Was there a full moon on my birthday

What it means to be born on a Full Moon

The Full Moon is well known for driving people to lunacy, aggression, and in extreme cases, even lycanthropy. While it is unlikely that being born under a Full Moon will literally turn you into a werewolf, it is true that the Moon is intimately tied to a person’s emotions - and may have more control over you than you think.

When a Full Moon occurs, the Moon is located directly opposite the Sun. That means that your Sun Sign, which controls the mind, and your Moon Sign, which controls the heart, are in conflict with each other. As a person who is born under the influence of the Full Moon, your life tends to be driven by internal struggles between what you know is logical, and what your heart truly wants. Worse, you might have a multitude of different desires, pulling you in all sorts of different directions. This is the reason why you may come off as inconsistent or indecisive to others.

This can be an asset in some cases, as your friends may find your unpredictability to be attractive and exhilarating. In situations where stable and consistent behaviour is expected, however, people might consider you to be flaky, or even two-faced.

Despite this, it may be counterproductive to suppress your emotional side. Generally, people who were born on a Full Moon are more attuned to rhythms - both in the natural world and internally. You can become more successful if you harness your natural ability to ride the highs and lows of your emotional cycle, and leverage it to live a life balanced in between the extremes of your personality.

This is especially important since as a child of the Full Moon, your emotional energies can be very potent if you channel them appropriately. The trick? Allow yourself to give into the pull of your emotions and desires, especially the ones that might seem too unconventional or crazy. Being able to listen to yourself and follow your truest, strongest impulses is what’s going to pull you out of the stagnation that can come with wanting so many contradictory things. Being honest with yourself allows you to feel more grounded, since your energies are going to be more harmonious and focused on what makes you truly happy. This energy is what draws people to Full Moon children - but in different ways depending on your personality.

If you’re an extrovert, your energy will be channelled outwards. Extroverted Full Moon children tend to have a powerful, luminous presence. When you walk into a room, people notice - like we notice whenever the Full Moon rises into the night sky. You are capable of being extremely active, fun, and wild - all traits that make people gravitate towards you.

For those of you who are introverts, your Moon energies tend to be channelled inwards. People might not be conscious of it, but you have this subtle inner glow that is inexplicably attractive. You have a touch of quiet lunacy about the way you hold and express yourself, which intrigues people and makes them want to be around you - and they probably won’t even understand why, which just adds to your mystique.

You’ll also want to pay attention to the phases of the Moon, since they’re intimately linked with your internal energy. During the Waxing Crescent Moon, you should take advantage of the momentum of the rising lunar force and begin planning for the future. Set ambitious goals, but also break them down into small, realistic steps. You are more likely to come up with a successful plan during this period. Of course, you should review these goals periodically, and the Waxing Gibbous Moon is a great phase for that.

If you’ve prepared sufficiently during the Waxing Moon phases, you are likely to feel more energetic and inspired when the Full Moon rolls around, like you can do anything as long as you set your heart to it. Really listen closely to your heart during this phase - it’s likely that all sorts of impulses and desires are going to rise to the surface of your consciousness. You may feel compelled to take risks and do all sorts of crazy things that will horrify your rational side. That may not be such a bad thing, however. Combined with your increased energy, optimism, and alertness, you are actually more likely to succeed in whatever goals you choose to pursue during this Moon phase. It still pays to be careful, though - it’s possible to get too drunk on the brilliance of the Full Moon, which can make you overestimate your chances of success.

On the flip side, people who were born on the Full Moon generally feel tired and lethargic when the Moon is waning, especially during the Waning Gibbous Moon and the Waning Crescent Moon. Your ebbing energy makes this period an excellent time to let go of any anger, tension, and anxiety. This lethargy reaches a peak during the New Moon, since the Moon’s energy is completely blocked by the Earth during that period. This may be a good time for you to rest, reflect, and regain your energy. Don’t try to do anything overly ambitious or taxing. Having regular downtime to just chill is essential - without it, you won’t be able to shine your brightest during your Full Moon moments. If you’ve been experiencing an unusual rate of failure recently, it may be because you’ve been driving yourself too hard. In that case, a nice New Moon mini-vacation might be just what you need to pull yourself back together.

The most dangerous Moon phases, however, are the First Quarter and the Third Quarter Moons. During Half Moons, you are equally under the influence of the moon’s darkness and light. All your internal conflicts will surge to the surface – and if you can’t find your inner balance, this can lead to a complete mental breakdown.

For a child of the Full Moon, the most crucial key to success is the ability to balance your inner contradictions. You need to be able to ride with the flow of your natural energy cycles, instead of fighting it all the way, or letting it take control of you completely. If you can master the art of maintaining an active equilibrium between emotions and logic, between your dark side and your bright side, between the external and the internal - that’s when you know that you have awakened to the full potential of a Full Moon child.

At this stage, you are exceptionally competent at executing any task and bringing it to full completion. Being practiced in reconciling different aspects of your contradictory self, you are known for your skill at negotiating complex social situations, where you can connect people to each other even if they hold vastly different views and perspectives. Since you’ve learned how to listen to yourself, you’re also great at listening to and understanding others. You are highly emotional, spontaneous, and empathetic, and most importantly, you never apologize for being who you are.

Explore the other Moon Phase below and see how they relate to the phase you were born on. Try your friends and family to see if there personalities fit the Moon Phase they were born on.

Click Here to see if you were born on a Full Moon?

What it means to be born on a New Moon

The New Moon, also known as the Dark Moon, seems like the phase where the Moon is weakest. But even though the New Moon is invisible in the sky, it may still have a strong influence on children born under its darkness.

During the New Moon phase, both the Sun and Moon are lined up perfectly, which means your Sun sign is the same as your Moon sign. In other words, your mind and your heart are in perfect harmony. As the exact opposite of a Full Moon child, you don’t let inner conflict trouble you too much. You are very in tune with what you want - and what you want is usually that next new shiny thing on the horizon.

Children of the New Moon love trying out new things, new trends, new places. To others, it seems like you are always overflowing with an abundance of exciting new ideas, to the point where it can be hard to keep up with your vitality and enthusiasm. You have that childlike innocence, wonder, and curiosity, which most people lose as they mature.

All of this means that you are extraordinarily creative - the quintessential “ideas person”. On top of that, since you’re always so certain about what you want, you’re someone with a strong personality and drive. You tend to be quick about taking action in order to turn your desires into reality. That, however, doesn’t necessarily translate into productivity.

While children of the New Moon are known for their boundless enthusiasm, it still remains a fact that you were born when the Moon’s energy is at its weakest. That means that while you’re good at aggressively going after what you want, you tend to have trouble sustaining that energy. You usually have a strong burst of motivation and energy at the beginning, but it fizzles out quickly. You keep starting up new creative projects, but never finish them - because you keep getting distracted by newer and shinier ideas.

It’s a dangerous cycle to get trapped in, especially since you tend to lack self-awareness. Being born under the invisible Dark Moon means that your self is cloaked in darkness. You can’t see the kind of person you are. Combined with your intense focus on what you want, you may be known for being selfish, callous, or unable to see things from other people’s perspectives. You tend to have a bad habit of giving others advice that has worked for you personally, without considering that they might be in a different situation from you.

To truly develop as a person, you need to understand how to take advantage of the different Moon phases. The Half Moon phases - the First Quarter Moon and Third Quarter Moon - are great phases for you to evaluate your opinions and plans with a healthy level of self-doubt. The Full Moon, on the other hand, is the perfect time for you to look inwards and engage in some personal reflection, since that’s when your heart’s grasp on your mind is weak. On the flip side, the abundance of energy on a Full Moon also means that you’re going to be very distracted, so it isn’t the best time to work on projects that require focus. This is also true to a lesser extent when the Moon is in any high-energy phase, like the Waxing Gibbous and the Waning Gibbous Moons.

Unlike others, children of the New Moon are the most powerful and threatening during the New Moon, and low-energy phases like the Waxing Crescent and Waning Crescent Moons. That’s when your mind and heart are in perfect alignment. Furthermore, low levels of energy mean that instead of being restless and distracted, you are capable of laser-sharp focus. Creative, strong-willed, and with the focus to actually execute your plans - that is the key to an unstoppable New Moon child.

Explore the other Moon Phase below and see how they relate to the phase you were born on. Try your friends and family to see if there personalities fit the Moon Phase they were born on.

Click Here to see if you were born on a New Moon?

  • Today's Moon Phase
  • Moon Phase Calendar
  • Full Moon Calendar

How the phase of the moon on your birthday affects your upcoming year - GlagoL - April 17 - 43973053833

Your birthday is not only a chance to throw a party and be the center of attention all day, but it also means that thinking about the future may escalate. Will you fall in love, get your dream job, finally learn how to make the perfect "Sex on the Beach"? Now we will tell you where to look! It's all about the moon. In particular, what phase is the moon in.

Yes, astrologers always pay attention not only to the "queen" of the night, but also to the sun and call your birthday a solar return, because on this day the Sun "returns" to the position in which it was when you were born . Although the Sun hangs around in the same place every 12 months, the Moon does its own thing - every year it is in a different phase. By looking at what phase the moon is in on your birthday, you can get an idea of ​​what your next year will be like.

Not sure what the Moon looks like on your birthday? Check out the moon phase calendar here or here (or any other lunar calendar).


If your birthday falls on or around a new moon

A new moon is always a time for new beginnings. Start a new project, ask someone you love on a date, or start looking for a job. In general, take the bull by the horns, as they say!

If your birthday falls on a new moon or up to three days before or after it, your whole year will be full of new adventures and relationships. If you have a New Moon birthday, expect to make new friends (and lovers), get a new job, and even move! Physically: for example, to a new apartment, or even mentally: how you finally move out from your ex. When your next birthday arrives, you will look around and realize that your whole life has changed dramatically. New moon birthdays are full of hope and fresh thoughts.

If your birthday falls on or around the first quarter of the moon

The first quarter of the moon occurs after the new moon and before the full moon, when you can see about half of the moon from your window. This is when all the plans that you made during the new moon start to pick up speed, but there is still a lot to be done. So, you have a lot of work to do.

Your mode of the year is the mode of vanity. You will be very busy, but by the time your next birthday arrives, the changes you have made will begin to pay off. Hard-earned results are on the horizon!

The first quarter of the lunar birthday is employment and growth.

If your birthday falls on or around the full moon

The full moon is the time of climax. Astrologically, this is harvest time: you get a promotion at work, you make your relationship official, you win an Oscar… you get the idea. The full moon brings endings, achievements and breakthroughs, and also makes us emotional. People tend to get a little more impulsive, intense and passionate during full moons.

Having a birthday on or around a full moon is a mega blessing, because it means the coming year will be filled with major achievements. All the hard work you put in will pay off in the end. In principle, you can already start trying on the Oscar/Grammy/Employee of the Month statuses. You will have a whole year filled with milestones in relationships: for example, falling in love, engagement, moving, or acquiring a puppy - or perhaps the end of a relationship if they should not be on the "list" of your fate. Expect big changes at work, such as promotions and pay raises. You may also have important life moments, such as graduation, marriage or the birth of a child. When you finish the year of the full moon, you will look back and think: wow! This is the year you go out into the world.

If your birthday falls on or near the last quarter of the moon

The last quarter of the moon "stands" halfway between the full moon and the new moon - basically the opposite of the first quarter of the moon. This is a time for chapter closure, release and release as you prepare to start over. By the way, your intuition is at an all-time high, so trust it.

This year is about getting in touch with your spiritual side and recognizing your intuitive powers. The universe is "talking" to you about the past and the future - a great time to figure out what to leave behind this year. You will experience some of the effects of the Full Moon, so you will see "harvest" in your relationships and work life. You will also feel the need to rest, heal, and plan for the future, because change—good change—is just around the corner.

This is the year to reflect and shed the ballast of the past.

Photo: Freepik.com

How it affects the life of the birthday


  • 1 Birthday on the new moon
  • 2 Birthday near the first quarter of the Moon
  • 3 Full Middle A good fellow
  • 4 Last quarter and birthday
    • 4.1 Share:

The moon affects not only the ebb and flow, but also the health and well-being of people. Astrologers believe that our night luminary can help in the implementation of plans, the practical implementation of ideas and dreams. Or, on the contrary, it can do harm, “block the roads”. It all depends on the lunar phases. There are 4 of them: new moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter. It is very important what lunar phase your birthday falls on. This lunar phase will influence all the events that will happen to you within one year. Let's look at the sign when the full moon fell on a birthday.

New moon birthday

The new moon gives impetus to start new things. Within 7 days after the new moon, start a business, go on a date, send a resume for a job - everything will be crowned with success.

If your birthday falls exactly on new moon (2 days before, 4-5 days after), this year you will have plenty of opportunities to start life from scratch. This period corresponds to the time interval from 28 to 5 day according to the lunar calendar.

This is a good time to “lay the foundation”, start a working project, enter a new place of work (service). We recommend that you study something, take refresher courses or retraining.

The influence of the Moon also applies to personal life. You will meet truly "your" person. You will have a strong, long-term relationship with him.

Suggested reading: Mirror Superstitions: Warnings for the Future

Birthday near the First Quarter of the Moon

The first quarter of is the time of the change of the lunar phases, from the first to the second. These are lunar days from 6 to 12 . If your birthday falls exactly in the First Quarter, 2 days before or 4 days after, read on.

This influence of the Moon generally coincides with the New Moon. You will gain new knowledge and skills, find yourself in situations and events that are unusual for you, meet interesting and useful people, etc. However, there is one big difference between the two phases: if the New Moon is just laying the foundation, then the First Quarter is intense work on the implementation of what was laid down earlier.

In a certain sense, this year will be your culmination point, in which all the resources and opportunities you have will come together to achieve what you want.

In a year, you will look back at the past events and realize that you have managed to take advantage of all the opportunities that Fate has sent you.

Full Moon on your birthday - great luck

Full Moon is the completion of some process. The full moon is a time of great emotion, when people cannot control their words and actions. If your birthday falls exactly on the full moon, 3 days before or 3 days after, expect rewards for your past efforts. The period we are considering is from 13 to 19 lunar day .

The full moon is a time of "breakthroughs" at work and in personal life. You will buy your house or apartment, give birth to a child, become more successful in your professional activities.

At the end of the year you will accept the honors due to you and “recover on your laurels”. That is, everyone is guaranteed great luck on the full moon on their birthday. Looking back a year later at everything that happened, you will see that you have managed to reach a qualitatively new level of your development.

Last quarter and birthday

A week after the full moon comes Last quarter . If the holiday fell exactly on the Last Quarter, 2 days before it and 4 days after it, you can read on.

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