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Autumn kindergarten activities
Top 10 Fall Activities for Kindergarteners
Home / Activities / Creativity Activities / Top 10 Fall Activities for Kindergarteners
Autumn is in full swing, so we compiled a list of the best activities to do with your child! Our list includes activities that promote fine motor skills, gross motor skills, organization, creativity, and imagination! Which activity is your favorite?
1. Pumpkin Apple Stamps
Credit: Frugal Mom Eh
“These Pumpkin Apple Stamps are a fun way to celebrate the coming autumn season! This is a kids craft that will keep children busy creating works of art!”
2. Leaf Foxes
Credit: Glued to my Crafts Blog
This is the perfect craft to engage creativity and imagination!
3. Leaf Painting
Credit: Minne Momma
“This simple painting activity is a lot of fun, between the leaf collecting, deciding where to place the leaves, and watching the colors mix on the paper to resemble the leaves we see changing outside, we enjoyed this craft from start to finish!”
Kid-Friendly Lanterns
Credit: Parenting from the Heart
“One of my first go-to’s is making these Fall Lanterns. Honestly, they’re SO easy to make and turn out beautifully. Not only that, my young kids can make these with next-to-no help. Plus, painting is great for their fine-motor skills and hand-eye coordination.”
5. Scarecrow Cookies
Credit: Skip to my Lou
These scarecrow cookies are perfect to add to the lunchbox or to make for the whole classroom!
6. Pumpkin Tic-tac-toe
Credit: Toddler Approved
“Not only does this game allow kids to work on turn taking skills, but they also have to try and predict and problem solve while they play too!”
7. No Carve Emoji Pumpkins
Credit: Cutefetti
“My front porch is already starting to look like a full blown Halloween party and I’m loving it. I just love the way these No Carve Emoji Pumpkins came out and the best part is that they are super easy to come together.
8. Pumpkin Toss Game
Credit: Better Homes and Gardens
This game helps children work on hand-eye coordination and gross motor skills!
9. Leaf Hunt Activity
Credit: This Little Home of Mine
“I love finding simple seasonal activities that are easy to throw in with our family’s typical routine. This Leaf Hunt was a winner – and absolutely perfect for this time of year!”
10. Apple Themed Fine Motor Activity
Credit: A Resourceful Mama
“This apple themed fine motor apple activity that I set up for her that also works on colors and early math skills. What I loved about this project is how easy it was to change it and make it work for our kindergartner or an older preschooler.”
Activity Creativity Fall Kindergarten Motor Skills
10 FANTASTIC Fall Activities For Kindergarteners - 2022 Guide
Fall is the best time to explore the beauty of nature around you.
You step outside and witness leaves changing colors to red, orange, and yellow. It creates a colorful and vibrant atmosphere, making you feel refreshed.
Thus, it is ideal for performing various leaf activities with kindergartners in the fall season. In fact, it is best to introduce various interactive fall activities to welcome the fall season into your classroom.
This article highlights some interesting fall activities for kindergarten that will awaken the children’s artsy side. The comprehensive guide will present you with engaging fall activities that assist in developing fine motor skills and allow the kids to acquire new skills.
So, let’s begin exploring!
Great Fall Activities For Kindergarten
There are so many amazing fall activities that you can perform with kids. We have compiled a list of some of the best ones and provided their in-depth description. This will help you gain a clear understanding of how to execute the fall activities successfully with your kids.
Photo Credit: fun-a-day.comPhoto Credit: fun-a-day.comPhoto Credit: fun-a-day.comLearn More
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Photo Credit: kidssoup.comPhoto Credit: kidssoup.comLearn More
Photo Credit: theladybirdsadventures.co.ukLearn More
Photo Credit: artbarblog.comLearn More
Photo Credit: sparklinginprimary.comPhoto Credit: sparklinginprimary.comLearn More
Photo Credit: teachingmama.orgPhoto Credit: firstpalette.comPhoto Credit: firstpalette.comLearn More
Leaf rubbing is an incredibly interesting activity that you may consider this fall season. All three-to-five-year-olds will love creating leaf rubbing art. Let your children go outside and pick leaves for performing this interesting leaf rubbing activity.
Begin by placing the leaves under a white piece of paper and rub the white crayon over it. As the white crayon is rubbed on the paper, it will have a print of the leaf that will be revealed once the child paints over it with different watercolors.
The children will get to create leaf rubbing art using the beautiful leaves. You would require a white piece of paper, white crayon, and watercolors. Make sure that you have all these items ready as you perform the activity.
As the leaves are revealed, you can discuss the different parts. You can talk about the function of the veins that assist the leaf in getting water and minerals to keep it blooming, and so on.
Similarly, there are various other leaf activities that you may consider doing with the kids. You can find them on TeachingMama.org.
Photo Credit: funlearningforkids.comLearn More
Photo Credit: howweelearn.comLearn More
Photo Credit: alittlepinchofperfect.comLearn More
What Supplies Are Needed For These Activities?
Most of the activities on our list are simple and require materials that are found easily in local stores. Some of the materials can be found at your home as well, making it convenient for you to execute the activities.
Materials such as chart paper, scissors, glue sticks, paints, crayons, and plastic bags are usually available at your home. If not, then you can easily go to the nearest store and purchase these supplies for various activities. The best part is that most of our activities can be performed using these materials only. So, you do not have to spend time exploring different places for gathering supplies.
However, you might have to purchase materials like fabric leaves, clips, or sensory bins. You may use real leaves if you find difficulty in finding fabric leaves. Fabric leaves are long-lasting and are preferred in some activities.
To conclude, these fall activities for kindergartners are a great way of developing sensory, math, creativity, literacy, and other similar skills. Hopefully, the fall activities on our list will make learning fun and exciting for the kids. These engaging activities will keep the kids busy and help them understand their surroundings.
So, let the children explore and make the most of this fall season!
Abstract of the lesson on the topic: "Autumn in kindergarten." Senior group. | Outline of the lesson on the world around (senior group):
Summary of the lesson on the topic: "Autumn in kindergarten." Senior group.
Purpose: To summarize children's knowledge about autumn, about changes in the world around them.
Tasks: Contribute to the consolidation of children's knowledge about changes in nature with the onset of autumn.
To fix with the children the signs of autumn and the names of the autumn months.
To develop in children the ability to listen to peers without interrupting them.
Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.
Preliminary work:
A conversation about autumn, viewing pictures depicting autumn signs, didactic games on vegetables and fruits, compiling a story about autumn using a mnemonic diagram.
All the children gathered in a circle (stand in a circle)
I am your friend (hands to chest)
And you are my friend (stretch hands to each other)
Let's hold hands tightly (join hands)
Let's smile at each other (smile)
Educator. Here we said hello. Well done. Now guess my riddle.
A fox passed under a bush
And burned the foliage
With its tail.
Fire climbed the branches
And blazed
Autumn forest.
Children. It's autumn
Educator. That's right, well done, it's autumn. And let's remember autumn signs with you.
(Children's answers)
Educator. Guys, what are the autumn months?
Children. September October November.
Turn on the sound
Educator. Well done. Children, do you want to go on an autumn trip today?
Children. Yes, we do.
Educator. Tell me, what can you travel on?
Children. By train, by car, on foot, by bus
How about we go on a plane trip? But first, tell me how to behave in a public place?
Children. Do not make noise, do not push, do not litter, do not interfere with others.
Educator. Good. Well, now you can hit the road.
Music sounds, children imitate the movements of an airplane
The game "Airplane" is being played
We put our hands apart (Hands to the sides.)
An airplane has appeared. (They flew like airplanes.)
Wing back and forth, (Tilts left - right.)
Do “one” and do “two”. (Turns left - right.)
One and two, one and two! (Clap your hands.)
Hold your hands to the sides, (Hands to the sides.)
Look at each other. (Turns left - right.)
One and two, one and two! (Jumping in place.)
They lowered their hands down, (They lowered their hands.)
And everyone sit down in your place! (Sat down.)
Educator. And here the guys are the first stop "Golden Autumn"
Educator. Look what a beauty! Tell me, what is it, golden autumn? What happens to nature in autumn?
The sun shines less and less, it often rains, the leaves turn different colors, the trees become “naked”, the birds fly away to warmer climes.
The game is being played: "Autumn"
We listen to poems and perform various movements.
Leaves fall and fly.
Real leaf fall!
(We wave our arms in front of us and to the sides.)
The leaves are spinning in the wind.
(Whirling in place.)
The leaves are falling on the grass.
(We squat and stand up.)
The wind plays with the leaves -
Raises, lowers.
(We raise and lower our hands.)
A cloud arrives,
Waters the leaves.
(We shake hands.)
We won't lose heart,
Let's go for a walk anyway!
(Let's go on the spot.)
Educator. And the next stop: "Grove" station.
Game "Run to the tree".
At different ends of the group there are images of trees: poplar, oak, maple, birch, mountain ash. The teacher calls the tree, and the children run to it on a signal.
Educator. So let's move on to the next stop.
Stop: "Garden - Kitchen Garden".
The game is being played: "Cheerful cook"
Purpose: to activate the vocabulary on the topic "vegetables - fruits", "Foodstuffs"; to exercise children in the practical assimilation of suffix word-formation techniques.
Educator. A cheerful cook bought various vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and berries in the store and thought about what to cook from. He needs to make soup, salad, compote, pie, jam, mashed potatoes, porridge, pancakes, etc. Can we help him?
Children take one picture of a vegetable, fruit, berry. The teacher calls the dish: "Soup!"
Each child chooses one of his pictures and suggests the name of this dish: “Cabbage soup - cabbage soup!”, “Potato soup!”, “Beetroot soup - borscht!” (children approve), “Apple soup!” (children do not accept).
The child who made a mistake should offer all kinds of dishes from the fruit he named - from apples: puree, compote, jam.
Then the teacher offers another dish: “Jam!” The game continues in the same order.
Educator. Children, the next stop is called Polyana.
Mobile didactic game: The game "Who is more?"
The children take turns naming the insects they know. For example: butterfly, dragonfly, ant, fly, ladybug, bee, etc. The winner will be the one who names the last insect.
Educator. Well done, guys, and now we need to return to kindergarten.
Children "get on" the plane and "return" to the group.
Educator. Do you guys like traveling by plane? Where have we been? What interesting things do you remember?
(Answers of children)
Classes on the topic "Autumn"
Doshkolnik.ru Teachers Holidays Needlework Doshkolnik.ru Doshkolnik.ru - site of an educator, speech therapist, defectologist, music director, methodologist, physical education instructor, parent. We offer teachers assistance in certification. preschooler.rf - teacher's magazine. Services Posting articles Publication of articles free of charge for teachers with the issuance of a certificate Conditions for issuing a Certificate | | Classes on the topic "Autumn" Section for teachers and parents, contains articles on the topic "Autumn", you can add your own articles and take part in the discussion of articles. We offer teachers assistance in attestation. We place creative material in the official All-Russian network magazine "Doshkolnik.rf". The magazine is published on the 1st day of each month and is in .pdf format. Publication papers are issued. It is sent to all authors of the issue and can be downloaded from the main page of the site. He has a media license and is registered with Roskomnadzor (EL No. FS77-55754). To publish in a journal and receive a Publication Certificate, you need to: send your material to: [email protected] We are social networks - join groups - we will be glad to see you in our ranks! VKontakte - http://vk.com/doshkolnikru Odnoklassniki - http://ok.ru/doshkolnik TELEGRAM https://t.me/+RhJZUqnkZ_QwYzNi Conditions for issuing a Certificate of Publication Conditions for issuing Certificate of Publication How to get into the magazine | Integrated lesson "Autumn Kaleidoscope" (preparatory group for school) | Classes on the topic "Autumn" | Author: Maksimenko Olga Leonidovna Simakova Galina Vasilievna | 02.12.2022 06:29 | Integrated lesson "Autumn Kaleidoscope" (preparatory group for school) Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge and ideas of children about autumn as a season. Program tasks: Educational: - systematize children's knowledge on the topic "Autumn" ;
- continue to develop in children ideas about the signs of autumn;
- to activate and expand the vocabulary of children on the topic, improve lexical and grammatical categories;
- improve the ability to listen carefully, answer questions.
| Read more... | | SCENARIO OF THE AUTUMN HOLIDAY "WALK IN THE AUTUMN FOREST" | Classes on the topic "Autumn" | Author: Kukina Marina | 26.11.2022 19:59 | SCENARIO OF THE AUTUMN HOLIDAY "WALK IN THE AUTUMN FOREST" Scenario for children of the middle group. Tasks: - create a joyful mood
- consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in music lessons
- to develop the social and communication skills of children.
Persons: Autumn, Lesovichok, Cloud - adults. Squirrels, mushrooms, hedgehog, bunny - children. | Read more... | "Paintings from fallen leaves in kindergarten" | Classes on the topic "Autumn" | Author: Tarasenko Victoria Nikolaevna | 11/19/2022 04:37 | "Paintings from fallen leaves in kindergarten" Tarasenko Victoria Nikolaevna Autumn is coming to an end. Leaf fall. Yellow-red leaves evoke sadness and admiration: how beautifully nature says goodbye to warm summer. Unfortunately, fallen leaves are usually collected and thrown away, or used for compost. However, it turns out that they can still be useful in creativity! | Read more... | Summary of continuous educational activities "Autumn has come to visit us." | Classes on the topic "Autumn" | Author: Antonova Tatyana Yakovlevna | 11/17/2022 12:23 | Summary of continuous educational activities "Autumn has come to visit us." (senior group) Program tasks: - To consolidate the ability to establish a connection between signs in nature and the ability to defend one's point of view, draw conclusions.
- To consolidate the skill of forming an adjective from a noun.
- Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn phenomena in nature.
- Develop memory, attention, thinking, observation, coherent speech, communication skills.
- Cultivate love for nature.
Vocabulary work: rainy, windy, cloudy, gloomy, damp, early, golden, late, colorful, thermometer. | Read more... | Synopsis of an autumn walk in the senior group of kindergarten. | Classes on the topic "Autumn" | Author: Yashina Svetlana Alexandrovna | 11/17/2022 11:32 | Abstract of the autumn walk in the older group of kindergarten. Prepared by: teacher Yashina S.A. Purpose: - continue to expand and enrich children's knowledge of the world around them,
- generalize children's ideas about autumn changes in nature,
- to consolidate the knowledge of children about trees, leaves, about the changes taking place in the autumn period;
- develop cognitive activity, enrich the vocabulary of children;
Tasks: Educational: enrich children's vocabulary. Developing: develop logical thinking, the ability to guess riddles and justify your answer, draw conclusions. Speech: develop coherent speech, the ability to express one's thoughts consistently, enrich the vocabulary: golden, red, rainy, gloomy, windy, multi-colored, leaf fall. Educational: to cultivate love for nature. | Read more... | Educational activities with children of senior preschool age in the conditions of the educational center "Ecolyata" on the topic "Journey to the autumn forest". | Classes on the topic "Autumn" | Author: Potapova Olga Aleksandrovna Potapova Natalya Aleksandrovna Malinovskaya Olga Pavlovna Konoreva Lyubov Vasilievna | 14.11.2022 17:54 | Educational activities with children of senior preschool age in the conditions of the educational center "Ecolyata" on the topic "Journey to the autumn forest. " Prepared by: - Potapova Olga Aleksandrovna teacher
- Potapova Natalya Aleksandrovna physical education instructor
- Malinovskaya Olga Pavlovna teacher
- Lyubov Vasilievna Konoreva teacher-speech therapist MDOU Kindergarten No. 23 p. Tavrovo .
Purpose: To generalize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn, children's ideas about the forest as a community of trees, birds. Software content: Cognitive development: "Ecology" - to deepen and concretize the idea of the living conditions of trees, birds and animals in autumn (living conditions for animals and birds are changing; insects hide and freeze, migratory birds fly south; animals are preparing for winter; days are getting shorter and colder, it is constantly raining) . "Music" - to develop the ability to carefully listen to music. Speech development: | Read more... | Summary of the lesson "Excursion to the park" in the senior group | Classes on the topic "Autumn" | Author: Ilyina Svetlana Alexandrovna Demchenko Alena Nikolaevna | 10.11.2022 10:52 | Summary of the lesson "Excursion to the park" in the senior group Purpose: To enrich and systematize children's knowledge about autumn, to admire the beauty of autumn nature. Tasks: - Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn; To consolidate children's knowledge of trees, shrubs, and the ability to recognize them by their leaves.
- Developing: to develop children's speech, attention, thinking.
Imagination, memory. - Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, love for the native land, to contribute to the acquisition of basic emotions.
Educational areas: social and communicative development, speech development, Preliminary work: talking about autumn, its signs, learning poems, examining the picture Golden Autumn , reading stories, getting to know the trees in the kindergarten. | Read more... | Synopsis of directly - educational activities with children of the middle group "Walk in the autumn forest" | Classes on the topic "Autumn" | Author: Konstantinova Elena Gennadievna | 11/10/2022 07:04 | Summary of directly - educational activities with children of the middle group "Walk in the autumn forest" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 83 "Rucheyek" of the city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic Prepared by: Educator of the first category Konstantinova Elena Gennadievna Cheboksary 2022 Software content: Educational: - Continue learning to recognize and name 3-4 types of wood (Christmas tree, birch, maple, oak) . Practice counting up to 3
- Improve the ability to compare two objects in length.
- Continue to develop ideas about geometric shapes (square, triangle) . Improve spatial representation (left side - right side, next to, below, above, about) ; denoting the dimensional relationships of objects (the blue path is long, and the red and green paths are short
Voice: - Activate the use of the names of trees, leaves in speech (birch, maple, oak, birch leaves, oak, maple)
- Develop speech, attention, mental activity, the ability to express their answers to the questions
Continue learning to coordinate movements with speech. | Read more... | Summary of GCD for children of the second junior group "Journey to the autumn forest" | Classes on the topic "Autumn" | Author: Dubova Inna Aleksandrovna | 06.11.2022 16:00 | Abstract of the GCD for children of the second junior group "Journey to the autumn forest" Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative, cognitive, verbal, physical. Tasks: - Educational: Consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals, their habitat, mushrooms, trees. Continue to teach children to answer questions in full sentences.
- Developing: Develop memory, attention, thinking.
- Educational: To cultivate love, respect for nature and show care and attention to all living things.
Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical. Activate speech using words - different, many, few. | Read more... | And Autumn did not spare colors (story), LOVE BONDARENKO | Classes on the topic "Autumn" | Author: Literary Association "Slaughter" Im. A. Lebedinsky | 04.11.2022 05:54 | And Autumn spared no colors (story) LYUBOV BONDARENKO, (member of the Union of Writers of the LPR, member of the International Joint Venture "New Contemporary") Autumn turned out to be extremely warm and charming! Ry-same-fiery-gold! The riot of colors delighted and I wanted to sing! The sun, with its still warm rays, caressed everything around it. The air is clean and transparent, filled with the aroma of already gilded foliage! The city was transformed - among the cold and stone buildings, the trees burned with a fire of colors! Autumn, as if overturned the palette on the streets and squares - everything around flared up with unique beauty! Can the beauty of advertisements and neon lights of shops compare with living and delightful nature! And the recent rain washed every leaf, every blade of grass, and made them even brighter in this riot of colors! The air has become clean and fresh, it is easy to breathe deeply! How beautiful you are, golden autumn! | Read more. .. | Information and creative project for children of middle and senior preschool age "Autumn Kaleidoscope". | Classes on the topic "Autumn" | Author: Kucherenko Marina Alexandrovna Ryzhikh Tatyana Viktorovna Kuteynikova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Borovleva Ekaterina Sergeevna | 03.11.2022 17:38 | Information and creative project for children of middle and senior preschool age "Autumn Kaleidoscope". Relevance of the topic: expanding knowledge about nature, forming a cognitive interest, fostering a caring attitude towards nature, developing the ability to understand the beauty of nature, introducing children and parents to joint activities both in an educational institution and at home. Project duration: short term. Project participants: children of middle and senior preschool age, teachers, parents of pupils. The purpose of the project: creating conditions for the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children in the process of working on the project "Autumn Kaleidoscope" . Tasks: - generalization and systematization of children's ideas about autumn changes in nature, about characteristic seasonal phenomena;
- expanding children's ideas about the diversity and benefits of the autumn gifts of nature;
- development of the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding natural world, the variety of its colors and forms through observations during walks, when looking at illustrations and paintings by artists;
- expansion and activation of children's vocabulary on the basis of deepening ideas about the world around them;
- development of coherent speech, memory, perception, attention, thinking;
- education in children of respect for nature.
| Read more. .. | | | More articles... - Synopsis of GCD for the middle group - "A walk in the autumn park"
- Craft in the technique of Iris - folding - Autumn colors
- Integrated musical lesson "Autumn Fair"
- Application "Autumn tree"
- Synopsis of a musical lesson in the younger group "Autumn"
- Synopsis of an open integrated lesson: speech development / drawing on the topic: "Autumn Forest"
- Synopsis of the GCD "Autumn Landscape" for older preschool children
- Comprehensive OOD educational area "Knowledge": Formation of a holistic picture of the world (familiarization with nature), productive (constructive) activity in the senior group Topic: Chukchi fairy tale "Bear and Elk"
- Autumn birthday greetings in verse
- Application "Vase with autumn branches"
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