable | easy to talk to; accessible | friendly, affable, sociable |
competitive | having a strong desire to succeed in competition | aggressive, ambitious, cutthroat |
confident | having strong belief of assurance | sure, convinced, assured |
customer-focused | putting customers’ needs first | generous, giving, friendly |
devoted | extremely loyal | committed, devout, ardent |
educated | having experienced an education; characteristic of qualities of learning and culture | experienced, learned, knowledgeable |
efficient | achieving peak productivity with minimal waste of time and effort | capable, productive, adept |
fast-paced | moving or changing quickly | quick, hurried, expeditious |
flexible | adaptable; pliable | adjustable, responsive, amenable |
focused | characterized by close attention or concentration | absorbed, engaged, engrossed |
honest | fair; sincere; honorable | truthful, genuine, virtuous |
independent | thinking or acting for oneself; autonomous | self-reliant, self-sufficient, individualistic |
inquisitive | eager for knowledge, intellectually curious | analytical, questioning, intrigued |
insightful | showing a deep understanding | perceptive, astute, shrewd |
open-minded | open to new ideas | receptive, approachable, objective |
organized | orderly and efficient; having formed a labor union | arranged, coordinated, structured |
personable | having a pleasing personality | approachable, friendly, sociable |
productive | able to produce large amounts of goods or commodities | fruitful, constructive, efficient |
qualified | having traits and qualities necessary for a job | able, skillful, capable |
relaxed | not strict; free of tension or anxiety | easygoing, laid-back, nonchalant |
resourceful | able to skillfully overcome difficulties | creative, clever, quick-witted |
responsible | capable of being trusted; reliable or dependable | accountable, trustworthy, competent |
technological | proficient or knowledgeable about technology | tech-savvy |
Good Adjectives To Describe Art and Media
You’ve watched the latest movie, read the newest book, or caught up with the new season of your favorite show. All you can muster is “I liked it.” It’s time to expand your language horizons so you can talk about the engrossing plot, engaging characters, and powerful visuals like a true art critic.
Adjective | Definition | Synonyms |
engaging | charming and attractive; drawing favorable attention | captivating, appealing, inviting |
engrossing | completely occupying one’s attention | absorbing, gripping, enthralling |
captivating | capable of attracting and holding one’s interest | enchanting, engrossing, riveting |
fantastic | extravagantly fanciful | awesome, sensational, imaginary |
gripping | intensely holding one’s interest and attention | absorbing, engrossing, consuming |
heartwarming | emotionally rewarding or satisfying | gratifying, heartening, inspiring |
hilarious | extremely amusing, merry | comical, amusing, uproarious |
imaginative | showing creativity or inventiveness | fanciful, artistic, whimsical |
moving | evoking strong feelings | touching, affecting, poignant |
powerful | evoking a strong effect on thoughts or feelings | compelling, persuasive, impressive |
spellbinding | holding one’s thoughts or feelings as though by a magic spell | enchanting, entrancing, bewitching |
thought-provoking | stimulating attention or careful consideration | provocative, intriguing, inspiring |
Sentence Examples Using Positive Adjectives
Now that you know some positive adjectives, it’s a good idea to learn how to use them properly in your regular conversations and writing. It can help you be more open-minded and optimistic.
- The movie was so hilarious that I could hardly breathe from laughing so hard.
- The parents were thankful that the spellbinding puppet show kept the children’s attention.
- I promise that the story about creating the world’s most perfect cheeseburger is more gripping than you think.
- Even though he tended to be independent, he wasn’t afraid to ask for help when he really needed it.
- The confident puppy dove headfirst into the swimming pool.
- We were all out of breath by the time we hit the peak of the mountain, but it was worth it for the breathtaking scenery.
- The moving tribute to pizza left everyone in the theater close to tears.
- The whole crowd applauded after the dazzling fireworks display.
- Despite his cold, grumpy exterior, he was actually quite warm-hearted once you got to know him.
- The resourceful camper was able to start a fire and cook dinner with just some aluminum foil and a sock.
- His vivacious nature helped to keep up everyone’s spirits.
- The team’s competitive drive helped them win out against the competition.
- The book was so engrossing that she didn’t even realize her friend was talking to her.
- It was such a lovely day that absolutely nothing could bother them.
- The devoted customer refused to shop elsewhere, even after the increase in the price of bananas.
- The bird’s persistent foraging helped the babies grow strong.
- The car had ample room for all their groceries, a bike, and a box full of encyclopedias.
- Her vivid imagination as a child is part of what led to her becoming an artist.
- The soda’s unique flavor tasted like a mix of guavas and cheese.
- Her gregarious nature made it easy for her to find friends in the new city.
Other Words To Help Keep Things Positive
Positivity is contagious, and the words you use play a role in that. Now that your mind has an ample supply of positive adjectives, it’s time to expand with a whole host of other positive parts of speech. Building up your vocabulary can help you develop more thought-provoking writing and conversation, and it can give you a leg up on your favorite word games.
- Positive Words That Start With “A”
- Positive Words for Evaluating Employees
- Words That Describe a Good Friendship
Staff Writer
The Ultimate List of Positive Adjectives
Adjectives are powerful. Used well, they bring settings and characters to life by adding descriptive details. They can also add flavor to non-fiction texts.
This ultimate list of positive adjectives is perfect if you’re looking for a particular word to describe something optimistically, or simply want to expand your vocabulary. They’re sorted into words that could describe people, and those that best describe places, all helpfully arranged in alphabetical order with a simple explanation of their meaning.
What Are Adjectives and How Do We Use Them?
Adjectives are often called "describing words." They modify the noun in a sentence. You can either use them directly before the noun to create a noun phrase or separate them from the noun they’re describing.
- Noun phrase: The ambitious employee.
- Separated from the noun: The employee was ambitious.
You can use more than one adjective in a sentence separated by a comma. However, try not to overuse adjectives, as this makes your writing harder to read.
What Are Positive Adjectives?
Highlight how great a person or place is by using positive adjectives. They are often used to describe personalities, particularly heroes. These adjectives give more detail about how a character behaves, their emotions, and their personality.
How Can ProWritingAid Help You Find the Best Adjectives?
When you’re writing, you might find that you rely on the same familiar adjectives. Or perhaps you’ve noticed that you tend to overuse certain words?
ProWritingAid has a range of reports that will help you spot overused words and helpfully suggest alternatives:
- All Repeats: Identify adjectives you over-rely on.
- Overused Words: Find and eliminate generic words.
- Word Explorer: Find a huge range of alternative adjective choices.
The Thesaurus Report highlights all the adjectives in your text so you can check them for specificity and strength at a glance. Each highlight also offers suggestions for alternatives:
With these tools, you can make sure you’re using the best adjective for your purpose every time.
If you’re trying to describe a character in a positive way, this wide selection of adjectives is sure to help.
Positive Adjectives A–C
- Accomplished: Proficient at something
- Adaptable: Able to change quickly
- Adept: Good at something
- Adventurous: Enjoys taking risks/trying new things
- Affable: Friendly
- Affectionate: Shows fondness
- Agreeable: Willing to do things
- Alluring: Sexually appealing
- Amazing: Wonderful
- Ambitious: Determined to succeed
- Amiable: Friendly, pleasant
- Amicable: Friendliness
- Ample: Plenty of something
- Amusing: Makes people laugh
- Approachable: Easy to talk to
- Articulate: Speaks well in an educated manner
- Awesome: Inspiring awe, amazement
- Blithesome: Cheerful
- Brave: Not scared
- Bright: Clever
- Brilliant: Clever, inspirational
- Broad-minded: Open-minded
- Calm: Even-tempered
- Capable: Able to do something
- Captivating: Keeps attention
- Careful: Uses caution
- Charismatic: Compels others to agree
- Charming: Has charm
- Chatty: Talkative
- Cheerful: Happy
- Communicative: Clear communication with others
- Compassionate: Caring
- Competitive: Driven to win
- Confident: Self-certainty
- Conscientious: Does their duty
- Considerate: Thinks of others
- Convivial: Cheerful, friendly
- Courageous: Brave
- Courteous: Good manners
- Creative: Artistic
Positive Adjectives D–F
- Dazzling: Bright
- Decisive: Makes decisions quickly
- Dependable: Can rely on
- Determined: Focused on success
- Devoted: Cares deeply for a person or ideal
- Diligent: Works hard
- Diplomatic: Tactful
- Discreet: Keeps secrets
- Dynamic: Full of ideas
- Easy-going: Relaxed temperament
- Educated: Well-studied
- Efficient: Completes tasks easily
- Elegant: Graceful, stylish
- Emotional: Full of emotion
- Enchanting: Delights
- Energetic: Full of energy
- Enlightened: Spiritually aware, rational, well-informed
- Engaging: Interesting
- Enthusiastic: Keen
- Excellent: Very good
- Expert: An authority on a subject
- Exuberant: Full of energy
- Fabulous: Wonderful
- Fair-minded: Impartial, just
- Faithful: True to something
- Fantastic: Wonderful, amazing at something
- Fearless: Without fear
- Flexible: Able to change easily
- Focused: Goal orientated
- Forceful: Makes change happen, determined
- Frank: Speaks honestly and openly
- Friendly: Pleasant to others
- Funny: Amusing
Positive Adjectives G–I
- Generous: Gives to others
- Gentle: Uses a light touch
- Giving: Gives to others
- Gleaming: Shining, very clean
- Glimmering: shining with a wavering light
- Glistening: Shining with a sparkling light
- Glittering: Shining with a shimmering light
- Glowing: Lit up from within
- Good: Honest
- Gorgeous: Beautiful
- Gregarious: Sociable, likes company
- Hard-working: Puts in full effort
- Helpful: Looks after others
- Hilarious: Extremely funny
- Honest: Tells the truth
- Humorous: Amusing
- Imaginative: Has a vivid imagination
- Impartial: Not biased
- Incredible: Extremely proficient at something
- Independent: Able to support themselves
- Inquisitive: Interested, curious
- Insightful: Has deep understanding
- Intellectual: Intelligent, educated
- Intelligent: Clever
- Intuitive: Instinctive understanding
- Inventive: Creative, comes up with new ideas
Positive Adjectives K–M
- Kind: Looks after others
- Knowledgeable: Intelligent, studied
- Kooky: Unusual
- Laid-back: Relaxed
- Likable: Easily liked by others
- Lovely: Good, kind
- Loving: Shows affection
- Loyal: Consistently supportive
- Lustrous: Shining (often to describe hair)
- Magnificent: Wonderful
- Marvelous: Amazing, stunning
- Mirthful: Full of humor, amused
- Modest: Doesn’t seek credit or well-covered in clothing
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Positive Adjectives N–P
- Neat: Tidy
- Nice: Pleasant
- Observant: Sharp-eyed
- Open-minded: Willing to listen to alternative ideas
- Optimistic: Positive
- Organized: Works efficiently and systematically
- Outstanding: Beyond normal, very good
- Passionate: Feeling strongly, ardent
- Patient: Happy to wait
- Perfect: No flaws
- Persistent: Does not give up
- Personable: Pleasant appearance
- Philosophical: Calm reaction to difficulties
- Pioneering: Trendsetter, first to do something
- Placid: Calm, easy-going
- Plucky: Courageous
- Polite: Well-mannered
- Powerful: Strong, has power
- Practical: Skilled at manual tasks
- Pro-active: Takes action before it becomes necessary
- Productive: Gets lots done
- Proficient: Skilled at something
- Propitious: Favorable
Positive Adjectives Q–S
- Qualified: Certified as able to do something
- Quick-witted: Intelligent, quick-thinking
- Quiet: Not loud
- Rational: Thinks without emotion
- Ravishing: Delightful, entrancing
- Relaxed: Free from tension
- Reliable: Consistent, can be relied upon
- Remarkable: Unusually skilled or talented
- Reserved: Slow to reveal emotions or opinions
- Resourceful: Able to find solutions
- Responsible: Takes charge, reliable
- Romantic: Demonstrates their love
- Rousing: Stirs emotions in others
- Self-confident: Belief in own abilities
- Self-disciplined: controlled
- Sensible: Does not make rash decisions
- Sensitive: Aware of others
- Sincere: Honest and genuine
- Sleek: smooth
- Sociable: Enjoys company
- Spectacular: Wonderful, makes a spectacle
- Splendid: Extremely good
- Stellar: Exceptionally good
- Straightforward: To the point
- Stunning: Very beautiful
- Stupendous: Extremely impressive
- Super: Good
- Sympathetic: Cares about others, shows sympathy
Positive Adjectives T–Z
- Technological: Understands technology
- Thoughtful: Thinks of others
- Tidy: Neat
- Tough: Can withstand hardships
- Trustworthy: To be trusted
- Twinkling: Shining
- Unassuming: Modest
- Understanding: Sympathetic to opinions of others
- Unique: one-of-a-kind
- Upbeat: positive
- Versatile: Skilled at different things
- Vibrant: Bright, colorful
- Vivacious: Full of life
- Vivid: Very bright, strong color
- Warm-hearted: Kind to others
- Willing: Happy to do something
- Witty: Verbally clever, amusing
- Wondrous: Wonderful
Which Positive Adjectives Best Describe a Place?
If you want a vivid description, this list of positive adjectives will help you find the perfect word to describe a setting.
Positive Place Adjectives A–C
- Abundant: Full of something
- Agricultural: Farmland
- Alive: Full of life
- Amazing: Wonderful
- Astronomical: Extremely large
- Attractive: Appealing, beautiful
- Beautiful: Very pretty
- Blazing: Full of light or fire
- Boundless: Endless, very large
- Bountiful: Fertile, lots of something
- Breath-taking: Visually beautiful
- Bright: Very light
- Bustling: Full of people
- Calm: Quiet and relaxed
- Charming: Quaint, lovely
- Colossal: Extremely large
- Colorful: Full of color
- Cosmopolitan: Includes people from disparate countries
Positive Place Adjectives D–F
- Dramatic: Drama
- Dusky: Darkish, dim
- Enchanted: Magical
- Enchanting: Creates a feeling of magic
- Extensive: Very large
- Fairy-tale-like: Magical
- Far-flung: distant
- Fascinating: Very interesting
- Favorable: Promising, good
- Fertile: Full of life, easy to grow
- Fresh: New, newly grown
Positive Place Adjectives G–K
- Harmonious: Living in harmony, without dispute
- Historic: From the past
- Homey: Warm, inviting, small
- Immaculate: Perfectly clean
- Immeasurable: Impossible to measure
- Immense: Enormous
- Imposing: Large, overwhelming
- Impressive: Admirable
- Incredible: Beyond belief
- Indescribable: Unable to describe using words
- Inspiring: Inspires someone
Positive Place Adjectives L–M
- Lively: Full of life, energetic
- Lush: Especially of vegetation, rich
- Luxurious: Luxury
- Magical: Magic, wonderful
- Magnificent: Extremely beautiful or impressive
- Majestic: A sense of majesty
- Marvelous: Wonderful
- Massive: Very large
- Meandering: Not in a straight line
- Monumental: Extremely large
- Mountainous: Like a mountain
- Mysterious: Strange, unknown
- Mystical: Magical
Positive Place Adjectives N–P
- Nostalgic: Warm feeling of the past
- Palatial: Like a palace
- Pastoral: Arable farmland
- Peaceful: Quiet, undisturbed
- Picturesque: Visually attractive
- Pleasant: Nice, enjoyable
- Prosperous: Rich
Positive Place Adjectives R–Z
- Remarkable: Unusual
- Rural: Remote, farmland
- Sandy: Made of sand
- Sensational: Creating a sensation, wonderful
- Serene: Calm and tranquil
- Shiny: Reflects light
- Spacious: Ample space
- Stunning: Extremely impressive, attractive
- Sun-drenched: Extremely sunny
- Superb: Wonderful, best quality
- Terrific: Wonderful, great
- Towering: Very tall
- Tranquil: Quiet and calm
- Unspoiled/Unspoilt: Unaffected, undamaged
- Vast: Extremely large
- Vibrant: Bright, full of life
How to Use Positive Adjectives In Your Writing
Adjectives should be used sparingly to have the greatest impact. Overusing adjectives, particularly if they have very similar meanings, weakens your writing, and makes it harder to read. Carefully choosing the most effective ones creates a vivid picture for your reader without over-explaining every detail.
ProWritingAid’s readability suggestions will show you stronger alternatives for weak adjectives. If you write that something is "really good," you’ll see the alternatives below:
If none of those quite fit your meaning, come back to this list to find an adjective that is specific and strong to engage your reader.
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Adjectives characterizing a person from the good side
Heading: For every day Here is the most complete list of adjectives that positively characterize a person. The list does not include obscene words and words that are professional terms used by a narrow circle of people for professional purposes (not in colloquial speech).
The list does not include such words as: “beautiful”, “blue-eyed”, “stately”, “slender” and the like. They describe appearance, but (although they are adjectives used to describe a person) they are not related to character and are unable to shed light on personality traits.
Please note: the list contains words that can be both an adjective and participle (depending on the context in which the word is used at any given time).
Also, remember that some words are neutral in color and characterize a person from the good side only depending on the context in which it is used. But in the same way, it can be used not as a characteristic of positive personality traits, but simply as a statement of fact (without a specific coloring).
If you need the most complete list of adjectives that characterize a person (both positively and negatively), you can find it at the link above.
- Adventurous (positively characterizes if used in a good way)
- Adequate
- Gambling (here in the meaning - a positively gambling person, for example - an athlete or passionate about study, work, i.e. - very enthusiastic)
- Active
- Neat
- Altruistic (altruistic)
- Ambitious (if positively ambitious, in a good sense, we are talking about healthy ambitions of an adequate person)
- Apolitical
- Ascetic without violating the rights of others)
- Artistic
- Aristocratic
- Alert
- Harmless
- Fearless
- Galant
- harmonious
- Brilline
- Heroic
- Thunder
- Deep (here is not empty, filled person)
- Talking
- Golovasty 9001
- Hot (if used positively)
- Hospitable
- Literate
- Humane
- Gutta-percha
- Forethly
- Darovite
- Delicate
- Business
- Democratic
- Daring (sometimes insolence is required for the implementation of bold plans and this personality quality becomes positive)
- Derminent (cm above.
as daring)
- Active
- Diplomatic
- Disciplined
- Valiant
- Kind
- Kindest
- Companion
- Social
- Comfortable (for example: Comfortable in communication, in solving disputed issues, etc.)
- specific
- competitive
- Conservative
- Creative Creative Creative Creative Creative
- Painstaking
- Meek
- Cultural
- Laconic
- Gentle
- Light (here, not light by weight. For example: easy to communicate, easy to get on with, etc.)
- Lyrical (neutral characterizes, but in some cases is a positive property)
- Loyal
- Loving
- Affable
- Inquisitive
- Curious (for some situations, professions, this personality trait is positive)
- Loving
- Slow-speaking
- Insensitive (under certain circumstances, such a character trait can be positive)
- Mannery
- Skillful
- Seasoned (here in the meaning - very experienced, knowledgeable in something)
- Melancholic (neutrally characterizes In some cases, it is a positive characteristic.
For example, when it is required to exclude people of choleric temperament from the candidates under consideration ... in this case, characterizing him as "melancholy" will do him good)
- Powerful
- Fashion
- Moral
- Motivated
- Wise
- Wise
- Wisdom
- Musical
- Cweaty - Simple. Completely. Completely. description, sometimes - can serve as a negative feature)
- Thinking
- Soft (here in the meaning - soft in character, not to the touch)
- Soft -hearted
- Ertheated
- Reliable
- Nacked
- assertive
- Potter (in a good sense. assertiveness)
- Well-read
- Not indifferent
- Not indifferent
- Undemanding
- Unflappable
- NOT Military
- Infant (a useful property for ... for example - a surgeon and other specialists where a certain share of insensibility is required to fulfill their professional tasks)
- Nejadema
- Non -dry
- Negloor
- Non -Wire useful property for a man, for a woman - rather negative)
- Gentle
- Independent
- Disinterested (a useful feature when it is required to be disinterested in something in order to be objective)
- Principly
- Unfinous
- Large
- Extraordinary
- Non -sound
- Non -sound
- Non -melodious one, a produced and one -mights and in the same way.
- Innocent
- Uncorrupted
- Incorrigible
- Non-contentious
- Unselfish
- Unnecessary
- Unkind
- unemotional (it can positively characterize a person if the lack of emotionality, equanimity, excerpt, etc.)
- Normal

- Original
- Self-sufficient
- Self-forgetful
- Strong (not necessarily physically strong, for example: a strong person, mentally strong, mentally strong, etc.) e.)
- Skeptical
- Modest
- Scrupulous
- Loquacious
- Complicated (for example, complexly organized, etc. this can be both a negative characteristic and a positive one.
This word can be described from a good side only if attached to it positive coloring in the context)
- Stable (constant, durable, sensible, emotional-stabil, socially stable, etc.)
- Stepnoy
- Strongy
- Passionate
- Strong-resistant
- Happy Happy Happy
- Tactful
- Talented
- Solid (here it means a reliable, stubborn, courageous, inflexible person)
- Creative
- Lucky
- amazing
- Squeezing
- Smiling
- Skillful
- Moderate
- Pacified
- Smart
- Unique
- CAN TREED OF THE COMMUNITURED (WHOS CAN TREE OF THE CAN depends on the context and circumstances)
- Balanced
- Diligent
- Diligent
- Helpful
- Successful
- Blonding
- Sounded
- Slender
- Scientist
- Calid
- Sustainable (for example: Mentally, emotionally, professionally, etc.
- Fanatic (for example, fanatically brought to work, children, children, children etc.)
- Fantasizing
- Lucky (from the word "luck")
- Fatish (depending on the context - in some cases it serves as a positive, negative or neutral characteristic)
- Philosophical (for example: philosophically minded, philosophically reasoning, etc.)
- Phlegmatic (neutral characteristic, but phlegmatic can be considered a virtue when a person of exactly the phlegmatic type is required, and all other types are undesirable)
- Photogenic
- Fundamental (here in the meaning - strong, strong)
- Charismatic
- Cold-blooded
- Hospitable
- Economically competent (economically prepared)
- Expert
- Extravagant (sometimes this word can be positively characterized, sometimes - negatively. Depends on the context)
- Emotional
- Empathetic (capable of empathy)
- Extraordic
- Outrageous
- Elite
- Spectacular
- Humorous
- Homornaya
- Young
- Legally competent/illiterate
- Yurkiy
- Language
- Bright
- Yariy (On any inclinations , an ardent hater of fools)
- Furious (here, as above - a fierce fan of his profession, for example)
- Clairvoyant
- All of the above words can positively characterize both a man and a woman, a teenager and in many cases a child.
To do this, you need to change the ending of each word, changing the gender of the word from masculine to feminine.
- This list of words is useful when creating a profile, resume, self-presentation, cover letter (when looking for a job), essays and is applicable wherever it is required to describe a person (his character traits, behavioral characteristics, personality traits, etc.).
- The collection of words was collected manually by the author of the site. And the author has copyright. Use the list for personal non-commercial purposes and do not use it for reprinting and publication (in whole or in separate fragments) on any media (electronic, paper, etc.).
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The use of adjectives when performing tasks
The author of the article is a professional tutor Sh. Z. Umarova
Adjectives in English describe objects and phenomena. They are invariable companions of the noun.
Although they do not play the main role in the proposal, but for communication, or rather, for mutual understanding between people - their role is very large.