Big bad wolf 3 little pigs
English | The Three Little Pigs
The Three Little Pigs
Mrs Pig was very tired: 'Oh dear,' she said to her three little pigs, 'I can’t do this work anymore, I’m afraid you must leave home and make your own way in the world.' So the three little pigs set off.
The first little pig met a man carrying a bundle of straw.
'Excuse me,' said the first little pig politely. 'Would you please sell some of your straw so I can make a house?'
The man readily agreed and the first little pig went off to find a good place to build his house.
The other little pigs carried on along the road and, soon, they met a man carrying a bundle of sticks.
'Excuse me,' said the little pig politely. 'Would you please sell me some sticks so I can build a house?'
The man readily agreed and the little pig said goodbye to his brother.
The third little pig didn’t think much of their ideas:
'I’m going to build myself a much bigger, better, stronger house,' he thought, and he carried off down the road until he met a man with a cart load of bricks.
'Excuse me,' said the third little pig, as politely as his mother had taught him. 'Please can you sell me some bricks so I can build a house?'
'Of course,' said the man. 'Where would you like me to unload them?'
The third little pig looked around and saw a nice patch of ground under a tree.
'Over there,' he pointed.
They all set to work and by nighttime the house of straw and the house of sticks were built but the house of bricks was only just beginning to rise above the ground. The first and second little pigs laughed, they thought their brother was really silly having to work so hard when they had finished.
However, a few days later the brick house was completed and looked very smartwith shiny windows, a neat little chimney and a shiny knocker on the door.
One starlit night, soon after they had settled in, a wolf came out looking for food. By the light of the moon he espied the first little pig’s house of straw and he sidled up to the door and called:
'Little pig, little pig, let me come in.'
'No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin!' replied the little pig.
'Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!' said the wolf who was a very big, bad, and a greedy sort of wolf.
And he huffed, and he puffed and blew the house in. But the little pig ran away as fast as his trotters could carry him and went to the second little pig’s house to hide.
The next night the wolf was even hungrier and he saw the house of sticks. He crept up to the door and called:
'Little pig, little pig, let me come in.'
'Oh no, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!' said the second little pig, as the first little pig hid trembling under the stairs.
'Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!' said the wolf.
And he huffed, and he puffed and he blew the house in. But the little pigs ran away as fast as their trotters could carry them and went to the third little pig’s house to hide.
'What did I tell you?' said the third little pig. 'It’s important to build houses properly.' But he welcomed them in and they all settled down for the rest of the night.
The following night the wolf was even hungrier and feeling bigger and badder than ever.
Prowling around, he came to the third little pig’s house. He crept up to the door and called:
'Little pig, little pig, let me come in.'
'Oh no, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!' said the third little pig, while the first and the second little pigs hid trembling under the stairs.
'Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!' said the wolf.
And he huffed, and he puffed and he blew but nothing happened.
So he huffed and he puffed and he blew again, even harder, but still nothing happened. The brick house stood firm.
The wolf was very angry and getting even bigger and even badder by the minute.
'I’m going to eat you all,' he growled, 'just you wait and see.'
He prowled round the house trying to find a way in. The little pigs trembled when they saw his big eyes peering through the window. Then they heard a scrambling sound.
'Quick, quick!' said the third little pig. 'He’s climbing the tree. I think he’s going to come down the chimney.'
The three little pigs got the biggest pan they had, and filled it full of water and put it on the fire to boil. All the time they could hear the sound of the wolf climbing the tree and then walking along the roof.
The little pigs held their breath. The wolf was coming down the chimney. Nearer and nearer he came until, with a tremendous splash, he landed in the pan of water.
'Yoweeeee!' he screamed, and shot back up the chimney thinking his tail was on fire.
The Three Little Pigs (Literature)
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Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me come in!
Pig: Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!
Wolf: Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!
"The Three Little Pigs" is a Talking Animals story that was written in the 1840s. The young pigs of the story's title move out of their mother's house to seek their fortune, but are hindered by the fact that there is The Big Bad Wolf out there with intentions of eating them. The first little pig builds his house out of straw, but the wolf blows it down and eats him. The second little pig builds his house out of sticks and meets the same fate. The third pig, however, being the brains of the outfit, builds his house out of bricks, which the wolf cannot blow down. The wolf makes several attempts to trick the pig into coming out of the house, but fails each time. Finally, he tries going down the pig's chimney, but is cooked in a pot that the pig puts there, and ends up eaten by the third pig himself, though several adaptations have the first two pigs escaping safely from the wolf and hiding inside the third pig's house.
Among the many retellings that have been made of the story, perhaps the best known is Walt Disney's 1933 cartoon version. Activision also created a game based on the story called Oink!
Various versions of "The Three Little Pigs" and related tales can be read here.
- An Aesop: The little pig who works hard and uses intelligence to choose the strongest building material is the one who beats the wolf.
- Ascended to Carnivorism: In the Joseph Jacobs version, the third little pig eats the wolf.
Pigs are technically omnivores, but they are a prey item to wolves.
- Bowdlerize: In a lot of the more modern versions of the story, all pigs survive and the wolf simply runs away with a burnt tail after falling down the brick house's chimney.
- Brainy Pig: Averted for the pigs who make their houses out of straw and sticks, and some adaptations will have them be straight-up stupid, inverting the trope. The pig who builds the brick house is definitely the most sensible, so he's at least a downplayed example, but some adaptations play it straight and have him be smart and strategic.
- Catchphrase: Each time the wolf blows down one of the pigs' houses, they have an iconic exchange:
Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me come in!
Pig: Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!
Wolf: Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in! - Cooked to Death: In many versions of the tale, the third pig finally defeats the wolf by placing a pot of boiling water in the fireplace while the wolf is making a chimney entrance, thus boiling the wolf to death.
There are several versions in which the pig then spontaneously eats the wolf.
- Chimney Entry: The Wolf in the end tries to enter the brick house like this, unintentionally falling into a cauldron full of boiling water that the pig had left at the bottom for him.
- Forgotten Fallen Friend: In versions where the first two pigs die, don't expect the third to care.
- Go Fetch: In the original Joseph Jacobs version, the third pig is accidentally caught climbing down an apple tree by the wolf and manages to escape by making the latter chase after an apple.
- Just Desserts: The third pig in Joseph Jacobs' version does not stop at boiling the wolf to death, but also eats him "for supper".
- Karmic Death: The wolf gets himself killed in his attempts to eat the pigs, and in Joseph Jacobs' tale it is him that gets eaten in the end.
- Pain-Powered Leap: In tamer versions, upon landing in the pot in the fireplace, the Wolf bounces back up the chimney in pain rather than being cooked.
- Perspective Flip: A popular way to make this story into a Fractured Fairy Tale:
- The popular children's book The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, narrated by the wolf.
- There also was a Looney Tunes cartoon told from the wolf's perspective.
- And an earlier one set to Johannes Brahms' Hungarian Dances.
- Finally, there's The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig, a book that takes this to the logical extreme, pitting three little wolves against a bullying, vandalizing pig. They wind up becoming friends in the end.
- Predators Are Mean: He's the Big Bad Wolf.
- Rule of Three: Presumably the reason there are three little pigs.
- Savage Wolf: The wolf is depicted as a villain out to eat the protagonists.
- Spared by the Adaptation: Many versions omit the deaths of the first two pigs (generally by having them run to the next pig's house) and the wolf at the end of the story.
- Super Breath: The wolf easily "huffs and puffs" and blows down the house of straw and the house of sticks of the first two pigs. The house of bricks of the third pig, in the other hand, is another thing...
Alternative Title(s): Three Little Pigs
Chapter 357: The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf | Immortal God Chronicles
“Hahaha! See you in the Underworld!" Andromalius laughed as he unleashed his final attack.
Right now, only his head was left of his body, which was placed over his black robe lying on the ground.
The remnants of his neck fell apart as he began to feel the effects of breaking the restrictions.
But even though he was about to die, Andromalius' face was full of smiles as he knew that he had just killed Fang Yu.
According to the deal they made earlier, the Million Year Ginseng will be given to them if Fang Yu loses. Fang Yu's death also equates to loss!
"Hehehe... Even if I and that rebel died, her vault would still be intact, since my Death Curse only works on living beings." It seemed to Andromalius that his entire neck was gone. This time, the lower part of his jaw was destroyed.
- Phenex and that accursed Beleth. Take care of me in the Lord Solomon." Thought Andromalius, closing his eyes, ready for his doom.
“Ah, I couldn't even have more fun with that rebel. Well, at least I managed to kill her. Ha ha ha!"
Memories flashed through Andromalius' mind as he seemed to remember everything about his life. He sighed, remembering everything he had done. All this flashed through his head for just a second.
“Tsk. And even now, I still could not hit the stupid face of this Beleth. What a disappointment…."
But before he could rest in peace, he suddenly felt a powerful suction force lift his head off the floor. 9Y)@!!!" With his fading vision, Andromalius could see a huge dark vortex that was sucking everything around him, including Andromalius.
")@(%(*_!)%)(*)!" The disembodied Andromalius could do nothing as the whirlwind swallowed him whole.
Then his head was torn apart, leaving no trace of his existence at all.
"Rest in peace!" Fang Yu said while patting her stomach. She had a contented expression on her face, as if she had harvested a large crop. “This fight was fun! Let's fight again next time! Oh, it's no longer possible because you're already dead..."
How did Fang Yu survive? Actually it wasn't that easy.
When Andromalius used his Death Curse, Fang Yu immediately realized that she would die if she was hit by this curse.
But since this curse was activated right in front of her, Fang Yu had no way to dodge it.
So she can only take it head-on.
But before the curse could hit her, Fang Yu immediately activated the double mark symbol.
The symbol of death, Θ, radiated a radiance on Fang Yu's Divine Divine Beast Duality surface.
"With death in my hands, all lives will fall on their faces before me!"
With the upgrade of her cores, the abilities of her dual marks have also improved.
As for the Symbol of Death (Θ), its current upgrade now allowed Fang Yu to put any living being into a state of false death for a fraction of a second.
In this state, Fang Yu's target will be "dead" and motionless for only a fraction of a second.
After this time interval, the target will return to normal and be able to move again.
This ability will be useful in combat as this ability can immobilize Fang Yu's opponent for a split second.
This little time was enough for Fang Yu to unleash one powerful attack that her opponent would not be able to defend against.
It was very similar to the spell that uses the concept of space to momentarily shrink a person. Although in Fang Yu's case, she uses the concept of death to immobilize her opponent for a moment!
But instead of using it on Andromalius, Fang Yu decided to use it on herself.
Fang Yu instinctively thought that the death curse could only be effective on beings that could die.
So what if it has already been used on a "dead" person?
Right before the curse hit her, the Θ symbol glowed and turned into black ink covering Fang Yu's body.
“……” Fang Yu's body tensed as she momentarily became 'dead'.
“Ugh…” The Death Curse had hit her “corpse”, but since Fang Yu was already “dead”, the curse couldn't affect her in any way!
Fang Yu's bet that this curse only affects living beings was correct!
The curse disappeared at the same time as the "false death" state ended.
Fang regained control of her body as she checked her body for signs of any effects of the curse.
She breathed a sigh of relief when she found no sign of anything negative.
But it's not like she was actually unharmed.
Fang Yu's face was currently pale due to her use of "false death".
Every time Fang Yu activates "false death", her body suffers internal damage as compensation.
“Ugh, I need to heal quickly…” It was at this moment that Fang Yu saw the severed head of Andromalius.
His eyes were closed, as if he were at rest. He must have imagined that Fang Yu was already dead.
Fang Yu smiled broadly when she realized where her 'elixir' was.
- It's good that you still have a head! A dark whirlwind appeared in front of Fang Yu and began to pull Andromalius' head towards him.
This dark whirlwind was created by Fang Yu's ability to devour a moon-eating snake.
If it was a normal Andromalius, Fang Yu would not have been able to absorb it. But with the “sacrifice” that he made, only his head remained of Andromalius.
Even Fang Yu would easily absorb him after his breakthrough!
“Hmm? So since I only got a few pieces of it, the energy and memories I got from it were also limited?”
Fang Yu felt that after eating the head of Andromalius, the energy she received was only enough to repair the internal damage she had previously. She did not have the energy to strengthen her body.
As for the memories, what Fang Yu received was only a part of Andromalius' memories.
"Looks like I need to eat the whole genie if I want to get all of his/her memories." Fang Yu tilted her head as she realized that most of the memories she received from Andromalius were related to curse, the art of casting curses.
But with Andromalius' extremely long lifespan, even this small part of his memory was too much for Fang Yu to handle right now.
It took her several days before she could fully read his memories.
"Well, it's not like I'm in a hurry to learn it now." Fang Yu shuddered as she wondered if she wanted to know about the curse.
After all, even Andromalius, one of arguably the best Hexcallers, met a terrible end just because he used this powerful curse.
- Meh, I'll just think about it later. Fang Yu sighed, forgetting about the curse.
Impossible! The faces of Phenex and Beleth turned pale as they felt it. Even Gini was extremely surprised, as she found it impossible.
Thanks to the genies' connections with each other, they felt that Andromalius, that tough bastard, really died!
Phenex sighed in lamentation
"I'm sure Andromalius sacrificed himself to defeat this rebel..."
Beleth was silent for a moment before saying:
, what did he do. I will make sure that his efforts are not underestimated!”
Beleth's head turned as he looked at Jini. “Why are you distracted? Both Andromalius and the rebel died so technically that the rebel had already lost. This means you must complete the deal early and give us the Million Year Ginseng!”
Beleth is right. Phenex interjected, glaring menacingly at Jeanie. “This rebel has already been killed by Andromalius. So stop procrastinating and give ginseng already!”
— Eh, why should I? Gini tilted her head and looked meekly at Phenex and Beleth. "Fang Yu is not dead yet."
"What do you mean?" Beleth growled menacingly, glaring at the Genie. His eyes were wide open, he couldn't believe what she was saying. "Tell us what happened!"
"Ah wait, let me ask Fang Yu if I can tell you what happened in her match."
Jini then paused and began talking to Fang Yu in her mind. After a few seconds of talking back and forth, Jini nodded to Beleth.
“Andromalius used all his curses against Fang Yu, but she found ways to survive them. With no moves left, Andromalius used his suicide move to kill Fang Yu along with him. Unfortunately for him, Fang Yu survived this move.”
"!!!!!!!!!!" Phenex's mouth dropped open as if he couldn't believe what Jin said.
He can be considered the closest to Andromalius, so Phenex knew that Andromalius' suicide move was powerful.
Hearing Ginny say that this suicide move of his actually failed, he was very frightened.
If Phenex was greatly shocked, Beleth, on the other hand, was simply thinking. Because his face was covered by armor, it was impossible to see what his face looked like.
But even Jin felt that Beleth was smiling. She can even feel Beleth's excitement pouring out of him.
“Hahahaha! This is great!" The eye sockets of Beleth's armor flashed red, reflecting Beleth's feelings right now.
Phoenix. Beleth said, looking at the shocked Phoenix. “Andromalius' power was in curses, so there's a chance the rebel has items that can resist curse attacks. These things? They won't do a damn thing against your star ball."
Beleth's words managed to bring Phenex out of his stupor. His eyes narrowed as the Star Orb on his back began to glow dangerously.
“You're right. This rebel has no way of defeating Andromalius with honor! Phenex growled as he looked at Gini.
“Hurry up and let me into the Mist Room. Now it's my turn.
"Oh good." Jeanie muttered as her mist completely covered Phenex.
Moments later, Phenex disappeared as he was led into the Mist Room.
"Gene". Beleth muttered as the Phoenix disappeared. “That look on your face…”
— Please be quiet, okay? Gini muttered back, avoiding looking at Beleth.
"..." Beleth said nothing, closing his eyes. His breath hitched, even though he ignored what he saw earlier.
Just before Phenex was brought into the Mist Room, Beleth saw the Genie giving Phenex an extremely unnerving look.
This look was like a pig owner looking at his pig about to be slaughtered.
Chronicle of the Immortal God
Upcoming chapters:
Chapter 407: Some basic directionsChapter 406: Reading is something no one should neglect Chapter 405: Another examChapter 404: ControlChapter 403: Throw-in? Chapter 400: SadnessChapter 399: Always keep your valuables locked inside the Andromeda spaceship. Chapter 398: Angry crowd "Maybe it's just me, but it's very strange for me to see an 8-year-old child with the mind of a 3-year-old child." Chapter 397: Growing up Chapter 396: Getting bigger and More BenefitsChapter 395: Please Stop, I'm HurtChapter 394: Nascent Soul Breathing TechniqueChapter 393: Ice and FireChapter 392: MeltingChapter 391: CalamityChapter 390: KnockingChapter 389: BallChapter 388: Trap and BluffChapter 387: ArrivalChapter 386: BlockChapter 385:4 Mind Trick or TreatED Chapter 383: Heart of the DemonChapter 382: Back to It AgainChapter 381: Explosion!!!Chapter 380: Shameless ManeuversChapter 379: Joys of ResponsibilityChapter 378: Badly BeatenChapter 377: SaplingChapter 376: Fertility WeaponsChapter 375: College of ArtChapter 374: TitanicChapter 373: It's So CoolChapter 372: Hot and Steaming Lava PileChapter 371: Visiting HoursChapter 370: Countless TalkChapter 369 - The Thing to DrinkChapter 368: DrinkChapter 367: Deprived of EverythingChapter 366: DSDChapter 365: Gold, Just Pure GoldChapter 364: Overacting Leads to OverreactionChapter 363: Who?: Star Emperor Manifestation ArtChapter 358: Armor Time!Chapter 357: The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad WolfChapter 356: All the Shots Have Been FiredChapter 355: How to Train Your SalesmanED Chapter 354: Faith EnergyChapter 353: Red is a Color to Be FearedChapter 352: Turn Around and spin!Chapter 351: Shrink and Collapse!Chapter 350: Clear and Clear MindChapter 349: "Crack!"Chapter 348: Unceasing FlurryED Chapter 347: Jar of DeathChapter 346: DominationChapter 345: PremiumChapter 344: Epic MealChapter 343: CompletionChapter 342: In the Name Savior!Chapter 341: Cheating GameChapter 340: KarmaChapter 339: Number SuitED Chapter 338: Thousand Hand Demon Fist ArtChapter 337: Conflicts and BackupsChapter 336: LevelsChapter 335: Cuckoo!Chapter 334: ✡ ☸Chapter 333: OwlChapter 332: Thank you for inviting me to the party. As a thank you, I brought my friends here! Chapter 331: The Monarch Don't worry, the Master of the House will call the police!Chapter 327: Plans after PlansChapter 326: Smack, Smack, SmackChapter 325: For the HordeChapter 324: Dao: The GatheringChapter 323: MexellaChapter 322: Let's Chop Some Onions!Chapter 321: Let Me Join You Even in your painChapter 320: The star shakes handsChapter 319: Tags: Mind Destruction, Mind Control, Sacrifice everywhere.Chapter 311: MistakeED Chapter 310: Punch StrikeChapter 309: Black Piece of Space RockChapter 308Chapter 307: Time to Play (Pray)
- Next Chapter 358: Armor Time!
- previous Chapter 356: All shots were fired
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