Chicken little play

Chicken Little by John Trent

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This Play is the copyright of the Author and may not be performed, copied or sold without the Author's prior consent

"Dragnet" theme begins playing

A spot comes up on Chicken Little who is sitting upstage of a table
that is down center

The Detective is speaking from back of audience

DETECTIVE: Can you state your name and spell it. Last name first.

CHICKEN LITTLE: Do you want me to state my last name and spell it.
Then my first name and spell it or do you want me to state the last
name and first name before I spell them?

DETECTIVE: Last name then spell it. Then the first name.

CHICKEN LITTLE: So you don't want me to spell the first name?

DETECTIVE: Yes. I do want you to spell the first name.

CHICKEN LITTLE: Do you still want me to state my first name?

DETECTIVE: (A bit irritated) Can you please state your last name then
spell it. Then state your first name and spell it.

CHICKEN LITTLE: In that order?


CHICKEN LITTLE: My goodness, did someone not get their donut this

DETECTIVE: Is that supposed to be a joke?

CHICKEN LITTLE: Would you laugh if it was?

DETECTIVE: No. Will you please give me your name and can you please
state your last name then spell it. Then state your first name and
spell it.

Chicken Little states name and spells it

CHICKEN LITTLE: Little. L I T T L E. Chicken C H I C K E N.

DETECTIVE: Little Chicken.

CHICKEN LITTLE: Actually it's Chicken Little, but you told me to
say my last name first then say my first name. So it's Chicken
Little, not Little Chicken.

DETECTIVE: (Even more upset) I know what your name is!

CHICKEN LITTLE: You do? Then why did you ask me to state my name and
spell it for you?

DETECTIVE: Will you please stop talking.


DETECTIVE: I just want you to answer my questions so we can figure
out what happened. So can we start from the beginning please? (Pause)
Did you hear me? (No response) Chicken Little, what are you doing? (No
response) If you don't answer my questions we can get you on
obstruction of justice. So I suggest you answer my questions.

CHICKEN LITTLE: You told me to stop talking so I can't answer your
questions if I don't talk.

DETECTIVE: You are really making this very difficult.

CHICKEN LITTLE: Actually you are making this very difficult.

DETECTIVE: How am I doing that?

CHICKEN LITTLE: You get my name backwards and then you get upset when
I don't answer your questions after you told me to stop talking.

DETECTIVE: You do not realize the seriousness of this situation and
these little games are getting us no where.

CHICKEN LITTLE: Oh, I know the seriousness of this situation, but
it's you that are playing games. I tried telling you what happened
then you chicken-napped me. I have been here for hours and you have
not fed me. You won't even let me make a phone call.

DETECTIVE: The problem with your story is that you claim there is a
conspiracy, but there is no evidence to prove that.

CHICKEN LITTLE: Well, if you let me finish telling my story maybe I
can prove it.

DETECTIVE: Ok, perhaps we can take it from the top again.

CHICKEN LITTLE: I would just like to start from the beginning.
Without interruptions.

DETECTIVE: Very well. Now begin.

CHICKEN LITTLE: Ok. Now hold on to your seats. This might get a
little bumpy.


Spotlight goes out and stages lights come up

Scene takes place in a park

There are trees, bushes, flowers and park benches

There are a few cardboard clouds, cardboard acorn and a cardboard sun
hanging above

CHICKEN LITTLE: (Singing) I was walking through the park one day, in
the merry, merry month of May. I was taken

DETECTIVE: Is the singing necessary?

CHICKEN LITTLE: You told me to take it from the top and this is the

DECTECTIVE: Well, yes but

CHICKEN LITTLE: You want to know why I was in the park don't you?
That's very important to the story.


CHICKEN LITTLE: Then I suggest you let me tell "my" story
"my" way.

DECTECTIVE: Go ahead. Just try not to add things that are not

CHICKEN LITTLE: Ok, but this song is very important.

DECTECTIVE: Please continue.

CHICKEN LITTLE: (Singing) I was walking through the park one day, in
the merry, merry month of May. I was taken by surprise, by something
from the sky, in the merry, merry month of May. (Talking) Suddenly the
sky began to fall right on top of me. (One of the clouds falls on top
of Chicken Little) It was the scariest thing ever. I wasn't sure
what to do. I figured I had three choices. The first one was to try to
figure out what was going on. The second one was to just ignore the
whole thing and just continue on with my walk.

DECTECTIVE: (Pause) You said there were three choices. What was the
third choice?

CHICKEN LITTLE: What anyone would do if the sky was fallingRun.
And that's what I did. (Begins running in place) I ran and ran as
fast as I could. But my little legs can't get me too far very fast
so I didn't get real far and that's when I saw this little kid
playing in the park.
Little Kid enters

LITTLE KID: (Singing) I was playing in the park one day, in the
merry, merry month of May. I was taken by surprise, by a pair of
worried eyes in the merry, merry, month of May.

CHICKEN LITTLE: He could tell I was worried about something.

LITTLE KID: I can tell that little chicken is worried about

CHICKEN LITTLE: So he ran up to me.

Little Kid runs up to Chicken Little

LITTLE KID: Hey little chicken, what happened? You look scared.

CHICKEN LITTLE: Actually my name is Chicken Little.

LITTLE KID: That's ok. So what happened?

CHICKEN LITTLE: The sky is falling.

LITTLE KID: The sky is falling? Where?

CHICKEN LITTLE: From where the sky is. Up in the air.

LITTLE KID: No. I mean where were you when the sky fell?

CHICKEN LITTLE: I was in the park.

LITTLE KID: Was this today?

CHICKEN LITTLE: Yes it was. I was walking along and minding my own
business when all of a sudden, 'bam', the sky fell down right on
top of me.

LITTLE KID: Did you get hurt?

CHICKEN LITTLE: No, but it sure scared me and I'm worried the sky
will keep falling until there is none left and it covers the whole

LITTLE KID: I bet it was aliens attacking the earth.

CHICKEN LITTLE: No. That only happens in movies and not very good
ones either.

LITTLE KID: Then what do you think it was?

CHICKEN LITTLE: I already told you. It was the sky. It's falling!

LITTLE KID: What do you think we should do, little chicken?

CHICKEN LITTLE: I told you my name is Chicken Little and I've got
to tell someone about this.

LITTLE KID: Tell who?

CHICKEN LITTLE: Well, I already told you and that was a waste of
time. I need to tell someone that can do something about it.

LITTLE KID: Who would that be?

CHICKEN LITTLE: Someone who won't waste my time. Someone who would
look at this as a matter of national importance. Someone who will see
this as a tragedy and will have the resources to deal with it. Someone
who will not let anything stand in their way.

LITTLE KID: I take it you have met my mother.

CHICKEN LITTLE: No. I'm talking about the president.

LITTLE KID: You know the president?

CHICKEN LITTLE: No, but when he hears that the sky is falling he will
want to see me.

LITTLE KID: Are you sure he will care?

CHICKEN LITTLE: Of course he will care. Anyone who hears about this
will care. And maybe you can come with me. I will need a witness.

LITTLE KID: (Getting excited) A witness? Wow! I have always wanted to
be a witnessWhat's a witness?

CHICKEN LITTLE: It's when you tell someone everything I saw.

LITTLE KID: I can do that.

CHICKEN LITTLE: Good. So we better get moving. We can't waste
anymore time. (To the Detective) So I continued on my way.

DETECTIVE: With this Little Kid?

CHICKEN LITTLE: Of course. And I knew he would be a great witness.

LITTLE KID: The best.

DETECTIVE: But he didn't even see the sky falling.

CHICKEN LITTLE: That is all circumstantial. Can I continue?



CHICKEN LITTLE: So me and this Little Kid continued on our perilous
journey through this very dark and scary forest.

DETECTIVE: I thought you said it was a park?

CHICKEN LITTLE: I thought you wanted me to tell you this story?

DETECTIVE: Sorry. Continue.

CHICKEN LITTLE: Besides, a dark and scary park just doesn't have
the same effect. So me and this Little Kid continued on our perilous
journey through this very dark and scary forest. (The lights go dim)
We didn't get very far when we were taken by surprise by a pair of
beady eyes.

Young Girl enters

LITTLE KID: Look little chicken! There is a girl with beady eyes.

CHICKEN LITTLE: It's Chicken Little. Not little chicken. And I know
she has beady eyes.

LITTLE KID: Do you think we should run?


LITTLE KID: Because we're scared.


LITTLE KID: Yesaren't you?

CHICKEN LITTLE: I don't think so. Maybe we should go tell her the
sky is falling.

LITTLE KID: Maybe we shouldn't.


LITTLE KID: It might be her fault. She probably zapped it with her
beady eyes.

CHICKEN LITTLE: I don't think so. Come on, let's go over there.

Chicken Little and Little Kid start to cross over to Young Girl

YOUNG GIRL: (Singing) I was standing in the park one day, in the
merry, merry month of May. I was taken by surprise, by

Young Girl gets to end of song just as Chicken Little and Little Kid
approach her. She turns towards them

LITTLE KID: (Scared) A pair of beady eyes.

YOUNG GIRL: That's not what I was going to say. I was going to say
'by a swarm of pesky flies in the merry, merry month of May.'

CHICKEN LITTLE: Why were you going to say that?

YOUNG GIRL: Because there is a swarm of them flying around that
little kids head right now.

LITTLE KID: (Frightened) There is!?

Little Kid starts screaming and swatting the flies as he runs offstage

[end of extract]

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Chicken Little

16th July 2008

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NARRATOR:  One bright, sunny day, Chicken-Little was picking up corn in the Barnyard. Suddenly, an acorn from the big oak tree fell down and hit Chicken-Little right on the top of her head. —kerrrr flop.


CHICKEN:  Oh! The Sky is falling!.  The Sky is falling!.  I am going  to tell the King!.


NARRATOR:  And away she went.  Chicken-Little went on and on.  After a while she came to Cockey-Lockey.


COCKEY:  Where are you going, Chicken-Little?.


CHICKEN:  Oh, Cockey-Lockey.  The sky is falling!. I am going to tell the king.


COCKEY:  I will go with you!.


NARRATOR: The went on and on and on.  After a time, they came to Ducky-Lucky.


DUCKY: Where are you going, Chicken-Little and Cockey-Lockey?.


CHICKEN AND COCKEY:  Oh, Ducky-Lucky!.  The sky is falling!.   We are going to tell the king!.


DUCKY: Wait!.  I will go with you.


NARRATOR: And they hurried off.  They went on and on and on!  Soon they came to Goosey-Loosey.


GOOSEY:   Hey, where are you two going?.


CHICKEN,COCKEY AND DUCKY:  Oh, Goosey-Loosey!. The sky is falling!. We are going to tell the king.


GOOSEY:  Then I will go with you!.


NARRATOR: And so they went on and on and on.  Before long they came to Turkey- Lurkey.


TURKEY: Where are you-all going in such a rush?.


GOOSEY: Oh, Turkey-Lurkey.  The sky is falling!.  We are going to tell the king.


TURKEY: Well, hey, wait for me!.  I will go with you.


NARRATOR: They went on and on and on.  After a while they came to Foxy-Loxy.


FOXY:   Say, where are you all going?.


CHICKEN,COCKEY, DUCKY, GOOSEY,TURKEY:  (All together)Foxy-Loxy!.  Foxy-Loxy!.  The sky is falling!.  We are going to tell the king.


FOXY:   Well, I know a short cut to the king’s palace.  Follow me.


COCKEY, DUCKY,GOOSEY,TURKEY:   Oh, goody, goody!.  He knows a short cut to the king’s palace!.


NARRATOR:  They went on an on and on.  Then they came to Foxy-Loxy’s cave.


FOXY:   This is the short cut to the palace.  I’ll go in first and then you come in after me…one at a time.




NARRATOR: In went Turkey-Lurkey.   Sssssnap!.  Off went Turkey-Lurkey’s head. In went Goosey-Loosey.  Kerrrr-POP!.  Off went Goosey-Loosey’s head. In went Ducky-Lucky.  Kerrrr-unch!.  Off went Ducky-Lucky’s head.


COCKEY:   (Excitedly)  Go Home, Chicken-Little!.  Go Home!.


NARRATOR:  Can you guess what happened next?.   (pause) Kerrrrr-Aaaack!. Off went Cockey-Lockey’s head. Chicken-Little ran home.  She did not tell the king that the sky was falling.  And until this day the others have never been seen.  And the poor king has never been told that the sky is falling!.




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Tags: chicken, Chicken Little, duck, Fox, goose, king, turkey

Just Hide and Seek - Picture Walkthrough Step by Step

Wise Geek → Game Walkthrough → Just Hide and Seek - Picture Game Walkthrough Step by Step

Just hide and seek. The article describes a complete and detailed walkthrough of the game with pictures. An overview of all the secrets, tips, tactics and features of game mechanics from start to finish is given.

Content of Article

  1. Statue of Liberty
  2. Umbrella box
  3. Butterfly box
  4. Yarn Box
  5. Superhero Box
  6. Chicken box
  7. Box with reverse hoe
  8. Rubber duck box
  9. Microphone box
  10. Red Die Box
  11. Domino Box
  12. Shoe box
  13. Lamp box
  14. Zebra
  15. Cat box
  16. Soccer ball box
  17. Sun Box
  18. Box of matches
  19. Thread box
  20. Fish Box
  21. Shell Box
  22. Lion box
  23. Motorcycle box
  24. Fireworks box
  25. Eggbox
  26. Slingshot Box
  27. Car box
  28. Bonsai box
  29. Magnifying glass
  30. Brush box

There are two play modes. Choose Zen mode for a relaxed game or Score mode for a more challenging challenge.
In "Score" mode, you are rewarded for quick and successful clicks and penalized for hints and wrong clicks. Your total time for each level determines your points.
Hints are not limited, but you must wait until they are replenished. Click on the pink star in the lower left corner and then on the object you need to find.
Each hidden object level will have a "Key Object". This item will be displayed in purple in the list of items to be found. Finding a key object allows you to move forward without collecting more items. You can also stay and complete the level.
Some puzzle levels have a skip option. Click the "Next" button to move forward.
Navigate the map by placing an object in the corresponding field. Open the box to play. You can play any level at any time. Just click on the box for that level.

Statue of Liberty

Find 30 hidden objects from the list. Key Object: Cowboy boots.

Place the umbrella on the matching box. Choose a box.

Umbrella box

Find seven differences between the top and bottom picture.

Place the butterfly on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Butterfly box

Find 33 butterflies in the scene. Key object: 22nd butterfly.

Place the ball of yarn in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Yarn Box

In this mini-game, click on each sheep when the question mark appears to make it jump over the fence. Continue this process until the eye closes and darkens the screen.
You can skip this mini-game by pressing the next button.

Place the superhero in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Superhero Box

Find 35 hidden objects from the list. Key object: cat.

Place the chicken in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Chicken box

In this pipe mini-game, rotate the pieces to connect all the eggs with the chicken in the center.

Place the excavator on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Box with reverse hoe

Find 31 hidden objects from the list. Key object: pineapple.

Place the rubber duck in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Rubber Duck Box

In this mini-game, choose the wind chime you like and check the box.
Use the stick to play the chimes.

Place the microphone in the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Microphone box

In this mini-game, move your mouse over the colorful bubbles.
Each color corresponds to a tool. The bass guitar is green, the guitar is pink and the drums are orange.

Place the red die on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Red Die Box

Find 40 items from the list. Key object: five. This key object is the first five after you have found 29 items. If you've already identified all fives by this time, you won't be able to skip.

Place the domino on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Domino Box

Rotate the pieces of the ramp so that the ball rolls down to topple all the dominoes.
Press the start button when you are ready.

Place the shoes in the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Shoe box

Find 32 items from the list. Key Object: Chalice.

Place the lamp in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Want to be the best in the game? Visit our site often! In our articles, we summarize the tips of experienced players, recommendations from developers, official guides and our secrets of passing games.

Lamp box

In this jigsaw-style mini-game, put all the pieces together to form a picture.

Place the zebra in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.


Find 33 items from the list. Key object: A set of keys.

Place the cat in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Cat box

In this maze minigame, the goal is to clear the marbles from the maze.
Press and hold the left mouse button to rotate the maze.

Place the soccer ball in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Soccer ball box

Find 36 items from the list. Key Object: Lightning.

Place the sun on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Sun Box

In this mini-game, hover over all the flowers to make them bloom.

Place a match in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Box of matches

In this mini-game, choose the censer you like and check the box.
Use a match to light the incense.

Place the thread in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Thread box

Find 25 buttons in the scene. Key object: 17th button.

Place the fish in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Fish Box

In this tube mini-game, rotate the black pieces to connect all the flowers with Yin-Yang.

Place the sink in the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Shell Box

Find 31 items from the list. Key Object: Treasure Map.

Place the lion on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Lion box

This is a dot-connecting mini-game. Click on the dots in numerical order.

Place the motorcycle in the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Motorcycle box

Find 29 items from the list. Key Object: Rabbit.

Place the fireworks on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Fireworks box

The object of this mini-game is to find the pink star.
Use hatching to aim and shoot objects to get them off the screen.

Place the egg in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.


Find 31 items from the list. Key object: print.

Place the slingshot in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Slingshot Box

The objective of this mini-game is to catapult the cat through the hoop five times.
Tap, hold and drag an apple to the end of the board and drop it.

Place the car in the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Car box

The goal of this level is to find seven differences.
Click, hold and drag the left mouse button to rotate the image left or right.

Place the bonsai tree in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Bonsai box

Find 25 lollipops. Key Object: 17th candy.

Place the magnifying glass in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Magnifying glass

Find six items from the list.
Move the cursor around to find hotspots to zoom in on.
After finding the items in the memory drawer, closet and tub, click on the arrow to move the scene and find the basket and sink area.
You can click on the radio to change the type of music played.

Place the brushes in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Brush box

The goal of this level is to create a picture.
This level is not required; it may be skipped.
Select the stencil on the left and place it anywhere on the paper.
To fill in the stencil, select a paint color.
Click on the eraser to delete the last item you drew.
When you are happy with your painting, click the "Next" button to complete the level.

Place the coffee pot on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Coffee Pot Box

Find 30 items in the list. Key object: pizza.

Place the aerosol can in the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Spray box

In this jigsaw-style mini-game, put all the pieces together to form a picture.

Place the birdcage on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Birdcage box

Rotate the four parts of the ramp so that the ball rolls down to topple all the dominoes.
Press the start button when you are ready.

Place the basket on the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Shopping basket

Find 31 items in the list. Key object: dromedary.

Place the metronome on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Metronome box

In this mini-game, press the piano keys until the bubbles fall.
The goal is to bring the volume of each color to 100%.
You can skip this level by selecting the next button.

Place the pocket watch in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Pocket watch box

Find 39 items in the list. Key object: sofa.

Place the toy boat in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Toy boat box

In this "pipe" mini-game, rotate the brown pieces to make the river flow around.

Place the tube in the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Tube Box

Find 31 items in the list. Key object: Tractor

Place the basket in the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Basket box

This is a dot-connecting mini-game. Click on the dots in numerical order.

Place the genie's lamp on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Genie Lamp Box

Find 40 items in the list. Key object: parrot

Place the watering can on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Watering can box

Choose a bonsai tree for your bathroom. Click on "X" to confirm your choice.
Use the watering can to water the bonsai tree.

Place the garden fork in the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Garden fork box

The goal of this level is to find seven differences.
Click, hold and drag the left mouse button to rotate the image left or right.

Place the panther on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Panther Box

Find 49 items in the list. Key Object: Rocking horse.

Place the chimes on the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Chime box

Click on the bells to change the cursor trace. There is no solution here.
When you're done playing with the chimes, click the "Next" button to move on to the next level.

Place the transport cone in the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Traffic cone box

Find 32 items in the list. Key object: stroller

Place the goldfish in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.


Sprinkle fish food all over the pond until all the fish are large.

Place the skates in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Ice Skateboard

Find 28 snowmen. Key object: 19th snowman.

Place the scissors in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Scissors box

The object of this mini-game is to win three of the five rounds in Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Select rock, paper or scissors during the countdown.
Stone beats with scissors; paper covers stone; and scissors beats paper.

Place the Buddha on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Buddha Box

Find 30 items in the list. Key object: Comb.

Place the button in the corresponding field. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Button Box

Place the pieces to restore the painting in this jigsaw style mini-game.

Place the plane on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Aircraft Box

Find 29 items in the list. Key object: grapes.

Place the bath scrubber in the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Bath scrubber box

Choose the fountain you like to decorate your bathroom.
Select "X" to confirm your choice. Click on the fountain to activate the water.

Place the sailboat on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Sail box

Find 43 items in the list. Key object: horseshoe.

Place the beacon on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Beacon Box

Find seven differences in two pictures.

Place the muffin in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Box of muffins

Find 44 items in the list. Key object: pumpkin.

Place the gramophone in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Gramophone box

The goal of this mini-game is to create your own musical composition.
Each musical symbol represents a different instrument.
Drag the ones you want onto the recording to create your own sound.
Click the "Next" button to go to the next level.

Place the globe on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Globe box

Find 30 fish. Key object: 20th fish.

Place the green fish in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Green Fish Box

In this maze minigame, the goal is to clear the marbles from the maze.
Press and hold the left mouse button to rotate the maze.

Place the robot in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Robot box

Find 34 items in the list. Key Object: Shark.

Place the gong in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Gong Box

In this jigsaw-style mini-game, put all the pieces together to form a picture.

Place the oil can on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Oil Can

Find 36 items in the list. Key object: armchair.

Place the windmill on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Windmill box

In this pipe type mini-game, rotate the mountains to create a continuous path.

Place the spaceship on the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.


Find 30 items in the list. Key object: motorcycle helmet.

Place the lamp oil in the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Lamp oil box

Choose your favorite fireplace to decorate your bathroom.
Use lamp oil to light the fireplace.

Place the TV in the appropriate box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

TV box

Find 34 items in the list. Key object: grater.

Place the scissors in the matching box. Check the box to advance to the next level.

Scissors box

Press any key on your keyboard to make plants grow to the moon.

Congratulations! You have decided Pure Hidden!

Games for two or three 4 players


Games for two or three 4 players
A game for two and the game is designed for your phone or tablet! Defeat your friends by playing on the same device together! party game for 4 people consists of 30 mini-games:
snake, tanks, goldfish, football, skateboard race, sumo, rally drifters, alien tennis, feed the pigeon, micro speed cars and chicken race!

- Everyone can play!
- Just one button!
- You can play with anyone and together!
- 30 different games in one!
- Challenge your friends and family!
- You can play the Cup!

Version 5.3

- Balanced attacks in orbital monster game
- Some UI changes
- Added 3 games for 2v2 mode
- 2 new cars in shop
- Some new minigolf cards
- Bug fixes

Ratings and reviews

Ratings: 7.1k


Cool game but you can make it so that you can play with bots alone


Please add online mode. Go to the top so that the developers notice

Nuuu norms

Everything is cool, but it's a pity that you can't play with the bot yourself when your friends are busy or when you're going somewhere, and it's even better to add an online mode, otherwise everything is class

Developer Jochem Bergman has indicated that, in accordance with the app's privacy policy, data may be processed as described below. Detailed information is available in the developer's privacy policy.

Data used to track information

The following data may be used to track user information on apps and websites owned by other companies:

  • Geoposition
  • Identifiers
  • Usage Data
  • Diagnostics

Related with user data

The following data may be collected that is related to the user's identity:

  • Geoposition
  • Identifiers
  • Usage Data
  • Diagnostics

Unrelated with user data

The following data may be collected, which is not related to the user's identity:

Sensitive data may be used differently depending on your age, features involved, or other factors.

Learn more