Blog examples for kids
Examples Of Best Kids Blogs To Inspire Teens Kids Learn To Blog — Blogging for kids Kids Learn To Blog
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By Dr. Patricia Fioriello
Blogging is one of the most addicting things that kids do today, other than participate on social networks. Regardless of their age, as long as they have the ability to blog on their computer, or even on their smartphone, they are able to create creative blogs that people love to read. The difficulty is in finding the ones that actually offer significant value, ones that cater to your particular interest.
Here is a quick list of the best kids blogs that have been created by teens.
Furree Katt
This is a blog that is created by the very lively and ingenuity of a then 17-year-old that cares to share portions of her life online. Although this blog was created years ago, it is still updated regularly, going back as far as 2010. She had quite a few posts when she first started out, averaging about three a day. She would discuss everything from the way that celebrities wore scarves on their head to her favorite word of the week.
Not So Nameless
This is a blog that was also started by a student back as far as 2010. She is 15 years old now, and debates a number of different topics including white horse back riding to why people decide to over embellish on the simplest of problems. The feeling that you get from the blog is that this girl is very intuitive, discussing everything from cooking, to severe weather, and even the randomness of life in these kids blogs.
Karl Rivera
This blog is written by Karl Rivera, who also has a domain by the same name. He likes to add videos, discuss interesting topics such as the connection between your overall health and the classesthat you take, and also subjects as touchy as racism. He also goes into more intimate details such as how sensitive his face actually is. This is probably something new for him being so young using a razor, and the aftereffects of this newfound habit that you will have to perpetuate from this point on.
The World Through My Eyes!
If anything could be associated with the teen spirit, mutiny would certainly be a good word. That is a good word to describe this particular blog which is both cynical and funny. This is a blog that asks serious questions such as what is the coolest thing about your mom, what are the things that you like to blog about, and if you could do a role reversal, how would you punish your parents. It is representative of a person that definitely has a unique and spontaneous personality, presenting the way that they feel in this diary like format for everyone to read and enjoy.
Always Abby Noel
It is one of those blogs that is very simple in its appearance, but the content itself is why people will come back for more. It is the journaling of a teenager that is very definitive about who she is, what she does, and is not afraid to write and put her unique twist on the world that she sees around her.
She states that teenagers have the ability to be sarcastic, live and breathe the theater, and isn’t capable of adding enough honey to her tea. From this one statement, you can see that her unique personality and style is going to come through in all of the writings that she shares with the world about her life.
The Run-On Sentences of Life
When you first arrive at this blog, it seems very innocent, simply representative of the musings of a teenage girl. However, as you descend into the blog itself, you start to realize she is very detailed about her life and her opinions on a multitude of topics. Sometimes you will be discussing activities in her life such as being on stage and talking about how she looks in a particular dress. She also goes into detail on how she was in a relationship, broke up with her boyfriend, and how it made her feel. It’s amazing how these kids will simply bleed their soul into digital print for everyone to read, but it is very interesting that they find their lives worthwhile enough to share it with everyone.
When blogging first started several years ago, after the inception of the Internet as we know it today, it was more of a novelty, a digital journal that really gave people the ability to journal in a completely different way. As the Internet became more connected, and platforms allow people to meet one another in different states and countries, writing your journal and your thoughts took on a whole new meaning. Despite the fact that watching videos is taking precedence, along with social networking, blogging still has its place.
By looking at the writings of these kids, some of which have been doing this for many years, you realize that blogging is not dead and that they are are very interesting teens in school today that lead exceptional and worthwhile lives captured in these kids blogs.
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Kids Who Blog | Reading Rockets
By: Reading Rockets
Writing for an audience gives kids a reason to use their developing reading and writing skills. Here are some tips to get you and your child started with free, safe blogging sites.
As the parent of a young child, you may think your child is too young to have his or her own blog. Here's your chance to reconsider that idea! There are several free blog sites that make it as easy as 1-2-3 to get started. And writing for an audience gives kids a meaningful purpose — a reason to use their developing reading and writing skills. In constructing a blog post, your child will have to think about writing clearly and completely, and holding a reader's interest for the whole time. If an online blog feels like too much, start with a special journal or notebook.
Step 1: Have a talk about Internet safety
Writing for an online audience is fun and exciting! It should also be done with caution. Talk with your child about who will have access to the blog, and make decisions about using full names, locations, and school name.
Step 2: Choose an online blog site
WordPress, Blogger and Edublogs are all free and easy to use. Parents create an account for their child to use, and accounts can be restricted during set up.
Step 3: Start writing!
The ideas for blog posts are endless. Here are a few suggestions to get a child started:
- What hobbies do you have? Share a picture of any collections you have or tell your readers how you got interested in that hobby.
- What's the best book you've read lately? What did you like about it?
- Post a picture you've taken recently and tell about it.
- Describe your favorite thing to have for dinner.
- List all the ways you can think of to earn money around the house.
Blogging may not be for every child, but it might be for yours! While some kid blogs have many followers and have lasted a long time, most are read by relatives and friends, and a child's interest in posting may come and go. Regardless, blogs can provide an outlet for creative and fun writing!
Interested in reading what kids are blogging about? Here are a few kid blogs to check out:
- National Geographic Kids Kids from all over the world write posts for this blog.
Many posts provide kids-eye view into events and places. Other posts review books.
- Childtastic books "Great books for great readers" This blog is co-written by a Mother-Daughter blogging team. They blog about children's books with each providing her own perspective on it.
- Sports Illustrated for Kids Short posts written by kids about sport topics.
- Download this article as a PDF document.
- View this article in Spanish.
Reading Rockets (2013)
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10 Incredible Instagram Teacher Blogs to Follow - Magazine
We publish stories about popular pages of foreign teachers that are interesting not only to view, but also to read. Here you can find out-of-the-box lesson ideas from passionate educators like you, get inspired, and sometimes sympathize with hard work - only educators can understand that!
First, we wanted to introduce readers to the creative Instagram pages of Ukrainian teachers. But it turned out that if our teachers have an instablog, it is mostly personal. But talking about teaching life hacks, sharing ideas for arranging an educational space and methodically blogging, as the TOP 10 insta-teachers from the USA do, they still have no inspiration. Or… they don’t know that you can become an Instagram star by posting little by little life hacks from your experience, crazy stories, emotions from victories and disappointments, student pearls, motivational pictures for teachers and other cute little things that, with a creative approach to business, will make you super popular in social networks.
Look back at this add-on on Instagram
Add-on, extensions Amber (@asmilingteacher)
A blog that stimulates teacher creativity. Amber, a teacher-blogger, has 56 thousand subscribers, which clearly demonstrates how only with the help of a creative approach and useful tips can you create and actively develop your own brand.
The strong point of this instablog is ideas for decorating the classroom and creating a cozy educational space. Amber knows how to inspire children and shares the secrets of a non-violent approach to learning, loves to craft with students and knows how to get them interested in reading and sports.
Elementary school teacher in North Carolina encourages children to be creative in the classroom and inspires toddlers with what he says "gets the fire in everyone: music." For several years in a row, Michael Bonner has been recording rap instructional videos with schoolchildren. Children themselves write texts and come up with dance moves, and someone in the class takes on the role of a videographer and shoots a video, others edit it and make a mini-clip.
Michael has a lot of inspiring photos with his students on Instagram, many of which he adds with interesting statements. For example: "We need to create strong children, not repair broken adults." Bonner's learning process is also non-standard - he often conducts lessons on the sports field or in parks, and when he teaches in the classroom, he can stand on the table with his feet and speak to students with inspiration. Well, almost like in the movie "Dead Poets Society". This account makes you fall in love from the first posts, feel free to put a "like".
Look at this add-on on Instagram
Add-on, extensions Michael Bonner (@michaelbonner_)
Take a look at my additions on Instagram
Adds, extensions Art with Jenny K.® (@artwithjennyk)
The blog has step-by-step instructions on how to draw Santa or Santa Claus in pop art style with children, make a 3D Christmas tree toy with your own hands, or even a whole Christmas tree from student drawings. Non-banal cases for drawing lessons, life hacks on creative plasticine molding and making postcards. You can also find ideas for decorating the classroom here.
With 23 years of experience, Joanna Miller still believes that a teacher should do what her heart tells her and wear what she likes. Joanna teaches in sunny Florida and can't imagine her life without work, kids and… high heels. He explains: “A teacher's ideas are like shoes. There aren't many of them!"
This phrase has become the motto of the young lady's instablog, who gushes with new ideas and gladly shares them with her subscribers. For example, he tells how you can make a board of daily achievements for students using multi-colored sticker squares. If the children completed a specific task written on a piece of paper (for example, “There were no absentees in our class for 4 days in a row”), one sticker is peeled off. This will continue until all the stickers are gone, and the class will celebrate the overall victory.
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Joanne Miller (@headoverheelsforteaching)
Look back at my post on Instagram
Adds Chris Kesler 🔬Science Lessons (@keslerscience)
Beware, you'll want to retrain as a science teacher every time you scroll through this account. In addition to inspirational quotes from scientists, here are ideas for cool experiments and tips on how to diversify the lessons using ... food. For example, blog author Chris explains the topic of tectonics with the help of cookies, margarine and flour, and the process of shaping mountains by melting gummies over a laboratory alcohol lamp.
Martina Cahill from Colorado loves to cook, read Harry Potter, Italian food, her husband, and the color green — this is how she describes her preferences on Instagram. And her biggest passion in her work is to instill in children a love of reading. “I want schoolchildren to leave the classroom as readers, and not as fifth graders who know how (or worse, who are forced) to read.”
The teacher often blogs the most interesting collections of books for the classroom, develops warm-up exercises during the lesson, and holds mini-competitions in the classroom. Martina has eschewed harsh school rules and empowers students to love literature with all their hearts from an early age.
There are also many amazing photo examples of what a reading nook in a classroom might look like. Use it too!
Look back on Instagram
Add M A R T I N A 📚 (@thehungryteacher5th)
Look at my post on Instagram
Adds, extensions World Language Cafe (@worldlangcafe)
We had no right to forget about teachers of foreign languages, so we boldly recommend the advanced World Language Café account, which will become a faithful assistant for teachers of English and Spanish. There are lesson plans, tricky tips to keep students engaged, motivational pictures, teacher memes, and even tips to keep teachers mentally and physically healthy.
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at 4:59 PST
Primary school teacher Amy's Instagram has over 70,000 followers. All this is due to the "magic" approach of this lady to school affairs: every day she tries to add at least a pinch of magic to student everyday life. This is not surprising, given Amy's obsession with Disney - she has been there as many as 14 times and each time finds something to borrow from Wonderland for lesson plans, classroom settings and school projects. This teacher is a real adept at lesson gamification, so why not borrow the interesting things Amy tested for her classes? And if you had a difficult day, funny gifs and accurate quotes that often appear on her page will help to smile: "Enjoy small joyful moments so that one day you will look back and understand: in fact, these were BIG moments of life."
Bethany Humphrey's classroom is every teacher's dream! Bethany willingly shares detailed design instructions with over 140,000 followers.